HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-5-26, Page 3TES SIGNAL
(that the 11511x1 grant to the hoerpital
Leal rel be 1114•re4ls41 to provide for pay-
ment of one year's arrears of taxes on
"The Mlaj4I4, property, a1141 that the
iollegl,lte Institute le laid $1,(I00 on
its levy
The toddle works committee ree0m-
me11de.1 that the Iletition for a newer
ou Augle*aa, street, Troy' North street
Victoria sire(, 114• referred to the
lit er fora report : that the pett-
ers for a slayer on \'id(11er street
invited to have the petition for
length of the street, instead of
Mock only : that 1441pl.' ln• ul-
Many Matters of Municipal Moment
Discussed at Regular Netting.
Milled from Selected Oats
of Sunny Albs. -ta
Just In Trate,
Smithson used to labor under the im
pression that he was a burn humorist,
but he has given up trying to be funny
He called one day on an old school
friend. and was shown Into a room where
his chum's sister was busy arranging a
ollected of dried grasses which she had
"What a quantity of dried grass roe
have collected, Meas Ritchie !" be said.
Then his btmtue bunt forth. "Niel
room for a donkey to get into—"
"Then make yourself at home. Mr.
Smithson," said the girl pleasantly.
When he arrived home all the humor
was gone out of hon forever.
An Old Joke but a Good One.
Minister (visi:ing his flock )—"Aye
Janet it's been a sire war thus, a sore
war !"
Janet —" A ye,bit there's twa thingsthat's
aye cheered me up since the armysteece.
Ulan's -he tbocht that wesot the better o'
-Muir : the ither's the fine wye thee Eng-
lish backit us up !"
The town (ounil held Its regular
meeting on Friday evening.
When the street tusp(tor's report
yeas under conIMrratlon It was stated
that mime rwldents of 11girl avenue
(elm phi Imil about the work awing dour
MI that mad, Claiming that the road-
way wall being made too wide. The
matter wap referred to the putlile
works committee. the- chuirmau to con-
fer with the residents.
A eemmunk•Ntion from Mr. 44. MeV.
Lloyd complained of toys siding
bk•yeles on the sidewalk. Referred to
lepeefal ermmtttrw, with Instretions to
have the bylaw enforced.
An application from Mrs. E. Lander
for the rerwwa1 of her mother picture•
Ilcnw was referred to ttw special 40114-
ni l t tee.
An appli(atien from J. W. Me4lee
for permissbn to put in a gasoline
pump la front of his plat* on Hamil-
ton "'tree( gave rise to some discussion.
some of the 4'oo willorl thinking there
Were getting to Is• too many of these
intents on the strsets. CouncillorMawr, however, argued "the more the
merrier." He had a gawdine pump
'Myself on the same street, hut he was
quite content that Mr. McGee should
have 04)4' leo, and anehody elver. it
would help to bring down the prise of
t> 4140(1 rte.
Mr. M44.ea request was grantee!,
on the axial cfnetittOn, and the ques-
tion of granting any more such ate
'pi y'atlons, and of the conditions; under
wAMh the purge already in operation,
are permitted, was referred to come
rnittee of the whole council.
An •pplieetton from the Salvation
Army for a grant towards Its rem ter
work wax sent to the finality com-
Au application
Since Taking Tan
as Much Work as
Thirty Years Yo
gar, He
from Mr. 4'. A. Reid
Just Soak the Clothes in
Rinso Suds then Rinse
It's not a cake soap—not a chip soap—not a
washing powder, but a wonderful new form of
soap—in granules—which washes clothes immacu-
lately clean—gleaming white—without either rub-
bing or boiling.
These pure granules are so rich in cleaning; value that
they loosen the hardest dirt while the clothes soak for
• few hours. Yet Ringo is so harmless that it doesn't
even redden your hands.
It seems almost •unbelievable
that RINSO
cleans so easily. Just soak the clothes for • few hours
in the pure, rich, cleansing Rinso suds—then rinse •
few times in either warm or cold water and they are as
clean and white as though you had boiled and rubbed
them for hours. One trial will convince you.
Try RINSO Next Monday
Follow the easy directions on the Rinse. package and see
how it soaks out the dirt that you used to get out by
main force.
If you have a washing machine-
Soak the clothes overnight in the usual Rinso
way. The aieansing suds loosen every bit
of dirt. in the morning operate the machine
for • few minutes and the clothes ere per-
fectly clean—even the most soiled spots.
"Well. it just makes me think of old
times, back when I was a buy. to be feel
ing so fine once more." said Wm. House,
Chedoke, Mount Hamilton. Ontario.
"My health was broken all up and I
was amply under 11 e weather. My
stomach gave me all sorts of trouble and
it looked like every time I ate a bite of
anything it asindigestion. 1 would
bloat up until kit like I was choking
and would have o pant and fight to get
my breath. I hid an awful stubborn
cane of constipation and had pains all
through the lower part of my stomach.
"Then I had rheumatism in my legs and
feet and at times the penis were so sharp
I couldn't stand up. I couldn't sleep to
amount to anything and hardly had the
strength to hold out through the day.
Things looked pretty gloomy and 1
thought I would have to quit work alto-
"Well, Tanlac just fit my case the best
sort and now it has fixed me up so fine I
believe 1 can do as big a day's work as
any man thirty years younger than my-
self. Why. I feel u spry as a fox and
haven't a pain about me anywhere. I'm
back on the eatinglist and nothing ever
hurts me at all. am not constipated
any more. in tad, 1 am feeling as fit as a
fiddie 1n every way."
for permission to erect a vanit its
Maitland .cagailit J,. sit a cast of .*1,200
to 81,500, was went to the cemetery
and parks trrmmlttee.
Mr. Reid also applied for permis-
sion to construct a concrete curl. Su
front of lot so, East street. Referred
to while works committee.
4'ralgl.' Ftrw.' •pplk•atton for te-
iwwal of their billiard room lie•na.
was referred to the staedal committee.
Tlw following applications for build-
ing Iwrmits were receive' : F'roin J.
J. Moser, for blas kumlth "flop or feed
.staid.' on the south skis of Hamilton
street, estimated emit 84)40: Peter
i!lpain, for new roof on dwelling on
-Newgate +street: from J. 11. Million.
for new ,sof on dwelling on i'ie-tun
street: from J. T. Thompson. fur two
verandahs on dwelling on F;IFit.
avenue: Mrs. 1.. Donaldson. reroofing
dwelling 1411 filmic). stmt :--(till"-rt
Plant, 4'amhrhl road, Mirage: Mies
Mary E. Fe•rgttian, new foundation and
repairs for dwelling on Itayticld road:
Rent. Campbell, mehlagllug dwe•lling,on
Quebe street.
A communkatlon frim the Mayor
of Vancouver, R. ('., asked support for
a niovem est to amend the Opium and
i)nlg Act by In•rea110g the penalties
and facilitating prosecutions under the
Mayor \\iris said (he drug habit
was growing alarmingly. though little
of it was known here. The law could
tint her Mille tee1 drllst1,. It was 41e-
(441141 to ,nlorse the nw.lotion for-
warded from Vancouver and to said
it to tlw Mlnixt,•r of Jn,diee at Ottawa.
A petition from reakdera. and prop-
erty -owners and others Interested
asked that West street be scraped and
oiled at the earliest opportunity. lte-
fc•rnd to pleblic works ermtulttee.
A circular from the inion of ('an•
viten Munlei pslirks, Iailing attention
to the eonventl4 n (41 be !rill at Ottawa
In July. wax filed.
The iNatioruti Shipbuilding lbs re--
ported'hat tlw alhowane• for dMmafce
to the machine slop in the ,sent fire
had been adjusted at Selta.I5 and
asked for authority to have the repairs
made at one. Thr matter (was re-
ferred to the public works rnmmlltee,
to arrange with the Company 4o. have
the repairs properly mad(.
A—Limitless Guarantee
%p guarantee that operates at any time
in the life of an Ames Holden
"Auto -Shoe" protects you against any
and every defect in material or work-
manship that may come to light.
There is no time or mileage limit on this
Ames Holden •'Auto -Shoe" Guarantee. It
serves as bedrock for all adjustments, which
are made upon it—without fuss, quibble or red
•Vr.l Sox" Mks
Mouth Sf., Mone No. 83
CA rd and Fabric Tires in all
Standard Sizes
For Sale By �‘,..„ 7•Rcd Sox" Tubes
P. J. MacEWAN,
tot. Andrews Rt.. Phsea Na. 294
:Mr. W. W. Bnrlow, secretary- of the
Purity Flour Ias4ull (hr(. wrote
thanking the coun•il. and empeialIy
the 71411)114. works chairman, Mr. Moser.
for the Interest taken In having the
baseball 'field put Into shape for the
seawall. and also for the use of the
Lu11r11ng for Installing a shower -hath
for the players.
Mr. J. J. Merner. M. i'., forwarded
a letter rvriyed from the 1)e•pnt)•
Mintvter of Public \\'arks at Ottawa
rotating that the result of a survey
made at the entrance to firnlerich har-
bor this spring dared that a shoal
had formed In the channel. the quan-
tity of the accumulation being esti.
mated at 21,450 cob& yard*. Han. Mr
JIi4'urely. It was further stated. had
authorized the calling of public tenders
for (fie dredging away of this shoal.
_Tile .cauneil Instruet,d that a rues -
nage of thanks he sent to Mr. :M.'rn'r
for his Interest In this matter.
On the ,preset table In the 011111/11
ehnmber 1.44.4 the anti -rank rifle reent-
1y received from Ottawa, 1t having
leen pn•sentel to this town by Major
P. M. Mackay. A suitable acknonvhsig-
meut will he sent to Major Ma(-k,IY.
and a wall ease *-III le procured. with
a gloms front and proper llaa'ription.
in which the rifle will he placed and
kept In the antpc•il chllmber area war
The order of the Provincial iteeinl
of health for the installation of A
filtration plant WAS preae4itti to the
rmnnell, and the clerk was lrrstruetel
to advise the Board that the cell:.e•11
is acting In the matter.
The fire ermmlttee reported that the
8n' warden had rellnrtel •8 Inspection
of a bnllding on Hamilton street Ise-
longlmg to Mr. Cooper. which he fon oft
unsafe and a fire menaee, 411)41 nrom-
menled Re remos'al. The (nnmltte•
els0 recommended that the fire alarm
wires he extended from the prevent
*whelk at the ,court holt14e to the fire
hall and that Another switch he In-
stalled In a .mall hos outwlde the fire
hall. With referen('e to the fire wa r-
den'a retort that building14 in the fire
limit are In a fairly safe condition.
the errnmtttee mom toended that (he
fire warden be Instructed (0 ver that
all hnlldings within the fire limits are
perfectly wife. Instead of "fairly safe"
am reported. The fullnw(ng ■pplle•A-
tMls for building i ermita had been
pawned : From 1.. Weethmnk, A.
Foater, W. R. I'Ind.'r and R. Bnrk-
h4)1414.r. 'The aptlIVAtIon of Mr. J. J.
Mower for a permit for a handing on
Hamilton street w•as lai,I over for f ir-
2C111411(taiseroce committer recommended
IINy1441 10 11 WI/ gINNI Clean 11.11(., 4tum•s
and other mah•rlal neer the bunk at
the end Of 'Igii :4 en111•; a. the Iauk
was 111llin4( . 'ay at this point: that
the Barrett ('e puny Iw' instructed to
deliver the (lar 4 tarvitt the first week
of ,lune; that car of road oil
similar to that p11 -teasel in 11)1!) lie
pnr•has41 x1141 phl'w an streets where
re.ldents p•titlun for nw. euarante'
buy to pry fitly per cel. of the Nod.
Tle•"e7ae 1411' commithw 411I1t111e1NI1Vl
the renewal of Bt.. pni.br RINI tinkl-
ing alley license of F. H. W....41 Nal
the (Vial oil penia '44 Items• .1 Thos.
A nderami.
The cemetery toil lurks 4111 dttee
reported that the work .d 11111114 the
e netery grounds in e.ndltlon as
irogressing +4?I factorily. Extra
had 1ee11 engaged he 11x, in the /e•xtl
ill the. work. Arrangements had been
made to have -tale sexton's eiw• Iling
rdee.trat,•d hackle and (*Oxide ann 1 to
lav 1111e elrpentering work deme.
The cemetery waterworks system had
tiro) repaired atal tUr water turner!
011. amt a •w lawn -mower hail been
tlllr•h4)! si.
The market .omtllitte• reported that
the prepesual to remove the market
bnikling ane' sakes from the present
+site had been under 4,osideratlnn• ant
that to ene•t ars,tlwr sltltable building
within the fin• limits. for wale mite
only. would (est 4n .the IaeiltMorlNenl
of V2.100. In view of tow absolutely
ne..walry improvements and work tw-
in* nn ertaken by the public work..
and eeme•44•ry committees, tlw e.tnmlt-
tee advised that the matter of remov-
ing tow tmmrket building he heft; over
for an Cher year. but that the Present
hulldlt* be repaired at a cost not to
exeeell k7:4.
These reports were all adopted with
the exerp(iun of that of the market
commirtw•. w-hieh In the aleaenr of
the chairman of that ebmmltte• was
laid over.
lu considering the report of the pule
lie work". committee Councillor ('11tt
asked If It was fair that residents on
the; streets to he 4111441 s1.,111d have to
lay fifty per cent, while tarvfa WM.
I/11 t 011 at the 4'x11.1544' of the town en-
tirely. Thr Mayor {x41144441 out that It
would lw impossible to 011 the streets
all over the town. and the only way
to deride where it should be put was
through the willingness of the rei4•
dents to pay a portion 4.1 the expense.
It was (Welded to have"t(14' rebuilt
portion of the Agrieultlal Holl paint-
ed. ant- the town hall also is to he
in view of the 4)14 Hone Week
them is les, interest In the Celebration
of 1h.minion 1)ay, hut it wart de•Idel
not to let the day piss 1111110rti441 alai
the Mayor wean asked to (1411 a public
meeting to prepare for a eelebration.
twenty Reeve Clark inquired if the
IMNsing commission w•us stilt In 4'xiet-
4'Ie* 111.1 was informed by the Mayor
that it wax. 14 waw.rady to sat --last
had no appuktatiuls from twtwous dr-
•irinR !mimes built.
I'e•rmisslon was given for the further
expenditure of $2..1 on the read to the
golf grand,.
Councillor Knight being still In the
hospital, a resolution wens passel eve
pressing the (sill 114•11'14 hope of his
speedy recovery.
There worm some dl'1l1etlnn 4)f the
privets of milk sot fee in '(:ewi erfch.
but no action was taken.
ltylaw No. KI, authorizing the coir
stria -tion of a St -in. "waver on Market
street, and No. 111, for the mnstrnctfnn
of a 9 -in. `sewer on Worth street, be -
twerp Blake, and Raglan streets, were
paasw41, and the council adJowrnfit.'
Thursday, May 26, 1921.--3
After Evers, Meal
Sealed Tidt
Kept Ri • ht
gin. WRIGLEY'S 41
Still 5c
WRIGLEY'S has steadily
kept to the pre-war price.
And to the same high stand-
ard of quality.
No other goody lasts so
long - costs so little or does
so much for you.
Hato cam --beneficial
in a ct— full of flavor—a
solace and comfort for
young and old.
The Quiet Mind. ,
-• There's notch that must go over,
Ah, much that shall go M• :
Yoong love with it. unreason.
Young hopes that clinch the sky.
But hest comes often after
Abid Is•st is yet to fined,
t hen rt grown e•n1m with wisdom.
Peals) and a quiet mind.
- Beatrice Reehelth, in The• l:uadian
Use a "Hydro" Vacuum
Cleaner and your house is.al-
ways clean. Does the 'work
quickly and snakes no dust.
Tire Dliferenre.
Frederick was sitting on the curb, cry-
ing, when Billy came along and asked
him what era,, the matter.
"Oh, I feel so bad 'cause Majors dead—
my nice old collie r' sobbed Frederick.
"Shucks !•" said Billy. "My grand-
mother's been dead a week, and you don't
catch rue crying. -
Frederick game his eyes and nose a
swipe with his hand. and, looking up at
Billy, sobbed despairingly.
"Yuba but you didn't roti
mother from a pup"-
your gra-
Try a Want Ad. In The Signal.
that, regardless of conditions, of conditions, we're going to
get the best quality for you that can be obtain-
ed, and we're going to stand back of it.
This year more men than ever are going
• • to demand fine merchandise—they aren't go-
ing to take a chance when quality is gener-
ally doubtful.
F. H. MARTIN, Tailor
X C skeet ixxx xocc
Clinton and Goderich, Ont.
Business Stenographic
Secretarial Civil Service
Teachers' Training Course
and arranges Special-Cour,(•. for students.
Highly Qualified Teaching Staff
Actual Business System of Bookkeeping
Credential Typewriting Tests
Positions Guaranteed
For Terms, etc , write ,• _ _ ,
H. F. WARO, ` M. A. STONE, -
It. A., M. Aceta„ Com. SpeeiaUst,
PrkldpsI ` Vk,.-Prinrlpal
Phone 1914, Clinton
Stud?nts may enter at any time
dtdlni/rliflafls/1rd1sr1t X dlrefls/btfltsAa OOC Mhatl,flails
See our display of Hydro
Lamps, Irons, Washing Ma
chines. etc., at
The Hydro Store
G.Jeric` - (Mario
Vocational Training School
.,r this district, by Government appointment. And under f -
spection by Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment Department.