HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-5-19, Page 60
0- Thurstlay, May 19, 1021.
GODER10111, OUT.
Mate Robert ('amphrll, a t.oderleh Old
Bey Among the Missing.
Sault MIP Marie. Mich., May 15. -
All hope had heeu abandoned tonight
for the captain and nix members of
oho crew, inclieliug one woman, of the
h.trge Hoge•, which broke intim the
steamer Zillah of the O. W. Itlod4e'tt
•'o. of nay 4'ity, Mich.. off Whiteeti,1
Point, Ia4k Superior, during the storm
ye,rterlay morning. Those misslug
and who *re • iwliev.sl to have leen
d lVWll'\I AI"{
. in K. Pederson,
l `A ►La
'Sir• Buffalo; Florence Pi -oh -noon. Irak;
4.1,1 state Robert Oawphell, Tonawanda.
N. Y.; $.*.wen Erie Johnson and Iuufs
Ylorew'e, Bay /Yty, Mkh.; Seaman
jobs 1/rt'eker, .Titusville, 1'a , anti an
r trout
unidrMsealant .nua u who ,Au{ p,rt tr
port Ilnr n. )lick.
alawnaloa Released from Sandbar.
The Pit 'ghat rg ste•met. Mauualoa
aca, released Iron the sanli me at
lkdar Reel at 3 o'clock this 'morning.
anal pt+nd down at 10 p.m., unharmed.
o1'nr',• hundred tons of ore wen• taken
1 Peal tee Ilauu:,lo,t by the lighter-Rc-
fiagK•e in effecting the release. None
of the vel.w'ls which Moire pssseel,tl41'l
1sw4r of the wreck of Saturday worno
..ins, with the exception of the steadier
►" Renown, has sighted any wreckage,
and 11 1s generally Io•lierrd that the
y idisl u _lik�_A.stone as mow as
' her . cargo • of •halt became iwturatet
after the barge broke away froom the
Zillah in the 1,1izrwrl.
/due Man Nearly Saved.
'1 he Renowtl reported' passing the
wreckage of the Miztec three miles off
Wbitensh this morning. The steamer
turned some to. go to the restore of a
1414111 -sen lying on the roof of a cabin,
hut as the bf. ye.u1,•4 .ppomelt d' tow
scan roiled off elle wreckage into the
lake. No other Oodltes have been
slgtrte!tf. ed1111111•
Prior to the waking public of the
. iia of titre crew' by 0. W. Iliodgett,
the .)Mlle:, i! was not known here that
there was a w•nnmt1 1m board, the'
vessels having l4I„c"1 the Iocka during
the night Coast moots patrolling
the lx•arh have mit righted any of the
Peabtigo Seemingly All Right.
The 'distiller Merry, w•hit'll lot•ked
down today, rty'.n' ed that the I't\slr
Otto, wlticlt also broke away from the
/.illall, w:I4 *gaol fu tow' of the
steatnmr Zillah, awl all
on lwttett were
apparently all right,
hstLle with 141e storm at Anehortem,
less than a mile (tern Whitefish slwre.
1111 7.11141 patte•mNp�tyeldtorgo on u hat Mrd
uwruitlg by the storm of snow.
A heavy northwest gale woo whip-
ping 1.4ke Superior tonight awl snow
war falling, but 11.1 teller stes mgrs
'were r.garrted 111 danger. Stix niches
Of stow' fell during Friday night 111
•Ilaturlay mbruing, need the tempera-
ture torr• dmpp•d 441 1p'L.w freezing.
The 4u„ of the Mizte• is the first
lake diaster of the present sra.,on.
'I'le 4fizte' *11, in tow of the
steamer Myroii when that vessel rank
off crisp l'otut Notr•rutwr 2"_', 1919,
with a lits of IS men
lillah'sg fn'rale
With her Isoild•r-rooms knee-deep
in water and three linemen fighting
desperately to keep the tires going.
Ow steamer Zillah wax alwrnrt a
wrack herself during the fearful
storm whirl' raged on Lake MuperIor
yesterday •morning. and which cause'
the destr(ntiou of the barge ,glister',
with' iia crow of xis men and one
A story ll( the .h rlr4M of Irate
Superior's -graveyard was- brought
lark to this city this atteri►oon et 4
o't•la•k--a horror that almo.rt rivals
the wrecking on N4vetuner 22. 1919,
of the steamer Myron. t'oiI,eidenees
of the .wreck Of the• Mister were that
4'aptain lion 4'tiwithell of the barge
1'ehtigo was 011 Iiooril the MINIM.
which war loving towed by the Myron
at that time, wind t'aptain Walter Neal,
the only survivor of the wreck -td
Myron. was ou iwool the steamer
Zillah yesterday. tiering a, tilt agate.
11'In'n the Zillah roto del Whited,*
Point. towing the barges •Misty.• 111141
I'eshtifo, the ferocity of the storm was
not r'alisel. heading dinghy luto 11,
the three vtstt•Is ran for perhaps t o
utile through a blinding Wittman!.
The w:tt•e, atr'OnlIItg to our of the
men on hoard tbP l'e.htlgo. were
Itnnlutaltemo, and after it ass 110144
Co 1 d not he
that further headway
made the Zillah was turned aroma! ❑1
lite 4rongli of the sea and headed Hack
to 11'hinetl,h l'uiut. The I'o1it4igo rose
the wart•., but the Zillah -1111 the Mts.
INC were battw•y.l mercilessly. K
to their heavy Cargoes.
Vivid Narrative by Survivor.
"When we were within less than an
hong;., rum of safety behind !Whitefish
Poi st,•' said a member of the Iheshtigu
crew, "Ile lights of the (Mlste• sod-
erniwdy vanished iu the • 14. It appear-
ed that she simply went to pita•..: our
line to her w'a. .Ula{r{cel, and Me were
inky darkness. and with the w s
the ,new .so dense that there was no
knowing our idation.
-Captain t'o•wl'Iwll, whose brother
perished or the Mirte•. rlKg
el x
and tried to head into the wimp. tour
rudder .was smashtt, howerer,sud at
4 crit k, wlie11 it began to got a bit
light, we diwvvrlel bretkers less ttuln.
■ quarter wile ahead. 1%'e 1e4 go two
an•1Wri and ane tlwre fur more thou
twenty-four 1 rx jtl4t Out of emelt
.f the coast guards. who worked tw
boot, in rain efforts to n•acb us."
PPshtigo Brought to the Sow.
Nothing of the wMiagt• the
Misty.. was •aeon by the' 1't tiro or
the Zillah. .aulnlay morning the Zil-
lah wend opt from behind Whitefish
Mkt picket up the I'1'shtigt. .ringing
it to the Soo for reptiles to its adder.
Captain Campbell of tbt' 1't htigo
«as allntalt in tears un reavhhng lyre
beituse of the 'death of his hrotht•r.
All the crew showed the gruelli
effets of their tattle with death, alt
it was Jeiared by several that only
by a wilvcle were Ow Zillah and the
Pe.:htitco waved from a like fate to that
of the alimecx . The vc.srls are tieing
held neer' for overs from the owners.
•: u1Ilk..pu,uaY11J11w1uuY1wln1uu11uu:keine,u�klw,w.naauwa;wu�,l•iauulU4O wiivaca dID num. -.
:• 1 i.i loll dal
James l ots%
De Sane
The Pride of Her Home
Her Table
�ND you can give her nothing for htr table
of such fascinating charm and lifelong
uscf ulne.s as " Holmes & Edwards "
Its exclusiveness of pattern alone would
delight her
But,dded to its distinctiveness and
dainty, simplicity, " Holmes & Edwards "
offers eatures which stamp it as the finest
silo are made,
'5--1- rich, g1 amino IuStre which only
hand -burnishing tom. ..sd hislvely "llolmes &
Edwards finish) and the generous use of
pure silver can give.
Extra silver, too, guards "Holmes & Ed-
wards" at the wear pints. in SILVER IN-
LAID solid hit ks of pure silver are fused in
on the back tr the bowl and handle. In
SUPER -PLATE 1,11 CSC pot ntS are protected
against wear by a heavy extra deposit of pure
V6ur jeweller will be glad to show you suit-
Alle gift selections in " Holmes & Edwards"
silverware -and also table appointments, such
as tea services, bread and cake trays, or cas-
seroles of " Holmes & Edwards" lustre and
Masa/Anaord Rutfariody is L'a'laofA 47
Wash Days
A Sunlight Wash Day is
free from the toil and
labour usually associated
with washing because
Sunlight Soap washes
clothes beautifully clean
and v1hite without rub-
bing pr scrubbing.
being the surest,gentlest,
purest of all cleansers is
kind to the clothes -they
last ever so much longer
-kind to the hands, too.
Insist oagetting the Soap
you ask for-
Try S4ew/cth t for
?morsel/ cad las.
UMMTBD. Tarsale
•••••- - AMIlb-
Missionary Workers Convene lm North
Street Methodist Church.
The twenty-ninth annual eonveutlon
of Galerich 111xtelet !Women's Mission-
ary S1•i14y was held in North 'start
churt•h, Glole,rlch, on Wesluewlay of
last week. Mrs. S. E. Hick, snprrhl-
trtnleut, occupied the chair.
The tgwmiug exercises w4't'e cludult-
141 by Mrs. Pentland of Nile. The re-
ports of tlw auxlllarirs, cin -Ira and
bonds were revived and were very
eneruraging. sixteen out of the
eighteen auxillarlrs having an Werra*.
in receipts.
111++. ('arr. of Blyth, aaalatant super-
intendent, gore 11 ',nowt of the
Christian stewards for the distrilt.
twenty.w•ven menthes.* haver.g signed
the pledge cater
Mrs. Mair sing a very 11euutiful silo,
"Abide with
�' d
Afro. M, rmtt.a , 191utou Ira
steperlutetnient of Christian steward -
5111p. gave it splendid explanation of
themeaning work and Ihmeaning„ f the title
"('hristfan stew•an1."
Miss ('ollo,rme rewiered very Iratnti-
fully a selection. "Spring Is 4' ,tnIWC-.
-Tile Value or (tlwrwlse of the Sug-
gestel 1Tvgr:111 was Introduced hy
Mrs. F. Wo'sI. of L.anleseh.ro.
"The Why of Mission Ilan)+ and
(lodes" was tine p bjeet of an whirl...
by Miss 14111111, anti a short tbs.-us-don
A duet by Mr+. g'toody and Mrs.
Mt-eurmielt, o(, Illyth. was much cn-
joyesl. -
Mrs. !lick Waw spun appnitlt..1
sulwrilltem4lw,t. With Mira+ .11. Itobert•
wru assistant awl Mrs. Andrew Oren,
A ern• quirt and restful half-hour
was ably Conducted by Mrs. S. Ander-
*in of ('limo*. • -
A very lash luncheon was provided
by the Iadieo of North street church.
An admires.. of welcome was given by
Mot. Moyer and malts! tit by Mrs.
Wahkon. t.f 4)niiga 11IlW1.
The evening owssiontupewal--with tine
pa+tor. Rev. H. 1). Moyer, in the chair.
Torr WripFture le14s/n waw read hy Rev.
A. V. tlahlon, of I►nutraunou. uul
prayer was offered hy lire. H. Royle.
,,f Ile
WATER AND 1.11.11( lOMMISS10N..:1. refund t.lx. 414 ill; nissett *toad 110 The district twperint4entlelt gays n
$rw•i an -Rater Pro.uwekc 111
Kenzie, dragygiug on noel 1.2. Lin: 4', very encouraging report. 4►uly two
M4(C4(rthy, rep. washout opt rss.I 4, $B:,auSRlarha reported_
i_ t erase,
Fred JUIIII,t.1L .rep. wa,hont oto road money raked. The amount raised by
' Two Busy
at Pumps to Ile Reeordei.
3. 4114; Arhie Johutuu. rep. washout ltem district wax $:1,4122(4, as increase
1r the regular m„•1inC of the witer on road .4. 111; .Iuu. MnLrthy. balance I of $4132. 11.11+• A. tlw valor of over
a 1,,1 light enrnmiert.'n. held on Thum
da* last. Mr sore H..1 Tnfh•nl nod 11.
1 'Ila nllwra requester '411(,11 street light
fie !dared on Trafalgar teem. east of
1'..nl.rla Mad. The• matter w,ls r•.-
f,•rr,rl to the ,hlg:,n,•r for • report.
Mr. 1'. C. ieee appsn•I !.•for" the 1•,m• May 24444. mot 1 p. tu. fur court of re- : Her 11. N. M.'4'amus. of %Seele•v
mission nn
behalf of an application vision. 4'. E. MI.1K►N.1(1H, ('lent. chnn•h. Clinton. 4111*. a very Mwldrlu41
frons the Maitland a;;.:f 4'in1. for water address which was 4lste•tltd ,(., with
service to the r,. Thi: alas A WOMAN'S HEALTH
was referrer! to h, • .r for report.
111 (rmlaPrence w 4 ,41•tl e01114 11
on grarellhlg 41m rood 4. 111/: 1.. Chilton. $014 %err pocked during the year and
storing and rep. culvert 4114 naiad 4.wet to different wlwluu fields.
41Ihr; Jer,y 4l'l'untor, gravelling on Mi•et )I. Aitken favored ihr audlrlp•e
`roil 4, 16; J. Sullivan, drawn* on , with a sad.•.
road :i, !2. (rn.wotiott of. Sullivan and .1 quartette. '11,4* l* My Ta+k•," *tit
4'awplarll, 1•0111Wll adjourn*' to meet (11(1,-11 enjoyed by all.
memlwr. OL• w! :,1. present. tic.NEEDS GREAT CARE
question of beth'r pr•' --tire In ease of
are was disetl-A. T war ,Ilse,/1.•-When the Blood Becomes
,irwl thatpfYiii-Fid• 'M• tnnprttwt more
,i,,i,•kly atter "tile .en.Iing in ..f nn Watery a Breakdown Folbws.
ala nn. The, powerhouse staff stat,.)
Every woman's health is dependent
that there was 1n. fault with the pre"`•
upon the condition of her b{ow
sure, at the pnv;',:¢ 'station, •cal to may w'C/0•n ttadiew with la•eadadle
keep a OWIirt rn Mille 44 was .tect1er1 Par
that a first -40.11. water pre' -torr record-
ing range 1• .purchased a •1 phial 4111
the-l4nmps This will n...."d the pI 4t -
sun• throu.i» l( the tweir'-four hnnnt
tion, a constant feeling of weariness,
potation of the heart. shortness Of
breath, pallor and nervousness ' Of
the min..: of the t,re
""111'.,11'it may all these symptoms not be
MAP 4k'Cld'd to iwttall at ,.ght at tin• the condi' ion vI the besent -the more lood, andre ares te he more
:ref of the -town lisle. necessary ,hat you hould begin to enrich
fer letter from dr. C. ' fav stated it without delay. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
area splendid blood building tonic. Every
dose helps to make better blood which
goes to every part of the body and brings
new health to weak, despondent people.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are valuable to
all wt.men, but ttt4 y are particularly
t some taw in front Hotel Sun-
set were Wing destroyed hy electric
light wirw and ask& that the loot -
tion of the wires be cba11144 p,,, Refer-
red to the engineer 0) r'4■,r$
A rr.u•i.k'ra' le number of new air
plicate. u. , far elector light :writhe u°vt it t0 frig 4f ach I art win, dews e
.wrrr 'WWII. 0110 appllen tinn for pale!, Isn'14td ilia iitrilcaia. There can be
lighting ••rri.* ass front Mr. Jos, Qptitbet nealeh roe beauty wittt.,ut red
!tot,' Ju ';,od.rftt teawn-1,lp jlret Out. bklod, which givis brightness to the eyes
Ada tlwlltmite'-,i •Slee. town. 1.71 uoiinec- 1ltd color to.. the cheeks and lilt. Dr.
tion with thi.9 d
.ta w.., id.sgg
l to es- WIIiiams' Pink Pita build up the
mmnbalc with t11P 1►trtarin Cowmis.i.lu blood 25 is 1h0mn by the
x11'1 awr•r4ain ubtt a.'istance 1v ,:tall- experience of Mts. Joseph E.
aide for the rm,stnuti"u'.1 rural limes.
A lett.% fr..0 the Hunter Brklge et
Bolter t'e nflinesnlitle. .•tartlyt that
they wiiilld leek after the ndtlitinn to
the stamsl{tfla••in ton 140141 future, ass
trod. i`tt//eat derhlel, however, that
owing ( the .lptay in commencing the
wort, nil to emit -
fact that the en -
Weise 1. tnnteoplating certain other
ns the waterworks +cr.-
telae. the,Cronptny he informed that the
!dotter of- making tin' addition to the
standpipe Is to stand over for the pro's -
...,,pp of ;n1 order from the Provin-
chll !Soar.. .,f Health. ordering the
town imn,o4llately to install a neuter
nitration- !dant and a chlorinating
1.41"4 in „n44i*-4 On thelrwlth, was pre-
«'ntet to the rommkealnn and pinml
on tile.
Adjourned Meeting.
1u ndiolonsl meeting of the cam-
missloii mi. Item On Tuesday evening.
When .came. •1• Atr•chan was appolat-
el thine 4hift engineer at the pumping
plant. In rongl4tlon with the ltotz ap-
plierl lion it waw agreed that Mr. hots
*Mated tn1IM,ltoe * minimnnl revenue
of $23 a year for five year.. It was
devilled to giro the golf Club n water
Orrice ata mlnitnllm rate of $25 a
Tour. Thr eomi Maio of
will whe deliver
el i e after
waits; to the brow
which 4M' Rolf Club will have 40 mite
carr of it.
lir. R.rlf„ra, of a Toronto engineer-
ing firm, wag precept and .11..•11+++1
with Ihr r„,,asuoMn matters in eon.
Dalton- with the Instalfatim of the
filtrating plod
'1'ilc est n1 iselon adjourned at a late
hour to meq again at the vale of the
E. C. Robertson Sells
Holmes & Edwards Silverware
Veniotte, West Northfield, N. S., who
says : "For several years 1 was in a bad
state of health, 1 was pale and nervous,
my appetite was poor. and 1 suffered
from weakness, headaches and a feeling of
oppression. I got so nervous that I was
afraid to stay in the house alone. All
this time I w is taking medicine. but it
only did not help Inc. but 1 was growing
weaker. Finally i decided to try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pulls, and after using rix
boxes i felt much better. 1 had a better
appetite, slept better and felt stronger.
However, 1 continued taking the pills for
a couple of months longer and now I am
feeling as well as ever 1 did. I give all
the credit to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and
hope that my experiencemay be of benefit
to sorrel,ther weak woman."
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink'Pills
through any dealer 1n medicine, or by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 from the Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
nnn•11 pleasure.
The delegates who registered membered
Muskoka Lakes.
The Muskoka region of the Highlands
of Ontario was for centuries the chosen
hunting grounds of the Huron.. It was the
red man who Rove the musical name
Muskoka (signifying "clear sky") to this
land which held supremacy over all
others in his affections, and he christened
the islands, promontoti' s tmassiverocks,
lakes and riven in a manner that sowed
his apprecia'Lion of the beauties of his
forest home. No happier appellation than
clear sky" could have been adopted, as
the altitude of the region -1.000 feet
above ma level -gives splendid atmospheric
crxtdotions, Muskoka spreads its manifold
charms to blue skies flecked with soft
white clouds. it is a delectable land,
bnlliant with rich coloring, its air pungent
with the fragrance of the pines, its waters
cool and clear; moreover, a land of many
jilt ipS1.D. I pleasures, offering a wide variety of health -
giving open-air sports and pastimes suit-
s„> .;I me{ 4p April 4th, all merle apse to all ages. The Canadian Natiomal-
1e•r4 pr.'o.,t. 'Ylportew 411 Man•11 ms'.4- Ga rand Trunk RailwaYn have lust iuued a
inn nwd and t1p cored- The following handsome illustrated booklet telling you
a,rnn to w,.re ordered paid, on motion all about it with map and lint of hot'ts.
of .lolnston awl ('ampbell : lee. Wrile any agent of either company a
lrnr,rnln, gesms.1, 411: Others. Ritchie. opply to ('. E. Horning. D.P.A., Toronto,
,-riven road no. 1. 412; John Ont.
4:ardner. r.'p, culvert marl no. 1. 111;
rill:1 rev 11arkAlt, n+D enlyert Mall no. 2.
In milan, organdy,
tulle and mohair, with
trimmings from the
plain corded and
moire ribbon to the
beauty of flowers and
Miss M. R. MacVicar
Kingston street, Godericlt
n .
$2; tem Me&alglrt. rep culvert r,Md
no 7. $2; nogg TePIeav4n, ser. eutn•rt
need n.. 1, lar: Attain 4lnlgle7. r4T-
etlyrrt rings' no. 4, 12; I'swivel I
Hnrkett, r.'p, t'ttivert read no. :4, Vic;
l'htl Mnrph7, rep culvert mad no. 3,
1'2.50; Waite, Alton, rep. cuivert,•road
Deubting lop on Hubby.
Mrs. Eve --Des your husband rr.
member the annivermiy of your mar-
riage 4'•
Mis. Wye "Never : r 1 remind him
of it in January and June and pt two
pi menta.'
Is Your Car Ready For That
'mire Planing Thls Stainer?
"Get Out and Get Under"
doesn't go very well in
vacation time, so let us
put it in good shape
now before the
get here. Their cars
will need a good deal
of attention.
Phone 243 - Goderick
• Rheumatism
and all
111 inard'a
has given
our three
It quickly relieve. sore
thrum, kro.wlntu,navy
algia, sciatica and any
kad d pain.
An Old Reliable Remedy
Alm S. Fawcett. Hamilton St . Cdlingwuod,'
Oat ..met-M,nard's Liniment surely is MI
old otohk rcmy. 1 always keep
in the huu.e and have recommended it to
quite a numbs, d my (rinds. to whom it gate
,ed m
11 wafY a
t rclwl
In tree
re Lir ,hruni et,.m.
lid I1�' .rd'S�
o (tai Pain
Lini ment
Yarmouth Nova Scotia.
BOX 67, (:oderlch. All instruction,
by mall or lett wt Signal office wUl ha
promptly attended tu. Residence tele
phone 119.
Y G. CAMERON, K. C., + Rile
Div TER, Solleltor. notary
Orate Hamilton street. (iullerkh,
door from Square. Trost funds to
loan at lowest rates.
0Rk•P-Sterling Bank .itlo'k, Ham-
ilton Street. Golerich. Telephone K8.
Real !!state. Loans and Insurance.
pR1►r'I►r(xrr. K11.1 -GRAN •
1I(11.M Es.
It.4InRISTF:its. StoL1CLT4ins. NO-
011ie on the Square. second door
front Hamilton Street. G..deri. h.
Private funds to loan at lowest
ra tea.
W. Proudbwt. K. C.. J. L. KiRUraac
loudlcy F. Ilolnie•
C11.41(1 4:S (;.\hitt 444'. 1.1. It. 1t.111-
84 4TER. attorney. *elicitor, etc.,
Galerlch. Money loaned •4 lowest
4• ICITOR. notary -public sad coo'
replacer. Om . -csgrt Home. Godo-
rich. oaten
.' ANCE OO. -Farm and Isolated!
town property insured.
Omcera--Jig. 'Connolly. fres.. Gods --
rich I'. 0.; Jas. Erona, Vice -Pres...
Beechwood P. 0.; Thomas E. Bays,
Sec. -Treace, theltort14 P. 0.
Directors -D. V. McGregor, It. R.
No. 3, Sewforth : John 0. Orleva, Ifo
4, Walton; 4VIIIIam Rlnn. R. R. No. 2.
Rea forth; John Itennew few. Rrod-
hagen ; Geo Iderortney, R. R. No. 3t,
Meaforth; Rotwrt Ferris, Harlax•k:
Malcolm McEwen, Clinton: James
Evans, I1eeehwuod; James Connolly,
Agent! : 1. W. Teo, Goferfeb ;
Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton;
Welham Chesney, Rewforth: F.. Hloeb-
ley, Seaforth. l'ollcy•holdors can pal
all payments and get their cards re-
.'rlpted at R. J. Morrtall's Clothing
Store, Clinton: R. H. Cutt's Ororrery,
Kingirton atnwt, Golerlrh, or 1. H.
Rehf's General Store. Hayfield.
Brophey Bros.
The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Order. carefully attended to
st all hours, night or day.
Music for Everybody
Agency for
Call and let us give you
a demonstration of these
splendid instruments.
We have in stork the
Starr-Gennett Records
which can be used on all
these instruments.
Hamlltan and St. Andrew's Saw.
Goderieh Phone 104