HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-5-26, Page 6`--trburwL•y, May 241, 1921.
is a real .•--
' luxury
( Perfect cleanliness and a
>�, ,�reshiog stimulant for the scalp
>♦,ere the best of all means for
ensuring hair health. In other
1 words -try a LUX shampoo.
i Dissolve a tablespoonful of
1 LUX in a gallon of very hot
water, whip into a cream
lather. and then temper with
cool water. Rub well into the
scalp --you'll enjoy the invigor-
•ting, a easing sensation.
Then ria thoroughly in fresh
itepid water and dry the hair. in
1 the sun if possible. never with
strong heat.
Los is sold .t all cocas. depart-
mental stores. etc.
A handy mosso ixk "The cos of 'Dewy
Clothes ' r rlodiv ..d fav* .n mewed.
4%1 11:111 La 11 1'niv44rsltI:es Rist 'edentate
orga Mast hins herr j4111e1 *1111 I 110144
of I1114 Cultist Sates to Istmor Madame
Marie tlirie, the Polish -lawn citizen of
France. f.. mous the w41r141 over as tlw
el4lis o.vener of radium. 'Lelia spirit of
ler 441'144111 1114• father I1l14444411 to 1111,
wot«lerfnl woman 'who iwbil.nl her
love of rese•.eretl Iu her f14111er's Irleor.
story at 11'arsaw. 11'he•n she went to
she be.
PParisto •coptiunstudiest. her
4•..in 11441114 1114(111 with Prat -sow Curie.
Rise was then Ilk., SkI,Nlowskl. Her
Iitip of na •its ti lel her to hIvestlga-
thtnia\ seldom prnrsuel by woolen stn.
thuds, bmf t'rufr,s.r Curie anal 111*
44•14411/•a awn• struck by the hnadth
Of kits,- Ice she displayed, end -tlw
assurance •1th which she coulbw•tel
•-6•i; experiments nal sualyxel their
result,. Silty arriel her lite hhlsINenII
threw ' eat r s Is. 1n. the CO11104414111 of
Nle v441n•h for r limn Wheel 14114144$$
II 11/111y (mw1111 1111' • efforts, 4'uri44 totll
with pride of her refusal to abandon
the s.4er•h whet he 4 Ire! of any
attainment worth whhtb1, Iq fact. he'
repeatedly and publicly ce Twr the
credit for the suec,+aa' t t became
theirs after difficulties ane trials in-
volving a(tual knowledge f what
poverty means. Now site is lel *'
"Queen of the Scientists of tlw K dal."'
Madame Curie canes to^tiliu co
rant to revive from her admirers' 1
the Unite) litotes urs grain -about a!
thiinMet ul-of nIBiom N1114'11 44(1141'
$1p1,1NN1. Tb- extraction of radium
from the pitt'M.h•nde ore in which U
is fouled is a Dalin* and costly pro- I
('41$ and the qua fit it 14444 rM4,vered are;
exceedingly +ma11. It hits been ex.'
Irl.in411 that when the ore is taken'tlp
by the 111.4 plant there is only one
!hlJTTTT0u :IIII,/ ••••••
.•e ����'� •••••••
••••••. e••••0 a a
RAfts.4�,. tft}
1p •,r Vv ��
r//��ltf lye* 7,44 t
!,tui r lrf rl - I/114'
/!/!////ll7r ./�/�lLllto
A Superb - Compliment
to Any Bride
IN the chaste simplicity and welcome ex-
clusiveness of "Holmes & Edwards" designs
there is a fascination that brings lasting joy
to the heart of any bride.
There is a source of pride and pleasure, too,
in the fact that no other silverware has the
\, gleaming, mirror-like lustre which "Holmes &
dwards" craftsmen secure by hand -burnish -
h g each individual piece.
Apart from this exquisite beauty, however,
o'rnes & Edwards" is your logical choice
beeauSe of its pre-eminent quality. It is the
highest -priced silver -plate made.
Because it ' protected at the wear points, it is
a gift that mbines everyday usefulness with
lasting satisfaction.
Ask your jeweller.
N. Manvil arnesed Portar14y i* Canada by
D. Send"
!a "Rehr; C! Z V $'•
/fork; of pure filen are
fared ileo eke &ark of eke
candler and liow/f-uL
eines *Ane wear cows.
►• Surla-PI.ATI aU
poi*St rx4orr'd b wear
err prslerieJ ti as Mrs
/r}uit d parr rupee.
part of radium to every 400,000.111111
parts of the ore, ia1 when it reaellew
tlw refining plant tow ratio is still one
to 1OO.sou. NN) parts. "Ore la being
mine) for it in 4. 41oratio. In Northern
Ontario there Iwve leen ,lhsvoverlei
from tithe to time of mineral sub•
Mtn 1144.4 the: are c4rta1'11y radlum•
Iwariug. Whether the radium Is there
in-etswm44n•i::1 oted 11Ivi has yet to be
demon•stratel. While the scientific ex-
Iwrimenters :11x1 n's•srehevw have gone
tar In regard to the obtaInlag of know-
ledge a% to radium -Its pits4ib111Ne$ are
tllIinIhu k'.
if rhe Adel' hopes that were bulldel
on radium as a cure for calker have
not been fulfilled they have out Iarn
abandoned. '4luny, h:.1 looked to it is
a certain cue for bud cases of that
dead disease. It hos been 114441 4u4•-
.e-4sfully in *:Hue cancer growths and
Sillier growths teat amht the body.
R1nt it Is still In Its infancy. Worlds
of I14rlvery are yet before those who
(hey their livr,e to it+ {c.ssUlilttlrs.
Ma a (•uric hetewif Nims wowing to
this s Ir has asserted most emphatic-
ally t it 1+ it cure for veneer. when
properly\applied. s..r is it merely Ib
the field of cure for IIIT that radium
will reach, Its greatest usefulness$.
lien are a few_7waorls front a non-
te•hnl•nl a •rfptloou of redlum that
may help tlw y reader to understand
what 11w tutu holds•for It ' "Heat
thl'ltns .energy• le er. work. !feat and
light may 1«e old mel in many ways.
but 'it. LI s 1114W 111 Ig 10 (11)41 it glee
ort li .,a suhrtamw. it Is by ewdluw.
year It1 dual year .out. without any ap-
parent it remission or Institution, alai
without t e• substance' twin 111 any
way einhsum%4l or altered.'
Anil the o who has in re pnictical
knowledge of Is Mulstant than any
otter person ,t his (hue a quirt -I
spoken. trail-lookf wnnuld. "ho liars
for wiener alone:
illar tiro -es In 1ritish I'
twentsry circles are •pse+sing. he
flight Hun. Walter Long.
twitted a Vis ('(1117, has for
la4•u a member of the Com
has ',vended many Cabinet
and 11ee11 Rme well ko,.a-n to 4'a
s* Minister for the 4blunien.
visit to (':ula41a at about that time
saw a grs*I Beal of the loumtry. a
qualnting himself with its ildustrl
sal Its aspirations a^ far as a 11011-
n-4i41ent could do 441 It Ian he wild
for him that he retained s !Greet (14.41
of 11w informat(i{l he then 1 'r44nwlly
acquired. Ted+ Ila. I411g 1144411 ('Inur-
attrtI,ti4• of him. I:fit he has never
been a brilliant or a 1.411411ar m:111 -
speaking in the 1,r.nier sense of_ the
wont popular. There was nothing of
tie orator and little to ••Way emotions
In his sp-i.elw,. Plainspoken. prac-
tical. coral. more like a country gentle-
men of substance tInrn the ideal leader
of the p441p11.. he ba. nevertheless t0 lye
erwlk#-*faith- basiug aaaynmpli141 .t
good (1ea1 of usetni work. 14tfa ■a1
Maw has generally stumped up the
est(mation of hem in Britain, aal he
Ise+ Imnally *lel the various Cabinet
positions to whleh fortune called 111m
without causing respective Govern-
wents any groat anxiety. This a1g11,ie1
to that of First (son, of the, Admiralty.
to which ho was appointed following
the lAoyil George Government triumpllt
in 11w general elections of 191s. His
elevation to the fit -entire involves a bye.
ele•tIooti In the' constituency of tot.
George's, W4•,tminmer. (nes of the
safest of 71017 seats from the days
when Parliaments were tIr+t elected.
Rir Cecil Is,wther, brother of the
former $i{eeaker of the Ilritlsh
mo1aw. has lawn dated as Coalition
-nlonlef for I'enrlth. Thr former
4t kyr sat for this (4ni,witueney. Tlw
but le Was. a bitter one and Sir ('e441
was ortunati• to win by a ncajority of
31. tl vote standing at 7,1178 to 7,947.
.1 H. 1'hl1My, the new Speaker of the
House. s ,s for Halifax. He h' a Coali-
tion I. 1 :11141 has twf•u I►epttty
eHpesker al r 1911. He W a partner
in a big eon it -spinning buMhles'.
E. C. Robertson Sells
Tlw former sneaker. Hou. .1. \V
isowther, has arrived in ('anada awl
w -as td1(% (fief tegllre In an interesting
(4•remotty in the ('awoken Commons
when In• powent44 w nKdlea of i14'
R{wetkPrM chair a• used ill the itritish
i4nimo-, The gift was ma411. (1u 1whalf
of the Rr4rl+h- Hmpirr lh.rllnnsent1ry-
Assoelat ion.
-In -the' midst of warlike talk 81641
actions, with three Dal a -half million
men under arim. `In Europe• and the.
near T.aat• exclusive of the British WW1
Rasta, arioies, an illuminating «141
hopeful (IYVI1nte/I 1om-s from Washing -
the militarists were In full sway *t the
1 Idtf41 S1n1.-1 1-,apltal. The Stlage w'as
set for the ihsiog of measures which
wotukl-taesa the rrrstlou of a navy
teyold nay strength requilMl except
fof «55lrmlizlment, and lanl fines
plolw*tionst4iy Sj�arrg Proprlgan/Iist'.
of •atrif,. iserwete Britain and the
Felted Statee, hailed the stone ion with
delight, which .'bowed Itself hl 1.N1st-
ing. that the Itrttl*h navy wa4 to IN•
orerlmd(w►e1 W*ahltytton now flnds
Hat RrplIhIican Inlurgtents allie41 with
1h•m4wrnts in the gen* te hove 'woken
up the regular program calling for an
Pt;PPmlttitre of *041,000.000 for labral
purposes nett year. Not only wo. Int
they are strong enough to fort the
adoption of alrin1st any program they
agar 'npin. It W thonght that they
'will not go Yo lengths that might bay
theta open h, the ch*rge of heill5 in.
dhRen•"i tP their r'ontry'M welfare.
bat it Is Iwlb.•ved that they will yams
the pmp.wal of t(enator ib'reh, re-
go44sting tlw I'resideent to enter into
negotiations with Britain And 111pan
f weak
take 11
'llea o
Dr. (mass's Olnan.nt wit t•a•m res • was
aad agora la•ung bedlam see. a MI
�e.lere, ila-
or adoaaesn �asss • Ow. IJ_
Tarnow. a.ap1. Pisa fires is paw Milid R ali
gest mat r►• Id. mop M pi i -
Holmes & Edwards Silverware
for :In agreement to curtail naval
building. They might, 1t is intim:lted.
go further and authorise ttw Preesident
to outspend ttw present naval program
1w1411ttg Hw outcome of such negotia-
tions. That w not likely to 1N• dtn64•.
lint the mere tinct Oat the Senate ma-
jtn•!ty 1« lu favor of for p'resident's
urging au agreement on the 'm itter of
naval armament is a victory for the
toness of peace. It Is IaMdy necessary
to suggest such r pllln to Britain.
Rhe has already vulyutarily de•kle1
on a naval 164/11day. But 11ow11Pn• e41s•
*•(1111(1 *41.11 a prgenaal n414Ve the wel-
(11tn4 (kg t 1t •wtankl In the old trial.
Brltiain and all rhe 0141 world e41un-
trles ane in great need of peace. Ttwre
is Inflammable material In the very
knowledge that France has Imder arms
4411114• 14141 IMMI Pole fid (MNI IN10
*41,1441, 4;re•e/t• '250,000. Jugto-Rlavla
.4N1,0U41 ami otlwr smaller polwers, 1115
fomes lu proportlun to their plpuls•
(11111. 'No (1INe (y t1 say 11ow romp- awn
Rasa has In flu. armies she main -
t h s. a vi Is. s
r n Ttl ml r hr been {sit a«
high •s,411h. million. (hes editorial
eonrwesttetor figures that the cost of
lil411utalnllg these tons+ is about #444►
per wru per year. at*1 the aggreinit •
minimum (WO idllinu Bullar+ per
n w. The saner writer argues that
Germany alai Austria. whtaw armies
are strictly 1(mltel In the terms of til•
peace tresty. are $a4.1ne Iwtw•e•n them
Signe si,'sn,0(►0,4MM) a ywr. T1114 tw
contends will enable ales to recover
their gnat nital footing m1c•h mon.
rapidly tln111 would tee the east. if their
armies' were on tiwir pre -wear ltrnaling.
if t11* 1'tflted States through its Sen.
•te h« able to show the 'way or even
to take tlw first steps« toward+ a plan
wh•n•I.y aIluawe.lts will boa rdoee) It
will have dolw a big thing not only for
itself but for the world.
inlIh11tlons I«lint to a satisfactory
.ittory for the 4/1011 hti Governrn,nt In
tlw Italian general elections. Tlwt
means that the l'nnstitutinnaltsts, with
the stronger group In a H.nns* of
INepaltk-s e4us61111g of :'4.i members.
ore In control of the situation, and
st kl Is. able to govern watlkout •
great deal of trouble•. Tlwrr ■re
several other groups with different
names. 1164.1'141111g the 4'ath lk• or I'Po-
ple's Party, w1oo way Is. elunfel upon
to support Pretnier (:kllllttl eta! his
('Rhinet ns against the extreme roll -
w1,, under WIlate.•er name the latter
travel. Italy has passed through
strenuous and troullou, time-. «Ince
the war. For we4•ks at a time the
wen. runninrg smock in var.
nes ,44•tioi1 of the oountry and the
vernment seem.41 powerles64 to put
down. Itewier' will n-mrmlwr
the d spot •hes telling of the seizure
of it t,strlal plants Nal public utilities
pod 1 'sonieril of raryitlg degrees of
ule1N • Tlds 1e1 10 d'In4•t action by
t • art 44 wing of the Nationalests-
w art .0 (stunted as supporting the
Goy imet . They h•gr n to ' meet
violet w wi • violence. The upshot of
4164• w-IIie P ter is that the tn,sier.te
mkallr sex anent+ of the country
sew to I re t ken matters into their
own hands a) have elected enough
men of Owl 4l11e . stamp to maintain
the Gov.•rnuw t r I put a stop to di-,
tinier. In tlw '-pI ' the Sot l*llst+
vp lost Iwtwwp Irty and thirty -
ee +e4eth, tl gh`prr}(� Iing about 1'_'.i
They hare been ha , temporarily at
any rate. In tlw pn . . t11at s(4eanI
to have few limltatio . 1 late. There
is obviously In Italy a t Mn against
the "Iteha" The '441111.• m y fir said of
Britain, where n number o 11,he;IMt
sywptthizrrs *Mt propaegal l..ts have
Mtn arra-stet of tate and Imine
held without ball. These hc•I,, I John
Mael.twn of (:Irsgtow, Who 1+ klHivrll r*
the floated -it consul. He Is a of
eiltkwtlon and in 111e• last general
Hans was an urlsuerN,ful enalldit
alma not Hon. Mr. Ito row MacLean
has been 'exits -me In his preaching of
ri(oleae 11+ 11e 114r0 w•e'r(1rn of the
lu*s+.-s. Bert inkphn, secretary of tlw
4'uminnllst ('arty of ltritnin. Is an-
other wpm has been kited aa1 to
whom h all has. IN•PIl refused.
t(opy righted by ItrIti+h and Colonial
• Press LlmlteL I
Huron Regiment Gees to London fur
Nina Days.
Lomita). \lay,2'7.- ,27.-41 VI. anilide train -
Ing camps will 1e held ill 1Anninn dls-
filet this month and next, instead of
11w *1144 large wimp conducted In pre-
war years. itoth of the district'.
cavalry units, .full three batteries of
artillery, will go Into wap, but only
three rural regiments w•W e.we to
1ualon this year, the maul Oder con•
dicing tralulug at their 1414111 centres
In moat case:.
Iti atklltk/u, there w111 be a large
outlet camp,. July 4 to 9, after 11w close
of the Il111001E44 camp here.
The reluewtt seals. of tlw w111tia
training is in atr*1nbeuce with a pulley
of eonow In the Militia Deplrtmelt,
•Ian the- egret of rile war will also be
lsltiewble in training methods.
Following is s list of the .amps+, fir
at present arranged• though fitnrl de-
tails as to tamp *raft, etc., liaise not
been announced by the department :
leludotl, May 30 --12th flattery, l'. F.
.1. Major ft. K. Ingram' commanding.
(Six days.)
Guelph, May 30--141th and 29th Bat-
teries, 'Majors /:. A. 1)r.•w• and 4'. 1).
('rows, ill. 1'., eWmwaad these batteries.
respectively. and I.t.4'ul. William
Simpson is In eomm*Iwd of the arIIlery
brigade. (Wit clays. )
Iwootlon, June 10- Mkhilesex itrgi•
went, Id.4'ol. 0. i. Iiertan, Str•th-
roy : Huron Regiment, LL -Col. H. 11.
Copaiba, /'pluton: Bruer Regiment, Lt •
Col. H. Eninwrtou, Klawnlltw. (Nine
Wlarton. June 1(1 -9th Grey's Horse.
i.t.4bl. F'. •I1. Moses. ( line days.)
I.00(ion, June '?S -First Hu+wr4, it -
('ol. 4'. H. Iteirs.n.• (Niue thus./
1letaehmrnts of the Canadian Army
Mery We t'orpl atill l'aWallin n Army
Medical (brise will is. eletallel as re-
quired In addition to the units men-
tioned *!lore.
in addition to the training of artil-
lery units In comp, 1letachments. will
pawed to I'etaw'awa for firing prat.
( 1414.
Newly Caught.
A negro was brdught before a justice of
the peace. He was suspected of stealing.
There were no witnesses, but appearances
were against him. The fol'owing dialogue
took place :
"You ve stolen no chickens'"
"No, ah."
"Have you stolen any geese "'
"No, ah."
"Any turkeys '"
"No, ah."
The man was discharged. As he step-
ped out of the dock he stopped before the
justice and said, with a broai grin. "Fo'
de Lewd. Squire. if you'd raid ducks.
you'd 'a' had me :"
N !■sltil u --/s f�a>ri�-#s fmfl
Ail imameConk
RAZ -MAH /s Guaranteed
M motors accusal breatkiag, stop mace
1■ the bva
rckial tubas give
d quiet elm"; tyear d g-
WOO at year drag-
tyt a Thal Lo aL ear agencies or writs
�pi�aaa, lag Liag W., Tarsals.
(meal Agewta--•DttliWs Drug Nal
• Rheumatism
and all
Aa. tee ''n
fur three
It quickly relin4* lore
throat. bronchi 144 new.
.11411. 1rlalsa .nd aay
kind of pun.
An Old Reliable Remedi. '
Parr 5. Fawcett, Haman:el St . Collint.wd.
Ont.., •n-Miaard'. Lininw•t wryly r as
old rebsble remedy. 141.ay1 keep a boob
is rhe boum and have recommended n /o
wore • rumor d my 164,0411.w wham 4t lav•
treat relict. In n.o.l cions It . N uwd so •
curs tot rheunat,wn.
•Kfll1 of Pain
nrrnouttx Navasootta.
Yonge and Charles Su. Tomou
Mama.ecy, stenography. 170d.rn,sg aqd
General llalprexeysitat ammo. a. Perla In
strucl4on only. steadenta .weld to pout
'Open all year. wrote for prospectus: enter
The Trouble Must Be Treated
Through the Blood.
Every rheumatic sufferer should realise
that rheumati.sm is rooted in the blood
and that to get rid of at must be treated
through the blood. The old WW1 that
rheumatism was caused by and, darnp
weather is now exploded. Such weather
'conditions may start the pains, but it is
not the c.use. Liniments and outward
applications may give temporary relief,
but that is all they can do, because they
do not reach its sources in the blood
The sufferer from rheumatism who
experiments with outward appli-
cations is only wasting time and
money in depending upon loch treatment;
the trouble still remains, and it 1s all the
time becoming more firmly rooted. Treat
this disease through the blood and you will
soon find relief. (h. Williams' Pink Pills
act directly on impure, weak blood; they
purify and strengthen it. and so act on
the cause of the rheumatism. Mr. P. J.
MacPherson, R. R. No. 5. Cardigan.
P. E. 1., says : "About three years ago
I was attacked with rheumatism. 1 began
taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and soon
the trouble disappe, red and- i am in
better health than before. i also
know of an old lady acquaintance who
was badly crippled with rheumatism in
her arms and legs, and who suffered veru
much. She. too, took Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills and is now stile to do her house-
work. 1 tell you this in the hope it may
be of benefit to some other sufferer."
You can procure Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
through any dealer in medicine. or they
will be sent you by mail at 50 cents a
box or six boxes for 52.50 by writing
direct to the Dr. Williams Medicine Co..
Brockville. Ont.
Nesters Ontario
Best Csomercial Scowl
BOX 67, Oodertch. All instruction.
by maU or lett at Signal omee w111 be
promptly attended to. Residence tel
phone 119.
TER, Solicitor, weary public.
Office Hamilton street. Goderich, third
door from Square. Trust funds to
loan at lowest rates.
Office -Sterling Rank Block, HaM-
ilton Street, Goderlch. Telephone 88.
Real Estate, Ions and Insurance.
114 )1M
OiMe on the Square, second door
from Hamilton Street, Ooderleh.
Private funds to loan at lowest
W. l'ruutlfrsot. K. C., J. L. Killoran.
(Dudley E. Holmes.
CIiAltIEN G.1ItROW. 1.1. B., IIAR-
RiSTER, attorney, elicitor, etc..
Ooderlch. Money loaned at lowest
• iCITOR. notary public Rai con-
veysneer. Office -Court House. (lode -
rich. 00.12m
= ASCE CO. -Finn and coated
town property Insured.
Officers -Jas. Connolly, Prem., Godes
rich P. 0.; Jas. Evans, Vlce-l'res.,
Beeehwood P. 0.: Thomas E. Hays,
flee.- I'reaa., Seaforth P. O.
Directors -I). P. McGregor. R. R.
No. 3, Seafortb; John G. Orley., No.
4. Walton: William RingQ R. R. No. 2.
Sea forth ; John Rennl.wles, Brod-
hagen; Geo McCartney, R. R. No. 3,
Sea forth; Robert Terris, Hantoek;
Malcolm ifrEwen, Clinton: James
E vans. Beerbwood; James Connolly,
Agents : 1. W. Yeo, Gederleb
Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1. Clinton ;
William Chesney, Hnafarth: E. Hlncb-
ley, Seaforth. Poll y -holders can pay
•11 payments and get their cards re-
eelpted st R. J. Morrfah'a Clothing
Store, Clinton: R. H. Cutt's Grocery,
K ingston street. Goderich, or J. H.
Reld's General Store. Reynold.
Oar winter laffiritnences Tors
day, January 4th, sad students may
register in onr Commercial. Short
hind or Telegraphy departments at
REVOme. 0411 courses are thorough
+••11 practical, and we assist graduates
positions. Get our free catalogue.
11. McLACHLAN, Principal
Brophey Bros.
The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
ruler. rnrefully attended to
it all boars. night or day.
_.--_-CODER iCB
1s Your Car Ready For That
A Wish.
A fool and his money are soon parted,
we know. but every now and then we find
ourselves wishing we .had a tittle money
we could he foolish with.
Migrant.* DNtiteuh.
Clymer -Ager a11. society is a hollow
Clark -You don't stem to be able to get
into it, though. Boston Transcript.
You're Planning This Soper?
"Get Out and Get Under"
doesn't go very well in
vacation time, so let us
put it in good shape
now before the
get here. Their tears
will need a good deal
of attention.
Agency for
Call and let us give you
a demonstration of these
splendid instruments.
We have in stock the
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(ie4Peieh Phone 104