HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-2, Page 3a
, V• '
"At Forty -Five"
toyES, at my age I sup-
pose 1 should expect
a change ire my con-
dition. But I am so nervous
and irritable, so easily excit-
ed and worried, that I can-
not understand what is
"I know just how you
feel, my dear, for I 'have
gone through exactly what
you are experiencing now."
"But you are not nervous."
"No, not now, but I was in
a far worse condition than
you are, when a friend ad-
vised the use of Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food. I need not tell
you more, for you know how
well I have been for the last
few years."
Mrs. H. Alchorn, 23 Ger-
ald St., Charlottetown, P. E.
I., writes : "Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food was recommend-
ed to me by an aunt who used
it while passing through
the change of life and was
completely built up by its
use. From my experience
as a wife and mother I find
that the majority of users
are women, especially wo-
men passing through the
change of life; next by
young mothers to regain
strength after baby comes,
and also by mothers for
their young daughters enter-
ing their womanhood. While
it is good for all classes of
humanity, I am sure it is es-
pecially so for women, as
they seem to be troubled
must by nervous diseases."
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50
cents a box. All dealers, or
Edmanson, Bates & Co.,
Ltd., Toronto.
Western University
London, Ontario
Summer School
,flits and Sciences
July 4th to August 12th
For Information and -(.a endar write
K. P. R. NEVILLE, Registrar
Studebaker and Gray -Dort
Let us give you a demonstration with these
cars before you decide on your spring purchase.
Our new Battery Charging Outfit is working
fine and we are now in a position to handle any
nWnber of Batteries.
goo Batteries. This is proven by the fact that
foul' -fifths of the Automobile Companies in Can-
ada are using them as stan(4ard'fquipment. We
have them here ready for deliv4ry.
�Fei% ire Lenses tom $'Z,�-� a pes:_
1 Gray -Dort Special, good as new, 1920.
1 Studebaker, 4 -cylinder, 5 -passenger, thor-
oughly overhauled -repainted.
1 Ford Touring, in good running order.
1 Ford Delivery Trutk, in first-class shape.
Case Tractors and Machinery.
Thr municipal a 11 'of the town-
ship of Colborne met May 2011* as a
court of revision. Metulwrs all pres-
ent and signed the necessary declara-
tion us uu•tutars of the court. One
appeal was considered, that of Mr.
Richard Carney. un the grounds of tai
high assessment. The Collet on cum.
lwr1ug his property with that 111 11-a
huthelhte Vicinity decided It was not
t.N) highly assessed atab (111 motillll of
Robertson and Fisher the assessment
was sustainer and the entire assess-
ment roll was &s•lam! lb.. assessment
roll for 111'21 and the court was closed.
The council them held its regular
meeting: inewlwrs all present. Min-
utes of lust modal' meeting read and
1141111t4M1. 1111 lu(diou i1 Itolweltsuu and
Graham, II was unanimously agreed
by the council to rufur(s. bylaw No. 4
of 1915 prohibiting the running at
hirge• of all a'ulmals in the township.
Mr. Hoyte s ctalm was thin discussed.
It was moved by R(dwrtson, seconded
by f'utr•y. that this township pay Mr.
Hoyle $:411 In Iteu (A all claim against
the moh-1p
tlh1i(y. Carried. The fol-
lowing 4.vonnt.•+ were paid :-1. Heth-
erington. con:Tel.. tile. $5*1.50; West
11'.hwauosh Fire Insurance Co., iasur-
nn a of township hall. $3.r.0: J. Alton.
i. days head superintendent, $24.73:
.1. W. Alton, 1 *lay work on road. $li:
r.. Jackman. work o11 n,ad. E'-04.40; F.
Shields, 1 load -gravel. $2: Win. Frear
man, work oil Arhtteld boundary, $9:
11. (buslus. work ou Ashneld boundary.
$41; Jae. Chisholm. ,-owrete Nle, $0:
.1. ('. Durst. sheep killed ley dugs. Etta:
Wm. Watson. work' on Wawanosti
boundary. $33 ..-.0: finery Watson, work
oroY ream in 11r-'0. $11.70: J. Jenkins.
antrk (nt nod. $3: ('NIG. Allen, work
on road. $57: A. (:(ww1..103 hours nod
superintendent. $47.25: estate of .1.
(la/nide, work ou 'raid. 1920. $18.20:
.1. Allis, work on (Ith 1.1114.. Ertl: E.
Mitr•hptt. work nn nth crop: *21: Wm.
Alt•Wihluuey. work on 4411 e. L.. *24L
Howatt F(iN'llrls, work at ,Ipiw•ttri,
$23.441; Ed. Mai'1o'l1, work Lippert)...
$:111: Geo. I►lier, eleivellhl gravel. $3:
E. Jackman. tram on tiler. $u: 11.
Jenkhis, slt(Irrlliug gr eel, $4.:0; Win.
Whitely. s11ovelliug nivel. *44: Wm.
itogie. 5 load: gran •: en Iso -a1 road.
El.: 4:... F'tagan,Fdrawing gravel on
road S. Youngs', S., H.. $la ; Garvin
Young. drawing ge rel out raid S
1otlnRsrs. IL. els: Wm. Harty, draw -
road S. i-bgnk s S. R.
hag gravel o
t;'J'(: %VW. rad, -drawing gravel ou
mail S. I' Ing', S. 11.. $il; Nelson 51l'-
iwrty, i wing greed on road S.
Young' N. 11., $15:.1. Taylor. drawing
gravel tin road S. i'oung's S. 11.. $15:
it -m. lardy, cleaning ditch a1141 felleiilg
,,n . H111. $4:1.:14: \1'111. ('on'-, r•palr-
In boundary rad. $9.90: Jew (':artelr.
wing gravel 011 West WNwano.'li
.otmdary. $1414.4:.: P. Fisher, 1 (lac
grading it. ('., $0: Ted. (:beet. (Jagging
ditch atal rewiring culvert. $9: Aaron
Philter. sheep killer by doge, 5..47:
Signal Printing Vo., advertising dog
bylaw, $.:; 4'. 1'. K.. rent of site for
weigh -scales, $S; 1. Hetherington. (on-
cr«te the on West WumWarlosh bona-
(Iary. 414: John Symington, 3s4 yank
grated. E32..1A: Rev. 11. Houle, for in-
juries sustained by air.. Moyle. $.30:
total' paid oat at Meeting. *1199.0:1:
accounts pith! to It and of Health.
$70.90. total spent, _to _date. a34.10.741.
The treasurer reported rarefying $1012
tmm the IMpalrtment of 1'rovitn•ial
Highways as 11 grant for 1929. The
(aIle -fur's bond -as presented to the
(otua•i4 *'•is il..1eptwl, ou motion of
ltoIN•rtwon and Fidler. ('outwit ad-
jonrn.M1 on m(.thun of ('urrey and Itol.-
BETTER IN LIFE. 1.11,, animal eintference of the Child-
- 1. n'• .Ui1 Soviet los of taw Province.
held alt T1lIIlld.) on May 11.12, was a
words .ant Express F11s• 1' ''rd Marker in theca' 1,,'ri
Gratitude to Tanlac, States i..dr,-,11 point of nttend:hnce awl
Ih'• w'i.1e int.'rest 111 'li. -1l1 hat•ts
( 1111.1MEN'S .►111 WORK.
London Man.
110. 1'4.'',4 ince were represented and a
-'1 " o -ion of prohibits and leglasti•
h"11''1 the far-rrachlug e•te•ut of I
T. 1.. Maitland. of 117 A'elaide street• ""iI :uul Its iWlwllta14(4' to the ions
London, Ont.. is but one API 111'ny 'e) As a whole. 1 discussion on
well-known people in this city eh .',act '"111.4 l 1,' home•-ttudiltlt. lel by .1. I
testing the merits of Tanlac hate "r"ill 111 i eentford showe1 ...wad.
forward with unqualified endorsement, 'brit -reel' of opinion ari-tug trio
the medicine. Mr. Maitland has tern, :• '10^ ditticultiee exlerleu.Ml hr different
the employee of E. Leonard & Sons u. .z.•tits. But a suggestion front the i -
London for the past twenty eight 1'e,rs 1 leader that a PIMv'im•IiI ..Meer be al.
and in teLing of the benefits he derivai' l4'iute1 who would visit the dirfereat
froln the use of Tanlac, said : . 4•w•ietll's and try to help place c1dldren
"It was about five years ago that ms Ilei with little favor Mr..trf..r(1 vett-
troubles first sta ted. and since' that tint m.' le- that there are fully auto .t,il'treu
they have et meISPls )'ver me lin at.d y! i!e .he different11sli Shrhat for whom DOMINION TIR.F
worry. Aly appetite left me so completely' f"-i''r-h.use.s are deslrsl. • and expert. -
that f didn't relish a thing to rat, .nyl''1i'.• hlthrrt shows that with (h(,rtr
digestion was very bad and 1 would bloat ''11:1*t,r almost every nue 4.f these a.
all up with sour gas. be .4 .d to bee 111• n good al at p'
"I suffered a treat deal from constip- Permit. -eitizen: A
ation and biliousness, and at erne-, had -town in an eiwlutr,
such splitting headaches and such terrible i"''ie(y as 111 where u
dizzy spells [could hardly see. 1 hid rheu IN•giuuiug t.i go wrong
mat sm in my knees and j.,ints and ofte,, In 11e01111t111 sllrroundlni,
ached all over. I was so nervous that
everything seethed' t, worry me, and at
night I could scarcely sleep at all.
"I'll tell you I'm mighty thankful to
Tanlac for the way it has fixed me up, for
it has given me a splendid appetite 'and
vaeaeo,,...se4anweaa...switismeiesmseeema -Ass
"The second blow-out in a week!
Why don't you get good tires?"
.•Ilerous spirit w.',
11'0111 the 'ruroul..
1, how Iwoy• just
11141 Ie placed
on probe•
tion. There are said to be aio1111
.erenty of thew.. When a . '.111).-,
who spoke an behalf of the . whey.
l.ad 1ist(uoM1 b. the offers of help .1de.
there wemel little doubt that u(os of
1111wr wot(kf 111111 the .1.'.I rel Ulw'Lll
put an end to that indigestion and bloat to slake a good and new .beef.
rug. I never have an acre or pain cif any Mr. J. J. Ke'l.o. Provincial Snlw•rin-
kind. sleep good and sound tyro- night 1441de1t. gave .11111e i11forma t ion 1144
and am feeling fine in every teal. In fact. what Is to he recommended to the Got• -
I never felt better in my Ite char 1 do: crumcut by a !•uyttai,,<jnn.-'withb _lido
new, and words can't express my .;rah been studying the\ question id. better
tude to Tanlac." anouuualaHou fuF\,delingnrut Boys.
lIr. 11.•1en MtMurclr4.alu1 1)r, -IOW)
Waugh Is'iug a5s.ehte•4 with him on
•ibis eu4111iry. They. r.Mxltuwcud :(m....
other things that the Institution known
was the Jtiiuico .\tulunt_le Mow 41W41'
with and sold. The pra+e.ts from this
VA 111111.1e 1:1 11d. the retain rls'lminen(t(Mt:
•hotdd be uw'l t11 1nly n.w•:tl iineN •
try place ilii1'ty 1,,11.'s 'from Toronto
which would constitute )what will ye
known as .the e•otril building. There
nil delil4tueut boys will- be sent for'
thew• or four weeks t.. be stlh11.M1 by '
1 eplsychhtri t and "sorted ant." The
rl' .t also 1(M.1llnmeIuIoI that 1 11r ' or
fair nflwr (entres' lie phae.1M1 through-
(att the 1!r,vinee. wbere ..4114 .b,ys
would he eyent.1,1ly went. oto' for real
bad case•+. ore for semi-feehlewitnl.Ml.
and .,, pi*. The ,:"nulis•.lun ra'nm-
n1.•1NkM1 in.o4uletiun with theme Ihlative
that ',real attention b.• paid to pr..
i.1,' ',regal
voeution,l training
classes. with Shot.s routa111111g nll►h•hlu-
ery, and tools u(.1'*"s:lr}' for the pager
(rain iug 111 a trade.
11r. A. Tuvel1. the Guelph agent. re-
ferred to the splendid successes that
have attender the work of the Child-
ren's All Societies .4inee their inangur-
EA:(T tvAw'ANIis11, atin1 In 1555. in all over .411,111)4
t'oulw•Il met on ly with. with the ''hildr+r, Iuul Well made, wards of the
x.4.444 i.•a, h.aid. whin• fuer 1O4,1))11
menden all pn-rrlrt
limit... of lea 114141 111 ... '• manner 4 • tinder their
meting were read and M,ntirmwl. .\ Px(YII.'IN ;fluff.e w.
bei la
representative d the lug Iron 4:11- al r. .\. al. Dymond, Parliamentary•uhary
Waite) on the vutlu. i1 J!_.t erne.. w' t.h.e'k.'4114' an-rxplatuilk.n of btu•
(rttsn) to Tuesday. rune 21-1. 1:tit pan.
1. HP THF:It1N(:T( 4N. Clerk
1a Your Car Ready For That
You're Planning This Summer?
e* t'teeiear'e'
"Get Out and Get Under"
doesn't go very well in
vacation time, so let us
put it in good shape
now before the
get here. Their cars
will need a good deal
of attention.
Phone 243 - - Goderich
When Baby Is
When the baby u i11, when he (ries a
great deal and no amount of attention or
petting makes him happy, Baby's Own
Tablets should be given him'annul
delay. The Tablets are a mild but Bear-
ough laxative which regulate the bowels
and sweeten the stomach rnd thus drive
out constipation and inalgratjpn, break.
up colds and [ample fsve it_:end make
teething easy. Concerning them Mrs.
Desire "fheberge, Trois Pistols: (pebec,
writes : "I am well aatisfieriwuh my use
of Baby's Own Tablets, I have lound
them of great benefit to my .baby when
he was sufferng from constipation and I
can strongly recommend them to other
mothers " The Tablets are sold by all
medicine dealers or be mail at .5 cents
a box from the Dr. Williams Med cite
Co., Brockville, Ont.
DOMINION TiRES are the same qua. no matter what the ties
DOMINION "NOBBY TREAD" 30 a 3X Tires for Ford. ClIbaerolat,
Gray Dort. Overland and other light urs are the tam• dadkn, arm•
materiat same constru i1on as the big "NOBBY TREADS" Its
P1erc.-Arrows and Packarda. You get the mileage when you ride ea
There are Dominion Ttr•s for every car and *very
purpose -DOMINION INNER TUBES, to• -end •
S.W kr the boli lesion fres atsagt to *mos.
sale of grader and pita. .ln.o r wilt \tt fpr the protection of s hildr,m of
r • n idr- unmarried fortes tial also the AO
re.pleing the adaption of the children.
111 lnweulhlg to the (limmesiam and
,k Jug over the peers. d of the dile-'
...ne could not but be impr•.-ed 1
• public s 41rit and nue (911 is- 1
Iter mauife.tel 111 414ow' who
at•e w. po14 •tidy :Mil often aniielrt dis-
couraging a dlt'ious trying to sHrr
Irma 1lwt•itabl} wasted. and it may 11(•
w-I(•ke1 11t•ls, .•1111. •11 55 tut aro sta'rtIng
the rale of life tit' many et the
ba154114?1ps :inti sharers •hllch 14.1ong 1111
their nnfort1.fiate rnvir, tient. .
The hoer'.' .s.."•1e_lraUt • .. It.....t !<t
for the (onrydrtinn of this contract.
meting• slay lll,..le•4d.Ml to 41/111111141
Carried. Tme fnllowlt►ll o(M-onMl were
brie nytnl;n llIo1,eh1y .e.sl.u1 nmN1
pull : I'. o. F., lo. q'. 111111 tent. after Ihr "nnnni•r holidays: hot the
out.E 1'. t. Felton, repairing w•:l+h- a te.nth•e will meet from ohne tu'44 ,
out. $1 : Writ. Felt*, IsyIng elle. con. a. as caws erring in the work will rat
$1.544; J. .John-t"n, gradllgf, Em: „en.
i0 0Qtuu, gr,din.- =.S.S: • Geo. Kerr• nanous hnet,been 1 T 1 t
grading. g::r \"r'man eltord. rrp:Iir-
lug culvert, sl "o•: Pocock. (Ir, w- 44 44..4 11'rn4.4.•r vflinge. f;: L 4an:.
Ing grader. f,1 4.m. ►tman, Nalalv Smith. 4:rwlit11n. Z'.2:,: ltrn•"'I-
I nig sow's: or. Stein. ( of revi'io„ .hr:un'h (' ,1 S.. t:: , 711 :-Ilowick tb►4n-
1 on the a.s.'anr•lib roll was then olw•nc.1 _it! _5.jt__ mi.- Lntliett Mned.a.• 42
a(Mor,lIng 10 "4.irilte, a large nnnll"•r.,1f,•_. sharnlln. ?:i: errs. it. Milli? *t
of the rtelc,v••r• being present. '1'h•'• mi., I'. 'N' Falk. 1.51': airs. .1. W
following nigw'1I- were (onlsi,h,1 ,1 :mid' \.•w. orate. $1 : air.. Twyford. 4'111)4.4.
dettif with as '..11owa : John aLrvon• A11.1 others. who eon;riblhti'.l chilli
Iassr..meI1 r.•�1•n,Ml $400: 4:(0. I'un-I iii;:. fruit. vcget:Il.l'". etc.. were \i1'
1 ningh,ln►, as.e.•meld confirmed : J. I'. 1 and mi.. at 1e. ilowe11, alias 3111"44' •
',('nine, a1•r.'.snevtt (o/firmed: It. It. J. 11 llilli..u. air .4). ('Arty. \.tetra
1 M.44owan for Froth Berate, a ..S'tu.•nt ,inert lieth.wl1.t .•,,,r..11. 311'' Pirat'e's
s(KI(uMri-��IItN of Wm. F.hh r ► Nth �l't'ISnntit'-'ll
I and Norman If tdford In id over till Midtibial, aFr A.
Ihtllula}, errs.
' next pin.ethug. .1 opal. of .I'. 11'. Scott: iy' aG•Te'al.•
who cls tme.l 11.11 the whole 44'4x4•:.
meat In the t".t,rWMI) w•a. t.N, high.
11544* next .on.1.1 rel, a number of the
h+ 1
(then n for a four -feet til . rt for
line :t9 and 40. conc....nlu 4. A delwl•
tathin from the 12"11 eo11re.Ni,a were
pisseene 1Mwl.teeting tbat something be
(lone to 'cnMt the ever-iucn•a4.ing) Fnf..
1141X 14 weeds which ,'r.• now Infesting with .�
the munirlp'.11ity. On :Hot 1011 of 1t'.b-I than chs
e•teon 141.41 C11111 tell r'h iathnla.ter
WW1 iustructell 40 rw•e• 4hat 1411 the
we'(ls ween' crit and destr,. i(1 in each
road division. Omit......Ncntlgha11 :
That the ten(ler of .lenkitl4 :14.41 1tra d•
n.ek at 52.304) for the (ou1iructlon of
Nle Sturdy drain be accepted. on ...ni-
dat1o11 taws suflivie(nt emurity 1e given
hoe their attention. The following do•
• reeeiv''l +.Inv aa•
r•firt :Im1 are gra tern 1ly e.•k111iw1
• JL(.(�/(JJc nIFiars/L,7/fI • •
,I/� (.fig L{.a1fAi
The "NATIONAL" L ve. TORONTO 10.30 pm. " DAILY
For Sudbury, Port Arthur, Fort William, Winnipeg
Edmonton, Prince Rupert, Vancouver, and Victoria
Alternative rooting ::Through Standard Sleeping Car Service to Winnipeg. Leave Toronto 8.45 p.m. Dully
via G.T..• ickets and information thole any Agents Canadian National or Grand orth any, thence "Continental Limited" via T. & N.0 . Cochrane nTrunk Railways.
1 rIMc
Canadian National Railways
You 'heed not rub
You need not boil
your clothes
If you have a
The wonde ul new soap
in granules, ju soaks the
dirt nut of your " othes in
a few hours. No ed to
use the wash board. or
Aloreovcr, Rinso saves
your clothes. In these
pure, cleansing suds they
soak as safely as in water
alone. There are no harsh
chemicals to.eat the fabric.
Just rich, pure suds, so
mild they do not even
redden your hands.
wailing machine-
4oak tits clothes fight in the usual
limo way. The cteansimt suds loose■
every hit of dirt. In the �oraieeoperate
the machine for a few minutes and the
clothe are perfectly clean --even the
Most soled :pots,
ei... _.. __
.r•Iloer 11
Myer. 1,1.10: 1 .111 nn 1111s suhj.•.'4
No arliml sus• 4.i1:F•ti. th8. ap4wat Nein:;
i whirr intit rrt'erri" l',t meting. .i011n
H. rebut l.n t4'- a(kk'd as tenant dol
37, '..n'i'•:•1,41 (I. :1 11111 Ewart 1.1uklatcr
41'w nt-r of it,t1\4'4 39. coIKM•seiou 11.
Nifty," l'' air °•:ilhMple, seon41el by
Mr. (',,:Ores. itis' the (hurt of revision
be rum elrr.4Ml t' le reopellt'd men 11) 4111
---Thnrwl : Juno Pith, at 1 o" kic' C' rt�
I P(1NTE111'1 •:LII. (leek,
IThey - Weren't All Seot,.
The wounded highlander seemed to
make no headway toward recovery. He-
wes forever t king about his "bonnie
Scotland," and the idea occurred `to the
doctor that a Scotch piper might rouse
hi• spirits. Aro rdinsly he found a piper
and arranged that he should pour forth all
the gems of Scot hsll male the pipes -were
capable of interneling. When the d(itit er
ca Ted next mormn1, he eagerly asked the
matron :
"1)id the piper turn up ?" -
"He did," rel'h.d the matron, I4
"And how's.Ir Scotch patient ?'r__._
"Oh, he's lines 1 nev. r saw 'such a ,
ch an" caul thrrtiatron.
Ibgr,it's grand. That was a fine idea
of mine,"said theildiahted doctor.
"Yes," replied the matron sadly • "but
the other thirty rrrrtents haves Er"Rad
serious rel apses." \.`
Ynnlie ane ('ha11w its., Tomo,
Accountancy .trnoeraphY.'Yr'eerit,ng5nd
general hmpr,o..ment courses; superior in
a(ruet ion nn4, •tu'ents aNUte4 to pnaitinn•,
open all 4414, write for pro'pertw: enter
' W.1.RLLIOTT, Principal.
Western Ontario
. Best Commercial School
,r 111r winter term calttnlenrcc Tue-
rl:n-, Janwerv' 4t1i, and students 11 .1•.
register in our Commercial,
hind or Telegraphy departments :it
ASV time. 1 fur rallr5('S,.are thorough
•'4t practical, mint We a1w•i.t gra.ltialte
• . positions. Oct (1111' free Catalr.gue
^ A. M. L.U'IJ1.AN, i'rinclpal.
The Double Track Route
. bet ween
Unexcelled .lining car service,
Sleeping care on night iraena, and
'prlor cats on principal day trains. -
Pull information from any Grand
-Trnnit-7'i.•ket Agent. at C. E. HorA-
'Iog. District Passe: ger Agent, To-
O.H. Lauder, Station Agent, phone 24
Town Agents Phone 44..
-School of Commerce-
Clinton and Coderich, Ont.
Business Stenographic
Secretariat Civil Service
Teachers' Training Course
and arranges Special Courses for students.
Highly Qualified Teaching Staff
Actual Business System of isfokkeepIng
Credential Typewriting Tests
Positions Guaranteed.
Vocational Training School
.,r this district, by Government appointment, and under in-
spection by Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment Department,
For Terme. etc write/-
11. F. %.%'*RI), M •t STONE,
it. I., M. :Web., ' ('om. Sperlalist,
Phone lee, Clinton
!r Students may enter at any time
11 XXXt1nt11trrrrArrflrlrlorlslfl� �� .