HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-2, Page 2•i
2 -Thur div. .inns 2. 11121
-The aroma of
a age
betokens the perfection of the leaf.
Famous for 30 years, Salida never
varies the excellence of. its quality.
4 ,SOtonal
. soh the ridinc went Con ervative in
he election of 1911.- It was understo.d
•l at Mond,•u, tie. t:,v.rnment candidate
in Saturday's ejection, w.s anted Yaw rt
- --- - - Cabinet position hal h . been successful.
The result is taken. a- .i decisive indica-
tion that Quehec has no. use for the
EUITORL%I. NOTRS.. present'Administration. and that Mr.
Tlnr-A.+ . Jane 2. 1921.
Nieiehen's attem Its 1„ wet that Province
to his -side have definitely tailed.
Goderich is to have a Domin on Day -
celebration. continuing the custom of This De.erte+. Capital Punishment.
many years. The Farmer: ,un.
• The 11•ooi.tocl suis. ir which Six
convicts escaped in the -last year. should
It -is great consti:at ref t -r -the learn•- tsz -known The- titerr. er: periNp=• a*
o errer to know that t he n ighbor's chickens The Gaels' Ajar.
that scratch up his plots are pure reds.
A contemporary comments upon the
death sentences -ere -nits handed.
several young n en in this Pr.,vince for
"felonious h.miride." A. d w•e thought it
was mord r t.,r w:u.h they ware to hang.
A b'.1l is b nig put 'hrough Parliament
to combine Thanksgiving Day and tl.e
' anniversary of armistic • div, 191s. as a
pubhe, holiday. to be observed each year
on the Monday 1 f the week .in which
November l 8th 'tales. -
Lexington, K•ntuclty, reports a cam
ign.for the suppression of profanity.
%urrly Not.
etinrote News-Itesor•l.
1'lu• 414'11!43 I',1,•krt _it.•• Heir,! pl:aee
♦' j r t- ytie1,-(41 ts1. -prettiest
t I,.
in r rota 1 i.'. The elitor er-1-
•..t+'ly n. r. t'':3W t'tirtron w .h it+ hr»f
'“t1. -
"To Nim • That Hath."
. The t'..i.' ' NUn. '
rl:• lI dr.. r;..n 0. --tion :iremakin."
.e •,-II ,f, t!u• f:.r• 1iI,i .1 u,atiiler U
'.•'.411- :.11.1 cill.al:••- •'h, toe• \Lica rl
l'.9.411 -nits iclt,• 1...1 :heir plower roti•
Frooi the• we ui gfrfrgaihi•
that the 10.4(4.1•._ within .4449tti tt
s.nud of the Fill. ..nen theta aid
-hen 14 g,1 tower 11 :a los. rate. w•Iiit.
tl..-.• more di.taut .4411011141-1w denied i
a !together.
n) Ian 1)uewla,,
The interest hie
»p.•, o, ui ,0!„1. talking one! way.
again -1 :, 4;.,"•rt,inent uaasUr1', and
190 toroth_ s. omit; the fence a4
ea»fh 's» c- sod 1» 31.41 support the
18f11 w'.is Purui-Ie.l :.la week when the
Nlinl+ter ,If Seth -Noire • iunvldueed u
xaeu",, • to 1,1•rllfj1 tie...animation roe
11i1411l441 I••iie.l 01 the ui:unl•
I. 110'. Impose tioi:11,1 ..,ole of 01w0-
111.1r;:arilie. Thr \Iii iter :and his con -
(rens, hl the Government were wl11x-
ttt•,1 front the try -.'til t'r'y hail given
toeIlnposl:I..4 of 'i -''riot 1t was
Bevin oohs!! t,, to.; it 'on :r, of 41.,
„n:Ary' at I, i'nr. :ru.l tr,n•n r th,''
l.rofo..+1 that. the ti e of it .,141 l'au:►;IN
•b41u1.1 LH' ''"Itt dills;!. 'l'I+,y 11114041 .1141
1141111 ,•n the riurr, th m_h 1.,4.•r. when
11,•1. b. fc '1'11111e .414% .I constantly.
growing-elpw,sitioH .prin_ir_ al•o:u h..
44 'II "HeIlI' . he offer,wl 1., 11.4.4 a 011" -
year mit oil the hill. 11 ,:t ever. iu'
41.1 Uaroneel t.• do ;ulyti.ini of that
kind. 'G•r\ille hill -went rheough with
ttyintt :'olr,ise
Tolle. One Nay. Vote Another.
Lilo -1 ion 4,i\4hr.t1le:r.n8•lwa. trot
"li l4rn•ty liu.'s. In'art it va uie ja.t a•
-ti..n1:s from the 4 wyernment Iw•uebe•
..4 from :intone- the`,4p4.o.ition" menu
'.:rs. G,n.•ruun•ut ><I porter. front
.1.1 trying a,411.1itll0urie.. sub a. Dr. J.
W. Edward.. 4.1. n111144114 '. 14.81:11.1
NnI11,11au.1 1 S. •)Nford e.' F Ilk GI 1••
)11Idlr..'x 1 a11.1 .1411111 Best I 1fTerin 1
-wee re ..1 .t 1.01141-11' _
of their ..dairymen eotoa it tient +\that
one who head nor. prrvlolisty sewn . .41
drhu 4t• t 11.111111 Mite ex pr't..t thane to
hr!:Ik n'iv frotu. the r:oav'rutn.•u+
1n•lu•hr"•uii the T+iilr uii,T -Tilt 1 TtttL
•altirhoo party -.of their- own. .11ow-
evrr-flier nearly oh C.nett'nr'Yhe
nit• tttr_.Hbe•n It Wit. Pmt before them
au.1. the' potty 'Whip was ersek.'.I.
From Its orvu benches the sweru-
, 14our wa: eritletzed for brintins .1 at n
Iilii. measure by Dr. Edward-. J.•h11
,1test. 141)1111141 NUtherlap,l. G."tit:'• 11.,y,••
4Carleton I. Several nieniber• on the
'oposition slide opposed the bill. Ja111.•'
i + Rob). 4 11luti''g(141u 1 declare,' that 411e
waoufdetnre and ihllort:ation
rlivid been anile'..! :I• n wartime
as1 ttZr atu111m1 a 4114111.M. BOW were 1.0.0
ha4 +.Lr/ lea• ❑o 4..11:er u... ••Ir} i ,
this etattstry Iowa+. In fact. lluriiu::
t 41ae • &airy industry without. helping-
; ,Ilirofrr to :a 41111111 extent. '
Pi Supporter, of tbe411111 on both side.
Right here in G...derich there isaoio much I •f; .49.. 11,.11•,• deelar.rl that the int -
What One Man- Did. ,1.rt.itltw oleo was not hurtle:g the
language in pub:tc places. How to-I
The Farmer, ?un.
check at is somewhat of a problem. but a dairy tiulq ny and that no' one ,ynald
j The Government has been clrrytn, on a ,,„y It ifh i.rtuint
y what Nn• loo4es a
reform is much needed. ' c.n:pa g o la some time m fav .r 't better butter woad be 111 .six iudt.rh.. fel'
_ -. _ ... ,burls.. - In. a. general wav, the public_ are raistly t t1u•-present ti.....liirtrt'r_aaa
Drury. Crer' and Morrison -the big i convinced aha: this better-rtre rnuvrment ,.;trap .. ,l .. they ars:n,.1• 111 sills
three of the Farr rs' party -are to tour! ie.v. d,otiOti g rhornxst idea, but there.. still rima n a ,,,,soots
Ontario early in July, speaking at a num, The f .!lowing .''a -e should convince
- ber of places in the Province. We h ape t�''Coptics. Soto years ago a young
that Goderich or ;tome n rby point will man ()word 4 tw•erpy caws whtc;l were
++ proctoring � LA(>') ponds of m: k a year.
belt:duded in the itinerary. I The sou ;It map in question figured out
-itliaL-hewl.lsscot m -.lir At'oneyy-ant-cam&,
r. -. m the o •nctusrm that he wruid either
Sir G ode Foster -made a quer' ista..e. h .ve to keep four tieues as many cows .)t►
in the Ho of Commgi.s when he re- his place. or get. twenty cows that would
marked that "Buenos Aires is a la produce four times as much milk. He
country " -S' Creorge kno T Eur f send that he eouid ttnt�urt�a-tern four
better than he d
fir Voiles, Linens,
Batistes. Cottons
Do not think of
LUX as a cleanser for
only georgettes,
chiffons, tricolettes,
crepe -de -chines. The
bubbly LUX lather
means double life to
anything you can wash
-anything that pure
water will not harm.
Chiffon or limn, it's
all the same -use
LUX free
booklet, "The
Care of Dainty
Clothes " sent
on request.
New ffntnvrirk, itr
of a portfolio to
Jleigheu Gov. -reams
were Dot 1.»rkerl•
le Was not given a
containment, it wa$
e.,rtr•'.l».uJrinv ta1.1''•
hut the "fri.•u.l of
nirw'.h'll in Rettbtlt
1.arl,mrss for a lite
Irttr + Wire rend an.
bot ,liar 4441. no pa'rrlti 8.'14 th:,t
c41ald r. ma(h Y8. J►r. T Muir I e•
South America ; but %mes as large as the one he hpd, nor
could he handle a farm four times as
the Minister of Trade and Coinmerce 114large in order to feed the cause. so he
expected to have at I- at a ecnoolboy
. acquaintance with geogrp y.
pie had a right to buy ole. if they the tinted fltatew, and obits v t• only
solved the prober by the pu:eb el way. thoneht nt. thoy\t."•I.ir..l. operative for..fa 45. 111 :44th the h•'Irr
In 11)1,3 bse per chased a purebred bull. .1. .t. T'b•nis.. alf Jolt.•tt.•. r,4rad the, •11.11 Z r .tuwrieap mark.•, for
At that t his twenty c sal
it r of the 1-a.r.
.14.1•,81 that, while the prwlt tion •had fasthe '1 Finset 1 Ili,.
'been m41d,• that the - willing of ole)
4,4111.1 rain the dairy in.hi•try. develop. There i+ al very u,'.41 1ptteM+t iu
mens 419.1 nor borne 41.44 rh,rt claim. the developments re.;:a+a the toner -
Not ()mused to_ - RrnPy tariff lejti+fat...:, .44••••'1 In 14..•
ttedrM estates and sies -.. r►it4na -ion. -
\t.•mbe t- of the'1•n'rttr+ +ern.. let by tn'rr he I'rv-•!dont III'tt The m.,.--
1vr. ('lark and Hon. T, A. l'rerar. -up 1210 .Is .pr.aet,ir.rl11 th. which was lu-
pa,rte,l the m,lrvnre .4u the gr.nnnl that° troallrrrrl. :as the P'•+ -!nice Ifll alts! ``
if oleo W(10 tit for foal. a. apprrenti"yLwhith pas vet.led be ji:_ i.Irat.1 tvuam: n l
the 4:ievernmotit--Iv 4turret it w•a>,. as one', of MAst • :! • soil u. +.- ir`-
there was 111 Iu.tiflvation for burin* i *sees a`%wav7 hung Against pricedC-
tt off the ('an:Whin market. Tlli• pe.- ally alt farm prl+.rrw.• +..were,.! int..
a,. h•r s - offer
• Itorlh'n . and
11is rtiort•
kindly and
. • dist I of en -
from the
h.• Premier.
�' 4 ;o1s1g1lmrllt..
,,,o. -rather a
• I,.. omit the
i . ,.c.wl the facts
Dress .and Suiting Serges
Greatly Reduced
52 -inch finest .Botany French Serges in black and navy
blues, medium weight, and purest, finest stock. Formerly
priced $ 5 . oo, at per yard "' • - $2.95
5o -inch all -wool Serges, black, navy, brown, green,
$2.75, for $1.50
Tapestry Rugs, British make, heavy pile and choice patterns
3N3 1-2, seamless, $3.8.00, for $27.50
3x-.4., seamless,_$4,.00, for 35.00
3x3 1-2 (with- one seam) $;o.00, for 23.00
3x4 (with one seam) $35.00 for
Japan Grass Rugs, with heavy cotton warp and in a choice
of patterns, suitable for cottages, verandahs, etc„ size 411.6x7
Former price $5aoo, at each $3.25
Curtains and Draperies all at half price.
W. Acheson & Son
were pro- of pre•n, R,
dosing 44.'2!J poundsof milk. In 1920, ,,, Ole- 1 1st :nal big iil,llpltst-'the .tting o { •t.--144 with the 4d.w
wl th.• f, ranithrR axh►bltlurs- I Ile letting Wm Ill' ,a,1 all ifs .urj,1us
of oaf. or seven years,later. he had eighteen cows - Tlier,• wen• jun!} thirty this cotta in I sto,.ks with"tet ,..'J, ••t it inn. it will eat
in h: herd, but hilt eighteen cows gate f:lc. of tlr�• hoist, 4411114 411,!4 lave' very heavily 4441•• Canada'. exports to
Com- I,42.22s pounds mi k, a, gain of 7,024
m,•urr the tort of the hill, and ..f tl:••P the Cnited8[al-+. fM.r year we -era
a pounds of milk per row year. only three were fr,sn the ( ,vernment over. +omethtnz lake f1'l,,K4t,iono of
This has been dons 'ith.Ihe same farms, .+Is when, -lIw-Mil•9a4 prey ,n'ly beefs farm prrnluet• to the Atwrietiw, and
the same barn and the same- man. The bitterly atta.•kesl. 1:.:114 Fr,'er 4 Wel- with this- bill in operation there 1s
my addition was a. pure ed sire: what Wel). Donald $utherlaI•1 (S. llxfurel i
t man has d'ne others n do. Nom] to la .. l.._ r„Inr'tkrn In the
We did not count the mom
"exchanges-that•lask w•eei: made t
men! 'hat the recent rains- were "w.
mj.lion. ' ' One paler made it "milli
We. don't wish to cave:, but we
should rice 'to ask • ho* much territory t
each paper intended to cover in its com- •
* tent. A million spread over the Provurce
would not amount to much ; but in ours . The pp
backyard tt would be quite a bit. ab nit Cana
- i anon ?bout
dhan can'allor
S' ,Reformer is among the popularity is stea
which are afraid that a o r_ia either' is now ou
111,1 H. I:. Thompson 4 Hastings 1 w•erc • aTumult of pr,.4'4- • shipper!.
the only 4;ov'run'11 member. who or not it wilt 44,4. the effect of
IN Farts ,%bout Canada. -.tel 9&9!1.4 the uo':I.nm. The nevi- eeduetng poi ,t home rrmaislto4 to
u of publics .
a" is a gold mine of inform- of the Lib.•rals and Farmer momlr•rgi; many 4',11. „I'.in limier. fromg1 their
pier -
Dominion that no Ca I s''Itin4 wino the 4;0\11'4 gent hr'eorp- 1»•.r awl Toss4.-•:ituhlr market. {wIr-
to be without, and l dune rho -sole awl manufartnrr. 1; 1401111111}- a' ' ole when the Aru,•r-
crowing. fhe 1921 ,The Need Sertatots _ le:�n d dl.1: th so much more
The entre.
pap f 'd t t lh ff l t lynd maybehad from ) than the .' 1
ora inn's time there hard beets h0p1' �
hangman is paid too much Dews any- leading newsdealers o from the Canadian i ti, t s„tlrrd,l. of chi• week w41al,1 ►le • Ttwn• •"' " ,''are• demands for
j I t rx ar•tel that
ion 0000 Facia,
!orlon passel l' 1311 to :a, with ll•' t /141• wti'n. hn' ,•er: ,inly it w111 eft off
bort • else want to bid fir the ppb .' It Facts Publishing Co., 8 kluron street, I the .l•'y of rn histo and that hoperent! an nl. lose • oro i
1'r" R'nnythiut al ,ua Ilne ,•told now• be
might be well to remember that there is Toronto, 'for :ark. pet cop Its compiler, 1 14144 fa r'Iv .4.'..m.'4 i wherever mem.'
• one hangman in -the Dominion - ny• !drank Tete:. is rendering a •u:ahc service b ...f ti.�• iioil+r :wl N.•u,ur 141 1 clone. Tle le0.1_ Aid 4114rueprnlo+els i
way, and if his pay. whatever it may be. In thus making availab e, in a •essible and', t0 moogr tie, In f:uq.. wi certain sire before t! I .•a•, and r,•taliatlnr: i
- were ten times as large, it' would not even c aldensed Glirn. under fifty chs. er head- ; •w•,•re they lilt the Homo- would it 1• fel', tt.• t R4', us m°ye, 14err
that ansa -Tz'.m lar -- ' - . - _eft; r,
tie be,ng paid to the sh.re-
holders of Northern Ontario's
Gold Mines.
Aga jou getting year ainr±)
Th..aperi..oe Raiaad to fif-
teen rear. of active elsa.echoe
with these mines will I.tp,you
to participats�in these op en-
C.. -.p1.10 d.Ann1 ea.w OA Request
& Co.
703-4.5 Bank of Hamilton Bldg.
--)milia Packet - ko for s1otYaLCanadath a Sett.,t� 4.14 steel„a - brut a -Ts
rn' el "1,- al-.ri freely- made
Yes Ixa does it seers' fair to The a revelation of. the wonderful w alth order to make ill Its fltry. d:rc. ills, hurt the u+. ,- ill bort the .inter•
terostht,f the country', and ls,as•well. lean pr.»hn' •unlly. but for the
Packet that the fellow echo gets all the Ret the full iu"enual , for ft. members. ,r„s,•nr it -. • ore lil:e•ly r,. make!
(Inc encs bans,. irheU.mTrad Gov -
„r if the• Upper' suet her did telt At 1
hangman's aftentign isn't called 1;1,11 to ernments banks• 13n'ds of Trade and the toll time the Members Would elm ''x'':1".:11+ ;r w to ;11111,0 get
pay one.Cent of. the expenses' hi fiharcial and mdu toil concerns use , ill snnetlttuR '•- flat h11f of 'tri RI'nin or produce into the
' rmerly paid insole
--'rfW t ear Sun glvel a-ttstuf mt'rrr-
bersof Parliament who shared. as directors ;
of companies/ in the sale of go .ds to ,
Roumania and Greece for which the
Canadian Government advanced the
money. Ten members of the Commonsand the Sen ate. were in this way benefitted
. to the extent of 11,200,000 of business
divided up among the companies they
represent.. The advances made by the
Government have not ben repaid and it
looks as if there would be a good deal of
trouble in collecting the debts. As The
Sun says : "These k=urnpean couptnes'
have the goods, the members of Parlia.
ment and their friends have the money
and we pay the bill,."
hundreds of copies. It is moreover antlirlrs440Mt-440e they 31N,,monev ut.,rkets w
excellent booklet tos,.ndso friends abroad, ' for It.
Now, l4 ttevr, 1110 1er1S• seems
in 11114.4'
gone ag tm,•ring aloe the t,'1k foie
.wets! sl to tt'erhu•sday or Thnrslay
of next week s the likely day. How.
ever, them „» s to le hop' that the C
work w11l be 1014 t un,ngh by that tins..'
with the 11.4:11 r IwaDees for those
thing. on th,• „t•d^r piper 'which lire
lrnsheil 441,1, at the 14.441 moment nod
all.w..1 to .4411,.' over until the happy
future of alfolher year.
The 1{)e1EIeetions.
This week ha. lawn liki*_mis,rt 11011-
d,1y works; with a lack of rontfhnity
alone 'Its developments. Ths,. (',rm-
44ons spent *Inn.l:,y and half of Wed.
Destiny in +ntnewhat. Ib+tle'sn debate
and then the baloney. of the latter day
the oleo resolution and b111.
Amendments to the orlminnl crab were
dismissed: by design apparently, when
there were no butte* In the gallery
tool put through the Hoose. .111 eye's
are turned to the outside rather than
to things In the House. The )'remler
has Inst' returned from York-9uuhury,i
where be made a few Speeellew on he -
hal If of the Government candidate.
There :ire hopes in the G,n•r'rnm,•nt
ea1114) that their mien will be able to
bring haw the bne"In there on Natter.,
day, but thios far there have been 110
onthnrsts of wild cheering. As for
Yamasks, the Government Is leaving it
prsell.nlly alone Nt1(1 letting Moncton
fight hi. own battle. Generally speak-,
Ing, he is glren 14111,' chance here, fin -
le+•, the Farmer 1-anelldate +ilr.eerla In
getting n 4.,re.• tote, wh1111 it Is
claimed he will take (chiefly from the
The York-4unlury fight has leen
somewhat spired up from this el.,' by
4110 fp mon. 't'enlot correspond4n..e. .\
series of letters were preilmed dealing
with the matte, In whl,l, it wits mule
clear that a 4t. Jwhn man• meting. as
Ile hoped, in the interests of the 4104.
eminent, sought to inelnee Hon 1'. .T.
Yenhrt, Minister of 1'11;dim Works in
as a ,Canada.
"As you were" n tete result of the two
Federal bye -elections held on Saturday,
Yamaska. Quebec, reminds in the Liberal
column and York -Sunbury. N. B., again
elects a Conservative. -in the Neje
Brunswick constituency a United Fsrmer
candidate was In the fie', the Liberals`
making no nomination. Mr. Hanson, a
Freiericton lawyer, was the Government
candidate, and won with a majority
Nightly under one thousand. in 1917 the
Government candidata had a majority of
nearly 4,010, in Yamaska there wete
three candidates -Government, Liberal
and Farmer. 1 he Farmer candidate
pot ed only eh art 350 votes. Mr.
Boucher, the Liberal victor, had a
majority of more than 1,200 over the
combined vote of the other two candi-
dates. In 1917 the Liberal candidate had
a majority of over 2,600 in Yamaska,
Quick :1 -wt' I.vreeI Nitwty (este en
Edit) 110011 it Deposita",
The fifteeith annual report of the
Sterling Bank reveals a poatinn of un!
u,uni strength. -
the outstanding feature of the report is
the extremely -trop: reserve. Deposits
amount to $17,'132,+.11. The readily
available assets t and $13,942.2119 -or over
92 p -r cent. of the public's deposit. These
(consist oI cash assets and Government
and municipal bonds.
Phis is 'a position of unique strength
and security for the ; epositor. it means
.that the Llan% has intrenched itself more
strongly than ever before and has good
rain to look on the coming year's busi-
ness with optimism.
In addition to protectinkthe depositor,
The strong reserve of the Sterling leaves
the Bank's resources liquid enough to take
Care of customers' requirements in the
matter of loans and to extend its atom
modation to new customers.
The profits during the period under
review were 1255,976.12, slightly in excess
of those of tate preceding twelve months,
which, with the balance of $42,942.86
broutht forward, ma ie a total of $198,•
91898 available for distribution.
The Bank paid out 198,418.32 in divid-
ends, $83.000 was transferred to the con •
tingent fund, $29,935.76 went in taxes,
$60.000 was transferred to the reserve
fund, which now stands at $500,000, and
$37,561,90 was carried forward to the new
Suitable Tip.
"i say, porter, did you hnd fifty dollars
on the floor.this morning'"'
"Yes, suh. Thank you, suh."
Baldheaded men are apt to sneer at the
hap who parts his hair in the middle.
Only Tablets ti, ,th "Bayer CNN"
are Aspirin -No otheinsl
1f you don't PPP the "Rayer Crew"
on the tablet.. refuse them -they are
not Aspirin at all.
Ia.i.t on Rennins "Rayer Tablets of
Aspirin" plainly stamped with the safety
"Bayer ('roe." -.aspirin prescribed by
physician. for nineteenearn and proved
safe by millions for headache, Tooth•
ache, Earache. Rheumatism, Lumbago,
Cold., Neuritis, and Pain generally.
Handy tin boxes of 14 tablets -also
larger "Bayer" paikeses. Made in
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
in Canada,, of Bayer Manufaetasre of
Monoaeetiezeidester of Ralicylieacid.
While it is well known that Aspirin
means Bayer manufacture, to Resist the
publie Against Unit tions, the Tablets of
Rayer company, l.tst., will be stamped
with their general trade ark, the
* Bayer Ctosa,
Boys of To -day
- ARE THE --
Men of To -morrow
Photographs preserve
the memories of
New Automobile Paint Shop Opened
I have (owned an Antotnobile Paint Shop and am prepared
to Ih.rn.l:o all ,_lassos of Cars for painting and refinishing
Have you got your Anti -Glare lens as required for all
automobiles • I handle the
which has been approved by the Government
Let us show you its good points over other make
rk•corat..r West -Street opposite Masonic Hall
Phone 354 P. O. Box 509
J. T. Fell
Pleasure to the Eye
Treasure to the flame
Tiny a Moore a week.
Troy a l'keture for a wedding
itny a 1'10 11114 for that birthday
Ttuy- a Pk'ture for that anniver-
sary gift.
Iser.rrate your home with
Itt•intt your Pictures to
framed. we ha re a Splendid
line of Picture Moulding..
Smith's Art Store
Fant Rt.
Phone 190
When in need of a Taxi
Phone 19,1.
Try a Want Ad. In The fileariL
Need a New Tire
Come here and get one
that will cut down the cost
of autoing, per mile, con-
siderably. Our Tires are
doubly guaranteed, first by
the manufacturers, second
by us.
Standard Tires, plus ser-
vice, continue to serve the
'car owner long after the
-initial saving on a Cut -Rate
Tire has been forgotten.
Vulcanizing, Retreading and all kinds
of Tire and Tube
Hamilton St. --- Goderich
Life=Buoy Outing Shoes
Now that the weather is warmer you will require Outing Shoes
is popular because it is Stylish, Comfortable, Serviceable
cod Economical, the ideal footwear for old and young for the
summer days. There is a model for every outing footwear
Epurpose. Nowhere will you get a wider selection or better
values than are being shown in Life -Buoys.
Let us do your Shoe Repairing and have it done right.