HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-16, Page 44 Thum'lay, JIM*. la. 19.21. Boys' $I8 Suits FOR $8.50 About- thirty-five Boys' Suits in good trong grey and brown tweeds. Just the kind .tp..give the boy lots of wear. On- :sa • commencing Saturday, ane i Sth. Sizes 28 to Regular price J 5 12.00 to $ i S.00 YOUR CHOICE AT X8.50 Phone 57 • r • 9rid� l eat 1'r•G„r..lir.0 1f•rt. Goderich WE HAVE SEVERAL SHADES OF 'FRE SIGNAL e,r QVDIRIO , DU•N(IANNON. Thursday, Jlitw 10. Mr. awl Mal. Jas. Wilson, of Elora. were ( Rove at the home of )1r, and Mrs. Debt. L)*'idrou ut the week. ad. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Allgtr+tilde, of British Columbia. are in the vhittity these dugs visiting their friends. Mr. 4). E. Augustine, of Brantford. also 411 4 here over Sunday. The t'n'..hyterlan congregation has decided to hold its garden party on the moose lawn on July 24)1h. Mrs. Bedell. of Toronto. is V4.441414! her daughter. 11rs. r Rev. a ('amplai1. 'Mrs. S. .1. Young. of Goderich, is visiting friends herr. Quite a uuwiw'r Of the young iw„ple 14.ok in the moonlight trip art Gwferirh on ale»Idai".evening. The crime •txi ganleus In this Villa. ity lure advanced w•olrlerfully lately, ani all signed of a bouutlful crop are evident. 31r., anti airs. John Ryan motored to Loudon on Simik►y. Mr. Geo. Baste has pt►n•hased a new For.I ear. Finnigan-Twamley.-A quiet hut pretty a..,ldnrg wag !it ileum isel at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Twamley. Aslrfiel.l, 011 Saturday., Jane 11th. when their only daughter. Beta Merle. Iw,;uue the bride of Mr. ltaymowl H. Nin4igau, youngest son of Mr. Hugh Finnigan ctrl the late Mrs. Finnigan of Crewe. Rev. R. C. Cope- land. lt. A.. ofciate,l. The bride. enter41 the parlor leaning on the arm of lwr tither. to the strains of 1.ohen= the law•halsh Pteabyter,..n..'lpirch au grin's wedding ►uan•h played by alis July :int. The preaMw•r of the day (:ertrtule M. Gledhill of Renmiller. will Ice. Her. W. R. M, In•o.!l of I. .44. The eeltemony was perfermet under' don. an wn•iI of evergreens trimmed with! laalb--McNair-A ::•t wehliittt white noses and surmo11I4t.d by w wed.; was solemnised at the t- :i.•I.I anode•, ding rad!. T14.' hrtdo tooted charming -44m Wednesday. June •.',. rr !1 a alt: in a gown of Ivory silk g..orgette en•pW--viten Mary Jane, t4d. ' with tingle and open hes.rtit head trine; Mr alai Mrs. a. MeN.. r. H ,'. Iluttwl, ming. and overskirt of ombnittered_On holy bonds of matril ivesiec net. and wore 111 bridal veil of silk I4'. i101.1.. son of Mrs. - It .f. net- which was held in place by a ! Ashn,id. Itev. J. a. f I otH, later. !tandem of lilies of the valley, and Folbow•iug the cerenoa, ••nple re - tarried •i shower iouquet of opheiia turned to the home of • I••'.'t.ar- ros•s and nraldenlutir fern. Miss Gert- rots. where tlwy parte .... •nulptu• Rate - Finutu:all_ .uie.e. tit the groom. oily diutwr. The young ,.,: 1,:•• wo(orcl at -tell as rh,ttlh:arer, while Miss 11114111 to(:olert.- Tw•a'uley. niece of the briar. made a for a grip d ainty .1fftli• floa,•rarirl. After hearty M'ttmilweg a u�ratul;ltiou. the guests were In- 1►n their ret e It *1 to 1).". dinhtgrinm, alien. a dainty the gnsitn'v 'fa wehrnt d u.•Jehuwr was served. The 1t:t`',- eat he hese • .waslle:ulttfully decorated far the for a,.1nng and ha a•.vsjon. The health of, the bride and ,..groom walonipns.Q41- nir fittingly re- NIT.E. .4pi41d.cl to. .after whiell the bride and R'eddi -a►n Reln.-1.; Ione b)th. gnome -left- -b - -�aaetnr--for- -i "+1r- iNw,r• of Mr, seri-lit-. J.+htSi their return they who tars lop their 1 residence on the gyesee'• term 'lu i7ast \\' a .'►auric. :4T. HEL,EN'. •1bt,xLlr, .btu 11. A numb.'- of our. yonlaa 1 'Ile en- juy.d 41e moonlight excursion o0 Lake Huron On SMouday ui-1't Mr. J. Murrayand allIZ ler Mi•- literlle Murray, R. N., f buffalo. an• viper, with their ova. I Mr. D. It Murray. Iter. J. 1.1ttte, o[ 1: • s,c.wrl. Gaol Iter•. �1r. Jour., oL lkrl;;r.1,cett wet•.' %'Iri1Ur,+ at 4111.' malls! a 14 INIi '. Mr. )tri 'l1rN. Hyde au, t:Imllt' 1 airs. Etied ('starter mot •r•• " 14"11111oe. ('reek au $UIrmt .1.111 the day with Mr, Joe Hyde- laya Mins Yalnn Jo3 apes: It ft at Wiuglpw atlas W. , stjthprtand i« ho'ti.lo fraud altu•ht'll -a4r1 will -p.'! a we,•ti alt home before blaring for Toronto. Mr. and MIN. James I:.•i-'a awl ;.•n - Harry. Frank, Rem ar.l Stuart,. tend leaving for Montreal '.•n Thur - day and sail on the rte•ru••r Sevwlau- avian Friday for Sono Pon, 'Eng- land Their many frl,:..I. dere wish Grin a mule trip back to the o1.1 Inaue- 1u4 4 . air. and Mr1. M. 11•9•ow.il and family were visitors' a: 4 Mr. and Mrs. !'lark- on Yrlday. • A$HFIET Anniversary aerviees , : '.' held In , taking the r••.:.,,.on train o Toronto 1 • William. otter 1' I•1tilt3 , they :••i.le on at 1 1-1I. T11•-, hes .•tr - fri.'n.l - um :,.1 fife. Martin-Sen�ur and Elephant PAINT which we are clearing at greatly reduced prices. The colors are`good. Quarts $1.00, Pints 50c. Some VARNISI STAINS also in the following : Cherry, Walnut, Light Oak, etc. Pints SOc, Half Pints 25c. - We have many other lines reduced throughout the store: We have au order for 2,000 doz. ni\eggs next week. Call us for our price. - - ,\' CHAS. W. ALT ,IVB Phone, Golert.h Rural 76r3 L.A ES, Ont. \ 4' n the Tailoring World" T 4s -great temptation today to --- the n clothes, either cloth, trim- • mings or skill in making. VJ ith " Martin Clothes " quality comes first. Leave your order with us and rest assured that nothing will be slighted. F. H. MART S-TTailor 1 amid showers of e,nfettl an.l good Mills, Most Wawarrw/h ' yinng.•s! •!she- from their many friends, for 4taughter. Akira entre : •'r..it. w.. - a l..tlt;ym.N,n trip to iA,1rl•al. Toronto (u,l(..I in marriage t 11r I:ver. • Niagara. The •(node travelled in Mita, of Colborne t(.wnstc.;� The .•, r• a H. y -*'tree snit and silver lh• a lint.) many was iwrfortmet he I1• -I' at1. Iii.) t►n 41 'ir return the yo couple will• of Nile. The bride aur a ilwrle re-lde i the groom's tarn, near Crewe. I ,estin. and her !longue - ^ to-. - • and -frills. 311.w I. .-'Iv IN(:SItR1TN:E. dressed in pale !due made W.,lnes(lay, Jane 13. - ''h:u•mint ihaver-wirt, a \l4-.4 t. ]Inc fi: aI '•in.N.a strt wN► +. ham I hamtwy. inMar wad Visiting r. atir,'s in .tshfel. : It"• s'ar'r. ij Alli Mr. and 11 Thus Laur►tu ratted batt that shathat evening for 104' Colborne tnwrtshlp. T _ - i :t is:.• - luxe- ;, many friends attend \lis. A:uti•: lot ie. of rim. o. K ins at her Wont here. . \t.•s.r•. John' and te Sullivan air) 41.,Iter iMltou are h. 11r. Victor t►'RriI-i - s home from .\ssutupttuu College • for tlw saminr•r Orise a few from •Kin idge took advantage of the Greyhound xturs.ivn to lietroit. - I'rartteally all the men of t bah of Ashriel.I attended the ra the holy 4anN' itio•iety in St. A rat ,n Sunday. - -' -' - Garden Party a Great St. .los•plt' ., church grouir s nn aro n4' -41y evening. Jule lith. were the 'tome of a Very 41/41.P.4111 garden party given tinder. the auspices oto -the r.ndies' Altar Soviets-. The day helm1 ow1' tine. the 'twilit.. from nil the snrroutl•l• Mr iug district•4 were in atterclanee. Tlw crowd was estimateed at ahw.41 700. The gronrwls were beautifully rlevorat- R -v. el with evergre'ns and gay hunting. ato.i wi►rn -darks P . est in -sissy were; upY lighted brightly by the Alamo lights, 1 service whirl' also righted the hall. The fish- pnnl was * great attraction for the kiddies. while the w-b.'e1 of Lrrtnne Service at hell the attention of the older folks. will be held at 3 A f: ray table. soft drink booth. air' ..1111114 teat Qui their share h, keepingI Rev.., ev. J F. Cts ere.** 4 't* woad -humor. Therethwale I tame314404d3ww at the data. in the "-•4_- hnl1. .•xcel14'41t mnslc Is•iug furnishes MEMORIAL SERI by .Gene 4'. ('omiot' and her orchestra .d (:,N14•ri.•11. As :a result .of the draw-' Tablet t'nselled in Marury of William Int ennt..l the wicker table was I. ('a$ '.- •wardel to Mrs. Stella Dean, the rug Kmox vhnmh: albs,, 1'011141 414)4 -}'rnbl(---Anst}n,- Moe comforter lei hold wit -the courapipttloti that as - of ('REWF Garden Party. -Rem, • g.t r- d,o tarty to be held at of Mr -Ul.•rr MnQuoid on I rveTiing. June _4. miler the eu.;•.,...1 Crewel church. Music "SIM w• • • •u by 'flee L 4....1rri.1I Or.4w14 d'in;t- 4 :111w }11:4 hot. .d M..11 i and l�iw 11:111.1 Howell. off QM1(TUch :1714) ail- deo.mes by Rev. )l,•aire. ('op.' Ind and ('rwldwlt Tea -erred from 1', to 14 icier. Adaais-,on 4D•-. and 25e. Everybody tome and hate a go..l thrice. BENM4LLaR. M?.I. -\1-m. Iia• -1.4: d Det elt. Mrs. 1. C. Madel 1,11,1 NM, lira. acid anter \t -m. Malt. of Ann Arbor.- are ptwa•n rlaititr4 at the house of W. Mallei. 11..a1ii11 r. ODERI('H TOWXSHTP. . D. Mover. d ('lncode h w II Sy "The Scotch Store" gclip STORE HOURS: ti A. M. TO 6 P. M. t SATURDAYS Io P.M. WVVV�Ia Phone 56 Great Reductions in Knitting Wools Just at a most opportune time when knitting is so popular there is a big reduction in prices of our well- known Monarch Wools. Monarch Floss, all colors, 25c per oz. ball. Monarch Down, all colors, 35c per 2 -oz. ball. Monarch Butterfly (silk and wool), all colors, 65c per 2 -oz. ball. These Yarns are now below pre- war prices. :- WOMEN'S ALL -WOOL _ BATHIN SUITS $7.50 You will enjoy y r dip much more if you are dressed i one of our special all -wool Bathing S 'ts. Wear pure wool and avoid cold They come in a great variety of colt com- binations, in the smartest styl' -, at $7.50_s $sit, _____Many other styles from $1.50 LONG SILK GLOVES ARE POPULAR Women's 12 and 16 -button - length Italian Silk Gloves are greatly in demand by good dressers. In black and white, Kayser and Queen quality. $1.75, $2.25 and $2.50 pair. W n' -a -2 -dome Silk Gloves, black and colors, $1.00 to $2.25 pair. BUY YOUR WHITE SKIRTS NOW Exceedingly smart white Wash ,Skirts, made from extra quality Bed- ---lord cord, gaberdine and repp,`with crush belts, slash pockets, button - trimmed. From $2.50 to $3.95. DOSE YOUR VERANDAH MATS SATURDAY This is Verandah Time. To en- joy it to its limit a new mat will go a long way. The Wearever Coco Mat is rain and sun -proof and lies flat without fastening. Natural color, with colored borders. 36 x 63 in. at $3.75; 4x6ft. at $5.50; 4!•_tx9ft. at$9.00; 6 x 9 ft tit $12.50. -- • eil Ns IN -ALL DEPARTMENTS THE COOILP snoPPI NO PACK -;N • TOWN MiIar's Scotch Store The Leading Mall and Phone Order Store . •church at the' +a r.latiye Grad the latter It comrade of ! Hlble rs•Iw,ol 10 u.m.. B. T.P.i'. >, rim. .Mrs. Tanwtowe. Angles•) street. en- tertained the menthe', of the ladles' Aid Society of Victoria street church at their June meeting. Mrs. I(.'y.raft took the first half-hour. It wa• de - to have a sale of fancy work and aprons daring July and the So- ciety 1s pinn11luic 4.1 ....rye mewls to ale summer s,•Itod w-h(cli most• here ,lnly 1,4t11 to tooth *law 'Flash 1.1ghts- Mom the 1..u4lon 4'.oufen•ncP were given awl oft er•wanls there• WNs a aortal half-hour over the teacups. North Street Methodist ('hureh. Next Sunday at North street Methodist church will be Flower Sunday. The Sunday school will meet at 10 45 in the schoolroom for registration and to receive their papers and the t assemble in the auditorium for public worship. There will be flowers in profusion, height music and an inspiring addre,s by Dr. Mc- Kensie Smith. of the Government medical inspection staff. Her subject will be : India." Having been a resident of that wonderful country for some years, she has a most interesting first-hand story to tell. The children, their parents and everybody who loins children. music and flowers will be cordially welcomed. The Men's Sunday Club will meet at 10 a. m. The topic --Should a worker be in love with his work ?"-will be introduced by Mr. J. W. Moore. Next week, instead of the regular Wednesday night prayer -service, a special W. M. S. jubilee service will be held on Thursday night; this day -June 23 -being the fortieth anniversary of the organis- ation of the W. M. S. of the Methodist church. Mrs. Hick, orginizer for (lode. nch district, will conduct the service. Miss Margaret Robertson will give a condensed review of the history and growth of the organization. and Mrs. Colborne will give a sketch of the North street auxiliary, which was the second to be organized after the founding of the parent society. Others will give remin- iscences of the work in de pioneer stages, The congregation and the public generally will receive a cordial welcome. Y a ' the satrtdrr whom* memory was being honored. -last P.i•t" WAIN sounded by itugler Muteh; the hymn. "Onward, .F,I:(tl•BN. Christian Soldiers." was Nung, folhrw•- urn t11wrCb next Sunday el by the National Anthem and the m.; mad of 11 a m. IeneHct ion. oG owewrich, will be Knox .horeh has a file war reeonl. the honor roll of rhe congregation co.n- taintnTr t'wetrty-fite nn4110.4. (at three AT :UBI'RN. all were able to retort' except Pre .• NOTICE 1 have taken over the Grocery business of Faust and Wurm and will conduct it on the`' cash system, ensuring customers the best possible values. , • A full line of Groceries will be carried. Your patronage will be appreciated. S. E. FAUST On Monday it was di,covered that some Mac manta had broken into 'file baseball dub house at Agricultural Park irk/ bap ileo made several large holes in Mks pet • , L the ,. d. Are• ,club for sod any- res- it one should osrlt sorb as Myron O'Reilly and the test set to Frank O'Connor. At the Panes table a lwateguessing mutest ins '4.011 by Mr. Jame. Foley. the reward Moiug a NM. India Scott, of Kincandtne, i* (iswting atiw .t1h•e Reid. Dr. T. G. Holmes, of Detroit, visited his sister, Mrs. Leech. the past weds. Miss Colphtun has returned home alter s week's visit with friends at Ter - onto. 1 f} Red toted tf Hickey. e(Min sembh.l last ,'.Ita.h.y •tterlN"01 to take part In He War memorial -service and t., witness the anvetltl4t of a tabid In memory of 1't.• \\'illtlam I. Carter, who fancy trace F.verylwwly taiwatrnel wa* dto,I in over.••,- well ,wtistte.l- wish the result -of the ---The Nervi.,• ror,� eondn.-tel by lite garden pairty. The net pro•e.,ls are pastor of the , Imn•h. Bev. It J. Ross. npprotltnately $S!44. nssl*ted by tier: R, C. 'Mclh'rmid of (aler�i.h. and 11e address oras lop- U'Iit IIX. t rtwtt•Iy tp•en by Rev. (l'apt.) W. Thursday. Jane 11:. Fh1g111N1. of )limt•�, wM, is hitrr4Plt airs. Kemn.sly and dNnthta•r. nf) rn the war honor roR of tt,(' (Ongn7ta- \Tlndwor, .u•e 14•Islth1g at the Inoue of tion. A uutpls•r ,.f returned soldiers Mr. and Mrs. A. Robson. I lead a {Aare of Thor peopb• of Knox church. Auburn. 1Nt1iy,r fu rho• :,--,•'ably. The ,Prvi4P wash 44) expniw their gratitude to the ('•,ninionetw1 with •he large (•eviI. "1811 quartette from Knox church, (:ob•- rich. who took part Ip the m.minrtal service nn Sunday and remlerel tau beautiful selection.. McDowell - Braithwaite.- A pr et.ty wi.ldlnt roots srh nu.ir.0I OO Maln.'s- day. J111N' Mt h, at the home of afr. 444141 Moa. Marshall Rralithwaire. T,nntle.- Iw,ro. when their yotlnt.•,t (laughter. Della -Marotta, was milted in the bond* of m1itrimnny to Mr. ARa ('ltnfurl'e- ihm•ell, yoanige•t son of Mr. ami Mrs. .1. McDowell, We(rtfleld. The bride t entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her father. to the strait. of the "itrldal .Chorus' fnim bolo -mann, phiyel by Mrs. Wm. McDowell. The bride looked ren, NWPet In her wed- ding gown of navy georgette with tread trimming, and wearing the gnrmt'• gift of • nips• of pearls nmol tarrying a shower bouquet of cnrnN• tiers nail ferns with coronet of orange hlo..vtms. The groom's gift to the or- garli*t was a platinum ?Arvin. The (. ammy watt performed hr ilei. T. E. Sawyer, beneath an arch of evergreen's and white nose.. After the signing M the moister the bride 4Pd the way to tlw dlningrotm, where a snmpttmna 1u," snarled by 1'. tgter Fred Mnteh of Clinton (an au..le of l'te. Oerterl. The Shepherd's I' -atm was then sung by the enngre�,, t gnu, loltowel by the Loral'+ 1'rayer. A gnartette from Knot- t'hnyi's► Mode,: 6oderll'h. (Mrs: Dunlop. Mitis A. Nairn, Messrs. .1. F. Thomson *Ti41 "t'. K. "conifers) rang "Crossing the Par," and after prayer the hymn "0 Gel, Our Help in Age. Past," was intuit by the congregation. This was followed M the Scripture reading. and a quartette. "Remember '11e. (/ Mtghty line," by Messrs. Ken- yon. Heide-m:u,, Sausder1 and Thom- son, o4 (:olerich .'apt. Finglan,l took for his NPrmnn the story of the buret== hrw.h that was not consumed. The trial 01 war had been severe and bad coat mneh Ilte Nall treasure. hitt 11 had wit consumed those who had palmed through the *PP "ice 11.4 I.►r(4jl his life a all save t,.- and the ,(aerl$c. of on many brave live* wotrl.l be • lasting Incen- tive to other. to gig. their Newt In the service to which reef were ealled. The losses of the war to the nations in- volved had lawn iKPNde, int out of It ail. we (*tiled hon! • better, nobler repast env served by fo, ., (he civilization might ng nip bride's girl friends. The . ,o ikons Major Grsfiam. London, who was were carried Gait In pink and hire. Visiting at Althorn rib() Bare a ash^rt '4ae j1tQl4• iP left on the afternoon the cowmen - Use train I Mtrltl, Tit tr of .04 4 tl • n(! (swida hM r nRIIMIj anti 'Own J Lys , Fella. Th. hri4e travelled In a navy blue wait Ind a large black het 1' 11019 Gen Marrt7.sae. the, fbrmef Wink cn *adman, congrat tion upon its foe The phrethng of Arrow 4,7 fit• jar t- rvrnnl tablet *as per- etherteirtbtl a nA (';nater. who diel rat Cologne. Germany. Febrilery 111th. 10141. while with the army of occupation. The twenty-five names are as follows : Earl Heatley Mitre? Bentley !tweet itentley W1I.1.1 iM 1. CARTER ('Iarerre (`ox Ralph i.inley Cox Frank G. Pottle William Vineland Mnrrny Vineland Frank Vineland Wellington (fond E. .t. Hanley Alex. Manning George McNiitII Norman J. If inch Marks: Nivina D. W. Patterson T. Roy Patterson Nelson R. Rohlwon John Stewart Rodger Tins. Alexander Rodger(' Roy Stalker John M. Stalker T. Franklin Straugfian -- Clarence Symington For 4 .'aerelee on Sunday the church was der•orntel in reel. while and blue, with a purple banner on which was 7rn•rihed "fit* Name Liveth for Ph•ermnre " The service w8s a most lnmreestve one end will long be ram* mber d by these win were present. Pon • CHURCH NOTES. The service at Victoria street Meth() dist church text Sunday will be conducted as follows : 101 a. tr.. Sunday school : 11 a. m.. the Canadian Order of Foresters will attend the service : 7 p. m.. subject - "Things Worth While at the Recent Conference." At Knox 'rhumb nett Sabbath divine worship will be eondtx'ted by the min - later. tinble'ts n( sermons : 11 a.m . "The Cream." 7 p.m.. "The Meaning rat Servdee." 1a4,taeth ,.'heel and teen - nice (law's at 045 a.m. Adult ltlhte class at :i pine, Attie Ba.ptiwt c reit Montreal 11teji.zmicirdauliautisNg t. bid et ort Snttafay'R>rv. I1. -R. AAL E carry a fall line of Am- ateur Supplies -- Kaiaks, fila Plates, Papers Let us do your Developing and Finishing. R. R. SALLOWS Photographer The regular monthlymeeting of the Ahmeek Chapter, I. O. D. E„ will be held in the Roard of Trade rooms on Monday nest. June 20th, at 4 o'clock . The annual summer festival M St. George's dnrtrh will be Melon the rectory grounds on Thursday. July 7th. The steamer Home Smith arrived on Saturday with a cargo of wheat and oats for the emptor. The *unser Martian ia ibsday with a cargo.,atirimat for the chattier ad Wester) artaga EAST ST. GARAGE Is Yw Car Ready For That HOLIDAY TRIP You're Posaiar This Seamier? "Get Out and Get Under" doesn't go very well in vacation time, so let us put it in good shape now before the GODERICH OLD BOYS get here. Their cars will need a good deal of attention. REG. WILLIAMS yPhone 243 - cWr i eadGEals , `` n' - 1' .