The Signal, 1921-5-19, Page 8-1f reday. Maj lf, IISI.
Nota Bite of
Breakfast Until
You Drink Water
MeMss of lees Model 1M
lei est• percents Maim
'OM keePs ne fit.
Just as Goal, when It Darns, hey
taking a certain amount of incom-
bustlble material 1n the Corm of ashes,
se the food and drink taken day atter
day Naves to the aUmeutary canal a
curtain amount of indigestible ma
teriat, welch U not completly Amine -
tett from the system each Jay, be. ,
Gorses food for the millions of hectorla
Which Infest the bowels. From tele
mass of leftover waste, toxins and
ptomain -like poisons are formed and
pocked into the blood.
Men aad women who can't get feel -
Ing right must begin to take inside
P aths. Before eating breakfast each
aornhog drink a glass of real hot
Mater with a teaspoonful of lime-
imostone phosphate la 1t to wash out of
the thirty feet of bowels the prevloue
Bars sccumulsttoo of poisons and
tozias and to keep the entire alimen-
tary caned clean, pun and fresh.
Those who are subject to sick head-
ache, colds. biliousness. constipation.
others who wake up with bad taste,
foul breath. backache. rheumatic stlff-
ems, or have a sour. gassy stomach
Mier meals. as urged to get a quarter
pound of limestone phosphate front
the drug store. and bogie practicing
Internal sanitation. This will cost
eery little, but is sufficient to make
anyone an enthusiast on the subject.
Remember inside bathing 1s more
Important , than outside bathing. bee
cause'tbe skin pores do not absorb
h purities Into the blood, caustng poor
health, *while the bowel pores 40.
lust as soap and hot water cleanses,
sweetens and freshens the skin. 10
bot water and limestone phosphate'
act on the stomach, Uver, kidneys and
TsUI Hew Te Opea CI•grd�dtr
bits ad EM Head-
► You feel fine la • kw momenta Woe
cold is bead or catarrh will be goes.
Your clogged nostrils will open. The air
'passages of your Lead will clear and
yea eta breathe Creel? No more dull -
e ms, keadaeks; so hawking, snuffling,
&Mons discharges or dryness; no strut -
'Bag for breath et eight
'Tell your druggist you want a small
Bettie of Ety's Cream Balm. Apply a
UstJs of this fragrant, antiseptic cream
yaw nostrils, let it penetrate through ;
erlse7 air passage of the head; soothe
esheal the swollen, inflamed mucous
rads, and relief comes instantly.
• It is just what every cold and catarrh
Palmer need& • Dual May stuffed•up
llad miserable.
beet Stay Gray! Here's an
QW -time Recipe that Any-
body can Apply.
The Uma of emu and Sulphur tor re-
Mevtag 1,4.d, Hersey hair to Its natural
eviler dates beck to grandmothers
lime. She used It to keep her hair
beautifully dark. glossy and attrac'
tire. Whenever her hair took on that
dull. faded or etr.ak.d appearance,
Ude simple mixture was applied with
wonderful effect
But brewing at home is mussy and
est -of -date. Nowadays. by &skint et
any drug more for a bottle of "Wroth',
Slag. and Sulphur Compound.' you
wtU get this famous old preparation.
Improved by the addition of other In-
g redients. which can be depended up -
ea to restore natural color and beauty
to the hale.
• w.11 -known downtown druggtst
says It darkens the hair so naturally
sad evenly that nobody can tell It has
beets applied. Toe simply dampen a
or soft brush with it and draw
am, halt
By t
taking he
morning A.
ether application or "scat,' artier an-
beauttfwlty eark sadg. -
Wyeth's Sass and ftuiphur Com -
' swag Ia • delightful toilet requisite
for those who desire a more youthful
appearance. It Is not Intended for
=e, mitigation or p tion of
i 1
Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross"
are Aspirin -No others 1
Yonge and Charlet Su Toronto
Accountancy. ,tmope a ph Y. • Y ase a r' l l n: and
'twenl .olxuermrnl .monis. wlMn"r m
11144(110. only. Si oscine a.e.led 10 posit tuna.
open alt year, •1...• lux pru.peclus, tsetse
W.J. ELI.IOTT. Principst.
11 yen deal see the "Bayer Cron"
ea the tablets, refuse theta -they are
stet Aspirin at a1L '
hoist ns genuine "Bayer Tabkta of
Aspirin" plainl7 *tamped with the safety
"J yer /'rose' -Aspirin prescribed by
]sieiaas for nineteen years and proved
' este by n milliofor lleadaehe, Tooth -
oche, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago,
Colds, Neuritis, and Pain g ❑y.
' ,candy tia hexes of 12 tibials -also
larger Bayer" es. Made i■
ia lets is the mark (registered
la Citadel, of Rayer Menufaeturs of
Membeenteleseideeter of Nalirylieaeid.
• Mille N is well knows that Aspirin
Iambi Rayer sessofeeture, to assist the
- Wit against Imitations, the Tabhta of
esp&sy, rWade
de @tatain
Western Ontario
Best Commercial School
Our whiter terul commences Tura
day, January 4th. and students may
register in our Commercial. Short
hind or Telegraphy departments at
enc time. Our courses are thorough
soil ptaetical, and we assist graduates
's positions. Get our free catalogue.
1.11eLACHLAN, Principal.
Use a "Hydro Vacuum
Cleaner and your house is'al- •
ways clean. Does the work
quickly and makes no dust.
See our display of 'Hydro
Lamps, irons, Washing Ma
chines. etc., at
The Hydro Store
Galeria -- Oatarie
When It's a
Question of
call on
"Tile OW Reliable'
A full stock of Light Fix-
turee,--Efecfrt at Household
Iitensils, etc., always on hand.
Estimates given and con-
tracts taken for Electric
Wiring and Fitting.
West St. Neat Postoffice
Phones' Store 87, Res 193
j' cAVIllium`Bunks.
Thrifts and trade ars uppermost
ynestluns the woHd .ver. While Sir
Henry 11ray'ton, ('aladlau Minister of
Finance, wens presenting the• budget to
the Houle of ('.0u tett the United
States Senate was putting t1w finishing
touches to the 1)wl'rgency TMrlff Hill.
This afer•ts t'alulda more than any
other country. Tu what extent 1
shown by the statement of one o0u
Platelet 11lulstrr •Ihat It places a
herrk•r against 1'ansdian exports
alii,uutheg to elfee,e110,(11M1. A few
play's eater ter hill passel the S.•uate
ley a, vote of 41* to 25. 11 will soon
1101.1111111 effe•tlye. l►stensbbly ce•alg11el
as a temporary measure, there is a
.strong 1104.1 hi the United States that
it will .11 !erg.. {part he ewloillel In
lwrmaneut tariff changes to lie wade
i11 the I4111 ha' ort a few" 111.111)45 mitres
pree•ut 14aus tire upw•t Ilene rally
'speaking, t1w hill hits I'auadi141* agri-
cultural products. fending its appli-
cation there will 1e u0 general re-
vision of the ('alrtdiai tariff. file
Henry Drayton' epitomize the attitude
of the ('aladiat 1..veraurtrt in these
worths : "Such or siulilar action thesis
perwatwnt of ueessitt would require
a careful and thorough revision of the
('ate.Hsu tariff for the pwtr•p se of in.
curing the proper ernlUluur11c• of ('rn-
adlru bualut"s, of Iusurhlg rwpluy-
ment and (sail:O m stability. •1'ndrr
the clrcuwstals•e•1. having spar•ial re-
gard to the tart that there ought not
to he a general revision .f like 4•nu-
lna.' tariff lu'W. and another kfter fee
chew of the 1'nitel States (.oilers,
1141 actlull will I.'IW he taken."
\Vhrther this statement mesas that the
(iuternmrnt euutewplkt.-s au early ale
1wa1 to the country .n the tariff issue
remains to he seen.
SollIe Iluls.rtatrt changes affetilyt
1': mid i:ul trade w.•re. however, rue
None, In the budget resolutio s and
announcements as aubwtttel by 11n•
Jilin»err of FhM:uWe. \Govt Important
of, these to the iiegle generally is the
increase las the tax on vile' of , mann-
' faetur•r',. wholesalers. J.11a•rl and lee
porters from .111• :11141 Ica.. per e.'Irt.
rate" on do ..tie !rin»,ntt..Ils 1.1 one
sol M -1111f ,dud three per emit. revert -
hely, and the import teats. from 0110
aid a -half awl three per cent. rates
t0 two and a -half MINI four per went.
F,s,lstlifs In tlwir mound state.
Initial sales or farm pr.'hwe by the
(itrnie•r himself. 111141 the first
.f fisherb'. mines. null (.nest,‘ are
exempt. '(tier' are tiivr•Mses in the
dntles .n imported spirituous lignnrn.
rhe excise taxes on home tnanufoentr.s
of the same. duties .il Ilnyitig Cards.
111141 iew taxes ,4,n Wilkes. The busi-
ess profits tax. (nein which the re.
c•Ilit. Inst year totalled $44P,(0),0110, Is
dromops!, its are also the few remaining
holier hues Candle* especially will
benefit front this. Thr detaHed list of
changes Is too lung to consider here,
but it is interesting to mite, In con-
nection with the plena for the
strengthenllrg of Ihr antidumping
laws, that the al.itel Stilts hes prac-
tically adopted the ('auadtau re•gula-
tbous, while Britain IM getting at much
1lie Imine Wing In the tewasuns for the
protect loll 01 tlw "key tuduotrlee."
-rh1 Iasi net in making considerable
progress las Ns passage through the
Itrltlh House. \%lint is at the hack
of teem. carious "protective" measures
is tike ids that fun-lgn countries shall
not Ica 1111014)''1 (0 AOMI ter Ilia 11.0.4
wllh surplus goods at prices less than
those they ask at home. Camelot also
pr, that beginning with Seldom -
her r4x1 all imported goods Hunt can
ted• Marked without Injury mats' have
pititily stamped upon Own', in Eng-
lish, the moot. .( tlw country of t bei r
origin. Tllbm is aiotlwr attempt to
MOM 110 preetive .f making it appear
that foreign g414141s are of home menu -
facture. 19.• present practice of 1•011-
yl'rtlug foreign depre•latel tirren•y
Int. 1'Musdiltn on the ImsiM ut existing
Pi't114 11 is ilITIO which has twee- -
lowed- In regard to ettiAoms titluation
1 dropped. lea place • 1 taken by a
regulation that no reduction in excess
Of fifty per trot of the sten/lard or,
pnwlal11NYl value will 1s• allowed. 1)n
Uit' otlwr hand, where the rate of ex -
Ammer is adverse to Camelot -oat to the
1'111441 States the rattle for duly is
to tw computed at the rue of ex-
t Chea(. existing nt 111e time 11.•• gaols
were shipped. 'ride will he .'f 00044'
a'lshl nc)' tei fluter w loose butaness4s
delwnd consI,l.rrbly r..1 Iulp)
from a(•reaw the 111w.
-0 -
There 1s fond for reflection In s.tne
of the flnan•lal statements made by
Sir Henry 1 raytou. The present ,1w%
stem of this 4nttnfry he Irinl•11• .(
$2,3511,ZIII,71M1. , This hag lawn cedein
lotted, roughly. by (stlt►ators .f point.
!Minn 01141 expenditures, at nearly *14410
per head of ('(4lulda's ptprolalton. The
4xp'nditnrs for the 'Mast (Meet year
real•heil the sum of ti.1i %04,077, leav-
ing a dete•11 of ;101.1104,077. This
WW1 44(•.ttnterl for by reilway old ign-
t10114 mainly, tiptoeing $i ta4MM),(MM1.
*11hejrwisee there would have been a
surplus. The esti matwl expendittirw
for the present tig,7r1 year Is hilt.-
4:174117. 41 this a'uonut, hrw•erter,
railway investments Call for I;11k1,11Yi-
*11,1. A e.nseh•rrlde port of this Is in\
the nature of •nlatnring teetotal o liRe-
I1orr' 1111141) Mill he refunded. Tho
shall 0xlwnlltllr". that M-1111 hays to
he met by cash pxlynv'nts are ph14yr1 nt
$4:t'..:10o.rigtl. To meet this. rete
from all sources prior to the present-
ation of the butlget was estltnat.'I at
$372,0111J1fu The new dntl.s anti'
texts' announced In 1pie budget _anil
which went Into effect May HI ere ex•'
pretest to yield the balance of $1122.-
7fl0,000 to make the revenues meet the
expected Cash outlay*. It dews not
look as If Canada cold this year
undertake any extenilre program of
public works. Rut her mart the In-
ternet economy and watchfulntsa be
Wetter extras! Canada. rein to tear •
1141041 of (ierman•prMluctd (*1141 dt Iow•
prlecs (l
The er":u.s are rep�ed
ars workhtg lung hour at high soled
utd low -•ages 'I'h1" ,l: i.u4 the un-
settlement and turmoil caused by re-
cant events coulombs! with the retir-
at1tns swttlem►M►t 441141 tlw lnvasion by
tlw l'oMs er 1Jp*'Mrsia fk•vrral
Ftoutb Amleeut •r antuihrirs� notably
Argeuthe% which ,..cuts toltsi(e'rable
agricultural prod's'. to tlw United
States. also r *.•nt 1 h Isar''. DOW
tariff 1111. B eri.vI•re the i,ntlons
lurk to eiders* their 0m11 outgo of
trade *hale reetrirt:m. 11uT1 of otlwr
countries' in uo far 2,- it efforts t114eu-
owerbl s r)'adjuslwent
pr'selox1111 1n Ito wdkine
Premier 1Joyd 1;.•urge wits aaonlel
au ovation la the British 11ouse of
('ummens when he announced Unit
(irt•tnaby atrrpt�Y1 411 the
Jeuaads 0hadn repar,.'i•'l' It waA.il1srd a
real triumph for the Itritish Premier,
wholR course thr"U "14l the AI11e1
coufertIMer V tint- fully j,p' i11e1. 1)r.
Kr\\ tll, who etor eel"1 iii forming a
wan ('ablate a ith lhiwseI( as
('Imncellor, to tak0 Ow plate. of the
one that rsdgnei r.'tlwr than assume
rs•spoitslttlity for m'0t.u. (ho Ailed
tiltlwatiw, 1.rrmei h' Ic"'• best Ito flue
lit tusking hie p.•It...r. ••pear. filers
the oernlrtls now ri-k e,.•rytht►ig they
w111 1rglu within 124, 4iyr Heys t0
ue.'1 tlw demand• ,412112y11a 11rst p•y-
ment eelcllatel ha .cur o;had $2;8.
t*iU4t11K Tdwre is uo .In1nllbt1wy t ter
refuted of the rnitosCS:atea to arraign
it'..4f against the proposed Allied ac-
tion In the event .r Ute•'serltan's defy-
ing, tlw ultimatum ;0.1 Ike further
step 411 the Wa4hi'gr„11 .►dwinistrstbn
deckling to lie repr.•-csnel at the
Supreme Uuube11 of Ito.• Allies, the
Rea prratlons ('ow:sic-Len It 1111 (Ica l'on-
fert•twe .f Ambassatlrrs. hastened the
1 l,t11121n decision. Tbiit in fairness
west Ica admitted. much ds the outside
world -and especially the Allied ma -
tions --ere ptasle.l by the attitude that
American noes., Istat: e• 011 thew
lashes 111e not to irk•• part 1u tt,t-
decision. reechr.l 1t 1- Iwpl4stble
that slice a po it:on' could be main-
tained for long --et Was: 1I would rer•m
0o. There Is no d.nd't Ih:41 (hr otlwr
parties to the 'Myer :,I'1 tonfer•n,s
will to a ronslieral.1.• degree 411411.-
their decisions at,d age •.aeuts hl the.
light of the virus etpr's,e'I Ly ter
.\11wrk'ans. it die- 1h.! s.rm logical
tlut the ('mast State- -homed itself 1•
satisfied with word• i,,,.I her Itself
from any of ale_'ls1Lllttes or
ulsdertaklltge which it- 2,•preeteatt't7a
limy help to fraiw •.r-ugges(.
An Immediate one•
'An of the Her -
loan acceptance ..r ttu• uI terms
Lv. Goderich _ _ _ - No. 11 6 00. m •
Lv. Stratford - 7 45 . m •
Lv. Kitchener " 1.75 .
Lv. Guelph . " t 51 . rs •
Ar. Toronto " 10.15 . m.
• Daily except Sunday
Lv. Toronto. No. 77. - _ e. 10 p.m. •
--- 1.4) p.m •
" --- 1.11 p.m.•
" -. 1 00 p.m.•
10 )0 p.m.•
Lv. Guelph
Lv. Kiechwtw
Lv. Stratford
At. Godench
• Duly except Sunday
Buttarmrlsr ear and ern -class vestibule
roaches in each direction.
O.H. Lauder. Station Agent, phone 20
Town Agents Phone 8,
ire ANart
it11 better far
To lose theame
Than win it with
A steady name.
The United States, Britain, ail to a
waw the atlmilstluu of exeharlge un xacxx2C3CMC){201XXXXXXXXXXXMC
MO New York market. The powtl
'sterling rose to four dollars, the high-
est .lie. April, 11)20. All, or nearly
all, European countries' twuellttel also.
If the evidences of eferwMlly•s 111.0-
ro-towel Intent take practical furca wlth-
lu tlw atIpuliltd time, exchange rates
may Ian. -It to a mue•h wider extent
than has been thought passible.
Britain and Italy And thetn.'lt•(s
aligned with (lerutan opinion In ro.per•t
to the unauthor►sarl invasion of the
industrial districts of Upper Silesia by
Polish Irregulars. Teter ere the mak•
loge of au ugly siltation there w11101
may undo a great teal of the goon
work airrltnpllslMd by reeteit Allied
conferences. France Ia supposed to Iw
sympathetic toward the Polish claims.
Rut It le not prwcihle to bellevo that
France IA willing lo Jeopardise ter
Versailles Trace Treaty and subse-
quent arruugetuentl with her allies for
'111,4 sake of ('o11ah aggran iteout•nt.
.\ Heel plebiw•It" troops are Ina N ome-
w• t precarious anal confusing conll-
tl.l I11 s0111e noire they find them -
wise oplMsrd to German Irregulars
who n•' rushing to coutlk•t without
walti for any action by their (totem -
merit, a d In ethers they lire opposed
To 1'tllsh un'cs who inter Ilkewhie ills -
repented 1 eutstituterl authority. It
is Iwperatt a that the slttatluu should
Iw straight lend .rut *Itltlut loss of
time. Its e0 tiuuatlou will result in
tnugles diflt•t, Iv uuravrl and dun-
gerous to the to bring roll
twettr to a 1rouldett £'nope.
\* this Is written tlw strike of Itrit-
1sli miners. wld.h UI y have beim run -
'deg oil, their 4,1111 for rly fifty days.
a alas threatens to into yr railway anti
transport men Thr Ia er are /liking
the gr..Iud tlult they w 1 tot handle
Imported coal. The Itri sh (los-em-
inent Is reported to he ales) ply dt•ter-
(nbt41 to fight All (Wee was ua if ter
threateMrle big strike dews 11114.. off.
Just as firmly as tlwy have so tar
fought ter millers. lint tlw actual
lirugglr lire toren lost sight of to r the
un.mrut las the change made h the
Ih1ke of NorthwnlM•Ha11I which in
effect is that ter ,,strike and
thn•att•uel expansion of it are part
a lt,lslwviki pelt, and that a nowt
of the Labor leaders are connected
with it. T)w Ultimate objective is the
overthrow .f ter liriti01, Empire•, 1n•
declare. Tlw charter WMA made hl a
committee room. openly. nisi not nutter
any prutetiuu of Parliaun•nt, car flat
action may be institute) against the
maker slould rnyulw' whorl he plainly
indicated (ew1 that he has g011
grounds. It is interesting to note that
at the presetlt (fine a aig.rou' cant -
polity) has been institute,' iu Britain
against preachers of aeli11440 and
%iulenie•, 141141 it uuuiIM'r of arrests hate
!Weil wade, including the! of John Mc -
(IW s.railel 14o1Ahrrist colnsul
Vt Ill*Agtso.
-School of Commerce-
Clioton and Coderich, Ont.
OFFERS '1'1l1 I=01,1,O1l'1Nt. COI'RSh.S
Business Stenographic
Secretarial Civil Service
Teachers' Training Course
and arranges Special Courses for students.
itighty Qualified Teaching Staff
ncwal Rusiueas System of Bookkeeping
Credeutial Typewriting Tests
('ositious Guaranter.l
Vocational Training School
r lei. district, 6t' Governtnent appointment, and under in-
spection bt S.ol,hers' Civil Re-establishment 1)epartnlent.
Fur Trrtn., etc write
It. A., M. Areli ,
Phone 111, Clinton
('om. Sprrialivt,
%Ice -Principal
;tl,.l.'tlls 111a,- 1 ntrr :1t ally lltllr
territory of h1 *ent'itle's. He .h% to
get from a fanners organisation el:
an {tech for a maximum rainfall
right lushes during the mouths .
May, Jute end July. 11at11rld's cent
fellthml 1,1 1111 111111 W..11111 draw
fr a clear .sky, but that with 111»
elwmWala 1w can skewed in tapping,bture-ladeen Id.ltls. Ilse Canadian
est will 11.1 he the only part of the
hi interested in the Dote • of his
intents in Ilw Provinr' e.f \Ilwrt,e.
will IM' no great hurry. 1•01eo.•r.
as 'worts! his Chilies.. July 1»
e w•1y. -
it.VTTiT RrIfl9b j4 i olonf•11
Press Limited.)-..
When a min istromp:ikd to eat hs
ecrus his appetite Is quickly 'ally ed.
Many a woman's make up 'proven g
ha from holding thr miners u to nature.
• r ---T
`Telling a man • of to worry is about as
ilective as warning a small boy not to e; t
iso midi.
. Medkin.- Hat despatches report that
-slim Charlet. M. Hath 11I, the Man. --
Maker, (WWWenerd operational Vu May
1 an Inch of rain las Litten la the
Rub Pain and Stiffness away with
a small bottle of old honest
It Jambe Oil
When your back is sore and lame or
'umsciatica or rheumatism km
you stiup, don't suffer! Gee a
35 Dene bottle of dd, honest "M0. Jacobs
cel" at any drug store, pour • little
in your hated and rub 11 right law
8be pain .s• iehe, and by the time you
0oua1 Arty, the euraness and las sears
M gtlas
Doa"0 say crippled! This soothing,
passinsting oil needs to be used ash,
era 10 taker the ache aad pun right
plat of your back end ends the misery.
II is msgio•l, yet •beolutely hardr•s
sad dgssa t burn the akin.
Needle else stops lumbago. pei•tiea
Mag isms back misery Ru promptly!
Modern, Easy
Washing Way
No need at all for wash day -to be a
work day. Let Rinso do away with
the weary rub of the wash board. Let
Rinso do away with the steamy labor
of the boiler. Let Rinso ?sash your clothes beauti-
fully clean'snd snowy white in a new way -just -
by soaking in either warm or cold water. You
make a rich, bubbly, cleansing suds with Rinso,
put the clothes in, let them soak a few hours and
then rinse them thoroughly. For dirty spots it
will be necessary to rub between the hands,
lwelf�'. '06)! -ir e_ ,„ ii r,
Rinso is not a "Washing Powder"
fti a•. Nssules of Rinses Ise& much like
a washing powder, bet crab Alit bas:
(Jae s beeping tasapoonf.l 411 • Oa., o f
ioN water, pat it cool snit than ''torn i1 nut.'
'Wedded Powder"
-high i• harsh -.beolutely harm•
s►. is Se•
--Ise else in soap 11
_Ism toep alter
If you have a
washing machine -
Soak the clothes overnight in the
usual Rinso way. The cleansing
suds loosen every hit of dirt. in
the morning orerate the machine
for a few. minutes and the clothes
are perfectly cleafi-even the most
soiled spots.
Get a package frees your
Grocer to -day
, a ,