HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-9, Page 3art, .,, . "J ust Listen tj HAVE been after you to try Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and you always say it is intended more for women." "Well, that is what I always understood, for I hear you women talking so much about using it." "Do -1't you think men have blood and nerves as well as women? It says here that Dr. Chase's Nerve Food forms new, rich blood and - nourishes t h e exhausted -- nerves back to health and vigor." • "N1el1, the doctor says it is your nerves that -are re- sponsible for your indiges- tion and sleeplessness. Why not try some of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food? You know what it did for me." "I would like to know of some men in my condition who used it." to This" "Just listen to this: 'Mr. A. W. Foster, 178 Le Breton street, Ottawa, Ont., writes: 'For a year I was troubled with "nerves," was restless, especially on retiring, and unable to sleep for hours. I was easily fat:aued and very irritable. "'A friend told me to try Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and before I had used the treat- ment a week I was enjoying a good night's rest every night. I gained rapidly in everyay and my general health very much im- proved.' " "That sounds all right." "Yes. This vouched for by Ahearn, the druggi no doubt correct." "Well, I will give it',try- out.'/ Dr. Chase's Nerve Foo 50 cents a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. tatement is r. E. M.- t,and is Not the Word. How Rude. Rich but unattractive spinster -And ! French tutor's ad. in English newt am 1 so very, very lovely, John' , paper : [reedy but truthful suitor- Lovely, my "A young Paris man desires tq show darling ' Lovely does not express it, I hr tongue to classes of English gentle assure you : - Spare Moments. ' men." Western University1 London, Ontario Summer •.School - for jIr€s and Sciences July 4th to August I2th For Information and Calendar write K. P. R. NEViLLE. Registrar a THE BLUEBIRD WASHER ('aIII and see a Beni nstration of the best Washing Maehine on the market. We are agents. Lighden the drudgery of housekeeping with one of 'these easy -running machines, which save labor and preserve health and good temper. EDISON MAZDA LAMPS ar' the standard, up-to-date' electric. light. We Also all kinds of ELECTRICAL GOODS for house, Store, office or workshop. Estimates made anti contracts taken for electric wiring and other electrical work. • i have them.. A. J. LAITHWAITE Old Colborne Hotel Corner Phone 01 Hamilton St. vse„swv�..nni THE SIGNAL -- GODERICH, ONT. Thur lay. .tun*, 9, ltr21 --3 QUESTIONS THE ENUMERATOR ( FROM REMOTEST s k : t•hi,•k,•11., of nr20, tul•ke, s all WILL ASK. altrs gees all ages: dtwks, all ages: s Wlwn the 1bnuhaion venous enumer- ator comearound these are the ques- tion, that you will have to 1111.%1.4. Blvd thrru ellrenllly' anal get ue- quainted with (beim : In Towns. 1.3. Names of each per. n fu the haus', ,tre+'t, born. 0. Is the house o441ed or rented 7. If rented, what rent. w. l'o'ss of house. 9. Materials of construction. '111. Rooms occupied by family. 11. Relationship' to head of fatuity. 12. $.-s. 13. Single or married. 14. Age hist birthday. 15. Where Iverson born. 14. Where father born. 17. Warr*. mother burn. 1+t- if born0utskie of Canada. year of (unulgration. 19. ` If born a foreigner. year of ualunlllwltion. 20. Nationality. 21. Racial or trilwl origin. 22. ('out speak English. rt. t'tso speak French. 24. ('uupe sak ally other language. '2.1. Religious deuomltrtlon. 2111. 'rani read. 27. ('1111 write. 241. Mouths at 4'1'901s1lice Septem- ber, 1920. ',Children. 1 211. Chief tweti union or trade. 3(I. Employer, employee working on own ltl1'lllnt. E1. Tota) meriting,. In past twelve mollt las. 32. It out of work on June 1st. ler-e1. 33. Nnmler of week* employed in tow• lust twelve (19111 s. 34. Number of weeks tltwmployed from -June 1'4. 1r2(t. lam -guar' of lIIiwsw.• On Farms. ' 1. Naha. 2.P.srtoftke addrewi. 3. ltirthplate. 4. Hsaw ow long Td nbaAR IIs a (Steradian 144.11 ., -2z ito�-iong-fiaee'-7m4 -operated this farm ? 6. How math• yPo1r" have you 4 1/W111.4farmed 1/W111.4o r r tenant ? 7. 1)o you own all this. farm ? K. Ito you rent from others all of this fano ? 9. 1)0 you rent from I.ilters part telt not 1111 1,f this farm ? 111. How many acres-, if any, do you rent from trtlwrs '' 11. �1bat 4141 you Say as rent per r? Pe you operate thls harm on s 1 a 13. yon operate this torn] for others as Ired manager ', 14 If land- from tt ra give name ansl ad- dreart.of th*. 0 tier of the land IA. Total ton r of acres in this fa rm. IS. Acres of iniP veil land in this farm 17. Acres of w•urdla 15. Acre. of uld.rokt'1 'natural pasture hi tide ft t•s 19. Aerof wet marsh waste laud in this. (arm. 3f1. 'And -foam whirl' no crop harreste11 in 19'20 because of failure. 21. How runny sere. were In pis- ton. 111 1920 ? • 22. How many acres will be Hotter pasture in 11r21 ? Z. How many ie•res we're lying idle at fallow is 19111 7 tit • 24. Row many weirs will be 1.11eor fa1L,w for the crop ..'anon. 1921 ? 2.5. Total 'ellne of this farm. with himprovement*.ding, and improvement*. 26. Calor of 1 1.hulldling* 1110111119111111011,P.lei. Value it all impletuts' and machinery. 2`I. Amount expended ill 1 '0 tar hay. grail. mill fend and other Ivo• diets (nut rallied 1111 1111. farm or awe 114 toed for dbw Di•*t is anf mals 111 pwelltry. 2!1. .\inline expended in 1!r.21, for mnunrr and fertilizer.m 30, .\onut expend.•II in cash in 1920 for field and garden 4,•e4lf.. 31. Amount expended In cash In 1910 for farm labor (exclusive of hoop... work I. 32. Estimated rotate of ho*. or room rent and hoard fnrni.olied f*rrn laborers In 1020. in addition to cmattx Wamreported unlrr inquiry No. 31. .33. Were purchase,' under Items 2$, 29 and 30 made from ..r through Ira a . farnwr� tirperat ire organization ? 34. (:rains : Nnmler of ncuw,, quantity pnwlneve.l. este of pmwlm44, acnes planters for 151 harvest .tt 11. • Wheat. Fall sawn ; wheat. Spring ...vial: barley, oats. rye, coni for husk- ing. buckwheat. bean8, pea.. flax for mrd, 1111x01 gin 11111. 1: ra,+ Seven Re.l clover, alslke clover, other clover, alfalfa*, timothy, other grassweld. :u;. ihsv and forage : }lay 4011 clover Iendtti'atedl, in HIP" firm. prairie or other PARTS OF GLOBE. "till,\• Ifo. 1'nrwhrwl 11111111111*, Jun« 1.t I R.1ui4 (114' 'mintier 411141 hrtr•:I of any au1luats ,u this fares that ,u•/' res Tania Elements Come From 'st•rn)vr re eligible' for regi-! , (11,n. a .\11 aw1mal8' r•fwrrt0l kr.. 11111.1 I..' fu= Many Lands Far Away From chided under luqulrkw 47. Olt. 12. mud w1I1+ e Here. The ingredient' from which the «ele- bratedt medicine '(anlac is made come from remote sections of the earth, and are transported thousands of miles over' land and sea to the great Tanlac, labor- atories at Dayton. Ohio, and Walkervdle,' Canada. The Alps, Appenines, Pyrenees. Rus- sian Asia, Brasil, Nest Indies, Rocky Mountains. AsiaMinor, Persia, India, Mexico, Columbia and Peru are among the faraway points from which the principal propertes c.f this remarkable preparation are obtained. What is said to be the largest pharm- aceutical laboratory in the United States has been co at Dayton. Ohio, for the manufacture of Tarlac, which, accord- ing to recent reports. is now having the largest sale of any medicine of its kind in the world; over 20,000,000 bottles having been slid in six ]'ears. The new plant occupies '10,000 square feet 01 floor space and has a dtalY capacity of 50.000 bottles. Uniform quality is guaranteed bt a series of care- ful inspections by expert chemist, from the time the roots, herbs, bark and flow- ers are received en their rough nate In m all parts of the globe until their medicinal properties have been extracted by the most approved processes. The finished medicine is then bottled, labelled and ship- ped out to tens of thousands of druggists throughout the United States and Canada to supply a demand never before equalled by this or any other meilkine. :.i. Pure-bred pwr.w'a1Nl fillies: pure - lino :stallions and stalllun.r.,hs: pure.' bred tows' and heifers' of all ages: pure-bred bulls. uta hull valve.: pun. laved sleep and 1114: purl.br4'd .w 111e : purwbrwl 1 r.: pee -Masi _e.•...; pun' -bred duck... other ptlre- brer1 Wliuials. 1.2. Fare Facilities. .Int 1. 11)21: Souter of tractors on 1(41.• farm : unuther 11f antuwobiL•. on this arm : minder of w.4.r trucks op this rm: has this fate' u gasoline enable '! its rids farm,. a telephone?' Iv wa r piped into the ulrrator'. hoq.r Has (1e Alpert* NW. 11.,11-e gas ' (las the operator's house electric ligh4 4Ct. Cuoywret1un to 'Marketing hl ltr2O : 111N•I•itie *oily prosluc(s of this farm sold to or through u fta•mer, marketing orglc ❑'rest ion 1. Nilnnlier and value of Egg. Wool. Iamis. louder •1 uwuthst. poultry, all - kild. by weight : tattle. Horses. 14. 1 l a bulge. Jilite 1. 1921 Acv of laud in this farm which ts provided with artifiehal drainage. ditches, tile. etc.: 'additional are,( of lard in this farm .which hal. h eoaild he 'made salt»hie for Props. millet and flmwarian gross. corn (dry w'eight1, ••••:'n 1.,1' 1.11 -nage. pratrt e - hay or me t Mens. ern.;..-gnenis cut for Ivy. other balder crops. 37. l'otanres anal lt,,..t4 I'otbt.ws. turnip, 11utug.bi.. (•nr- rotw. sugar (wets for feel. sugar heels for sugar. other tied root.. 34. Other Field 1'mops : Tobacco, hops, then for fibre. other r rope. 39. Farm (lardro : Value of all v.•crlables, ind'hNliug onion., tomatoes,. ctw-rt l'e'gs. string Isaus, Kee., grown in POI for home use only. 41. orchard Fruit.: Kited. not roi hearing age, of beltrhlg age: quantity. value. Apples, cltb apples. peaches. (42irs. apricots and primes. plow.. e9ierrie• : total acreage under haul. acre: 11111111- alfalfa. "Auto -Shoes" Mean Mileage The mileage given by the best tire you ever used would just about approximate the average given by Ames Holden "Auto -Shoes" year after year. Ames Holden "Auto -Shoes" are miles better than ordinary tires. The name "Auto -Shoes" is to help you to remember that -to make it easy for you to get the cheapest mileage you can buy. 42. Shall Frain 4' Acv. or'racoon yf a airy•: value. Srrawlierrir*,iN ji:Ispt4'rrie bl:tck- Is vele, currants, loganberries. goose- berries. other Kerrie:. 4:4. Grapes grown on this f:uut. .Vines not of ac.Iring ace. June 1921: rhea of bw.rina age. Juiw 1. 1921: grapes (total production for all r OBITUARY. 'FRIT'ZLE''.-A lifelong Resident of this wrtlun tt11. rnluovi'iI by the d,mth on Monday, May 21. 'of t6ichard Vrltrley, of Saltfonl. .Mr. F'rit-rley was horn seventy -live years 441,1 la tlofmr townahtiL.--1tp7t. survived fly 119 wife: who is seriously ill, and by at large family of mons' *I d:ulgbters ' Rirhanl \C.. of Salford: Janie.. of Vancouver: Jow't'h, of '1'..rontu : 1l'1l- fl.1tu. of Detroit ; Fred, df MinlNdlrsa. Man.: Mrs. V1'1404114111 of Toroto: Mrer-(llrrrtt-amt ItrtrItinsw (rut. and Mr-.. Luke. of Got 'rime. All the 10114 anal daughter.. •'xei James MINI Mr+, Sands,wet' herr or the k funeral. which 1.N, 111111.' 1111 'rhlpy. May '2 , to 1'ollslriN' cemetery. 1 14. (lardy conducted the S.aneral tb�. and the pill-leyrer. were C. 1t. Sehulta, \\'111. 1taw. It. straw's!. a 1 E. Carrell. Mr. Feitxley's death-wa quite sudden and unexpected. Ile was found lying dea4 at 111. home }n•9ialt- font by 111+ 413 tighter -in-law. M1s+. It. Frltakte, . An inquest. rens • hefd. the venik't being that the *11.9-1N'il case 111 his death from natural elruw'4. ('0911)141). - Thr death occurred -nd.benh• at Totaont , ou May 241It 111 Joseph 4 'I.4111•11, .4..111.1 81,11 of the oat• Rev. T110n1a- 4'o:fool. Mr. (••afon) WAS for several years a 'resident of I:.sk•r14-h. and IaJer of ottani Sound. but for the East three years be and �Irs. Cordon! haul lived at Tomtit', with their daughter, Mrs. E. 11. Alex- larder. Early in the morning of May 24th he was taken w1111 111 paralytic. 1 stroke. which result..l fatally in * (ewe ivi/nr4. 140401es his wid,.w•, he leanest . t 1 d atng1 Iter:, . \I f I t*. Alexander tl plarpeN«.41 111 lfrlD. Tvor+ti o a1N1 )ors. Rios. of Stoughton. I 45. • Fole*t product, prlluewl 011 Mich.. t11,4 Iwo w,ml, ('1111 4'osford of ds farm in sow : kind : used on 1a•aItillo 4m, (Int., alai Thu.. ('4/4f11r11 , gu'''lly, v'i'le : aotd, W0114417* of t'htea There are also three slue ) earl, f ter : Yes. 4rownell and Mrs. (leo. l' posits. rails. zi11-; Ar wt wtaW -tlarty takJp>Atl•-(1aiitealei1►saeI M (hl#brrnIdt- . Aeht vin, who had I. Togs for lumber. other. '.slue to (kwlerteh' attend the funeral synm 51.11 Ungar : of the (ate J. P. R wit.. was still in I value --Maple 11,0- town when she rPeriv0 tiie tutwx(sctl"1 111i'peel in 1!421. iapse syrup trade ill 111. \\ of her brother's . fh, and she 1921. maple 41ga1 1e In 1921. left the next' moroiug Toronto, 47. beefina d rahinti14121 : where tie funeral t..11i 11101 0n F'rl- NlnE Number and call 'alt- and 111l1*' Ilii y. Revs Tlwnuts 4',,.bode f her cif tinder 1 year of age; C[ . and tills-. the dw1a+I,l. erns nt blur blear I slur rs of age: elf North street Methodist chnn•h. fa a'4l pmts', pus s 411. Mal, Quantity a 1 year old and under 2 y. mares ,s.., yr.Ir" old and ov»r . gelding" 2 years old 81141 over; 1Ralliunrs ' year, oAe1 and tier Ir,r breeding), 49. Cattle. 1, 1921 : NuWlwr and value -(`ale -.•s nutter r of lige: heifers. 1 yenr old anal r 2 years of age: 41•-14 in milk edit. imp.. 1921: ('0444. m4111 2 years 11111 1941 over: 4tet r4 1 and rider 2 years 01 ore; r old and over: hull. for 9 "Grey Sox" Tubes THOS. M. DAVIS, ninth St., Phone No. 53 GODERiCH, ONT. AMES HOLDEN "AUTO -SHOES" --- Cord and Fabric Tires in all Standard Sizes For Sale By •'Red Sox" Tubes P. J. Mac-EWAN, St. Andrews St., Phone Na. 354 GODRR}CH. ONT. 4 ul or heifer. 1 year o stern, 2 yr breeding 1 y •Ir old awl over. no. Milk p e inch 1n 11elis : 4'1.144Y' wilkiil'in 1920: if 1 /1 1114111111 of milk1.1'9*iwepr11ucs•,laI M 192(1. :,sitioof M11k in .19244 : Milk *old or sent to factory In 19211:' cream wild or .cut to erratme1•7. ln' uN•nellr.•. ill 1101: dream (401 or sent to creamery by weight or on a fat 1nvle in l!r20: .barter matte on this Urn: Ill 111'20:,,butter -mad*' on this' fttrnr'flirt fwrht fm MO; 1114' 4P A4*4(0 on this farm in 19'20. 52. sheep and lambs, June 1, 1921: Num eer rind Valens. --Lamle ender '0 mouth. old; ew.w 1 year old and over: °(•ams. for br.eRng. 1 year old, and over: withers 1 year old and over. ' :«i: --Ww.1 t'4ip in Una .: Number of sheep whorl in !!)Llai: ental weight and value of fleece in 192t0. :.. Swine. Juni. 1. 11121 : Nonuser and • .1'.al1e-Young pig. under 1i month- cid. Rowes kept for -brwdloir. 6 newtlls old 41d over. (asses for lriaslhig purpose*, ft months old and over: all ether holt., 11 month- old a not er. :p... l'nultravy, .lune 1, 1921 741. Egg`, 11id 1'llivkens psalms -4 "n this fa nu in 19211: gttasltIty nail v,,ine: }IKEA i/r14411ee11 in '1020 1 illdt141.' only hl•II eggs prWhl0SA, whetter .141.1 - least. i1N•nheted or otherwhe disposed. d. of 1 : 4'41 " mold in 1921) produces, on 11118 fart chelaiwrl211l . (•.1.1111111.f..1.1111111.f.all c:hickek•kn+ r'4a5r8re1, w•IleInth14)er1* cold. ('0114n111481 or 011 handl. 37. IIee4 1111.1 Prshw4a : l»IiI11tity and "slue --111204 of 1wee.' .June 1, 1921: lwney produced in 11r2t1; leesrtax prdln.d hi 11420. rev. Young uhii11als rai*rd 05 11114 farm in 1!r2n tmtltrde all y0nng anlnnlls Iarrn ill '4)21) 'w-1elher r.. taha.l on tow firm, +0(4 to oth0r*, (rr 4lnnght.•n'l for 1441. 110 1104 fndude '14ny yo11ng *1(1111).114 purtalsrl or 11117 that died l i:dts and 1111104, cal vee., 11"1"111"'.:oab4) .\pig*11m-.1118-Intrghterll (for lame law or for wile) on (hi, farm 111 1!)2(4 Nnmis'r. value (ineltding 4)7.910- dm'ts, hide*, twiMw. etc 1.--awt11.•. (elves,. 4(R'ep, swine. heti* 111141 ell Irk - e114. turkeys. gelo9, do(ltw, others. (M/. Animals ra1w.1 on tills• farm ntl odd alive ill (iCM) : Nnmber and calm �Hor.ets, colts and filllel. mil. -h eines. wives, tither CRtile, sheep, lamin, wine. hem', old Two Kinds, There are two loud+ of men : those who do what their wives tell them, and those ho never marry. -Smart Set. Was It a ('ompliment -rid Margaret-oftenplaved with • hb0r's little girl one rainy Six -e Nellie. a n day the two -ere jut starting acrosss the clean kitchen 'r at Margaret's home when the latter mother. seeing their muddy shoes, hes• -• them off and went them out to play 1'n le porch. After a . moment Nellie remit kr( "Aly 'mother don't car how much 1 run over the kitchen Ikon" There was quite a long Intel ! of sil- ence. Then Nlargaret said : "•I wish i had a nice -dirty mother like i you've got, Nellie." • Western Ontario Best Commercial School CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT.:* Cher winter terms commenj •s Tues - ,lav, January 4th, and studepts may rear -later in toner Commercial, Short h .nal ;or Telegraphy departments at A I• v tint. 1 tnr courses are thorough .«,l .practical, and we assist graduates • positions. Get our free catalogue. A. McLA(IILAN, Principal. youngsters want some tool See them dance with delight tonight when you ' bring some home.. - There is benefit and pleasure for them in Wrigley's Nips. Also The Flavour Lasts A106 4 High - Pato "- XXXXXXX MOC,XXXXX?_CX -School of Commerce- � Clinton and Goderich, Ont. The -Double Track Route between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHiCAG i'nexcolled din' Bleeping can on parlor cars on pr Full informs FERS Ti FOi,l, WiNG-COURSFS : Business •- Stenographic Secretarial Civil Service Teachers' Training Course and arranges Special Courses for students. Fot.Lowlsc, AnvANTAGF..s : Highly Qualified Teaching Stafi Actual Busine(s System of Bookkeeping Credential T* larwriting Tests Positions Guaranteed • car service, night tratna, and cipal day trains. on from any Grand Trunk Tirana *!'gent, or C. E. Mr -o- hm. Murk yPassenger Agent. To- ronto. o-ronto. O,H. Latider.Statton Agent, phone 29 F. F. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agouti Phone 5 Vocational Training School .,r this distric by Government app„natrnrnt .,ml under fn spection by Sols vers' Ci1tl ke-r't.,hlt.hmeut Ilopslrtgti'nt For Tern's, etc.. write H. F. WARD, M. A. STONE. 11. A., M. Aertn., ('om. Specialist, Principal Vice -Prior ip al Phone 195, Clinton Students may enter at any t:me X5.1:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXMOCXXXXXXX