The Signal, 1921-5-19, Page 10iso
10-Th!.rssay, May 19, IPI1.
Do not put off papering
until our stock is nearly
out. Do it now while our
stock is complete.
A large shipment of
English China and the new
Chintz patterns.
See show window for new
Bonds and Securities
luve..tore f s'yaing abort term
L- Bundy and aeenrities of any
ki✓ maturing in 1921 to 1930.
w hould look to n•invesaing theme
fords sow while long tens
Bonds at high interest rates are
a va ila hie.
1 ' • Money 1. becoming cheaper
and holding short terns 8e'uritiee
to their maturil,y before reinvest -
is irwvr(se return.
let ns explain t0 you bow you
can tetter your income yield
n ow. We have authentic and
act•urate information supplied us
by the best financial houses in
the Country.
Write or call and get the in-
formation you need direct.
. H. HILL&Ca
British Eackaage Bldg. Phos 316
High-grade Wall Paper Samples (22
inches wide) kept on hand.
ON NOTICE. Samples will be taken
to you hours for inspection.
Over 24 year' experience.
New Organisalion (king l'unnple4ed
and Much later -est Shown.
meeting of the member. of (he
u.•wly towered Lit i' .UJ of the
Alexandra Marine and general Hospi-
tal, and ail others Interested. was held
'.n the Moan! of TraJ1' rooms- on April
f"th, 41 4' p. at, fur electutn of offi-
The committee of the Hospital
Board. who had had this org:Inlzehoh
„ori ,n hand, feel Hutt the canvassers
of the different war.ts'are to be cen-
:;ratulated on their return's -twit appre-
ciate the sympathetic interest of the
Public in responding SI generously to
the call.
11 WAS deefted to elect a sire-pre,i-
tent to represent each church in town.
int the iominatio0 resulted as fol -
los.: Mrs. (Nborne, North Street
Methodist church; Mrs. G. M Elliott.
victoria St. Mrthadett church; Mrs.
.leo. C. Hill, St. George's church; Mrs
F.A. Me1.aughlm, St.. Peter's, church;
Mrs. Chas. Humber'. Baptist ehureh;
Mrs. Magnus Swanson, Preshytensa
Ten other offMrrs were elected by
ballot: Mrs. Marl►onald, president;
Mrs. %Vatter Naftel, vice president;
Miss Isabel Sharman. secretary; Mrs.
lir.) Melhn, assistant secretary;
MN. W. L. Horton.- treasurer; Miss
Claire 'Reynolds. assistant., treasurer;
buying committee -ales M. G. Camer-
on. Mrs..1). J. :Sena., Mrs. Hugh John
A. MacEwen and Mrs. Felker.
These, together with the offi-
cers eieoted by the counley district,
met in. the Myst. sr Trade .room, on
Tuesday, 'fay- 17th. in 'receive The re-
turns re memberships. adopt the con-
stitution and Plan the ssork of the So-
ciety for the coming month.
Retutwrire set complete from either.
'Fowl -1,4r Country.
Mn. Richard McWhinney, represent-
ing Ashfield. wtalled *rime further in-
formation re the wort, as did' Mrs.
►tobt. Davidson and Mrs. Elliott, repre-
senting the Dunaann/II \Vomen's Mali
lute. These two districts we %sill hear
from later.
• MN. Andrew Juiinaton, sot Smith's
Hill. was not able to b•' present, Out
sent a report that over COO had been
collected in that district. -
Leeburn had organized its auxiliary
with a. membership Mf 3i, with Mrs.
NV. Cooke, 1st vire president; Miss
Kate Hunter, 2n4 W.° pr silent, and
Muss rulford. eeeretary-treasurer.
The Country- Wam'en's (Aub of Cede -
rich Township, reported 79 memtlers,
and the officers to be elected at their
meeting on the 191h. .
The treasurer has on hand same
8100. not inchding the contribution
frim Smith'. Ht11, nhi-h will bring
the amount over the 3100 mark, with
still two country districts to hear
from. Of this amount we are indebted
to Mn. Lauder for itt.14, the amount
donated as a result of the hospital
benefit at the Model. Theatre. also i..',O
contributed through Miss Lydia Beek,
of Terento, membership fee for nine
II Sala* - Its SonebivAll Sala
Jut Swallow s Caps*M
RAZ -MAH Is Gaarantssi
le restore normal breathing, stop moose
1,�y►ipjs la tate quiet
sleep, cobs.. she
of 9drK s1 ; comets' se
Ie.t.aarmies drag $1.00 at 'oar dwnrlg-
Tamlato�.a ~ Illree atour Linggens' or W., Torortw'
E. P. WEISS, Trafalgar Si.
Inial Age.ta-Durdep's Drag Stem
City Meat Market and Grocery Co.
Our meats are the best money can buy, at the
very lowest prices.
Homemade Pork Sausage every Saturday.
Try our homemade goods.
All orders delivered Saturdays.
16.11. 311 �. ar."4"sa • pveorietor. Cor. Kingston & Square
■-Orrt A.Twtt. stAuCNttt
Orwiter 81., Mestswl.
"I sired terribly from Csa.
Marisa wall Df•ygw for assay years.
I fell pins after eating sad bad gas.
wastes& headache. sad was usable
to sleep et eight. I was getting se
this that I was frightened and sew
several physioiass who, however. dM
set &sem able to help me.
As lad . freed adoesd sr w elks
'Praao-alose.-1-111l.• mad see. 11 -
felt some rolloto I iosili..ed air„
•Fralt-•o-Wes• rad to a Awl time,
tbo Osusii'atiea wee bsaisbed, I 11stS
so more piss .r hsaiasho or site
di.agree.W. .e.s1io.e pet follow
dyopepais. /fee ! on oak sioss g sad
,sa r
Inca hoz. a Ar 1t.A, kW ails lM.
At alt dealers or bas then- -hats
limited, Ottawa, A.1.
Goderich ladies interested in the old
town. -
The membership in i the town and
ltountry in this Sorest"). now number
ever 500. Many_.may_ have. been over-
looked. and these ladies are kindly ask-
ed to apply to Mrs. MM.augtihn, Con-
venor of the outlook committer for
menibers'ip tickets, or in the country
districts to the -1st %ice president of
each distort.
Il was decided -to rend a deputation
of sixty women In the county council
in June, thirty front the country and
thirty from tow n. The ladies feel
that they' have the sympathetic Otter -
...t of the county counkil, and will'ass very shortly for members for
each hospital association. There will
he many' important malt•rsao• be vot-
ir1 upon in connection with the new
Project, an4 every progrei:I%e citizen
should purchase a membership ticket
and have the right to vote and also
have. the advantage_ of the privileges
that this ticket offers. -
Two country organizer. were ap-
pointed for north and east, Mrs. Rieli-
ard McWhinney and Mrs. Rohl. Duress
and any district in this portion of lite
rewaty, wishing to simonize an enxt-
hary 10, connection with the Goderich
Aid, can secure Pie .aid of eIth-
of these !adios in the work.
It was reported t11at Ahmed• ('hap -
ter, I. O. D. E., has voted the whole
balance of .ins hospital *evount, $71,
to the •Hospit.l' I.,die•i Aid.
Underneath -will be found a list ,of
the ladies in the organized country
Fraet Leeburn
Mrs. Joe Cook. Mrs. ,la'. McWhin-
ney. Mrs. Margaret Foley, Mrs. Alei.'
Bogie, Mrs: Hugh Thnrinw, Mrs. R„bt.
Bogie, SIne'Wm. Bogie, Miss T. i:nnp-
lon, Mrs, Hry arFreeman, Mrs. Wm.
Cook, , Mrx. ( len. Freeman, Mrs. Jun.
Chisholm, .Mia Clara Fulford. Mrs.
Rich. Fulford, \hiss Kate Hunter, Mrs.
Tom Jewell, Miss Edith Horton, Mrs.
E. V. Lawson, Mrs. Erroll Quaid, Mrs.
Gen. Fulford, Mrs. Jas. C.hiaholm, Miss
Winnie Shaw, Mrs.' Percy Stewart
Mrs. Thos Chisholm, Mr,. A. H. Clut-
ton, Mrs. Horace Borten, Mrs. Irving
Hunter, Mrs. ►rehie Horton, .Mrs.
Alex. ttor(in. Miss Belle Shaw, Mrs.
;Rev.1 Jas. Hamilton, ,Mr. J. W. Hun-
ter, Mr. Rich. Carney, Mrs. Jno. Simp-
son. Total number of members 31
Amount of fees $17.
Country Women's Cluh of Codrrieh Tp
Collected by Miss M. S. Salkeld an
Mrs. R. Malhvain, Jr.:
4 4JPrtph R. it. No. L -Mr. Jas. Roam
ltrs. Geo. W. .Andrews, Mrs Chris
Jdhnstne. Mrs. J T. Selkeld, Miss Alice
M. Andrews', Mre. Gro Falconer, SIN,
Harry L. Salkeld, Mrs. John New,.
combs, Mrs. Isaac Salkeld, Mrs. John
how we have prepared ourselves to ensure you foot
comfort this summer. We've stocked up big on
which everybody should (most people do) wear at thi,
sea -.0n of the year, for different reasons. They are
lighter and cooler, consequently more comfortable
than leathr, easily cleaned, and decidedly cheaper.
'Why, yes, pf course. We bought thein in the new-
est designs in Shoedom, beautiful Ties, Pumps and
Oxfords, in' leather or rubber soles, with a variety of
heels, for • the ladies, various shapes and styles for
men, hoysand girls, even not forgetting "King Baby."
FLEET FOOT Running Shoes for every member of the
family, for all occasions, proper at any function.
A special heavy -soled white shoe, which is just the
thing for your favorite pastime, has just arrived.
Get a paireow and get into the game for a good long
seasotn. '
W. Rkri. ll,nra.MAN
aonamitiz, onT.
Each day brings
New Spring Merchandise
to the different departments. Our stock is in
excellent condition and we can supply
your every want
New Spring Dresses
in Silk and Voile
A wonderful range of new Voile Dresses in
the season's latest designs. They are all different
from last year, but the price is much lower. .We
want everyone to inspect this range of Dresses.
It is a pleasure to show them.
Spring Coats
Every Spring Coat in the store has been re-
duced 50 per cent. All the ladies' and children's
Coats are reduced to clear quickly.
Ladies' Spring Coats from $12.00 to $20.00
Children's Spring Coats from $3.50 to $7.00,
in all sizes up to 12 years, in velour and Donegal
Spring Suits
Every Spring Suit is reduced to clear quickly.
We have some wonderful values in both navy
blue and black.
We specialize in Hosiery
Ladies' Silk Hose in all sizes and in grey,
white, black and brown, reduced to $1.19 a pair.
This is a wonderful opportunity to buy your
HQ8iery very cheap.. \
Special value in Ribbons, from 3 in. to 5 in.
wide, in all colors, at 28c a yard.
Heavy -weight Baby Ribbon in white, pink
and blue, at 4c a yard.
New Voiles
A wonderful range of Cotton Voiles in colors.
The patterns are very pretty. They are all in dress
lengths, with no two alike, 36 to 44 in. wide, at,
$1,OO and $1.25 s yard. -
A beautiful range of Organdy in all colors,
and in checks.
Manner, Miss M. t. "ikeld, Mrs Jutln
1.acev, Mips Ma:' I..•ey, Miss E. K.
Salkeld, Me J. r kiosk, Miss Laura
Baikal 5. Nu. 2. -.Mos.
Thus. M1eDoa ld. B1Ddcrich H. R. No.
1 --Mrs. Ja>. Oreeaway. Mrw. D. J.
Burns, Nrs J. E. Aitken. Mrs. J. E.
Whitely. Mrs. J. Gravelte, Miss A. Mc-
o-Lean, Mrs. A. P. McLean, Mrs. Chas.
Oke. Miss Minnie Curvve7i. SMS. Gen.
Laithwaite, Mos Herb Lsiephrey, Mrs.
Jas. G. John•tos, Mrs. Ja.. guilt, Mrs.
0. F. Edward, Mrs. Wm. Edwaed, Mrs.
Stephen Andrews. Mrs. J.te. ,Johnston.
Goderich-Mrs. Chas. Brlmacorbe,
Mrs. Wnu G,ok, Mrs. Jas Buck. Bky-
iteM Roast, 3rd and 4tti con.- Mrs.
Beattie. Sr., Mrs. H. Beattie, Mrs. Robt.
I;r►Idwehl. \Irs. R. Harmer. Mrs. Geo.
Mcllwain. A friend, Mrs. H. Davidson,
Mr. Ituunie,- Mrs. Gla-'. Neftel. Mrs.
K. Nenel, Mrs. Ed. Elliott, Mrs. \Vnu
Pullet, Av. R. McDwain, Sr., A -friend.
Mrs. Itiehard Oke, Mrs. Robert Mcll-
wain, Jr, M:-. John Porter, Miss R.
Johnston, M: -s Mary Bell, MIS. Reg.
Johnatnn, Mr, John Sowerby, Mrs.
women. :Miss Winters, Mrs. Geo. Sow-
erby, Mrs. Ernest Johnston, Mrs. Jas.
Bell, Miss 1 Tichborne, Mr. Wm. Sow-
erby. M. Richard Porter, Mrs. 11.
Powell. Mr Bert Orr, Mrs. Thos.
Sowerby, Mn.. John Blair. Mrs. Clif-
ton. Mrs. \' ,hired Elliott. Total a-
mount of fess $35.75.
From purebred teapnested 14. C.
White foghorns, (Barron
Strainl. The ilarron Leghorn
is an Firrglieh bird end for Leg-
horn is a very large bird, same
of them being se large as the
Rork. fiefdom do they ever set.
With the coming of warm
weather the heavy breeds are
determined to set, not no with
the ioghorn, as that is the time
she Is determined to lay. They
will also lay in the winter if
given proper care. From Nov-
ember 1%t to April hit ten of nor
trapn*ated i,eghorns laid 1035
eggs at an average pries for the
five months of 73' per dozen, or
$4;275 Inc the ten birds In the
five month.. From jest sueh
meek as these and other* nearly
as good we are offering chicks
*t 2'2e each, delivered at your
eta Hoer
Huron Specialty Farm
WALTER BOAR, Brusaela, Ont.
Phone 43x Box 34.
Frost gtltford
Mrs. S. B. -'t, Mn. G. Bisset, Mrs.
.1. Bisset. \T^e. Gndrrsnn, Sire. H.
Walter _.�Jiss a, Bisset. Miss 'f. Bis -'t,
Mn(. Win. MaLean, Mrs. Wm. nnSym-
Fowler, Mrs. Jas. Mr-
I.ran, Mt'.r. E. Harrison, Mr.. J. Write.e,
Mrs. Il. (;i* Mro- A-. Wilson, Miss
.1. (green. Mr., W Ftaher, Mrs. J. Mc-
Craw, Mrs. T. sty*n, Mrs. Wm. Dass•,
Mrs. E. Curn.11, 11hae H. Symonds. Miss
.lean Iliresen, Ante McGraw, Mary
Mn;raw, Mr,. Jackman, Mrs. Dace.
Mrs. W. \specs A. Buchanan. Agnes
Hnrhrman, \fes. A. Robertson, Airs.
Goldthorpe, gvetyn Goldthorpe, Flor-
enre i;olernan, *es. Knight, Mra. Jas.
MuSlauns, (;.,ra McManus, Edith Ne -
\targattt McManus, Annie Me -
\tines, May Bisset, Mrs. Lippett, Mrs.
C;raham, \hrgatet Graham, Mrs. iamb.
F:nnice, sir*. Alarms. •
Thr tonrnament of the 4e'st-
'rn ()nrrri..•ealing A*+•fClettnn grin
he hell tin, year at London, the week •p
of .rill. -,
ytrripfeel itlesco41041:11:..r7'
' Mr. and Mea.
Nntith, of (loiitfrli• motorwd to the
rill an fi,it'(rday and %pent the week-
end with tie liter's paresis*, Mr. and
Mrs. ' W hsrfK
1ltyth tttanyld • Mr. Frank Yonas.
wtio hes 1...•n >� as c}e'k for the
past month with •Mr. ('olio Fsinglaml
in the hardwiA.tort, ben arvered hl%
eonneetlnn ars le now a resident of
(kat rirb.
A Te. are we
, p G rhfest-
Rent Int �flaaa. ..a *Inai vimL
x117, IS tris sski .t samae.. ib a
sal brain gas
cu.... Inntmeaa tree g yea mss me. a
Mbar and woe 0.1 /01:01,...- i ow,
se_ all rt
LialtM, Toroiys,e -
'!fife Gems en lis loth.
Next Tuesday. May 24th. the League
season witl open in Goderich. Clinton
will be the visiting team. and as always
when these old rivals come together there
will be lots of excitement. A procemion
will bras on the Square at 1.45 o'clock
beaded by the 33rd Regiment band and
the players of the two tams will march
to Agricultural Park. All automat:idets
are invited to join in the parade. After
a short program by the band and a work-
out by the tams, President C. L. Moore
will go to the pitcher's box and
put the first ball over (or somewhere near)
theplate. Vice-president J. W. Fraser will
try to punch it out. but His Wonhlp
Mayawill take it away from him.
Rev. J.
will be master of
ceremonies of this feature of the after-
noon's sport. Then the band will pi ty
"Bonnie Dundee" and the battle between
Clinton and the Purity Flours will begin.
At a meeting of the players of the
Purity Flour team last Thursday night
Wm. Barlow was unanimwslip'elected
captain of the team. -
Mr. Ed, Wurm, formerly backstop of
theZurich team, has gone into partnership
with Mr. S. E. Faust, who has purchased
the grocery business of Mr. W. J. Powell.
Capt. "Bill" Barlow, foe Lin Joey and
Wm. Ramsay of the Purity Flours were
at Toronto on Saturday attending the
opening of the Toronto Amateur Baseball
League games. All arrival home on
Monday night and report a wood time.
Wonder 1 the Captain brought back any
new tricks of the diamond with him.
The Purity Flours now have an expert
trainer, George Petrie, to attend to sore
arms, "charleyhorse" and other diseases of
the ball -tosser.
With Pridham. Hart and Webb in the
outfield any halls hit in that direction will
be well taken care of.
A wire -netting has been placed behind
the catcher's position. and now that
gentleman won't have to chase foul tips
back to the racetrack.
If the weather is favorable on May 24th
there is going to be a record-breaking
crowd at Agricultural Park when the
umpires say "Play ball" at 2.30 o'clock.
It is reported that "Dick" Tasker will
be the ben artist for Clinton here on May
24th. it is some maxis since "Dick"
twirled his first ball.
Kergo, the Hawiian pitcher with Zurich
last season, is this season with Crediton.
Zurich and Crediton meet on the 24th at
get a baseball scorecard at the grounds
on May 24th with the line-up of each
team on it.
The Purity Flours will wear their new
suits for the first time on May 24th.
A picked -up team of young ballplayers
went to Kingsbridge last Saturday and
trimmed the team of that burg. We
won't tell the score. boy*. A return game
will be played here next Saturday after-
noon. A lam from Clinton also is ex
petted to be hereon Saturday.
on Wednesday evening a team made
up mostly of employees of the Big Mill
gave the Purity Flours a good workout.
LOOK!' -
Columbia Grafonola prices
have been cut in half.
Would you like to hear a Grafonola in your home?
On your request we will place a Grafonola in your
'bo e, without putting you under any obligation to pur-
--ekagei-toihow you how good an instrument it is.
Special Offer
A owe -dollar deposit on our easy paymMt plan will
give yon posseuion of a fine Grafonola-the but musical
instrument in the world.
J. H. LAUDER, . B.
Five innings were played. the score being.
6 to 3 in the latter's favor. Batteries --
Mill, Murney and Wurm; Purity Flours,
Ramsay and W. Bisset. Some snappy
playing was done on both sides.
At a meeting of the bowling club it was
decided to start bowling at 9.30 o'clock in
the morning on May 24th and attend the
ball game in the afternoon.
it is not all fun running a ball team.
but means a lot of hard work. Goderich
people should show their appreciation of
the management of the home team by
giving them a bumper crowd on May 24.
Stay in town and attend the ball game.
Tea Tax.
The new budget having imposed a sales
tax of 1!-Y per cent. on tea, the onus is
placed upon the Solaria TCompany of
charging this on their ina voices to the
grocers, and after collection to pay it to
the inland Revenue Department. This is
the only tax the consumer of Salads
need pay to the grocer. There is s further
tax of 24i per cent. on importations of
tea, which the Salada Tea Company are
paying themselves, and this is not tieing
passed along to the grocers or the con-
Nothing seems to please a loafer an
much as an opportunity to bother a man
who is busy.
Used Furniture
1 Bullet, a peach.
1 Bedroom Ssite, walnut knish, com-
plete with springs ............ $22
2 Oil Heaters, nickel -plated ...*5 each
1 Sofa, recovered 35
1 Oak Ckiffonier, sow .............. $10
1 New Williams Sewing Machine ...$15
2 Tennis Rackets 31.25 ad $2.50
1 Orgas, solid walnut, swap $iZ
1)on't let the other fellow get all
the bargains, because every day is
bargain day here.
Harold Blackstone's
Furniture Exchange
West St. - Goderich