HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-2, Page 7See Our Select Stock of Ladies' Whitewear in the Latest Effects Ladies' Collars and many other lines of wo- men's and children's wear.' —0 - 'Novelty Goods A very extensive line. It would be worth your.while•to call and inspect them. Miss S. Noble South Side Square - - G. risk Mcr wen's Specials Phr91W4S4TWilt •rtdure4-Ilrices.-.4 8heering at red:n`ed prima. Rockfaet Drill at rv4ua•ed pet'- itiugham ai reduced price*. A nice_ aawsrtment for Winslow --Curtains. from tae and up. Ai:irbbt Serge, nary trine. double - width. at SL:3 pet%)ard. Underwear, to clear, 1' p' • worth while. A greit unmM r of ort e -1••s- b, 1 roceriee at reslu'r4 pewee. J. J. McEWEN The Square Phone 16 a Good Plumbing IS A DELIGHT Poor Plumbing IS AN ABOMINATION When we do' the Joh,\ite Ire you the right khat • that gives you oleo - fort. • ki stud FRED. skI UNT "THE PLV, g:R" Hamilton St►Nt Phone 1.35 1'tumning lieetinl3 Eavestrotighine Metal as New Summer Millinery In milan, organdy tulle and mohair, with trimmings from the plain corded and moire ribbon to the beauty of flowers and mounts. Miss M. R. MacVicar Kingston street, Goderich White Footwear We have an excep- tionally large assort- ment of White Foot- wear this season for everyone. Let us sup- ply you. SPECIAL VAL U E S IN Men's Fine Roots — O N -- Saturday, June 4th AT Hern's ,$oot Shop When It's a Question of Electrical . Goods ROBERT TAIT "The OId Reliable" A full stock of Light Fix- tures, • Electrical Household rten:.ils, etc., always on hand. Estimates given and con• tracts taken for Electric Wiring' and Fitting. ROBT. TAIT West St. Next Postoffice Phones: Store 82, Res 193 DECORATING AND Decorating Materials Wall Papers, Paints, etc. We .ell you the materials. or tike the contract of decorating our home, store or office. Estimates cheerfully given GLASS Window Glass, Plate Glass Mirrors, etc. We can supply your wants in any kind of Glass J. CUTHBERTSON North side West st. Phone 354 ./AL 4111 P 1 l(1, Airy THE SIGNAL He Knows All doctors know what a wonder' ul protector to the skin there is in the healing, soothing oil* and dieinIc.t- ant properties of LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP end hnw effeense t-dehuoy is for washing blanket., beddo•.a sod all ear/mots that lunch the akin. 0 fODESIGN, ONT. Mi<ses Neaaie Kay and le G t hath I. i, l.,r their ho Ilea 1'llnnipe'.; at atter spending the winter aid' fda►ivt- and friends in 13rueetla After an illness of several walks. Mrs. i I Larry James.died SaWrdaY morntng,Mav .lst-, in her fiftieth yea . Sane" the death of her husband two years ago, Mrs. Jami' had continued tocarry on the Ameri',u, hotel and`kept the house lip to standard. a lo, Before 1 took Lydia E. Pink- s ie rat DOALL MY HOUSEWORK aCompound 's Moot sixty acres of flax have heir, hamVegetable sown so tar this season bylrtd the Unit,r,i 1 could hardly get about. Flax MLll Co., and one r m !acres will be added. The mill will nt.1 •_ - --. likely be started until this crop is off. Coburg, Ont,- "For many years I The executors of the estate of the tat, have had trouble with my nerves and ta. H. James have decided to keep the have been in a general run down con- iA rican hotel open. under the manage- dition for some time. 1 could not do my men of John Bateman. who filled. that work half of the time because of the 'Pr siti the last two )'ears under Mrs trouble with my monthly 'sickness. 1 I James• was told of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound by friends and advised e-ie1d his residence here Ice W try. it.. It hal done me good, and I . strongly recommend it. Since 1 have ' Winnipeg. h 1 F. Burchill. The induction of Rev. J. P. McLeod. taken it 1 hay a been able to do all my own work, and 1 also know friends who r, late of Wyoming, minister of Melville have found it good. You can tyre thew church. Brussels. too place on May Iltth, facts as a testimonial." -Mrs. Ft 1.F.14 in the Presence of a la e congregation FLATTERS, Box 761, Cobourg, Ont. I Why will Women continue to suffer se I'rilher, ('ottix a clung is more than we can understand, . rot hev, .i.. father, coin • lour ..'.,; when they can find health in Lydia F- use now. for ma 1105 ettun' ' riser_ Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? bear ; .Jas got all, the furittni ,ort .m For forty.year$ this good old fash- th• yard from the front 11.«,r '1.c kmed rout and herb remedy, which the arc -"t The adore must ' contains no narcotics or harmful drugs, awl ise put in the s11e1, 14011 1h, >,,. has been the standard remedy for fe- must. 1.- 1'Itrlll/sl of cocoa' recess, t'. 'male ills, and has restored the health of time to 'genii and the stroll's t1...3 remands of women who have been and the frout ,whalow Mesal- -.se , u,•- tr bledwithsuchailmentsasdisplace- Igl:as` - men .:, inflammation, ulceration, trreg• father. dear father, cone. hum, ,,cine ularitl s, etc. un• isms anal bri'1R W,We 1:14!41-.11.1:.::k.' olul n,, :a„I If yu want special advice write to t J1rs s•, It's mean di etve 44 410'1 :11,.1 � Lydia E. nkham Medicine Co. (confi- tller. s .nothing to eat Y'm- err hen:ry-"dentia'), Ly , Mass. Your latfar will 1 nl-weak at the knees. Alt the ,li„o. 1 be opened, r d and answered by a welt' have will Ie. rnld 'wraps) aii'l -n• woman and hel n strict confidence. and ,wt ll have to tat 'wending n;• ' for the table and all are out ,* hack,, ,xla, 1 wishstbe houses::, , was rhrougb,-_-- ad _ father. er de• 1,11111' 11..1•, ' li COUNTY AND DISTRICTa'1 ne. Milk is nine cents a quart at Rt )ey;. Fath P h Ilei• now. hie ma is as 1114441,` a John F. Cooke, of Belfast. took -honors sh' says that y1111 re out' .4 I:,zc in the final examinations at 'the Ontario i and Hurt «hr shall 1.11r`•,n' C. lleee of Pharmacy. There s' pointing to do and, William Keith, a Culross farmer, hid the 'p to ,hang and 111• t,11,•I.,�t- t'n head o' cattle killed by lightning in and 4e>(itigs to scrub: for it'. I,u•.•• the storm of May 22nd. cleaning 1 1111 Neal you've _.'t to 'onm IMr. and Alrs John Y. Jamieso.n,rol the l norms and revel 111 ends and col,' 4[rnh. Aron road. Hutlett. on May 20th cele t vv Tit old 4 to weir -r weny• Ibrated the t t fifth anniversary oft John Coutts and Miss Lavine J. Clark, ' SCHOOL CHILDREN hath of 'alton. were united in marriage' by Rev. . Lundy at the Kippen manse on May 11 . The induct' n of Rev. E. F. Chandler, I Need Rich, Red Blood to late of Kilsyth, as ministtr of the Walton ! their wedding P Lind Moncrieff Presbyterian congregations g ALE ANDD NERVOUS Nlll.ul t:oc.-r,nn m1 rira•b« tti4I, 1hta'will Regain Health and Strength. took place at Walton on Tuesday of .this Many children start school. in excel ent 'reek. The young son of Rev. Mr. Sinclair of examinations. hurried meals and crowded ' Centralia swallowed a key which lodged schoolrooms cause their blo,.d to become in the lower part of his throat. He was weak, their ne ves over -wrought and their taken to the hospital at London. where c( ter and spirits lost. It is a mistake to the X-ray revealed the location of the let matters drift when boys and girls sh ,w key. and it was removed. symptoms of nervousness or Weak bl• od. News has been received fmm';Calgary They are a most sure to fall victims of St." health, but atter a short time home work, • 1 MEN'S SUITS of Right Quality As well:as our^younq of Right Quality As -as young men's style we carry a arge and complete ck of the more con - models' for ng and old, 'n price from 8.50. s! ser .live both 'ou ranging $16.50 to a SPECIAL R day Saturday and 15 Men's Eng Worsted Suits in blu and fancy materials, all new patterns. While . they last $22.50. All -wool blue Serges, guaranteed indigo dye. pure wool, single and double breasted styles. While they last $35.50. Special,— 15 Men's Suits to clear at $16.75. 1 1 h M. ROBINS f the death there on Ala' loth of Mrs. Vitus dance, or drift into debility that v •Gtorge Stewart forme'ly Miss Alpe Hicks leads to other troubles Rego ar mf al-, daughter of the late William elic.e of outdoor exercise and Verity of sleep a:e Stephen township. She had been in the recessary to combat the nen.,,- wear o West eleven years and was in her fortieth school life. But it is still more important • year. that parents should pay attention to the At the Methodist parsonage, Crediton, wool child's blood supply Kelp this on Vsednesday. May 113th, Rothe, daugh- rich cl 'and red by and giving r Dr. wr. illbe sturdy and tit for school. The value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in • cases of this kind is shown the statement of Mrs. Wats'n, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Eli King. oras united in marriage, to James Mawhinney. young- est sor. of Mr. and Mrs. George Mawhinney. The young couple will live Grand Fa N 13.. who says : "[n the on the groom's farm in Stephen. spring of 19 my daughter Thistle, then 111.YTII. twelve year sot age, began to show symp- Jacob 1'ungblu', of Blyth. announces toms of nervousness which develop d Into the engagement of his daughter, Alice, to St. Vitus dance, She seemed to to e R m. Archambault, the wedding to take control of her limbs and at times every med to be twit ening ouble seeme(1 to be ally decided to Pills, and the marriage will take place early in June. result was better even t11at1 we had hop d BAN FIELD. for, and she is now enjoying the best of health." The Orangemen are busily preparing lieu can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ,for the Twelfth of July celebration to be through any dealer in medicine or by mail held here. at -60 cents a box or or 4.15 bore, fur $2.50 Bayfield is to have a doctor again. Dr. from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co , Scultard, from Chatham, a young man Brockville. Ont. who served overseas in the war. having opened up an office in Dr. Smith's old stand. • ,,;ace early in June. muscle in her body Mr, and Mrs. M. B:aithwaite announce and jerking, and the f the engagement of their daughter. Della growing worse. We Maretta. to Alva Clinton McDowell. The five Dr. Williams' P'n Summer visitors are beginning to make their appea ante. LFCKNOW. Mrs. T. Vs mon, who has not had good health for' some time. has ,undergone 34r opeeation at the Wingham hospital for removal of appendvt and tumors. She is getting on yell. Alexander Morrison, an old-time resi- dent of Lutknow and Dungannon, died at ' Portage la Prairie, Man,, on May 14th, in his seventy-fourth year. • He was a tailor by trade. The home of Mrs. Finlayson was struck by lightning in the recent severe storm and considerable damage;- was done. though the. h. use did not take lire. Mrs. Finlayson got a shock t'h`at rendered her unconscious Ger some tirlle. R'IN/;11,'.M. Dr. Geo. Howson, who recently grad- uated from the Royal Cotiege of Dental Surgeons, is spending a fe.v weeks at his home here prior to opening an ofti. a in Toronto. -' Mrs. John Alderson, formerly of Wing - ham, died last week at Fergus, in her seventy-fourth year. The Din1•rrm•e. Coal Merchant at -x: '-sly)-Hteld on that bad hasn't been w.3ghed. 11 looks to me a tiifle large for a t. n. Driver -'Tamil intended for a tun. I. 's two tons. • Coal Nlerchant-All rt;;`..t, Go ahead. -Climbing over the transom of the door leading to the bar of the Queen's hotel here during the night of May 24th. a thief stole $30 from the till. The police are working on the case. SEAFORTH. Dennis Andrews has sold his residence h • e to Jas. McGill and will eave shortly wit his family to take a position with the .le Leaf Milling Co. at Port Col- borne. e has been an employee of the flour mill re (or the past twenty years. Jack Min the Kingsville naturalist, is to give a lectu here about the middle of June. Thomas Knox, oif,San Francisco. has been visiting friends here after an absence of fifty years. H- left Seaforth at the age of sixteen and had never been hack. George Chesney Sproat, Of Stratford, formerly of Seaforth, has entered into matrimonial bonds, the pride being Annabel Wood, youngest daughter of Alexander Wood. Sl. Marys. BRUSSELS. r, J. Cantelon. who has resider' at Vancouver the last twelve years, is here Open Evenings on a viola. Ile was born at Bluevale and may again make his home in this county. BIG WORLD VENTS. c'utdiun, d iron/ p: ielll•y art. row• taw. ' mob. the 1'nit.d Slat 1.s .n.,. 1111lig r, st 11.1•1 114114 111„111 agrimiltuctl iut10l the 1:11•11:•11c:overnmrnt ea. pl.0u0t11 P h. erones those 11Ii III' Ilupi,rtatii,u 111 0'114.41 1. T1141 t•t•lno1144141111144141114.4va1144141114.4rtTrr•t- ice .tugust 1. 7t is 1«•Itel,vl iu 1`a0- Is• of -'l)W Iplp.lu she'll -growers in 1'anada, thona;h to shirt '\tout doubtful under- t,r'.elt 'irru11i"int 0'e` A'good ileal .)•9svub upon the amount f wheitt in store in linos-,•. That ,onnrtry ha. to the pa -1 pr,01t1'ed a gr,•:1t deal of the wheat .h.• h_: 1111- suultsl• 411111 the d,•`t..,14•b,,• hate not rpt hrdia,tdsl wh.-i44•1' 4 -ranee i+ he•r- <tdf "Shirt lir Is • lief fug ' for other European ,onaatrlr•«. 4 1114' cartons Brain ex,•INrica4«-uf-Canada there i+_aft its•lin:itiun to await fiirth,•r details 1«e - fore trying to t-tincit.• the prolethle effect on this 001111try of the it'liitu, Japan 'a1`,, is taking measure. with a ci+-w' M tariff changes. 1.'onsuls of 41444 -4•,*wtstry uu tliis , without, ha\e• been notified that 11 ties tariff late m ie. Mtn -affect on dnaa• I. The ground taken is that •tariff rearrangements fur imerssary with a view to as4141ing iu rte-atablttsiaR 3 4'• te•tton of m:rnnfacdtiring industries is the primary --tersia -nf the Japoso's,• J:ropesals,' particularly xi0e „pelt.r. indilstrtal. chemical., iron and steel .1.1 fillet glance 1t is said, hint Canadian manufacturers will bre hit to ,1 111111 111 -- grew- toy this new writeur.'. —o- Britain exeh' is 10 raise more r.'\emu,• by in'r.c,`ltig her postal rate. from 11114 petop' tenial.-i•altl«•ta't tur-4r,ht:tl 'aril,. .11//1 f^,.Ili two/I/ewe halft4'nnv to 1hn•,lome nit foreign liif'rs ' tui„pyright."l by_krili+h +it1111 1''''nn1n1 Press 1.itutI.'d ..J Thiu'..dnf. Julie 2. 11121. 1 Time for Straw gats Keep abreast of the season and make yourself a present of a cool, light straw hat. This is June and straw hat time. We have a stock of Sum- mer Head wear that will please you... 4., Also other comfortable summer wear- ables for men and boys. PRICES. TO SUIT THE TIMES McLEAN BROS. Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers 1IHE SQUARE GODERICH S4II1(IOL KEIh1RTS. r'rnN. Thr f„llow ing is the is 10,11 of s. v NO. I1 lslitn lft and 4 ,d1..rter f..r-+lo• Month ,,t y11a. 11.1m -in 'inky, of merit Sr. it -Itrtter Tigers-. hrwin 'ester., 1•., !:dna Lily, 1 'c.t.J,,a I. ;Irr. 1 ora ,:rah:1m • Sr. I11. --Jean i'r. dr yl11onl:uJ, Ehu,a ural1un, .1 r. 111, %lma .bdu„tone. .1':01 Lesh.or, Jr. 1 A .-;.luyd 1:,,i,W' , 4'1,.rt,nt Vost,•r. .Ir ►t. 14' '1,11,.4 ' .Tessler. Rlnh 1 •ter. Her Eby.'Sr. 1.• Jr. 1'r. '4.ii an Ity.ru, 1I.1 ry 1.e1111mr. 1'hoa', who to s',• mad, u,o`t pirpt n-. hi the' nlrmlh r.': Edna la,y. .Inas Bogie, 1'111yton 'usl,•r. Hut lib:hard 1'101.011s. he following Is the result of the 'ersai ri, Mei test. (fir 1h,• 1 --inane -_ 141. honors :.11,11. 1.1ss Tart Tt.s',I r 'ligate :Iter. Edna I:ley :tin, Erw. 1 Foster :.seen Moths Foster 49s, I:aura s irs histo 4:,7 A. M. s Nli, ', `Phi' (1,11ooin ih,• r,•10ns ,f cls.• prtpit • itr!E et. At. --.a' 4 uJl.ur.uv..ft . the mouth of May : Sr. IV. --4;. Jtoy;te , N. Ttlurluw 4i14 . 1V. 1t. 4'hi-holm 107. Sr. 1,1,1. .1 Mc4's1 TIl1 :Iht. F ',orlon '11:5. .1. Vrei.-• roan 2_t,, 11 Horton MI.. Sr It .1 4'kishmhit ,7,_l: aluiu-;;I1,-1. maul _111 11. 11- 4 Nierris 2.41. e' (torten 107 $r I #I1. Frrl•m.1u. .\ Frcr•n1:w, Jt. }t,ari'a. Primer - - 1: [(orlon. A. 1.1:1?s- 11. 4'teok- N0a110v 111 fall 1f', average 'attendants. 141. T. \I, h I1.111'T41N, Tea1111.1'. 1I'Nlfslt 11(11(11. 101'N4;AN\I .N Follow i, ' 1 c the m'a'rt of the Jnnfor rew,m of 1ningwluwu public sahra.l :.1r. It'. 11141.1+ 4:111I •M).rtle Sill 111 :*N2. E111s1 Perk. 5:04 Alberta Elates 5111. Harry Whyard 8,17. John rowli'r 2714, 1'ltlyin Me1111yr' 17:1. Sr .11. ,(p:ass :11411 - Evelyn ('011011 :I:JI, Maty Anderson :1111, 141y Reid 7425. 1'leil It'4;l.•y 7)22. Itlsm•hl• tsald wMI 4'11 I'rarik -*trap. 444,..A1atn 1'enIkind 4 •s. WI. Ihitt 4:,4, [bloom Mole 4441. 11*4.• mond Ws hien 4:14,• 111.1)1 Mood: 42 Miry Turks 319, Sla'dry (lrser 204 .1r 11 Iplw 311(1)- 'lane Ryan 41;o. Margaret Ryan 41,14, Dorothy All"n 44s. Enos !touch 443, Itulwld I'elitland Oki, Emily Mrt'hlm 3xt, ltillk• well 324, (fro. Moors 237. OLIVE M TNIIFBORNF, T i. -her "To bite that hath shall be 'liven' - Wu the Biblical verelon of our modern saying: "Nothing .no - owed* lite success.” So 1t was with Dr. Pharos, or Buffalo, N. T., who, over V) year dun, gave to the world • Preecrlption which has never been equalled as • tonic for the weaknesses of women- Many women In every hamlet, town or city will gladly testify that Dr. Piet,'. -'s Favorite Prescription did tti'•m a world of gond. Ask your neighbor. Another of this great phyd. elan's enccnseful remedies Is known as i)r. P1eree'• (:olden Medical nlecovery,, end, Ilke the "Prescription,” la now sold h drnggtsu everywhere, In both Ilquld end table/. Tbla EWA 1.• arts was a .necnsa from ths start, for the Itat of man and women all over the universe who have succes°fully need it tor Ind Ignition and as a blond toile and system hnllder, makes 110 amazing total of thouaapde. aaw.— Bring Your Films to us for De- veloping, Printing and Enlarging Prompt Service Reasonable Prices Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone No. 1. C. DUNLOP, Phm. B. The Retail Drug Store God, rich THE BLUEBIRD WASHER Call :out see a demonstration o1• the best \'..+-I,'1 , • Mnt•hiine on .the market. We are agents. t-ripehten dile ,crueltp t:e►L._kta k111ikt•epillg. witl1 ,,1 , „f these easy -running ntashines„which save labor antl-presets%'•. health wet iv 001 tamper - - EDISON , MAZDA ItA) are .the vstandard, up-tik'slatc .•Tee((ri.t Tig)it. 1TeiliivrTTi(i'Im Abtn ail kinds of ELECTRICAL GOODS for house. .store. office „r work.huln. -Estimates made anti eontru't. taken for �'It ctrl,. wiring tturl other eleel rival work. A. J. LAITHWAITE 1)111 1'olhorne 11rt'1 Corner Phalle231 Hamilton St. 11•0140090".. aret44^/ Not Worried. He "if 1 were to die you'd never get another husband like me." Six --"What makes you imagine 1 oho ild ever want another Tike you ?" PARITY FCO nate. et/VI Icy FL'OHA'- a Restore Your OId Favnrlte PURITY FLOUR More Bread and Better Bread 49 SATISFACTION ! The thing a merchant must give, ' a. *quality the customer cherishes. 'You will get satisfaction out of our clothes because they are high up in. duality. F. H. MARTIN, Tailor .