HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-5-26, Page 8Man, May '24, 1021. ZANE GREY WEEK June 2 to 9 Keep these dates in mind as a great BOOK WEEK. Then remember this great author's "Desert of Wheat," "Riders of the Purple Sage," "Desert Gold," "The U. P. Trail," "Betty Zane," and his last story, "TO THE LAST MAN." Start with "Zane Grey Week" and "Elly a Book a -Week" and see what a fine library you will have. ' isiosaraisaraornotAguguatingaguniAmoissolwaa PAINTING aid DECORATING H.gr..g,ade Wali Paper Sonnies 122 inches wide) kepi on ham. ON NOTICE, Samples will be taken to your hou,e for inspection. Over 2b rears' experience. All weak guaranteed E. P. WEISS, Trafalgar St. HIS FIRST MINS. Large Ataerablage at St. Peter's ('hirch In Bettor. of Rev. 11. ('hisholm. .t great throng assemble! In St 144er's church uu Sunday tw►ruta6, when ►leo. 11 4'111441aoltu sang his prat •Alenia arias.. after his ordination to St. 1'eter'. 4'athodral, Gvnd0a, the previous day. The ordination etass unndn•ns1 eleven, the iarge.st number filer ont.1(44.4 at one time in this alio- ease. liselse. 'Bishop Fallon was the ordain- ing prelate. , Bev. Father Chisholm is a son of Mr. an.I MN John Chisholm of t'ol- Isorne township, and great interest was taken I4y'Ihe parish' in 111, 4•leratiou to the prie.th.kkl and in the m.NU.•ntuu. .. v•:i sloe of Sunday morning when for the first time Int nfll. Dated at aut4sa. lie was asslste l by Rev. John J. Tu111g as deacon and Iteh.'rathe'r M*Rat• an .ubltew..nn. Itev. Father Young. of Fat. Peter's 4t:t4hwlral, London, who also is a Non of this parish, l•reaelted the sermon. The n'as 111 for winch the people had ass4tablet, he said, were, first. to ful- fill their religious, dutir4, 311.1, aersnd, to do honor ter one of their numlw'r, who after many years of study NMI Calor had firstly rasehel the goal of his dente. ,The first 4141,4 most im- portant duly of every priest wn.s to offer he .acrine• of the truss. lly this tterifle' it Was "intended to acknow- terlge (4041'44 'supremo dotuinion over small AM' man's total dependence u}en Him. -ill religious, pilgah or ('hri.4t- ian. re.•.ionized'Ia.-rifle• as an e4,1eirrial part of worship: lender the old law Iambs. •acute :.41.1 oxen were 'ricer( AN Tierilns of. the sat-riflcr and were pleas- ing 44 (sol. The pr►pheey of Malachi foretold the mature of the sacrifice un.ler the new law: also the prvpheci of I/:arid fori'told that Christ would offer a siwrifice of bread, skint wine. lt..th these prophecies were fultilleal when at 114. 1.44.1 Sut4p•r t'hrist offer - .sI nn 11114 own holy and Dined ter (h.• appeaTraince of bread awl wire. Thou in order that 11.• might- Ile a priest forever, as the prophet Malachi had foretold, an.I that they utiZht Race a more lserfw•I sji•rtfie*' for the people 1111.11.1, 111e 11..W- 1:1 W. AN esti fere- shrsd.sWtsl in the old he turrkd to the aps•tles awf r:af.1. ..1M this in Mur memoration of. ate." This, said .the .spwlker, is the origin and 4•xar4ly what rhe sarrifl..• •,f !ale nl.icc A . Savings Bank That Pays 6 per cent. Use the Victory. Bonds of the Do- minion of Canada as a savings account Bonds can he purchased 'in amounts of $5o.00 and upwards that' will' pay in; terest at the rate of 6 p.c. or better. Ask for full particulars. E. H.HILL & BOND DEALERS British Exchange Building Phone 316 Our meats are the best money can buy, at the very lowest price& - - - . - Homemade Pork. Sausage every Saturday. Try our homemade goods. ITS --THE BEST. All orders delivered Saturdays. TED maw, ,.•. STOPPED HER HEADACHES Tears Of Suffering Ended By "+m.>nns. 112 Hagar 8t., 9r. Joon, N. B. "It is with pleasure that I write to tell you of the treat benefit I received from the use of your medicine "Frwil�liars'•, made from frail juices. ! war a grant ssfrrrr for may years from Nerves, Headaches aid Cossli*aliwls. 1 tried everything, consulted daetors; but nothing seemed to help me until I tried "Frit -a -tires". After taking several bones, I was Completely relieved of thesis troubles sad have been anuenally well over Mace". Mins ANNIE WARD. \ 50c. a box, 6 fou $2.50, trial size, 25e. At as dealers or seat postpaid by Pr}itsielivaa Liaitwd. Ottawa, •The preaehrr also spoke of twewaaeoe grid eo►ufeaniou ax of divine origin and quoted St. John .n : 21. The priest eery iced I.fs power not as mon. but as tut amlc4.41111.►r of 4'hrist. Mention was made of those matters: whirl% every 'priest is oto keep hefon, . his people-- the Ten Commandments: ents: the .sit me Gospel that Christ himself preached, the sante solemn warnings the proprhets of old uttered, the sante evangelic pre•.;)t* the apostles 4l11l- -1,4inel (hnwugllout the !soman empin•. The preacher 1.44.9udw1 Isis remarks by eongratularing lather Chisholm, the {areal. and relative: awl the mem- bers ..f the congregation MAUI the honker that was their that day. In ratting worts he exhorted rather ('hhs- Iklhu to ins forth and do the work of tate Master with the same faith. cour- age and zeal as the twelve peed les had shown. "The harvest 1.4 irteat, but the laborers are few." ,t((tlw conclusion of massa preoent- stiou was made to Father Chisholm In behalf of. the parish, the following ad- di••s.s being read 447 Mr. James .1. Doyle and 'Jn4vn1papi..I by the presentation of a pars• : Goderich. ilntario. 4alvy 22nd. 1921. Dot r Rt. -reread F`a ther.- It is a Joy for ii. the parishioners of !lt. Peter's rhnr•h, (iolerich. to externs hearty aeqafgratula- tions ao you. taw newly anninfa'*T ir"f the feral.• ' Hent '1,tis morning we have w0*•41 you ase•wl the altar, to offer for the first time 'he holy sacrifice of taw Jloss, th-i. altar where as child. as youth.. came la you taw supreme gift of it. priestly vocation. 1Vilaat hallowed joy floods the` hearts of your parents RANI relatives on this day. w•Iiie1l marks 1-64-e•- hrginn!ng of yo'rr .career of self- wacriflee in the Inters.sts of ;flirted wet 111.. 4'hun•h. Yon. -Reverend. Father. are the fourth rltilet of oris-1wsiel -vatted to the service of the altar. and to reveler your filesretn4 is a pri.til.ga• we proudly esteem. .asking you to aeept our small offer- ing :4.4 an earnest of our good wishes and appreciation, we 4wg (:o.1 -to ble•w von with health and strmor% to labor long for Hi+ glory. and the spiritual g.k.l of the soH entrn*tr•d to your ren re. f tiignwl t : Jqs. J. ikryle, D. P. Mleearthy, i'. J. Ryan: Prank H. Young. Father Chisholm ring it'.1 in a few Hating remarks, thanking the people for their kindness on this or•.w41nn and l in the past. and expreosing the hope !hat he wonl.t live ,fop to their exp rt- atiotM retwI Coes- of the chun•h as fl priest of tired. Re then gave his bless- ing to the large .vrttgreg:ithin that filled the chorrh en Its rapacity. In the evening Father eh'sIolm, ns- ssh Ity Pottier -Gaeta: of w•afnrtto 1 Father Young. .4•114 ve•rls'rs and Ic$'Mn' Father I;de'tz pn•acheil' mon. the morning service dinner 1 'hs a large- antlwritlg ret the tber ('hisholm's parents in vn•hy►. Fathers . 1A'an. anti Tinny Wear • COME. _INI-._AND SEE how we have prepared ourselves to ensure y.,u foot comfort this sunittler. We've stocked up big on WHITE SHOES, whit!' every body should (most people do) wear at thi, sua..nt of the year, for different reasons. They are lighter and (tooter, consequently more Comfortable than leatl►er,.:asily cleaned, and decidedly cheaper. STYLISH AND DRESSY ? Why, yes, of Fmtrse. .We bdli*Itt them in thenew- est designs in Slioedom, beautiful Tics, Pumps and Oatfords, in leather or ribber soles, with 0 variety of heels, for the ladies, various shapes and styles for men, boys and girls, even not forgetting "King flaby." FLEET FOOT Running Shoes for every member of the -family; for atf'occrsitms, proper at any function:. • 'BOWLERS, ATTENTION ! . A special heavy -soled white shoe, which is just the thing for your favorite pastitne, has just arrived. Get a pair now and get into the game for a good long season. t a SHARMAN'S SHOE STORE W. ItInI.SHAtitiwsM 1 -Alfa. PI,'RiT1 .F11t'R ON TOP. 111.0111 Baseball Tram Wins the hest Game of the Seamen. "Ttie lea s.•I., I I w•awin I (ioderk'h opened on '4 i'•toria hay in a Mase of glory. 1t was Wool beseha11 . either. and 11w holiday ernvd at Agrfet tnral i'ark made the tw-st "gate;' the eras tall cloth int- had in wane rears. ,1 Iiue•0f tenches along two shies of the iliam.mel necion m,wlated only ,1 small portion of the crowd; the rest had to stand. For the opening .erernnnt..s dent 4' I, Moons encupbe.I the tett h..res box : 11r. .1. W. Fraser, self's 1trivid..nt of the el ,I. was at the tett ; 'Mayor a1'igle was e -tuner, 41111 Rey. J. F. itty- rraft umpire. Thee.• twins were pitched a sal VI*o'.pr ei.lent Fraser showed some form ns :1 lmher fi y ennm+ lig with two of them 'Pion there w4-4 n little speechifying by 4lessr14. Moore, 11'Igle et oil Itvyrrift. Ills Worship the Mayor. IwoHgl►tg to the words W'nrity • Flour" on the Grwlerleh uniforms, said- Draper. s s the wool "Purity" applied to the kind 'M*'('aughey. 3h. of sport whh•11 the inside of 4;n.lerir•h Rtufler, p. 1 d 'lie/11.1011. sea, thislie/11.1011. Mr. [Lep. Tasker, ]h. (•raft .bespoke a *mitre deol for 1111 %Gelb, e.f. visiting tenams :111,1 an IIn{Mrtteems- ung- 1'nlf.,rd. :Ih. ninon of goal plays 141 either home Huller, r.f. feint .,r visitors--advl.s' whic h was Cooper. .•. Dot forgotten daring the game Step, I.f. Then the 07(1(4:41 Ompire, Mr Tim rry` Iblrl.nl. of 'Rrrnnrn, look cha ge of 2!1 1 O 4 1'r».-wvdlnes. and the game rominene,.l (kfder• 'ore Game. Clinton wenta•,s ser. it,A'rl4'h. H' R. F.. to had fleet. poop". h wrist out .11 Hent base, 2.1,4nlighev Sturgeon. .., 1 0 1 2 Orlin* oat Ilntler gat a base .4n dally, '4 Itisset, c 4 11 O •2 hurt the next man, Tanker, went out ' 1•1,Nlaay, O. 3 2 O 0 on three strikes. I ltamway, 211. 3 0 I 1 4;aderk•h drew a gnome -egg, tot. in !Girt, of. 4 1 1 n their first innings. Cooper funnel Webb. r.f. 4 1 0 0 r'4 1 O n OOD111IO=, 011?. i THE OOLBORNE STORE Each day brings New Spring Merchandise to the different departments. Our stock is in excellent condition and we can supply your every want New Spring Dresses in Silk and Voile A wonderful range of new Voile Dresses in theason's latest designs. They are all different front last year, but the price is much lower. We ,wart,warit eiferyone to inspect this range of Dresses. It is a pleasure to show them. Spring Coats T Every Spring Coat in the store hu been re- duced 50 per cent. All the ladies' and children's Coats are reduced clear quickly. Ladies' Spring Cuts from $12.00 to $20.00 4_hildren's Spring Gats from $3.50 to $7.00, ih ail `sizes up to 12 years, In velour and Donegal tweed. Spring Suits Every Spring Suit is reduced to clear quickly. We have a some wonderful values in both navy blue and black. J. H. CO, Hosiery We specialize in Hosiery Ladies' Silk Hose in all sizes algid in grey, white, black and brown, reduced to $1.19 a pair. This is a wonderful opportunity to buy your Hosiery very cheap. Ribbons Special value in -Ribbons, from 3 in. to 5 in.. wide, in all colors, at 28c a yard. Heavy -weight Baby Ribbon in white, pink and blue, at 4c a yard. New Voiles A wonderful range of Cotton Voiles in colors. The patterns are very pretty. They are all in dress lengths, with no two alike, 36 to 44 in. wide, at $1.00 and $1.25 a yard. A beautiful range of Organdy in all colors, and in checks. ORNE CO. THE HOUSE OF 'RELIABILITY struck ou't are) the other went out at first. Goderleh s .half wan more exe-itIng. LIndsity nnlde a single. Ramsey got a 11111.1*. MI bal144:' 'fart came to drat and Lindsay stole thin) but was (yufht out at the 110111e {date while Hart made the fiD.t tag safely. 1%-.444 ,.truck out. I'rhdham hit a dandy into deep centre and brought in Ramsay and Hart. R. IIMw.t atruek out. Score--/:aMrk•h 2! 4'11frton-O. . Clinton went out In one -two -three order, and Ooderlt•h follow -el stilt, for the third Dandles The fourth was match the name. ex- cept that 711 Gol..rk•h's half Lhulsav walked to fir* on four balls int weir left on th,• I.14en. Clinton heels fnnr mea ftp in the fifth. but again failed to acture. With two rm4 ill 4kwierie lfe half. ('roper. made w single. !stole seems!, and reached third on a heft of poor fielding. Sturgeon took it base on halls. W. Ethernet eon- , neeted on--neetei with the hall. and things looked het .m.ti1tg. but In the race to first the 1x111 won and the *hie was retired -without a run. TTw alxth sat a hMnk ter -Moth rPRM A. i.fr1Mac wile the entire show In (TIuton's half of the seventh. ile .'aught the ties[ man out. fanned the 4441•.411,1. aid went lack of the foul line 1,11 gather in a high Hy from 1114ker's Ina, retiring the side. 1n their half of the seventh Gode- rk41 eTiT thinato. Bob lifsiart. the man at iat, made a one-hagfer anal rwa4w1l w..ond 041 poor Helaine. 4'4wgrr frdl."ted with the hest hit of the clay. n•,o.•hing third and bringing fn Bisset.' Sturgeon singled, awl ('.wqw-r tallied. 131117 Bb4set hit a good one, lint it watt gathered in by Clln- ton's tapable right -fielder. Lindsay had threw wtrlkeet and out. but by thin tl Sturgeon had stolen -around to tllire faisc, MINI he scor.'*I when Ram - my safety. Hart struck 0111. The �r•nr.• was 5.4) and mo M11101104l to the ('(441 ..f the game. which was one of the 4w.* ezh!hltlona of hasetull (:ak,rlch has peen in a long time. ham, R. Blemet. -law hits -- 1'. l'uoper. 3wase.hits-F:. 1'onper. Stollen leases -E. Cannier. Sturgeon 121, Lind- say. Webb, 1'rtdbam. Left on hases- (;oherk•h It, Clinton 3. attrlkeuuta-Ity Lindsay 12. by Butler 7. Time of game, 2 hours, 1:o minittes. 4'mpirv- H Marlow, Totpnto. Liners. At Zurich on Victoria Day the home team defeated Crediton by the score of 15 to S. Catcher Cooper of the Clinton team had to go to bed at the British Exchange after the game on Tuesday. We under- stand he has been unwell for some time, but war.ted to help his teammates in the game here and took a chance with his health. We are pleased to say that Mr. Cooper, who is a brother of Earl Cooper of the Goderich team. re- turned to Clinton today (Thursday) feel- ing much better. ' The"hoodoo" that followed the Gode- rich team all last season when playing against Clinton has been "purified." Mr. Harry Barlow, of Toronto. who umpired the game here on the holiday, gave excellent 'ansfaction to the players and the spectators. There was not a sign of disputing his decisions by either side. in conversation with Mr. Barlow, who Is a brother of Captain William Barlow of the Purity Flours, he stated that twenty-four years ago last Tuesday he played ball against the Goderich team -at Agricultural -Park with the Orients of London. Old- Arwt timers ell iFinireber the Orients playing here onseveral occasions some years ago. Who says Goderich won't support a gond baseball team ? They were all there -ministers. doctors, lawyers, mechanics and the "kids." The Zurich team will be here on Tues- day. June 7th. Only one hit was made by Clinton off Joe Lindsay, and that in the ninth. Other teams take notice. The whole village of Zurich will he at Crediton tonight to size up the Purity Flours. The management acknowledge with appreciation the following donations: 3.H. Lauder, one pint liniment; Parsons' Fair, three rubbing towels: L. R. Steel Co., two water•pails; W. Acheson & Son, two towels; J. H. Colborne & Co., four towels. The shower hath at the park was used for the first time on the holiday. Goderleh 6, ('redlten 4. Goderich won the game at Crediton this (Thursday) evening. The score was 6-4. SUMMARY. CI on. 11. R. E. 0 0 0 0 0 E A0 0 3 (t d a • 0 0 1 Jt 0 sk 0 X .. 1 -- 2 11 0 0 1 Atnrfron eryire.l at first base Billy I'rietham, I f Basset (Wade m sage Irk Mut was pot 11 11isw't, 39. 4 1 1 0 oet in n game of tag fvetw*wn the first, and seems! hay I Only three at1'f �t•fi t}sr' yltcher �dmwe bit.-(70ntw'1. tttnr 004(- '4' In the atYogi 4i +f' Tee care iM%+ef, find., (2). Hart, Webb, Prid- ) 33 It r Next Wednesday's Game. Stratford is to be here next Wednesday ands it will be "ladies' day" -ladies will be admitted free to the game. Seats ire to be erected along two s'des of thedia. mond-from either side of the home plate with accommodation for 400 people. who will be protected by an eight oot screen. The admission for men next Wednesday will be 35c. Game called at 8,15. Mie Cooiser arrived last week from England on her way to Los Angeles. Cali- f..rnia, where she will visit her sister, Mn. A. M. Glover. formerly of town. While in Goderich she is the guest of Mrs A. A Williams. THE WOLF HINT ENDED. Dude t'a . Strange Visitor 'trough* to Earth Inst Friday. Some weeks ago there appeared in the columns of The Signal a report of a wolf having been seen in the vicinity o( Dun- lop. Small credit was at first attached to this report, until two farmers suffered at• tacks upon their flocks of sheep, several being killed in each 'flock. .1 1,•st .f the Iw4a,'r marksnwn of the rottnnnuity were summoned amt kept silent wan•h ,,r .vnn•eak.l statkrtr in a baro schi!'. the sheep weer ammo.' the f1',•,'I"r,l ..1 ail Illltrl..tt!(te eret.Mllr•: .'4ft.•r ren long par flout nights' watch- ing they were sins..ssfltr in sltonrintr and killing, an Friday Ind. a fully grown taste .'oy'..I.. bearing n• leather collar with Itlaiu nickel plate. hut hav- ing no h14111 Mention ..r ins•rlptinn. Phe a1dma1 14rouwr1 mach ruriustty and speculation as talks origin. Many came 111 MY. 11 awl verify the reports that vwmwl to 'mayor of k fairy_ Italia n wolf Sr large h1 thus part of the' (-wintry...tins •nl ns •we•tltia(r u4ktwrw#-•40" the pr e�ftt gt'n'rxtion.- It h._wrn J.s'tlr4.l that it escaped from captivity -lows. here in the north enol made its. way down the lake shun•. The people of the vk•inity are no dol1A properly grateful to tltwe who )w-rsisteal In running t1w a►tltsal rot earth. it is believed that It was. 111.41){. ?islet fiiiii-b7iF"--rtD--1+-nnr i47 taw Way 'Rio owners of ,sheep or p 14141ry may lay.. h" fear of further serlons 1101011•4. s's. OBITUARY. TO1'X11.-,after a long illness. the death orcurrel on ItNtnr'lay lint. at the home of het daughter. Mrs. J01in Mnrlson. Park strs4, of Mrs. Tonna: widow• of the ince John )tarn Tomtit of Montreal. Mrs. Young alas n native of iassts. Quebec, 11114 wp•nt inlet of her life at Moptrsal. She 111m4' to (:.Nlericli with Iu•r 11Nnght4•r anal ..,n- fo-l:w t.wo year. ago. Besides ler 11/1 11111111.1% sloe ks1VON awn van.: (ie*H'ge S. Young of Montreal mel 1.. W. 'Young of Iris Angeles, ('alifnrnl,a. lir. Gorge S. Young arrlv.d here on Matltrday about au hour before his mother's death, and left on 2Imwlay for Mon- t r•a1 with the remains. the Interment taking plate In Mosta Royal cemetery. LOC %I. TOPi('S IN BRIEF. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Thomson and family motored to Kitchener on Monday, returning the next day after visiting Mr. Thomson's mother and rioter. Mime handsome prises offered In connection with the Kinfshrklge garden party on him. 14th are MI PI. hlbltl.l In 1Vesley Walker's More window. - It has been 'Arrwngel that the (minty sell will deceive th4, hospital depn- tattoo nn We rowelay, June ri, •4 3 pm. it Is reln..rtcd that all delegates tr In the hoard of Trade rooms 1.t _'alt •Mr. .‘loin A. Cameron of T.mrkmnt'. wise wag Cyr. I.. M. Mdoer s osielsta u. last year. line rompaend IoM flouts• wt the Ontario Dental 4'ell,yt.. a1N1 lust 4..41.' to Peterborough a• a•44ldant in one of the lending dental o:M..s in that Mr. W. 11.. Hutchinson, president of the National Shipbuilding Co., returned on Tuesday from his tnp to England. He states that industrial cor.ditiona in the Old Country are very bad. and when he left the prospects of any improvement in the near future were not at all bright. Apartment. In .144lge Ih.yle • h"ase on St.-Vineertt ,trees are now n•a.ly for tenants awl possession en,. ire 111..1 :1t any time on ntiplkntlun to Mr. I' .1. Ryan ..r Judge Moyle. The h.ns..• is dirid,st irate awn attrrtmerrt44, one .,n each floor. anal they are very ....mt.,rt- a1.17 fitted up. Ttle ha -atoll inam of Althorn i- ers- deneoring to strike a date for the pt„ - (fortiori of "rite Yokohama Maid' at luhnrn. it will likely he arranged for some time alw,ut the 10th "f .lune. Many osier enquiries are miming in from towns Ila limon, but definite dates runnel Le• detern1111ed 419. yet.. An Oily Spottier. "How about that oil company you invest. d In ' Did they find a gusher ?" "Only the one who wrote tate prospect - w." -Bo -ton Transcript. Deflnttlaa by Ezaagrle. Tce-"4 Ere,tr r ! You know every - thine --what's a cosmopolitan 4 . • . Curly -"Well. it's like this -sip pogp you were a Russian Jew livin' in England. married to a b ack woman, an' you'd lust finished a bit of Irish stew an' was smokin' an Egyptian cgarette, while a German band outside was play in' the Blue Bells o' Scotland -you'd be a cosmopolitan " FOR SALE Used garniture 1 Mahogany Buffet, a peach. 1 Bedroom Saute, walnut finish, con- i plete with springs ..... • $22 2 Oil Heaters, nickel plated $5 each 11 Sofa, recovered • , ...... f5 1 Oak Chiffonier, new .......... f30 1 New Williams Sewing Machine $15 2 Tennis Rackets .... f1.25 and f2.50 1 Organ, solid walnut, snap ...$12 Don't let the other fellow get all the bargains, because every day is bargain day here. Harold Blackstone's Furniture Exchange west St. -- Goderich o•s*ess.e•••.