HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-9, Page 1'71M elms a well hs has to sell nap the golden Sellars gin clini►s a tree *DJ tellers. r• etr . _ Your Business in lo,,-•,... ......,uw.e: The . Signal. -FOURTH YEAR NO. 23. OODERICH, ONT 41 t. PERSONAI, BANKING SERVICE The successful farmer to -day is a business mag. And as such, he must be familiar with prevail- ing financial conditions. Through our policy of personally interesting our- selves in each customer, we offer you friendly advice and counsel in all matters of a financial or investment nature. You will find our Manager glad to discuss mat- ters with you at any times as THE SIIRLIN6 BANK OP CANADA 4231.1 Old Home Week God&ih August 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1921 The Committee has reason to believe that many names of former Goderich residents have not yet been handed in, and it fs earnestly request- ed that all who have not yet sent in the names and addresses of relatives or acquaintances who have left this town do so at once. The Committee is anxious that the list of Old Boys and Girls should be as nearly complete as possible. ' . bo the office of the SeCi!'eti1�1 , ;, :. '• HENRYTUNED Y TO C. V. , Moss Stud�•nort side of David Mcllwain Agent for International Harvester Co. of Canada. All kinds of Farm Machinery in the Old Stand 'Hamilton Street, Goderich. Garbage Collection. AUCTION SALE. (VLEARING AUCTION SALE OF J VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS. I as instr acted by MRS. D. MILLAR 40 sell by public auction, at her residence, Nelson street, Goderich, on TUESDAY, JUNE 21st, and WEDNESDAY, JUNEY:ndtt commencing each day at 10 teloek a. or, all the contents of the house, cosst.tiag of drawmg- room, hvtngroom, dtotngroom. bedroom and kitchen lerature, This is a very large house and n is fully furn- ished, with everything .n splendid cooditiorl There is a Hemtaan player piano that cost g12011; ■ number of valuable rues. yscturee end single drawingtoompieces; Carpets, Curtains, china, glassware, cutlery, refrigerator, garden tools. kitchen range, oil stove. This ern he the largest auction sale of furniture and furnishings held m Goderich m yeses. Everything must be disposed ol. Tsars.- Cash. Nothing to be taken from premises meta set- tled for. T. GUNDRY, Auctioneer. Fos SALE OR UNT. J , : f, • i�nnL w How is Your Supply elf Office Stationery ? The Signal can give you prompt and satisfactory service. Let us have your next order. •05.0 05.050505555•515,,meN.M.05.9505505,05505•05,Wit. r-5 old hemp. lama a.ta AR Owner rich. a�A c FM ARFOR SALE. -IN COkEtORNE township. concession 4 co tog of lab Wes of load. in good state of cultivation ; five twos of bush. bee acres of orchard, mostly winter feat. Preston steel -truss barn. 70 Meet by M leer, lath steel cattle stabling and atter-carrier. New ogia.st silo, left by 12 It. Good dnveshed, hen - =pod pig -pens. Two eever•lailing wells. weauom farm house. This property 0 .in ■ optendrd location, bang osdy 614 1 anGodeekh. 24 mil** McGaw statics', to church and school. Apply toGIO, N. R. R. No. h. Godarch. -Rural Phone Me 11. tt HOUSE FOR SALE. -APPLY TO B. C. MUNNINGS, Nelson Street. 14 L 5 e. -1 AY, JUNE 9, 1921 THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. TO SALE s set lorntl we Ota ea • • Masi or T. ti. s U w. 1 Wer Per ROUSE FOR SALE. -ON PARK p" street, hes been reeeodened Wtoughout. re- painted and redecorated and other Improve- ments made. T. R. W ALLIS. Victoria street. 4 The Town Is trrllecting garbage from private (M'e•Iringw on W ednca day and Saturday of inion week from June let. The fee is 51.50 per month from the fust of any month. and must be paid in advance to the Town Treasurer. A few approved Garbage Gas for sale at cont. For any further particulars apply to L. L. KNOX. Tows Clerk. Do not wait till do last tninette _. STEAMER GREYHOUND EXCURSION TICKETS - FROM - J. W. CRAIGIE Uptown Ticket Office Tickets be purchased subset ,to = refit if not used. (] HOUSES -HOUSES. ett kinds for sale at very reasonable prices. A we red brick, furaiMd house toseat tar the swum moths. Near the Mhe Mak as Mau avenue- less e/4wposanaiw• Apply to P. Real Es ti• esti RYAN. emu name fa. 14 J n Five Years\ How much do you spend in a week on trifles you would never miss ?-About three dollars? That amount, deposited every week for ills years, would amount to $841.02. Csp e1 oils hrealaars "nae Ramie of Mali Iaj W. Dgerlaw Ins w nowt ON BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manama 4116011011 e• 0 .a 1r RE epi skit/ c - � R. 5. r air+► 1TED NUMBER vi bite Leghorn, Mo- b. lmaaedute de- al It BROOD MARE a ate hat gppsry Me for ger.eral liabt un,. not afraid -co Apply to J. W s' Fair. Godericb. SALE., -S f X- cr. en good r.ey �or family car. EGENIR, Gods- .14ASSEY-11ARRIS cut: aine.t as good Pen a THOMAS M. IPMENT FOR having been burned • decided not to re - and goods which t are lot ..le 115. p. boclet. `w tai�,`isaM. . au J• GET YOUR 1 Greyhound Tickets - TO DETROIT FROM F.F.Lawrence & Sons - adaed cram cam limber gad scantling a= A. DISHER. - , because they are Why are ,hingks freight Sh Ingle. in twenty pou.d. more T means twenty anything to C A ROH- R. R No 5, u OF PURE. ages Aberdeen J•. R. VARLOE, at "4,10 - Wood Turning. All kinds of turning done at W.J. CARTERS, South Street. Four dors south of Briti h Exchange hotel. The Juvenile Harry Lauder I ngagcments tall n t .1 lawn socials and other cnit. rtaolwenta. •INOING AND DANCING LESLIE EVANS Box 417. Ooderleh. THE TOWN COUNCIL. shwas Before the Regular Melling Frida) Night. The regular uu•t•thig of the town eount•II waw held o e Friday evening. t'ouiw•Illor Knight 'was again present after several weeks in the hospital. 1'ouuelllon+ dtln•hell ami Walker were alneelrt. A petitiem for a sewer on Napier ,itrewt, from Angle 'u street 411 Vic- toria street, •Was presented ami re- ferred to the piddle works committee. -A1Kdk•atfotlo for hntkling hermits were reesdyewl as follows : Maitland Golf flub, for a club house. e$timutad ,oast El.li? Mr- I11111I1a11 smith, res rooting. and re•lrlirilg ebiuulry at workshop on East street: E. t'. Rei - cher, removing dwelling from Newgraate street to Hnn•k street. repairing tool putting In improvements. estimated cont $1,01e11: G. M. F:IIIurt. %:arHge• Lighthouse ,rt ret : John Sturdy. re- routing dwelling. Wolfe street : Jahn Sturdy. re1lringting dwrNittg, Regent street : .1luhes, E. Itnhtuau. re•roi fiug dwelling; 1•teiun street.: \T. 14. Wallis, rens deHing ,libelling on `Park street, eetimatel root t1.MMt„_p l for (lie ereetirn 1d 1t 'ennui stable -the near of the lot. Au' application - vitt'' Plour-baoeltatl drat -for the r3 ee.. t erecting 11 grandstand at the 4 I dia- mond at AgrielrlturaI 1•t.rk anq for sole privileges, -in connect. therewith w'a's re•ferreit to the public work., sawn - miner for le report. A request from the National San1- ratinul As-'eIatlgn for a grant to - wants the re4mlldbw of the Muskoka free hoepi t:al for consumptives was ft' ferrel to the finalwe committee. A eommu*iki.1don front fir. A. .1. ('o/per, Mating that he would remove his Building ,•n Hamilton street atsl make everything all right An a very moist time, wan tend and referred to the fire committee. A letter drain the National Ship- bniiding (',,. with reganl to proeocl- lafpe in connection with the bylaw r.- treatJy vetted atom by the people was read. The matter was referred to the epeeist et nadir ee with Slower to torr suit the aotteftor anti to report to the tvnnt•ll. An amendment hy Contail- Iorn (Nett mutt Mary to gt1, ahead with tale valuation under The: byla!rr wan ►alt pulitk war >,llitlh eef Zit the assn rAR in GENE C. CONNON Her Popular Orclwitia UPS -Date 4ntruiigWiso j� Asn as The *my latest Dante Masi w ANTED. --A DOC REPRESE:N- WARM FOR SALE. -LOT U. CON -I TAT IVE at Goeerich to reaeeaent "The CESSION 3, Caadrieh toenaaip renelIMPf rod ReaiabIe Foothill N pines,' and cover wr- of 42 acmes of chose* cis losa4 wRi aping creek rounding an.terEsc A splendid operon` for a and g well. Barn with Bement eta reliable GT. , Toronto, e . Ont. S I ON E & apses W: WELLINGTON, TseoMO, Ont. St hay bon. 1dx2'/: .hive -lion.., IallJ; small hue- -----_ - house; comfortable concrete cottage. and two acres of orchard. It re situated one mile from designated Provincial county road. saves miles from Goderich, and is convenient to school ad church. Apply to B.H. LINDSAY. R. R. No, 2, Goderich. Phew:1102 r 1 tf PUBLIC NOTICE. STRAWBERRIES. Strawberries will be ripe neat week. Get your Order in early if you want any. 1 have orders in now Ip ascot io( my crop. F. W. ANDREWS, Clinton. Ont. 1m DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New Yak Ophthalmic sod Aural Hospital, amiatant at Moorefeld's Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hos- pital London. En`. aWaterloo St. S.. Stratford. Telephone M. At Bedford Hotel. Goderich, from Wednes- day, July 20th, at 7.30 p. in.. to Thursday. the 2144, at 1 p- m. LOST OR FOUND. ANTED.-A((i, to STUDENT NURSES. A to the CITY OF STRATFORD GE RAL HOSPITAL. Strai- to, d, Ostereo. 6l GENE C. CONNON LEADER GOING DOW.1 SHINGLES STRAYED. ON PREMISES OF THE i undersigned about May 24th, • yearling red bull. Owner will please room his property J• G. SCHWANZ, Huron Road, Goderich Township. Telephone 6 3 r 5. 't NOTICE OF MEETING. CANADIAN ORDER OF FOREST- ERH. Co-lrt tloderieh No. 32, will hold their annual church service and evade on Sander. June 19th, to Victoria Street Methodist Church. Members are requested to meet at the Lodge rroms,bver Herds shoe store, at 10.30 a. in. Visiting brethren are welcome. ALBERT BARKER. Recording Secretary. JOHN W. BELL, Chief Rar rr. UURON COUNTY BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION. The annual Meeting' of the Huron County. Breeden' Association will be held in the Town Han. W mgham, on SATURDAY, JUNE IA1h, at 2 p. m. Prof. Geo. E Day, Secretary of the Canadian Shorthorn Association, will be present and (lye an address It is also hoped to have H D. Smith, of the Canadian Hertford ,Aswxea- non present. Members and all interested in purebred cattle; are invited to attend. S. B. STOTH ERS, Secretary Huron County Breeders Asadciauon. 21 ,OLDEN GATE R. B. P., No, 1034. Measliest Thursday of each month, in Forest• ere' Hall. Visiting Sir Knights welcome. J. McNEVIN, R. H MEWRegialree. W. P, CARDS OF THANKS. CCARD 'OF THANKS. -WILL OUR J friends and neighbor, wM 5n stay rendered oNlstance at the time M nur are and after wards kindly accept nur sincere thanks' 1 vial 5110 to th.* the Mod Wawan4h (5swymlw Co lar profit settlement d V .heft Vmr aoMe My`' destrertel Ty e Jane let and my claim wee 11t"il full June nth. W. H. JEWELL. • asesits Alis is the last notch (5 x) xxxxx C. B. Shingles at $1.25 perbunch Gel them while they last Goderich Planing Mills LIMITED ? e 47 P. O. Box 18 THE COl'NCIL SHOI'Lll ACT. Ther town connt•il is taking upon itself a serious releponsibtiity by its Innetknl In the matter of the National Nh ailhlblg t'o. bylaw. At the Mcct- hlg of the counei1 last Friday nigh the tolbow'ing letter from rise Cowpony Was sleliniBted : . 1n view of the h1 -haw anthortring a guarantee of the National Shipbuilding ('a.. IAt4.. Winds having received the assent of the ratepayers. we pr-,uulr that 44 will be finally Sassed at your tr11111k,11 mertiug on Friday, the Srd bait. We would very Much like a rails. - Min of our property and planet to be pr.a'tcdel with at your .artiest von - tenderer. We quite appreciate the fact that the recent fire at our Miler whop nay taanse• ditfk•ulty in carrying out the terms of the bylaw, bast (lits qur4ion can lie taken up with you after we have lead our IMA1M1n.v mutter,' finally wMlel. If eventually it should be deckled that the t.ylirw rttnnnt be p cos tided ' With by reason of the a-hange In von- dllintn and the yaltlatlon therehy he- mline(' abortive. we will undertake to defray the ,or -I of same. On the other ha N t11e yatuation ix need do any further appeal which may he made to the rateretyers then H Ste uW tie•nrttwod that- the eoxt will Ile tonne by the nnnricipial3ly in the usual way. This I,MIks like a rr.14.11414e prrc►plewt- Rion : all :any rate. it mer;:. srunrthiu% 11101, than Mere hue/540n. last Fridley uiltht's meeting of the loum•il was the hu -t re•gtllar meet tug at which the third reading of 011e bylaw could be given. Tint lats.:nig of the bylaw Iwdkh wan endorsed by the ratepayer. hy a large najurity 1 would not have lvmmiated the a linvil to rile carrying out of any agreement with.rht ertotaafly : on the ernretery, 4t would have plaid orlon tile. Company the roma of any further prlweeclhng.. ami the 4Y.nneany, judg ling front Its letter attove quailed, Waft, lta'tyrtref to art In a pt•rfeerly reao,oll- altie manner. The tomnwM'4 irwetlnn lea Tea Um whole thing 'In tin• air," and The Stg- nal submits that this is not the way. . in which an incliner -lel propagation o1so 4d Its handled. The unemploy- ment w4ts.tion is ton eerilxis for the IOM'S 20 air (4* disk of liming a hrpgOsat lg iadury. The title.,. GYM ho voted •.* 1 ata the • rat 'say who Ikea IONS Lsi.wr DANCE! Saturday Evening, June 11th 8.30 to 12.00 "THE PA VILION" Commencing Monday next, the 13th, the Pav- ilion will be open each week -day night. , POPULAR MUSIC . • Goderich Amusement Co., Ltd. •. • ta'41 t1As tl 4wray glee rapailred 5 e• ', 1 �a- timid on the grant vlonat there meat Bond Ao 'ta Insurarnr op )he town hall. Rte hall and staideli he ttn•rwt-ed to $.,,O*90 and on see ootrte•nts to ti2,IMM►. ' \I • The Apertal couumittae rrmmmenh4•d Haat the licenses ed lilts louder I for tmovhag picture theatre) awl ('twigie tiros. I for pool-nwlw I be rcnew'e1 up- on prtyrnent of the fee: and reported that u license lad been granted to the John Robinson eireti, at 41(10. with 4.41 add1klnad for the use of .tgricuh- tnontl .Park. Thr tire couaneitte• reprrteil that all the 141)41) Seat lona for building permits submit -test at taw lie -'t previo/u5 meeting Mail Igen granted. and that "ori Mar Continued on g.• 4. the matter. Why pay more for a photograph when you can get a real "Stewart" from 115 to 535, and a beau- tiful cabinet machine for 152 ? Ask for a demonstration at Itlack•tone's ice cream parlors. Agent for Gennett Records. Special Offer --Do You Want a Piano ? We will accept Dominion of Canada bonds as payment on a limited number of high-grade instruments. This offer cannot last indefinitely. Take advantage of the offer NOW. JAMES F. THOMSON, Music Store, Goderich. Ilse Blackstone's homemade ice cream. The Elgar Ladies' Quartette will give a for all occasions. It makes a delightful, 'nncert in Victoria street church on delicious dessert. Phone 240. Wednesday. June 22. under the auspices of the Eureka Bible class. Watch for further announcement next week. Pearly white teeth and wholesome pink gismo. -It's s1. et14y to keel your teeth sold gums healthy hy giving thew the right wort of treatible'ut. Select n insist dentifrice such as Minty's. 01111 tint is ertlplt+,ially agree - Ode -and efertive .Sir• s:M asetsa t.: , awl whitening tlw teeth. Another essential Tenpin• is that you ON. 0111• of nruT milii51iallt• 444441)41 berth brushes. Keep a recent of the dentifrice and toroth brash tient 41(3(0 you (hut roll 111:1y duplicate them. It d,.1 .lt t 340' hl be constantly chalgcing-E. K. Wale, .tr.sgglsl. Genie:iell. Remember, the sixty-day clearing sale of stationery at Thomson's Music and Stationery Store. Many of the Imre less than present wholesale price. This is not advertising talk. but real vain 's and bargains, Ther; are still two live wires left in Goderich, "lake" Mos -r and Pridham the Tailor "Jake" is beautifying the town, "Pridham" the people. Around the corner Ni rth street. OUNDKi'S SALE KEGINTER. TUESDAY AND WiDNasoAY. June 21 and Clearing auction sale of household furniture and furnishings, by4Mr, D. Malar. at her reeiden.e. Navin street Sue eamwlawe.a sack day at- .-_ dclnck a. m- NKW RRTISEMeNTS. Pam 'I Ma,.4%anted- Mrs. 4. 1.. )(Moran .1 Card of Thanks W. If Jewell. ... . .. . 1 Church Service ami Fated, -Court Goderich, • NeV 1 I farm foe Sale -Geo. F. Bean, R. R. No 5, Gode• r Irich. . ..... .. ..... .... 1 Annual Meet ing-- Huron County Breeders' Asao- clate.n.... ......1 Greyhound Tickets - F F. Lawrenekli Son -.I AuctionSa1e-Mr. 0, Stiller ., _ I i Reader -Glenn -Charles .. . j Chicks for Sale -G. M. Kidd.... I Bu'I Astray -J. G. Schwan... Girl Wanted -Mr . T. H. Rothwell... Wond Turning -W. J. Carter . Up Irom the Ashes -National Sondem coition 1 Brood Mare for Sale -J W. Annum a.u...'wi, r• BANK of MONTREAL ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS Savings Department 1RE is a Savings Department in every Branch in Canada of the Bank of Montreal, in which interest is allowed at the highest current rima. Amounts of $L00 and upwards may be deposited. 7.416 1 flissIllh 1 BANK of MONTREAL Coghill Paid up $22,000.$00 Riggs 422.00e.000 Total Amt. iw Esema of 5500,000,000r e • 'y