HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-2, Page 6t .4..a..,...- ka.l ,,. il-Thudwlay, June 2, 199 THZ SIGNAL Ki JERSEY /-'� th,r„ R M 1 \SAS i 1 Ml CK R O a..iC i 1 J ERSEY`cRntAI JiSCU 1TS c�, Never Bought Any. l hs cellar of a well-known citiaen wa searched by a prohibition enforcement, officer the other day. "1 heir are hundreds and hundrees of empty whiskey Oottles in your cellar," the . officer said.. 116w.did- they get there, Oob**IOBa 011. WORLD TEI(VIFICA�•�CH. e �f' clVll4am`I3an4s - There were u.• .trik'Ing aurprtw•s In toe iri.h e1.4•tioe. s. (:1r us* (rl•t results are iu 4441 W w I. a tn111�•al' 1 i tila. -did 011.1t 111.1t,•r iu the martheru contest. *hall 0u'C exp '.•I.MI. At latest return. t!'y w111 prllalblhove forty of the lift -two Men.. ilia. \ s(Iou*lbats eight mid 11e• 511111 _Frin,'r. four. Jow•11111 1Mv1111, the Ns4iu11.1lea leader, is auoug those, !lochs' Weed. all the leaders .if (Ile v.lri al. parties 'seen to have •'oIiu''Ihl',+IIL'h wit110111 *1)484•* diffi- culty. There i. .4 hint in souse i.11lali.lw 1.1)41 ••. I t the 1 t she q1 : seal _t Ia Ile � Sins Feinenv 1�re at 4.,) t "rhesd•+ over �{ 1 1.11 11 till its +�, .• ,'Ill • 1 • APS, e,l fh R xolU. 111.1 1 r.•s•d1. Thal is 11.1 Clair ,1t (111. 1161- (111•W is- 1*II w anal With 111. eqr.1111* so far to Input. The election. in the Smith. as 'as .•xp44s•f•sl. aiotvel practic*Ily a 11. 11 .weep fortha.•Sifoti'F'ein. Trinity test e, !mishn: was the N4;eptiou, rr nal rni • (•/for 11il.441 r., w hi''h was urs° :tenial' g to pretiktio1.. i fiend ?" . -d-- , "ant 111 know !" And tit owe er of flat if the eircti:an. were not at - the cellar gave a hearty laugh. "Blest it I ten.hd Iry urpri..a. even to tlw rite know ! 1 never bought an empty whiskey Ielne which .'urr..I fou ....vend arca• bottle in my life.", •-•joins, tliere„ 'i14,.ue grave Iu411te11t that Krug ae'tfniponiel 111 results tleilt 1111 side+ will tlrohat,ly . sow 'regret. -though -ho--••tt•11nittirtt. c:ererament" A man is seldom at Ott" he feel* ter woman as voun, 3. she`aays %Fie ts. takes (1111 ' real the burning of house in Iull , o44t to the :us• 1144• uu..t furi• - �d l ,r deed. It was til e'Ptlt l'II.IUwa 1'i li was eatrriel ua•111 of. ape of • e. 110 0.4011 (Ile i'nrwu force. Feiner% that Ila tee !tell •Y,•„ Ilse alite famous Easter reborn.. .* few' years ago. The b1){I.1I11g. %2",, "alt 143 ye*rs of age 11.1' Ili thee meat bit* of ,n•/rite iu 1)11 Ireland. It 111+44%1 4111 a ti+ . ,u the left balk of the Itiver 1. ' elan' 4414 0'1111t we n taut! call IIf ' ••:111 womb! .' side.a mtbi ,y 1 le 4 411111.1i., and fornn i .+ . ire � . .t_ feet by Lel la. T"'•,till .haNtwll l4• -Tie customs bon., wls•Itareel a number of Gover .1 ..;l.a•twt•nt.. chief of w'hlrh weer L.aal :uvertiunait Board. eluplt.+ staff u Aklmal *1141 womleu. 1'.,1••1'_• I11141ks a d 11004. meant. of Iltusrei I"11M'rt*INe 111 *tion to the coveru:n•.. ..f Ireland. 1 ltd• hag many rest.. _ !tib•• to land -property. ween. •'••re.1 {u 11i. hulldii as well ,1. many 41'(. :l..t•.smellt *141 other 11:Iper • From the d.that a nutul.er e' • :old wilitary sentries we1.' _ l: r.1 around the bu1kiing. or a' at the entrances thereto. From the throngs* of passers• by at this busty (entre, s number of rattler. .+udd1(enly sw'a►pd down 4114 these sentries, •overpowered theta also rushed into the bulkllug. Other. forced their wry Into the building fnnu the hack. Employee. were held up at the forint of the revolver. The raiders, who were joined by 01(Wri until their iunher 1. said to have reached several 11111y11•el, piled book. awl papers 4111 111e tiller., .11 United th1•ul with 1114 l 4411114 they trrri.•l in cans, 441111 g't them au tire.Noattempt a a. ruetlo 11 is clt't•Iare1, to allow eveai the women emp levers to eseap44• or to hide the fact that the raider. were Sims Feiner.. Ity the (ine the tires in ,,'urluus parts of the building were goltlg Itv'rll, Ia*'ge reinforcements of in,1Ie•, soldiers and cadets were arriving on the Neel* w•Ito arlu.rrwl car%, wat•hlne guns and other etuipwelt. 'They bean a pitched b:atle 0111 (1re aims Fritters, -rho for a while *o*werttl vigorously elwugh from the window. with their revolvers stud ovule 'tombs. Flintily the Crown force. mashed toe budding. About a diosioi Shin F,Iiit't's were killed anal wane 111 capture) In the fighting. 1t 1M laeticved..tlat at hast four of there were burned to death and it is thought that the number may be larger. -0-- On top of till* deplorable ineldeut 111 the •fnugn' uw.• Uf trouble, and i(b•ultit•. that *urroufod the Irish plIC.tltin,"etnues 11e statement made hi the l'omtuon. by Sir Hamar Green - W•1011 the ('aralt)lan-born .aod edu- ewted •rta'y for Ireland -Ann over 16y(I00 reel la of ammunition seized in r.iIds bl_C 'u.furees In Dublin *Imre 4 A The New Model Seldom has a car won such immediate and widespread popularity as the Gray -Dort with its new and wonderfully beautiful bodies. Everyone who has viewed this body design has spoken of the Gray -Dort as the unquestioned style leader of its field. It has been instantly lifted into the class of cars costing at least $700 more. • From a value standpoint, the new Gray -Dort has not a rival. It is the motor car -sensation of 1921. The new model is now on view. You are urged to see it at once. T. F. HOLLAND GODERICH ONTARIO • • i GRAY - DORT MOTORS, LIMITED Chatham, Ontario 4, 1• slimy' darer 26 had Ie•u w1Iufacnu'el hl the 1'4)1(411 the(es. lie added lhut he w'4. taking up the waiter 14.4411 the Foreign Secretary to see It the atten- tion of the American i;ut vrll11letit S11011111 be called to It. At ths+ writing the Irl.* .Inlation Is IN) layer Mtlutluu alg1ar•utly than set any ('tree attic.• dln.•t lr4•tlou began to take the place of must 1(11({ut1111 agitation. There I. still as Relief that t to / h S, utlu'rn Parliament 4.4.111e'f w• to r u function. a . snot that an a 441111 c body 11 tl . 1) tuay take its place a. providt.l under the Hume Rule Act. _,- I(nilt for the 1'111te1 St44te.e, the world's largest airship, Ha'4, hue been nwplete.l Io Iter tu11)1, E11g141 1841. }ler trials w111 begin 1411 Jwu' 7 uuh•.* 44414114• 11111. ae'k1e111 1later4etle+: jell• training of the AwerkalI crew soul over to taring the huge vessel to this side o T t1 u• A t h ' c N . llin iII fist. w h tt1 a mouber ..f v. yag.'s of .:bort dursetluu iu (Ile 1t -3A he reels. leer length hr Nal fes afoot (le.' maximum spN.•fl seventy - titer• wile. all hour. Till . la 1141( Ilk•ely t i 1 44 atte•u1{Merl fou her IuuGlen Atlautic vuyuge-atxty wiles an hour Ia wore prulwbh• fur Ilia I, 11111e.a. tit trust• a f4vurabl.• Gdlowi441 011111 altg1 1' (111 .aillug, Announcement of tlw rnm- ple4iou of 1111g glalt craft Ia *1144111,•r rt•wludcr iif the cxtraordl11ary irtridea now la•iiig made in the navigation of the air. TN- l4irplulw x1141 the alr.hip are 114)0 '.a g*•foerally neraptel Ifo the mow. .1111 .renter's l loll of tlw flay, to g1y 1s41111g .1 its fkilou, *11at the pow- atlollity of airshlll. carrying (tnsly'r- a111e imuibers of (N4-4•llger. *,'Hoax the \tl44nit. tali regular Irhelule. Ito lotytt•r .' 'itt,' "llrprl»d cowmetit. 1t has, boweter, heel' taken for gr*nt..1 that ilia is a "tk4elupn11eut tb*t !s 141111 rather remote. Aviation experts think the ioettar3. Aa a w:otter of fat*, there seem. to 1e• a g'aal .1.441 4)1' (N.M. petition gulag on ,111 a quiet way for 1114' Iwuor at( Iwiug tine lir-at to start Much as servle. The x111.1.,' of 1h•• great British I nrrihlp which made the first. Atlantic fil4ht lams tire.' the bnl1d- en tit Ith••r eolnlrle., ate' Italy tlur- •Natdy has ...tenet alma lupe td hay .0 a1.le ve.vk waking .a.•an fi11th(s ere ng. Sar also .kw* t:erwauy. 111 ha. taunt 1111• world'. craftiest a hip, wit ipo An. iter• first to make -ass 151 teats wirer try a itrea11- iattigltt nosy 1 steered *is' .rwtrolfet Ire win -1,' . from land station. ThIs wheels- has., been ne.a'rf 1111y d/•muls• %metes lu (1*' 1'ultw ate. with small hurt. '1114• (1riti.h dmi1alty has proved that it 4)411 ia• 1.11 (t tin. I*rg.wt warship. in the flew Tlw t41. that ',novel the pr*4tilwbll v tit the w•henle tvlre 14441 wad.• 111 g11ie water* with IINMk•I., 11111 '441(1, aimaaa1 read - naught. 111 the a{/ithel4 aN1 the• w err (1a.( $outhatuptou 'rimy ' followe1 foufollter of .44'11.1 ex144•riuN•fot4 witl Nnlsllrr t.Nlt.. Without as mal, on lawn'. 1.11t with It. .11wu1 1)p alai it. .leering gear iu h,1N h with *u *ut,- t**tic w'irele•.' n..•Ivi4g wl, n Inge dn'11dnatiglet wale ,-easily nutrollwl from the Instil while Bolla at twelve to .1N1•41.11 knots per boor 111 the wed t (at .t her wteiplpllg 111 1111* 44..1r•nt. .\.I. Ilii{nllnl test:. ,Ire Io be e11Nlii.•teeI flow with s tiew• to ,pawing if elle $11414. ,'an hr properly cyltltrollw1 by airplane. anal ' Ira -aline, from the stir. *not what -11,.•r glen. call 1444 firer lay win•l•w•. from 111etu or fr.'nl t1w lanai .f*t1.aa. with airy d••grw• ..f *I1•nnlcy. If it i. ((.M- x11.1e to fire got'. fou a m*Ideas .111)1 (roil win -b•.. .ta(im. (11) 14 114 wla•n• be the limit to the feiture 1)N, of wire - .11 Insulin- vire- .Un'udy it IN certain (haat the w•1r•le-.a telephone will %.son rival the fable Is. n un.ln. of elmnlnuic*rion newer.. 4pee1111.a. Tl.,..'• Who gat iti Illeir li.4n1•s uta the tight of tie relent pro- 1111.11lou I.•fege11dfom In Tur41lrto and ✓ eeve. ive.I by wire! f..r r1.111hWle 111w- .agia' gluing the r'(Isrnw-*tie Intervals Iwlug .M•1•uph'll Iry 4ele'flar►$ of grei1*- pllols• .ic *lava .rent by wirele s--- ban't• .1414)4• kle* of the' pwr•ealbllttk'e. --er- Hon. G. (1. Mtnrr*y, I'retuk•r of N,rca W artier, has m*d,' * refund. for flu. Itrttish Empire. bl (I,. length of tins. hl• h1). 41'u(ljel thou office. having 111 41 flr.t called to 11 In 1%101. He I. at pressen1 +11 \In44nt 4'I••11u•ti.. \Il.•1ligan. r.'tfnIN'ratlig frnm n wet ere 11111.-... The L/'gi IaMae of the frucinre which Isa. •.1 Nammarwl 111.1 ha•_nn:atiu►ot►rly 1 rowel. r. fJurraxAa_ nnuity of 1S.i4*al The .•:one I.sly akar raiw•.I the se...Ion- NI li.lwnnity or It. IIteleal •r. from 47l411 to *l,Iaa1 anal Mtlrkti'r.' •nL•Iri••. from *4.:.11) to $I6.INNI a year. -41- After 11111 ,11 rallj., ,iI long delay. the (:er•tu*n earring . h:Ia•h at .ttri4t..4lrff'reil 11(44111 the trial .'t war Irinli,nls n. flee 111111141/.1 111 the Allis.' peau•' tl•rm.. trims were annals.' tit 114'llrMic auld much wll.•runity gin! (11••. Itri►• i.h log.,1 repn4eti111(Ive. wen' lerlwe•n(, and will (nfothIJI' tea lap N'111Ie til.• tr1,11. v hautbois-. it ht. ret taken long. boa.- .•1'.r. tt .1 • th.•m tont the prnar•u- nun. *re t.. bpi .f the neat f,,n•ical 11/1 titre. Sergeant Ilnyn:ln. tit.. first n,rnaerl 111/1 11 In he pant in the d•M•k, w•a. pnn•..1 guilty 4)f great cruelty to 1?riti'h l'ri•roler.. Tlie 'G.rnoul pro.- w9ltarr (',plat f..t' at lea?* t'.vt yeeira' iurprkminu•nt: the court Imprsr.l 11 111•11te4)c• ,A tan molal.. It (4 .aid 111/11 117 til, list of ...overall llnn,lr'.I 1111.11 (1111 111.• .U11'' dam*a11w1 .111111111 he 1111( ml trill! nnl}• fonr 'lave lawn or/1111eA1 by t1. 4;errnans. A petal many hltv4 I.ft the eamtatry: that l• rertaln, hearer .4IIIwI agent+ r'pom M M' I 11 /t her Fltr'1(N•ann( /reth.)n?4.14-. 1(111 Ilt•Ingf. tilos. to In. trlel ae'e (41 get arff 1444 fea'411)* I as iIlly/la n (lyre W111 be.' 111tie 4441' in atf4,npting to hrlilg other. to justice. �1lmnw(1I1 tJM• (lawman.' 1114.. mid. th%Fr first big (4+lyment nn n•pa'*tiotua *11114,114 Null thele k every in(ib'*ti.,n that t)a•y will he 11.41 4o--Atr1et M•- (rtt'ntlttg 111 till.' reglrrl.. 1'r...lelent Harding has slgnc1 the United State. emergency tariff bill and the mlasnrle has beeeon4 Inn•. The prr4lsk,l p of the mlwsur. affecting ('altal111 (m rH,ul.riy (nit lll.re•a'ld dative on more titan a "wore of earl - cultural c41n1modifies. The IN•w law 111 hnpprrhrlly (11v.1gf11.1 to protest I'nited State -4 farmer. for n pertly" of alai month.. As preylou4ly .tatted. many poll( Ice' observer. aerie,. the, border are of opinion that •11 will 1ae.1 eome a permanency with the adoption' l' In a few week.' time of a general tariff mearnre. The latter, If It glom into effw't as* some of IMI 4nppN,rt.A1 inns• this .ommer, will .11perw.b• the inu•r- ('ondlndM on page 7. Stiffness It i, .. •n•.hm• 4.'w jinn ley 11.1414 . Luu. Olt 111 ,t 114... wa• 11" , 4l.Ina1141. Gives Great Relief lin A a (.1,,,.,. 10 Port Ar. , Guelph Oat . , *4, ,4.•b.w411 ...d 1, l .. L.uen.t, Inland,. al•n• .it. � ..1 r«un• r awed, d Ira .o'er Il - inti at p.- Feat ALA. - "El be."❑ ❑ 1111 Fret 1.M..... a•• 111,,,Thorold. On( - ' 1 ...Nolo' • ry murk •„1 r.fy044( 1.. .d •.nn.. - d•..d to try LL .• . u r.1 ,d '..o,d.atoly blurt 4..t •ppin•nay. 1 ler...mdwa . nd at ..d .t Ifo* entartly *.d Tl a e , I 0144. t. u 8.1444, 144 up , tai .d lir. ,M 1'oda to Maraud • L,. t Mn. nil .neral p.' pl. about Muni .. sod 04.0.4 Y. onnd n' II/ligala man., MINARD'S S, King of Pain LINIMENT Yanseeuee Nova Scotts THOMAS OUNDRY, AUCTIONEER. 1 BOX 87, Goderieh. All instructions by mall or left at Signal office will be promptly attended to. Residence telei pbooe 119. LEGAL . 11 IL -CAMERON. K. C., EARR1>l<- TER. Solicitor, noury public, Office Hamilton street, (oderich, third deem from Square. Trust funds tar loan at lowest rates. g C. HAYS. al" BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. NO. TARY PUBLIC. ETI'. Oflke-Sterling hank Block. Ham - Ilton Street, Go.erfch. Telephone tib. Real Estate, lawns and Ins*ranee. PRO1'1)Fo T. KI1.1.OftAN 11411,11E14, BARRISTERS., SO4i('iTt►RS, NO- TARIES PUBLIC. ETC. OfBee to the Square. Jlec•ond door from Hamilton Street. Goderleb. Private funds to loan at lowest rater. W. Proadfoot, K. C., J. L. Killoran. Dudley E. Holmes. CHARLES (".4.1(itrlt%", I.i.. B. BAR- RISTER. attorney, solicitor, etc., Goderteb. Money loaned at lowest rates. r rlcb. SEA(:ER. BARRISTER. 14)L ICITOR, notary public and con - sneer. Once -Court House. Gods- 09-12m ode- 0a12m IItif3C LOANS, BTC. MKILLOP AL FIRE INyUR- A ANCE CO. Farm and isolated town property lits . Officers -Jaw Connolly. Pres., Godo- rich P. O.: Jas. Kelton, Vice -Pres., Beechwood P. O.:- Tbo •. a E. Hays, Sec. -Tress., Seatorth P. O. Directors --D. F. Meareg. , R. R. No. 3, Seatorth: John G. Gel. r, No. 4. Walton; William Rlno. R. R.. o. 2. Seatorth: John Bennewles, B 1 batten; Geo McCartney, R. R. No. Seaforth ; Robert Ferns, Harlock ; Malcolm McEwen, Clinton: Jame, Evans, Beerbwood; James Connolly, Oodnrlcb. Agents : J. W. Yeo. Goderlrh ; Alex. t,plteh. R. R. No. 1. Caton; W W lea ' Chesney, Swtorth : E. Minch - ley, $eaforth. Policy -holders ean pay 111 payments and get their cards re- eeipted at R. J. Morrlgh's Clothing Store, Clinton: R. i1. Cntt'a Grocery. Kingston street, Goderich, or J. H. Rehr., General Store, Bayfield. B ro ph ey Bros. The Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all bourn. night or day. GODERICH Music for Everybody Ag''n'-v fear Starr Cecilian Harmonic Phonographs Call and let us give you a demonstration of these splendid instruments. We have in stock the Starr-Gennett Records which ran he used on all these instruments. ca. RICHARDSON Hamilton and St. Andrew's Ria. f.nlerirh Phone 101