HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-5-19, Page 7THE SMELL
Thursday, May 19. 1921--1
These Eternal Meals
nivHAT to get for dill. when y r nerves are set
ner?" "What ton\ right.
get for supper"
To -day, to -morrow, next day;
every day in the week.
This is woman's"problem
and the source of almost
endless worry.
It is when 'Q are tired-
rve tired- hat such
ings become a • ource of
w rry.711reis n g e of ' ' like
Ur. Chase's Nerve F to
combat this condition.. \
True,, there -are--timeii 4E-91<.-Chaasi)4
when most women take a Nerve 'oat is such a heli]
pleasure and pride in cook- under these very conditions
ing and baking, but when that elms come to be relied
you are not feeling up to the upon byte great majority
mark it does get on yoc.r of Canadian women. Head -
nerves and become a real aches, . sleep ssness, tired.
worry -a nerve -exhausting depressed fee 'ngs, lack of
worry. energy are so e of the ac-
cnmpanying.sy toms.
Since meals are, es4entinl
to life, the' old problem of
"what to eat" must endive,
but need not be a worry
You can obtain :Chase's
Nerve Food fro' , your
dealer at 50 cents a
C.1N.t,I)I.1N til:.\MEN HIT
--Newer F: - N. - lsaVlrllar�llasIbal
!Amman* the l'IIWae. -
Detroit. 11 4'.luidilu +..4111.1'
'err being refu•rd employln.•ut I.y 111.1uy
- 1-a.Nel.:Stales tassel-• ._iters ,tt Iletr,i.
rail ntb•'r lake ports 101 ?.-.,'Is num
being lilted out for the boll.
• 11. the past net riy et 0-1 1 cr4s1•I crew
1 Lake ja sseneer awl freight service
t Iailevl d u)n.lo•r of t`.aluldi•ur
4.11. but a ti •4 pleoe-of b gi+lali.4n
Wren y pyswrl, by. 1'.n.grl•.. •'hono.
thal.4t. 114 of 1'.IWithin and ..4 11.1. for-
eign '4' Meal. -
The le .1:110:1 r n -iii the Ir otb1e
Is. POW hat "Ain A.1 t' Provide -for
Treatlwmt 4 f►1.4144.1 .Holli rieatneu.
• •wJ,Ich w III he nit into op r:etion 1i-ar
Somebody's Birthday.
This Is 'body's birthday,
Just as sure its NIP :
Some little troy is xis years old,
Suttle 11111.' girl is eight.
Sluue little boy is 11,1'w• 11. -dray,
Nome little girl lhirl,s'h,
Kline little Iwltls are exactly two --
Two apiece, I mean.
1.1 '4';.' m:e•t. local vessel 11 •n say,
sill n,.bke Iw.'lt uwu.'ryy re 411sib14'
For exp•• of-byxplittlicut - fur
• Iie•n .1411.4-. who are taken, in 4111 th1.
'.4.14 :lino 'f,n• hnrdal wipeIlw•s in the
bi,'1.t of
jl ala• )est jI__a sailor INW11110 U1_
Id• •as went to•the tu.,rio.• ho.plfal,.
ab"re lar era- •' rove for will 0x•
pea 4,, 11N• t•.'s.s'I °water. :1.14 the
'4II4•.II..Il of the nati.:tidily .,r 411--
xillnr w•.,• never fir:mold uta. Hut
the maw 1,141' plt.•e, cue of .,IRiclerl
hien •4''11.4•h ,lir4•tly up 411 the VI •I'.
Ill 4Ialr.u.4•nt.. and 11N•al in ttigrat 411
'AI1 rr.:Ire directed to see that a cal
f111. systematic and Iwri,wlfeel cheek 4
mn iint:tinel of oh hospitalised eawM.
111.a1 they Art 11 lie prup•rI) di4p,sc1t
of 11t1V1 4 Ellie fibrous of
the r1'gulit10nx.
Someone is eating his birthday Bake
,tad laughing over the plows :
Solwrlue is .rluiNIIg her birthday dolls
1►h all her lingers dud thumbs.
?tumors.' is INIuni-Ing his birthday lull,
4Ir winding Ills birthday w,tcb,
Slower. 1* out Lal W1140 1.r tall
For birthday butter+svtch.
Think of the beautiful birthday books,
Thiuk of the birthday t•he•r,
Think of the birthday happiness
Every day iu the year 1
Every day In the year, my dear,
Every day we're alive,
• happy child hi nue 1.r two,
or three 1.r four or 11ve.
The Animals' Part In the Nan-('h1W N
'tile t\'INNI f,luily Wan Dile of die
nicest families that ever you could
kuuw. Children and animals all
Mixed up lug.'th.r. Celia \\'0041 mux
1110 oldest little girl Si,,, reminded
you of Snow-\Vhitt• In the fairy tale.
Sisterette was u 441/uwn?11114* Moller
rat, w, dignified she wade you think of
a princess •111 disguise. Dan was a hit;
Huy $.',•alit and 444,4* a big yt1140W dog.
Q'a-era was a very 1l►11rpliug of a lasso.
/11111 11'0.44.' wits u 11111e Lit til:e•k
'4111.1'1• wen. 1erer so 1111111y 1111111'
child 1.011 in .4111. hour and lever so
114.1ly tuore• animals. and they all loved
rack ,,thea very touch. Ttie children
leotard' 1.11 Ho. tither 4ulhwlkt 11.- 'the
••Y1rn 11111441 I,,'.4111+11," M,thrr Wood
said, -because 4111•} Ii'4' w4 good t1, y1111."
"'fell id abbot it\Mother," .\Ca-w•a
ask141 one muruing'444 a the 1- .y' and
mit 11N• big
girls were dressing - a
open fire .
\lelle•r pulled -a .Ills w'
,4N•1., 4111 In !ally's foot.
"TI,.' 4.44.4. gay.' 111.441. 1.1/afs (r eke
4114.4 sock for twby,"• said Mother.
".►1.d they gave their avoid to k
-toe waren," nib 1.41, 144111, 1.N 111s
risme through the D.s4t---"f-r khvk4-
"rolunrl sweater. s
"Your y4arnl wooden untlem.4ar, ton,
.:Sae from the Iwrk of r11e sheep."
M..t h er lohtea1.- --- ---: . .
".\1.d 1111 therm buttons --" Perlia.
ku.rliug i11 front of \Vnoca, popped
the shiny buttons of her -11tH,' dress
into the gaping bllttuuhules as . she
spoke ",all these buttons oyster. gays'
-1 0•041 ' I Iyf4[er3 !" \%a�wa gurgled
with delight. '14•Nters are soft . t•elia :
'white,. hard '^' -
4 • • V
J 11.1. thea Si t telt., a rh ulgh
he knew what they were talking
bout. pushed a rough. gray oyster
atwi'tt tit was iter favorite' plaything
across the thaw. 4'1•IIa 1/41-k4441 it up
t a
shiny pink and blue p'arl. just lik.4
1.10• 1,1111111.4 oe her clothes.
"That's alit • the f+tltr"us 4.01114•
from,- she expla tied.
"Who- made oar hale-rc4A.onV"
cried Wm ,w i. as other 1iw1 Velia'w
golden (lair with a hale Idle i.,os that
w.1. Just the .obtr of her eyes.
"A dotal. caterpillar,' Mother said,
••I lh, I know :" shout 1 lawty, 441141
loved the crawling t•r.a4;lr s. "1'4-e
weal d catei•nillar spin si .. It comes
out ..f hi. m,_ut11. and a 441,1115 14
'round and 'ru41n.1 and 'round his
Removed ---by Lydis E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound.
Hesford, took Lyda F:
Plnkham'a Ve table lompound f.'r
jaskache, and 1 :11.11
a female weak•
Mss 1 felt dizzy
nervous, and
was without 1•Ilrrgy.
I had to force myself
to do my work, and
was always tired.
Sawa Pinkham ad-
vertisemeat which
induced me to take
the Vegetable Com-
pound, and my hark
FI•adually stopped
exam.mg and fei t lighter in spirits. 4
recommending the Ve•q•0table Com
pound with pleasure to .it I meet who
complain u I did."-MILUKLD Skoog,
Meaford, Ont..
Woman's Precious Gift
The one which she should most zeal-
ously guard is ber health, but she often
neglects to do so in wawa until some
ailment peculiar to her sex bus faptened
itself upon her. When lo affected
women may rely upon Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable (omp,wnly sd, a remedy
that has been wonderfuluccessful in
restoring health to suffering women. •
j f you have the slightest doubt that
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound will help you, writ,. to Lydia E.
Pinkham Medicine Co. Iconftdentiall,
Lynn, Mau., for advice Your letter
will be opened, read and answered by a
woman, and held in strict confidence.
Speaker's Chair for Canada
Speaker's Chair .Ala Is ii
resented to the C�alawhic aPioaae
mmona b the � arlia-
Ountary Aseocl.don (Un-itdd Hing -
tom branch) to take the place of
that destroyed In the fire at the Par-
liament Buildings, Ottawa, In Feb-
Tnary, 1916, is now completed, and
it is expected that the presentation
w11 be made by the Right Hon. J.
W. Lowther, speaker of the Imperial
Nouse of Commons, during the sum-
The gift hu been tendered by the
donors as "an abiding token of good
will between both Parliaments," and
;bas been gratefully accepted as such
ThD the Canadian House of Commons.
e chair is an exact copy of the
Speaker's Chair in the House of
Commons (designed by Pugin who
w1. Berry's assistant in,.the build -
bag of the New Palace of Westmins-
ter), which has been used since the
Occupation of the present chamber
by the Commons in 1862 Like the
original. the replica is a beautiful
example of carved oak. It stands-
3ift Stn. surmounted by a canopy t'
Utaring the Royal Arms, which are
oared in a piece of old oak taken
from the roof of Westminster Hall.
The neat of the chair is upholstered
In green leather. The right jamb of
the chair is inscribed: - "Manus
juste nardus• memor et fidelis mens
coma* rectit'; and on the left jamb
is inscribed: - "Nee preco nec
gqrreetlo; libertas in legibus; hosti■
Yoaori invidia; laus Deo."
1.111 and gaio' 11411 1'w•0 hauler, of sugar.
:1.1.1 the lila horse wiggled his 1•;1.•..
'1'11111 wry his - way of saying. •"rh.u16 I
>•'11, hey dear, for thinking 1.4 1111'
loui.l• II. 4;uyul. 1
1 ..whints Thal lalw• Requirlult Them
Is Not Observed.
Toro11lo. M; ' 11 II boor,' antra
1X.'114.'4 may not he Issued this year
to ear ,rww•rs Who lune 1101 4.01111111431
with the late n•glydiug ' non-g1.1re
L•n+w, rntnpblIuts ,n'e IM•in¢ lierl
from almost every nureiclpallty in the
, Province flet the Law is not being
oloierte1. .11nwa any eventllg. card
are shell noon 1111• hlghw•'lys, 341,4.'14 at
first thought :14414':4• in 1x• without ontt-
I ta•Ire lenses. hilt o41 clox.r inxpr11011
111"y hart' 1111•.0 leases, 1/11t 1101'014 111..
14-4 there. i. a glare wh1411 dna
passing Irani...
..4l40I,•nIl3' the h•ouhle is; 111141 II.I
IOmves are n°I prnle•rIv 1111411x1141 1.r ,
' are v.110114141 with 111.141.4 that nee t.a.
,1'rnng. 'I'h,• . piv.I•nI law- regardi1lg
attt 1110141. lights teas 44vswyl by 110
1111 114.• r.eu11t111e11d-1114141 of
the \Ii,i•ter of Highways and in co111-
0F1114nr milli 11 widespread 111.1111i 110 1.0
the !taut of the public. The e1.(,rre
went' of this part of Itl.' taw" reglad
10.: uloluy CPPhicles is i1. the haus. of
the municila111ties. Th • s4w;•ili.'tion.
i14 11ul:lri" n.:u•di,: .1ut•moilide 14gIt1
ii' are anomie the .tl• ,lest -•111 th
141111:aut. While there is .1.0
.1 him; at pre4l•111 .t••a Ism -nitre 11u1p.
the gl 1.e 1•.41 L.• el w:m sed bi' Fir trn•.
314111 x411.4'mI. The Ipq• 1.41411.114 It( t0101..igh.
+►ora-+-it.1N--f+wfi41--Ir+xtnl4bll•1-- 'I.-rlfnr
~ with the whole'IHe.Coll of glare Slid
lighlillg, ,401 ala' .4i•'. rl g.a-a 1.t' 141.• roito-
• 4:Itiott4 1•:111 I4• roar.', te.t by vigil In 1•
on the part of 1114411!•/4411
Ht Nr 1101)1.
"1'440H/14.,' crowed ttc Wl•wal.'i
who often went to walk Nit ll 4..r•1Iy.
r►ver Mother •.li'4. "lied
the most 1.f. the caterpill,r- !!1.1 .pin+
our silk for Vas. We call il'••n, -ilk•
There was a fi>,uny noi.e. N,1;.4•r,
1,,kl11g 110w1. Na•w - n. of-1-(i•terett* s
kittens playing with th.' hair blal;,h
that had slipped to the tl.xu'. \Io4Ie
Id,-keil up the hair 11111,'!. iw4-1'.1.1 t
children that every bri•t.l. 1 11,
1or)t. Liken from the 1..00 1.-
-And the hest Wiwi...
that 1144.' 11. Rari.,."
ell it44 about it. 11, 11.
now it was bre.:
told another
milk -awl
*bout .t
Iw,I given to
.1 rung. Al
eggs for th-em,
hI. honey.
-Where are all
slplarse?- It$kel looking out
51141W was falling ' _great white
fakers, and. 141 far ash
the road and walks were 1. riel deep
of the window.
In x11.14?.
"1 guess we can't go h. wheel. • id
cry.'. NI,4 told
411 tirJ 1ha1. L'ui44
1• little ,•hihln•n
4)0 01,1 14.11 W1141 Tail)
1 th.' is -e.. % im 111.1,14•
IoM; now. do you
*11T TO
No Furca.- ect^•` t'• r'•,•. of John
Y d a1 Rlversdale.
I • ab'. \I'v 11 I4 •, ,•,.
nulik.'l nt nre••0nt 111,1 taw 1..1.
Jahn ':Il 1.l will be .xhnm •'1 nil',
41. 411 a-43.11 1111111_ Ih • 1•\ ' , • 'I:a'
Old-time Baking Days
anal, ns W.I. 0011f .1111.4•••• 1 - nm.
.vs n.0„ e- -, t•t•slllt of sn•ni •ion of
foul play ent.rtalitod 4,y re, t;, in
e•.nlw•el41111 14111. Ili- arylh .+n )It'• oi_hl
a,f .11•ri1 1
1t i+ understood 4t11t i1. "r.l.r
have the Iwslw exhnno4l :old -I frost -r,
11NH41•In rxatl.lmltirtH II01e1 uletic.- or
the d,-..1 1111111 w'0111,1 Is. renlir,.l T'.
,tet' np a lonxider4hle aroma of
.ney. it appears .that when the
tier pruwutw•LIL ..it_"xn•hleutiLt
deal " 411111 .e ilosi an hnpu•st naleawsl
..try, is :, difficult matter to have;
4111.11 n d/wishnl quashed and the ease
n4,4w11e1. \
4.0 111,1 5008,
Just then there earn• a "Tinkle;
ilakiar tIul*lo', -'
- It's' 111.' sleigh -hells o11 Die snow•'
plow:" el tell Wawa •
Vol'h.r excused th.•ni aft wi that
they 4.4111141 1411911 144 41 .- .r 111110w• 14111
Watch (110 144.1111i - *Y. .':a1Y
pulled by 7 l,lg bh- horse, who
9NHId,44 Jas./bead with ivory fires step.
- dee him;' -a idllletbsu "hot. deter-
' He's saying. '1 it.t
for the toys and t
get this clean for tin -
oe pt.sed by the Wood
4, lion at his heels, ran
l lowrv0r.
•al:"1'm relative. and resi-
dent. .141)1144 f lot. i,•e„1•rally :Ire hrdd-,
fug tirnlly t" the "pinion Ihat 111. 1c1.i
nnn•d.r1•tl w.tnew fu a oi. 4III. 1,1111 lip -1
14414411 the 1244i 1301 ••• 4,11. 1'11 1---. 11.,11
this village on 1110 high i1. 11110,1 100.
intros.. excitement 1 .'vai1.,I ht'rr-
slay. following �Ih. tr:agil
h .t 144" {utng-farmer- I4 was
for x.
fell Nat.uutltitlg less than ha , ng t11.'
N ' Ila satisfy the people.
it n \'.lad. the dead matt. 181,41• IF
ern James. to the h"110 01 .11-1/11
M.4ay111 1.0 the' 1'1411. •.sstou, 1.111`
TOW ow i night of 111e Irallerly. 14e
left hl11ifyl 'N at 111 u'1'l4N•k to drive
home to hose whale. saying he w111t14!
101• home 111 1w.1 r nlfuutr$. That was
when be was last 4.1. nlh•r. The next
mooning 110 era• 11141 dead ill the
buggy in the drivc.hl on his father's
farm by Its brother: '4th a deep
lcuuud In his 111•.111, s.IIJ duly.' 114.11
intli.ted by a kirk from the Ione. '
mined lie look -
get t 111. 011.141'
girls. I must
Toys :Ind the g
the ho,
(louse, Lan, t?ii
„RU L#
If1111 1011 11
More Bread and
Better Bread
1114 L
Yr. c..e.t sap "srEU'IDBEE" - -crrr. orEwE- - -CITY or *uvvALo-
BUFFALO - Dull/Max let to_1Nor.' 15tY -CLEVELAND
1000. &Teem.9,004.u. ( Unarm 1 tae. Clayman. 7.00 r. 1/.
Armr cvs4se-' 740 A. IL ( 4/1133Aaa TIME •t Ant., avnun T.20 A. 1L
ICo.'n.•etioru st (Smiled for C.d. Plot, Iva -I. -Dy, To do. D.4.11 W Ober Sall.. 10.M1d
- ticket. readmit between la,eal. sad CM..I.ad re geed far tr.a00wtrti.a f� .v Auk
ticket .41404 or loons* weeny for tkl.t. ol. C a 11 tL.. 1144..x. TaarC. 1 M La --
110.44 Mound Tno. erne x dare return bent, for are not enamelling 113 IW
e . cents.' 411.....* 04 c w. la end Great nip
Weld" '131111.11,14"tr..� ..n �.«eri..l
INNI)•." •chart et Me
7ka Cl.e.lud & Saha.,
Traaeit Compal
Cleveland. Uh,o
The 1:r... 44Vr
. a a a A N D a i C.
-tee lames ..d moot eesly
IM"'me•r at«m.. o. Ia4..4
w.te. of taw world. a4.rlaa
capacity. 1500 pmmirer..
that, regardless of condition, we're going to
get the best quality for you that can be obtain-
ed, and we're going to stand back of it.
This year mcre men than ever are going
to demand fine merchandise -they aren't go-
ingto lake a Chance when quality is gener-
ally -doubtful. - •
_ --
F. H. MARTIN, Tailor n:a_°
• See Our Wedding Stationery
Jane Brides --Before PlacingYour Order. --Jane Brides
Built in Canada by skilled Canadian
Workers and Canadian Capital
The vein' was executed by
(By Courtesy of the C.P.R.)
mere Fry Hems and Sone, of
eter, ander the direction of Sir
ink Baines, of the ()ffice of
Works. It was recently on view
at the rooters of the Empire Perlis -
Association. Westminster
V,1, when the Speaker and a large
=of Lords and Commons, were
red by Sir H. d'Eville, secretary
of the association tad Mr. T. Wil-
son, Clerk of forks and Deputy
hir, 1. a i framed
ro• ll of parchment, ornamentally in-
peribed as follows: -
"1 is replica of the Speaker's
Chair in the Horse of Commons, at
Ile tie I ouse ofCommonsat presented04-
taws by the United Kingdom branch
of the Empire Parliamentary As -
Iodation, comprising members of
roti Howes u a fitting symbol of
the t Parliamentary tradition
*bis& binds together the free na-
`1en1 of the British Commonwealth."
The scroll is signed: - "Birken-
head, Lord Chancellor; James W.
Lowther, Speaker of the House of
Commons, Joint President, Empire
'p�*ARamentary Association, ilnited
l�tdom branch, Westminster Hall."
jlllf�jjrrrmrlerly the Canadian Speaker,
pfd leaving office, was entitled to
Ibke away the ehair in which he sat
*e • perquisite, but this perquisite
11 new be lost. It is probable that
chairs of the
de some of eish House of still
w cadence lin country' mansions.
n Pollen, in his 'biography of
rd flldtwouth (Henry ddingtow)
to Lodge, lkhmthe e d Park om of
SILIB anby George ppredsi . ibII. to
to the Crown -there were two old
and bulky armchairs standing guard,
one at each side of the fireplace;
they were chiefly remarkable for
their lumbering size and gaunt, in-
convenient form, and visitors, al.
ways curious as to their history
were told theywere the chairs of
the House of Commons in which
Addington had at as Speaker. He
originally possessed three of these
chairs. He presided over the House
of Commons 144 three consecutive -
Parliaments, and bad the distinction
a< being the first Speaker of the
Commons of the United Kingdom on
their ascrmhly nn ,Tanuary 22, 16'71,
after the Union with Ireland. One
of the -chairs disappeared, Dean Pel-
lew says, and the mystery of its
fate was never solved.
The lthair of the first Speaker of
the first reformed House of Com.
mons is in the Parliament 'House of
the Commonwealth of Australia at
Melbourne. It is the chair that was
provided for the temporary chamber
in which the House of Commons sat
after the fire of 1834, and was taken
away as his perquisite by Charles
Manners -Sutton when he completed.
late in 1884, his long term of office
as Speaker. Manners -Sutton's soft
took the chair out to Melbourne
when he was appointed Governor of
Victoria, and presented it to the
Legislative Assembly, whose succes-
sive Speakers sat ,in it for many
years. In course of time another
chair was substituted for it aadat
the inauguration of ow,
rassnplaate recordi1 it was ng Bits history
- la the House of Representative"
for the alts of the Speaker,
er3711 iMIIIC-.13==Tn.r .►T, ', N" n.,.. .
rautrffluitetif401 11140nolo...ore.
" 1
Ir r'4
NMIl IBtil1)<ft111 a Plilr
f I t3u(CE TINa3
11F-4 I
lltiiiil , l
An Uncommon
-- fie=dna-, wittPuraprytoti ears on the
an exceptional car and a41 uncommonly d
Good Investment
V oi+t can buy all the good of of .the
ere willing to pay the price. -
. y- ,
other -ea' f-sl�let r�7,t-re= --rbc ,tom
the complete cotnhination of desirable feature§ which
the biggest bargain in the motor car field.
Gray -Dort value has created it wide demand for this -
d;eaiers-ate ubfc to make alrnost- inttued #e deliveries to a few
your dealer to -day. •
-tete Gray -Dort stab
able investment for yo
-Dort in other cars i
price can you secure -
kes the Gray -Dort , • .
at Gray -Dort
owners. See
(,}l::lilatlt, Ont.