HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-2, Page 8Newawamtamer
A 'rhwrslay, .lour 2, 19"I
Picnic Time
is Here!
Don't carry China Plates
and Cups and run the
risk of getting them
Picnic Plates, Lily Drink-
ing Cups, Paper Table-
cloths and Paper
Table -napkins.
A Book or Magazine
in the shade makes
your picnic a success
Mrs. 1., R. Craigie and Miss` Minnie
Craigie have returned from a visit to
Miss Ethel Nairn of the Weston public
school staff. is visiting at the parental
. tine.
-- i
1 Meeting held at N'ttlgha i n
Tue' 21). \ -
Tht• annual, misting of the Ntitlh
Intron a I,i t raI AS,10,Citit u
was hell in the t,iw•w hall, % iutf ill Iii.
on 'l'w.'.day Inst. In spite of the busy
time uu this farms, aitd the quiet times
politically, there WAN a satisfactory
_attend:cater, most of the muuieitstlities
in,theriding 1teinl represented.
.ifter a tliretooh.q of the IiI'e tit
l:litical .i1 nation, it was decided to
.all a i,nvewtltrr at an early date for
the pl:teiug of a rtundidate in 11w held
for the nest }'uderal election.
Tile 1.14...6011 of .iltieers and executive
(etcnmittte resulted a, follows,thereIters
lotting fiver c
Only a fiver
preview: year : President. W. 1i. 1tob-
etys„ai, t;.sterieh ; tint vice-president,
John t iIi'.pie, Whitechut'eh; .enttid
vire-prt•sidrnt, Joseph Dalton. telt.
field ; third vitt,preside t, Jar i B1'.
1 dwell, Witgh:itn ;
Mnr•Ilie. Itl)Kh; treasurer, A. 1t. Garr,
Itlyth; auditor• Nill iam r.hittter,
It•tngham, 1 It.t1rmeti of mut!1 (�1-
ities : A•hfit'fd, ('Its:.
burse, GordonYonne.; }:est \tawsuo-Ii,
Ches. 4'.tmpl(ell; West Nawtulo,h, J
It. )l.t\alb; Tntnherry, Peter Mt'-
1Aargall; ilowiek. P. 1-'. Dag; Atorris,
John Ah An. -r; (rt y, John BMabb;
(h,isrich, C. A. Nairn; Winghau, A
(;teens; Brussel, P. ,Seistt; Wroxeter.
John !Neighs; Myth, S. 1'tq$rstone.
In connection with a project wild
is Teeing undertaken by the t)utario
Woneu's Iiliera1 Association for fere
establishing of university scholarships
in memory of -the • -tm4r- Sir . Wilfrid
1,anrier the f.11dwiig women were
11:Imnl ' For (:.wi.'riclf, Mrs. M. G.
eameron, Mks Mal.el itailie, Mrs. A.
4'. Minter; for Colborne. , Mrs. I.
H.ttherington. )(r. I:onl.in Young; for
Ashfield, Mrs. Role 1'iviiket. Mr,. A.
Bieber: for West N'aw•atash, Miss Ale -
DUE JVNE 1st, 1941
Half -yearly interest, June 1st and December, payable at Tor-
onto, Montreal or Winnipeg.
PRICE : $98.29 and INTEREST
DVE JVNL iyt.1941
Half yearly interest. June 1st and December, payable Tor-
onto, Mo►treal, Winnipeg and Edmonton.
PRICF, : $99.00 and INTEREST
Order, may tie telegraphed of telephoned at our expense.
E. 1-I. HILL & CO.
British Exchange Building Phone 316
Ci eat Market and Grocery Co.
Our meats are the best money can buy, at the
very lowest prices.
Homemtide Pork Sausage every Saturday.
Try our homemade goods.
All orders delivered Saturdays.
N. R.tars.ft►. Treadsts 31.wTekkisi
P. 0. Box 121, Parrsbore, N. S.
Allard with Rlkrwetint far fee
yews. having it to badly at times I tees
unable to get up without amistaaoa
I tried different medicines I saw
advertised and wee treated by doctors
in Amherst, ago in my Dome town,
but the Rheumatism came back.
In 1916, I saw is as advertisement
that 'Fruit-s-tiver't.wld rasp Rim.
cation. and took one box and got
relief; thus I bit them right along
fur about six eaooths aid Use Rheu-
matism was all gone and ! lees anew
felt u Baca
Anyone who would earn to write
me as regards 'Fruit -is -thee' I would
be glad to tell these what 'Fraits-
tives' did for sae."
Onotrestor and Meee..
50c. a box, 6 for $2.1513, trial anise 26a.
At ell dealers of sent postpaid 4
Fruita-uvea Resited, Ottaway Oat.
Allister, Mr-'. J. It McNabb. Mrs. W.
A. tvilson:•fir Rest \vawante.h. Mrs.
John 1'. Currie, Mrs. Alex. Porterfield;
for Blyth. Ales. I'opltt:rone, Mrs Wm.
Jaekaon; for Brssels. Mrs. W. H.
Kerr, Mrs. J D. warwiek : for Wrox-
eter, Miss E. Hazlewooil, Miss Minnie
Smith; for Turnherry. )tis., Idella Wil.
son, Mr. Reuben GArniss: for Howkk,
Mrs., Alex. !tele trthIiu. Mes. H. Har-
ris.; for Grey, Me- t;tri. Me}arlane.
.Mrs. 1►. MI•Ikrnttld ; for Morris. Mew.
W. 11.. Fraser. Mrs. Win J. Geddes;
for \1'ingham, Mr.. Pugh, %Ii.ss Powell,
Mrs John Wilson
.11 the B.tpfist church next Sunday
services will Owe held as usual at 11
N.M. atttl 7 p.m. ltible se ool at 10
a.m. R. Y. 1'. 1'. at it p.m.
Mt -statues Haniy, Horton, (tarrle
and 11. J. Saulrs were delegate.; from
Pit. George's W. A. t4 the annual meet-
ing at i.nntlon last week of the Wt. -
man'+ .auxiliary of the church of }:ng•
Special *Revives will la held in
North street Mel Isidist ,-itnn•h next
Suwiny, the Morning ,•evil,• tieing in
charge of the ladies and the• evening
in elrtrge of the tnt'n tit the i,ougn•gn-
tion. .t Imlis' clrt►ir will sing in the
morning; the men'. elrtir at night.
There is ssoouynd wisdom in the words Of
the late ex%President Roosevelt, quoted
by a contemporary "A man should go
to church. He maY not hear a good
sermon 'but he will hear 'a sermon by a
good Man. who, with his good wife, is
engaged MI the week in making hard lives
aii the better."
The aunnal trrnvention of the iN•an-
cry of flnron ws. held or Myth ell
\I•ty 31st tend was very well attender)
Those present from town were Mes-
dames Hardy, Crawford. Foster, Evtut-.
4:arri.•k. Hunt, Cori, )1y neon, Young,
Feikir. isingmire• Mia*t Neftel and
Taylor and Rev. S. S. nerdy. At the
Woman's Attrilhary meeting Trinity
church was well tilled with delegates
and tweet inspiring reports from the
various Ior ue• e., were gi-v`e-n. laid
Teo r . of tt •er-t were rr4lrl'Ctr, 3r14i.
( ROY. 1 Brown of "(enforth president.
And at4t E. Johnston of Hensall
.a,-retar,-treit surer. The visitors were
most hospitably entertained And were
}}mite enthn.ia.rtk' over the. new
'Mein,trial Hall, where inneh and test
were served.. The afternoon ,.ceder
was held in 7't•itnity rhitti'h ,,u 41 very
helpful ind1r•1 were the pipers wirer
3 I tiiw•us.iouo thereon. itev. J. 11.
l'a rter5s►t of 'Dimino - spoke on "The
.aim of the Senelay School and flow to
Attain lt,' nix' it seemed .t pity every
Phone 368 R. GRAF, Proprietor. Cor. Kingston & Square
how we have prepared ou4elves to ensure you foot
comfort this summer. Weave stocked up big on
hicli everybody should (most people do) wear at thi,
se .-tit of the year, for different reasons. They are
ligh and cooler, consequently more comfortable
than le titer, easily cleaned, and decidedly cheaper
Why, yes, of co se. We bought them in the new-
est designs in Sh om, beautiful Ties, Pumps and
Oxfords, in leather o tubber soles, with a variety of
heels, for the ladies, t rious shapes and styles for
men, boys and girls, event t forgetting "king Baby."
FLEET FOOT Running Shoes every member of the
Lowly, for all occasions, pro at any function.
A special heavy -soled white shoe, which' is just the
thing for your favorite pastime, has just arrived.
Get a pair now and get into the game for a good long
e seaso11.
From purebred trapmestetl S. C.
White foghorns, (Barron
Strain,. The !Luton Leghorn
is an English bird And for a'Le•R-
horn is a very large bird, slime
of them being As large as the
ltteek. Seldom dn they ever set.
With the conning of warm
weather the heavy bawls are
determinist to Act, not sip with
the Leghorn, as that is the thee
she it determined to iny. They
will slim lay in the winter if
given proper care. From Nov-
emtwr 1st tri April 1st ten of our
trepatated Leghorn* .laid 1035
eggs at an average pelvis for the
five months of 73e per dozen, or
$0127S for the ten birds In the
five mtmths. From just such
sleek As theme nail others nearly
at. good we are offering chicks
at 2..9,• eeeh, delivered at your
Huron Specialty Farni
WALTER ROSE, Brumels, Ont.
Phone 3Mv BON 14.
Starting June 4th and continuing until June 18th,
we will have wonderful values to offer you in many lines
Ready-to-wear is the main feature
Every garment in Ready-to-wear will be on sale for these days. The new seasonable mer-
chandise will be on sale. New Blouses in voile, crepe de chine and georgette. Dresses in silk,
serge, gingham and voile. White Skirts, Middies, Sweater Coats and Pullovers, children's Dresses-
in fact, every article we carry in Ready-to-wear will be on sale at a reduction of 20 per cent. on,
these Sale Days.
This is an opportunity to buy your summer garments at a great reduction
Eve white Skirt in the store will be reduced -
20 per,ceft. These Skirts 'come in all sizes, in
gabardine, pique and repp. All prettily trimmed
with buttons and pockets, at a reduction of 20 per.
A:i this season's make, in the very best de-
signs. Only a limited quantity, but they will all
be on sale at 20 per cent. off.
I11 the very latest designs and stryles, reduced
20 per cent.
House Dresses in gingham and print all re-
duced 20 per cent. They come in all sizes up to. 44.
A .wonderful assortment of new voile Blouses
in all sizes reduced 20 percent. for this sale.
Georgette Blouses in the latest designs and
of good quality, on sale at 20 per cent. off.
• Crepe de chine Blouses in all colors and sizes
at 20 -per cent. -off.
Gingham Dresses in all sizes from 2 -year to
14 -year sizes. They are all marked very close,
kit for these two weeks' selling they will be re-
tluced 20 per cent. It will pay you to see these
values. -
Every Sweater Coat in the store will be re-
duced 20 per cent. ' They come in •all the best col-
orings and the latest combinations of colors. A
Sweater for everyone at 20 per cent. off.
Pullovers all reduced 20 per cent. The sizes.
are all here and the colors are the best.. At 20
per cent. off.
If it is a Silk Dress we have it. Our stock is
complete in the many qualities of Silk and the
sizes are all represented. Silk Dresses in all
colors on sale20 per cent. off.
Wonderful values in Serge Dresses at 20 per
cent. off.
Every Ready -to- -, r Garment in the store
will be reduced 20 per nt. for this sale.
-HOB ' Y
We have a large stock o Hosiery in silk and
lisle for ladies and children, a a for the Sale Days
they will all be reduced 20 per ent,
Ladies' pure silk Hose in nus and Hole -
proof, reduced 20 per cent.
Ladies' fibre silk Hose, reduced
per ce
Ladies' lisle Hose, reduced 20 per nt. \,
Children's lisle and cotton Hose, ' i used 20
per cent.
Boys' heavy cotton Stockings, reduced 20 per
Ladies' cotton Underwear all reduced 20 per
Children's summer Underwear all reduced 20
per cent.
Many other lines on sale_at sieductjon of 20 __
per cent. -
Do not forget the days. The sale starts Sat-
urday, June 4th, and continues until Saturday,
June 18th.
Make a list of your wants and have them
filled while the sale is on and; the summer mer-
chandise is cheap.
No goods charged at bargain prices.
Ktutit. -..enol worker in the Deanery
tv,nld ,met have heard the niklrese.
Thrwirb lie kindness of the nutncor-
it'w • io Presbyterian c•hnrli the
enh c -••-.Aon was held in their place
of w..r- Trinity church is•ing too
small IctY,mmodate the eosgrega-
tloit. Tie. addreets, "The Divine it4evtl
of !twitch:it Life," M the Ilea. Dm"'
T,Ktker '.t London. wan very lnstniet-
ive, . the „pecker emphahlxing the
training of the child.
1Ntt ret'\ -The ane on t}tthe late .1.
ri lay. Mf
1'1'. Br.lsn took place
241. from the family residence. ('Intrch
street. to ('oihnrree a emetery. Rev. 11.
11 )lover tvwsdtlt'tett the ftnx•rtl e. -r-
0,1.. and at the graveside the burial
service of the Masonic Order tvAt ob
served. Thr psiIbearrrs were the
three ems and Mr. Tait (;lark. 0
tit•IIdx(wL. I Kiley,' present were Mr.
.alfrrl- V. (preen. of Iwtrott ; Mr. T.
It. Tennant, of Toronto: *es. Glen.
teheson, of Toronto Mr. awl Mrs.
Itonrtttn.m, (rf lleniill. find many old
friends ret the de eea*etl from Auburn
nsl vi..ihity, Thr late J. 1'. Brown,
:ts meMtonerl 1n The
SlgnAl of ewe
w.,•k- ago. "NA A WI 11%N. of England,
"aline to OAnm}A when ti young men
and hwrntng the trade of ittrrlAge-
bullding :it Smith's Hill Afterwards
he lived at Chilton end Auburn before
making hie hone in Omterkb in 11474
1tP marrh,lArsine liC ersan'Miert Juste Ittt•trAtmn, who
dMi in filet, atriI In ItM►1 hp mgrried
Asn. ' who eurvivei'.
p s.
Hiner renting to (;t.lerleh he itad 1.,en
a member of North street -Methodist
church. and for many years he hal
1wen an official tnemher of the etrrytre-
gatinn. Ht' was a Ala son anti ti 11.41 a
member of the Canadian Order of
Foresters. He s.'rt.,t a terns. some
years ago. se It metirleer of the town
1181 1. The tire, wets 01)11 daughter
were e11 here for the funeral. Mr.
John Iin►w•n, wife 111.1 ell lid: of Aknn.
(thbo, and Mr. W. 1t. Itrown, of \\'itni-
peg, . irnve since returned to their
homes. Mr. J. I'. Brown imus this
week on his return to Re'g'ina. Mr..
Yeanlffldnt, whose home 1s at Arvlt.
Sask., Is remaining herr for a time.
The June meeting of the county council
will open on Tuesday afternoon next.
Quite a number will go up from
Gotlerl•It to the Kingshriilge garden
party nest Wednesday.
"rile Yokohama .Jell" will be re.
wilted at Hertel filmset on Wednesday.
June Itch. The proceeds will he given
to wane charitable Institution.
Young men wishing to go to the
military camp at London iMmkl apply
at once to Mwjor 11. t'. Dunlop. "A"
(',,mpnny gates to camp Jntte 10th.
The steamer Hoyle Smith arrival on
Saturday night with a cargo of wheat
and oats for the elevator. This is the
fifth trip this /detainer ha* made to
(itsWrieh thl. .talar. The mteeamer
Marthan le expected today (Thnreley)
With a cargo of wheat fur she elevator.
The tea and bazaar held by the Mac-
Gillivray Mission Band of Knox church
on Saturday was a very gratitying suc-
cess. There was a good attendance and
the proceeds amounted to a substantial
Mr. G. W. Meek acknuwietlgtel with
thank. tis` Ion:t(ltn of twrnler plaids
by Mr. Getn•ge Stewart for Ht. I'atriek's
Park The holies of the neighborhts.l
have .viutrihnted plants for the centre
of the plot. and the park is now in tine
Mr. ('lot••. itnts•hler Is visiting with
relatives tit.J'ort Huron.
Miss Bette ('lark Int home from
Montreal fir a holiday visit.
Mr..bm.w Yates is able to Ise &stilt
his house And oltle again after Ills
severe Illness, but M still ender the
doctor's am.
The many frien.1■i of Mitt. flew).
Acheson were sorry to hear of the
sudden death of her brother in To-
ronto, on, account of which rhe lied to
return to the city at once, Hess trotting
abort her stay in (loderkit.
'\itve. t'. Lomgmire, Mr. itmi Mrs.
Samuel I'eter, Mrs. Harold i'etcr and
won, Of Atwood, Mr's. Arthur Newlin..
of Bnsrew'ts, suet Mrs. ('htriem Ilan -
kick sail men, of 1ltlmerston, worn
vl.ltot•s at bre home of Mr John Long.
Used Furniture
1 Mahogany Buffet, a peach.
1 Bedroom Suite, walnut finish, com-
plete with springs - . - ..... ... $22
2 Oil Heaters, nickel -plated $5 each
1 Sofa, recovered t5
1 Oak Chiffonier, new . $30
1 New Williams Sewing Machine $15.
2 Tennis Rackets $1.25 and $2.58
1 Organ, solid walnut, snap $12.
Don't let the other fellow get all
the bargains, because every day is.
bargain day here.
Harold Blackstone's
Furniture Exchange
West St. -- Goderich
Tr) a Want ,td. In The SIgnaL