HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-16, Page 60--lti1Hreatit)', Juue 14, 1J2t. - OODII RIOR, ONT. BI WORLD EVEN7 TriEIR SIGNIPICANGE. bf' �1All'iam`Banks. Troubleon a large scale loots ler We Greek campaien almost Pram the begi Allies in the situation'in- TilikeY and Asia mag. and Mustapha liejn;a! Pasha now i:raposesoriel.,to enlarge the arra of_ his vie - Minor. It is difficult to follow; the :Imo. st ; daffy changes. --seri- , .rogu complication. The: Allies_ luxe- about) _we ait; tt'ritfng „, is: char • that 6f+ts rog reached the int, however. where they • 'Inc 0.1 a variety his Lal int igu % . been c rr) Genera must deal with le crisis with a non band of imagoes. i la) in, down a hie of to'passt or ace.Tt terms t' . t are virtually dctated polity for the official Tuik, n1 Constanti• , ityng, on by Mustapha I e -I' Pastia, the Turk ti die and at the same time securing the summer, std of Soviet Russn. Poo! -he'll: troops again partici 1V.tietHbt leader lt:►s++ed a rte T-rne'�ucasnsr�l nth : tmn>rnw yuan spend the most Con -t.i vi cp'e . (itSa j'( oat 111:1), n: f 1 rmshed hY tete estate at Chats an anti -waste platform. Erskine won parties then was a ',tie breach of op in - with a votebt 7,244 against 5,30.0. `l his ion. but he held their resp:ct and admir- was followed the next day by the intro- ation as he did that of a host of others duction of a Government III in the Commons teduciog unemployment pay from t to lifters shillings per week for men and from sateen to twelve shil- lings for women. It also provides for increased contributions from both em• ployeesand employers. The necessity for the measure was explained by Minister of Labor Macnamara as due to the fact that the enormous increase in unemployment. owing to the miners' strike, meant that the Government was paying out two million pounds per week in unemploy- ment insurance and receiving only three hundred and fifty thoasand. A few days earlier it was announced that. following the next harvest, the bill guaranteeing minimum prices to the farmer for his products will be repealed. It has been estimated that this entailed a Pubsidy of between twenty and thirty million pounds a year. The Act. which was really in broader terms than a mere guarantee of prices, practically gave the Ministry of Agriculture control of that industry. Cessation of that control will also carry with it the abolition of the wage hoard of the Department, which Iixed minimum men[ of the wages varying from forty-six to fifty r shillings weekly for agricultural laborers. eWectn On top of these practical evidences of children in Eng.1-. tightening the national financial burden a man tongue. the announcement by Lloyd George that Copyrighted b> if the miners and' the mine operators fail Pres-. Leat to come to an agreement scam the! ten million pound guarantee dieted by.)EDUCATION DISC the Government as a tide -over until wag trims could be settled would be wit - Huntn ('sunt Ir1Mo.: a drawn. New negotiations are now ente nio :l'ou.d . I' "re'''. lin 1: upon In the hope of settling the s eke. The situation has been aggravated • the I The Huron Truant• strike or lockout in the Lancashir It Is estimated that. in all. over a, people art idle in Britain as the abor disputes. from the King down, by reasnn o: los tine personality. his uralTe.ted mannerisms and his downright earnestness. Halt•a•millwc .:,)!tars was paid at one time as part of the purchase price of 114,8X10,000 few the old colony of Swift Current Menrton:te reserve, containing 107,000 acres of the best agricultural land in Saskatchewan. James L. Logan. of Jacksonville, Ftort.la. heads the syndicate of capitalists trent that State which is buying t1I )and man the Mennonite Owners- The deal means that about ' seventy-five per went. of the Mennonites in the Swift Current district will soon leave to settle on {and they are buying in • Florida. This trainastwn is being handled by a Western co :);can . The purchasers will bring in Amenc. n settlers at nce to take the piece of tike Mennonites, who • under the terms .�t the agreement take their personal belongings. but leave all chattels, farm machinery. houses.• churches, schools. etc.• (here are 400 complete sett of buil,iings The deal 151 the culmination ap7arent.y of the resent.' Mennonites against regul- ationsthe training of their rather than the Ger- i Wash Day and Backache WASH day is the least wel- come day of the week in most homes, though sweeping _day is not much better. Both days are most trying on the ash Ind Colonial back. ed). MED. Rater - :oil mutat iiat.ywy.•ra' t- • ..:e met -1 the -o- en the Duke, of Dev the Canadian Perlis set of that kind t this country. e new Governor he Atlantic e Duke, it to In pu his ti worth n tfie native an f the p,w• that the trea ' w hislt"was IVO. has never t en fined Turkey to Eu tie • a sma. 1.1.1tr under contiof. -adjacI admiwsstralion of Greece for a an under axed peri •--five )earl.- At the end of .. tionah•(t were w th��in slat)' notes of that time th future of the Iertltory waw ('onstarttinople. F-11:1144 adi:lrces would 11) hie c e id:d i :I rkhistite. % it,br the r nfront • the :Il!ie- a ith the question of auth cities . s. It has-toc remembered Allies'for the-armus 0t tt'tanet•t. Defame talo, in an appea 01 peace v.1 h !ix 1•u, k-, ansullies- llier Russian• alt. once fought Lords. during the at Sevns'un 1 ust 1 itlt4I 1' deet loviet..are_it rr_ed to have Ku/amens,�:-1 aged. Ate Satbtt>slas -int-.\-1a Minor L1,de .. ..,s nue Optimist nc arrogance nos rani - the' tone' to C 'n -tan nople and thetonektct tit. theNntior a iso fescr•s, ' Following the closeof 1, as esuc..d,bl: A.lu.tapl •. Tit a vii hdrawal session Premier Meighen 1 of the comparatively small f •rcee of Use -for England to attend the Alles f' m C•on•lanun(lple i. l•tnanded British Empi a Premiers. The strain of washing, ironing and sweeping frequently deranges the kidneys. The system L poisoned and backaches, rheumatism, pales to the limbs result. Kidney aeUen must be aroused-. ,0001 't'eurls•riinwe II :••11. 011 t'(41- the liver awakened to action and the t Of n.»stay, June s:. a ;^'' i.l. ut J: i. i bowels regulated by such treatment ' Ruls•rt•r.u, of *' • +-npie.l tie • as Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. .hair. The seer U `hit "If"'",\ This favorite prescription of the wen - n ta•iug utrorrK, 1:- f E. Tum was p p ! known Iteceipt Book author will net • irh•gal a,. fail you In the hour of need. wr.1�{ng. r•r Oee put a dew, Mc a Eros at at. dealers, Mc- 'motors, Jit ( r,•I.•rwan wall al• er Ldgansoa, Bates & Co., Ltd., Tecate. , ..nutty coma- . " extk•ta. 0f s:.t• atinttally • ,•it- gar). an , adrhees•1 :sit Kt point+ ,in •• she potnf- . the aeininiunity , - r7Iu;; instil Testi- - --- ^n• nark was (,.i- un•••rtigt.i at otic -i' et rte rrtr.l4 The .lute. . . or to his mildness was hip ,,l''•- :.r,•.I by the' • A nl.JibrlPy ..f elle of •the audience. _ear e emita•fl vivre led him, I ))W1 IMtKee - in ••\'1,1.1':..n of nth.• adder's, gireif Ly hire pro• eppisiifed seers nF it watt .1w thhi low e (e,vefte'• - ...edattoo a eti: e is expected Trinities Rab. General. Lord soh. ',Theme ., .me time this pointed to Intra s said, will ,not oil. nyueetitlg is life. but will the .twtchtktr on his beautiful he, II I by tit occasionally' put- Prurinctal e in the House of inter«king anti ions of the British the, medical if Ilnnn• and d'h, rel out the he11- e Parliamentary, and to rhe anti iled at once ext iiogroctign.t• nference of iowo.t up atttd r i Tiers, orirotr-se. liar flet : re ::i -ed. But departure t corre:ix:04cn uuna.few dash it was stared that the Canadian ess. who accomp sent out a tory in which in pa stared tie the Premier would any pr _rd commitments to ex ures for armaments .at this time. policies regarding the same. This be to en as oictally recording 11 Prem Sultan's Govern ent, un one pretext and _ balite on a large seals t•i theTlnrks Iwtl.rr, dr'a)id he ratification of (Inc lu with tie ie Bei'sbevtk allies or abandoning .treaty. Mustapha K al Pasha rallied (Inc Constant:nople and losing all that had etve,z0100 *0 the, u Britts I 114111 fd ofo %aswh,l al satep (1 aup a beer inn t, t oo` 0;e eh d•ksr Predictions on the ,I• ve rr ort• ut .-t Au4)ut. Y1u>taptu had .To q :sh parjen aveu•Hally )tone a -fray fnSO 1 if V w fiigttttn2 1 arks • ; trti rr and a nhm a ft'w''days their making. No1- tnahy o the trioti -s that form Is. uw•t td a . int standing which one may •urnuse that uemms. allegia ce to the Suit• Ilan I t with his frrces. 'lo Dr. Chase's Kidncij•LiveR Pills are* at at l-it.•r m M•r- ..f tI.•• it was ••I'Iuii,osltislaai \i with the• n:rsle•-H'a'sidy. Plane i nob)" The wet.. - r IHI.•r•,1 us•lud- i dit- ' wt all Ideal of • •--alarel•iug. .s ru- o tog , school XIII : • n•.43ut. tis 1 weep, bir'sll •. "Tin• :pleasing rt a nil enterer ten _ manner in, which w thewere pr.-• n•.-1" tbkignted all resent t ! ri•oui i er's views: - on. Wili Crooks. M. P.. one of the st delightful and lovable characters f^ ho ever sat in the British Commons, has• f' n excellent ('c•ntsIry I.i r M,t're nrew in t e Allies will r'eciee upon is vigorous ias•ed alter a protracted illness, To ••lain harlot, et Greece's e1T..tt: to adjnn t the il,IWNV h eve: to know' a brave and gal- Hrl.en - - i ifyett n,t ---: )ani t+ouf, a trite to. t I:usnrss that the Altus wer 1 at T t ur ' take sr p after t sir of tabor, and tn7 a. n a , sni• p displayed h� the Tut<. and will deed of all classes, and a tel ical London- rnn11 giest essxte u-authe wurldiv:.r. The w p"'sen(a him trot t against a• y ,turtt)er er. Born in Poplar, -Crooks, who was arrivitioe acgresmtn by any 11.111) 11 t of „eel, reared in povertyand alwa s knew what Impila ah out tits heli.;• d to have burn leun•1 at a )' --tante, ,i- it_ -was to..atruggle aga•nst it. had repre- whiner rip to held -tis- L„t:du.r �ak�--µs*ei►- ,el en rr rr•,r,tativt- of both the Tut lash R•trecchment is the warchword .t the sentcd Woolwich as a Labor man in the they +Ieeill (i -veiin:l its acrttiteti niuddecateme of Famish Government. 'flare tr.a be no- Commons since 1903. with the exception the .0 her part txatv-which--were a distinct-direct-ctntnetlieetletween bleat ' y and of a few months between the two elec- dress, .-.n . - gain lie the 'lurks.'Greece took these the result of the b)e-electi•• in St. lions held in. 1910. He was foremost in winch speak pr.., • 1sr I t.•tntl th••-- ur ,,n the f lis..- iu ' • cool ry. un m.- m It w -a+ r i cwt- westing of t u• ll.•u- on • elate t ex,. It Is Int. ••u -Eeliicatibn read by -Pew-4 t',.r0uree. ' 11,• (National Crop Improvement S.rvt.e.)- • "Building the weather out is fully as important es maintaining a itre In the furnace. In the old days when we scorched our Laces and froze our backs-atlthe open fireplace, we went shivering to tied and breathed Icicles on the coverlid. •'We have learned to plaster our honked. Inside and out, but In trains construction we have always had dif- ficulty through expansion and con- traction of preventing the plaster from cracking and scaling off. "But the introduction of triangular steel reinforcement and the improve- ment of outside -plasters has correct- ed this evil and a house now could be tumbled end over end and its plaa- tered walls remain Intact," says Mr. ' R. S. Rider. president, Canadian Steel & Wire Co. "Another feature Is that reinforced stucco never has to be painted. which is something every home owner will appreciate." rlleanrLign 1 llt� • sent during • fc..•e Me - "I haven't any itatipathy far t man who beats -his wife," said a passeng. in the smoker of the 5.15. "Well.- said another. a timid. and sued WIlow. "a man who can.b•at up Id wife doesn't need any sympathy.'' -The American LegiOh Weekly. I that tl.•- of study for _- nal for I tr.el -• u.e'b'-JtOnld b:• The waiter coughed apoing• tical!)•. 'Thr -',+4 s•!k-- rtn••wM int'-_ "7l11to pteat6 c - sAtd. :' is i•1 l•all with the 1\'ell. Thortias" inquired tete amiable •.n:• •r} life. The .s•nl..r diner. t Khat can 1 do for you'" I •r -•u•4 Mend *hiring Well, sir, 1 am-er-going to leave rt. • ref emit, -•n: wee, this restaurant, and the boss won't give' nie farin •luringme a character. I thought, perhaps, you'd y.•.ur. The eel., just say as i was honest. I've always' U14111 sngg,e•dinew I served you here. •er !" leeltereef would int- t "I don't mind saying you're MMest;"aatd ' and induce the diner. "(ave me a pen and papar." r ••r vend their "l.hanks, v, ry much. sir." said Thomas.. firmly clutching the document in his sal to 11..1.1 hand. "i can never repay ytou sutbceni!v ' Arwe•s•lativa He bent low and whispered in the diner • lie Itx,.l by : ear. 'Come here tomorrow, sir; and l•ii eel to hole) let you have a feed for tspth.ng:" ci onges wltft ill grace.- They sere, as a Ge age'•. t� e•tmuetrr, nece,,lt .ed by the all that appertained to improvement in matter of tart, male at the expense of resignation of Hie Walter ter g. who has the municipah:y In which he lived and to Rink,ny asst,ned to ti:r. She:vexed•the bean made a vts:owtt./ F.ir that safe the day of his death was an opponent of a.ive a ..I in- allies and rushed to an Tun seat trete -w, to t.vo `unservative class war. He was a firm believer 'and attack 0n the Tut:is in. order to take by car, eilays,' r llerl.ert low , sit %porting upholder of trades unionism, het teyeand ' 1 e3, It t'..1+ t,--7,.at4 It/ int. -d the tirrat't (lv.......-,.. and -J. M. that he would not Ro,. Between him and ;.. I • P •1; re iris •na►krd'1,• l.rsi:.rie. wb o r..n :1% an in lrinctldent on fire advanced radical element of the Labor jpificy_EIAG,°r _ An Uncommonly Good Invest To -day, With many good eats on the market. the j"sray-Dort stands o Built,in Canada by skiI1cd Canadian an exceptional fair and gn uncommonly desiral)le investment for you. Workers and Canadian Capital '-- You c•im buy all the good qualities of the .Cray -Dort in 'other cars if y _ ' • are willing to pay the price. -Bttt-in -nes other tar itt anya-h('rst Clear t}ie -DDort price can -secure- the complete combine ion of desirable features which snakes .the tray -Dort the biggest bargain in the motor car field.. `Gray -Dort value has rated a wide, demand fir dill car. - But Gray -Dort eaters are able to he almost immediate del`)ve ea to a-Tew owners. See your dealer today. ` 5 --..o r r - www InTrtHIFESII'tk4 13UU.tr f a �. . F. HOLLAND, GODERICH, ONTARIO ,'RAY-UORTMOTORS, LiMITED Chath m, Ont. • • e► e (National Crop Improvement ae,vice. ) In the summer time when the thunder raps appear in the sky anil the storm sweeps down on the faros. the farmer thinks less of his safety than he does of his live stock. • When the stock Is In the geld dur- g the storm It may hemp that the at mals drift against the wire fence, whl alae wooden every ■ h post by means of a wire six or elle t feet long twisted around all of the Zine wires of the fence and then secured in a hole In the ground. The hole should be dug deep enough so that the wire comes in rontaet- with moist earth, A tense so ground- ed offers no danger to live stock dur- ing the thunderstorm. The wire fence built on galvanize•1 steel fence posts is a early grounded at every post sad no thunderstorm with Its discharge of Ightntng ran in)ere the cattle end -• by suth a h may -Be heavily charged with anti are ahncked_to death. tnary fencebuilt pow. should be grounded Stiffness It 1. utoni•hrnr bow gwskly IsItnud a Lat. aunt rein.« lla- mas and l.menew. Gives Great Relief Mn. A. is Calsus .11:1 Slt►wb.mm. wed M�,il ...a'. Lamm. 01 ,slaw.•..). e00 .. V . l ,..ole F.. Os. Yell n l« thaw.. tam wart ..0 ma that 0 p.• peat ..1..1." ❑ 17 • it,. F,e4 ).,..r•... Ion 717. Thorold. Ont - • 1 we.r.d tors tnwa.. wrtS oustotorn rot I.r. Wt orator .r d.u.a to try Mr 1 Lnm.nr .d •Y Moats/ .ounoLo41y slur 11.1,1,. .p,.,tw4.. I Wrer..nd . wawa 0..d 0 h., e.urrly For. 1h,. .•e" I u. .o out wn.tta.t Ivey up my 1..e and tet' e. rrd,t eo il,nud . t,..tr.t. • 1 .;seal p.upk ot.n,t ?turd .. .d other -sate '••a rt.. :\ 404. MINARD'S King 01 Paid LINIMENT 1'armeuta To.a Scotts TIIONAS GUMMY,. AUCTIONEER. LOX 87, Gnderleh, All inetruetlone by mail er left at Signal office will be . promptly attended to. Residence tris phone 1114.. LEGAL M41hMER4tN, K. (', it.altiIS. • TER, Sullotttrr, notary polities (,ill•-•• Haseitton street. r._ tine fis4tutre.. Tluat funds t0 l.wu at .lowest rates, D C. I1.tY . - - as• BARRISTER. S01.1t'ITOR, T.\• ICY Pl'ItLIC, ETC. ivrling lisyk ltloek, Ilam- tltmt -street. G.skrteh. Telephone ,•e. Howl Estate.. Loans and lnsnranee. Pu,iUIu tail'. KILi.IaR.tN •. neQat r'. n.tRti1S'rrIts. I44t1Ue'iTttft4, NU- TSItti:a PI'B1-I1', ETV. (Ifllc.• on the Agitate. second door from 1Tamllton TrigT ri10Tre'lf. - 1'rirate Bustle to loan at lowe t tt'. I'roiedf.s•r, K. (' J. L. lallloran, .I14d1.1 E. names Ci►.i1:1.I:S t;ARIttlw, t.1.._ It. R_\It- itISTEIt. ,attorney, solicitor. etc.. G sI,'rleh. Money . Loaned at lowest ratter SE.t.;I:lt. BARRISTER Si 11.- 11!0* nut.uy pulilie and eon- recan.•rr, udice-Court lluuer, 4:0.1e- ri h. (.5-12m Il l{ 11att1►F% LOA.1R. ,ETC. Ml►K!LLP Mt•TCALfF21IE 'IXsCR- ('U.--Farm and Lmlated. town pr.perty -Insured. 41tf1.1.re-Jae. Connolly, Pear.. Godes rleb P. 4).: Jas. Evatns, Vicki -Pres-. Resechwood P. O.; Thomas E. Hayne 1Set Tre•a., $wafur•b 1'. O. Dlreetors-D. F. al.tiregur, 11. R. Na B. Seeforth; John 0. ()river, No. . 4, n'altot.: William Rine, R. R. Xn. 2, Sea forth: John Ih•nnrwtes. Br•si- hagen: 4;.•o McCartney. R. It. No. 3, Se$torth: Ruewrt berries Harinck: )laic01m \tet wen, Clinton: James Erase, Bee.'hwMat; James Connolly. t,.alorirh. Agent -s : 1. W. Ten, , r.xlerieh Ales. ieitch. it. R. No. I, ('triton: William Chesney. S•xforth:.E. flinch- I• e. Illeafi'rth. 1'nlley-1lohterr ran pay all iwyrneuts an.1 get their cards re- celpted at R. J. linrrisli s Clothing „Mora, Clinton: R, 11. Cart's Grocery. Klogaton street, fodey$rb, or J. H. 'c, General Pore. Bayfield. - J • (National trop Improvement Servlca.) "Duluth Is the gateway for • hugs - proportion of Canadian grain,' M'i'a- Ur. C. lr. MacDonald, secretary, Duluth Board of Trade, "and at no other point does Canada come Into such close contact with the United States. "Millions of bushels of grain are shipped across the oceenl all of it being kedged to protect the operators as well as the banks. Banks gen- erally refuse to lend money on grata which Is not protected by hedging. "The shipper does not desire to profit by a rise, but merely wishes to secure his ordinary profit of a few cents per bushel for handling. "However, it takes time to get his shipment purchased and under way and as the price of the grain may decline enough in the meantime to wipe out all of his profit, he makes a practice when he buys the wheat from the country, to sell future de- livery contracts against it in some grain exchange. thus one offsetting the other. "This method of eliminating risk Is not apeculatton, In fact it Is the eery opposite. There Is always a speculator who is willing to under- take this contract, but the grain handler who kedges insures himself against any possible low, The grain dealer, the dour miller and the ex- porter are not in a position to take chances and that is why they take this kind of insurance. "I wonder," says he, "whether fainters realise In shipping grain attru. 1, that they ars building up the fertility of Europese farms Instead of their own? It world ahem to me lhal this grain ought to be milled on 1111• side of the water in our own te•'t+. it. eh typing lour Instead of •:lute grain." 1 The Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Ural. -r• r,,rofully attended to et all hour., night or day. t:nDERiCH Music for Everybody A gv� ter - Starr Cecilian Harmonic Phonographs Call and let us give you a demonstration of these splendid instruments. We have in stock the Starr-Genaett Records which can be used on all these instruments. GEO. RICHARDSON Hamilton and St. Andrew's fits, (.odeefeh Pone 164