HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-2, Page 4SALE of MEN'S SUITS --P--- $22.50 Just picked up a couple of clearing li from !WS' manufacturer at a price. They are nine pattern in grey check, made of wool and eytton mixture. wool lining -will give good wear. Sizes 37 to 40. . PRICE ONLY $22.50 See TRQUSERSrodafror$7.5..0 and $5.00 Don't miss these -they are a genuine bar- gain. All-woql blue serge and alight grey Eng- lish twee& The trimmings' and tailoringare extra good. Sizes 32 to 40.. PRICE $5.00 --; MA DE -TO -M E AS U RE CLOTHING. We claim to have the agency for the best medium -Priced clothing. Our customers are well satisfied. See our -samples. W. V. 9ridham \. t 11,11g Phone 57 ax)erich A OK ! Columbia 'Grafonola prices have been cut in half. Would you like to hear a Grafonola in your home? tm your request we will .plat a (tr.ifonola 111 •3 our without putting you.untier -aft: obligation to pur- chase, 1» 41,4 you 11t 14. instrum t it Ili. \\ Special Offe A one dollar deposit on our easy payment plan give you possession of a fine Grafonola-the best musical instrument in the world. 1:1.4ApER, Phm. B. NORTH SIDE SQUARE, GODERICH Every man appreciate, the differ - cisme when his hoer' and woollens have been washed with Sunlight Soap. They are onus's -clean and fresh like new. Ile likes his wife to have the freedom from toil and the leisure that • Sun- light wasti•day brings. He knows that as shsolusele-igiure Suolight--must be more economical than common bosom. Insist on getting the Soap 3 ou ask for -SUNLIGHT SOAP., T 1. r. 1 ,3-, .1 in a • -2 11111.1.. cry in. ale. 1 lig ":t. Si Pali!• .•linr,•li Tuesday even- ' init. Mr Wt -,.it of Toronto. 14)4 3110111 5.;)cimiet43t...r4yo . z;tvti• .1 .n (thin (Mr tiarts;. telling of th work, among the newcomers to r • :t• :‘1..i ! on-Fristly :tight to. withe...: -trtrtt11t4t-'Mirak" It' Kili7314ridge Foram ttii• ' maler the :44621,;:es of 1 irst itute. 4,r3•Ii! 1, tine aerior. a n,1 actress. 111 sperfirtning .rheir-w404 ,41:1 y. The .pross...1- • were XV -"1 141,o.: tannin DelnIgn.---litev I Or. 'Amp- Itt tlie Pro -my -tech! 11 --,;tut.ly and A. War.' , ;4! 111.1011. 4.1111.1•1111.1111S there ail! is. 1... ...I'd's. in either the Pre-I.yt.-rian M'1 1,4,11-1 church here 111'11 Sun- ' .1a. Mr. Robert list ri•Is011 , 13111'11. 44..41 41 111.331 1 1%434.1 131 Four from 1, Ii..Wh., pa` ruction. fire 1.4144.4 aent from.1 to ('111(1.0) Y. -0.'1411Y 1.; amnia IV; bitrtrt 'meetly:1r tbe Womeies 11141111 Mr. awl Mrs. beix- twat week We Vats, Mc.1 .111 ..4.1:.1 ,vr..0-Sktr siting 3 141143k % •Ii. . Nam t 41.11, ,, 11,i1ue of M r. 11 li , . jr3% en ' .k tint 14184-e of a I, • .,, that *id- .lt)WIt in•entysoli. s in. .11,. Wall .31114% 111,1 P.F.N'M I I 1., \lay 31. 51r. Wm, . ,•14 111 1111 1104111 in 1 a few 311 • blood poisoning AI 111 agaill and -doing ver, The Ladles' Aid $o. will meet at the 11. EhawS on NVeilualw4a3 Sth. at 2' o'cloek. T. Portant 1004't 114)1 and the community are There will be no 3., a the Meth- odist church next 141, 'or 143h• hath who'd will Me. " 3" a 'Mr. null Mrs. Ar • 04,4 two'c ..retiarned front Der -4.r it f.,w IlaSs' visit with r's mother. Mrs. W. Naegel. On the afternoon from • .4 110Ule • Itennilller Mrs. J. .411 J11 II; 44. 11 11 1111.. 18411es of -i ;•4' attend. • •orla Flay a loascistll watch 14'a• "" 1 1"'- t3"441.m3.1.m,11.140;:(4,;le b)rhlilela.t.., r""-; 16 l .. t • Jubilee Anedversari i 1141 h iiiretbm witli the 41.11111.'1111- 11- tss..isitea of 'tile Job!: se.rviees tin t4uIit 2-4: itt 10141141 large (ssners.gati - were en- pilren;',1114.,1et v 1 1..v.: A :11:7141 1 111'74f' ni111/411,1110r1 re,111 414 .4.n7.1.1141.0.x1:4, l*lNih'lrs iter. ) I 4'. Ken • - '4". -"!". 14v tr....yi.r-mai txtilli.4*. 1.111,,11trhalltl, 4'llettlt41 "Deitr S,ir,.• -1 Mc.- ll1141.41 vtry nTli1141.-1.1 , tilii1t.1•41seori-1 the evening anyone et4i1141 drain- s!II.Pcr 4•x4-elleitt 111111.1.1W 14I of Ilw very Is-st, all the itr- -Mg heartily 44/k.3111141. 1411•4413 , !. might tie 1:ladletif taw vi..lku 43. 1.141441 141' Miss Florets, Jh.a',. r -.114011 Site *taints very high - waster violinists 4,1 1 lie A• ,, continent t bef,irtunlite 111411:ittetiitiii1114.4r, . Her rendering 4.f '11 was a ropeterisleee. •' artists who ‘1%*.arty. .i. 1n.ralle11014. •.: 1113141-1 esseeta,- Ititss.t.11 /4'44141 3 - • in... • 4 .1 Me- -4,..tia.n.411 441. n. N11.10717 F.ErAith excellent Tho 3.1- slerses.s delivered by.-.. W. itr.sivu • ri4I lbw. J. Rey, 1:414 rt fly leplan41.41.14y rliss • • iltrIfi.ttee that tilled the elitireli Ite3 -:amtluar osini catticity. mains pent, .1,z cotniielle41 stanal at -mind at • .11iid a-lit414)ws. The iota' • --As trh006tit- 4-41 to nearly A2111) • itastor 'and inNople ATP to he. 1 i'1lt8t1•11 111:440 t unique K1/1314404 • l'4'11 tinal..r. taking. nincli of - esslieing 4111e r.) rhe earrying tott ..• well-4,ripin- zed plans of the 1. .titl Society. Rev. anti Mrs. 11 Kennedy and .Mr. (leo. lb..' lit are •ii the Met)ottial Cont-r---tr-r. .4/ 1.ontlan this wets*. Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away No ,eaMbm heir old. how arty bow dilapidated. de • rope around them and •end fo us to b• made into The Famous "VELVETEX" Rugs itim.tbk,v4vi wear a 11 teams -Prices reasonabl& have hundreds of moommandationa from satis- fled oustomers. Ask ter "VILLVITIIX" Pries List. pey empress both Way, 043 large order. Ono way en sm•A ordert letattliamed 10S Phone smis CANADA RUG COMPANY N CAM. I N 0 STROUT i2 LONDON. OPST• 4- 1 -.mi' in the tillage t regret to 'say hat 13. very 111 at pro .11141 %1r. it R. 11.-Nahl, 'a. 414m for a ',mph. of days Ili Mrs Rohr. A. McKenzie is triple!. it Wy.truitil Miss M. tay returned to her home at 1313.444dt week after a week's viit with lie 444 r .4.1% Ms. H. M. Duff NIrs. Robt. Treleaven.d. visiting her sons at To- ronto. $T IIELENS. APR: :t.N weaessalak. 34,110 1. The H111;.•- ,.-il has a' drone - crusher its Ifer- 4:ovier's grovel pit and Is- teem -lag • Ibis. line to a ('mitt of erushed, gra, Mr. 'John 'Er ., formerly of the SterlIng.Rank is limiting fr einb, wee. • r. John 11 ling on flat,trday 'mon had -1 misfortune t.. get Whit VI, •IfThlge 1.38.-ton'o sawmill nil : . do leg broken The pati.4nt ;1' .r * tRell as can ha expeettd. Dr. It firm. Weir and fam- ily risiteSI .14. Doctor's sister at Strathory r returning Mon- day- after.. -,•1 Aribaniharelt -14411Itit.-The intr. ridge elf • Ttnittblut to Mr. Wm. .5 ' was nol nixed at the .4.411,•1 • ,se on SV-4IiJnesiIay afternoon ' I: 5. J. Ross'. Tier - wards 11- ; .nple took the 47. R. afternoo:, • •'• • a trip to Toron Niagar.t-I other prints. , On their t..•tivr•4 • .will take up resi. I's farm 011 110 131 11 1! -rt. The best wlshos t 1113 lty fr; •company this point- -1 -rt tinserted'fffe. - Morning. ”4:41 4. 111141 all the w4:r141 ‘ionday night a tasse- 1 awl pre:tilt the 4. Awl. Why '1" Even- iisit tie bee., the An - Mg. -The Last 41:4) od Invitation." hara at , tenni, etoirentima. Riliefs.-51r. and 5 . W. Phillips. of ' toe restilt win for the visitors Goderleh, spent the w -end with Sir., 1.v it, 7 -4, !Lotteries : ear; .1.-, I tiosoin Miss 4. olys Wel.14.1 51-1. -141 lt. VP111t-- tbe.-te -mid at 4111141117T' ,• mixt Taberrille. it3n,i pnirtbs• Auburn will nose on Saturday at 2.30 4 1444.k. .11"111.1 ' W111111111g streak. The 4.1111)I r,'» are all Invited t ne Memorial 11)1C4.11111Q (41 • Tnesday, May S1. The ('tub. -T!44' following were !lit' 01.11 it the ritle.range :it 5titt\v9rls : 14.allaer Miller 132. toe Ander...in, 34. fleet Webster 25. Hari+. Punloa, 24. wig Webster 344 Joint W4-143.:er I./11 iller 32. Jas. I•nrilon 34, Jas. Albireseti 25, Elmer 34-. thumb Nrotes.-Smainy. May 21001, was a day to Is. retie -mitered by the 're-tiller:tn. here The tmerament of Lor.t's Supper wa• observed rind it:en1.flame of n-mbers was the 41- some yeTen 44814' ar* Te1111*111- 1111,111/1 1,1 11/1' 1,111/1111tIltlf* It..V. Nly, 'imintlingsii, 411.1 etijoy a soeial hour Itefres '11,111-4 Will 11' served Mr. anti Mr, Herb. Thomp.oir Mrs. Todd. sr.. ,. and Iles.--' t'in14'ra•04,41 and daughter ;Tit 1 4 r.we. of WE:lir:aim. ..pent Sionlay with ni„n 1 friends here i Sir. T. l'hillips is te. Fin. , i shipping 41 car Of lumber to Wooilstoek A fo,,1,. today 51 r. Robinson. of Wingllam. from Knox vi3ito4 with his tincl.. Mr. James I.n...k.t Knox Purdnn last WPOtli Th.' Presby- men wit', -i•ii. 4. In His Majesty's i .;11. with the iusle n. 10111 "P144,--1`6 iltii44'1 titi" Aflimat folV`Ps aro 1- •441 to meet in the its en party alsnit the 17r1i of June. 1„,,.,,,,,,, ,,,, have ehnreh before the irt heteH r • n -.911a rs la ter Mr. AVIS will a sale of household „rom. 1 1,11/14 at fllt* n.4111'1111'. St. Helens. on .11, fith., Hr. and Mr's. TA T IS and 4 .1 [CLOW. faml are 'raving for England. (hp r-4 • oemory of 10. NA M. l'artor Ike plats- in Knox r. -h. , Sabbath afternoon. i 2 0) o'clock. The mor - 11 1..-' ----••:ebed by fter. Capt. 1,-1 . RD., of Mitnier), • ;1141 a mixed quartet ,,,reb floderleh. will 111r$7,1:5:$1 , 11 ESTABLISHED 1872 :RAD OFFiet twAPAILTON • THE successful business man knows the value of srning. In all probability the habit of saving made him successful. You may get on the right road to success by depositing your money so that when your op- portunity comes you may be prepared to take advantage of It. BANK OPHAMILTON Goderich Branch A. J. MacKay, Manger 4 COLBOIINE. Wednestlny. Jiino. 1. The eampnig agalmst the scrub bull is progressing. Pont- were shipped out of the township on,NIsitilav and now Wednesday. June 1. New° Note'. -it r Alex. Sterling\ retitrned from trip to tioderi where he Wt., dting relatives Mr 1Valter 1' smith, of Toronte, mm1171;31-11.4 .4..!,) . 1 14-11114141 I0 ra. InJatsh.° STomt; spent the week -ad with their dAugh- 01111' two remain• Tw,t "1 dis' . Mrs Mi•N.iiiy of tioder14-1, 0111111014 aro n'1.lat4M1 11,7 Mr 4,14.1 ,onistuaL,1M,44, .Gare reallgool *Mti pnreoasd itihrtItb n John tl.. of Col. try' Menton. FhIebwr Ft and Wilt -Arrangetnents are bring mide for the annual pienic of the Colhorne Farmers' Club. Premier Drury has promised to attend and the of 1 the date will depend npon his engage- ments. It is expected to be some time .11 Oils month. dent 'Heft, 14estroytal by Fire. -The home me.. A of William Jewell. On 110 lr.I eoneen- ),„„ shot of Colhorne. was ',lest toyed hy fire Wednoisday morning of this week. The fin. was notleed hy neighbors. shout 11.30 : they alarmed the people of the hituse and other nehrh- 13oris. and a eroml soon gathered. The PORT A44111/15T. 11441114. 044. 4104411 r4111.41. 11111 eontentat WederadnY, June 1. were 1411 flre evidently might seal um Sylvester Ansi from a defective eltimney. The house, ehildren, of litratfged, went fonedwY 17111'. . The t•arlow baseball tenni 1143Y'l 3 Came ith the Althorn team at Alburn 4:u itomtay evening. the Farhat tsam a ',ming by three runs. The next g.ini, ill he on Friday evrm- Mg at 0 11.21 ,, Mr. Reg. Fowler's, r".."" and Dodericli town- ..... Mrs 1 I 1r.) Weir, of Aublirn, fc33. thea with Iter mother. ohnston .....)r. A. 4'. nark 11 111W.1.1 & Barker ga.o. line porno .... Nfr. Thole Wilson has rentrii,s1 from hi. tma1new4 trip to To - mien and othur rti. ,r1 Phone 56 "The Scotch Store" STORE HOURS: 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. : SATURDAYS 10 P.M. e Newest Voile Dresses Exceedingly smart are the new Voile Dresses just received The prices are much lower than co. those that were shown last season, and owing to the great imonvenience of having them made most people prefer the. readypmade dresses, which are much mor stylish., and economical In light aiiirdark colored novelty -WO two Dresses exactly alike. Sizes 16 to 40. This will be a big White Skirt Season The smartest styles of Wash Skirts arrived this week, just in time for the warm weather. The styles are entirely different. , A channing style White Pique Skirt $2.95 This Skirt is made from good quality pique, slash pockets, button- ed belt. Special $2.95 each. • A most stylish Novelty Pique Skirt $3.75 This is a lovely white Wash Skirt made of good quality striped crepe repp, novelty pockets, crush belt, trimmed large pearl buttons. Special $3.75 each. Many other styles from $L93 to $5-00- 111EW ,GOODS ARRIVING I The tirst of t New Bathing Suits It is not a bit too soon to get ready for the' bathing season, hich has now begun. You will enjoy. ur dip much better if you are 'wean g one of our all -wool Bathing 'Suit There is no chance of catching cold After. We mention a few of oar leading lines Women's Union- Bathing Suit, only $3.75. Women's Union Bathing Suits, onepiece with skirt, button shoulders, V neck, a very smart garment, only $3.75 each. 14 Women's smart all -wool Bathing Suit, $7.50. Women's all -wool Bathing Suit, one-piece style, with wide skirt and novelty belt, low neck, short sleeves, in a combination of beautiful color- ings, special $7.50 each. Big showing of Boys', Girls' and Men's Bathing'Suits. N EVERY DEPARTMENT. Millar's Scotch Store 56 Pho The Leading Mall and Phone Order Store ,herr cottage iwre by the lake Mrs. William lirown and her motlwr. Sirs. ME of Ripley. 1;at a day with Mr. end Mrn. J. Cousin" recently Mr. W. W. Hawking. of Ildeago, 10 'visiting with his winter, Mrs. W. O. Gray. 44 this place Minnie Dicknon anent a day with fr144•1s isueknow butt week W nee that John Green, John Tlgert and William Draper are sporting outmost - Mien. It's not likely they paid for with butter and egg. Mr. and Ms. John 1 Sehoenhals' Minnes Roses Dora and Freda sod -Mian Reta Elliott. of I'llnton, were renewing frierviships.in the village on Sundajr. ST. AITVI7STINE. Wednesday, June 1. Notes of the Week. --:Miss Gladys: Jefferson. of Woodstoek. is visiting at her home here Mr. Muth Stewart started sawing lumber for A. Johnston 114'4t week Mr. and Mrs. Clayton rtin, of Seafortb. milled on friends In \this vieinity hist week The riflota,f4pr the 410 herr' arrived from London last week and the first pray - V',111 held last Saturday at the MO - 'part] range-, k M. MartIla son vixited *las Rebeeci.....Thirinnson this week... ..:Mr. VletOr Johnston. who I. at-tendingci-5100--gt 'Distrito. Is home for him holidays Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thomperstietpent the week- end with Settforth friends The ly meeting on Friday. June 17th, at W'mg4;:i's will hold tbeimonth- 2 30 pm , at the home of cele R. Thompson. M('.4 Pert of l'ihrldge. will mistress the meeting. Everybody welcome. K INGSBRIDGE. Garden Party Next Wes41.-T1w big event :4 the season will he the garden party to be held on the grotto& of Rt - Joseph's ehurch on Wednesday even- ing, inn. Sth. Refreohneeitte will he for wale and there will he amisasmenta for all. Including dancing. Sinsie witl IA fm. s11pi.n.4 by Gene 4'. ronnon and her orelwstra from 04411.;rich. Tea ' will ha surrved.from 3 141 14 tido 'Ir. A I very large -attendance 14 'xpl-etl»lI: if you want to see your friends don't mime this event. i E1V NI.ty 314 HappeRlitga In Brief.- Mrs. l'amp. twit. of Westfield. spent a few days last week with her daughter. Mrs. Wm. r : Silos 1(11, visite.] at theJlome of Mr. J. Little' of Lanes 511', Jack eurran and/Sir. and Sirs. J141111 M1•1141 ry and. Mae motored to Hamilton last !eek to spend the holiday, Mr.. Wm. Crozier visited friend.ilu Goderich one day last week Mr.t.. A. Ritchie has returned after spending a ferr week'. with her son at I At nes. ...Thr' stork has left a little daughter t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo. (1111te a numbet from here attenshnl the May "Lena Rivers," at Dungannon Friilay night. All report a good time.. 4. ganien party under the tioldeett of Cr:we Meths/dint ehun•h 4,111 be held at the home of .Mr. Albert Me- Quold MI the evening of .Tune 246. A good program is being prepored. OODERiflii ToWNSITIP. The late Joseph Prneter.--rrhe death of Joseph Proctor. a well-known rod. dent of liolmenville vicinity. occurred on Sunday. May 22nd. in the eighty: fifth year of hi. age Mr Proctor was a native of the township and spent all his life hem lie 1" sur- vived by 1W4'4 0141110 144011t. W. and Towle, both of MIR township, and four danghterx : Mrs. R. 1114'C4rtney, 44 the tnwneh)p; Mr*. J. H. bowery. of North Day; the Mignex Emily and Minnie, at home Ms,. Proetnr died shout fifteen rearm ago. pr. Praetor was in Angli- n:0. Titt nmerat took Navy to Malt. As, WATER TAKERS Town of Goderich mr- WARNING - LAWN 5E511111 1101415 are from 7 a.m. to a.m, and from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. .11137 114.1,41111 or 1144'411111111 1'011041 using water for lawn aerviee Miser than during the above hours --or using lawn servits; without tido applying and WV - brit for same.-- will be liable to prosecution 1m1 their whole water service turned off without norms. worst. eery lees are to he in - *ported 111)4) any xervIce found with leaky taps or Services or In any way wasting water will he „shut off. 544` thsit your plumb - Ing is all in good comiltion and avoid trouble for n11 concerned. It (starts' money to pump water Water and Light Commission - Town of Goderidi land cemetery on the 24th, the Nerviest lying tomineted hy Rev. M. Rhodes of Point Edward, a former rector of the liohneaville-Middleton parloth, ffiNieted by Rev. Messrs. Johaeton and Fair. '4 +.4 tessera"