HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-16, Page 7TEN SIGNAL
.fool, IC 1' :1 T
See Our Select Stock of
Ladies' Whitewear
in the Latest Effects
1 own of Goderich
Ladies' Collars
and many other line, of wo-
men's and children', wear.
'4 -
Novelty Goods
A very extensive line. It
would l e worth lour while to
call and iu-pect theta..
Miss S. Noble
South Side Square -- Goderi-h
McEwen' s
Flannelettes at reduced pri'•es.
Sheeting at reduced pricer.
IteekfrsLJl2XW &t reduced prle.•'
Gingham at reduced prices.
A nice aaaortment .for Wind.'
Curtates ftp Sie add up.
!Ill -wool Merge: navy blue, 4uubi.•
w�dtti. ar$t. IRV I
. pHw,earT !0--•teas.-t}L.pzlet`
worth while. -- - -
A great number' Of articles. in
Gorse -rip" at neduiwel prk.•s.
J. J. 1VtcEWEN
are front 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. and
f :r p.111. to 10 p.m.
Any .person or 1N•reons, fount
oslilk water for lawn rkrvie•
•,Iwr than durlug the above
'1••ur•-or a-ii,g lawn s•rvf„•
Mono hest applying and pay -
.:et for wimp- will be liable to
en..e litism and their whole
water settler 4 lrifed off witiNiut
1,..t ler.
Water eervie.•• are Co be In-
.lN.•t.d 141111 :u.y Nervl.•e found
with tratkl• flap- or service* lir Iii
:lily way vroostutt water will be
-glut off. See t;.at your plumb-
ing -1s all in g4»111 cetelition end
avoid 4ri.114,1e f..r all ,vtu r•rnvl.
1t ,,,:r, titoiwy w 1441101' Hater.
Water and Light Commission
Town of Goderiet
Good Phimbing
Poor Plumbing
When w' do the job. we
give you the right kind --the
blurt Haat givesjou pleasure
),tel enmfurt.
Mamllton Strom moon,/ lab
Metal V`,Irk
In milan, organdy
tulle and mohair, with
trimmings from the
plain corded and
moire ribbon to the
beauty of flowers and
Miss M. R. MacVicar
Kingston street, Goderich
When It's a -
Question of
call on ' '
"The Old Reliable"
A full ;tock of Light Fix-
tures. Electrical Household
Utensils, etc., always on hand.
Estimates given and con-
tracts taken for Electric
Wiring incl Fitting,
West St. Neat Postoffice
Phones: Store 82, Res 193
CLEAN -yes and
disinfected toil
Everyone likes bed -haus.
blankets, eta., to be super-
clean- immaculately fresh.
The beet of all soaps to use
is Lifebuoy -It actually die•
infects as it cleames
i.t'('KNO '
Ikon -old Caulpb4'14 pas...\ awly alolh-
. day, Julie Oth, at tine ace of seventy -
nine year.. He leaves a widow and
grown-up family.
1r1'. r AKUI atrckenzne. one of the
I .0rteuts eft K l Io. i uncitlldp.
Jpltal.te4411 JuUwklnK ;ltd at the age of righty- -
rem year,. She lived with her soh,
i Alex., uorth of town oil the Holy rood
The death ar•urred oil June 'sod. at
iwr humor lit rite rllhige, est Mr+.
Farquhar M,l'haries, atter an illness
of several mouths. The demised was
'it her vrveuty-second per.
Th,.mn4 F. Wright. student of
Ween College, and sou of Rev. Prof.
T. /;. A. Wright, of Whitby, 11:11 tw.•a
alq•,hhted to the Luckier*. Augte.an
pari.eli for the summer 111100110.
W. G. McMillan and 1-. It 'Taylor,
who have been lu the grocery business
here, 1llll(0lll100 a diesu:mleo of part-
nt•r•hlp. 'al r. Taylor will .v111'11111.. the
bueln es anti Mr. MrMillau will go to
Exeter., where he has bought 14. general •
wore bush•+..
The death of Hsek1e1 T/.'kh:Irt oc-
curred utwxpeetedly at the Guelph
bu'Ipital on Tuesday of lilt week. Mr.
1 444s1lulr1 had not been feeling well for
esue time, and Dr. Elli,.tt op Mo ml ty
(1f Liwt week took him to i;uelph for
treatment. The remain,• were brought
n, 1.ueknow for intenueut. The dee
,t•:i+•d W114 about fluty -four years of
age and leaves a widow. 044.• ,011 411141
'three daughters.
Simon MitcheiI. a well-known resident
of 1Vingham, died Monday afternoon
after a lingering illness. He was In his
seventy-stxth year. He had lived in
Wingham for thirty years, conducting a
cement works. He took great interest in
municipal work and was a town councillor
1 for twelve years and reeve for two yearn.
This is a Short Letter, But It
Proves the Reliability of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound.
Bothwell, Ont-- "I was weak and
Tun down, had no appetite and was ner-
vous. The nurse who
took care of me told
me to try Lydia E.
Pinkham s Vege-
table Compound,
and now 1 am get-
tingstrong. I recom-
mend your medicine
to my friends, and
you may use my
testimonial. "-Mrs.
W. J. .R.2,
Bothwell, Brady,Ont
The reason why
ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound is so successful in overcoming
woman's ills is because it contains the
tonic, strengthening properties of good
old-fashioned roots and herbs, which
act on the female organism. Women
from all parts of the country are con-
tinually testifying to its strengthening,
beneficial Influence, and as it eontains
no narcotics or harmful drugs it Is a
safe medicine for women.
If you want special advice write
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (con-
fidential), Lynn, Mau. :Your letter
will be opened, read, and answered by
WORM •sly.
• Word was received here last week of the
COUNTY AND DISTRICT.Ii death Of Robert Mcindoo: a Lamer well.
known resident of Wingham, which oc-
curred at San Francisco on May 25th.
Mr Mclndoo was born near Peterboro'
and came to Wingham in the early days of
the town, residing here until about twenty
years ago, when the family moved to
Fresno, California. He was Mayor of
W inkham in 1889 and 18:90. Ile died in
his seventy-fourth year.
Fowl Kern .. ('rwlll.'u. wee witfl' a
trots• .4-4.•4i 4' 414i1U414.n rkatnen_tlih0
!defeated feated all tlw_ Ainerintti wined. at
I the reeelot shoot at ltirmiugftam. '
~1ti rr _-fi»1 - tunrrh play .
Decorating Matenals
Wall Papers, Paints, etc.
We ' I cues the materials. or
take the contract of decorating
\ our home, store or office.
Estimates cheerfully given
Window Glass, Plate Glass
Mirrors, etc.
We can supply your wants in
any kind of Glass
North side West st. Phone 354
of Right Quality
' As well as'our young
men's style we carry a
large and complete
stock of the more con-
servative models for
both young and old,
ranging in price from
$16.50 to $38.50.
Saturday and Monday
15 Men's English
Worsted Suits in blue
and fancy materials, all
new patterns. While
they last $22.50. - - --
All-wool blue Serges,
guaranteed indigo dye,
pure wool, single and
double breastd stty,es-
While they
Special - 15 Men's
Suite to clear at $16.75.
aim gnaw
ulue•ty -Ix out of lettMissCaroline Wellwood. missionary at
flu TIu1r..ILiy. -11110. 211.1..1: the �K11y1 Chenlu, China, is visiting her mother.
.f Mrs. se."'. """-4". '"'r 11111.•'..t114 Mrs. C. Weilwood. Miss 1Vellwood is the
Mhuhir ltlrr•lair, Ain+ 144111..1 111 rower representative of the Woman'' Missionary
ria, t.. W11114111 Reny-li - II Feint ; Society of the Loddon Conference and
•.ositI, .• man of .I1euraan. Rev. A. R. this is her second furlough on over fifteen
I:. 1:Arr01 ufflrlgte.l. years.
After a painful'rigor+. .'f three Thomas James. of Turnberrv. had a
months' durst .m. Albert I' itriw n:: close call for his life one day la•t week.
n of Mrs. It.de'rt Poirot of lliiNrtt. He was driving north on Josephine street
',owed away at t1N• 1`11111.,14 hospital
..n June 5114, at the age of twenty-nine
oar*. Reddest hie tu..tlier• three ,4s -
•«r1 and two brother. starrier.
.t sudden death Was that of Mrs.
111111'4' l;,11l;IK11• 44hiel ,»••urred on clear of the track. The engine caught
May- asst lir tier home 14t ltelmurr. the car near the centre and tie off the
:fl,•' tine' du the morning noel went back wheel and completely demolished
•:lsa1T'1Ter •work 14' weed. but aboutthe upper portion of the rear end of the
1 1 .i rI.. -k was •, in.1 with a paralytic car. The car was thrown some distance.
a r.k' and diel Arbii.i.r immediately. but Mr. James was able • to remain in the
_..l _a_,of-ge_ teat and escaped injury. One more foot
Ilex hu+Band 411141 last [alt, • • would have made it a fatal accident.
' the
Time fo 'Straw Hats
at noon when his car was struck by the
C. P. R. train coming from Toronto. Mr.
James did not see the train approaching
until it was too late to stop and drove as
fast as he could in an endeavor to get
on Wednesday evening. !1th hist".home of the bride's parents. lir.
ung 4.1r.. Leuven Tyl11:111. Hnlle•tt. their
.,1,1y daughter. Thiry -lire. ea* united
,u marriage to !toward4'lareuee Tre-
w»rth*. of Godes-left township. Rev.Ruder+In officiated. The young
..nrplr will" reside 111 t:twlerh•h town-
While loading ernvel at the pit ort
his farm in 7hlckersluitll Henry Vol-
1.1isl ;slipped and broke 111+ leg.
six vows and four young rattle be-
longing to He. -tor alrlewn ..f-('ulrose
were killed in a storm whk•Il pussi'd
over, 411144 section early last Monday
nlonntlg.Tuesday.on Tuesday. Jute- lib. the home of
Mr. and alis. Albert 11'ryinuutb. iinl-
IeTf. 1.11• the se.'lle of the welding of
their daughter. Hole Ann. to John
' ('41:1 rle's ern II tNINr,w'1�. ,,f till. '44m44
t..wn"ltip. The c'r'ummy was Is'r-
fonne.F by Rev. T. E. Sawyer of
• L0214J *i-Mtt" - Mr. and Moe MaMauMaunder-
4.4•1(will reside on the gtYMitss farm
on the Mth eot4,•++iuu.
.\ Fontwieh e•orrespond"nt writes :
The JohnenteiiarJtay.• lawsllt. which
was 40 IN. heard In G4s1eri'll. was
.e ttle.l by till 41.0 parties without
ohrz to trial. Mr. Hergve pays Mr.
Joillo jig; also sars-alt
T110 03-4.arose tint of the ser iit 1N'-
1%0011 1110 two Inept -hatred parties on
July '211th last just south of the villago.
W114.11 Mr. Johnson w.. • severely In -
inns' by air. Hargraves s nnto cradling
Into Iris milk w-agnn. Tin -r.' 1.114 s
at Fortunately Mr. James was alone m
large numl,•r of witrei.e.e+ 1T4) on the
111+0. R. \'oone•
vert. of M11411111111. ree-
I1TnhNNlte.1 the . lea lnt.t. Niel Me.sr+.
Slut 1111011. of Harrt'tn', and Ga moo
1 of Galerie'll. the defendant.
- A familiar figure has been removed by
the death of James Boland of Egmond-
ville. He was one of the oldest residents
here and was a cooper by trade.
Would Not Be Without
Baby's Own Tablets.
Keep abreast of the season and snake yourself
a present of a cool, ligh straw hat. This
is June and straw at time.
Also other
sum r wear-
ables r men
and boys.
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers.
Marjorie Pauline, weonti daughter
of air. lust Mrs. R. al. Sehlou, died
'Monday evening, June lith, efter $I'v-
erel 11rolelig of failing health. The
puling lady. 1110 '4114 ill her twenty-
second year. erns teller 411 t11011011.011*
Bank and wits one est F:xeter's Most
porinilar young ladies.
The /math .wrurrd on .1LIy :11Mh of
Ma net rot .lane Greenaway, wid141' of
rhe IMh• .1. 4'. 'fool. at the age of
,etgbty-four years,. Th.' dw•ezisi.l and
her husband e711110 to Exeter ill 4414'
y.-ar 14.71, and Mr. 'roto moa. it, Inwt-
ne.+ here` Itut4l. his .1.at11 In 1903.
Thr.' daughters' and hvu sols sur-
vive : W. II. Meal.- of .Me.lit•iue hair.
Alta. : ala. 1 Rev.4 .1. 11'. Down, atf
1'i'kering, Ont. • airs. W. D. Welt. of
F:x'trr : .1, 1', Tom. of Guld'n.
and Mrs. 1lIr.l 1). A. Bowerman, of
Men tole, �W'i,a'•
Mrs. G. A. Sills is nursing a broken
arm. the result of a fall at her home.
• News has been received by relatives in
town of the death of Mrs. John Waugh at
' Reed City, Mich. Mrs. Waugh and her
husband lived in Seaforth years ago. She
was fifty-five years of age.
At the home of Mrs. John Storey, near
Leadhury, on June 1st, her youngest
daughter, Gertrude, was married to Mal.
corm McLeod of Seaforth. Rev. S. Mc-
Lean offciatieg. Mr. and Mrs. McLeod
will make their home in Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. John Torr nce announce
the engagement of their youngest daugh-
ter, Margaret McDonald, to Genrlte Fer•
guson Foote, son of Mr. and Mrs G. S.
Foote. of Port Aethur, the marriage to
take place on Wednesday, June 72nd.
A quiet wedding was solemnized in St.
Paul's church by the rector, Rev. S. E.'
McKegney. on Monday. June 6, when
Mabel Louise, daughter of Fred Lock-
wood. became the bride of James Cecil
Wiggins of Preston. The young couple
will reside at Proton.
The death of Henry Folland oc.urred
on June 3rd in his seventy-third year.
One son. John Folland, of town. and one
daughter, Mrs. Kress. of Preston. survive.
Laverne Churchill, B. A.. a former
Goderich township boy and a graduate of
Clinton Collegiate institute, who gradu-
ated at the Western University. London,
a few days ago, has had a noteworthy
record. Entering the University there
years ago, he has carded off several
.cholarships and other prizes. He intends
to study law at Oapode Hall.
Mrs. W. Beesley, Mille Roche. Ont.,
writes: "1 have used Baby's Own Tablets
for the past eight months and wouid not
be without them. 1 used them for indi-
gestion and teething and my baby is cut-
ting its teeth without any trouble what-
ever. i can highly recommend the Tablets
to other mothers " %%hat Mrs. Beesley
thousands of other mothers sat. The
Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative
which regulate the bowels and sweeten
the stomach. thus driving out constipation
and indigestion and making teething easy.
They are sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 25 cents a box from the
Dr. Williams Medatne Co., Brockville,
forret w14klirng took place at the
Ja,Oret Metlssli+t flarternage on
Jin be. when ale* Lura Joey.
dung ht.•r of air. and Mra. E. .tory of
110411, was 111111111 in marriage• to
4'h,e,11•r 1'. Harvey.ha' town, by Rev.
M. J. Wilson. Mr. alai Mr*. Harvey
w fll 'undone to reside in Exeter.
ASI 11'1 E1.11.
4',nn•1l Inlet slay 21411 for revs+ion
of aes*•ssineIA roll and generiil opsi-
n++. .1411 nnonlier+ .r.•.eut. )IliIIIt'
of April uniting reed and apprucel.
Y.aeh tn.•nrts•r of e• '14 tu,k anti sub-
'wril».1 to the ue.,•..ury o:uh. The a+-
w•,.luent- of Mrs. E. Itnrr,,%' .u,. re -
111a444 5:164. There f+rtng 111, •rthrr at}
)s.rl. .Luuiesrn owl 4': ii .4 '11 1),(11141
Ili• a *-'s(1r Is• paid. al(1v..1 by snlli-
van and Jamieson 4lrto ovel.»ir+ lie
pail 42.:10 a day. Vu uu.t' of
Jamlesln lint Johnston grants 414 $231
to i.tw•knnw• uteri rhl11srauawrn Agreetii-
ferul reeled... ural ELI to thg 11110(11
1'arir.' al's) 5111 to ('hiblrrli s Aid and
lhnmin.. s,rleety, 1:a1'rich. 4)11 .mo-
tion of 1'angdall 111111 .lamie•+um. 1110
follonving Io,' 0 w'0n' nrl'1•el laid
a4n1i'ipal World. for sulq,lies. *21.:1P:
1.1.1. 1141unrro, drao-iug plank and re-
Irliriirg road No. 1, 54: All. 44 trwasl,
rl'atiring rad No. 2, S4: t'. (hhmpM•11,
rels'irillg road No. 2, $5;'.4114. Kilptt-
rh•k. grading road. Na 2. $'•t, repair.
to gnld0r. $2; JR 1110% Cook. .atlary a+
n,1csMlr :old lsrstage, $1112.5:1: 1\'ilfrv4l
FarrL' h. lrlance on (Irogging rwtel 1
and 2, $19.45; 10hn Hradley. team ,on
grader road 1, $11: (;01110❑ Jn111440111,
11411 en erad.er road 1. $197441: }'rank
Hamilton, 11':1'11 esu grader road 1 gaol
2. y1:4: .44,1111 MrNonnn+. tram on
grid. r rrnid 1 111441 2. $6514*; Ewa rt
JMun,suu, tenni 011 gr14.b•r rad 1 std
Feel as Tho' I Could lot
Oral Thru the Oafs work"
is the complaint of many a woman
in the household, office or factory.
After suffering
pain, feeling
nervous, dizzy
weak and
dragged -down
by weaknesses
of her sex -
with eyes
sunken, black
circles and
pate cheeks -
such a woman
is quickly re-
stored to
health by the
Favorite Pre-
scription of Dr. Pierce. Changed.
too, in looks, for after taking Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription the
skin becomes clear, the eyes
brighter, the cheeks plcontains
��no is
purely vegetable and
Druggists sell it in tablets or
liquid, or send Doctor Pierce. at
Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y..
10 cents for trial package.
$Rasta, OwTAalo.-" 1 was suffering{
from • run-down system some time
ago, was unfit to perform say daily
duties, and ase advised to try Doctor
Pierre's Favnnte Prescription. I tried
It, took two bottles, and wits restored
In my nettled (strength.
praise Doctor Pieree's medicines
highly, and will be willing to
anyone sending • stampedenvelops:,
-Mas. A. H. Manor, R. R. No. 1.
2. $6514 .lulu) Bradley. operating
grader read 1 and 2. $14: Gonion
Jamieson. repairing hill road 1,
$13.511: Stanley Hayden. dr:lgtring mad
5:4.75; /Vert M.Whinney, repairing
culvert' rad 4., $1.25; Thos. Smi5•y,
rgriring rad and bridge reed 6,
y'n - Ji J Mtttatmr repairing three
;adverts rood 7, $1.3.5: .engin Gordon,
ripairing. i...0 4i, 141.4441: (herb. Pent-
land. repairing read 4t, 411: John
1t'nnett, repairing h111 road 7, $4.30:
Wilfred I'arri+ll. gravel road 2. $:r:
John C. Insilco, grading MINI tiling
rad 4, yrs; Frank Willi.. gtliveslttng
and repairing bridge mud 3, 510;
Thos. Garvey. grading road 5. 52: J.no.
S. lailto11, tale ami diteh road :1. $M:
1'. Murphy, drawing tile and 4radittg
grill road 3, 522; .101111 Tigert, tib• rond
4. 542.90; John I(iltatriek, repairing
'invert rad 4, $1: John di. Reel. re-
pairing bridge road 5. 7:14'. 1111 motion
of Johnston and Sullivan. cou11•11 ad-
journed to meet June 21,111 at 1 p.m.
C. R. able A4:H, f'o'rk.
Prompt Service
Reasonable Prices..
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Phone No. 1.
The Old Farm ('riek.
(From The t'tliengo 'tee'+'rll of twenty
year. 1141,. 4
1 want to gall 11 -fishing: I'm getting
mighty tire('
Of sitting in the otliev here, afraid of
getting fired.
I've get a funny feeling. feeling kind
o' sick,
want to go a -tingling down the of
farm crick.
1 want to go a-flshine-this weather's
all too fine
To Is• sitting rlllnl a dusty (leak re-
membering the time
T ,mild mosey Clown tis' towpath, s-
teeling nighty slick, -
Arwl yank the great big shiners from
the nt' farm crick. -
1 want to go a -fishing, 1 mist Ire rik,
1 guess;
Don't feel at all like digging into this
business. -
No, sir : w,m'how, h don't ,are to take
alw,th'r trlek,
T jowl want to go a-flshing in the old
farm crick.
i've got 10 go rt -fishing. that's 1111 there
is to It.
No •let.' can do me any gong, or help
to snake me tit
There's one thing. and one only. that
will Curr and /•urs m' quik.
And ?Fiat's a -going fishing to tM' old
tart crick.
Studebaker and Gray -Dock
Let us give you a demonstration with these
cars' before you decide on your spring purchase.
Our new Battery Charging Outfit is working
fine and we are now in a position to handle any
number -cif Batteries.
good Batteries. This is proven by the fact that
four-fifths of the ..Automobile Companies in. Can-
ada are using them as standard equipment. We
have them here ready for delivery.
Non -Glare Lenses from $2.75--$4.00 a pair.
1 Gray -Dort Special, good as new, 1920.
1 Studebaker, 4 -cylinder, 5 -passenger, thor-
oughly overhauled and repainted.
1 Ford Touring, in good running order.
1 Ford Delivery Truck, in first-class shape.
Case Tractors and Machinery: ---
London, Ontario
July 4th to August 12th
For information and Calendar write
K. P. R. NEVILLE, Registrar
Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away
414' usaterr el& taw Serer. bow
• repo ewuM MOMaad a ad I• u4' se
TheFamous"VELVETIX" Rup
w yaw• mom get wow •ar+eealwer••*ran 2
ese eaalwsorto Mb Ar •• VILVITSX' ►�"rte�
w. t '7 morose loth woes mart*
way era moll lar• room, NIBiaw
ataallee 1e00
M GAMINS 11/11011111' 11 LONOOI1, OMs.