HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-9, Page 7See Our Select Stock of
Ladies Whitewear
in the Latest Effects
Ladies' Collars
and mauy other lines of w'o-
men''\ and childreu's wear.
Novelty Goods
A very extensive line. It
would be worth your while to
call and inspect them'
Miss S. Noble
South Side Square - Goderith
lows of Goderi9l
are from 7 a.m. to $ a.m. and
from a p.m. to 19 p.1u.
Ams 11•I•:uU•ur Ir-r-nn1 funtwl
loin„ water for Ian a worrier
other than during tire shore,
hours -or using fawn s'om'e&.
Ai1hun( !last applying and 11ay-
teT.•1ur. altwe- •,ill . Ire !;able;-lu
111 111101.111G111 and their 'sewer
w'Ster-<•ne•.• turned at. with„tet
our ks•.
Water ►.•e' lies are to Ire Ih-
y..•te.1 and .t iy :service liquid
1; li Jona r .p. or 14.•rvI.r+ or, in
,.� way wilier w;tjl Is•
•'sur off: - See taas tour lantni h.:: 1- ali 2n go,ahcoalition- HMI
1.4,.,1 !douse•• f..r all ssui4ortes1
It mon.* I,;:1U. water.
sees r.tw•ttMr
INll111h .
1, IglllHUh.
E health of your
skin i, tuuimport•
ant fear you to be careless
lbuut ay; bath wep you use.
keep t1*• &lin clear and
&mouth 'and prereet skin
troubles by using
Water and Light Commission
Town of Goderith
1t is the best of II soaps -
yet it is morethan cleanser
it disinfects too
Tb. re ri.h. e.lo.r
1. .,,rd.., , •
s/f+ •t Us pot«t'
On palms,- re.'
,, h,.t r.ssil, .oar.
els 41.111144 .11. Mr., Walk)'
.s.,. :: resirhiit of lino'.'ls fur year•.
MIli. .1. A. Kyle and f.uulle left last
week to juin Mr. Kf'le• "!:0 1,1 )(wined
Eudaku. It.4'•, oa t1$ I'.R.
11as Gertrude Iiaidw• " has seas• to
Iwy, , liask'., where s:..• well t/•:wet
1 during the summer tltontlls
Lever Bror
Lim,tea. Tomato
A, '(„ice ('olv in sea- asselstltyt hi
leading raft• furolture .0 the G.T
siIon ,• fell faun the ,ar pod h
his ehon er dislocated. several i
hrukoh. an austainee1 miter Mhos -
t en r4tru y, May 21st. at Woo
Turemo. Mi !'Iola Goodwin. of Boo.
sols, etas u1111 in tusrriaye to feu.
11i.•hiEliauaer, o Toronto. They will
mak.. toter (tome at Termite.
S. S. NO. 4. COLRORgi(I,
asel Hill,
Mitch -
a Mc -
The following is the report S.S.
May 4. Colborne, for the month\o y, in
order of merit :
! Murray Kernighan. Laura
Beulah, Fisher. Jr. IV.-Emanu
ef, Wil ed Fisher. Sr. tII.-Do
I Clure,Edith Fisher. Franklin M1 theft.
Jr. III. - is Hill, Annie Miller. • 11.
-Jack Pit ado, Aaron Fisher, Jr
Myrtle McClure, Gertrude Hough' ,
i Marie Fisher, Olive Hill, Duncan Millie
j Franklin Flick. Margaret Pitheads. Sr. I.
-Jim McClure. Jr. I. -Rete Fisher, Sr.
Pr. -Florence McClure. Jr. Pr.-Lauretta
I Flick. Pr.=Nettie Pltblado. Clara Pit-
; blado, • Reith Pitblado. ELEANOR F.
Dol)GHERTY. Teacher.
Shows Remarkable Reston
ative Power of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Cheesy, Ont --'Be "Before using Lydia 1 .
Pinkham s Vegetable Compound 1 wad
a total wreck. I had terrible pains in
my sides and was not regular. Finally.
1 got so weak I could not gu up stairs
without stopping to rent half way up
the steps. I tried two doctors but they
did me no good. 1 saw your medicine
advertised in the newspapers and
"thought I would give it a trial. I took
four 1,ottlea of the Vegetable Compound
.and was restored to health. 1 tem mar-
ried, am the mother of two children,
and do all my housework, milk eight
cows, and do a hired man's work and
enjoy the best of health. I also found
Vegetable Compound a great help for
my weak back before my babies were
born. 1 recommend it to all my friends
who are in need of medicine, and you
may print this letter if you wish. '-
ra. HENRY JANKE, R. R. No.4, Chess
ley, Ontario.
It hardly seems possible that there is'
a woman in this country who will con-
tinue to suffer without vtng Lydiaith gi vi
Pinkh rd's Vegetable Compound a trial
THE LATH JUGD0111 ELN•OOD. after all the evidence that is continually
i�`e being l that this proving beyond meds conine has
+-diction that this grand old medicine Dna
Overwheladtllg relieved more suffering among women
than any other medicine lathe world.
-jteg'I..1 Posit. May 1`!1 2
of Public
FIa1111e1.1ae• at r,-tu••t•.l pri.:ei.
Sb1.eetitig Int retluc Jd priers.
R,n'ktast Drill at redt t'e4 pro
(:iug?IStn at reduced prows. -
A Mee assortment for Wiudow
Curtains.. from tie and
AC1-er et1 serge. patsy blue, (Fir e
_ ddtb, at %LIS aw La_n_l. _
Lpdt'rse.•ar. t5 clear. at pre
worth whips.
.great uumber of artl•'lee in
ries* at reduce.) vie....
When It's a
Question of
The Suture Phone 46
C i'.: .11
''The Old Reliable"
A full stock of Light Fi :
tures, Electrical . Hol : he'll
Ctenails, etc., always tab hand.
Estimates given and con-
tracts taken for Electric
Wiring and Fittings
West St Next Postoffice
Poses: Store 8?, Res 193
Good Plumbing
Poor Plumbing
When we do the job. we
giv.• you ibe right kind ---tele
kilns thaf�tel� Toa p•. .•
and comfort.
Hamdtoe !Brost /no... tae
l'lunu,ing Heating
EavestnlughiI* Afetal \�-n1 k
Decorating Materials
Wall Papers, Paints, etc.
We sell• you - the materials, or
take the contract of deterating
your home, store or office. -
Estimates cheerfully given
Window Glass, Plate Glass
Mirrors, etc.
We cap supply your wants in
any kind of Glass
North side West st. Phone 354
The total assessment of Hay township
Maris $2.507.2li. The population
bet township •'600
Mr. Justice Elwood, Saskatchewan dent Order of F
rt of Appeal, died at the General Order of United
H. •,ital at 6.30 this morning, after an in the held of ch
'lin extending over many months.,, a leading part.. I
The passing of one of the leading I chane 41or of the
owns 1 r jurists n Saskatchewan was not • unto Qu'ApieIle
a1 ill; Millan. 'et • 1 11 •know. lids petted. or weeks it was known he could Mrs. Elwood, for rly Clara Agnes
lea thee• ...t.sre profs is at Heat1•yn not survi e the malady that was elosely Slack,, of Goderith, pr deceased him a
and tle carry on thr loi tee•- . but surely tapping his vitality. Wed -1 little over a year ago. tle is survived by
Mr. nil' Mr N'` t'. H:+rl, 14y„+il. of nesday his • condition was reported, as tout sons, John of ,the Canadian IPU nink to
%('resets. . lel.ratseI the tiftI..tth ,,nm- critical, and embersof-the-family were ommerce 'at Cado er, q and
r.•r•.u•}.o \�thefr m�i minae en May !lest. ca fled to the ed.nstiousnessa'rttosttO Ole' dau{thter' and VraSed• at home ' also one
Th Partner "fiho recently sold his by en within a few hours of his mother, who hve 1 at h
hes cat to rete .
Q nes' furA tngt business of M. R. friends, He knew hetend was at handswithIt1, children when he died. .
iRh and said farewell to ljfosehe loved best.
Rennie. TT Mr. 1'istice EI a�upted a place
\'•idle he Wii hitching turf.• 11Arses foremost in the esteem of his fellow -
tor wurklnli fu the 1.'hL-senate- Mur- members of theSaskat. wan judiciary.
!Ions. of McKiNnp. was. ki.-ke.I it th4' By members of the bar fine legal mind
.ide by • of them. r•,• rib, were was fully appreciated: E r courteous in The journey was ry)t a stlttesefu
2.n,ken it IA Internal in r..-- were in- the exercise of hie judice&} o' ice as well as ' though an operation was performed
tilot.•.1. -• - in social life, he won the fri- dship of all that time.
While, operfling file cream tleparator, with whom he cam- in conta . Shortly after he was confined to his
which is run by electric lever. Mrs. He was apuointed to the .as . tchewan home. and just before Christmas he sus -
Robert Cathers, of the 4th concession or Court of Appeal when that trip nal was tained a broken leg. Following that
Hawick. lost the index finger of het right I cleated In ,1918. Prior tC this • • •int. accident he was removed to, the General
hind. The Unger in. some way became ment he was on the berteh'of the • erne Hosp;lal and it shortly b came apparent
Court of Saskatchewan. his death was only a matte, of weeks or
months at the moat. •
During his illness friends from Regina
and many other points in Saskatchewan
came often to his bedside to visit Cam. He
was extremely popular with his co agues
,on the bench, as well Si with hu reds of
citizens who came to know him d mg his
years of residence in the city.
estets, and the.Ancient
rch work este ale) took
wag at one time
nglican Diocese of
ere was 1s is home for
Thos. ast, he was a e v
grocery and cnnfectiottery busineae at death receive a few close personal tome years past and was at bedside
Henssll. hal punhsledd et► int*" i- •k•
Sought Health in East.
Following the death of his wife
than 'a year ago, Me. Justice El
went to Montreal for medical treatme
Thurwlay, Junto, A, 1921. -:-1'
Time for Straw Hats
Keep abreast of the season and snake yours-ar '
a present of a cool, light straw hat. This
is June and straw flat tune.
We have a
stock of Sum-
mer Head wear
that will please
Also other
summer wear-
ables for men
and boys.
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
caught in the machinery and was se
below the third joint.
puring a recent electrical storm' lights
ning'truck the home of Robert Higgins in
Morris township. It tore down the
• chimney and came 1tra,hing between Mr.
and Mrs. Higeins. who were sittintt'bedde
the stove, made its waylover to the sink
and out through the wall. Mr. Higgins
was deaf for some time afterward.
Daniel Manley. one of the'.early resi-
dents of the township, of M 'Klflop,
died on May 21101 at the age et seeventy-
I seven years. The der•ea„wl had lived
I for slaty.'years -In McKillop,. For
her member f the
'Born at Gedeiieh. Ont.
His studies in the lea, profess!
firm '
started with the firof Cameron, Holt
Cameron in Godench, Ont., where he was
born Feheoary 13. lEQd.,all was called
to the Ontario bar in 118I() and later
practised in the State of Washington for
carne to Western
Canada he established a practice at Ox-
bow, Sask. From let47 to 1600. he was a
member of the firm of White, Elwood &
Gwillim, at Moosomin. Lt 1900 this
partnership dissolved and for four years
flowing he practised law alone.
' Early in 1905 he entered the firm of
+rriantt Yiyala -tout tr ar ,.
tuw•coar,ts '7
hip 4 i11,4`•.. 1w11, svrrhts wra
•vel Ellwood & Landry and later Ic was
tr 1 t n re nisi gee- re. known as Elwood & Wilson and then
as tr' - Elwood & Truscoot. This. Was also at
Ar,•hihalil NO -Gregor. ier-two Year' M�nin.
age. died stay 1.41111 at is homy 01' His first residence m Regina took place
ttth e,nteo.aeon of illop, after in 1912 when he became senior mem4erof
I rte nos of several t , hs. Mr. Me- the firm of Elwccd, kmDury, Scott &
Grego .as lawn and tired his ilfe on Graham •
the farm 1 wlk•h lie died.. For 8111*'' His career as judge started in 1913.
'years he w+ a mandrel.of the town• `when he was appointed t') the Supreme
}iltlp e0mRa11. lie wax not married: Court of Saskatchewan. He was also a
A pretty June Wedding took place on member of the Law Society of Saskatche-
`Wednesday. of last week at -the home offwan.
their daughter. Jean Elvaston. bei a united' Once Mayor 'of Meesentin.
in marriage to., Archie W. Morgan, only I In 1907 he was elected a councillor in
n of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mrkgan, of I the town of Mooeomin and in 1909-10 he
the same township. The ceremony was. was Mayor of the town. He was also a
performed by Rev. G. M. Chidlty, of the I member of the Moosornin hospital board.
1 Thames Road Presbyterian church. The in the Masonic Order Mr. Justice
• young couple sem
on tilt >lraetts'l Elwood held high office. At his death he
was (stand Master Of the Crantf Lodge .offarm. Saskatchewan, A. F. & A. M. He was
SF:.(F'OItTH. I elected tothat office on June 18, 1920.
The :4`ufori2, golf 41111) has been re-. He was also a memtler of the Indepen-
oegalilra,t, w 111+ F. H. Sli %ing*. as proal -
dem and 'It. M. .limes as se. -rotary -1
treasucer. ',The course is (*.lug 2II. - .
proves! and 1t. chili 'anise is to Ire built
The' *edit oernrr,l at Winnipeg om
ay !Pith of Robert Hays Nelson, n
nephew of Thomas Hays of Senforth.
i tie was born at ilaiImrhey. hitt fifty
of Right Quality
As well as our young
men's style we carry a
large and complete
stock of the more con-
servative models for
both young and old,
ranging in ,price from
$16.50 to $38.50.
Saturday and Monday
lo Men's English
Worsted Suits in blue
and fancy materials, all
new patterns. While
they last $22.50.
All -wool blue Serges,
guaranteed indigo dye,
pure wool, single and
double breasted
While they last
Special - 15 Men's
Suits to clear at $16.75.
New -
In milan, organdy
tulle and mohair, with
trimmings from the
plain corded and
moire ribbon to the
beauty of flowers and
Miss M. R. MacVicar
Kingston street, Gnderich
!•oars ago went s Manitoba. He is
eureirecl by his lie, Bis daughter's
i a1141 four softs. .
` John Torrance ii it Bring from a
serious illness.
R. E. Manning. local manager of the
Royal Bank, is away on a trip to the
,West. He will be away a month,
Wm. D. Streets has returned to town
after an extended visit in California,
Washington State and Western Canada.
The marriage took place at Raith. Ont.,
on May 19th. ;if John J. McCaugh'y,
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mc-
Caughey, of Clinton. and hiss Ruby M.
Growing Old Gracefully
Am you
ing old
W h o
wins in
the race
of life?
Is it. the
m a n
who is
thin -
all the
An athlete trains for every race.
A man is as strong as his blood
and as old as his artcriee. h eke
your blood redder, your
better by taking that ofd fash-
ioned blood tonic -sold fifty years
namely Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Levi Harding left last week for Mont-
real, whence he galled on a visit to his
old home in England. Ile will be away
three or fair months.
A. W. Cryeler, of Welland, Ont.. an-
nounces the engagement of his daughter.
Frances Gertrude. to William Elliott, son
fit Mrs. J. J. Elliott, of Vfingham. 'I he
marriage is to take place June 29th.
While at work pulling out fence posts
on the farm he purchased recently, Clar-
ence Henning met with a painful acci-
dent. A post broke while the horses were
pulling and flew against ills leg. just
above the ankle, breaking it.
The anw.wment of Items/44e for 1921
tootle $40S,ra'at.
Philip Ament left lash week on a
month's holiday trip to the West.
W. H. Kerr, editor of The i'(Nrt, and
Mr.. Kerr ars away on the Preen
. Asea ciatlon trip to Voltmeter.
(In Friday, May 27, the remains of
Open Evenings i the late Mrs. Walker, who did at IA,.
,Lngeies, California, were Deterred in
(Regime Poet, May 21.) '
With Minderds walking in *sleuth
prts.sion, as many more revnpying
autonaobIl\•s 11 1111 tho11sand, lining ,the
•greet as the ,ortege moved past, (he
funeral Ohl• afternoon of Mr. Ju+ti,4•
F L. ieferne l was a moot neznarkaW
tribute to one of Saskatelwew1u•' emi-
tie'nrt jurists.
From the family home to Ott. 1'nu1'11
church the streets were literally 11:I. -
ed with poop.. Tlim' who walked
to tlw church came from practically
es•er'e rttr taws sold village` lu the
Pr vin e
Aer411111i1lN1,ll11111 at St. l'ane's was
4(.!41.5 ivadclprate_.for _-the raft gath-
ering that ...night admiw+•,on •Nis tlis
rete . more tangibly
1111•' loft' ,est)r`m in which -MY. Jn- tire
}t1w,.al wins Iwli1 By this people 1011111
1d't 1»• •hntt•n. -
'r111 \1:1+42) cels - i,•s were most
1ngrrc.-iso. al,•lula+rs of the S1.kat-
4hett•am 47ramd Lodge A. P. toed A. a 1..
of wlloeh the dccealse,l w.l. grand
sessos,.,a, .- of I,spl lodges
thr,Igh.,(It hr Piro -ince ' 1 els,-1
numbers or.".71241.
The Angli.1l
erlldhlct4'41 iy
and- Ret At'. 4'
ago and still ''Rood as go d" -
Discovery. Sold by all ata,
or send 10c. to Dr. Pierce'a•In ids'
Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial
CV AAAA V, Ong.-" For ma years I
snfered with stomach trouble,and I
tried many remedies, bot they
M ed
be a failure -i teamed ng
wares insteadno f bettor. n a lxittl One
Dr. Movie'
day 1 cane
Into posse/wino and took 150
Golden my nst,omach tical ronblerseemed rota'
pletoand great falth In sbbi
riwrIl i rand. I m any sufferer tlge6
roads this
and nave
roads toes well slue the Discovery • [#
!real. On,ra tried. s, 11.11m mow r be
n MI,
� '!hoot Il' -(I•
Bring• I-ur P'ims to - .us- for D -
veloping, Printing and ' Enlarging
Prompt SerN ice
Reasonable Prices
Satisfaction iivaranteed
• Phone No. 1.
The Rexall Drug Store Godr rich
funeral service wa•
'shop Hlu'dhlg. ile
•y. Canon Dayidhnl
\t •d, of bit. Mary's
harden -a us.Ii r lu 1hf'•e111am_
,el were also man)` niers of the
Anglican clergy, Italia "t'enerrble
Archdeacon 1,ohle. Itttgin 1'enerable
Archdeacon .1o11nst(4. '•a ,we ,law•:
rr'.'Is•I•aIM' • A r.•hdeil.y,,, Knowles. Items
Rina : 11'1111 Venerable Archdent,nl Hur-
t. Region! also -It.'v. Fn,h•rlek
St ford, 'ley. f'. It. Sharp, Iter. V.
.rgall. and Rev. W. H. Ad(roek,
1 1411.14 1uipr`s'ittit /Ira 11041
-An immense mss. of
• banked around the
. - eitlnw.
u' i11-14. •tion of
Ie. le.
alt et- '
•rhe eon
2u ,4.1117222.1
floral irihlrte•r,w
r wwkt,t fit tow
Tie )hoir tons 11
I'rofcsor lalml.1eh:
I 1bintidy following
rite.. l)r. Weir, 1k•pnty c:rxn Master
of the f`a.knrOIMV.1II 4 :rd nd Igo',
(4nth1.•t,1l the 1j11 -odic wl'ni,e. . e
w•as atrl')t},1 fir the principal *42,44•
of the rito4l Lodge : Ales. Sheppard,
grand senior, warden : F. it. !toil's.
trnand tre'asnrer: �C, It. Tate,. g'
Ferretury : Itey. 11. ISneklee, Mosso.
Jam. gram' ehaphtin: J.' -.A. Mooney.
grand 111114to': and .1. Atham, gra fel
d i r,,•1 ter of ceremonies.
Fhw•law4ry front it. eurlieet (bays
In the 1'.royinee w'ss represented. In
addition to the liiirnireitt ort member
of poral edges, -1'y twelve .1a1'•t g.rs n'I
Ona eters.
Following this service 111" a sal
was (4111ve5,r1 hack to !
Home, whw4• the roma M. win lie In
Moate until tomorrow when they will
be shit/psi to M,n,w,min.wirfor F101 101111'1.,
The pstllwvtte•rs were
flanitaht. W. rt. Hunitain. Mr..lustle"
McKay, Mr. .tii4hve eriffS1Nurphy, of
Patt('r'wnn allil
The eccleslastbal &error at
sMrwrs(rmin tomorrnt• will Iry in the
hands. of Rev. E. ('. gross, Anglican
Mater there. The w'ni a Afoot 1 � f
�vesi(1.` will be Mason .
iae (lramd T,(N)ge °Mears in town tae
(w will ao,,•mpany 1)r. Keir, grand
Viewer, to MoosOAln.
,•I(')ist lel
Studebaker and -Gray -Dort
Let us give you a demonstration with these
cars be ore you decide on yoi�r spring purchase.
Our slew Battery Charging Outfit ifs working
fine and w are now in a position to handle any
number of atteries. -
good Batterie&• This is proven by the fact that •
\ four-fifths of the Automobile Companies in Can-
ada are Using theqm as standard equipment. We•
have them here ready for delivery. .
Non -Glare Lenges from $2.75-$4.b0.a pair.-
1 Gray -Dort Spec' , -good as new, 1920, --
1 Studebaker, 4-cy ' der, 5 -passenger, thor-
. oughly overhauled. and r ainted.
1 Ford Touring, in go running order.
4 Delivery Truck in first class shape.
Case Tractors and Machinery.
Soak the clothes -the dirt rinses away
RINS'() is not a cake soap, not a chip soap, not a
washing powder but fine granules of wonderful
cleansing power that soak the dirt out of your clothes.
Dirt is so thoroughly dissolved that it floats away in
either warm or cold rinsing water. This does away
with the boiler and wash board -it makes wash -day
work truly .ern and simple.
1f You Have a
Washing Machine
Soak the clothe. overnight
in the owe! anise way.
The cleenaing .ads looses
every bit of dirt. ie the
merei•g operate th•
machine for • few remotes
and the elothe• ere perfect-
ly elflike even the most
soiled nerds.
At peer rreee►'e
L.R-Vw14 111a1,THwa5 LIMIT/U. roams -10
wwwww...wella11hs,.rtlisestA .