HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-23, Page 81141'Uuis s . lune SR IWI. OLD HOME WEEK NOTES. GIFTS Fot° the June Bride thet ere sure to please her An odd piece of Minton, Crown Derby, Coatpert, VW'e,lgwoud or a Her.4.aae Caps aid Saucers of any of the above Lhiva,. Did you ever think of a box of exquisite Stationery or a GoI,t-atotinted Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pea ? FOR GIFTS OF QUALITY 411r. 1►. It alurr.ay, of eft 1lelen.s. i. tea town today for the first time attest 1,4418 and Afieriot► i411tM.s. nIrs. Alex. Rosie, of Mtappardtou. I., III 4411u this week visiting her d.anghher•, Maw. (;. H, hewer. Mr. and stn. Andrew M. Rneken- ridge, of Chicago, lois visiting Mrs. J. Breckenridge at tlo• ofd hone on the Bayfs-I.1 uvw.1. ltsm from The Toronto Globe's columns of fifty years ago -June 20. 1871: No lees than 2.617 volunteers are in training at Goderich camp and 4,673 at Niagara. semosesemesesesesseaseseses Province of tish Columbia ih.alls in cv„e•tion with the Ohl Ilona- Week - .tngu.t 7 to 11 -tri r•- twivuog attention from tlw various ,semmtttest, att.( preparation. for the 11iG .•vent ur.• Irlw well adviussd. It is a chatter ..f rs(r•4 to the executive Hurt Mr. 14. b. Psinrou' tins found it necessary It/ resign the ch:airwanship of the Frontal') -committee. bait Rev. J. Reyeraft has stewed into the b h and will twrry.ou in his vigor - ons sed efiei.•at 'maulit•r. A new proposal that 111 rum engaging Ute at f\nt ion of the protein' column ter t. 4l holding of a "Made in (:ode - rich" este hition in einIsetiou with 4hi obi lion,, Week. '!'lois would give visitors a thIi opportunity of seeing the tiariot's Ideas of manufacturing wrri ed on in Giwlerieh. The Hoy Si rats have volunteered to i onluet q moss wet service during the •whehmtion. Tim will M• a much op - pr (htjid facility. • • • Tarr. 'ibdlerick M rri .v. of 1: I rfleld liotalevard Jl,4halist }lpite.yr,1 .hunch. c'hk'ago, 1 11 , write. • "Your kind invitation to uu.osl Os - old Hone 11',rk eelebnt fon in (ole- rieh wasduly res ..vel t would be a pleasure indeed for me, to attend /weh a ieittherint and to greet old friends wh'an I have not aee1 11 many years. If tanaihie 1 Alt:aIt h. ith you for the a,m..i.Ri. •'1 have besot away -from Cinder i. for years. haring 1.{t there In the yes§ r 1 et'bt. quite fr.,lw•ntly meet forttater Gaterieh residents and I assure. you It i+ a Ideusiin• to meet aitch old ac gataintances. i often meet fainly Smith of •Nlarsliall Fie1.1 & ('o. and Ed. (lox of Tleenj. Allen & C. They are prineely feellw-s of whom (:alericla lits jest reason to ise proud. 'glare just received the last number of Tate xfnlde,n-0ote :ant enjoyed very much its contents. especially tlw list .vf y.wir hom,rary presidents. allose name.; are so ;familiar to one. only memory of these• men random use back Co my boyhood days. and I .imagine I eon are those rwueawble men as I knew them in the vigor of their manhood. T am glad to learn that they ars still held in esteem by their 4,twusmri in. Twenty-year 6 per cent. Gold Bonds Due June 15, 1941 Price 95.52 6.40 per cent. I FOWSALE! 1 Ftittlifed Table, new special $2500 1 Ice -box, will give good service 7.50 1 Parlor Suite; re- finished and re- covered 30.00 1 Hall Rack, solid oak 18.09 1 Lawn Mower.... 4.00 1 Clothes Wringer 2.50 I Kitchen Table ..---- 'S-- Sou wand Dinner TACO, 2 f or .... . 2 5 Every day is bargain day at Harold Blackstone's Furniture Exchange WEST STREET ocileteleasemeWsevittiestesesesee City Meat Market and Grocery Co. SATURDAY SPECIALS Roast Beef _ 20c Pot Roastssees. , 18c - _� •.�. •,• ,_, .. a ....._...... . Stewing Beef . • ' 15c Corned Beef ( 12c VERY SPECIAL 4 lbs. good Black Tea $1.00 Phone 368 R. GRAF, Proprietor. Cor. Kingston & Square COME IN AND SEE how we have prepared ourselves to ensure you foot cotuf,)rt this summer. We've stocked up big on WHITE SHOES, which everybody should (most people do) wear at thi, season of the year, for different reasons. They are lighter and cooler, consequently more comfortable than leather, easily cleaned, and decidedly cheaper. STYLISH AND DRESSY ? Why, yes, of course. We bought theta in the new• est designs in Shoedom, beautiful Ties, Pumps and Oxfords, iu leather or tubber soles, with A variety of heels, for tl►e ladies, various shapes and styles for sten, boys and girls; even not forgetting "King Baby." FLEET FOOT Running Shoes for every member of the fanlilyp• for all occasions, proper at any function. BOWLERS, ATTENTION 1 A special heavy -soled white shoe, which is just the thing for your favorite pastitue, hits just arrived. Get a pair now and get into the game for a good long season. SHARMAN'S SHOE STORE w 11' Par. SHARMAN wow* OPERATION WAS MOT NECESSARY ¶art -a -tones" Restored Her To Pett Health 163 Psr•*Nsas Asa, Moavaa.L "Ivor three years, ! rs`ercd !real pais is the lower part e[ my body, with swelling or bloating. I saw a specialist who said I must undergo as operation. !refined. ! heart alaal '•irrxti/ fIa tRrr' M decided lo fry if. The first box gave great relief; and I ooatieued the tremseat. Now my health is exoellent -I am free of pia -sad I give "l4sit•a-liver' my warmest thanks". Mme. Y. OAEZAU. lea • box, 6 for mak trial sine 255. At all dealers or sant postpaid 1>4 Prdia•tivos Limited. Otlatta . MPH who 'hove ever worked for the 'west littered of their city. "1 desire you to tlwrnk the pollinate.. for -Its kind invitation and ,wish you every Mimesis In the coming celebra• tion of Old Home Week." • •• Mr. 44. it. Elliott, of ('annscre. .11 - berm (Arlo of Mr. sod Mrs. 4:. M. :II/014 of towel, scalds a ah sast,auti,al taken of reganl for the old tmvu, with th following note : regret that I will not be to (:cele - rich thin w•l'(Ii yi emw•r.Nw n time for (rad Home Week, al - 1 will be there coon sifter. 1 I committee every sua')et'S IU I 11e4111e for $15 to be i*.$) for the ktddis' mtmP4 or in ,any way you Are rat.•' \• _ • • lair. Will .1. Calow, of Detroit. writes • "lit answer t your kind Invitation t„ :afteisl the lo.lerich Old Home 111.e1 celebration in August. 1 may sty that it gives . gewat pleasure no swept. and if 1 can oke it convenient to le prettiest shall esu tautly he one of 'the crowIl for 014 ItoWeek.'trust- ing the eelebration will we a great Ntll.•t111.: - 'i have ,mot received a of coir 'Golden (late' number. and 1 you star, reed in pmnaring 11 Ieiat from for (ol,l !Tome Week 1 am mutt It w told he plea test news to :all contented OB!'TI'ARV. 11'11.I,1.\NrM0N -Fn,m (:req toms ship correspondents- of The Ilimiteeis Post: .1n old and restarted resident 11111rrl away last We oeslay at the home of his won. Tlno 11 illians(nl. 1.4th eow'ession. folk*?iIIg u general tiroidolown of the system, in the per- son of Thos. W. WllI1amw.n, at the it .of eighty-four Years_ Mr. %Vil- II,,mson was lworit in the township of South I:Imsby, Bounty of Leeds. (hit and name to Grey towtislnp over fifty years ago. Mas. \M^illhamwon. whose maiden name 'was Ellraab*h Mellthean, predeceased him about bat years. The family ...Insists of three sons. Georgeand Thomas, of Grey. and John. of MoK•illott; ail three daughters, Miry. H. iiirmsay. of Grey, Mrs. George 1. Walker, Winona, net Mrs John Huff man, Geatertch. There is aiwi llvtne rirte hmther. George. IN1w of Illriti.h Columbia. '4r. Williamson was a con- raervwtiiv In polities, although hr; nrc.•r partk•ipttel actively in either muni- cipal or •potkkwl affairs. Th.• funeral serri.e was cofldueled on $.,tnrday •afterwonn I.y It.•v. .T. W. Button. the remains being borne to ltrtrssels cem- etery. The .'i4,4 was carried by i.nnis and '.14s 1Vi1I1nnt.'r/n, 'Mirk. Wilfrid Reid, John Huffman and Jap. 1;'tilhou F,rery mounter of Ow family was in otteii1iitce at the fun• Pail. i THE COLBORNE STORE Special in Many Lines in each Depariment All Ready -to -Wear on Sale at Per Cent. Reduction Ladies. Blous s, Skirts,rveaters, Serge Dresses, Silk Dresses, Voile Dr es, Gingham Dress�e#• ALL\THESE LiNES ARE REDUCED 20 PER CENT. Special values in Organdy clot, oa. All Voile Dresses sold at 20 pec 'Every Gingham Dress on sale at ,. reduction. Prints at 25c. A number of pieces o in light and dark colors, at 25c a yard. White lisle Hose at 39c a pair. -Ladies' silk Hose in white, black, tan an grey, at •$1.19 a pair. Ladies' silk Hose in tan, grey, white an black, regular $1.75, for $1.25. _• Ladies' summer Underwear, in short 'sleeves sand no sleeves, reduced 20 per cent. Special ladies' Vests at Oc each. nother very special line t 45c each. des' pink Bloomers at 'a. pair. Plant Voile in white, navy hl , brown and yellow, regular 65c, for 45c a yard. Gingha in many plaids and am -also Chambray at 39e a yard. A special,line of Corsets in odd sizes, at 1.98 a pair. A special line of bbon, in all colors and ve wide, in taffeta, at I8c . ard. checks, Be sure and see the special values in Ready -to- ear. J. FL-- COLBORNE & CO • THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY REV. DR. SE.11.I.it's .%I'1'OLNTMENT. To Be Prevost And 1 ire-('haneellor of - Trinity (o/lege. Toronto na4.•r- of 11'eclnw.I:,y c'on- tatn an snood • •-u,.s,t of e,q,e•1111 Ili- ter•tnot to the 7, -.4.4.. of (ikslori,'ti -tlw selection of It, lir. Seager as head of Trinity Col •.,•,•. Toronto. The annosint-mon bas foliowa : A sl'e'w seiesor the ('orpont- tion of Trinity College was hold in the (loll. -Ge library y erhir after -1 1.-•11 with a eery' lar ' attendance. l..rh from 7lironto and .K er parte. of .I eine I'r.•virnw. The meeting , dolled i :o es.....ve :a report from the mlttee a ppoi n • cd some month, ,,;:o make notthii :.,tis for the election of a fine•- c.w+nr to the. Rev. Dr. Ma(kb'm,meachresignation .14 Provost and 1 dee-(' n- eellor ..f. Trinity (1,l1ege tak,ts' eff 4 on 1ej tends •r 30 next. :After a thorough review t111 1114. i•1►asl..0 .d the whole slttn,ri••n the Rev. fir Seager was el(rtei to this important position. As Dr. Seager is mit of Iow_i1.e.u41 is not expv4.d Irick 4111 I':'fiJ:iy, it Is not yet known whether be w111 a(s•Ppt this 0111 from ins ali111 ro, ter. SAi,Ki;i.II - The death on Jnne 13th of Ellen Rest, widow of the late Jolln 'Malkeld. removed one of the odd residents of this section. Mrs. M,alkelcl was born in the year 1530 In Cumber- land comity, England. At 44* age of seventeen she (lime to (*nada .l;a with her noreiifs, who sistil.sT"Tn 7 ,iTerlch township, and in 14(15 she leonine the wife of the late John Salkeld of that township. Of their fancily titre daughters and one 5011 sgrvhr 1 Nies. F. H. 'Taylor, of Pickford, Mich.: Nits. Jos. Merrett, of W trmlpg: Mrs. F. H. Tui wrens*, of (7nrleakfi, alai Harry 1.. Salkeld, on the honwdetd in Gnderlrh township. Three 1,rorhers alsn .ar- rive : &Whirp hest, of (Hilo: William nest, of Michigan, and .1. M Ite.rf. latrrlster, .4 Sea forth. Mrs. Salk-e'Id 'was it monih.'r of North street Mir4h- ,N}IMt .Murch. She was a woman of most estimable cher *ter. giving her- self wholeheartedly to the iiterests oT her home oral family. For,w,me 74411W post vis• load tern in tailing health nasi stayed most of the tittle with her daughter. Mr. F. H. Lawrenne• in town. 'She passed away at Alexandre hospital fitter n revs short illness. The innoti1 tock phtee nn Tlmrs.lsy last to Maitland eemet •rv. Rev. 1T. 1). Moyer e :Meting the seervices• and the pallbearers dieing four nephews• I.,awe Salkeld. Robert tndr,w's. 1tees .Ten kips and Fronk Salkeld. The frim .present from outside points !Tulin! 1 Mr. and Mrs. Prank Salkeld. Mr and N(rs. Wm, 'Monteith. \fo.. Albin' ins - more. Mr. ten,dinn S,ilki4d, M aims Nits Batter RIitw'Iman, all o Strat- ford; Mr. .1. M. Rost. or * h : fir. and Mrs. T. ,Snowden. of Bei -field: Mr and Mrs .las. Washing n. Nor.. E. Errstt. of Auburn: Mr. J,pnkin., Miss .Tonkin$. \ices (`..f. Wi*11ls. NTrs. John JrrrkinNaa, of ('11 n. .Mr. pal Mrs 1T. 1,. 48ilkeld. as hod rmehod Winnipeg on a W,Rte n trip, r4nrnd loan reoiving 11 ttwWM of tlw another's inw'xperted di aaMt. Mii,a .1 (torentin•k left on 1TetnnMy afternoon for Icer home at SeatorMi. Mr. and Mrs APielsa,•1 Bowler and son !Arne, df-J)rtrolt, were rtsltor., on the steamer (ireybninl. -Mr Alvin 19nn. of 'Detroit. wap AMP/7W 411e visitors on the. Mteamer Greyhound On laLs r•tnrn he was ac- companied icy his ntother, Mrs. P. float. A Goik.rirh Boy. Dr Seager is •1 Canadian His lanae. town is (:neh•11ch, that. Ile is she ore-. Monger. for many yearn a tram,;er of. (Io.herich, INrw ('rrwn At- torne, and Clerk of the Pour. He Cm„++ -..f ar family, hi. wtater- Mal grandfather, the itev. amew Pad- field. having been one of the pioneer moissi•mari.� In the Ray f Qninfe dis- trict• and for many y In rector of Burfor.l, (hit. itr Wet[g••r is a gr, nate of Trinity C*stege. n-hrsth arts girl divinity-, lb. was ,a,laiot,l in T nto to 1516. and a year - or two h er was appointed s'ti'r of St. eyp bra's church In this citywhere he rc a111.41 for some n1111, i1.1•11 vrxr-- n he went to the R••'. and n 'r emending a year in Vecia.a. B. 4', iw.rttme principal of :+t. ahlrk'. lIsI Vwnrniver, in the Angli- ran 1'hol'emit (`ollege of British 'Columbia ..•here he qutekly won (111' enth't'ia i support of the church in the 1'a, tic .11011VOws, !t,••, ruing So Toronto in 1917, he was lq/Mimed rector of St. •M ,ittls•w's ehn 11. Toronto, 11 position he still n .t ss a member of the M9sitlnnery 'aril of the Canadian ('Loch. the Mi genie. ('ennmi,e'ion. tis• Board of Religious g44.i.xation. HMI other Portant oraital,a41401 s, as well as of the I'rovillrial Synod and the (isnenti S1'00.1. lir Seager takes a leading part in the a,ti tties of the ('a,mt,lhao (41,1n•h. amt major.' the (s/nfl(len(,• of itis fellow, hnr'hmen in a r,mlarka4iie dews. Mendsers in Altendariee. Amrnig ohne present at yesterday's tnn•Hty( i1i re Dr. .4. Worrell, K. ('., fhnaiNrller Ir the (hair: the fisbrp M Tor..nt,. the Provost of Trinity Col- lege, mrd 'he dawn of ltenidenee; lion. Featherston order, lion. Mr. Jostler. IiMiRhr., 14ene al Fotheringham, Rev. (`anon l'inniptrs.. Very Rev. Dr. ()wen. iiwmllton: Arebriarer►n einoatlrrt, ()t- bawp : F'. 1V. Fee. Ottawa : Rev. 1/r Oreharl. fort •Hot•`; T.Iei(.•('ol. Henry nntk, 1)r (Ingham (amphll, A 11. ('amplw4l, Major (i. n. Atrathy, (bl. C. S. Maelinsw, (3 M.G. ; Dr. Albert. Ham. lar. R. .1 Immo. lar. T). J. noggin, F' fktnion (filer. Angus Ma.,kmahl. h'. A. ('Linen, ifloailiton ; (lorintl R,•Icl. flu illton 1►, T• .$•morn. K.0 : J. A. Jioalston, i,pgoreor of High Sc4oht• Rev. Canon Fotheringladm: 11711 ttford: Rev. Canon l'lumm.-r, Rev. l'anon.1. M. Itrougtall, It. Canon 1V. Itmughall. Mt. Catharines, and many others. --C-11:11VPSSIBIOENT HERE. - Mr. E. W. Beatty and Party Visit Gederler Wednesday Nigh*. (:colerhla hall 11 visit on W.dINssl:ay evening from th.• president Hud other hitch officials of the 4' trodlan l'Hc•inc itnihvity. Tow parry included K. W. Ik,atty. prestd,•tar: I,raut Hail, *14ees president : 11. 1'. (irottt, gelwral super• ttn.•Isleut. Toronto; M. H. Brown, district freight agent. Toronto. and H. AleKillitp, superintendent, l.oulon. The lam}' Was met by Mayor Wigle, Mr. 4' 1.. Moor.', president of the Inroad of Toole, atm! ..Cher citizens, ami atter an ipspeeiou of the terminal and a drive to points of interest ubont town an hour or so was "'pint in fr,r- and-easy mauler at the Melswi•t ung 'NIMH ('1111 roans. MleessM. \lose,e and Ah -x. Saunders Nit -e briefly of Gcxlerioh's altos and (lest in P1111111,4 11411 Alth ala- 4.. P. R. Trask It il,•atty rnpliel very candidly' and gal si.tly. stating that the C. 1'. R. 1111 ant piano for expansion at ifkidericll •the present time, but promising t at in the future, wlwn conditions slap Id warrant it policy of PIC 1i11nsiIII. any represents t Ions fermi (:.Nlerieh would metre sympatls4ic consideration. • The piety. which h.v,4lel I.y special', train; ieftffii•-hamar ttig'tt for Windsor. Slapstick Stuff No Longer Put Over by Cirrus (Towns. "Just foolin' around" in grotesque ap- oarel, with liberal by-play of slap -sticks, inflated pig bladders and cap pistols, as procedure for the support of star clowns in the circus.'is old stuff it's simply not done, you know. The troupes of "joeyt who back up the pantomime of the stars of the John Robinson circus. which will exhibit at Goderich on Saturday, June 2.5, go through just as much rehearsal as do the members of a Broadway cast. There are fifty clowns with the star. or producing, funmakers in the circus comedy displays. Not only have these "joeys" rehearsed every inove and pause in their carefully planned pantomime bits but they have in winter quarters tumbled through rigorous acrobatic drills daily. Some idea of the necessity for this may be realized after one has seen the really dangerousKalls and dives in the elaborate fun numbers ikthe big show. The John Robinson clowns are headed by Johnny Lowlow, jr., son of the famous John Robinson singing and talking clown of yesterday. Waddling and tumbling after Johnny in the three rings, on the two stages, in the air and on -the hippo- drome track, are forty-nine well i;nown chalk -face stars, several of 1 hem producing clowns of international reputation. in the twenty -two -block street parade, which leaves the show grounds at 11 a. m. circus day, the seventh band in line is Johnny Lowlow's clown organization, tooting, thumping, shrilling and honking away on top of a great carved tableau wagon. Hut the rascals can really play. CHURCH NOTES. At the Baptist church, Montreal street, Rev. If. A. Ackland, of Woodstock, will preach at both services text Sunday -11 a. m. and 7 p m. Bible school, 10 a. m.; B. Y. P. U , 8p m. At Knox church divine worship next Sunday will be conducted by the minister. Flower aervite in the morning. Subjects: L • Columbia 'Grafonola prices have been cut in hall. r Would you like to hear a Grafonola in your homed On your request we will plaee a Grafonola in your home, without putting y4.0 under ,any obligation to pur- chase, to show you how good an instrument it is. Special Offer A one -dollar deposit on our easy payment plan win give you poasession of a fine Grafonola.-the best musionli --- instrument in the world. J. H. LAU-DER, Phut. B. NORTH SIDE SQUARE, GODERICH I THE BLUEBIRD WASHER Call and see a demonstration of the best Washing Machine on the market. We re agents. Lighten the drudgery housekeeping with one of hese easy -running machines, which save labor and preserve h Ith and good temper. IWISON MAZDA LAWS are t standard, up-to-date electric light; We have them. Also a kinds of ELECTRICAL GOODS for honse, store, office or workshop. • Estimates made and contracts taken for electric wiring and other electrical work. A. LAITHWAITE • Old Colborne Hale) trww.�ie✓ Phone 2 .1 Ha lalkle 8t. 11 a. m. - ' i he Flowers end the Flag. ' 7 p. m. -"The Lamps that Fail " The preparatory service will be heli next week on Wedn"qday evening, instead of Friday, owing to the holiday. Com- munion the first Sabbath of July. W'rvk•es in North street Methodist' church (text. Sunday will be: 10 a m .lawns., 'M,'ns ('huh and Mkw.lo, Ronal. T110 topic' for discussion in tis• Men's (lith will be, "1st we believe in the itilde?" tool w111 he lntr.Nlan.rl by Mr. A. M. Robertson. At 11 tam. and 7 p.m., public worship. At the morning; iireviee Ilev 14'. }; Mllipnn, flehl w,•re- twry of erptigelhm and wend 'service of the Methodist. ehnreh, will explain the ehur•h`. simfi aril activities in this sierartm4nt. F.rery Methodist ami 191'111' of his fellow -men 'Mould bear the ory's wonderful story. An offer - I for tine fund will be reeelved, The pastor's evening themes will he: 'r'onnring the C(wt." Tire Mapor►v sent attend divine oer- vi.r in Mt. (ieotge'a, church ou Mon - .lay next, lit 11 a. m. TIs Right Reverend the lord Ittshop of Huron will rlslt St. (ieorgr: s rhumb on 71iesMy newt, .lune 25th, at R p.nr., for the pmrpewe of edministering the rite of eanflrtthttlon. The Name even- ing the Ititdop will unveil a tablet in memory of the Rev. It. 1'. Campbell. the first rector of St George'.