The Signal, 1921-5-26, Page 211--stbut*aday. May 28, 1921. TES SIGNAL OODIRIOH, 011T. 4 Do You Know I! LAB GREEN TEA sees has a far finer flavour than that of any Japan or China Green Tea? Send for a sample and be convinced. Address-Salada, Toronto. ri ehealal Signal 1 THE WEEK AT THE CAPITAL year. When the Greek and Rumanian Govern- ments were granted credits amounting to millions of dollars, the friends of the Government were again remembered. Mr. King read a list ot these companies and an accompanying list showing that the d,rectors of most of these com- panies included men who sat in the House or Senate. Nothing for the Consumer. Tariff revision had been promised to the people ot Canada for yesrs and each year th• promise had been broken. The . Government. the Liberal leader argued,' had only one view of protection. and that was protection of its friend: the manufac- turers, without caring a hg for tits cou- sumer. . The rest of the debate was along accus- tomed lines. At times it sagg. d, but now that it Is out of the way the House can spend the rest of the week in discussion of the budget resolutions. This will. in all lik@hhood, take a few days in committee, for there are mans obi:ctions to the sales tax proposas and also those affecting the isa Ian use m. basis of exchange ficures in connection with customs c. mphcations. Represen- tatives of the Canadian Manufactur- Thursday. May _nt, 1102.(. Ottawa, May 2t1. -The budget debate etc' Association have not been idle during wound up in a sort of blaze of glory and with an all-night sitting. On the last day Hon. Mackenzie King. leader of the Government invited suggestions and Baseball seems to have come back with 1 Liberals, assailed the Government as prat ticail� made over its bud¢rt. This a rush to its old place in the affections friends of the profiteers and smote them year howsvner,- it is like)}- that the pro- of Goderich people. hip and thigh. and before the end came a po-ale will be forced throuth almost as whole galaxy of lesser lights of Perlia- they stand. oamenalaPatiftrair Dress and Suiting Serges Greatly Reduced EDITORL%L NOTES. the week, but have been consistently buttonholing members in the lobbies and rooms and pouring out their tales of sir e where they had such. Last year the Japan,il is reported, "has decided on a policy of unequivocal friendship with China." It is time for China to beware. The death sentence handed out in a number of recent cases is calculated to make the held -up business decidedly un- popular. Mr. Taft is mentioned for the chief usticeship ot the United States Supreme. Court. He would add weight to the decisions of the Court. Rev. R. E. Knowles, author of a num- ber of works of fiction which have had considerable vogue, is now taking a law course at Toronto. His health gave out a few years ago and he was compelled to give up his ministerial work. Mr. Sam Carter has been nominated by the Liberals of South Wellington to oppose Hon. Hugh Guthrie at the next Federal election. Mr. Carter will be a strong candidate and his election would bring into Federal politics a man of ideas and of courage. Premier Meighen has been warning the electors of a New Brunswick riding against too much dependence upon the ment had said their say for and adlatnst The Pensions Committee. the taxation proposals contained in' the There should be reports in the House budget speech of Sir Henry Drayton, .I Majority of Tweity. The Fielding amendment was defeat by 103 to S3. It was the second cruet test of time session. The amendment to the address had tested the Government's strength and found it fairly solid The Government then got away with a good-sized majority by virtue of the tact that the Progressives paired with the Government and saved its from one or two committees during the coming week -and there are one or two of them which will be unable to make an intelligible report unless the House should continue for another month or two to wait for them. The pensions committee, has almost finished its work and is now wrestling with lis recommendations. The' mitt,e has been Hooded with a lot of opaganda respecting housing this year. 4 also a few hundred odd letters and telegrams dealing with unemployment and the need of relief. Both of these , face in view of the number questions, however. are so complex that ot the sick, the halt and the blind 'the committee is rr sking little head•' or near blind who were unable to register .way in its attempts to find a solution, and their votes in person. This time the the net result will probably be that few ngeia time existing legisiation affecting ill be recommended. , tulle Revived. Government had fewer absentees and eha the Farmers voted with the Opposition, solders but still their majority was sufficient to 3Patroa justify carrying on until the bitter end - Cleanliness and Health There is neither age limit nor exemption - every roan, woman and child hu a daily fight to carry on against germs and microbes of disease. Use LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP for a victorious and delightful toilet, for a refreshing bath,and for a thorough cleansing of the home. The corri.lir.d•.r i■ Lifetlaq is tie tiro .f its protective rulitioe- r.,ddy v..sai- i.s after as.. Lever Brother. Limited, Twister, One. 52-inh finest Botany French Serges in black and navy blues, medium weight, and purest, finest stock. Formerly priced $5.00, at per yard $2.95 Sp -inch all -wool Serges, black, navy, brown; green, $1.50 $2.75, for RUGS Tapestry Rugs, Britishiake, heavy pile and choice patterns 3X3--1-2, seamless,--$ 8.00, for • • . - $27.50 35.00 3xy1w2 (with one seam) $3o.00, for 23.00 3x4 (with one sea ) $3 5.00 for-. 24.00 3,x4, seamless, $45.-o3, for n Grass Rugs, wit heavy cotton warp and in a choice rns, suitable for c tages, verandahs, etc., size 4ft.6 x 7 Former price $ 5.00, at each $3.25 •ns and Drap -' 'es all at half .price. 1 -and the predictions are that the longer The ccmtrlittee on the Spinney patron• the delay the more bitter the end. age bill has got down to agreement on debate in its stageHon T. A. demanded in ucus areturn of the system the order paper. and also the fact that by phO bringing on morning sittings the members Two of the party leaders honored the that matt The Ontano group reach that state ot soon ___docility where a _ w is 1 gave to the victor the spoils men- to be the best hghti�•g speech of his par- • aged to make -their pressure so strong question anything. Crerar made what m ny hearers declared h 1 h lett to they have hardly enoug pep Iiamentary career. when he trained his that the bill was put through Parliament . Anyway, it stems that the Premier will heavy artillet v on the Government and sent to the committee. Then, though be able to keep his salting date on June 7. bencnes and decler.d' in no uncertain the Government was not dying of anxiety 1 There is considerable interest in the to put the legislation through this session, outside bye elections which are It q terms but would pro a y have smother It with a pillow behind the fellow them. The results of these bye Speakers char, the pressure continued elections and the events of the next few and a bill amending the Civil Service Act 'elections will decide a lot of questions along the lines demanded is likely to be I about which the Government is at present brought forth. • unable to make up its mind clearly. . The luel comrruj�tttee is all tangled up on This much can be sad. however. there is a row over preledure and powers and . not likely to be much Cabinet reconstruc• alter gelling all its tanglts straightened i tion before fall, and mil. ss death and out will probably bung down some sort of bye -elections are unkind there rano likeh- Hon. Mackenzie King assailed elle harmless recommendation that the EJttettd States Let's see. Wasn't it Mr. ahclod o[ a general election until atter overner who erg of fust Cour, another sessiuo and redistribution, Meighen's Government tnat a sew days ernment as bring Inc servile tool of the rnissioner who will, be charged, with kerp- _. ... in held placed the burden ot taxation on the b d bbl h e preferred to on May 28 and in the events which will shoulders of Inc poor and let the rich manufacturer oft lighter than ever before. Mr. Lrerar tendered the gratuitous advice that the t,overrlment should go down to Washington and seek to rev.vr tic! 1911 reciprocity agreement. That, he claimed, would be to the advantage ot both coun- tries. and especially to Canada. The (:overrtmen*'. Pets. W. Acheson & Son ago announcedkw wealthy manµ(acturers to Canada, trig the supply of Canadiane fuel going ---� that a would not make a \ tariff revision this year because th policy thing they have bd wished and and doing whathe And was It not the railway system con- their profits rather than bringing to the 1'he National Railways committee is trolled by Mr. Meighen's Governmentthat adopted the United States scale of laboring classes the rebel from high living just about where 11 was expected to be at -osis to which they are entitled. The the end of the session. it has amassed a ;overnment not only assisted its friends great quantity of evidence for and against _._ wages of railwaymen and that is now mod, but also the present system of operating the Gov - preparing to follow suit when railwaymen's wages in the States are reduced ? The Premier night take some of his own ad vire. who were a le to put across almost any- can to ovate the g of the United States was, not yet own ? framed for the purpose 01 conaouunumet people to use Canadian coal instead of g American in this way, Mr. King clai by handing them large slices of contracts ernmrnt railways and steamships and has for railway and steamship supplies and so much material piled up that it will take weeks to digest properly ; and t committee has not finished calling wi tresses. any other contracts which it had to give, The Canadian National and Government Merchant Marine boards of manage- ment were examples of the interweaving and interlocking of bussnesaand industrial The Signal claims that Goderich is interests with the Government of the better than ninety per cent. of Ontario country. Directors of companies. which Prospeets of Prorogation. The Government and its supporters talk of prorogation by May 27. but if that towns and doubtless it it. The four manufactured or sold commodities re- .comes true there will be a wholesale cast - prettiest towns in the Province are : first, quired by railway and steamship lines ing aside of matters which should properly ._ Orillia : second, Barrie ,- third. Goderich, and fourth. Brockville.- Orillia Packet. 1 his is a compliment indeed for Gode- rich. Naturally The Packet places its own town first -just as every mother believes her own babe the sweetest -and arrie receives the consideration due a ighbor town. It is as if The Packet had "Present company excepted, Gode• rich It the prettiest town in 0 tarso." Und the circumstances. we don't mind saying` hat tkiilia and Barrie are real y very fine towns, considering their handl caps int way of location and other kings we not mention. 1 hanks, Mr. Packet Man. Come on over for the Ofd Home Week. We don't believe you have been in Goderich since that row of chestnuts around the Squire grex up. sat were pieced on the boards of directors a be dealt with. It would seem more likely the Government enterprises, This was the that another week would be required explanation of the large deficits which had after the date set. but there is always the to be paid' oat of the public Minds -every possibility of wiping a lot of legislation off THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA Annual Report Year Ending April 30, 1921 Ottawa despatches inform the public of peculiar proceedings on the part of the Senate. having nothing much to do, the Senate finds it difficult to put in the ftftv days of sitting which would entitle it� members. under the law, to the full ses- sional indemnity of 84.000 With the, Commonsnearly through with its business and prorogation in sight. the Senate was several days short of the fifty, and the difference to each Senator would be about $2.750 if the full indemnity were not "earned" So the pleasant little scheme of meeting twice in the day. and calling it two days, was resorted to : and to show these patriotism Victoria Day was the day on which this farce was put on. The Senate missed a fine opportunity of saving the country about a quarter of a million dollars ; but the old fellows consider a dollar in their own hands worth two in their country's treasury. Their patriotism is as dead as their political careers. The Screen Minister. Every person appearing on the screen in the "guise of a "minister" ( generic term, should wear the collar of a Roman Catholic priest. the hat of an English (C. E.) vicar, the frock of a Presbyterian, and the spats (preferably white) of no deice] person on God's earth. He should carry an umbrella. indoors and out. and whet performing the marriage service (wNctt is his only function in the movies hostiles getting laughed u) he should read it out elf a Bible. in which, of course, it *SW was printed. • GENERAL STA - - rawarirrt rsw Notes' of the Rank In circulation Depnit• not braving Interest - 1 1,515.141.71 D.pnalte hearing Inter -el (Including Interest accrued to date of statement) 11 411111,746.06 Due to Dominion ()overr..merit Balances due to other Barka In Canada Aceeptenr s wader Lettere of Credit 11.71.0,400.00 17.212.611.11S 2,113•A041.04 270.004.11 i,232.N 121.1174.21600 Total UabtlHle• to the Public 1 I,f72,200.00 Capital Monk paid up 632,00.00 Reesrv. Fund • 2.41100 ppfvldends unpaid ��-• 24,004.00 Diaidesd Na. OR T. Tabts14ttt- Way : r *, r�_ --- Delano" of Prost and hose Account tarried fe,ward.. 27.144 90 1.707.02651 121.414,144.11 ABIOIi:'t'e, Currant Coln het/telly the Rank Dominions Notes bold Deposit with the Nlnleter for the porno*, of Mo Circulation Pond Note. of Mbar Hanka ChoqulI on other R.nk1 Ralanree due by Mhar P•nk• In Canada . Pal dud, by Panka •n1 nanklns Correspondent. •lb5 • than In Canada $ 116.064.10 2.114.062 a0 11,040110 14 1.02 2.71 742,651.41 0,104.00 151,151.51 Dominion and Provincial Oovarmt.nt tlecurttl•a not •reeding m.rket value Caa.dl.n Nwnlrlpal wernntles. and British Tocol t • and Colonial Public areurltlee other then Oaaadtaa Railway and other Rood•, Debentures and atnrk• nett •teoedlnf market volae 01.11 and Mort loot •tr.•ding thirty days) hoses is Canada ea - Roads. D..Mnture• and "torte Other Curtest [.none and Dieeeuwte 1a Canada (lose tebat• of leterestl Overdue Debbi (e.11m4t.d Intl bolded rues NnNfatw on Real a•tate 014 it, this Paoli Rank Premises. at not mere than 05.1, tem amounts write's' ew 14.1 •. of Containers under tatters of Credit. as *or eestre Other Assets sot In•'taded In the foretell" (prlael- pally remnant. of Intermit seemed es (I ►5015 Ronde) 5 O. T BONERS. Prestiest. Toronto, April 1011, 1911. 11,117,020.17 9.117.941 47 2.744,41414 17 /27.171.54 t7tsK?t ats.egs.M1•N 111.164,1114 24 5.441 71 1.760 00 121,.24 55 2.10.11 211,114.11 AUDITOR'S REPORT T.,. Malomoet h.• mon duly vouched by comparing all sat'Aes wit, the IMMts a1 15. Ohtot eilrl.d, avid ~Oiled Rotuma from the Rr.nohee airs In my epinl•s r property drawn up se SI to 0551511 a osereet .townf Ili• r ndltlnn of 15* Bonk. Omni sod aorurltlr Imre Noes eh..b*4 at the(1bl.t ORIe. at 10th Aprt). 1111, as well as at .aML.r time darting the year. .s required by sorties 54 .f tn. Beek Awl. I have l wl0a.t�s•d ail 150 lat.nsatton sad es►luatlesa reetar.d, and N of the .4 I tr0 ram. se 1s• f this Mask. antra. have amine waddle y 11114401. have beeosh 1. 1. a()alaON, t.t.A.. Atwew. 7.1111,2171.01 tea 1 (lark A. N WAt a;RN. General N.aatror, MEDIC.IL INSPECTION OF SCHOOL? . Proposal that Seboel Nurse Be Ap- pointed for This District. TIr• mt.li.al inspection of the child- ren of i'.•ntrsl school took place last w1.4, The Inspector report.' u larger pen.attage than usual of throat caw-, I),%% lug probeldt 141 tin• damp etiolate of a lake town: ■ud of eye cases. wing to the prior Iightiug of the rooms dark tints of the walls. As but ue medical inspection for financed by the. Department, the Min(ak•r les very anxious that a school nurse be appoint - e•(1 rd follow up and continue the work of iW4 14 tb.L. . _ The following letter from the chief mt.litsll\ oto wr outlines the mode of pr xti rlur ' • The gfestioo of financing wtiol medical ireasect'fon in rural districts has been m..re of leas definitely settled, a ad is aw follows. : The tirtuniiwtfuu arouud which the work revo,vev v known as the 1lt•huol iu i.;al fn-prtIon courmfttee, which is made up 1.1 representatives from the eariou:s school boards in the unit. rP- preseutativrs train u township or county couia-fl when the..e give a grant to the work, and r QIep•esetHatives from any tither onganlzatkdtt firranc•lally hi- te•rnt1LYL.... TJII' Iegulal[pn» ofthe_Ilr• Pertinent do not permlt; however, that the whud.• undertaking be thawed directly by the county or towushlp (hunch. although thele Is uo limit to the amount which tlwy may Iwai over the above-metioutd committee, The plan .,f procedure then is this : First organize the school boards in the unit. then. it you 0o desire. approach rIN towel+11x1/ or cdunty council for a grant. dodu.•t this autl the (;os-rrnment grant from the total amount involved, and then divide the remainder among 11w w•hool sectionit interested, and ask them to tura over to the medical in- spection rsnonslttee their share. For example : a unit Si composed of 3.; class -rooms made up as follows : Class -rooms 8 4 3 Town Village No. 1 Village No. 2 3 rural schooie with two rooms 14 rural .schools with one room ea(.11 14 Total 33 - Amount to he expended (say) $1730 00 Uoverumeut grant 330 00 Grant from county eoune•11 750 00 INfereraw dlvded as follows : Town whool board 148 00 Village No. 1 pays 74 00 Village No. 2 pays lib 00 Rural w pools with two Looms orb pay 37 00 Mural aehoolf with one room P54•11 pay IR SD tiwioties wining to a. tot with tMs work are riequeatid to appoint • repte- aentatlre, eeethtaate the amount they nosy be able to contribute, and notify the w•rvtary of the Red Crawl tkwtety. Tlw imepartrnent provident s teurnrwer (•ours' In which graduate nurses are trained for the rlrpeIsl duties of a eehdul mires Iholite the pi'rind 01 training they are allowed living PI. 916014.111. MILLIONS IN PROFITS holden of Noktiso a Q.latia's Gold Mines. Are yes softies yoga HISS id - teenThe experience pines! in fif- teen years of active connection with these mines will Kelp Jroe to participate in these 'splen- did profits. Complete information M Rea mese HOMER L. GIBSON & co. 703-4-5 Bank of Hamilton Bldg. TORONTO 1 1-0i Boys of Today - ARE THE - ew Automobile paint I have opened an Automobile ' at Shop and am prepared to handle ell - of Cars for . tipg sad refinishing ON US 0 PHONE CALL YOu toe automobiles? I handle t McKEE LENS 1rhich has been approved by the Government Let us show yea its good points ever ellinr ties ti -Glare lens as required for all JOHN CUTHBEI\TSQN Decorator West Street opposiY is Hall O. Bolt 509 Phone 354 Men of To -morrow; Photographs preserve the memories of childhood. J. T. Fell SEE the most beautiful ENGLISH SPRINGTIME POTTERY now on display in SEWS Art Store Window Deal fret Eye Specialist Hae sses is Mire to -day, Nay 26th, 27th and nth. Smith's Art Store Beat Rt. Phots 1115 } Try a Waal AA. In Tis spa . Need a New Tire,\t Come here and get one . that will cut down the cost per 1 of autoipg, mile, con- sfderably. Our Tires are t doubly guaranteed, first by the manufacturers, second by us. Standard Tires, plus ser- vice, continue to serve the car owner tong alter The initial saving on a Cut -Rate Tire has been forgotten. huleanizing, Retreading and esti Mae' of Tin and Tube Repairing. H. J. FISHER Hamilton St. - Gederich Life -Buoy Outing Shoes New that the weather u warner you will require Outing Shoes _ LIFE -BUOY FOOTWEAR . is-po nlar because it is Stylish, Comfortable, Serviceable and Economical, the ideal footwear for old and young for the summer days. There is a model for every outing footwear purpose. Nowhere will you get a wider selection or better values than are being shown in Life -Buoys. Let us do year Shoe Repaints, and have it iI* right. . GEO. MacVICAR NORTH SIDL OF SQUARE 1 1 OODLRICH