HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-2, Page 1wise whispers dawn a well Abut the goods he hos to sell Min 'sever reap the golden dollars Like him who clubs a tree and hollers. Advertise Your Business in The Signal. a j O� BltVENTY-FOt'RTH 1E AR NO. 22. GODERICH, ONTA PERSONAL BANKING SERVICE Newcomers to this district will find the Sterling Bank a good place to transact their financial and investment business. A Service as courteous as s banking the ability to handle every phase and investment business; a willingness to give in- formation of a general. as well as a financial and investment nature, and to obtain additional de- tails if desired -these features are inherent characteristics of this Bank. You will be welcomed at any time. st litE STERLINGBANK \ OF CANADA Old Home eek in Goderich August 7, 8, 10, 11, 1921 \ The Committee has reason to believe that, many \names of former Godes ch residents have not yet'been handed in, and it i9rnestly request- ed that a who have not yet sentIithe names and addresses of relatives or acquaintalheea who have left this town do so at once. Themmittee is anxious that •the list of Old Boys and irls should be as nearly complete as possible. Names may be left at the office\of the Secretary in the Bard of Trade rooms, or Mailed to W. S. Bowden,$ec -teary Old Home Week, Goderich. re- FOR SALE OR RUT. OR SALE. -FRAME COTTAGE. five rooms and woodshed. Water in kitchen. ge garden and fruit trees. Good location. Apply to F. WOOLLCOM BE, Trafalgar Street. HOUSE FOR SALE. -APPLY TO B. C. MUNNINGS, Nets= Street. tl It(.)U FOR SALE. -ON PARK street has trees remodeaad threaghOo1, re - I mated and redecoratedand other improre- 1 aleatsmade. T.R. wt.LLtIS.Vrnoriaetrest U 11OUSES-HOUSES. All kinds for sale at very reasonable prices. A new red brick, fur oohed house to relit for the summer months. Near the lake bank on Elgin as s n ue. immediate possession. Apply to P. J. RYAN, Real Estate and lneuraace t 1 Phone 51a. IORSALE.-RESIDENCE CORNER 1 01 Cambsia road and Nelson street. owned and le' by A. M. Glover. All modern convefaences. Owner Las moved from town and wishes to sell. Appy to MRS.(: H. LAUDER. Nelson street, or at Signal Office. OUSE FOR RENT -CORNER OF Toronto and Bridge streets, large two-story ick house. eight rooms. cement basement, floored atttc,electtic lights and bath. Apply to JAMES GARRICK. Stanley street. 11 idOR SALE. -A TWO-STORY RED brick house. *oh all modern conveniences. • ti ITC L condition. Owner in rich Phone UOR SAL$ grain-blMw w Fow JOHNSTON, tri CAM.AMERY RE The Deegan •. out lest faU.ead build. the lot lurmei part of t1a. One Ford auto One isght Ford One a h. p. One rotary One round • ,,,1 One round One square tasl One ice Mw. (Mice busldiD .l Ten au -gal. jaraet -g Ten Sand W, el - A quantity a About 10,000 Gat Prospective I or T. H. AND --"•111114.11111117 =ttP. o�S �S�y s�SYS�yY7� Y e 1 How is Tosr Supply of Offic Stationery ? The ignal cau give ).lu prompt and satisfactory service. Let us have your next order. RSDAY, JUNE 2, 1921 THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. SHINGLES ' We will sell guaranteed to last a kiln -dried t Semple' their natural ala' per bunch than Heated by mpe arty. Situated at the loot of No, th sweet. Pun.- ou bearN rolrr aewon tan be bad 1st April. Apply to JOSEPH Ir wtsO hot water system. Garage is prop- Per cent. C. GRIFFIN. tf Goderich' AOR SALE -A `` BRED. ragis bulk, ht sen - No.los5.' CRAIGIES REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. iry *trtwt ' No. 1-wosetory, white 'brickk house. fully modern. rooms. situated on Newgate street. This is true of the lost buys in (lNlerith. Price 13,111. No. 2 --Orton- auel a -half. frame, eight -roomed !sonar. elec- tric light. water and newerten connection. newly decorated throughout, full lot. fniit trey*, chk•ke>n hone. Ritu- atnl on west side of Cam- eron street. I'rkw $1.300. house, 3 --Two-story frame hous, ctH roms, electric light and bath. Mtge verandah, oast aide of V k•turia street. Price 11.706. No. 4 -2 -story rd brick. eight - roomed, fully modern house. I iresptao.e in den. t:oxsl staple or garage. This is a very' desirable property, akuattd on corner of Elgin avenue and Stan - Price 14.111. No. Tiro-wtory. brick, fully tern house. hot water he lig. four fireplaces. larg ierandah, situated on the 4t. side of Montreal street.. Peke 15.111. No. 6 -Story `! six -rooms situate(' Warren st nil a -half. frame. house, full lot, the east aide of t. I'rke 1751. No. 7-10•aere fa with one- and -a -half M ty. eight- romed frame d idling. full wise taaement. tathrorm, good Tarn. E}ep t lost - tion for poultry farm. Vltiwitld on the w side of Eldon corset. 'rice $4,251. - A number 'of raeast gar'd lots to rent. Other listings May be had on applicatioh at. the offk'e. Bonds bought and gold. - • J. W. CRA1GIE Insurance and Real Estate. LIARM FOR SALE. -WT 25, CON- CESSION 3, Goderich township. consisting 0 42 acres of choice clay Ism, wall spring creek and spring well. Barn 40140, with cement stable*: hay barn, 14127. drive -house, Isar/: small hen- house: comfortable concrete cottage. and tiro acres ol orchard. It is situated one mile from designated Provincial county road. seven maks from Goderich, and is convenient to school and church. Apply to B.H. LINDSAY. R. R. No.2. Goderich. Phone em 1 1 41 PUBLIC NOTICE. STRAWBERRIES. Stnwberrte will be ripe neat week. Get your order in early t1 you want any 1 have orders ,n now for most of my crop. F W. ANI)NEWS, CLnton. Ont. tm v_ N. W. BASEEALL LEAGUE ZURICH vs. PURITY FLOUR AT AGRICULTURAL PARK, GODERICH Tuesday, June 7th, 1921 6.15 P. M. ADMISSION - 35 CENTS NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION TOWN OF GODERICH. Take notice that the Court of Revision of the Town of Godrnch will hold its first sitting in the Council Chamber, 'lo n Hall. Goderich, (r the purpose of hearing appeals against the stow went roll for the Town for the year 1421. on TUESDAY. JUNE 7th. 1921, at r o'clock in tee evening. All parties interested are requested to attend. L L KNOX, Town Clerk. Goderich. May 'lard, Inn. FOR SALE R I X- n.passenger C,r. 1,1 tor.: a piney or lamih . r t. r. EGENER. G"Ae MASSEY-HARRIS cut: almost as goof es wile THUM s' \1 ton, Ont. UIPMEN r F (I It ry having been burned been decided rel to re hies and goods sh.,:h nt are for tale : 15-h p boiler. •capacity about 25 Mils (capaat y .lout to bbls J. sty about a bbli.I hams. m Cans. sued cream cans. n. h lumber and s:anthng. apply to A U1-11Ek. • ungannon. SALE. ingles, because they are tutee. Why are-Mng.rs ve freight Si,iiio . twenty pnunde. muse That means twenty St. Joseph's Church Garden Party will be held on the Church Grounds, Kingsbridge -- Oil - Wednesday, June 8 ,Homemade Candy, Ice Cream, Fancy Rork, Fish -pond, Dancing. MAISic by Gene C. Connon and Her Or- chestra, Goderich.' Tea nerved fa5 to 8 o'clock. ADMISSION •including tea t 50c- Children 2Sc, �!�t suked grooms of Infection and' Rada lWora.-For nave iu for sick roomm �{ospital nulletin ftr- or for reaching rho sources o 111 , tion 11104.'tt het 111111g letter than C116.` line. 'tight mow it should hw usedd where there are Init•teria growths. foul olors It r MI sai,ptr ttrl scsues of disease gtlrnas. %atlualble for Mee We the ttuu.w• 1011 turd ou the farm. We well it in hulk any quantity you want. s lnhtet• trideshould also be used its wast iuwir•t44 are known to be egrriers. , of tllseas• gerurx-E. R. Wigle, 1)rug• gbst. Golrrich. • Why pay more for a phonograph when you can get a real "Stewart" from $15 to $35. and a beau- tiful cabinet machine for $52:' Ask for a demonstration at Blackstone', i ice cream parlors. Agent for Gennett I Records. Willoughby Farm Agency, the largest farm agency to Canada, has engaged Mr. Char. C. McNeil, of Goderich, to act as their agent in this district. and would ask all those who desire to sell or purchase a firm to get in touch with Mr. McNeil. Their head office is situated at 43 Victoria street. Toronto. Ont. Verandah furniture at special prises at 1 the* mean>anyta, (Walker's this week. See window display. inCtes from -C. k NOH-' _ NEHLE. K. K Ne. b. 11 UMBER HF-FURE- Polled Angus Aberdeen ply to J -R 5'ANCOE. tf Cluantity of OOD FOR SALE cord. delivered. 'FACTURING MITE Unliln• GOOD MIXED at 64 per THE GODERI co.. (Foot of An{ie1/s 1,1 1 r s Phone 61. DIANOS TUN HENRY. M Oft. SIC -APPIJY TO C. N. Studio: with side of W TED. WANTED. -A ERAL MARLTON. West AID FOR GEIS Apply to MRS. It IJ ANTED. -A muddle - d■ Good wages for t1a quired, Apply to 1 ado, West Sleet. KW 1Clr.4 OUNG GIRL OR m for genend Ito inns at. k person. Relerei ce ser i M..1. DOYLE. EMo.•' It FOR FAMILY OF Apply HOA 22,SIGNAL tD BY AN EX- rr WANTED. -A KEEPER TO TAKE: charge of an elderly person All come- poadenoe will bei treated eouotdewtial/p -*90 y TOWN OF (441DERICH to BOX 17. SIGNAL OFFICE ANTED. -A LOCAL REPRESEN-1 TAT IVE at Goderich to represent "The', Any person or persons tying, tethering or pasturing any horse or cow on any street or public place will be prosecuted under the Town Bylaws, if animal is not under the immediate control of some responsible person. Dated this 18th day of May. 1921. R. C. POSTELETHWAiTE. Street Inspector and Chief of Police. Small Bank Accounts We welcome even the smallest accounts and ex- tend the same service to the patron depositing one dollar a week, as to the fin's banking thousands - Moreover, that deposit of S1 a week, continued regularly, and including interest at 3% compounded semi-annually, gives you a balance of $280.26 in five years. •0 UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manager • DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR. NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic aid Aural Hospital awtant at Moorefield's Eye Hospital and Ge*olden Square Throst Hos- vitalLondon, Eng. 53 Waterloo St. .. Stratford. Telephone 247. At Bedford Hotel. Carteret). from Wednes- day. July anti. .1 7.1) p, en.. to Thursday, the nat, at l p. m.: 1 TOWN OF GODERICH Garbage Collection. Old Reliable Foothill Nursenes," and cower sur- rou.Nng territory. A splendid opening for a reli t man. Eacluuve territory. STONE & W Pt 1 INGTON, Toronto, Ont. 5t WANTED. -A FEW STUDENT NURSES. Apply to the CITY OF iwRATFarRD GENERAL HOSPITAL. Strat- he ,Town. wi11 collect garbage from ppori to .wellings on Wednesday a Satur. y, of each week from JUNE lat. provide • g there are enough person! desir- ing the akrvice. The fee is $1,50 per month from the first of any ‘tllonth. and must be pad in advance to the Town Treasurer. A (tw approved Garbage Cans for Rale at coat. For any further particulars apply to L. L. KNOX. Town Clerk. NOTICE OF 0. MEETiNG OF HURON NTY 1±11 COUNCIL. The Council of the Corporation of theCounty o1 Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at r o'clock in the afternoon of Tues- day.' the 7th day of June. lien. All accounts Cl• ainst (Inc County must be in the handsel the erk not later than Monday preceding the meet- ing of the Council. GEO.W.HOLMAN, County Clerk: Goderich, May20th. 1911. GOLDEN GATE 34 R. B. P. No, 10. Meets first Thursday 01 each month, in Forest- ers Hall. Visiting Sir Knights welcome. 1.McNEVIN, 11.H MEW Registrar. W. P, David Mcllwain Agent for International Harvester Co. of Canada. 411 kinds of Farm Machinery • 111 the Old Stand Hamilton Street, Goderich,. • - The Juvenile Harry Lauder Engagement, t,.l.en for lawn social - and othco entertainments. SINGING ANO DANCING LESLIE EVANS Box. 417. Goderich. e ieAnconaset hutch of Baby Chicks ready June 4th. R. McDONALD R. R. 3 Goderich for eggs in the winter Last C. CONNON and Her Popular Orchestra Up -to -Date Instrumentation .n The very latest Dance Music Rates on application to mem- bers of Orckestra Open for all E&malomenta SPECI AL NOTICE By special arrangement and at considerable extra expense, the management have arranged with LUTHER K. KEKOA and his Orchestra FOR A DANCE at the Pavilion, Goderich TUESDAY, JUNE 7 YOUR CHANCE TO HEAR REAL Hawaiian Music \ NO EXTRA CHARGE oderich A musement Co., ' Regular Dances Saturday Nights, June 4th and 11th LONDON ORCHESTRA The Publicity ('onlmitte•e of the Hos. pitul Board purpose pnbltshing, week- ly. all 11011t of interest in connective wish the 1Isispited work. . W AT('H THLS. PIPA('E. It 14 111111k4pate•d that s knowledge of the interest anti support given .by indivich1Aha awl seocpu41e•s in town and (-wintry will tw auTisapiration to the who have not yet shown a sympathetic or material Interest. Not tera1Nee such till not exist. Mut bemire they were tutrtware of the veal need. and wbx.t has Iwt•u and is being 414.111• by others in town and (sundry WANTED - At (east five Life Members for the .1lecartdra Marine and General Hos- pital Association. Fee $100.00 each. Apply to Mr.. W. 1.. Horton, Treasurer 0f the Inetita•: r Aid o f Lite tle.andra Marine and (:enend Hospital.‘ l(r, !Ivy 1 .111111114 Ha miltoll. On half or, i.ulnen. has banded In \'{ctoty Ia,ust of $,1.i11 with Interest. to be used for the iww HewepkaL 2.Tlss Statute Salkeld. ,wtJtehalf oL - the /suit' ('herr ('lob of (}kderteb Township. has presented to the Hos- pital onproal the following : 4 Iaby baskets with umttr-etes and blankets. 1 hairy w-lllt•s. 1 toilet basket,'1 woollen baby slut wt. - The1. - The• Auxtttary of the inidleR' AM of the Alexandra Marine' gild General llo•.pltnl formed 1y the /'nuns•.. %Vit-. nN•ni s ('Inh of (:ole•rieh Township had , the follow Mg officers : 1st Vire-President-mem. I:, W. Andrews. 21141 V i,e-1'r silent -Mrs. Itobt. Mc- !twain. o-'twain. jr. nee'rerary-Trfilintrer-Mrs. Jew. T. Nat Ike•Id. Thus Indies are loving no time and ire pr•puring to hold a 4.5141 on the ground. of Mrs. (1nrwell. .111n a 24rh. Proceeds for the I:,sferich 1100p041: Make note of this d:ete. The members of the delegation ap- pointwt to meet th • (bunts Council are requested to be at the Board of Trate Rooms at 2.30 p.m. on Wednesday. June 11th. GOING DOWN SHINGLES GENE C. CONNON LEADER This is the last notch (5 x) xxxxx C. B. Shingles at T.25 - _ per bunch; - Get them while they last Goderich Planing Mills Phone 47 `-- 1MITED P. 0. Box 18 DA N C E r{_ _sty: Saturday Evening JUNE 4th * _( 8.30 to 12.00 "THE PAVILION" Goderich, Ontario Goderich Amusement Co., Ltd. • t 1 -owe DOMINION DAY IN GODERICH. 1 Committees Formed to .Arrange for a ('elebration. • -1t a public meeting heist at the town hall on Friday evening it was decided to have it Dominion fray o'r•Iehration in Goderich: and uta executive w•114 eh0se11 as follows : Mayor \Vial... vhairmap: P. A. lteld,ll#'p-('lmlrman : Reyvrafr, secretary; Wim. Lane, treas- urer: T. (:mkiry, e. H. 'lumber. C. 1.. Moore. J. W. Fraser, Geo. Stewart. 1.. f.. Knox. J, J. Moser. At a nesting Otr-iltewtay erening wereral evrereaittee chairmen wets alhao}ntevl. The. Purity Flour las i,all club Is taking an active )art in tow arrange - meat,. for the day.. and the chief �ftnoun. of the program will he a tase- ►at11 tournament. In the morning there will 1. the usual children's games 'and e onlpeti- bions 111 +Iesv)rIHs1 hie•yclee stud unto - Use Blackstone's homemade ice cream. for all occasiorts, It makes a delightful. delicious dessert. Phone 240. Gerhard Heintzman pianos at Thom - son's Music Store. CaII or write for . illustrated catalogue of "Canada's Greatest Piano." glr's Drugstore, 4;,skeri.-h, in. w}sos all day Wednesday to supply `your delig ❑el,y}'. , THF. (' NSI'S ('OMMENCEi). ----- Task of Count Notes Now Going On All 1 • r. Canada. - The taking of the I. -remind eim.us commenced on June . Mr. George �faenwa 11 of I:,sl.rl.la the chit•f enumerator 1'or North lbw . and the ennmel;at.R4 lit the variant ani111ja11- ities muster his direction are s fol- lows :- Ayhfiel l -Toy. Altoh, Wm. It. t st- kl,ua, 1t .1 minium- Frank J. itani inn. rnna,rne-A. J. Goldthorpe. Geo. 11. Symotsls. Il:rcy-4:s'0. 4'. Johnston. it: F. Cog, ('. 1t. Dunbar. air. E. R. 'rhulll. 11oaisk-'tVsat, era witrrtl, Sterling lJhdtins._.1L._ _T.._ Arulstrong, Earl A. 4'orin't1. Beverly Nash, Milton .,un. tv1. 5forris-J. F. Illinois. ,1 arthnr $',,w. Thos. Stewart. Turnh erry-4140. G. ('ruickshank. Earl Underwood. Gordon Wray. Fred .1. Lewis. 'W/1W.11140.41,F:.=-1rvaiI E. Taylor. Itiehi ,I ik•n,vn1, idvsli,• Buchanan. wa wano.h. 1V.---1%111. Lorne John- ston, .1t. Hoe's .Murray, \\'. 1.. .irtii- st rine. (:ok•rioh -R. 11. Reid. P. .1. Ryan, 1). D. Mooney. 4'. A. Vote -tone. \\'Ingham -,Ino. Boardman, C. 1t. Wilkinson. Jo). F. I:royes. Itlyth-F. 0. Monier,. Brussels--(:tat. 1.. Lowry. Wroxeter ---A. Wearing. - - - 0lderich 1.fnlll-Jos. 1' Griffin IA NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. •> Pagel Mitchell Car for Sale Mr.. F: T. !gn ee.. .... • . Help Wanted - Mir \t 1. Doyle ... Binder Inc Sale -Thane M. Johnston, 1. R.•fi.. chnton... 1 s, Garden Party -St. Joseph's Church, Kings - bride:, Reatder-Wilmugkhi•Fatm % ence. for Ate .1, .1 Strewherries F W. A,•bews. Clinton., 1 Position Wanted Apply 1 The Sigma Lim; Maid:Wanted - M s M pit ,n .. . .. I Cot Iage 1 •r ',ale w'ooticombe . ,,. ,..., ,1 eQ�wOns tanks-• dna Abell 5 ',AMMO water and 1 leo 1 ,,mm••s„m , Cook Wanted- Apply }loxn.SKnal Oaks • esmasp>.'y'tigr F •4. rc.'1 I a