HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-5-26, Page 5TSE 81tHf LL
Kodak Junior
equipped with
It's here
It's the camera of the season—the one you've
read about. It's a Kodak and it s Autographic. of
It takes pictures of almost postcard size,
2 7.8 x 4 7'-8 inches. So compact that you carry
it without the' slightest inconvenience, yet fully
equipped for taking distinctive pictures. Its R. R.
lens gives that sharpness of dteail up to the
edge of 'the picture. And it has, without extt'a
charge, the Autographic feature without which a
camera is incomplete. -
Come in acid see it
"Ever slate a boy of fourteen,"
writes Mr. John Redmoad, of Wet
Frampton, Que , " I had trouble with •
bad leg, 1 used many remedies Though
some appeared to heal the ulcer fur a
while, et always broke out •gars as
Md es ser. This last time 1 suffered
ceattnuously for nkat years. and the uld
remedies had absolutely no effect.
"The limb was is an awful state
shall someone advised me to get
%am-Buk right away 1 had only and
this herbal healer a few days whet" 1
began to see great improvement. So 1
continued the t,eal.nent, for. even
Zam hut. needeol tome to have rosplate
ceder' However 1 am glad to tell you
that it was only by the aid of ¥am-Bnk
Mat the leg was eventually th't.rougbiy
healed. ?ver a 'egn of the ulcer since."
[Wit lteaded
]Oeboa..,: ae.lan.
.To Celebrate ilwpluiun 1►44y.
3Lt t,t _ It isle _-Int+ - !riled �t_ 1liiblis.
tneethti; for Friday evening of this
sack, at the wen hull: to, brga11lze for
the 1 .wfulou lhty celebration.
_ loung : tihiptnan. , .
Cam bell � Dauy Store ., ,p.l:et e,.rl Iing eya. ..,lemnlae.l In
n �
Lawrence. fG11..1, 1' N..\.. ••11 11'wlper-
Y day oremintSS 1•. ...Ad firbw•k.
when 1 .'w -i, Adel tide. *detest daughter
,, ,, oit"Mr. and ll r.. W. 1ieipulan of (bode -
The Penslar Store rl.•I.. was watt+«! III marrIog.1 to Mr.
Iohn 44utlg. of Law r•ue•. K:111.11'..
Phone 90 The Square j iter. Irr. Kline oftiriate.l Mr. and
Mr... Young will re -1.l,' at ie.. Angeles,
Woasen'e Institute. .
.� m,.n!hly-me'ting of the Gode-
Get yoqr nett supple of Letterheads, Billheads, etc., printed at "The Signal '
fl ,,,,/U//!i///Iglu///l/;. 0
/Z. il0///I/,IIO/II///l////////I/l1//lt///IIltllllr.
Annual Low Fare Excursiop
TUESDAY, JUNE 14th, at 9:30 a.m.
All Day Wednesday a,1d Thursday Morning in Detroit
Returning leaves'D.tro;t, Thursday, June 16th, I p.m.
IIretrolt ..nd fe...ern. Time are the same i
$3.00 Round Trip- � $2,00 One Way
-lily boat trip fr,mt (;orleridi to Detroit this season
Last trip to Detroit, Friday, Jane • 17fi, 9;34 a. ta.
Don't miss this opportunity tpvisit big, hyay, prosperous .Detroit.
A delightful ride over the Gre.,t ernational Highway of lakes and
rivers. Dining room and lnoc)1i01104 service abo'd steamer. Slod•
crate t n•'es. Marriage"
- l---r=-----.-p.liKt=rtilt Ill
Band Moonlight Out of Goderich---*,'tt) t� IltGll
Monday Evening, June 13th, 8:15 p. m.
50c Children under 12, 5-4
Music and Dancing in the Greyhound's Ballroom
I 11.41 1.11.1.
ll,u.ln' 1 1 Pith
"AV ALLY" Kt:Ili
at 1,is h.'st
The Best in Photo Plays at the
1•1c1 Worsen's Destitute will i,. m 1,1
.In... 401 at flu• Louie of MI.. J. 1'.
Ntr•wurt, Trait 'goer atrewt. Tot' we.t'- 11 II.
Ip i w 114 he ad1Jp,ea••1 by Dr. SUu'-
enzle.tetuIth, lin the • 04Jlr•t of lade
tIc health work. The district minuet
mewing 0 the { f tl West Huron Women's
tee lb 11t i
Si, old -t It -h'-le' -t tiuluhl•y
ill 1.4''• hr!d ae ItsI),I .1 1.1
ay. 'rh,' Itible w•lawl wUl
« ' Modeling 111 10 Wehrle:
•ill 1 • held in the Sunda • R 1' r'. I'. ua. .i11K ut 't 11.18.
1.1.4104 of 1%'esley cine, h. 1'lin•
444.1., 1111 Jn11e 1+t, at 2 (A :hail,.
The Soldiers' Memorial.
The Stadler.' MMemorial runuuittee 1.
still rar'vlrtg valuable hdoruiMtou re-
tanllnK designs for the propose( moun-
ment and. although it 1• hoped to have
a general III/hog very .IMw t.. al rrhr
114 44 .Iw•i.luu. the e.,mulhfeels els that
under the circumstance th4• 4144`1+ion
-hnut41 11ot be hurried Tlti• week
members ,t the eotuna;ttee were in•
fol'WWI fr ail authorlratlr(•
that- not only were prhra coming those.
but more sa44 fiutory des1RrlM awl I.•t•
ter work cuuhl "row be secured -torah,'
,'reetl.11 of metworals. • In 4he 111.v
t tut" the money e,e•t(rl 1. {u the
Donk rams... interest.
41.111. ped 7
Wiles Have Arrived.
The rid, hoes arrl'.rl from in114,
tory hlu,dqulirte•s at London for the
4;.'.k-,-I.•l, Rifle .4,1 Tattoo.; A ,neer:
h,g will he eallo'41 early next w.1•k and
practice will be begun 11 Move - Tl,.'
range I,' situated on the ofd ''111t.-r-
natiunal" grolipds at the•wntth end of
the town- .\11 resident• corer sk:eon
yelu-• of age' 4444' invit.rl to Juin the
AM..riation. The few is $1' a year. for
which tnerulw'ra revelry 14s1 roeut•I• of
ammunition and the use of a rifle.
\ny fe•rs1.1, 14'1.111111[ to Join the .%,.,"
•iatioly will be given further {11401111-
n on un applying .to Mr. Lien, She's
4* -East rtr,•.•t lwkb._r 1•_- _l_:
Rau Met/mold.
A q`ul.-t 1,111 pretty welding t1ed�
plai.w pt the horns of the ternruu'- par-
ent, Mr. nd ales. C. 11. [Co.*. F 11 iL
nveuue, o 'Monday evening at 7.:t,
.i ale k. wise • S.L••. Hensel 51.54,-!1 .te
alit. dnualtter ,4.f Mr. alai Ales. to}Km
II4i),unld was\milted in marriage 7:.
Mr. Charles D. 1in.r. eldest soon .Nr 511•.
and Mr.. t'. M. Moon;\ Elgin overdo:
u •in tell. The
•r wedding
thea, lila• -.kik
lie ' • 1.'f ,.f
er .r.1 Ihl-•
Rev. It. 4'. 11eiM Id �tl.
Urine looked visarmll in
etre .% of blue head
trial carrying a 'show
ferns Innl pink roses. :4
Elnth,,i. ser.• .tediailiered t.. the bride
LRranh..:a tine supper w•1s served.
and Sir:. (toss heft the nett ln4irt
on ton• 1;,'i'.14. train fur.retfe•
..1, a .•Mori houryl,llenI u;iti. fi
: urn they will reside :n G
Thi' marriage of MI-/.11i•w ):Ili.
Frier 41Aabel, youngest d,ulg: 4'r "of
Sir' 1h.'uald A. Fraser of 1:.s11 ri h, to
Mr. Gordon 1'. \lariat t _•.•k 111.1 r eve
Ttie..lay evening at 9 o'elo.4•k at the
bona. of Mr. and Sir.. Wilfrid I..
5.1441)». 109 1 'lose avenue. T111V111o.
tteev. -5. 1...Kan Geggte nttic•iating. The
' l.rid.• wooer her travelling .nit of miry
bits. tah.,rq{u•• opening over et 1.41011.
Weep of May 30 to June 4 fol laser blues.• and girdle, by. a blue
Ileo. J. F. keylvaft was the preacher
at ('1lhorne street.. Methodist church
Brantford, on Sunday. last, when new
organ chants, a congregational war me-
morial, were dedicated aryl a bonze lie
mortal tablet was unveiled,'
\I Kla.\ 1•!•411!1 next r;;ll Or dhiuc
w.•r-Ilip will 6..-,111111111 1A lh'hr IMin.
isle,'. 1,4111,1(.41.' 1.1 :1 ,11.
"A 1,au,ilia r I..nt;uahr." 7 I. 111 • 1111,'
1'11,4411 4 *,IlIu .\gee" 1.444.4444
all.I 1411.1,' . !leer pt 11 v'.V...•k.
Tbi• -err{oris ,It 1' idol la 14t feet alit
,eh,a enure,' u• \t K,11a,11 ' will he con-
ducted by the 14,100,,r. 14. v. .1. 1'. Ilei•
,valk Il 41.111. 111,1 tr•.11.1r'. •1•rvi.e.:
.,,Ihie•'r. "A, Iteautrrul Sunset" 7 pan:.
4ut 1,,ie•-"Fart i'ri,ads.." Sunday
la.4.l at .t p.m.
The u1,iiiaJ nweli444 of the London
1'"lifi•rt't,.i'-1.Iaarh ,ut the Metikali-t
\t' ,II'.' lli+.l11,n1 Y1' 14u:•iet\' 1• 4.4•i„g
ht•hl 1141'. we,k ;,t 4.l>towrL• \}r...1: 11
''.,{lerrle•, Mr.. It,•y.•raft, lir..
Molt and SIi.. Shroucy are 1L1 !VIA
11', 414 4;,.4lerb•II.
4'1 I:rei041.of 1.111141,•1,. y.4,keQ11 the es.... budget at the evening w•rej,t'
id r.1t. George'. ,•dural, on SSund.ay, take
in;; a. hi- hest ''Go c.• 1406 all the
444,4111 :ani pc••.e•ll the go.1v1 111•w•4+ry
,ceratin•” In the 4(i41. 4.'• p.hib1I out,
lir. 0411411 of the skit', of 'he Omni'
limb Irr•II done by run "nem. alai he
(rote a ''1 11.1111.: .Iptr•.il- t.. tI,.s ,t4.ii tier
,p'. iatilkioe•r,
. rh 1111 -t . ti1„t Ir• or-
s. l t i..tr.
1441,41i 11111,1iv sere4ce. The ,lr \Lor told
of 114-.owet wrtiflerc brigade . in they
tate velar, .11141 of the way each mar '
realized his low is mitirl,4na4 re -p.m-
-WISPY' .11 tie,• ti:,lr,•n i0
4'hp144 'Japan. 1nt 1:r. luul at tritlnt', to
Vittoria . liya: toadied_ :ntaln and nir
pal 'Was reutdr for ,Halt. o•Iturrle to
meet .It. aplr.rtimildio Int.
Mr. ('oxen at Knox ('hureh.
.M lost ry interest 1. !awing •t{I red
In the nide of Koros ti311rr11 by' the
e iso ,44 .1*'. 1.. 1), K. 1'..x.144,, who Ie
tale- •4•.n'werntartrr' fit the eongregailton•
! 1 It,.1{a. Mr. 4'u, -on wits in poor
width, •and 1144s 1)4111 i.e.-operating in
4':.uad., during the Iei.t year, and inn-
ing rooter rl his strength 4111,1
1.k:000 alr.Ut-oto return t0. the work
111iIi,. .He is #11411111 111 4111;. the
111 s.,wlerbit by SI►'•. Corson. and .
1,11 fr ala manic air. 1 'o\w.11
ellpie,l; 1112,\pulpof Knr.\ chord.
ye 1 4.1,7 In retesting t;,16 • Ir.,..
i ilia. the lit', of 111 people and tis•
4111 okra a i,ai1. :
11 llunday eel
in Iso
ant hon'
It 4'. ale
of mlt"io•a4
chief reit a
ever, being Ili.
Sirs. ( 'nxsoitl to
-read Ly Mr. .1 ; t o, eRpree.il
good wi-hes of th viongregatiott,
writer 4l•1.111114t1Hied, oy the p,• . nt:44101.1
to 111. eoxsou of , :integrant' quilt
emetai11illg the ILltla'.•.,of :1 large 1114111-
1.4.t4)•t of
of, s, eo.r.i
tfia` M M. -
-thP neem•
iership ph1, lir. 4'ox-tin replied.
thanking the eo1,gregatlun r their i
khu ileote, abol saliritiii their :do•1'-
in Ie4ra.lf, of the work in 1lw distant
mission field.
J IhfthtINt1IiI110111ld!JMH
Economical Purity
In your soap, purity is not
only desirable but its an
absolute necessity it you
\sant our clothes to last.
Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure
no fillers or adultriaats of any
kind : 1'OO(I guarantee of this.
washes ego s beastifully clean
—freihuse - without the wear
sad tear of the wash board.
Select Ladies' Read o -Wear Co.
Mends! and 'Fui.da), )ray :44-31
Hawthorne the
L Adventurer"
441.41 gold C,•h. 41 n44cy blue m'.h:,it h;rt
eireled with glycerine1 ....trirh f1•ath.•r.
.11,41 a cur+age• Iw.ngttet of 1111.". uud
ro.w* The- Irrnte- was Ixautifnlla.+le
.raise with .prong blo.w„n•, large
t la fM of white *ad partite lilacs
Aft r the w;..l.Iing bre,kf,.t the young
I camp • left for their future 14011,,• al
s 1 fililflri.
.\ 4-.
ROS('OE "F.1TTl" ARM, (
- "THE /11,11SEED"
1Metlnrlwlay and Thurbday;. June 1.2
51,17Ine.• 1Veln..lav at 4.13 p.m.
e'ortwey Te rrk' 111 a 110latrt Henley
pr.i.ltt.lio11, entitl.rl
"Society Snobs"
coupd,.l with the fa11.ars
"THF: 1►E1.1('.t'FF:SSSS `TORE`."
Friday and Saturdly, June 34
51.,: n.'' 1,Itnrdy , 1st 300 11.04.
( 4) ".T.1\('E TAl MADGE
iu :r world of fon
Matinees Monday, Wednes-
day and Saturday.
' Tlw fa
I the 44•n
retail staff.
1114114s '.Ioyu1 .
ge•441err nr
were ...•iopltrl
umhe•r of the
)ay at Vittoria School.
.fl• ..f Victorra .rlu'.l. antler
on 111 Principal rtoneho1we
elated' Emii1re l,ny In
le lin Monday afternoon
rtgel on the lawn ars
1y. the pupil. andn'nt$ and pie 1 titht
liltg a tollgregat4on.t1.
• was held 1 the 1.1911•' r.,on,
r of the v re-. end a 4)114411
and a half a '4W'111. Rev.
ttniil pr .ude1 .and a number
,.elogi ul _ w1t-4ir011. ala'
• of t11 • 44.4111. 44111, how.
pre .. ut:rt 11141 t. It r. and
nu addlw.M wll b,wa-
1. lir'•.- "911 o
'11\ •Vf Is IM•allt
/1/t44”1. 11 4111 to' NI/kilter 111
tt4441 of life -membership' fliiiilreur lli.-ion Rand ,u„
.1. TorpMing pmbyirrittnralar
of the flag. se`v.
frlrlul., of the
inelndet the solidi
,•1111 i .tr104le c1,nVn
rhtldren with nitwits 411 t, ?•intro set-
ts -thins by -111s. Edna ll 'Arlene ,melee•
b} : Leslie Evans and 5 •Iiia•
and re'1t,t tons by' .('1a re
Errs! I'as4,4' and I►r111 its .1111
''nker ot; the oe(44si. 111 wm. eV
MIelh•rtnid. who gave a woe
Kittle talk to which the pupil -
with rviorent luterr-t
Miss Rhttn•h, 5\ 11 a Ivnidol
pea.41st. and was , 1 111 111 11Thm
metes led Slis \It 1,111nq w_t
violin. Sttitittole gifts are ieing pro-
seined by the isles.' too theme ladles In
appreciation of tlhvlr valued serriee
S our Summer is close at hand and we are
wanting to make room for. r new Sum -
trier goods, we are giving s tial reduc-
.ttons in all Spring Suits, Coats and irts.
Our special prices in Spring Coats are as
fellows $9.75, $11.95, $12.50, $14.50 up-
Our Suits range from $22.50, $25, $27.
29.5O to $35.
We have had a special shipment of ladies'
large-sized Skirts, to sell specially at $5.95.
We are pleased to announce to our cus-
tomers that we have Hosiery in leading colors
ht very low prices.
The steamer Home Smith unloaded a
cargo of 25(1,(1((1 bushels of wheat. oats ,
and flax on Thursday last at the t levator.
\fe•,•11- This was the only boat arrival -at the
wo„i1. harbor during,the past week. .
Th.- The hand of the 33rd Regiment w' s out
, R. t'. in good strencth on Victoria 1)•I' and
apt,;,,• played for the baseball tame Mr. D +vie..
.'t,.,,,.,1 the new bandmaster, is making a very
favorable impression. •
"The Vnk.lhamu, llaid" opa'11' the
new x:G,.twill Memorial Hall at Itlyth
nn law fah. This will be an ec14'I•
•Wait —1111 fir
to inspect this commodious bnildin_
one of the finest In Wooden' I nN1r'o'
Motor parties will 'tin& the remit to
)Sheth in better e)nditlon then it hl,. i
le.•u for year..
Mita Emma Camphel1-waattoene--Ironer
Toronto over Sunday and the holiday.
(Tablets or Grandes)
Take dry tongue or
with hot cold water,
Price, 25.54751
MAD,' eV &core • sown[
Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
Headquarters and Factory : 456 Queen St. W., Toronto
New Firm in tAn Old Stand
I AVING purchased the Grocery business
of Mr. W. J. Powell, we intend to carry
an .up -to -"date stock of Staple and Fancy
Groceries and to give our customers the best
possible service.
-----_.. Youx patronage will he af)i)1-1 1 i.1t4(1. •
Grocers The Square Phone 209
BING ! ! BANG ! ! ! Goes the finest stock of CHINA, GUT GLASS -
and CROCKERY in the Town of Goderich.
Only short tithe to sell out this stock of Wesley Walker's which we have purchased, lx'for(' tilt' \\ Tuckers tear the il)Iliilliill to Pieces f114' 4,tllt r purposes;
There is a fine assortment of DINNER SETS (open stock patterns), FINE CUT GLASS, CASSEROLES. FANCY
CHINA and TOYS which we are going to clear out REGARDLESS OF COST. First come, first served Get your share
Sale starts next SATURDAY, MAY 28-4t 9 o'clock
Cash Register $100.00 5 Kitchen Tables at $6. Good Stock of Victrolas at a bargain
PARSONS' FAIR SYNDIGATE - The Square, Goderich