HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-23, Page 1He who whispers down a well About the goods he has to sell Will sever reap the golden dollars Like him who climbs a tree aad boilers. Advertise Your Business in The Signal. ueuesioneseneWiseeeneWhetworuseNeWsesiisseset How h Tour Supply of Office Stationery 1 The Sgna1 can give you prompt and satisfactory service. Let us have your next order. SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR NO. 25. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1921 THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. i lilE STERLING Bh MONEY -is never sols about the house. Fire, Lose theft take place In spite of the utmost care. e1 Secure absolute protection for your surplus funds in a Sterling Bank Savings Account. Your money -instead of being idle -will be earning you a profit. It can be readily obtained U needed. You will have the consistence of paying accounts by cheque. Any Sterling Bank Branch will be glad to open an account for you. O OF CANADA Old Home Week in Goderich goat .?, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1921 m e Committee firs reason to believe that many n„•1fes oLlormer Goderich residents have not yet bee I+snded in, and it is earnestly request- ed thtitt, an Who have not.yet sent in the names and addresses of relatives or acquaintances who have left this town do so at once. The Committee is anxious that the list of Old Boys and Girls should be as nearly cdmplete as possible. Names may left at the office of the Secretary in the Board of Trade rooms, or mailed to W. S. Bowden, Secre- tary Old- Home Week, Goderich. TOWN OF GOD/MIMIC Garbage Collection. --'lite Town is or.II.rfing trattage from prtvyte ,lweiliu n on \Ve•du.•silay and Hato trey of retell week from June lad. the fee is $1.50 per month from the first of arty month. and must be paid in advance to the Town Treasurer. A few approved Garbage Cans for male at coat. For any further particulars apply to L. L. t(KOX. Town Clerk. Wood Turning. All kinds of turning done at W.J. CARTERS, South Street. Four doors south of Briti.h Exchange hotel. _- AUCTION SALE. INONTARITHE OSUPREME COURT O , CUTT VS KIRKPATRICK. Pursuant to the Judgment made ,n this canoe. and bearing date the 4.51h day of May, 11121. tier, will be sold. with the app. obal,on of Leer H. I Dickson. Esquire. Muter of this Cowl at Gode- • rich, by Thomas l.undryy auctioneer. at the Union Hotel in the Town of Goderich, at the hour of 4 o'clock, on SATURDAY. the 2nd lay of JULY. 1V21. the following lands and premises, namely : Lot No. sin the Sth concession, Eastern Diviuoo of the Township of Colborne. in the County o1 Huron. containing one hurdred *cresol land.more I or less. 'Kept a portion thereof sold tots. Guelph and Goderlcb Railway Company, consisting` of three and one-quarter acres of land. more or km Therese erected upon the property the following buildings : A frame house. 111124. and • frame barn 24138, with cement foundation. The prop erty is convenient to 'thud and railway ration. being one mile from school and two and one-half miles from McCaw station. The sod is a good clay loam. tunable for mixed lar ming. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. Teasuo, Sate. -Ten ptr cent. in cash upon the execution of contract of purcka . and the balance to be paid within thirty days ,thereafter. when the purchaser will be lit into possession d the property. In all WMr respects the terms and conditions of sale edl be the stanorng conditions of the Supreme Court}'1 thita„o Further particulareun be had from Loftus E. Dancer Vendor's Solicii-r, Goderich, Ont , R. C. Hays. Barrister, and Charles Carrow, Barrister. Goderich, Ont. Dated et Godenc h, this leth day of June. A. D. 19`1. Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at $4 per single cord. delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 61. CRAIGIE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. No. 1 -Two tory, white brick house, fully tnoilern. S mom,, elf IN nn Newgate street. Thla is one of the hest buys In Goderich. Pries 62.6011• No. 2 -Story and a -half, frame, eight-r.om,sl 1 w•, e•ler- trh' light. water and sewer connection, newly fiery int tett thrnnghoot, full lot, fruit trees, chicken house, situ. aced on west aide of Ca1lk __ emu wtret. ficin $1,66$. Xo. 3 -Two-story frame house. R rooms, electric tight and bath, large verandah. east side of Victoria Street. I'riee $1,710. No. 4 -2 -story two brick, eight - radioed. fully modern house. Fir.phlte In lien. Good stable or garage. This 1s a very desirable property, ghosted on corner of Elgin arena. and Stanley street. Price RCM. No. Y---Two-Iitory. prick. fully modern hour.•, hot water heating, four fireplaces, Write eeMndah, .Halateel on the east tilde of Montreal street. I'riee $5,N6. No. ti -Story and a -Half, frame, six -roomed house. full lot, situated en1 the twat Aide of Warren at met. Price $750. -7*•-10,eern farm with one - and -a -half *story, eight - roomed frame (levelling, full size basement. Bathroom, good barn. Elegant loca- tion for poultry farm. Situ teed on the went attic' of Eldon s4treet. Price $4,255. A number of vacant garden lots to rent. (ether listing may be had nn aJ/Jrllcmtlou at the office. Bonds bought and sold. J. W. CRA1GIE 1n.urnnee and Ilea Estnte. Saving $1,000 Through trifling economies, you can accumulate one thousand dollar in a few years. By persistently and regularly depositing $2.00 a week with us -with interest at 3%, compounded semi -annually -you will have $1,211.43 to your credit in ten years. Copy of our brochure "Ilse Result of Mak- ing Weekly Deposita," free on request •II UNION BANK OF CANADA' Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manager LEWIS H.. DICKSON. Master at Goderich at FOR SALE OR RENT. li"ARM FOR SALE. -IN COLBORNE township stn concession. conuinin117 acres of good producing land adapted to al alga, near church and school. frame house, bank barn. Good stabling for thirty cattle. Cement silo. Rood spring well A suitable dairy farm. being close to McGaw station. Apply toGEORGE A. BEAN. R. R. No..t Goder,cb, Phone I7Ya Col borne Municipitl. Im E.SIDENCE FOR SALE. -MRS 11 HRECKENRIDGE offers for sale her com- tortable residence on the Bayfield road Apply to MRS BRECKENRIDGE.on the premises. u1ARM FOR SALE. -IN COLBORNE ll' township, concession K evertating or tan acres of land in good of cultivation; five acres of bush. live actesof orchard. mostly winter fruit. Preston steel -truss barn. 70 lest by rb lett, with steelc.ttle stabling and sties -carrier. New cement sib. oro It by It rt. Good dnveshed. ben. house tand pg pens. Twp never -luting Bella, Good nm e.,00m farm house. Thr property is rtuated'.n a splendid location. be.rig only 1344 miles from Godes ich. _•la mile.to McGaw station, and close to church and school. Appy toGEO, Y. BEAN. R. R No. S. Goderrcb. Rural Phone 16r 11. u OUSE FOR SALE. -APPLY TO EA B. C. MUNNINGS, Nelson Street ll trOt1SE FOR SALE. -ON PARK street: has been remodelled throughout, re- painted and redecorated, and other improve- ments ssade T. R. WALLIS Victoria street. tf HOUSES- HOUSES. An kinds for este at very reasonshle prices. A new red brick, lurntshed house torent for he summer months. Near the lake bank on Elan avenue- Immediate possession. Apply to P. J. RYAN. Real Estate and Insurance Phone bis. , I 0FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 'l5. CON- CESSION a, Goderich township, counting 42 acres of choice clay loam.with spring creek and spring well. Barn 4MMM, with cement stables; hay barn. 1sa27. drive -house, last.; small hen- house, comfortable concrete cottage, and two. acres or orchard- It is situated one m,k from designated Provincial county road. 'even miles from Goderich, and .s convenient to school and church, Apply to gg.H LINDSAY. R. R. No, 2, Goderich, Phone .42 r 1 tf -' -- --- PUBLIC NOTICE. LLRNIT E REFINISHED,-012.DERS left Walker's .ewwiabaprsetis 'trended to A. SMITH.tut NOTICE OF IN 1 EN PION TO PASS A BYLAW FOR STOPPING UP AND SELLING ALLOWANCE FOR ROAD. TAKE NOTICE that the municipal council of the Corpaison of the Township of Ashfuld will tak�nlo consideration the passing, and if ap- proved. will pass, at its meeting to be held on the sib day of August, 11121, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon. at the Township -Hall, a bylaw for stopping up and yelling the original allowance for road between lots numbea fi and *, Lake Range, north of the loon Plot, in the Bard Township of Ashfield, and the council hill at that time and place 'hear in person,'or by h • counsel. o bettor or agent, any person who claims that his and will be prejudicially affected by the bylaw, and who applies to be heard. Dated this Nth day of June, A. D. tteti, C. E. MGDONAGH• Clerk. Townshtpol Ashfie,d. 4t TENDERS WANTED T ENDERS WA!\TEO. Tenders will ba rexe�.ed by the undersigned up 105oclock p -moon T UFSUAY, IUNE :Its, 1921. for relrsshrent booth privileges at Agriculture' Park on July 1st Teraina fur aisle privilege or for one privilege will be ronudered. The highest or any Leader not necessarily ere cepted. 1.F REYCRAFT, Suitt sty of Committee. ARTICLES FOR SALE STRAWBERRIES_ Strawhernes will be uppity week. Get your order in early d you want Inv I have orders in now lot most 01 or Crop F,W ANDREWS, Clinton, Ont. Im DR. S. WRIGHT BURGESS Chiropractic Specialist. Acute and Chronic Diseases, Office over Model Theatre. Come and tee what Chirorrattic will do for YOU. Consultation Free. Phone -. Hours -10.12. 2.5. 7-8. and by appointment. 6 m. J)R. F. J. R. FORSTER. .gEYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic Aural Hospital a.setant at Mrxrea4d's 4, Hoo. and ('eolrkn Square Throat Ha- g. se aterloo St. S.. Slrstlord. Telephone iM7. At Bedford Hotel, Goderich, from Wednes- day. July 2nth, at 7.10 p. m.. to Thursday.the21st, at 1 p. m. LOST OR POUND. TRACTOR FOR SOLE. SANDUSKY tractor. 1020. with Aloe, ,n Al condition. W,U sell at halt -pier 1 W HYNUMAN, Gorrie, Ont. LOST. -A LARGE BROWN PURSE, containing sum of money. Finder will he rewarded by leaving same at CAMPBELL'S DRUGSTORE. STRAYED FROM MY PREMISFS. fol 41, c t,cesion 14 Hutktt a one year-old roan heifer. J D. HOWATT, rt. R. No. 1, Au - barn. Telephone Btyth I4 r 14. GOLDEN GATE R. B. P., No, 101t. Meths first Thursday of tech month. In Forest- er.' Hall. Visiting Sir Knights welcome. J.McNEVIN. R.H MRW Registrar. W. p. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE. -OVER- LAND car. inescdknt'eoncition. A bar. gain log quick aaIe. R J ACHE•UN. H ITCHELL F OR SALE. -S 1 X- CYLINDER,erves.p.Menger ur,m good condition. Suitable for a. pt r r lamely car. Owner is West MRs. 4. T. GENER. Code. rich. Phone 212. (CREAMERY EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. The Dungannon Creamer having been bMned out Wt lall,and it Magog been decided not to e- bu,ld. the following articles and goods whit�lt formed part of the equipaant air fur sale: One Ford auto trunk. One light Ford truck One olio p engine and 11.h p toiler. One rotary pump. One roc.nd wooden vat.cap?city about 2h bbls.s One round wooden • atrapoc,t y about 10 bbh.r. One square tank teenauy about :n bble line ice taw. Office budding. loal ksm.. Ten ao;al. j)acketed (rem cabs. Teo and to galgal vaned cream cam. A quantity o(scrap lies About 10. feet Loi lumber aad acasthne. Prospective ipurchasen apply to A. DISHES. or T. H ANDERSON Dungannon. SHINGLES FOR .SALE. IlomlMon Day in Goslrrirh. It hal Iwo -*i .111.1140A L1 hate the' 4'redttill Iiu+•e•h:l11 Lovina In flat' the mhiiou 1kty, 1ourUa'Dela in're,. in place of Clinton. 4'reditun bite -one of Hie 1a•wt Latin* -hr the county, anti nits Zurieli atill St re in addition to the Purity Flour trila•, throe, games of snappy hall aIv ill pee The program for Ik.lniuiou hay in Goaletich pronike. a full tidy of in- tere,-t unit td*v.nre, 1Ylmnleueiiig at 10 o'clock a to. flat loutinuing morning, a ftette Nita :nal evening. Use Blackstone's homemade ice cream. for all occasions. It makes a delightful. delicious dessert. Phone 240. Why pay more fdr a phonograph when you can get a real "Stewart" friers $15 to $35, and a beau- tiful cabinet machine for $52 Ask for a demonstration_at I3lackst.ine's ice cream parlors Agent for Gennett Records. GLORIFY THE GRA(E or YOUR HANDS. -The handsafford a true index to charac- ter. It is therefore your duty to keep your hands as shapely and fair erg possible. We 'handle everything needed in caring for the hands. Manicure sets. nail polishes. lotions. cream etc. While engaged in household duties don't over- look the advantage of wearing a pair of our rubber gloves. E.R. Wigle, druggist, Goderich. GCNDK1'S SALE REGISTER lSan Av. July 2.- Auction sale o1 farm prop- ` • erty.at t Union butelrGodert[b, at 2 ochuk m., m Ibotne township, in the n.aner of Cult vs Ku tuck We will *ell green 11aa.le,. because they are guaranteed to lest a 1.1* time W hy are •hint:•. kiln -dried' Simply tic, wee Ire Kht. Shingle. on, their natural state we tt twenty pounds , more per bunch than kdndrrd That means twenty per cent. more service. If phi. means anything to you buy your seen Mie� e. from C A. ROIL. EHTSt�I or JOHN TREBLE, R. R. No 1 Goderich. 11 VOR SALE --A NUMBER OF PURE- 1 Tenders for Booth Prnikges-pomisiss Dar 4* BRED. registered Polled Anus Aberdein1 bulla, ht for service. Apply a, J. R. VARCOE, (committee . . .. . R. R. No. 6.God.ncb. tl Notice -Township i.1 Ashfield . . .... ... 1 -- Cut Operatmgt-nuts-ImpenaIOrCo.,Ltd .. . Residence fur Sale -Mr 1.'Breckenndge ..• . 1 Purse Lost --Leave at Campbell's Drug Store 4 Farm for Sale--G.A.Bean . .. .......fit•. - ...1 DOM BUCItANAN .le erich, on Wednesday. I bel 0 1 June 2: Calhari \IxDoaad, ore ere d Mr. James 11 B saner. ,n her nth Year. 11 lake ace from the fared Fr ids y, l one 24th, at 2U o'clock p. m., to Ma,Ua cemetery. The funeral b 1J Y rending. Wright street RFurniture Refinished- A. G Ruggles Trucks ••• utiles motor Truck •-,Ltd.S Wilson sFly Pacts. .. ° ....... •••a Upholstering Shop -Cliff Anderwn...... !.... Heiler Strayed -J. D Howatt• R. R. No. 1. burn ... NOTICE TO CREDITORS. let rot ESTATE a MlcHat v1. Lvov, oacaasao Novice i. /web! osier. pita Last .ts _ the Trustee Act. thea el preen. Mein( claims :Vet the the'Town of gardener, d 5th July MCAvoy. late a I tM Connty re Huron. erefe.411 on or before the 1 Mme to the anoint. adm,r [.ceased, and to send it. underling 'houses I ir Jane strain* sA the.estate of the • that after the said dale the .a,4 ymmntravu w,Ib distribute the aorta of the end deceswd among the pel*,me enl,t led there,,, h.ing retard only to the clam• of which she .hall then have had notice. ...it that the said Admhiutratna' wilt not he Itarde lin the sant assets to any person d who.e , laim milts shall not have been received PROUDFO'T KILLORAN. d HOLMES. Solicitors for Administrates. Goderich, Jona 1"offal. MUSIC L - PJANOS TUNED. -APPLY TO C. V. HENRY, Music Studio. north tlOde d • David 1Mcllwain TIILG. C. 1. ItEVEW "OR 1'21 ifs Issued tfils Week. Copies, wy be bad on apptl- en/ Ion Ley W. W. WEIR INION DAY IN ODERICH Frida. u Grand Patriotic Demonstration on the Square, at 10 o'clock a.m. Address by Rev. J. F. Reycraft on "CANADA'S BIRTHDAY'' • Selections by 33rd Regiment Band •t W ANTED. WANTED. -TO .-TO PURCHASE OR rent.* end modern; house. medium stag. No emeriti. s cash. THOS. YOUNG. Elgin Avenue. �' ANthiFAMILY 0DAp sy to MRSRL. K *LLORAN Goderith. The Juvenile Harry Lauder Engagement, taken for laws eoclal$ and of be r entertainments. SINGING eiere DANCING LESLIE EVANS Box 417, Goderich. GENE C. CONNON oR t1ESTRA Up -to -Date Instrunsentation A.1) LATEST MUSIC APPLICATION Baby Show 10.20 m. Parade of Decorated Bic les and Automobiles for prizes; Io. ; = a.m. Children's Games BASEBALL TOURNAM at Agricultural Park ,- F'our 'Teams -Stratford, Crediton, Zurich and Purity Flour of Goderich FIRST GAME AT II a.m. Second and final games in afternoon. Second Game at 2 o'clock; final game following Slow Automobile Race Once around track on high gear. Last car in wins the race 33rd Regiment Band in Attendance ADMISSION TO 'AGRICULTURAL PARK Morning 25c - Children l5c Afternoon 5Oc - Children 25c Autos and Carriages 25c Band Concert on the Square in the evening MAYOR WIGLE, C. A. REM, J. F. REYCRAFT, W. LANE, Chairman Vice -Chairman Secretary Treasurer • Agent for ICo.nternational Harvester -of- Canada. All kinds of Farm Machinery In the Old Stand Hamilton Street. Goderich. Upholstering Shop ! FURNITURE REPAIRED and VARNISHED Don't throw away your old Furni- ture till you see CLIFF ANDERSON Kingstonit- The Pavilion Goderich re -opens on Saturday evening of this week and will remain open for the remainder of the season. w This is the last notch (5 x) xxxxx C. B. Shingles at4$1.25 per bunch Remitting Money by Mail ASAFE and convenient form of remitting money hy mail, not only in Canada but to any part of the world, is by Drafts issued by the Bank of MontrtaL These drafts can be cashed at the local bank designated. The coat lis nominal , Goderich Planing Mills LIMITED P. 0. Bog 18 BANK of MONTREAL ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS Capital paid tip $22.000,000 Peat y'7 rwrkese Total Assets is Esces* of 6600,000,000 4* A