HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-23, Page 61 Ill-TarulvIkly, Jute. El, 1b21. THE 8IGNAJL This Way — to Broader Mar ets Right , at your elbow is your Long Dist telephone. With it, you can talk with any of 12,000,000telephonc•s ►n Canada and the United States. "Clear the Way!" Long Distance tleenss to say — "here's an important message!' For there is something impressive about a Long Distance call. The customer is favorably impre'.ed heioce he knows what the message is about. And long 1 Astance gives you the right of way into every man's office. He can ignore your advertising, your letter, or even your' tra ellerr.. but ignore a Lung Distance call? Instinctively be reaches tele- phone! Keep down selling expense. "Use the 'Bell' to -Sell n TOW rest be amazed to find bow many people tin be sold your product by Loag Distance -quickly -esortoenicaf t y if you have several calls to make. our Local anager can arrange to have one follow the r. Think of him as the Manager of telephone service. He can suggest f apptying Station-tobtation service Every (lel Telephone is a Long Distance Station • Advertke in The Trey err lirait ('slums BI GODEKICH, ONT. WOfflD tNENTS LIEE WAS A rnei2 s,ienviunce. • MISERYTO NEA Qy �u1w,vaw. Willa 4t,' lrriv.lof Premier :ilciglien ill I.orekii to att4•114I the 'tnferrl,ee of Empire I'ritu(• Ilh1184... it is au- iNsium•..I that hr 8111 thru44 the 44114,144 weight of Lia Influence against r1'tiessa1 of the Anglo*-Jnp11l('Ne treaty. The ra•nadi,u1 pre„'..etr•spu911'n t Who ac- companies Hou. Mr. •lletghrn says that his attitude is ba,:(d o1, tilt./. wain grauud+. -First, tlist t the r.•,Is,tis winch tua(I4 in itectmsary in 1:111 hare sitar di4•44149a1.(4.1 : s.,r,ud, 111,11 re- nowal .rt tin' treaty would 1.• r,•7nllvl..d an a (•ilaHrllg(• to tit.. [Mined Stater. wirer tin. Harding .4.Imlui.t•atiuu :11141 4h.. nevi' l'ollgr(.ts have just taken +1 ,t(.1) in Via- .Nr,•tIou of disarlu:lutrm : and third, float tit.. tnr,i.lti.i, 01' sp•- 4141 *11io414148 is 4e11h/4roloistk t,. the .spirit of the dime.. slid to doh.• .•n - drama. that the world i. waking 1.. - ward .1beirunruw04 41 1141 is•a..'. In- cidentally It is of 1114er444 to note that tin• l:ovrmm,out ..f Itriti-11 t't,uurbhl has (•al1lw1 to I'resuk•r M.Igliem askfbg him to oar 411 1t 411114 if tilt' trsaty b+ ren.w,d It 411411141 .v,ntain a (•1:uls+. M4- 44rietlug JaP8II, w• immigration Into bleat Prot hal.. which w•ollld wenn all ('94lada. T171s is weedy a matter of agreement !any. I'reunier HIgh.4 of Aalstralia Is wtrnntly for the renewal 11 Ute 41004ty with .rrt,,in 111.»lilh•n- ttons. At this time taw 4'rowli of Japan is *saving tun official visit to llritain. A 1'41'1 that is 11114 'w•ithoit sittuitkwee. Ramat ltayawhl, the Jap- anese Anrla,ss,nlar to 1trItain; has mad,• to l)4ddic etaten4nt in which he d(r114res float !lie believes Japan would gladly soreid an 111411 tion from the 1'1)11(11 litotes for tlimirtimI1e•nt cou- frrr,)4r. 'His country, he ad.b,l. W41 not only in Ioarutroy tvhh Itrir:,iu 14111 with the 1'1)14'(1 States. This last pnA.ebly elders to a r.•p.rt.e) d•.•h- ion M reefer matters iii .1 !spirt*. regard- ing tilt• important roils. station, the 1.1x191 of Yap, to 4 1(71111 ..f 7irbitnitiotl. N'hatev,•r the ..Iteome ..f taw di:.il.- siion at the (otifer/se'.• 4i respell to tht• Anglo-.la*altww 'treaty. it d.9" *SNIT as if ttwre-wav-tt-di+.titx•t inners mutt for an urd4n+tandlri5 ioetw,wn Japan and ase 1'111404 States whi.•I7 won1,1 remove tit(• existing grounds for During • pril and May of this year, RV GLES Canadian organization i l t, sold and de- e_tr1, s than -all other Canadi. • r ► - builders combined There are reasons. Thi prim are right - the ''s a RUGGLES for every purpose - the built-in units are the highe grade obtainable - Ruggles c ' I `'— engineers and construction experts are truck builder, of international•• reputation. 4411M1.1i(•Iol1 rt. 11.114,01.4441.44 lib . For rhe, nl.1. L.• i1, .•ronin 1(111 1 t rhe lirit' )1 ' y .,t 1....1*,r 1,1414 saved a �i.. 4, • 1, w..nld have ills 111111111111111111.11111111 444141'.1 Ol.r i, 1 l.+-h.11t w4,rkel- h i11 taw ruga la4'• TIi' .g)0 1 1 ployeM hr,, - ..I h, . p,.8.t N 1. • the wpMoYa of ,. i1, w,,g,.. nauil II y rutted States Senator 1'uderw'ot! tin• elal of .1 1,d to •par•', 1 the I haat a resolution Ie•fore 111e Senate r.,la144konc o„ •ug.•r period than I *� g( which soda the appointment of a cue• was at lion , • •.I The Lepton, of ?! 'w .lis$k.0 to minter.. with the Federal 11 e ons 11.1,4 ",t 1.. submit the• Mull I'rocineIul t;overiomenr. of ('u1,• saw, ' 14,1.4 with a vires to removing restrk- pn,pNNlls , vote of the wrue ava here and that ,•• Mt shall 4.- .continued ' I I )►,11111 fiu11s •u the OXpNIrta4u11 '.f pulpwood In the Mistrial 1,114 c. w.+ ,II a tiauc to I11V Flailed Stites. - Tln•,'.• AI 1.1. 11, the wYl14gn settlem.•at l the cotton tram/. I• ., ` y I1,/hlre• ,,f •v+uious du•+• and f,44' ilia• dl"pate is i1, ss,t. The .r{a•raHves mg i• y pos.41 by the .rver+l1 I'Iv,4juelal Iluv- 11av4 agr„I ... a wag•• r,d(e•tion of Wr I had tnld me he never expected 1'r •1,r:+ on 1n11pw,»uI out l u their forty-six 49.1'•.• in the .49.10.41, and a • an to be on my feet again or able to do lauds nod not ►aauufaefir,l within further ,•edu••'iou or .e+'•ll ps.11.e at the 14 day's work. One day one of your their boundaries. Ticar WAS whru the ('1141 of six ni..atlt•. 4• 1w•liewed that little books wag left at my door and my most 4,f 41,1,. pulpwood need to be ex• Morse wage :• : i lift w iii h• followe,a; Dusband said I should try a bottle of ported at .11191• 10 the United Mate., by a period .' :1I.•1 • ....ricins i1, the Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- Canada getting one• the regular tint- Iotton 'nob., The ..•14.14 r.ar:t.iliug pound. 'thank God 1.1e), font relieved ler du.. +4w1 the ,reit of tar labor for rhe miner•' y'r,14),. i• .•4 s., hopeful: tris, and 1 am now well and strong. I eulrlug the trees down and nowise The huil,g ter the :e•'• ptanee ,1r new t think there is no remedy like the Vege- thew --that I.. removing the lark. terms .offend '.4 turret ployen is not j table Compound for anyone who has my With the .id.at .4 encouraging the showing the ,••utfn4.114 t. be s., Strung- I troubles, and have recommended it W wullufaerlltr• on this side of the 1..nu• ly 11, flavor of :i rsamrn n work as W+/s myneighbors. Youcanpubliabmylatter liar• line the '"vend Prot -hives have rt fln+f rlo,lgllt :.would the 4414:,. for the benefit of thtyre I can't res€h.' taken Herten from title to 441114.' Wide!' Thew terms weer fora .hall.•" 91141' -land HENRY A. MerCHEl.a, 1%7 7tb leas had the rR.rg of building up large min. -Hon thui the we•u w err 1,t first Ave., East, Owen Sound, Ont. pulp and paper-tualclug pltutts. Moly alae" of If you have an symptom about which serfioll, of the 1'ulte,l States wb'ch were x114,' big prwln.vI•1 of pulp hare found their raw rankles depleteI lit 'smelt An extent as to mike their milts any ahandoi +yl idea .,f ':a ,uritloual dependent on wltpptt(w( tttim t'* Th da. W01 of 4rt.fl;• J•I. a (1'w 18011.911 a1,.'•• Se.nte hate the 9dvuonlge 4,f holding minters have r.•:ui;,,I to work and are 4:re.et Itritain for. Lenin. Trotsky and prtratily aequir,1 limit. in this .4,nu- ell•tlnuhlg their i.»•ati..n lunuol.•st.d 1h.•ir coll1agleq. ,4141 8 1111484 mmtrili-'•try from. 41l1:11 to haler thole .Iggdios, But 8,4 this is „1irl.-n 111.• strike are .11,1 • luau hinl..1'1f 111 the held 0f' i14t M,.• great 1n.wg.tp•rs of. the generally 1)•t•"'•1 to be again. a.. science :11111 Main... 11414 ontlitl,,l in 11 1'uit(,1 Nhates 1404 1,4rtkoihrtl• 414 ("sting the p: ' *9411 'ettletuent. Talk la .+{se(•ially • ' semtk Wales. :lu- eashire, 1114•' :. I the wottiwh it-. Theee industz.�L�1i--Tlwtr-_lre. nal/ . ty having an :;,h. ,d►.,•t on.lirita' s trade at a tease•.tihi'I.11 was 11'4"h 1 State i44 regard t1,,tride agreement.. their reariti.ws.uud allow the fr,.-r In any event 4•4 '11•' tro•tlera1 drplt`4,0.10I 19 •pliie .•xpl L•it i1, his i,t'on't)nr1 ►ar11t 4149'rr.111un of 911I)iv..ol in nn ('r mil ! d0 • la•IWIf of 1114 l.,n•rr •ort. ' \lac• 11411.1. 91 )otnt• 4'grn .the line. It iw 11 wvmM - ►trey ./f •,•ver e U p.,e•>. l 31 _sot-.11k44r i11ad cls•�t4twl4kat.,•- iFr- Russia wasp p.,nsildrfor the changed'\to enter 'into trifle- age/einem. witit • lion will have /my 441+•t. attitude of !hay c.m11rry• toward C,It} 9aL'italiyte *l1 , ''er tlw world. al... -•w4. ih,lism. L' 1;: •-:n. agent 9t'NOV "at rials that Anythitax Ilk.'. a •Y.Ir- twu4i•tic revolutlii1Lof_•tl•ester11 i;(Irops• TI,.' iT' 449991 alnl Rrlcliffr d.,•i-ion is , remote. Rini* At the prv.+•01 of larwa.hlr• rave doh.' 8141.1) (;..v. 'lir want- of the Says this Woman Until Re- lieved e. lieved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Owen Sound,Ont. -"1 suffered for ten ears with female organic trouble. neuralgia and indi- gestion, and wY weak and had such bad ins I could hardly walk or stand up at times. When I wouldsweep would have to and lie down. I could not sleepat night, and would wander around the house half the time. I tried everything but noth• me an good, and the last doe- wuler. The roughest Atlautk weather' will have nu terrors( for tide flying! tite•Iww,4 it the tol,4rutluns of the 1n-! Y('Inu1•. Are 1"1)914 otlt. lute of the guiding prile•ipdes 11, 1t" tou,ttoctlou Ir' rhe hall. N'hk•h is of one pler'e frau mem to stern. St1y. war (14441*' wtory of !Woo : -When the hull 41rike% a huge w•+Iti• it give, way "lightly 11, much the same tvay that a pneumatic Lire does: alien It stakes au 0Il4tarle all' the 1)41,1.'' at IS to he 11049•(1 that the advance notices of this rewnark- rlde craft are borne' out by new r•sukpe of the nest. 11 would not only. he an- other feather In the tap of Brine!' aendhlntieal inveutl.r• but one of the greete.i of deriev'. for rubbing the *a of •k. terror.. --14 ' awle,l to a.,.»a. whit' dor tin ou would like toknow write to the Lydia favorably. rabhly Ij, 4.iern. "1114. "ori i"l f 4.01 t,v_ 4.4114• ole E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn• Mass., melt are un I r •-wI to '11.(44 ynaetic• for helpful advice given ree of thieve,-. 1e.11411111, pclpwr the, general polies of Snwlay pw14N•r• with their huge •11ppd.'- 41ussJa 44w'arils the cllp.itali+w (Iint it 'm••Id. are ,,(41114' tip these •4411.19•• at IN.'. held eutik1 at 4,444 tkale 11*. 41144 i A tr nae•11d.x4. rah• Ther• ha, lw don x p»•ne•.,l with. Kra -•i1,. who, 'it i. soi) lw•rsi-r.•ut effort for s•" .oral years ins? 1• 4.. t'i.lt ('ii;uti 41141. 114•1'11iteel't-, .-1 the f,in1di:ul I'r.,'14141'4 td- eels no. ue•ut weir/rims the foreign .eplhlle eminent a somewhat wrote kuw•k in W.. and tit. p.dh•y Mel- its Mune/hat.. a m'Pn1 hr/rd4411"n, gl'.1114 Walter Ilulls, I.alor candidate, :MI i plurality anal .ur'ly (4,nnn111'• ecpr". l 411 i1, our oyer taw (".111ti.nn Liberal 11.anitree. In IH•w p.11ry of .•,•n.e•.•I. u., ?room a' 1,418 this ri•lin2 ninrn. I 1N17;1111:11.•trr. I fret ntrrnlati.tl:al .val.,rtim11 will to (;.,119n11 Iaml Illhnrworth '4ma•1 lanae, tri exploit our ri.•hm.. 111141 irs Meth itl will "1)1)911• tae S.,ytetx to , Jorlty of oyer 7 Win 'Toe ft..111f I+ n ern 4117\tlwlr pres.•ut to tide dillk•u1- Isrmen4Y attrlbnt:ll.le 1,. neem I►1P9wnn•. tie. by 4•(•.tarIim eo119gtt in the .ret• 1,414011 hr 1114 I;yennueut with a clew Mgrs. T e .:Ipitaltst+ an tt.•nr,1 ,.f to e11tya1111,g .•llN•udlrulr. :114,1 41.11!.-11 o ole• t4niets I4ww1 1:Jfh.. hw•44 ''1 ba ye l)4,4'8.8118t„1 n,ln'•IInrts in un.•tn- 4 wJ.41 euey'. ,01;_.1,..,..„4,0,,,m at is. tilt . ployn0.01 dole-. alnlrnther I9•l1.•flts. maehdla«, but rlw upon who an make (Copyrighted- itritl f>• -and Colonial them go." l'h'• last wtritw \ for the 1'r•++ Limited , -t;myrnmlmY 1.1110•rn• to have been 411P rwvrrence 01 the 9rmw1 stud 1 Sunlbwera as a tillage ('cop. deepermtte oppp'Itlon of the peas:lntrc Much interest is bsiog taken both in to the .4o11rnn1111,411' idea• N. aipplk,l 1•. 'Canada and the United States in the their ere... When trl.n/. men.' ....at value 01 eunflowtr4 as a silage crop. perti- mit to seize the surplus products .4 cularly in districts where corn Is not a et tor th•vh in )s"i' rehabie- c.op. The claim is made that •, sunflowers are a hardier crop than c'trn. 1. withstanding both drouth a -'d frost to a greater degree. insofar as th• claims put forth for sunflowers as a food for cattle are virtually of recent origin. rxper:menls vestiestion regarding them are actically in an introductory stage. It interesting to note, however, that an lysis of sunflower silage fed at an Idaho agrlcultural experimental at .ton indicated that it compared favorably with corn sibiii. Tn Canada alio stud:es of -the relatie.e. value of sur flowet• and corn for silage purposes suggest that in nutrition there isnot any great difference. although corn is io be preferred where it can be plentifull}� and easily grown Where this is not t�{ case, sunflowers ate an excel - Terri sublttltate. Dominic, Department' of Agriculture, Publications Branch, Ottawa, June 13. 1921. 119' pa8'I11M, to:4y money that is ell.• 'H41 ,411114 ....oill Th.'y I#•g:.nl 14, hi. other 4:1rt.•r141 4.1"11 ton•ss.e4 they .utnpdw) the 1114,11• eff.,•tiye vs)--1ieiIt-.d- r..wit.g_l,e.(_4444A4 4-10,._ ts•r.1.,I til' 111.1.44'4. c• T1 don t 188 1.ega n 'hr fight for the result of th••ir now.. 11119ors. t..•tliu was poi t • .e.nnp•11.81 a to r,•..•j1.41.•• the .Itd:lt .,u. It w s rare the stale_rholl 1 tats• ta11Y •1 4111111 of 4!, • pro"lore, til... rem Iw•1ng ts....•.-1 .14 private loroi.erty. 11, ud,lition ••n• prlcate ''44 ro r-'arp of fnphaie« w,• tt",.gnix.,1. til.• paymi•ut .4 wase, let/limed-111 f1'. -r, tie- r• -t1)111 tri •:eldtat 14,4.1 Wilt.... the ,limn? •\,f ho14- irlg 9r144t• tm'nrr;x nefl Ib• syst.•nh- (•f i' :Jiy worth! have tome of their grain al or wfirr•• ha n of p.n•ha-•• ate, ..lie, as •betw'111 n' QHidt►ei+ w;. it -4•.1.1 4,1 to. '141.144.• agneentents Iriv.• lawn 1114146•. 1.44 94.11 1tus411:1 And 4 4I11It1Iw•r ..f synnli.:aft•- eor114rN.t:ap+ hate 1»1'•n grallt.,l 1114' ha • 1 -ter fir -,'mint for wonorary 4914 111"713.' 11iah,g to t11.. rthnl.ilitit tion 41' 114 c!Iu utrr.• 14 •1 p se it 1114 a1' ' n 11' 11111 Ig' 4 n "dens. The ni.o"gn..t,t is of lmportnt,r to the., whorl.. civilite'.i trorl4. So cast a 1111111- As 11mr4s 11,4..44 481111)4,4 lir I1, I*rlatinn. What is done then' 'nest 11ave ,a 1w•.1r- hs on 1111• fatdu..,e of Entine. •in. {wlr- tertlar•nwl the w-arld til g,me't•41. MAD& 111 CANAOA Stiffness 9 1. aaoa,:a,ina bow pwcWy lluutd'. Low - want rias,.. ma- mbo and Lam(new. Gives Great Relief Mn A It Ca.at.» Pot A...C.0.604 (. .nt•)4•Me lr AW wed Nowa'. WAWA Itq•r.A. r..41 ..r pad ,tw14, incise 4 oro woo alas Swum. um. dad 01 ost dodo a p.- met root.., Mn end 1"w.va. a- 711. Tl,e.old, 0..- •' IM.r .wd .don m...A . •k „r.d. dy, 4 ,1w .• r. .a. 81004 to try M. L O W.nt..d as ,M..4 wwd,.w,..1'.r M. app, ted. 1 r.•.."••d "[ .t w It 4....,,1)14 tett Tb. •1,r 1 c... o4,14 .»dot n W w dor Id- . a 1•,+ 1'M +•.d4 to Mw.d • L"•,w.•. 1'.v. saw ".dell ores• .4444 M..w ....d .1.4141) do 40°. MINARD'S King oI lois LINIMENT Ywwoulh N••a 1+•880 THOMAS GUNDRY, AUCTIONEER. - BOX 67, Goderleh. All Instructions by mail or left at Signal once will•M promptly attended to. Residence tele. phone 119 • LEGAL M a. CAME1tUN, K. C., BARRIS. TER. Solicitor. notary publle. Office Hewilton strret, Goderich, third d.w,r from Square. Trust funds to loan at lowest rates. `- R. l'. iIAYS, - lt-t1tItIiTER. SOLICITOR, !t0► T.tI{Y I'I'RI.IC• ,ETC. 4)mre-.north a Rank Ittock, Ham - Mon Street. Goderlch. Telephone 88. Real Estate. Lens and Insurance. PB-fl udEv. OF'DFII4YI', KI1.Lu1tAN • •'- BARItiSTERS. SOLiD'ITI.IR1I, NO.- T.tRiES PI'BLit', ETC. Of 1'e on the Square, s.eond door from Hampton Street, Ooderi,h. 1'riratr fund" to lean at lowest rate+. W. 1'ruudfoot, K. J. 1... EU rail Dudley E. it mess CILiul.i;S GARRI)W. �L. li.. BAR- 1tISTER. attorney. r.ullcltor, etc.. Goderic•h. Money loaned `tat lowest dies. , C• SEAI:ER. BARRISTER. S41Ir • ICITOIt. notary public and con- veyancer. Uf 1'e --Court Huur*. God*. rich. OV -12m IIv1�t;KAN('E. LOANS. ETC. lirLL4W were's; Wank 121/Ula. AN('E ('U. -Farm and Isolated, town property insured. Omcers-Jas. Connolly. Pres.. Godes rich P. O.; Jas. Erns, Vtee-Pres.,. Beechwood P. 0.; Thomas E. Hays, Sec. -Tress., Seatorth P. 0. Directors -Il. F. McGregor, R. R No. 3, Seatortb ; Jobb. O. orlece, !to. '4. Walton; William Rhin. R. R. No. 2, Sea forth: John Bennewlec. Brod- baleen ; Geo McCartney, R. R. No. 3,. SPA forth ; Robert Ferris.-Harloek : Slabolm McEwen. Clinton: Jame,- F•canr. nee,14••pal; James Connolly, Goxl••rr -h. Agents J. W. Sm, Go(iorirh; Alex. Leitch, It. R. No. 1. Clinton; William ('hesnoy. Sesforth : E. Hlneb- ley, isenferth. Polley -holders can pay all payments and get their emote re- reipThld at R. .1. Morrlsh'a Clothing Store. Clinton: It. H. entre Grocery. Kingston stmt, Go(lerkh, or J. H. Reld's General Store. stay*eld. • The Turk NaUonill•ts hate hems warned that any attempt to telie (•ou- stuninopb• Will 119.111- war with !trim in. The (.reek forces ;1)e. la math. Ing H 141.4' 441T1'11'iyr against tin• Turks In. Asia Minor, anpl Bine 4'onst,nIilIe 4m -s 444 Athens to plot'• lrlmwdf at the head of !lie advance.. The 11un481iqu. _4 1! elleoz .,,I. lee1' 1"wgl,,se lt,pn•491nr1 Intel vvill1,' .•nndnt•tiel on n large seal.. •tvith the /:riy'k f•. -et eitter•r,14Ig to a wider extant ,hen, 11) 9413 time sitter beet l it Ws opened Made in Canada FEATURES:— Reduce transportation costs Save duty and exchange 1 • Service stations everywhere RUGGLES MOTOR TRUCK CO., LIMITED London Ontario "Largest exclusive truck builders in Canada" Write us for the name of the Ruggles dealer nearest you .t v./frt./los ',Itnaritn lets 4riren over til.; ,l,,•ision of Rritaiu to allow t4.• l•.talills'hmryt of eh .tra4.ia11 ktngdon, la 'lewgotansi t. This will involve a r.1lnetiou ofvthe Itritish (a1)e of ow1•n- rIou.4i'heiigh a (1m"ider+lble mmh'r 4, . (mint* *rill remain in onler•tr. rap hat the rant kingd4sn gets a is•npw'I• rt, This withdrawal will 14ay4, cam • thirty tl4ttsatnl horse. In al- ..p.'h, no for witicli there will Ica,/ let use, a 1 11)4 market. .t 4vtlsl.b•#alit(' ❑11191»•r f the lighter h,rw,s of the 1Frit1411 art hes are I.•Ing dl•eins4.l ,4 9, til.• .1":1)1114, i t the draught ),ryes anal the other heti 'blew•. n*d 14y 114141. m1'.., rial 111141 a '1'i ' I')ln1'tlt. 141'1• N prnblt`ta. If Is w 1(01 that the 9.114414• :SII,IMMI s11gqus anim s 4nay Ica' 41.40rov 141. 11,.. tint of tak therm letek en Britain with their ft 14101 11411• 011 the any a•onl,1• 14 14 t• Itn,d. i40 tat Jaacy UMP 411Pn• wMlhl lie IOsa Pcpn If /he animal. were (w11,l et w• drel 19mt914 larch. .\ lifelwwat that ha. a .peed of hefndrel miles an 1 • ix the lar, invetdien to IN. t,Nn,l try til(• Itrlllxla fleet. 19141111n d4,9111 h•Inaa tell of the Three emir. of ne'w•nn•h and hent work that her been deemed to the perfeetintt etf this draft,-R91k•h x4)49 441. to be A 4,14111,10ntl(4n of I, sell rail Ile and a Iw+t 191,111 to a94m1 Ismltail we:lhoot. It 114 Atnet•ribedals boring A wing 91941) of 1411 'feet and impaadll.• of tari•iag along the Healthy, Happy 113's and Girls ophey Bros. The Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Driers at all 1 S your child healthy? Is he or she up to stan- dard weight, of good color. with plenty of rich, red /blood to nourish the grow- ing tissues? For children who ars thin. pale, anaemic, under weight, nervous, restless, sleepless, Dr. Chases' Nerve Food is of tha greatest benefit imaginable. Being mild and gentle in as. tion, and yet wonderfully pat- ent as a restorative, it soca makes, the blood rich and builds up the feeble nerves. N at.. bei, a f•r si.?5, an Nfllara. cls Da-....., 1).W 8 Co.. Ltd.. T(Mrsas. Dr. Chase's «� NnrVe fnod -. (w iy attebded boo sight air (lgy.to (:nrli, ICH Music for Everybo Agency for Starr Cecilian Harmonic Phonographs Call and let us give you a demonstration of these splendid instruments. We have in stock the Star-Gennett Records which can be used on all th4se instauments. GEO. RICHARDSON Hamilton and qt. .tndreven Sta. (owkrleh Pilune 104