HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-5-26, Page 44-Tininslay, May 26, 1921.
Better Clothing for Men
1000° "....0114.1!4
It does not'pay to buy
-cheap!' clothing. It
will not give sat;sfac-
tion. You not only lose
money but also the sat-
isfaction of being well
Let us dress you up
in one of out` stylish,
well -tailored Suits and
you will be dressed fit
for any society.
= T 0 =
W. V. Vridhant
1 cid for Bonita ilia .ibits
Phone 57
These Greyhound Shoes are
and as such they outwear any other make you have
worn. heretofore, because no other rubLer canvas
shoe,riII wear so well as one cured by the High
Pressure Process.
are the only lire of rubber canvas shoes made by this
process in Canada.
Try Greyhounds and see how muzh longer
these wear than others made under the old process.
Get them at Herds Boot Shop.
•,,,,,t,e„esotarleyeatestetetweasows.etesisese...e......" tesetotosertosseseomossersevesseseW
Studebaker and Gray -Dort
Let,us give you a demonstration with these -
cars before you decide on your spring purchase.
Our new Battery Charging Outfit is working
.fine and we are now in a position to handle any
number of Batteriei.
good Batteries. This is proven by the fact that
four-fifths of the Automobile Companies in Can-
ada are using them as standard equipment. We
have them here ready for delivery.
Non -Glare Lenses from $2.75-$4.00 a pair.
1 Gray -Dort Special, good as new, 1920.
.1 Studebaker, 4 -cylinder, 5 -passenger, thor-
oughly overhauled and repainted.
1 Ford Touring, in good running order.
1 Ford Delivery Truck, in first-class shape.
Case Tractors and Machinery.
Spring Weather ---
Sudden change from
warm sunshine to rau.)
windy days causes many
an ache and pain! You
will do well to fight that
first twinge of
Neuritis, Sciatica, or
Neuralgia, before a ser-
ious attack develops. No
case is of too long stand-
ing, no attack too severe
but that
Templeton 's Rheu-
matic Capsules
will bring sure relief.
Guaranteed to contain no
ht-torming drug. and to be abbot•
. uteiy harrriebs to the heart, kidne)11
or other organs. Prescribed by doc-
tors, sold by druggists. 111.00 per box.
Trial free at our agencies, or o rite
teluiritt of the tiaJillath echool and W84
-111waYe ready to *Id In sowitil and
religious movement* Ile le4V144 be.
hl111. tg/ 1111011111 ihe likA of hus-
band sittil father. a widow and family
..t throe : Erne.t. oil the limue torte:
'Mrs. .144.4. Medd. of .tiOntrit. and Mu.
y. wool. Throe
brothers -Jas. a ad IV in 1 buff of
$askate181.41111. 3114 ill' Lake -
field -and three sisters NBA. 4. 1)8ff.
Mr.. A. Quinn. and Mr.. I.. limiter, „of
-a 1.0 -arrive The funeral
took plow 011, Nlondio afternoon. the
interment 'being In 1 in4?:m11,411 vent-
..'..ry serriee "was Vell1111eltsil by
14.•,- lir. 4 'a114'4s.11, assisied by 'Lev. A.
v Walden. TilP reirtklent 4isIehsnre
...f the ....wive .tt the grive. the• 1m11-
1...arer4 Nitse:r.. limes. J.
t:irvits, 11. Wik./11. 13 .1. Trawford. S.
I:. Sanderson ati.1 WILL SWIM. "
I To.. late for last week.1
)4:111.1111 who s.bl•lais farm re-",
•t.tly to Viols. Park. Is moving hen
.parehased O. E.
'Mks Elleslie. Who is attending the
SI r.1 third Norma rwela...)f,' has born the
glie.t of Mis. Amber MarKetizie for
a few oltlys.
Mr. .‘Itte l'ittloert exoects to finish
:awit4 In the mill Sittitalay of this
Templeton*, 142 King E., Toronto. week.
Mr. Loytteot. manager of the Sterling -
Loral Agentg4--1)un4ep's Drug Store. Kink :It * 4111 inspeeting
, •11.• brain+ here en, Thin-sof:1y I.Z thiS
• I
-Therslay. M.I2.1
11..11.1y. of 4-
44 4
Week with her .i.ter. Mrs. 11 NI
Ater, Jiiv.7.-31.-stit-of Anton ot.--ertm,,,st '
rid. week after attending at
bedside Of her fatlwr• for the last two ,
w.s.lcs of Ilk Mlle.. •
- 1/0,ye48. of Goderieli. is
-I., here fhis week.
1 0 1 and -Mrs: Douglas return-
- Sal frony--fmndrory-,
h.•-• ita.I been eisitifig for t.w.ewts.1:-
A number ;if• flfilv.yilligers took
the •dgiir. at Teeswater on the 2414:.
while others spent the ottly quietly at
Mort Allsort itt the 11111..01.10 88111,c -
/pent of angling.
- Mr. .1. ft.': %Nab,and, fa miiy
motored to Sea forth rt.,r rtio holiday.
• Itr. ease spent the week -end a
linslitees trio to Toronto.
Mr.' Geo. rase. %VW!, attemilot
the Medleal College at Toronto. 1.4
home for his viiiittrisil.=-
We are foleased to see' M.4 Sam Tre: I
leaven able. _tee he about again .afteri
Ifis serious Illness. We 1101W- the• ini-
proventent will 11111111MP 111011 lie '
fully rester...1.
• flaw% of H. NIL Duly, ---4111
Mar 21'.?. :14. 5 pan., Hugh M. Duff
444..441 away. at the age of
seventy -ix yea r. a ii.1 ten months.
The had .been ',offerer for
The last four. year.. but bore his afIlie.
thin -‘ with fortitude and untiring
patience eren onto the enol. Mr. 1 toff
a wl 1.i tally ' moved to (hi. It ...Miry
thiety....ven year. .trzo from Peterhoro'
lull settled on a (artu In A.litiellimhout
hill.- south of nip village. Here hi
remeitest until about eight yowl* ago.,
wiwn 1110t041 illto the village. !ear
lug son re.eneers
was a man of sterlhig qualities. a good.
neighbor :4*,.) worthy eititen. Ile
serve.T for -tune time as an eider of
the l•rosbyteriit. elloreli and superlii.
K I AG Snell oGe,
Tneelas. 'Moly 24
,Pioneer Taken. -74n: Wololunsilay
tenth olet.tocheol .14111. la of one of her
photos c• it; r 1ri;e:41 Jeanieseierm-
Ott. The ••• -el was Itinetysmo
vetors of atm .thot a .tive 'of. Trelinol.
His patlence And *-1.......4111144-'.'. in his
.ufferiug- won- ter lent theidgh
his- many filial.. '1')». fimerartook
iihiee on the rSinfasin mass be- ,t
Mg sung. by Ettiliee 'Peak velia-ift.wr-
ei:trt at the grave Surviving MM.
be -sides hw
is if.-. ere to s
atoll E.hioribi. r• home. 8Witi fiT0'.11111811-
'Mrs. M owF..r. Mrs. 1) Carney.
Mrs, .r. and Airs. II. Howard
at home and Mrs. L. It Nell. of Jaek.
son. Michigan. May hi. soul rest .114
eternal Items*
Mr. and Airs, .s. I.annen and
daughter Paa
tricia nd Ile Stanley
t motorts1 In, from iorotr•
Mr-. K. ro'N*111,
attended rile ftlnerli of' her father.
:Or. Jots. SennifS '.4,4.4* took place
here on Friday. -* - -
Miss Anna MeMili,r to. of Tee4W el%
vi.ite.11 at' the Mane Ntr•-.
f;riffill. •
Mr. Wilfred Garvey. of Assumption
-few flays at
after ping -biting as 1::t.ter ....re-
mold... at 411.• tirst roller
Vtitstintin of tiotterkh
Mr. and Mrs. Alter: Slitlor, .4 .14*'-
truito- "Pent a few .1 Lys ili.r,.,
Sun Glasses
We have a large stock at » price
that will meet your approval.
.We can replace *uv broken lens
on short notice
Our neat° is to provide s daily
service that all requirements tatty
he met at short notice.
Office closed Wednesday afternoon
ti,tomoetrist Eyesight Specialist
Mmes. Buslelaag.
Wir, carry a full line of Aru-
n ateur,Supplies _
Kodsks, Films
Plates, Nitro- „
Let us do your Developing
ansf Finishing.
')Iiotograp er
1 Wel110.4.1y. May 25.
'Sir. awl Mr.. rry
TOlving rtil4 Prlday for Waukesha.
Wiseonetn, where Mrs Hoskin. will
take treatment for riimitirati.m. Tiler
will also visit at 1 lileago. 4 0.111k.0.11.
Wise.. and Menominee. Nlieh. Their
nmiterona Glemla wkli them '.11,)16 a
Aar,. retain and eotaplete reeovery for
Mrs Hawkins. .
Niks Nof. rjuald la visiting with Mr..
John inlaid. •
• Mr, inl Mr'..ja noes M eWlt I nney
were visiting with friends in the vil-
lage beton. leaving tor thr•ir trip tie
Mr iIn.l Mrs. T. Weirrener. Miss
Mn l
rniiinl.ite.. :erInd ,Mr 11:trold Warrt.ner and
spent Vioria Day with frlends in the
Mr. ilriorge Iloarsley. of Gialerich.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kintewell and
ellibiren. of Toilsome, township, spent
the week -end • ith relattecsr here.
*4144 Mr...Al
. bert ‚4,44.44-anr1
children silent Son4ay with the lady's
parents. Ntr. 411..1 Mrs. John Thi.holm.
the rove:felon 1.-Ilig_an honor of the
lade!. hr.dher. Father liarry
WIN) that thy reo•ited Ills first mass In
144. Peter's elotrrh. Goderir.h. Atter
the serviCe me: 100 guests ,sat
to dinner at the home of the young
imiest's 1•311.111t... The hest Of
:III who knoir- him go with Father
Ili:41..0.1ii in LI% new sphere of life.
--Tretiffeatintt. Mo' sisTfr.
Dies in the Weat.--Mrs I1elwit4
reeeiveol the . 1 news on Ttiesdkty *of
the sudden her &tighter
Aolofie I Mrs. W:,, Stel-zik 4 at
Sask. Ifer hel-.•ft Iiii,band, soh and
• daughter. .110 !ler sister, Mrs. 11.,
rel II Iting_iith_the.M114.1114.
to arrive in•re plattinhis. The de-
rett -ell leave. 4,01: aged mother. two
hruther---Willi..in. of Wipitipeg. lout
:It 1W4) Astern.
-141,)s -rt 3.011,k. of Regina. and Mrs.
Ibrinf Win.1-.w. The sympathy of
tlw etounittuity goes out to the be-
. r..averl
The heavy rains of Sunday and
Tnesrlay hae vswollen the river to
vrinurldo an.lmaren the Iona a good
Amik biz '.4,4.4:14e411e4.
-Sevenal_tn,in here attemled the con-
. eert at Itetimiller on tlif 24t5 and-fe•
I port • 4.1•141 irm.
When It's a
Question of
cult on
"The Old Reliable"
A full stock of Light Fix-
tures, Electrical Household
Utensils, etc., always on hand.
Estimates given and con.
tracts taken for Electric
Wiring and Pitting.
West St. Next Postoffice
Plums: Store 82, Res 193
1.1 01,11011NE.
At the last sinpment of stock front
McCaw by the Partners' Club Mr. Wm.
Stevens sent tour cattle which weighed
5150 pounds in T. tont° and sold for 104
cents per pound. These were the best
cattle shipped from this point during the
past season.
Mr. J. Radcliffe. of Exeter. accompanied
by Mr. J. N. Kernighan, is working in the
' interests of better live stock in the town-
ship. He reports finding only four scrub
bulls and four medium grades. which IS:4
, very creditable showing. A number Of
the owners of these animals purpose re-
placing them with purebred.
IDies In Ninety -1M Year.- At the
great age of n1nety-four years •Mrs.
Samuel Merri.. of this townwhip,
posed away oon Monday. May lath.
Mame maiden mime was.
1,1111e tireen. was horn in Soothing),
miming to thi. country in childhood
and becoming one of the pioneer
aettler. of l'olhorno townehip. Iler
fIrther• the iste Andrew Green. Is noted
as haring been the man who 41(1 the
first plowing 4,, tirolborne. on the Malt -
I land hirer floc.. esnning to young
a...manhood aim Married James Mot.
rls, who died in 14*Pel, and • few years
'wearier 460 ertkr tot Memel
relt.ber former manor. iffither.
56 I ^^^"^"' fl,It4 "The Scotch Store
Hosiery and Underwear for the
Summer Season
We have prepared for a very warp summer
season with the best assorted stock of
Hosiery and Underwear
We have ever shown.‘.
Penman's Lisle Hose 60c
Special value in extra
quality Penman Super
• Lisle Fashioned Hose,
• in black, white and
brown. Special 60c.
Infants' and Children's Lisle Sox i white and colors, from 39e per pair.
Holeproof Hosiery $2.25
This is a special pure
sitic Holeproof Hose,
rlbbed elastic top, black.
white and colors. 52:25
Radium Silk Hese if.95
Special value Radium
Pure Silk Hose, garter
top fashioned:-
- Black, white and colors.
51.95 pair. •
WOmen's Cumfy-Cut Vests
• Extra quality women's Cumfy-
ctit Vests. Fine lisle, plain and lace -
trimmed. At 60c to $1.00.
I Women's Natural Pongee
Bloomers 52.95 pair
. Women's Natural Pongee Bloom-
ers, splendid quality Pongee Silk.
Special 52.95 pair.
For Dressy Wear Kayser Italian Silk Vests and Combinations
Women's White Cotton
Gowns at 51.39
Special quality women's cambric
Nightgowns. V neck, short sleeves,
trimmed embroidery. Special 51.39
Women's White Cambric
Wonderful values in wonien's
fine Cambric Underskirts, lace. and
embroidery • trimmed, at $1.50 to
53.95 each.
Women's Smart Tricolette lindersk irts, all colors. Special $7.50 each.
Exceptional Values in Towels
We have purchased a big quantity of ;towels at a great bargain
which comes at a most appropriate time for Hotels and Boarding
Houses wantinga supply for sumtner.
Special Cotton Towel 35c each.
This is an extra large Towel at
a small price, in plain white, hemmed
ready for use. Regular value 50c
each, 35c or 3 for $1.00.
Linen Huck Towels 60c each.
This is a pure Linen Towe,l, hem-
stitched borders. Regular 51.00
value for 60c each.
Many other designs in Fancy Show Towels, worth
selling from 75c to $1.95.
up to $3.00 each,
761"" Millar's Scotch StorePshr
The Leading Mail and Phone Order Store
The family home. where the late de-
rvaseil spent the,great part of her life.
Issn ehe_lith eoneeasiou of tide town.
ship. Samnel Morris Medi e• -17 -ren
years ago. NIrs. Morris surritO 111
one skier. Mrs. Johnston of .444..
Thomas. Moos) loy fire sons and thr.s.
daughtersthirty-seven grandchildren.
,thirty great•gramIchiblren and flirts,
Irma t -grea t -gra ttdeltiltiren. The soms
arc ,1Iex. Morris. tit' Detroit : Peter. of
Wheatland. North Ilakota : J3MeS. of
: Samuel. of Grand Rapid..
Mt -h.. mad Abner, on the homestearl.
and the daughters are Mrs. 'Wilder
McGregor. of Itetroit ; Mrs. Geo. Utter,
ot? Fond Wise., and Mrs.
Sentinel Potter, of Colborne Remo's,
Alex. AI111 Samuel Morris and the
daughters were all byre. Mrs. Mc-
Gregor spent the beat two weeks with
her mother. who'..' faculties were keen
in sou/. of lier great age and who rs••
cognized the members of her faurily
tip to the Net hour of life. The fon•
eral took pimp on Wedneaday, 144tli
hist fAilborne cemetery. 110,...Inmes
Ilamilton comitoraing the burial Fier-
'Thle pallbearers were JP..
ThOMPX011. David Bogie, William }Nagle
anti Joseph Mell'ann.
Arrangements are being made to hold a
garden party on the grounds of Mr*. H.
Curwen, Huron road, ott June 24th, under
the auspices of the Country Women's
Club and the Ladies' Aid of •Alexandra
Marine and General Hospital.
Mr. R. W.Sraith. otortintn. spent the ford. are perwhilins a week *Rh Hr.
holiday visiting his mother, Mrs. Wilmer and Ere. Fre* 0. welt. M. DOW,
Misa Hayn, Si. Day.d's street. has re- Mr.. W. Sidman returned on Sat-
turred home after spending several weeks urilay .from Los Angeles, where she
at Kitcherer. spent the winter mouths. Mr. Ship-
man met her at Fills. K/IIN/IS. and re -
Oersted with her.
• Mrs. Wilder McGregor. of Detroit,
form rly of town, was with her mother,
the fate Mr*. Samuel Morris, in Colborne
Mrs. Geo, S. Young. of Montreal. is
visiting with her INlrs. J.
Morison. Park street. -4
Alms Jessie Wilson is home 'from Trr-
onto for a holiday vi -It to her parents.
townshipfor two weeks before her death.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wilson.
and returned to IJetrott last week after
Mr. and Mr. Peter Weir. of Sint- visiting old friends in town.
Mr. wm.Sparr. of Toronto. is visiting
hit parents in town.
Mr -John Murionn i* in Florida on
tursinessi for the National Shipbuilding
Olive Allem, who la attending
Mite "Mb
Begitufng on Saturday morning and con -
ti wing all next week we will sell on easy
terms ay IMachine in stock or contained
in catalogue.
During Saturday and any day twist week you can purchase
a Brunswick or Victot Talking Machine on the special Deferred
First Payment plan. Vou pay 'MOO as a first payment now,
another paynAt in 30 days and the balance in monthly pay-
ments spread over one year.
This offer is good for one week only, opmmencing Saturday,
May 28th.
The Victor Victrola and the Brunswick Phonograph are two
of the hest known and finest machines on the market to -day.
014W1.1 EVICP190•11111
fraleff %tercet
Thomson's Music. Stori