The Signal, 1921-5-19, Page 9wiwow.ltar Hatt
K #.sir M it
00D211 011, OPT.
Everything you need
for Fancy W(,rk 'nay he
found here.
Call and see the many
beautiful and useful ar-
ticles we have in stokk.
Miss S. Noble
South Side Square Goderich
• specials
' Flannelette* It reduced prices.
Sheeting at rtdgctd prlees.
Itoektast Drill at reduced priers:
Gingham at reduced prieest.
A nice ar•urtment dor Window
Curtains. from 23e aid up.
All -wool -licher; nary blue, double
width. it 41.75 per yard.
1 nd.•rwear, t. - i•l•ar, nt prl ..t
worth whit.
A ire it another of articles in
Gnaerira• et eelu.ed pekoe,
The Square Phone 16
Good Plumbing
Poor Plumbing
' When we do' the job. w.•
give you the right kited-' th.•
kind that glees you pleasure
and torfort.
Red Cross Aims
In Ontario
1. To act as a voluntary auxiliary to
the Ontario Government in its
health work.
2. To co-operate with local Boards of
Health, School Boards, and volun-
tary organizations working for good
3. To enlist the support of Ontario
citizens in helping to establish Out-
post Hospitals and Nursipg Service
in remote parts of the Province. .
4. To create and maintain a reserve of
money, garments and medical sup-
plies, and td enlist voluntary aid,
for emergencies, such as epidemics
and disasters.
5. To create public opinion in favor of
sound health measures.
6. To promote better health among
children by the organization of
Junior Red Cross auxiliaries in the
"In the held of Public Health, harvest u
ready and the laborers are few."—Prof. Winslow.
Enroll with your local Red Croce Branch or Enrollment Committee,
or, It there is no.e'ia your community, with the Ontario Provincial
Canadian Red Cross Society
Ontario Division
,r,lin,:s p,poLatioil, a+ returned
mnrr1isilatl arw•s,.rr, is scat.
1'ran Ia Ad:ilrsNof 4'reliton. died 4041
tI I .4th at the a^e -of seventy-three
i ars.
awing to the ,,•ullapw• of Aloe flax
rket , the two mills ar Zurich will
¢ly wry flax
Earl dick -on. the young won of Mr.
and' Mrs. t;...res Dlek•ou. McKillop
to s n-ltip. fell while pday)rig at s 4aoot
1tta hb•y Mit,—ben. the 1..i- ill Il.•u%ail
tiei,slty wen w•a• taken to Litmlon for
. io„t.,• i•. Medfield Ass$•latkr:f." !.y T. E.
The plant of the %teeters F, nu1Ly
Co. N'as 4.141wd -for a tea .1.1y-. uud
about 4110' hltu.h'ed mel( mar thrul,n
out of employment. A r,lo,tiou ..t
twPnty ta•r cent. In wage- I,,. b..•u
,u•,•eph.l by the wen and t'„ ''owpu>
Is resuming oteratiuna.
1 h. Brussels tennis club hastvcr fui t y
men,b ers.
The death occurred Sunday, May ' ,
of Mrs. Ireland, wife on of Ja'- K. Irehin .
seventy-three years. '1 ht
deceasedattheage wasof horn in Tucks smah town-
ship, and after her marriage lived for
many years in Morris towns`uo before '
moving to Brussels. Besides her husband,
she leaves two sons and six daughters, I
twenty grandchildren and two great. 1
randchddren. Mr. and Mrs. Ireland
" celebrated their golden wedding fives years
R. Leatherdale and Mis= Laura Leath-
_erdale left last week for Winnipeg, where
they will make their hornet N1r Leather-
dale had been a resident of Brussels for
'over forty years. Miss Leatherdale was an I
active worker in the choir. League and i
Sunday school of the Methodist church,
and before her, departure she was pre-
sented with a pearl neck) ice and a foun-
tain pen as gifts from her Allow -workers.
E. A. Dixon, late of Sudbury. has
arrived to assume his duties as manager
of the local branch of the Bank .of Nova
Fire broke out in the Ex -ter ttax mill at
noon on Monday of last week. The
workmen were sway to dinner and before
anything could be done the tame bunch/
ing was enveloped in flame, The building
contained about six tons 01 Pix and about
200 pounds of dressed tier. and this,
together with all the machinery. was
destrqyed. Being an all -frame building,
it burned rapidly. and lige cinders fiom
the blaze ignited a numbs t'f the build-
ings in the east—no feats than sixteen
being on Pre at the same time. 1 he lows
is estimated at about S10,010, partially
insured. About twenty men were em-
ployed at the mill. It is understood the
Ontario Flax Co , which maned the mill.
will rebuild.
Unusual Things
Anything about the home
that needs washing and
that will, not be hurt by
pure water itself may be
safely immersed in the
creamy, pure, cleans-
ing Lux lather.
Thursday, Map .44. 10211.-0
Clothes are
a Problem
but the problem is easily, solved
if you consent us. If it is for
work, for etyoFt, tor ordinary
every -day wear, or for dress oc-
casions you wish to be outfitted.
wx' are prepared to do it in the
correct style and at reasonable
(except boots and shoes)
Silk shades, hanafo..,'od. _AN w R A g'
picture* and their frame*,
jewelry. brie -a -brae heir-
looms etc all are purified
like sow .:i.ti Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
i%vcft BROTHERS [1 11 ' RE
the rate of tree -growth is being made by
the Forestry Branch of:the Department of
the Interior at Petawawa, Ontario, in the
heart of the Ottawa valley. Plots of
different kinds of trees are set apart, and
the rate of meth in these measured and
John Leathorn. of Inger dl, a former recorded. The effect of thinning, tiim-I
resident of Exeter. died suddenly on May ming and draining:upon the growth is also
51h. from hemorrhage of the btain. He studied, so that in a comparativ, ly few
old and leaves a
was wrxty dye years
- tears data will be available which will be
widow and family. He was ' tenon in of the greatest value in the management
d [or a numMr o[
burned. intends to re-establish. himself to-•r-anxa-^ uo„-• : . of Canadian forests and woodia ds.
Stephenyears c J wnship
in the livery leusfnw. Exeter.
)Ir.. .loltn F.r•kart. of Rt. r'olumhsn. I The death of Mrs. Charles U. G I
-aa•d swat oil Wulay. Llay sth, at occurred at her home, a tittle cast of the
the are ..f eight) -*ix }e.u.. She aril t village. on Monday mornir g, May 9th. I
her Irate husband were for many years The deceased was Mabe. Johns, a daugh-
residents of the township of'\1iKf lop.I ter of blr.and Mrs John John. o' Exeter.
she Wares right . liildren. tiny -two and was botn in the township of Usborne I number of visitors from the vahous
grandchildren and thirty-four great- thirty-seven years ago. She is sdrvived !Canadian and United States centres. It
gra neleielldren. by her husband and one daughter. is trached through Nuntsyiile, 140 milts
'Meeh regret was valises! by the death The death of Mrs. Bawden, of Edmon- north of Toronto, at which point the
of Mrs. AIM.. t'artwri •ht. of tees er. ton, occurred at Dr. Hvndnian's hospital. trains of the Grand Trunk connect with
sinhhi 1 iw•n.ld n oil %'. Ii velar of last 1 he deceased was formerly Miss Martin, ; steamboats dummerinn he all the territory.
is to
work. Mrs. •nrtw right wa. tarn Mt of Exeter. She was believed to he progres-
P _ y
Hnlb•tt iii nship. a daughter of Mr. sing favorabl . when she was seized w•th be nneeararidnthere isthe widest a nnat of
and Mn. George.. $.sale.. and after her
heart trouble and expired suddenly. She I recreations—bathing, and there
golfing, fishing,
is survived h; her daughter. father and g, g g•
marriage !fret with her' hu,haral he mptlier, a brother and two sisters. boating, bowling, tennis, etc. A tribute
Hull. tt until .alarut o years ago.
to the merits of the Lake of. Bays as a
She was forty yeah o ale Err bus- vacation. territory is fund in the fact
1,31„1 autTffi'e children sun•h'e. that it was chosen as the location for the
IfEAFt►1 H largest and most modern summer re -ort
I in the Dominion—thei5►gwin Inn.
.5 branch of the CatMottr Women's This magnificent enterprise was opened
1'1a g a 1 acation ?
The Lake of Bays region in the High-
lands of Ontario is an ideal holi:'ay ttr i•
tory and is attracting an ever increasing
Hamilton Street _ Phan* 135
w40iug Neeiinrr
Eavwt,,.1:whin* 111,•,,1 l`'ork
ass THE bogs
take a= of salts tf your Bank herb
or Hiadder bothers yon—Drtak
sen orator.
Throe tamest hare year meat am, 4e ,
tat 1 , but Bush your kidneys with salts
oedaiooa117, sari • noted authority who
Ulla us time moat m ms. aria and which
almost paralyses tirkidnsrttt•in their ef-
forts to expel it from tins Mood. Them
bosoms sluggish and wakes, then ye
suffer with a dull misery in the kidslsa
repos, sharp pains in the back er sl
headache, dinginess, your stomieh emu;
tongue Is eoat.d and trims tbs weather!
le bad you have rhenmabte twinges.
artse gets cloudy, full of sediment,
eb•aa i. yoofften `et sore and 1111 '
time during tb. n1pAk 0t1 to seek Id two or
To neutralise these fr 4tattae"s addle, to
dans. the kidneys sad (hair a
hadyr. urinous wants plee bur eussead
J.d Baits from any pharmacy islet!
tack. • tablespoonful to • M
water infers breakfast for • dopa
and your kidneys will then set Baa TWA
famous WL ie meia fro. the sell dd
CZand brios juice, smokiest id*
llfal, . 1 Ma b..s wed for pesereAlMr
be gash aid stimulate el .h Minn
ells Ie neutralise the •std. h tits%
.o it as loess irrttat si thus Oft
bladder weakness.
Ja4 &les le vs enact dM
jn d ells i Unt *Yeas alb
IMNrwalw d+lg
ttotue quite re/ .eorred The .•rare was
„ .rwpli.b..l
by a +.•rune treatment.
T. Hunkr•k. sit Hensall.. -whore
-holes et Hemel II were recently
Decorating Materials
Wall Papers, Paints, etc.
\Ce sell you the materials. or
take the contract of decorating
your home, store or office. -
Estimates cheerfully given
Window Glass, Plate Glass
Mirrors, etc.
\1-e can supply your scants in
any kind of Glass
North slid West at. Phone 354
of Right Quality
As well as our young
men's style we carry a
large and complete
stock of the more con-
servative models for
both young and old,
ranging in price from
$16.50 to $38.50.
Saturday and Monday
15 Men's English
Worsted Suits in blue
and fancy materials, all
new patterns. While
they last $22.50.
All -wool blue Serges,
guaranteed Indigo dye,
pure wool, single and
ouble breasted styles.
ile they- Last $35.50.
ial — 15 Men's
Sui • to clear at $16.75.
Open Evenings
League has been ortranizel by the the baby b• sick when he is g P
Indies of Sr. James' church. cross and peevish, cries a great deal and for the reception of guests during the
John Allen Roberta. eht.R tarn of O a worry to the mock he rare anaby's lesson of 19'2Q and seldom has a summer
Own Tablets. 1 he italets are ideal resort hotel made such an instantaneous
th'lte J. S. Roberts one of Ide nes. 1 heare appeal to discriminating travellers. Arty
When Baby Is Sick.
e aar. . . medicine rot noy
S*iturth's earliest and most prominent a general but thorough laxative which ' aeent of the Canadian National -Grand
hnairtess Olen. died Ina Toronto hos- regulate the bowels. sweeten t h e Trunk Railways wiil gladly send you the
pital on Slay snit. in his' thirty-fourth stomach, banish constipation :Ind indi- Illustrated folder "Lake of Bays." gieing
rear. 1.'..e several year. Mr itulerts gestion break up colds and simple fevers full details regarding hotels, boarding
had igen Mm4IX•ting a siv,•essfeil drug and make teething easy. Concerning them
bltalliwss at Toronto. The martins Mrs. Phillippe I'ayen. St. Flavien, Que.,
were brought to *.•*forth for inter- writes : "Baby's Own Tablets have been
meat. a wonderful help to me in the case of my
Miss Mary J. M,•luto-I, diel early baby and I can strongly recommend them
Tocwlnr morning. May loth. after a to other mothers - TheTablets are sic' h}
long illness. Her early hum.• war hu medicine dealers or by mail at 'l.; cents !
Mcliillop town+hitt. t.ut nine years ago a box from the Dr. R'illiams Medicine
-she and her twin sister. alias Ellen 1. Co., Brockville, Ont.
Mrint.eli. moved to :kwturt1,. Several
brother.-IIrvive. . - .•
Mts+ RTr•het Netinnx. rtnrr.hter of
Mr. and Mrs :Vex. Nellana of torn.
w -as married 4011 Weslnowday of last
•week, but rtes. .1. E. Hogg. to William
f of Ip
How fart 111# Trees Grow 7
One of the things most necessary to
know in regard to Canadian forests is how
rapidly they grow again, when cut down
or burned over. Mist of the European
countries have this knowledge in fairly
Toho Nhnddisi tr ,Holey township.
complete form and are managing their
Mr. and Mrs. *haddock will resfd, In forests accordingly'. !rtt European figures
• cannot be applied to Canadian forest.
Shuuley. ; I Each Cu untry must make up its own
)Ii -'i -u t\'ani real tztorti 141w1i have growth -tables information on this sub- r•ninlnrtftrg tTth rtlntoiF=11F1R1 i ri} itct,is being gath4 ail to different p::rts of
e •ommeri•e for *Rome years -in the old Canada. One of these scientific studies of
\%lurerley hotet building. bare now
1 I' relmwsl the property
Mrs. .1. 1,. Heard passe) away on
May ahh at the early age of tw,•nty-
tive year;. the war the only daughter
of Mrs. Tasker•of Clinton ami the late
41,44-lras t T:t-1.k44-**t—Huu44tT-- Sleewas
married ataatt six years ago and
leave+. Is•+ides her hu+latrul. a win and
Owen daughter*.
For simee time it has leen the prat. -
ter of tie ioanl of education of To-
ronto and that of Loudon. England. to
exehnnge t,-aelers for a year. and ('lin-
ton will this year have tin• honor of
lasing represented In the Motherland
by three former ('lintonians alio are
now on the Toronto staff. These are
alis. Sadie Hiilnwss_(I}tlughter of Rob-
ert iroluiesu, Miss Th11 O'Neil and Mr.
F..lnter liete,om. They will enter on
their work in Engin sal the latter part
of August.
John Totynsliend, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Atlwrt Townshend. e.1 hmelerirh
township, and a graduate of Clinton
Collegiate rnutitute.• has won the 1'111-
1 loam Moffatt scholarship at Queen's
.Uhert Firming. agr.i sixty-one veers.
pass.vl away at hi+ home hem on May
10th atter an illus s 401 srreral month*.
11e had tarn a refit/lent of Wtnghim
for a nnmhe•r of years. moving here
frnm T.urkmrw. Vrtnr to his t lns*s
he had been #111 employee of tie 'West-
ern Foundry t'n. itPslde.s els widow.
he 1* ,urrire.l by two wins. F,ilIott
Fleming. G. T. It. agent at Fergus. a1N1
Alvis Fleming. of Chatham.
.51 Detroit. un May 11th. Miss Mernie
Maye Johnston, daughter of the hate
sorrow' Johnston and of Mrs, John-
mho-ston. Winghw•m, was married to Thos
Ikoneld Flitter. son of Mr and Mr..
11enry Fitter of %'Ingham.
The Huron Medieval A.s,-Iation nets
in the Ihldfellewti Hall here on 1'eey.
ne-.lay of last week. Thr prinelplil
sAdre*aw on the program were "l'er-
nieioun. Anaemia. 1ta Illagnoriit and
Treatment:- ivy Dr. Norman t;wyn, of
Toronto, and "Some Acttrltleus of the
tf,,`V4el ifpik
Comes to you and the children if
yyou have Dr. Tierce's Golden
Medical Discovery in the house.
For "little -one,' and "grown-
ups" this old fashioned vegetable
tonic and bloocl•maker is still
used by the million bottles every
year. It was fiat used by every-
body 50 years ago and is still safe
and sane because it contains no
alcohol or narcotic. It is made
up of Blood root. Oreson Grape
root, Queen's root. Stone root,
Cherry Bark without alcohol.
Make your blood redder and
your health better by going to
your nearest druggist and ob-
taining Dr. Pierce sGolden Med-
ical Discovery in tablet or liquid
CR7fTli a I. Roes. S.cex. * t have need
Dr. Pierce'* Golden Medical i►fseovery
for s number of years and am praised
to rrowmend It as a blood parifh r. I
know It has no equal. es 1 said It for my
boy. MyneIglil s and friends were
Surpriswith the rennin"; In fief, i do
not think he would to alive to -day had
Enot been for the ' Ma1lc•1 DMileovwry.
also keep It on hand for eougba, es H
Rens eo from other (-oath medlcihe. ;
Instead of npa.ttinc the stomach, •s
moat cough syrups do. It Is good for the
stomach. I only welsh i had known
shout lir. Pl.ree's m.4lcinee soulaer.•—
Maa. Pastor Amin.
houses, etc. I
English Settlers Rrorght $175,-
000 Here to Bay Land
Bring Your Films to us :I: De:
veloping, Printing and Enlarging
Prompt Service
Reasonable Prices
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Plisse No. 1. The Rexall Drug Si Garrick
Despite the strengthening of rem
etrictions against fresh immigration
into this country, and the conliinuef-' '
tion of the ruling that all new set-
tlers must show $250 in cash ani
their railway fare to their destina-
tion before brine admitted into the
Dominion, these new settlers con-
tinue to arrs've in large and inereas.-
ine numbers.
pairing the months of January,
February and Ma:cn no less than
9,187 new colnnis's •••''ere•1 St. John
via the Canadian Pacific is
alone, being 1,450 in January, 2,045
in February and 5,692 in Mach.
hers would have been eon-
.idrably sager, so he altipptng
m n aver, if the $251 ren'iirem-rat
d been dropped to the former $50
ate, as It was recently thought
would be done. In fact, steamship
officials .state that many hundred in-
tending immigrants cancelled their
bookings upon learning that the
high rate was to be maintained.
In detail, the Canadian Pacific re.
ecrd• for the three months are u
purine January. five of the cors.'
ppa ny'* steamers arrived at St. Jahn,
N.B., with a total passenger list e1
3.556. of which 1,47.0 were new colon.
ists for Canada and 1,307 for the
United States..
In February, six steamers arrived
with a total of 5,032 passengers. of
which 2,0.15 were new colonists for
Canada and 1,490 for the United
Nine steamers arrived In March,
bringire t'•Ffil passengers; 5,962 be-
ing new colonists • or `this country
and 509 for the United -States.
As to the type of colonists on
these incoming vessels, the case of
the "Minnednsa"—the but to arrive
in March—might be cited as fairly
She brnatht fiery -flee farmers
together with their wives. ninety
children and $175,000 to Intent in
Canadian lands. These new settlers
were personally conducted to their
western destination by A. M. E. Hill
of the C.T.R. Colonization and De-
velopment Department. Moat of
those were for the district around
Lloydminster, a flourishing' tam OS
the Alberta-Saskat•hewa1
There were also '40 domestics hound
for Rerina and forty for Toronto.
Prom which It will be seen that
fib enuntry 1a proenring a goodti
sham of 'hp sort of aeweomer 11!
Meet require/.
Studebaker and Gra' Dort
Let us give you a demonstratki *Tth
cars before you decide on jot r s I rin lurch • ' .
Our new Battery Charging Outfit is workin:
fine and we are now in a 'position to handle any
number of Batteries. •
good Batteries. This is proven by the fact that
four-fifths of the Automobile Companies in Can-
ada are using them as standard equipment. We
have them here ready for delivery.
Non -Glare- Lenses from $2.75—$4.00 a pair.
1 -Gray -.Dort Special, good as new, 192.---
1 Studebaker, 4 -cylinder, 5 -passenger. thor-
oughly overhauled and repainted.
1 -Ford Touring, in good running order. ----
1 Ford Delivery Truck, in first-class shape. -
-"tease Tractors and Machinery. -
These Greyhound She • are
and as such they outwear any other make you have
worn heretofore, because no other canvas
shoe will wear so well as one cured by the High
Pressure Process.
are the only line of rubber canvas shoes made by this
process in Canada.
Try Greyhounds and see how much longer
these wear than others made under the old process.
Get them at Hern's Boot Shop.
'Ya* - /•••.. r.
1- J