HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-30, Page 3et;
11117 trfi
. 4
.444 4.44
� stn Itchy —6
. Call and see -a demonstration of the best Washin
Mgshine on the market. We are agents.
Lighten the drudgery, of housekeeping with one of
these y -running machines, which save labor and preserve
health a d good temper.
Also all,Jci of
___. �sagireew
During recent years, and particularly
during the war period, Canada's export
bacon trade developed very rapidly. This
is proved by the tact that last year's
ezoorts. of bacon from the Dominion
amounted in value to 534.000,000 and
that our killings of s in eight years
doubled in number, whilethose of Den•
nsark and Ireland decreased considerably.
With the return to normal conditions,
vigorous efforts will have to bemade in
order to maintain this tion. The
live stock b.anch of the Dominion De -
I piromen of Agriculture has entered upon
a spec al campaign to stimulate the pro-
duction of hogs of the bacon type. In co-
operation with the Provincial depart-
an arrangement has been made to
offer attractive prizes to members of bays''
and girls' pig clubs who exhibit at local!
fairs, both for quality of product and I
ability in judgiog. Where such clubs do
not exist attempts at organization will be
made. The idea i; two only to stimulate
and sustain production, but to circulate
knowledge t ( actual market requirements
and thus to neate a standard type of 1
bacon (tog for the entire Dominion. When
it is stated that the British market im
• Road
Grateful Son Says His Father
Looks Like Different Man �e�
Since Taking Tanlac.
"My father has suffered from chronic
stomach trouble for over twenty years ;
and has paid out thousands of dollars for,'
medicines and doctors." said G. W. Slay. '
ton, a well-known Cobh county farmer.:
living a short distance out of Atlanta, Ga
"We tried nearly everything toying •to 1
cure him and he went eft to the Springs, (National Crop Improven>.ent Service)
thinking maybe the aster might help him
The"isolation of country lite Is
i becoming largely a myth. Any roan
who has an automobile, and every
live farm familyhas one. will not
ever feel lonely if he can any day
in the year travel' as many wiles aa..l
' hie machine will make both winter' I '
and summer. •
"}.very community is entitled t0
ins when my lathe' saW an advertisement passable roads at alt times, says idly.
n the papers from parties he R. S. Rider, president Canadian Steel
knew in Tennessee, who were friends & Wire i•o. 'The road which is most
of his, and he knew what they satisfaet. ry is undoubtedly built of
said about it was the truth. s -o he got it reinforced concrete and one of its •
right away and began taking it. Well, great features is that regardless of
-.r, it acted just like magic—everybody the weather, these roads can be kept
notices the change in father. Why. he is open with the snow plough and the
tbe past like a different man and sits down to dreaded January' thaw or spring
table and eats like a farmhand. Only.
yesterday he ate pork and turnips for his breakup will lose their terrors.
dinner and ate so' much we were actually "livery town and village ought to
ahftrrattd he�was going to overdo the thong, the farmersive a to tkeepethegroads nt-wopen
305 days in the year. Being snow- 4 �`
nothing hurt
Thursday, June 110, 16521. -
seach his trouble. Thened he toried diet ing ng
and lived on liquid lood until he afinest
etarveb, but even that failed to deo him
eny good and he lust kept going from bad
t0 worse.
"I don't guess there ever was a,case as
stubhorn as his and if there ever was a
confirmed dyspeptic, he was one of them
and I guess he would have been one yet i(
it hadn't been far this Tarlac.
"The first we heard of tr.is medicine
porta annually 500,000,000 pounds of
bacon, understanding is possible of the '
value of the trade that is at stake. It is
!hardly necessary to suggest that the
hearty co-operat on of farmers and every-
one interested is hoped for. Rules and
regulations governing the competition
may be obtained from the Dominion Live
Stock Commissioner at Ottawa.
ere the star aril, op -to -date electrie light.- We have thein
fe +stere, (lite or workshop
Estimates ade and contracts taken ?oh. electric
wiring and other a etrieal work.
'In the Tailoring World
There is great temptation today to
Cheapen clothes, , either cloth, trim-
mings or skill in making.
With "Martin Clothes ",,quality
.comes first.
Leave your order with us ane, rest
assured that nothing will be slighte4d.
F. H. MARTIN, Tailor \-•
Council met on June 16th, with aft•t
members present. Minutes of last meet
' ingQ were read and approved. on motion
Gillespie and Straughan. Court of revision
on the assessment roll was tben opened
as per adjournment, the following apnea
`laid over from first meeting being di
assessment. posed of sIloconfirmed; MirmWm. Farr, ass
mint reduced 5200, Regarding app & o
P. W. Scott, alio claimed that the whol
assessment of the township was too high
it was moved by Mr, Gillespie.
by Mr. Coultes, that the assessment
Chas. Johnston, east half lot 39. cont
Ition 9, be reductd 5100; that no otbe
changes be made. and that the
'roll as now revised be adopted and the
, court of revision closed, Carned, Bylaw
' No. 6. 1921, providing for expenditure on
roads In the township during the year. and
bylaw No. 7. 1921, appointing the Reeve
as road overseer for the township, were
I both read and passed, Orders on the
treasurer were drawn for the payment of
the following accounts t The Signal, ad-
rentt of roadn allutl•anccee, A.
The t -Times
office, cards and printing. $7.50; J. E.
l aman, use of grader. 510.50; Ingot Iron
Co., culvert. $205.03; J. S. Scott, filling
washout, 11.50; Wm. Howatt , tile and
digging, concession 4. 57; J. Craig, grad-
ing. 525: A. Cornelius. teams on grader,
533.60; A. Porterfield, furnishing bylaws,
1 clerk's fees and registering bylaw on the
i Sturdy drain, 567; treasurer of B yth
Memorial hall, grant for tablet, 5100.
!For gravel, etc.—Sam. -McBurney, 54 20; 1
I Wm. Fetapetriek, $3.3t1; Wm. Satter'
524; Ed. Kerr, 52.10; Wm. Arbuckle..
52 40; W. Salter. 55.10. Next 'meeting Of I
council will be held on Thursday, July 28.
Toronto. June 1'a.- Mr. Fed W. Doty, I •—��
vessel agent, has disposed of the 1.100 ton !.
schooner Ed. AfeWllIidms,:formerly owned
by`the Lyons Fuel & Supply Co. of Sault
Ste.'111arie, to Messrs. Keenan Bros. Ltd .
OwerrSound. This vessel has a lumber- ;
carrying capacity of one'million feet. and
with its own unloading equipment ;
has handled 1,400 tont of call in ten i'
,hours. 7 he price is said to be $21,000
The new owners will operate her in the ;
Lake Huron lumber trade.
An angler, thinking his Highly td boat.
man was not "treating. him with the
respect due to fits 'station. said : "Look
here, my good mar(, you don't seem to'
Rra�p who i am. Do you know that my
mily has been entitled to bear arms for
be last three hundred years?"
newton havehtbeen entitled tsthe o bare_ s_._
- .
lit now and that he was hungry and expected
and is a relic of the past
to eat and make up h lost time.
like "Now, when
l en athinmedicine wilt do thins
people ought to knew An
about it and I want to say right now that , Indestructible .
1s I would not give one bottle of 'Tanta(' for aaa u �g k�j
r all the other medicines and health resorts
in the country ptlt together."
You'll hardly believe it—until
you try it. Just soak the clothes
in the rich, pure, cleansing Rinso
suds overnight'(or for three
hours) and then rinse them
thoroughly either in warm or
cold water. They will be as
clean as though they had been
boiled and rubbed.
Not a cake soap, or a chip
soap, but new and better
—fine granules so rich in
soap that they loosen the
dirt as, the clothes soak.
If you have a washing
Soak the clothes overnight is the
usual Rinso way. The cleansing suds
loosen every bit of dirt. In tat morn -
jag operate the machine for • few
minutes •ad else cloth., are perfectly
clean—even the most soiled spots.
The Deacon's Plaint.
seconded Mater." said the deacon• severely,
You should avoid even `the►appearance ;
o of evil:"
assessment r Iasked thedsiistter. what do �oeuoamrean,?lis
"i observed that on your si4 d you
have several cut•gla•s decant 4 and that
each of them is ha'( filled with what
appears to be ardent spirits."
Well, now, deacon. It isn't anything of
I the kind. 1 he bottles look so pretty on
the sideb and that i tided them ha l -way
with some floor stain and furniture palish, i
:just for the sake of appearance."
; "Tha 's why I'm cautioning you, sic
ter," replied the &con. "Faring a trifle
faint, i helped myself to a dose from the
big bottle in the middle.''
1 have taken over 'the Grocery 'business ofFaust and Wurm and will conduct it on the
cash system, ensuring customers the best •
possible values.
M, +r A full line of Groceries . will be carried.
Your patronage will be appreciated.
174614jori i
s Iia
A Scottish tiny and an English bay
were boxing. At the outset the Scottish
, boy proved superior, and punished the
English hoy severely: Hut presently,
after a few rounds% the Scottish bov
became 'cautious. He defended himself
instead of attack, -/e. and allowed his
nimhle opp Knit a rain blow- upon him
ratper than nu,,It 1 the way.
"What's the ria tter, San I .'• cried hi
father. •'lump Aber a bit !."
I can't." replied Sandy. stolidly. "I
am standing on a saxpence. " •
(National Crop Improvement Service.) !
"Two of• shot greatest enemies to
every farm are -bugs and weeds, but
it -you have a properly constructed
fence, you can burn out the weeds i
along the fence lines without damage I
and •rid yourself of both pests, ;
Besides your fence is 'grounded where-
! ever a steel poet is used and danger
Ito your live stock from lightning is
igreatly redu'Ced,•" sties Hr. ft. 8.
' Rider, presidept, Canadian Steel •
IWire Company. , .
"The use of steel fence posts has
become -so general during recent -�
years that there is no longer any
question but what they are the solu-
tion of the fence post prpblem. i
"While the wooden fence post still
has many, friends, it is usually not
7 Every I0c
Packet of
Famous Comedy "It pa
To be Presented at Ys to Advertise"
Chautauqua -----
Percival Vivian aHimself, and his Players, die
ect from New York, to play Greatest
Laugh Producer known in the Theatre
an econetny, because the labor In
making/that post and the compare-
tively ,Mort life of the post; slakes
it moth cheaper to buy a steel - post
of the proper size for the work re-
' gutted of it.
"The steel post when properly
made, is heavily galvanized inside,'
and out with an extra heavy coat of
rustles zinc below the ground line.
"There is another eeonotny and
that. is that on can drive` the steel
posts without fi digging the holes, and
•rife bottom of the post automatically
spreads, staking a wedge-shaped an-
chor 10 hold 111.. post firmly in place.
"The man who wish*, to sell his
farm would be wise 1o__reeplate his
raffre7ffell �TTnce—with a woven '
..wlrs fabric on steel pasta. It will
enhance its value several thousand
dollars and give it a look of thrift
which is worth gond money."
You Old
Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away
f.'}i✓'J), i �tt:ttrrro thew m how AIet7. bow Qllayldar•a. Se
Y and • and to w to b• amide late
y" t1•. .,•t The Famous ��
..-,.,t;, (t.. ors VELVETEX�' Rep
ry ` , , Reversible—Wig wear ll �tetlme— fou r
1 / :': W bomb bund' ds ora ere regia eel Mt .
Bed •••''''',1:"..' W 0 u eme .. Ask AP " V I W CTIEX" �M 11„teR
i. t beta ways ea large orders. Owe
• t, {' , way en small orders.
i:i�" .',' • - CetaMbhaM 1sa rM,. caw
xxxxxxxxxxtxxxxxxxxxxx xxx
-School of Commerce
Clinton and Goderich, Ont.
Thla manner an ttmmmally sttaoner
amen oily hair Iteeo 'eNeteeterl, and. better
• at81, the Asnspenent hit. Induced air'
?tele% tlftbeelf, to *upper, In the /1.4111-
1141 tai. TO atrosopibih •this, ft hue
been n^esemiry to seas much more for
hbisr anlalalpr'a company and play than
hie+abet f the (imp May tarrnred Ire WIN.
tW, 31. ('ohan'e greatest
tv.tt ly ,sweets*, '1t Pays to ♦dv 'r -
PI (National Crop lmproverilent Servide.)
"The demand for gasoline isgrow. R1
fog day by day and, econonttsts are K;1J
always prophesying that the world's
supply will soon bee once inadequate,"
say Mr: C. H. Chilton, editor of the
County Agent and Farm Bureau.
"Selence has already taught its,
g LX
41.44i -rot - wheel,- cleft
stilled at a very low pi ire per gal- x
ls, and which in nonny respects i-
ts junior in power to gasoline.
"There is enough waste ooh every
lA i to furnish its. heat, light and
power. The machinery Is all .avail-
able, tend it Is time that we should
give this matter the igost careful
Consideration. The principal dlffl-
cult), of this plan will be to aectimii-
late enough farm refuse to make the
project profitable. Therefore It
would be wise to halve the outfit own-
ed, lig some farmers' oreanlxation
filch w111 first encourage all term -
r to supply- a r. oportionat* *bare
order that there -may he sufficient
material to make the plats sees
thee," thin .ren . w
enjoyed a rim of mare titin of the Milan of th«
two yws,a. in New Yn* rite and nearly the play tenches' tiring
040+ �, In
se long In outer eftkes like Boehm. bnstnests nils moan to
Pinlarleelpie : seryl ('h Prelim. There are
at unit- three knights In every ssrinyte • t
B• .lit lL, .ht.lent< referring •to attend there
low n1.Ike arrangc'ntt•nts to do r/,
‘Ve give %%oft a Tili)iti)t GiLand PR..•1C1 CA42.-_
Commercial Stenographic
Secretariil Civil Service
or Teachers' Course
void is ill 'Irrangr for atident.'ci.lting
�I1i• 1• the ,.I,I, l vii Id- rl 2ri«a in-wf.1 ti t;Kf'ltt
, PPr ,'i -I \'illi\I\I Tlt\I\rl • Tl:.bill.
Ot tog is ch:iu ge in G. T. R. tithe -table, it will
.ccssary for its err re "l,,n nue C0I)1,R1t.'11
CIl r: a. 11 n I tt. t'i''i.II:i; 'I.\I. i;It \III' 1'I }'
Iturtt�ht:El'INI; Taught by L'Lls'.i �1'st'1� .N"r.
\!, t;l'el.xess, t
'11 NIEl'.\I, lin- 111 ill. h,.•n .111AININ1 iq 'r,.
'.1il(I et;p�t•P n( th„ I('' iingt".i Tyi,41.14 •;• ;\ •\
I t,('i( vi'F 11.11. o'I:ier,t'Ir'.\T, .4 here fie ei
1,• l:Itrl'.%TisINA!. li}a'.1111laid-ST .,r rite -.rl
r•, .,_.1'T"t'' Viler
'1,1.1'' lsa well farad Idaev�w.tltfn•
1 ,n if ),m•tcftl tit yeare'lf a tri the lin+tones+r.
Jnr it. 1'hlnk it over.
Fall term opens Sept. 6, 1921 `"
I' r htrnc�r hifermatun-t'itaee 19n, Clinton. *e wr:,a 11
W %R11.
R. a as a....,nripal Cow •MSA, AMOR. "k