HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-23, Page 3WILSON'S (PA DS Kill them all, and the germs too. lOc a packet at Druggists, Grocers and General Stores. THE TOWN COUNCIL. Long Discussion (torr the Question e/ Wager, for Training -Reduction Derider) t peri--1'ritllegrs Granted to Old Hoene Werk Committee. At rhe remoloor 4)4r4ing of tate town er,111e'li un friday night last, *11 tire tmeu►l,*•rs were tiro -sent except ('ot'r4(11- Iur 1Voolker. ,1'etirlotr' for the atridyiug of orad dl o11 'l4(• f.dlowfug street«, firm the• ret iolon 1s f tome., were rossive9l : Went for ('utt inquired 'whet would tw done with the o11 (1 the requisitions were not sufficient to tome thte� whole quan- tity. 1'ouurlllor Sliieltelt\tlu,ugbt the popple should he Informed tact the oil is available. Reeve Davis 'ought It should he pit dowel free of c• rice, us in the came of tart la. 1l Was doelilrl to Mend the pet Ions to the public works committee •th power h, flet. For Rifle hanger, A .snumurtfe•atlou from the Gotlerk'h !title .1ssociatlotl asklrl perluissiurl 40 e•r1n tomote rary• au(1 uw.vable w'ulaleu rIl(errlug plrtfurwr-utw fur a :dNl.yanl range at the w,Mterly limit of Itkh street, 01441 olio' for 11(1(1 y,urht in4me.. .Eitel, north on CenPt•tt 4tra•t. Thr„e pLn t f',rws n x41111 he II4.94 ',illy 1111 times• dayys 011 whish a pra/tic•e or Govern- ment :ovenrInmennt shoot is field, ata! ih4444(rlia tl'ly after smelt preen... or .b,*A would her rena,vwl clear of floe street. Mr. 144'41. S11('iria6•d and Mr. .t. .1. Mackay were 1144:6•. iu .utga,rt of the ryue+a, which omits granted. Mie 1.ac- lug 1A 't4(• platforlus and '14(• uwt of the str(r•t to Is• miller the stga•4tl.foll of the street 11aap44•lul'. Building Pennies. The following applk'»rknls for 1101,1ing permits Wert* pnoelir.rl anal n•ferred to the fir.. ostattuittlr•: Mrs. It. 11. .,ohusto11. Waterloo street, vo-ralul:Ih; Mr.. T. 1►uruU►, Stanley street. sleeping telr•II; MIM,* Afloat Hayti, l'ark ••tr,•,4, •re-r.,felg kitchen; It. 11. 1414 x.14, Vi(4orla +tnr't, re -nailing .welling 4ue1 pLae:l4g It •',g rrlulgnt• f4ulnhtll.•0 : Mrs. scree, :nal 1'olsourg street as 'far 4644 1.qrsky, Qowbee street, shingling hinter Wellesley stns.!: Muutre•al 44treget : add lei:!ding new torr wash: Mr.. i'. Wellington shiest and St. 1:.lorge's .1. 4'.uutel4.11, Lighthouse street. sliiltg- ('n-w.•nr ; Nelson street fn,w Waterloo 44I ..1 ad [whiling hlRi.a.: Mr 4'. street to Vk•torl:e ,t ret. The hM-tl Itd,it:•un. Pet. I:rurge• 4 're+4,•llt. a ps fifty ecoot rr emit. of the t; the siifngli4,4 r se: flail ittthrlgr, 1'alw- v(m.1.11ri)1g fifty per rent. Is divided erstotl siert, vet -andel) 11. L. 1h.yle, among ttle-leesldeltr•r of -the-Rrreeta -on-s-rwropitzig -ttwetitnr, On rant 4trovirr t wbkl4 tau• all .- fold. __.._ _. }clhncn latent. street, uniting dwell Th.•r,• was .v nn+idenobl.• .11s,•n+slen ea kat awl placing on (ruwn ut fnudatiou. , tt.. 11, dl+p'-mon of this oil Connell- An .piwil(r►tlon front Mr. I'.}w:iNf,J THE SIGNAL Parr fur the removal of a tree in fret of Ills property on Albert ,greet wee referred to the 1411b1te works I'Otmult- lee 'With }ower to act, .► ce.mmulIie44tio)1 from Mr. A. L. Robert -soil, .rant,1af111ug of the flooding of his cellar from the Vioturla street sewerwan r'fernel to row punk' works: eommletee with fewer to aft. • fetter frau rhe OW Howe Week executive, asking for tIlw now of Agrl- rulturul Park toad the privil('ge« of thtt ',Oro 4444(1 streets fur 111(1 /lane , wag rerun. dial referred to the 44 lel etaumittee. I Tltls unitter was deal with in the report of the sperdaa (vrmm 4494.4 A e•Ironlar from the IAnuinl(xl A,*eo- clarion of Fire Chiefs, extending an Invitation n tate animal eonvelnion of the Awms•ia on. to -.lag held at Three Rivers, /pipe August 11th to 12th, .was referred t rhe tire eonrtnitt(r. A letter from Ir. if. (1.' ('awwn,n, K. ('., es solicit', for the !minion & tV4'ettern Trustn'; Co many, giving no- tice of tow assignation of the 4lalerle li Mrre•1uttile Cowpony. a s rend KIM re- ferred to the •gtw•111 (1, Iwlt.tee, with �a.wer to consult the std -icor and to he reprc•ebbs! at the 444cr•ti of credi- tors if cowdaler.rl ad% betide. A lett. r farm the llyd . !Petrie Railway .t•'ee•iatien of outs ,: re- que•sliug the 'membership fee, a re. fe'rrrl to the finance el intr. A common 11 les t from 41, to •n solicitor. staring that the raw' Ae'heeo V. 4:44Ieri.•4, had been enlarged to Jane :rho!. was road. Committee Reports, T11e +Is+•ial (rnunrittee reported 44s follows: 111 the matter of the retple•st from the Goderich old Hutue Week e1,u►wittw• for privileges and eontml of exciting during the old !Gone Week relrhratlun, lnehuldng neve of ..tgri(•nl- tural lark, your (rommitt.e nrnm- vpernt--'bat the--` elebrctlun eseew$ve 194 grunterd the privileges rooked for. but all to 1s• moiler the snlwrvh.l'tn of and 4.1 I11141 (4 11 11 the approval of the High Average Mileage Sometimes yon find a tire 4sietraordinary mileage -one in a pethaps. Whereas the average of mileage given by a dozen -or a hundred - Ames Holden "Auto -Shoes" will be as high as that given by the exceptional ordinary tire. It's the high average that counts -that cuts the cost of miles -that makes it worth while to get Ames Holden "Auto -Shoes" instead of ordinary tires. neat M. DAVIS,' Raab sl. ass Ni.. a GODERiCH, ONT. AMES `HOLDEN "AUTO -SHOES" rd and Fabric Ties in all -Standard- Sizes ti By "Req surf" gees . P. J. MacEWAN, St. Andrews Mt:, Those Ne. 234 GODERICH, ONT. GODERICH, ONT. FELT LIKE AN IRON BAND AROLND HEAD Mrs. Osborne Says She Shud- ders when She Thinks How She Suffered. one years," sad Mrs. V.B. Osborne, of 718 Lancaster avenue, Lexington, Ky., "1 pave been in a rundown condition; nee• vows, weak and dizzy. 1 was actually 90 nervous that any sudden raise or excite- ment would produce a paipttation of MY heart that frightened me. 1 abtolutely could not cl.mb uaas. for to attempt(- Crop Improvement Service.) such would thoroughly exhaust me, "1 had nervous headaches and when "It is ditncult to understand why they came on it seemed 'that an iron band I Crain Is not more frequently cleaned was drawn light around my head. I t1(►w ; in the country, the dockage ground shudder when 1 tLmk of those headaches. and fed at home. In some years there My stomach tws reale and 1 could not digest the lightest liquid fax'. Any food is scarcely a ear of No. 1 or No. 2 of a solid nature caused nausea and the grain received while car after car of sickening sensation remained for •hours. No. and No. 5 and no grade grain ••My misery was almost unbearable. My sleep was sever sour.. and I was 1 b sent Into market. This always low- 1 out all the time. .1y condition I ars the price," says H. A. Foss, was indeed a 'try deplorable one. 1 weigh master, Chicago Board of finally sought treatment at Cincinnati Trade. but nothing helped me one particle. 1 Dockage union Thurntlay, June LEYS was on the verge of giving up in despair , "Besides freight must be paid upon when a neighbor pleaded with me to try : the refuse contained in these ears 'l'anlac. 1 obtained a bottle of the treat- and moreover she dockage must -be 'tie and began it: use. I bared back against the shippers. "1 began I nervousness at once and soon "It would seem that farmers' or- telt my nThen ntss and dizziness disap- , gsnizations should undertake to ship or - nearing, Then my headaches returned.e and I nothing but the very finest grain I realized my strength had My ' available and insist upon • high appetite and digestion improv.d and i am now so much better In every way. This, at price for it, feeding the poorer grades Tanlac is a wonde•rrll medicine and the home. only one that ever helped me. i hope "Allllere will always pay a pre - every poor woman,o is suffering did will (ult." as i mlu°� for clean , and {wd++Y lx seen thatgrainthe lategr-grit adesmay - _,__-_- _ cannot fail to cheapen the whole crop if sent to the market. If nothing but that tin clean grain were shipped, thousands ohtafu of can could be released for other duty. The attention of co-operative ,rt`, societies is urgently called to this trey phase of marketing." t'.4 -n sount•1i. 1V.' chairman of price+ 011 polce psi to The meiotic seri,: ...au e11 that at .144)'1. wr of as (1,011 galleins of Intrad love)) ordered trout flu, -1 Co.. for Immwli.r. delivery. We 1•r commend that ti- fa•ft ilii T4! ' vrN'i•r on Napit•r stew. from Angles, t.. Victoria street. I. referral to the giue'er to deport Ili the matter alt t e; regntect of thee prlt-liege of er..•:41: a gr:iI$Ista nd :at Agrk•ulturel I'm rk. we r4r•ommend th.1r tlte privilege Is. grant.rl, the el1110 to have tte.e and '.wrrol 444 the pleasure Of the council 01Cy. 41:41 4.91444 on 'lay,. 44.41() times that he 4.01)1.11 desires the gmtltats. The fire mound ayy,lientiolae of the fur t4()1lddng permits M4'itlalul Gulf 411.'. F.. 4'. Itrlctter, G. Sturdy 1•2o, J11.. E. W4( 11M. The finance committee $1,:44111 of 11144 Vie•t,,rc h0114purchast'd with H. W. S. also that 4414 ad.litl,ncll •'r Ind 1wre14 arnticwl with •the ,Mont real. All these ,arty ware adopt II was oe*eIe to meet 1114 night of1tly11. 1.,,,„r into the reported that fie. fallowing l'r"' lad Noon passel!: irh's ,ten Store, yI. Elliott: John D mum. T. H. (National Crop provement flied flint By Lillia C. Barron_, had leen Most women that b gta,non enliting is tett' hard nk of only because they mak Bread Makin Made Mint leaf. peppermint or lus- cious Juicy fruit. either flavor is a treat for your sweet tooth. And all are equally good for you. Teeth. appetite and digestion all benefit. Your nerves will say "thank you." your vim will respond. WRIGLEY'S is liked for what It does as well as for Its BIG value at the small cost of 5c. The Flavor Lasts KEPT RIGHT II 1111, WRIGLEY'S (1 JUICY FRUIT!� 1, (HE et".f,I6L.M -Q7l di I THE FIAYOR LASTS 7IOT1F it so. What- -lever Their recipe may they -ilio 1,,v! not laboriously knead th etr out sit 41.1 the dough with vigorous until and pokings, because It is fold air into the dough whi very simple process, occupying mat(1s r row (•('tr \ ('ou r Mo,,er's ('ejsint. ('Onfleillor Allier 1.441 1,1• door 11.111 say that he thoilght the yrntla•il pro- ('('l'Qlug+'should he reported in fml1. so ew minutes. that the ps.ple might know whit (each' The quality of the bread depe councillor said. He also had a little-, la ely upon the quality of the Coo wlrg raet, fcrT,l•uu• r•SitgnatlhefoNr ,riire.*4,lru.rl1etaikp I Cbetendaeanfasvporriinteg wbehceaaut seCoiut r ehxacsellsonIne\I building 1'44 bylaw. the pepper kind of gluten. Soft wheal, 21r: R. If Robertson ..f The Signal. contains gluten which fs not elastie I• who . was •1144 only m•((-p..p•r wan and rubbery and while such flours. amt, mei*1 t'hat if th.-,,<Iwe' hes .of may absorb water, the gluten cells It iuwmawr' .41 Zmen it w,•re r49ir4rh•I do not retain the tnolsture, 4nost of t-rr rim r ,•;. 4th,• memis'r+ of mini- . which is driven out by baking. Bill mold I" the first to ('.aupinfn., I)el not waste yomt time knea(iing e ::.,..;:,,,,p.,....: it w'onld lw impissildr to your bread. Fold it over. Mix your crrb:rtim n is.rt. ou get the loaf sponge into dough. folding in dry Wages of amsters Redured. __-- and (Ino., :, then went into half- of the right consistency. Treat it leeee_dincw o u the et, ntly. .The sattie_dough- will make tate,' Inti'! '' t 'u employwl by the 14 beautiful rolls. ptdir work..department. particularly: furte'amiiic t.1 verbatim report of 41,1.. dk.e'm•-. 'n •wuuiil 'have 's•,•upie't • ,M`' prod.114y (v.. full e'dunur of The Sig 111� Ha T 11'Mar 4)44,1. 41)441 w.m4d 414 44 194 'worth rooting. 1.4 alone printing.4 n'aulrillor Mowry kt.te-tk: ,.I-.., of thi' (''age. Int' wanted the whole e441111 - ell; ;rather ii.4n hi. moa• 44!,s• .1141414% A take tine' roeponsildl1ty. 111 other i 414* 47r !,rive 411 a 01 In w' h 1441111 IV 414wt n. SII n day : here w were Tv Fe, Ile thought Har 494.11 1. , u''4... 'a4441 own a t4'am- -RN �tti- nFTii4 311 the tiler. and h. rlain>Ftt th ',wn 4.4)4)1(1 •4ave. e.otsfder- ultly lir.,,,-.4 wing. .Mayor `Wig' asked if his remarks - a4N'11r q•'4(Y,•.. re rn11 to the Men a•4f�45 well Hs Olt. +mints. ('onneillor Mosier •rail. "Nor altogether." 14114 was ant very ele"ir,.44 no Oris Stith.] .411 this hart of the '1'1e•stiou. it4r'( 1'1 - 4•414411 it them (vet ny standard -1J.. of gravel -Iso'. Co I:11- lor Mose end one and *1+thinl y- role '11s Mott 111„ 4444.11 were drawing out. in he emluttt•. Ito Prorl 41r:twine. ,The May ,'*mien. Its to N the collar b., • and cuff need only a lig rubbing between your hands - WHAT hard rubbing the old way of washing meant 1 Even though you boiled the clothes, the had spots simply would not budge without a long session with the washboard. Now -with Rinso--you do next to no rubbing at all. RINSO not a cake soap -not a washing powder -but a new form of soap inranules with power to cleanse the grimiest dirt just by • Soaking. Yet Rinso harms nothing -doesn't even redden your bands -safe as pure water itself. Here is what you do: AT NIGHT -SOAK WITH RINSO - •L IN THE MORNING -JUST RINSE! If you have a wasbint machine-- Sash achineSnek the elntkea teat a tM visual Rialto wily. The obiawg suds loosen every h t of dirt. !tithe morning operate the machine for • few minute...A the clothes ere perfectly elm -even the moat soiled spots. Get a package of Rinso to -day at your Grocer's. Levee BROTHERS LIMITED. TORONTO 1111111111MMIIP- Rinso PURITY FLOUR High Patent 45 Nutty FL0 More Bread and Better Bread ._I XXX xxxxxxxxscxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X -School of Commerce- H 4 try Ihreve Clark s:li.1 on the til liigtrway they 'were ails hooka "plebiscite" of the; hMher there ehetnld be a rediteti.tu or anti all were of .pinion that the ages should he r' - gloved. II'onnelil..r ('tttt,atktt prle'.' of gym. modifies had fallen in todeel they had tan besittfeu in offering the fanner or the m4mhant It's'iiar'krt pfk'e -of his products or wane': 4114d they s110411,1 le4t h4•sitxt,' In doing the same with the torte• of tabor. )"ninety i1 14otion mac passed that 4ll. teram44444rs with outfit he paid I'd en hour and flu,! they be required to haul one and a -tont yanks of gravel in 11 herd --row r.-InrHArl to take Mime 4t mite. leia,-v Reeve ('hark. who wont- ed the smatter ref(•rr.11 to the public works ,committee with power to net. 'ot*1I •••luay •'- Bylaw No. 1R„ authorizing the ixlr- rowIng of a'further mon of xs.900 firm the hank. mils' Ira. three 11m4'. eve! pascal, and rite council totiourne4l. OZEMA Ton aro not el pe rlm44ot- 1n when l7int lige hr. (Tags'. ('Int - 1 meat 4,1 Berms and akin trrlta- Maio. It relieve. at one. and i'adu- allg hosl( tete skin. Ramal. Mor 1M. (itas.'s M. It yens mention tills Et and .I"r. 2r., swap 404 poste`.. aw�a pfloexn• all dealer. M Saataaena, Males at co., Jed. TofM11, (National C Improvement Service.) "It Is a Pity o much of our good country produce s to waste after 1t Is grown," says . R. S. 'Rider, president, Canadian Suint & Wire Co. I 9t would be safe to say�4hat there'l are more vegetables wasted to small gardens than are eaten., "The wants is especially noticeable in hay. Therefore it Is very lm� portant that every locality look after baling and marketing -intelligently and systematically. "There wit) be thousands of dol- lars In profits: wasted this year be- cause the crop is eo poorly nlanated. There ought to 'be a regular baling crew in every neightlbr'hood, conduct- ed• either s. a club or by the owner of the rig, making a popular price Miffed f 'hiy of• dish for lloing the wor�t. >f3enertity fire .men, constitute the crew but usually there are two tetras. One stands up on the press, using kis fork to direct the hay to the feet , bee. Two men pttN4 the hay on to the platform. At the back of the machine two men, one on either side. feed the bale ties, clamping thew ile- fore the compression is released. A sixth man is often used to weigh the bale and. roll It to the barn. "Straw should not be wasted. There le a good market for ft when 1 haled and haling c:..1, he done at odd, times. Straw should not be burned In any event. If not haled, 1t should as returned to the' land." Clinton and Goderich, Ont. (IFFERS 111.1: FOLLOWING COURSES : Business Stenograp Iiia Secretarial Civil Service Teachers' Training Course and arranges Special l'.omr<(c for students, - Tete F01.1.0tel4G ADVANTAGES H4 ghat (;oali6ea. Teaching Stab .9,10141 1111aneM. Mystern of Bookkeeping Ctedentiat-Ty ting Tor '.44440444) Guarantee.! Vocational Vocational Training School ,.r thi. district, by Government appointment. and un'ler ?n- .pection by Soldiers' Civil Re.estahlishment Department. For Terme, etc., write 44. F. WARD, R. A., M. 'Arrt... Prineipsl Phone 19a, Clinton 41..A. STILE, Com. Spe*lallat, wipal v lee -sero I I Ay time Students may enter at ar fSnflnflt flltfltnl\wsw7r>r7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxy