HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-5-19, Page 23-Thnreday, May 10, 1021.
Thursday, %lay 19. 11121.
\ That Brisk, Rich Flavour
Coal is the burning question in Eng-
Ottawa report% that it will likely be the
middle of July before the prohibition of
liquors into Ontario corms into erect.
Toronto is now lot "daylightOaVill '
time. Henu•mlwr this %lien you go to
the ilty and don't mix your aplsdnt-
The Manchester Guardian, one of the
world's greatest newspapers. is celebrating
its one hundredth anniversary. Mi. C. P.
Scott has been its chief editor tor fifty
The Ottawa statisticians rehnrt that
food prices continue to fall, but that most
of the saving in this respect is eaten up in
increased rents. There 1. alesn a fly in
the ointment,
.Spee knows seem to hive all the Ik
A Iew -Months ago S. S. McDermanc4
U. F. O:. was elected member of Parlia-
ment for East Elgin. Nov a big flow of
gas has been struck on his farm.
The Provincial Government 61 Sas
katchewan, led by Premier W.M. Martin,
will appeal to the elector= on July Oth.'In
his election manifest() the Premier lays
stress upon the desire to maintain is
distinction between Provincial and Fed-
eral issues.
found in every cup of the genuine
is the true flavour of the perfectly preserved
leaf. This unique flavour has won for Salada
the largest sale of any tea in America.
ing it *sweets! almost the whole north•
earn portion of the sky. Ity the way.
I there hie been ee•yeral auroral di--
plays of Ener, and a,traosuaers are tell-
ing of some vary I:u;te -,{silo oat 1
:tau, whisis.strengthens the thesrry.that
'there Is iytne connection between
auroras -and stn spot:.
Ever hear of anyone embr rassed by the
possession of too much gold ? That is
the condition the'United States is getting
into, however. From other countries gold
has been pouring into the United States
' to pay for the vast quan.itiea of goods.
purchased during the war. until now, it ill
-estimated. considerably more than ones
third of the gold in the world is held in
the States. The principal use of gold is
as astned�um of exchange -to buy things 1
with but the United States by its bigh t
tariff la*s discourages buying abroad. and
instead of mportations of gmis to pay'
the debts other countries the stream
of gold contin s to flow in. As a result
other countries a now buying as little as
possible from the States. and 'hundreds 01
thousands of peuple'tn the Republic are
out of employment -while three thousand
million dollars in gold is tying unused.
The 24th of May is still the "Queen's
Birthday'." although a great many of the
present generation never knew Victoria as
their Queen. It's a good•day for a holiday,
at the beginning of the summer season,
and we hope the custom will be continued
tor many years to come.
Eugenia system. The rate will soon he -
come so high that the tacturtes using
Hydrowill be impelled too resort do
steam power again. There s a nigger in 1
the woodpile tome+'here, and d we don't
miss our Inca, the army o1 officials of
the Hydro system at enorm ,usly high
salaries is the eauae •4 the ntttnicipalitie$
on the northern system being soaked. It
will be an eye-opener to the ratepayers of
Chesley to learn thtouththe Columns of
The Enterprise one of t;tese tine days
how much we arc so dent to the Hydro
system. The t,egisiitore c (lit let in too
much light on hse the'ilydro is being
Atter al!, there is a goo,' deal to be said
for nut wetting. When everybody else is
shouting. silence has almost the effect
of an epigram. There has always
been a special interest abut the young
woman wno 'never told her love,' and a
umtlar reticence in soldiers about • their
special dislikes among their brother ofhc-
has its enga in g side, too. Millions of
Thh�$$oo�� Manchester Guardian Commends
the reticence of Lord Haig, who' has an-
nounced that he is not writing an bon
on the war. It says : "The num e its
lovers of 'inner history,' 'revelations, a
s behind the scenes' must now
abandon any hype they ever had of a
The Saltford Sage says he isn't going to well.illustrated volume on 'The Truth
be caught with any "fancy" crop that
year. Sweet clover. flax. beans -none of
these for him : and he isn't very strong on
about Nivelle,' or 'How I gave it straight
to L. G.' 'How• I Won the \\ ar.' would
of course. be an impossible tot. almost a
potatoes for this year, either. He says teach of copyright, Stnce it is virtually
he will put most of his ground in sunflow• the title of several books already pub -
en -they are the only things that are fished by other, soldiers and civilians.
going to be high this year. , s
ers R
turmrr private soldiers have refrained,
since their demobilization; from writing A man usually drops his proliperoue
character studies tat,the sergeant major look when a bitt collector calls
Kineardinr..11'ater Supply.
Like t;oelerich. the row u of Klular-
dtne has been ,s(lcred to pot 10 a
filtration plant is,,muee•tiou with the
town water Safivir. ;Huta of the citi-
zen*, anxious 5.5 avoid the large ex-
11euse to the t..sn-of iushtllhig'tyke
filter system, love acr,wl to Ape al
some of their owe money iu the e.xler1-
tuetit of slaking srt•':tau wells for the
purpose of *retiring a supply of pure
water. and the town council has ap-
proved this skein, s; .derlch had
artesian wells fur some year` before
the lake intake vas coustruetevl, but
the supply was ina•hritmte and the
water was drougly mus•ralf
whom they loved least -in fact we have I
only seen two books of the kind s-
and shall It be said that grudges enter-
tained in the puddle kaiaks 01 armies are
Tess governable :' We are for Lord Haig
J. H. T1atu.is, ole of the Briti's'h
'tar leader.. w M. hearty mobbed on
ndttag at Ne‘‘ \. .rt G'fiT bF a treitttl1
Ifltaturi w,eo , pp t rently were dla -
appdintedfs ate he had atilt ',tartt`ll
sort. in nglaud. New York sewn- to
have a pl horn of these w.atl l,l..• mos -I
chief-mak(anti one w nn,l••r- what
- — - - -t►te y d., for a Using.
Zurich, the ommercia1 ...what of
tislitzcrland, has 344 nrltlioualrcs, one
for alseut edit III$) of population
dost of them are pro otos of the great
war. it•rerlanit's { [tion lu the
midst of the -warring a Nuns. yet not
herself at Weir, gave her ;I grind
op{s.rtuuity to make Ines ' Ind ev1
dently they took advantage f 1t.
The pre -sent low ptiers of the
duets are sIlaesntraglio to fartnera,
eomplaht.:wilt without reason. that
prlee: of the thloga-1111'y '_Isr_ .
have no: iiNi1,i.l In Irrois,?Iloti. r t•!
how thlszs are going to right them-'
*elves it i+'not PR Ay to ser.' The new
r.nititatea tariff nure will not
�t' "c•- masangdiva farmer,
though its effee•t may not Lie wo ,i.....
a* ler-tea reef- There ie.-Aisne�rst.n
tion for those who have duck to the
farts hi k`rowing that, While thonstitdls
In the Pities are out .of emphn•ment,
the farmer has a home and abundance
and the privates."
A Filo Bhyase• ,
They visited the miivies,
To hold eacknthet's hand.'
The house was tm well lighted.
So the film by them was panned.
.i Kick from Chesley. i 1\'itherby-1 made the mistake of my
lnnirr k:nterpn.e 1 life this morning. I told my wife that ti
Are theservices of Sir Adam Beck didn't like her new dress.
worth SW a day to the people of this I Plankington-1\hat. w'as she angry ?
Province \1'r do not believe they are. ' \\'atherby-Oh, no. it wasn't so much
He has been receiving $Ib,Ot10 a year for that, but now she vanes another. Eft -several years from the pubiic treasuries, burgh. Scotsman.
partly from the Province and partly from
the municipalities. The other members
of the Hydro Commission, !key Lucas and "Seashore and \fountains•"
lion. U. Carmichael. have both been
receiving $ti.000 per annum from the
Portland is the gateway to as the
favored points in the State of Maine.
same source for two }ears, and. at the The attractions of thts wonderful territory
session just closed, legislation was put are manifold, there being innumerable
through to make the p .yments legal. No natural beauties and cowl retreats. Among
one in the Legislature could remember those tie seaahoce takes pride of the
when the salaries of the commissioners place. Casco gay and its many islands
ware advanced Isom $4.1100 to $ti,000, but..irashed by the restless ocean offer unlim-
that is not surprising in these spendthrift ited cjtoice for a summer h me. Scarbaro I
days ofthe Ontario Legislature. To make •Beacrs, Proofs Neck. Ocean Park. Old
up for these big salaries and pay high Orchard Beach, Fairview, Kennebunk
figures fur officials in the. Hydro offices Beach. Kennebunkport and York Beach
in Toronto, and for inspectors to go are among the mat attractive of the
rough tete P. ovine is high-power cars, Atlantic Ocean resorts. Back from the j
niunicipalattes are being Soaked• coast are mountains rot forests. beautiful
ey yeas guaranteed a price of 34O per valleys and shimmeri:.s sakes. The Grand !
wer when we voted on the adop- Trunk have just lued a hardsrme)y •
Hydro system here. The rate illustrated booklet tnnn.s you all about it '
'has since en advanced to $4.; per h. p. and giving list otels. boarding houses.
and there is n accrued deticit for several etc. Copy sent free on application to
year of $S.t - Pnd $1,500 more this year Grand Trunk ticket assents or to C. E.
from what is Stated to be caused by an Horning, Di>Itzitt Passenger Agent, Tor -
increase In opetatinc expenses of the onto oat.
Special Salevf White Quilts
About i oo white English Bed Quilts of fine, 4 a
ity in several patterns, quality of finest crochet"ao.
ton stock, hemmed and ready for use.
Smaller size $2.5o for $1.50
Double bed size $3.75 for $2.00
Largest double size $5.00 for $2.50
Ladies' Serge, Jersey, Tricotine
Suits in black, navys, heather mix-
tures. All this season's best stytes.
On sale $40 suits for $25; $50 suit4
for $35.
Curtain Muslins and Scrims of
all kinds, in new and pleasing pat-
tern4. 36 to, 44 inches-e..`at_ per.
yard, special, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50e.
Sale of Marquisette Curtains,
200 pairs, at half price. White or
ivory. $7.50 curtains, at per pair
$3.75; $5.00 curtains, at per pair
$2.75; Nottingham curtains, -$1.50, at
II per pair 95c.
W. Acheson & Son
are being paid to the share-
holders of Northern Ontario's
Gold Mine..
Are you getting your sham/
The esperienc gained in 6f -
Veers et miser.* eow.ews.w
}rich these mines will help you
to'particapate in these splen-
did profits.
Co.nel.t, information en R.er..t
& CO.
703-4.5 Bank of Hamilton Bldg.
t 21
Boys of To -day
Men of To -morrow
pry lh5,
New Automobile Paint Shop Opened
I have opened an Automobile Paint Shop and ant prepared
to handle all classes of Cara for painting and refinishing
�ia>,:eyxon �otwo t -laic lens qa irequired for all
a�t&mobiles ? 9 e •
which has been approved boy the Government
Let us show you its good points over other makes
De, orator ' West Street opposite Masonic Hall
Phone 354 P. O. Box 509
Photographs preserve
the memories of
of Goal.
The Vamaska bye.electiou•eatutstign
reelills the historic fight in Drummond-
Arthabaska some ten years ago. when
the Conservatives Made a hid for the
support of the Nationalists in order to
undermine the strength of Sir Wilfrid
Iraurder lu Snielsr•. I'r•emier Meighen
is making a greet effort to create a
split in Queirec anal has sdopted Mr.
Mondon as the Government candidate
In Yamada, although it le only a few
months since Mr. hoodoo called Mr.
Meiglwn a "hangman." and he still
declares hinsslf opposed to the Gov-
ernment in the matters upon which the
election of 1117 was fought.
The 'Exeter Advocate deeeribesi a
phenomenon witne sell by *one people
in that town a f..w nights ago. We
hare no dotnIH It was the aurora
borealis, although it was morn in en
ehsterly direction The aurora, cssm•
monly called "the northern lights," Is
Dot always wen dile north. In fact,
one of the most remarkable displays
we have ever Muae•reed woe noticed
arwt In the eastern sky aro[ at the same
time In another grsarter alnxrn duvet-
ly, overhand, though later In the eved-
'" •'t ,1 or 443tr,an, u. ntreal.
The Arts Building,—Sir Arthur
Currie :s [net.
Sir Arthur Currie. who stepped out
of the chief command of the Canudtan
Arno to take over trio Principalship
of McGill Unlveraity. should find good
scope for his organizing ability and
driving force In \(cGlll's Whirlwind
Campaign for $6,000,000, which has
been arranged for the week com-
mencing November 16th. This sum,
large for a Canadian Jniverslty, but
small In comparison with the recent
campaigns for Harvard, Tile, Cornell
and Princeton. Is necessary to put
the groat Canadian [Solve:say finan-
cially on Its feet, and to help to re-
coup the losses caused by Its active
participation in the war and by the
absence of many students on war ser-
vice overseas; also to renew and ex-
tend equipment to increase profes-
sor: salaries; to extend the build-
ings to meet the requirements of the
larger number of students in attend-
ance since the clogs of the war; to
meet the specie, requirements of the
various ftcultlee; to erect dormi-
tories for afsdents. a common dining
hall, professors' res.dencee. and a
convocation hall. Many leading
Montreal citizens have accepted the
responsibility of heading and ar-
ranging the work of the campaign.
which will be along lines made fami-
ilar in Canada In years past.
McGill, from its very inception,
nearly a hundred years ago, was
identified with scientific research and
application. The Faculty of Medi-
cine 1s the eldest Faculty of the ['nt-
verslty, and the time degree eon -
tarred was the medical degree given
to Dr. Legis The practical trend
tafx00411's lambing waded to busl-
neat-1nen, such as the late Sir Wil-
liam Macdonald ani Lord Stratticona
and no doubt Inti-nen*ed Ho qty
helping the University with substan-
tial endowments. The ore -eminence
of McGill in Applied Science is large-
ly due to the polity of Sir R'illtam
Dawson, during whose regime the
course of Engineering wan e::Iarged
Into the Department of Practical
Science: and later into the Faculty of
Applied Science.
Scientific Agriculture is taught
under the auspices of McGill at the
affiliated Macdonald ('oliege in Ste.
Anne de Bellevue which has done a
great work in teaching improved
nie'.bode of farming, not only In the
Province of Quebec. but also through-
out the whole of berth Eastern and
Western Canada. At MacDonald
College also is a school for Teachers
which has greatly elevated our
edaciattdsal standards.
The School of Commercial Studies
is a recawttlevelopment which shows
that 411 la up-to-date and alive
to the needs of the present gener-
ation. Here business organization,
accountancy, commercial law, bank-
ing and industrial organization are
taught by experti to the future cap-
tains of Industry.
McGill has produeed ome of the
foremost physicians, su eons, en-
gineers and men of avian a of our
time. Johns Hopkins ireretty
owes Ito high standing to t e ad-
ministration inaugurated by a McGill
man, the late Sir WI111am Oster, who
afterwards did similar work for the
Scheel et Medicine M Oxford Ud-
Lard Si a gh: 4a MsyCampais flitign honoraryCgptchairman -�t
1 -
J. T. ell
enlace, aline ]Ir. E. W. Beatty, Pre le
dent of the Canadian Pacific, Is the
active Ctalir.i:n of the executive,
Otbera actively ld.rested In the cam-
paign work -are title Vincent Meredith.
Preatdent of tLe Bank of Montreal.
Lord Atholstan, proprietor of the
Montreal "Star", 9!r Charles Jordon.
Sir Montagu Aitaa, and a committee
of men oralnent la Montreal's
banking, transportation. shipping.
and general business circles. In ad-
dition160 to thoseprthereis a strong com-
mittee. of the Graduates' Soctaty.
With a membersatp in many Darts
of the world beaded by Major G. C.
Macdonald• who won honors serving
with Princess patricta's Light In-
fantry. it is stated by the Uni-
varsity authorities that the receipts
of McGill decUaed by $40,000 during
the first year of the war. which
speedily Increase/ to a drop of $1M..
000 in the Nosg years owing to "
ahaence of every ft man on active
service with thenCanadian Expedl-
tionary Force. art Arthur Currie
states that s:nre the conclusltaa of
the war the reg1atntlor4 at McOiIl'
t'nlversfb nay doubled, neeessltat;tag
an Increase in the atafl and tbs1
erection of new buildings, while the
deprerfated hnytng ewer of the Sel-
Isr bas bit both the unlverslty
the• start bard. As a reaolt of t>w
rampalgn ft Is hdpd to teeonp tl►e'
notveralty and place McOfl1 in • pelta 1 tion to continue tti work sad to hoes�l
Pace with ft,
ther great natverslues d%i
the Coatlaeat ' a
---'- -.i+iilCa ..
Window Shades
We have all enlore and Bitten
of Window :stades--s•omhination
white and green, and cream and
green, plain white, plain creams
plain green.
Shades delivered and hung for
you free of charge.
,Flat Kirsch Curtainitod
The lied that never wags nor
Try aWest A.rT The Mgr/
Need a New Tire
Come here and get one
that will cut down the cost
of autoing, per mile, con-
siderably. Our Tires are
doubly guaranteed, first by
the manufacturers, second
by us.
Standard Tires, plus ser-
vice, continue to serve the
car owner long after the
initial saving on a Cut -Rate
Tire has been forgotten..
uleanizing, Retreading and all kids
of Tire and Tube
Hamilton St. - Goderich
ife=Buoy Outing Shoes
Now that the weather is wartier you will require Outing Shoes
is popular because it is Stylish, Comfortable, Serviceable
r txl F,conomical, the ideal footwear for old and young for the
summer days. There is a model for every outing footwear
purpose. Nowhere will you get a wider selection or better
values than are being shown in Life-Rnoys.
Let us do your Shoe Repairing and have it done right.