HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-2, Page 5The No. 2c Autographic
Kodak Junior
equipped with
It's fire
Zam-Buk invaluable for enema.
both in the case of my baby and
myself," says Mrs. 1. Bonin of
West Arichat. N.S. She adds:
"Baby's skin was badly broken
out. but repeated applications of
Zam-Buk entirely eured it.
"in my own rase. I had eczema
on my hands, which made It very
Inconvenient for tne to do MY
housework. Particularly was this
so, as It aggravated the trouble so
to put my hands In water By using
Lam-Buk, however, I soon rot re-
lief, and It was not very long before
every trace of the trouble bad dis-
appeared. 1 really think no home
should be without Zara -Birk."
Zam-Buk le equal!), good for all
kin injuries. All dealers 60c box.
It's the camera of the season -the one you've
read about. It's a Kodak and it's Autographic, of
It takes pictyres of almost postcard.,size,
"" 2 7-8 x 4 7-8 inches. So compact that you, carry
without the slightest inconvenience, yet fully
equipped for taking distincsive'pictvres._ Its R. R.
lens gives that sharpness, ..oraeaiF-_up to the
edge of, the picture. And -it has. without aegis"
charge. the Autographic featurewithout which a
camera is incomplete.
Come in and see it.
Campbell's Drugstore
"The Penslar Store"
Phone 90
The Square
I77z flllll////lI/llflilt/�tllllLl�
Annual Low Fare Excursion
TUESDAY, JUNE 14th, at 9:30 a.m.
All Day Wednesday add Thursday Morning in Detroit
urning leaves Detroit. Thurscjay, June 16th, 1 p. m.
alretrolt ,•:1':.'ern'': Tim.• Are the -.,uie
$ 00 Round Trip $2.00 One Way
The pnly boat trip; from Gotlerich to Detroit thi, season
trip is Detroit, friday, ,laao 17t1i, 9:30 Lim.
!tonal i't this opportunist t ' t 'en big, brier, proepernrs Detroit.
;A delightful r over the Greet International Highway of likes and
rivers. rtinin and Inneh•rtou, service aboard steamers, Mod-
erate price*.
Band Moonlight Out of Goderich
Monday-venitng, lune 13th, 8:15 p. m. -
50c Children under 12, 25c
Music and Dancing in the Greyhound's Ballroom
Inion and Leet►urn \11ssiotatr3 tutil
iaries Hold 1 'Ague ( elebration.
An event of eltgetlar nisi 1'• •
interest t.s.k irla.e on Thar -.la} a '
Frkhey of hist wv.'k st Yukon and 1,e•• -
burn I'rwhytet'itua elide -ht.., under the
an.ptet'e of their W.318. auxiliaries,
schen they eelebrate) the twenty•tift1i
auuiver•ary of their organization.
To Union on Tlmr.day Wert. invit I
the neighboring ens Marie. of hayfield
and Ilet hauy and of 11,411w -vine Meth-
4wllet ,him•ti, a leo the G.sMrit•lt' Town
ship Country ('htb: and to Le',•bnrn tin
Friday the aux ilia ripe from Knox
church, Gott, rl.•h, Smith's 11111 tint
Port Alpert- At twrth meeting. gr.i•r• ,
Ines were read from Mr.. (Rev.) Roe-.
formerly of Itnieefteld, now of For.'
mere*. who a Ometer of to es'ntury ago(
organised these two' auxiliaries.
Gnr'tlntes were oleo .ant to these two
Iwnle of worker( by Mrs. John Mal,
111111t-rey, preident of the 4:,•neral
-- - .-. hoeiety, and by air•.., Walker. newly-
•elrr•ted president of the (tura Ho Prn-
fltrcial fknirty. From tie Huron
l're.hyte•rlal grotInge were conveyer!
by the able trea•nrer, Mr.. Greig of
fleeforth. At each meeting a stria -
"nary of the minlrtee Of meetings held
for the past twentyflve yeti WA.
Lead, at Fnisn by Mrs. Edward. form-
erly their .erretary but now president
of their auxiliary. and at la'ehurn by
Mas. Helen Clerk, their efficient end
a1mote Ind Wipe wroth le ter ret are. w•11n,
('ser ready end "inflow. ter. 1w• of ser -
vise In the Master's work, ham for all
these year. of Its explant filled ih1.
nf11M 10 the suxlliery.
lrttpiring and etlrring addresses.
were elven by 1144. ('Oxton, returned
mi«Muary from lolls. t
Other into -mooing fentti '. were the
Thursday, June 2, 1921.-1f
:.iilf `fug i(flS and •.,is. haat, th,.u•h
� lot/ had a clean single to!?
r'u.huol•e : ts,su alio, .o nr,;,•.
I .. „• lwrtlea livlug at l'I,u '. h r I'uu ors hat there hNf•in the tkird,
T ,, • . ued. i•u ' '%,•R uu i .lt t.. _torsos! Cooler and
i"'' i>x argtut1 itt,c out 00 close plays a' third.
l'tedttaa► were likewise unable to score.
The Purity h kours could not add to their
s • re un the fourth, but Crediton notched
oar, .,n errors by Sturgeon and R. Bisset.
In the seventh innings Crediton -tie!'
• ton Hamsay's wild peg of Wurth •
kr•••tt:.tr tt:th two out and hits by :1n
tler,or, It. Falmer and 11. Fahner.
Pm, eidrd the scoring of the Credit,.„
tear,,.. 1 he Purities added one m the •tl•
on Wehts's walk,"hie steal of second an .
s rn;on• Pruiham'ssecond two -bagger
The>' a•Ided one more in tut. ,nun!,
:ure,on got on through error.
stn ia1 and scored w hen W. Ht , n
gteundtr got away from the tMrdi;ba
Mass Anna Wurtele retuned tv -, I.
at Barrie on Thursday ager a he.:..
L vitt to her home here.
Rev. James Hamilton and Rev. R. C •
\1:De:rmid ate attending the Presbyter -err
General Assembly. which is meeting at'
Toronto. -
31r. and Mrs. Melvin Dundas, of Lute
don. were in town for the weekend at, 1
were guests at the home of Mr J.14,
Cratere. Montreal street.
Mr. awl Mr-. W. J. Cr:.- knell oasis.;.
fool' frogs '1'u,l•teutu last a..•r and
• t1- . holitlak Avith the latter's =,, .•
ah re.
4,;04. Uuulop►
Mr. mud Mrs. GOrdun llarwi.t,l ,.n,•1
sant have returned to, 1l•ir hoer :'t
Terra nee: alu,koke. aftl•r xp•t,dio.
souse weeks at the Louie (if AL)'. hone
l e mem i rc.
311.. stud airs. Graham'Itubht.-...,
'Itil.l, of Toronto, are visiting a' • .
'•lh,hlr of 31r. stud Mrs. 11'ua. 11,,I.,t,:..0
31i-. Eaua ltoltiuwru'i. holm
' T•.routo for a holiday'
Mr. J, W. funatter left ye -taro.;
to the tarty of ptess-uieu uu un r:i.
to 0ouvei, where the amiva
lug of Ale. .1'auadlan Weekly's N.. ..
,.paper Ass/sent atm Is to le• held
St. Matthew's (Anglican) church, Tor-
onto, on Sunday and Monday of thrb
Partners' ('uni,•ntion on Friday. week celebrated the twenty-fifth anti: -
The ynuibll u••.•::,,,; of ::o• 1'uitep versary 0: the ordination of their
• ---.1.,02trtisat .t:ww•fatirnr fos +rector, Rev. Canon C••__SLAV-L
\"u"'. Ilur•t1 will Iw• heli at W'hagliam " D. D. Special services .w.ere held on
of this week. • - Sunday and a reception on Monday' even-,
th.s celebration in honer of tier son, who 38 4 8 -
SI'MMARh,' •
I'urity Flour.
• A.B. W ,H. 1 u
Cooper, Ib. 5 0 2
�/trOr_�•roll, SO • 4' 1 1 1
1i'. Iiiiset, c 5 0 3 .
• J. land -ay. 2h 4 0 0 ' 1)
11. \funtey, ch4 1 I ti
. 11'ebb: •
E. Pridham, If. ' . 4 • 1 :i' ' - 0
It. Ito-st-t Sb 3 1 • I I
!(anuayrl 2 2 ` 1)
, p 3 0 0 1)
6 12
Crediton. •
Anderson, ss.:.. 5 1- 4�' 2
I li..palinen. lb 5 1 1 t. 0
11 Fulmer. 2b 4 - ' 0 d 1
Manion, 3b .. 4 1 0 1
K. Farmer, ct 4 .0. , 0 1
o'E. heaver, c t 0 0 0
-itfntz. p. _ . . 4 It- 2 -
S irnk, r __ . 4 0 0 )
Wuerth, L, ; _... 4 1 0 u
ing. Mrs. C. beager, Lown..attexided.
I ureic ( 'ming. '
r I. : ltoidn .orrtlr tt ri..t(r.)nm - is one of Goderich', •:old boyo' o: atiom score by innings- -
• ,J.•ri.:, Juue 1t i- ..sail to the town ha; reason to be proud Purity Fbfu_ . .0 ( 0 0 1 1 1
a ewe -rifts affair. -erith ft.rey 'ars. • I4ev \I'. J, Scott returned to tot ,- t •. Lredno to -,-Yfh-1) 51_0111,
'1 o mall Iw•y will 1w• plan -t..•1 on Legg• • week after taking a post -graduate : arse ; 'rwa-base hits -Cooper 12). Pridham
lip -the e111.•1uIar to Mel that cirrus' at the Union Theological Seminar', 'and (2), Metz Sacrifice hits --Lindsay. R.
tire- tt:;1 l"• , Saturdyty. , ' Columbia University. New Yuen. Ile Iitsmt, Ram- ay. Slolrn bases -Sturgeon
Cant elotir-)IelLeao I took scholarship standing in his 'course , i 2). W. Bisset, Webb, Pridham 'l'2) B.
1 w,ddjus took ph
mace ut .•• t..3• Columbia. It is worthy of note that the .5 by lalotz 7. Walks -Off Ramsayu: off
dew,. of Mr. and Mn, 1'- if. furry. ! Canadian students attending the Croon M,tz 3. Hitby pitcher -Webb, Lndsay.
W -t rre.•t. ou la'.tdtn•-d.i'` 'f tilt- seminary nunibtred fifteen per trot. of Wild throws -Ramsay, W. Bisect. Lift
w eek. ale• ,. :1t •7.p.ot.. 511z=itnt;r He- the whole, but carried' off sixty per cent• on bases -Purity Flour G Crediton 7.,
•Ie att_atutLALr-.--Peter.-J- Car<tslont x r'. of the honors and ✓I:nzea;{••
. -slew-ivy'. mpire-IUmpireof Zurit:lt. --
imir• 1 is matrimony ley• lite: .1. 'E.. who is a daughter of Rev.• J. E. Kurd, Time of game, 1.45. + -
Ford Mr. awl 3Ira; moralist w•Ill res.' remained in Goderich while her husband
and obtained the M. A. • degree from Fahn.r. Hanlon. Struck out -By Ramsay
.hie itt Lightlemse Mkt et. f was at Nesr•l ork. Mr. Scott will (irezeb Stratton! J)rfratedl, 7.1.
to Knox church next Sunday morning., del The Nee -hail frier ri-.•- to r, 1r
Town Hall Notes, . •
ear -of :..rcia is expected to ar
rice at the end of this week, and the
•ntentio11 i- toe apply If un the streets
11••xt week. I .
The 7011111r1101 o,flietliou of garbage
...aims itees lieNt week. t)wrtgh wr fAr
there. are only a feet nlgdlv,ritou- for:
1Li' s.•rt'lir•.
A Mpeelai at • the Patiliaa
in addition 1.. tit• regular Sarn'.i. v
night .ta.n•.•- at the I's.i t'Ih,,tt ill.• man-
agement- have arra-top"( for ai-extra'
next Tn.•-.lay. night: Jou.' 7;11. h.•n
Lather Ke Ji.•koa awl his or..liest a
'will fnrttish the inn -ie. The. le•;sd,•r i -
a Hawaiian and hi+ orchestra will give
.s ui« .r !' real Hawaiian,' muga,-.
extra share,•.
To Meet In Goderleh. '
The first meeting of the -Huron Trustees'
and Ratepayers' Assoc'ation will be held
in the Temperance Hall. Gdderich. on
Wednesday. June 8th, at 2 D. m. The
Association has for itsobject the improve-
ment of our educational sy stem and find-
ingw the n
out the wants h community - in
educational matters. Everyone interested
should make it a point to attend this
meeting. An excellent program is prom -
Goad Example for Township ('lerk..
The townshipcouncil df Colborne met on
May 26th and the minutes of the meet-
ing were in this othce for pub;icaiion by
the 28th. Hee wish other township clerks
would be as prompt as Mr. Hetherington
in sending in ,thetr minutes. Sometimes
they art received a month or so after the
meeting -so late that we hesitate about
Ovine space to them. In tome places
newspapersare paid for publishing council
minutes. 1\'t. t ave never asked for this•
but the leapt we should expect Is that the
minutes should be sent to us before they
lose all their interest to readhrs.
The Lawn Bowlers.
FT.••i flint'- rink won the firer prize
in the bowling tournament on Vieteri,
Day. _Tia(, Lxay ' was with throe -man
rinks and .314. Hunt had .1. fl.,Sw.sttteld
iitR r` -=N: retth hitt: ''9'it+v'iat'nrn1
•'t-.•nt was eominded on \1'eln.rwtay of
this.week. the •wlutwrs being C. t'hap-
lu.an Iskip.. Ge,. Mai'VIt t1' and F.
Ttselr. ID the weekly tournament et
doubles yesterday C. A. Nairn amt. hr.
Ht•ikematin N'on the first event ; the
se\•otet was rod finish d.
t4e•at'orth Is having a tournament at
dottblps next 11'whne-11uy. Gurlerlch
will 1* represented.
Water and Light ('omtnlsafon.
At the meeting of Thi; water and
Ileluf runout. -lou on Thursday night
lest a mutton was pw-.al that All
writer ,w'rviees he itrsp4•ted regnlawly
he Tho' elertrtt•lan and a rr-port tw
made sli.tv11gt `elta' • of w•rrice pipe,
sert•ice. lows!, 2•ptwlition of piping.
leaky w•rrlie. anti tap•'
• (\nlnttiniv*tknis Weer API -rived ftstm
n animater of Toronto firms and one
ll,amilio11 firm with regard to the ap-
pointment of a t..n-nittiag engineer in
a.nneettoo with the.hIstnlh)tlon of the
filtration plant. These we're sa1d over
to another meeting. -
l'he nMmbe•r- of the romml.dm
mask• a trip. to Dundee on Tuesday to
in.p'.•t the filtration plant there and
will meet the town mooch tonight to
give a report.
t•r•e.eptatiou at1nhtt of tin "fan
\h•nteriani" eertifty:Be to airs. .lames
l trill 14t the two alwxiliaries to memory
` ilte four Ie,n'. a -Ito gave their lives
iu•Fi+tttt:'e'.-,•lw being tIn• only surviving
mother - :also the lire-enta tl'❑ .rl ti
'�.nsl-ono• elnh-hag and 1111 1nt.lr.w.. to
\1r-. Hamilton. their minietcr's wife
and pie-ident 1,1 rIo' liner -Pr I'rre►n•
serial. The member., o1 the Country
t'Inh through 'their preeideut, airs.
( nae $tlkt•Id. t..'ight greeting- to it
ii. tepeirh'mnd horwntwt Mr-. llamH-
tori also by presenting h.•r with' a
1.ongnet ..f beautiful pink nese.. At
lesel u•n 1.1w, \Ir-. H:11niltotl on a re-
a•ut ,n,'astna was '•pr,Su•Ilteol with an
addre-- a.'t•.tminrnhrl by a beentlfnl
-diver .rlssernle. In 'ti'• -e addresses
then.was a kind note of appre•intion
from ,a 10'000 10 their folia -ter- wife
not only of,her liter.• -t in them auto,
the willing w•rvb•e •he bit- givers theta
and the community !tweeter of her
effk•tene)• In the linted.`r.,biglh'r work
of l'ret-bytia'In1 mw! •I'rovlut•lal *r-
Mention most a1-. Is. made of the
.talon• ltue•Liv,n .w'rte/T w-f'`itif_-tsoow
of 1,eeh
day's pr.weeding-. • Not only
11.1 It prove tluet -flit ladle. aplrlrtd
thent-elve- uo tniu- i. making this
pert of tie Memorable event a .11(14•..,
hilt if also made p.•(-Ible to most
.rwIahle attitude between the visiting
and fumy auxllbtrive
Mr.. J. A. ('atueron• of Toronto, 1.1
vt•iting at the unite of her „parents.
Mr. and air, (:. Bradford.
Mn. s'Iffforl. late of Itrentforl, ar-
rived to town leer week end Is staring
itt the home of Mr. and Mee. John
(Nat, Nelson arm. She has been In
very poor health, hit her that friends'
s' Im-
proving. planned to Marti
will ht' no
supreme Court Cases,
The :tieing of the Supreme ('on14 of
(11rtarto et 11m eonrt hon.' on WwLto.-
4My 4tf hest week was a v.•lkv brief one,
the easier 1w•Ii t .'other settled or pest-
potel. air. JeeAhe,•'Ma.ten prealtlesl.
1n ih'un.don v. Hare, en n,'tlon for
a partner -hip ae1•niniting. Jrwlgme'nt
woe given d4' string flier% averiner.hIp
exi.tel and referring to the abutter
the telling of par'trwership ate/tants.
The parities were dealers lu motor cane
III Sea forth.
King r. (:orml('y, an *talon on a
promisoory me for 11,200: and Mont-
e 're a aiomgomery, an action for
wage- and datnlge- for breach of eon -
trios. were peltprtlel to the next oh -
sing of the Nuitr.'nte Court of Ontario
we 4:Mle•rlch.
In Johrectnn v. Ilargrwta eft a1.,
notion on a prntwl.swrrt woe, judgment
by c'onse'nt of rntfrr.el wait Riven for
Taw' crowd ol.ieh saw the \ i.•turi:t 11113'
7141110' 041. t1-ittpriw• too. the fauns, but
1111NC it was eclipsed by that whh-1i wit -
bested 11'e.1iw•-.lay's gate. .\7 grand -
slat ad hail been rr1•t'te9d behind the
Howe IAa:e, with '-ble:l..h0r ' along nit.
ha.. 1110•-. t.nca)rl- Ifs.t • and - third
Nate-. 1111 pnuUtiNe of by wire ' roions.
The t. were 4)1110' Inadequate for the
erowvl. and 10u01rerh+ 11:141 to .1'410 1. It
le0.-ladies' day." and the fair anal
lot.•Iy w.•ee there in large bwris•tw•s and
r.'.t.'.1 for their team hi fashion.•
TW g.oue was (tolled at 11.11. Sprat-
. ford weft t.. lett 1int...wiNa lttmitt
the box for-(:ewlerielr. (►nay three
men ,tt e.w-h -idle wrut to bttt 111 111.•
fest Inn s,
The ..Mail iuutug- ala. det'fd of
any ser,rtlag. In the -.rood half 1,11,41-
`411• Sol a Iw,w nil ball- hot w:.- turetyl
mit. at nowand 4 -when hart hit tar a
1.71.4.. 11'e•Itle w'es• hit by die p1t(li.sr.
Harr • was caught in an attempt to
steal third, and I'ritiltaut writ mit on
a fie- to estate.
The first tally was ata $tratforft'r.
third. After two men tI 1"' amt
lat et'! 1.' Itr,r to Arta on a lii{h-i1 to
short left tiehl. Minae un01e tasingle
:7101 ht the fuutbling rtOat fuiIto,tl
Lavelle. scored. The next man strnek
1» -flood •ri,-tI - half Cooler get a base
ori 101111-. -tui.• -.-..cosi atd :1 it.t; hrR
got 104 farther:
lu the fourth W'. Edward- f:nu0'll.
6'lurtlaag..i hit a ht.g one to I.•1:- whish
I'r•idham :fpprolrtlat(JI. and \I. h nzie
.pepped one 111141. i(rnrge•..t - 1011.K
'rt teas'i11'e;(4Ie•rleh'- hall o1 the
•fourth that 'h,• 11n1 began. (till)'
Bisset hit a siugte and ,•outin11.t) uu
to-..v.itt. )-1,11.'• thy' )(teethe -11 noon
air (m4-0M.l floe right llt. wit 0 str*ung nut,
Isi- (k -...rail. 'fuer• w.1+ g _lrt)1.. UdwWre--John W'iwgitis, of Goderich.
at ride the etuw d was--jwTSwnlei i • ger _. IJn4erfi, -
hark twriral the foul lilies, the Sprat• Who was the baseball `enthusiast who
-- - 'ford' platers in the meantime 1'010110' truck the cow with Ms auto on the Way-
BEST PHOTi)PLAVS ing a %Moron but' uufruirfni :u'gu-I horn from Clinto0 on \londay night -'
nient mite -the arnpin. Telt-linnl.ly
--W4";.C434-4114:1):11I:°RT •'sur n w:.' t.euc fon chi .tL !1'lt•'u It is said that a:itasay, s the teetzunght
play wa- r'rutn.•ti Valet fao tower -
l he pnetly mutt dura n the am ht
The Game at Credil.u.
On Thursday, May 26th. the I'urity
Flour team journeyed to Crediton to opera
the N. W. Baseball League season. there.
They were accompanied by about ;Ulty
s pp rters. Ramsay was selected to do
the mound work for Goderich and \iutz
t r Crediton. Both pitchers pitched a
lair game, but Ramsay was accorded tate
better support. The game 'wee keenly
contested and very interesting throughout,
due to the good batt ng of both clubs.
With the exception of thestsenth innings.
Ramsay was strong with men on bait,
Neither team scored in the first immnge,
though W. Bisset 'made a clean single fur
the I'uutte, and Andersol+ had one toe
1 he Purity Fours opened their scoring
in the second timings. Murncy. the first
up, was out on a line drive to pitcher.
walked, and Dred on tutu -base
hit by Pridhm, who- immediately -tole
third and scored on R. t>isset's sacrifice.
Ramsay struck out, retiring the side,
Crediton acre unable to score in their
Yon are Dee
e x p e rtment•
In` when
use r
oar u 1 r.
Z you ohm.
meat for Eczema and Skin Irrita-
tions. 1t relies.- at once and gradu-
ally beats the aka•. Sample Des 1»,
Chase's o*tuunent tree 11 you meanon thio
paper send sr. stamtt r postage. ear. a
Dox' al dealers or &tmat�oa, Bates & Co.,
wen. fu>rahllttit with tb••J:s11 J,tu4s t2,
1 I t If M *Iliw• 1
Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
AS our Summer is close at hand and we are
wanting to make room for our new Sum-
mer goods, we are giving special reduc-
tions in all Spring Suits, Coats and Skirts.
Our special prices in Spring Coats are as
follows : $9.75, $ 11.95, $12.50, $ 14.5o up.
Our Suits range from $22.50, $25, $27.50,
S29.50 to $35.
We have had a special shipment of 1 dies'
large-sized Skirts, to sell specially at SS.9S.
We' are pleased to announce to our cus-
tomers that we have Hosiery in leading colors
at very low prices.
Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
Headquarters and Factory : 456 Qllleeo Si, W.,. Toronto
I have •taken over the Grbceiy; business of
Faust and W'urrn and will conduct it on the
cash system, ensuring customers the be -t
possible values.
A full line of Groceries ,will be carried.
Your patronage will be appreciated.
Lavelle. 3b
Moore, lb
N. Edwards. 2 4
W. Edwards.' cf 4 0 0' 0
Flannagan,• rf, 3 1 1 0
McKepfie; c .. a 0. 1 _' 1
Dyer, se . . 2 I '' - 0 1
Livermore, If 4 1 0 0
Riggs. p 3 0' 0 0
30 8 4
Score by innitgs-
PurityFlour• .000-32200s
Stratford . . 00 1 000003-4
One base hits - Cooper, Sturgeon•
Lindsay. ilart, Pridham, Lavelle 134,
Wore, Dyer, Livermore. "Two -base hit
-L.ndsay, K. Bi -,set (2), W. Binet.
Flann:lean. Stolen bases -Cooper (2)
(fart. Sacrifice hies -(fart, 11'. Bisset.
D ruble plays -Sturgeon to Lindsay to
Cooper: Sturgeon to Cooper. Left on
bases -Purity Flours, rat ford a. Base-
on balls -By Ramsay 5. by Riggs 3. Hit
by pilcher -By Riggs '2.
Johnson relieved Riggs in the seventh.
Hintze hatttd for Johnston in the nu.' I.
(ford. i►
3.. 3 1 - __0 Z
4 1• 0 -.0
W,•" f.tr the ".r.ud tune ne the gots. era( Zurich players were at the game and
Week of June 6 to Jong 11
\Londa) and 'Foe -day, June 6-7.
,t.n.••• 71 -c : ' 4.15 1..111.
R4 N('O1'. "1•'.17" 1 1 - .1R14C('KLE,
/ In
"The Life of
The Party"
"BURTON 1101.216S"
"P,►RAMOI•NT 3170
Wednesday and Thor.rly,
\latittee N'.viin.d, at 4,15 p,
A ,.Ix•tlgeel F.mfuem t "r hors Pt'od
A two -reel (hri',tie Comedy
"SE% EN II 11.I)1'ATR.S"
Friday and 5atnrd,l). June 10.11
3l. t i ut. • Sa r o i )' ..t 3,00 pis.'
E3.7 ♦sty 1K
111 an amaziuc , -crook story
"Wanted at
1 nippy two -reel 77 ...hill Comedy.
('nme and cnjm the rnasfot•t of our
Monster Typhoon a enlilating Spleens.
Matinees Monday, Wednes-
day and Saturday.
was hit by the Strafford vaulter and stood directly behind the catcher when
the ((Wench hattery'were working, trying
to pick out the mysteries of I(ainaty's
delivery, From all rtpurts the inform
anion they got did not amount to much,
The Purity Flour teamgoes to Stratford
on Saturday for the return game with the !
team representing the Clastic City in this
district of the N. W. League. This game
will be called at 2.:30 o'clock in the after-
The' score at Clinton on Monday, be-
tween Zurich and 'Clinton, was 38.to 1 in
favor of Zurich. it was a very poor
exhibition of baseball. Tile Clinton team
appeared to have a had case of "stage
fright" and ilii not put up the class of
bail they are capable of serving. Pitcher
I(am•av, of the Pawky Flour team, Code•
rich, was the umpire.
The game haled - at Stratford last
Saturday hetwten the team of that city
and Clinton was post reeled on account of
A team of. younv Kingsbridge ball -
tossers came to town last Saturday after-
noon and defeated the Central school
team by 13 to 12, and the Separate sehool
team by 14' to 9. The games wereplayed
at Victoria Park,
1f Ernie Pridham keels up the gait he
has struck in hitting and base -stealth *, he
will develop into a Ty Cobb.
The Zurich Herakt claims that Ohlert
and Henning of the Zurich team are the
strongest battery in this group Zurich
will play in (foderich next Tuesday, when
we shall find nut whether The Herald is
correct or not.
Joe Lindsay of the Purity Flours met
with a rather events accident during
practice before The game yea)erday. Hr
*Mu after a wicked grounder that was
bated out to him. when the ball bounced
upwards, striking Joe in the eye 1)r.
Hunter attended to the wounded optic
and says at will be all right in a few days.
Joe says he will wmk the other eye at
Stratford on Saturday.
Messrs. Jas. 1-iOcd & Son are contribut-
ing fruit at each game Inc the players,
both home team and visitors -a court's
went to fir -t he -e. I'ridlnatn hit the
first can pit.•('- ro him 011.1 got safely
h' til• -t .191 before Stratford got ,t.a
to .•01711' again l.ind'aty. :not (•,sower
4 who was t -'t l i'11 .nn• {Cebu, had
seared. Itub 114 -.et 1114 safely. but
i'ri.thatn wits +•aught ung at VP' Mine
plate. and l(:un-ny- wa- oil ori. a rat' to
ventre tleI41. This retire,( the -oe,
after 11t01r rolls Ind 'aim iallie•d.
Glwlet•ieh got hto iaiore• in the next
time lip. Sturgerei htf.safely, W.
Bisset hm1Lrl and M':tf the ball re
first, while Stnriteuu.ti*cut around n
thud. Lin1-:ey put wile 1411 W4' it rho
stratror,l fir-t-lt.gRer'- legs' and Stir -
'eon and 141.--et%/crural
Wh11e_1e1rrt#die;d w11- 1114i 1 nn..thle
to•S oe, Goderich '„'k another IsaIr
its 1114' -11th. Aided b) the fumbling
of the Strafford player-. 410110' hit h)•
4'oopun. 1(. itis-e•t and Ramsay made
(1, elt'.ttii of 111.• bane•
itgg• wt:as tak.vt inn of flw• box and
.hot sun' 'tin! -Led for Stratford. and
kept the 4:041erit11 latllvt•s wider
aur Sht
vn f
t (11401,1e
hr IL �.ran
A i
1 .
1•iud''13 to%.jt•r, war the fermate of
f the eighth innings
ed tip in the ninth
taw' lir-1.1.11
- Itam-ay lanes
and with one no scorer, tore...un•n
on bn-,•c atit--obi. one main rout It
looked re time do rot,• Stratford
mmrngtr) to not'h two t ,re• runs. anti
R*mo* - tiwishell-tlat ir,ti
Rtnptfettl.• 181.11 hitter.
The trvf(' w,1. 7.4.
., Purrty Fkatr,
2.4,11.._11._ R. t.
Cooper, Ib.... _ . ' 1 T 1
Sturgeon, ss.. ....,. 4 '1 1 0
W. Bisset, e 2 1 2 0
i.irdsay. 2b . '0 2. 10
Hart, cf 3 .1
1 0
Webb, tf. 2 0 1 0
I'rdham.If 4 . 0 O
R timer :th 4 • 1 1
Ramsay, p 4 1 1 '
•by fanning
:t0 9 7 :t
One Dollar
by bringing g ng your K. & S.
Coupons to me.
I r dee91 ,all K. & S.
Cou ons for One Dollar.
A -large shipment of
K. 8s. S. TIRES
Just tccetved.
Opera House Block
-Kingston St. Goderich
WE curry a full line of Am-
ateur Supplies
Kodaks, Films
Plates, Papers
i.rt its d0 3rottr Developing;
anti Finishing.
Photorlrap ncr
that is greatly appreciated.
Bobbie Bisset made two two -baggers in
yesterday's game. Keep It up, Bob.
The new grandstand and bleachers at.
the diamond were erected by the 5:ode-
rtch Amusement co., who retain the re-
freshment privileges. The seating ac-
commodation makesan immen-e improve-
That was a great thros to second base
by Catcher Bisset in the fifth innings
of W'ednesday's game, cutting off the.
Stratford runner and retiring the side.
Billy has the route to second bag hgured
out to a hair's breadth.
Zurich is determined to win the game
here next Tuesday. The Purity FI. yrs
say, ."There's nothing to it. We will
grind thein up." Attend the game and
see who's who.
The band of the 33rd Regiment will
play fbr the baseball much next Tuesday
flow They 4taml in Distriet No. 4.
Won, Lost.
. 3 0
. 2
0 2
o a
Purity Flour