HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-5-19, Page 1,sit'. aNtea 11.1111111 MK'II* iiiiaiiitlastsair 1Yt� Ki who whispers Sawa a weft Ab.at the goods be has 1. sell Will never reap the g.ldea dollars Like bin who climbs* tree aad hollers. Advertise You Business in The Signal. 0 SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR NO. 20. GODERICH, ONTARIO I r 1+ Oil its HoW is Yew Supply .f Office Stationery P The Signal can give you prompt and satisfactory service. let us have your next order. RSDAY, MAY 19, 1921 PERSONAL BANKING SERVICE Are you a recant arrival in this district? Would you Rho kdacntation dealing with farm problems In this part of the country ---or advice regarding financial matter? Any Sterling Bank Manager will be glad to nest _ou-t talk over your piano -to aeras you In every poeetble war. And if you desks Infommetiee of a faraday or financial stature which ►e Itis not on hand, tee wW make every W het to obtain It for you. Thi. service le freely tyres- It le *imply part of our policy of "Psrwo.ial Service." Do not hesitate to call on our Itlanyee at any time. ThESI!RLINQBANK. Old Home Week in Goderich 1 Auguste 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1921 The Committee has reason to believe that manytnames of former Goderich residents have not yet been handed in, and it is earnestly request- ed that all who have not yet sent in the names and addresses of relatives or acquaintances who have left this town do so at once. The Committee is anxious that the list of Old Boys and Girls should be as nearly complete as possible. Names may be left at the office of the Secretary in the Board of Trade roomlfllllllllor mailed to W. S. Bowden, Secre- tary Old Home Week, Godericll,r� CRAIGIE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. No. 1Jhro-stnry, white brek hour*, fully modern. R totems, slttnttel on Newgate street. 'Pills Is one of the beat buy. In 4Jrslcrkil. frier 13,N0. 2o. 2.-44tory and a -half. frame, eight-romed house. elec- tric light. water and sinter eimne•tlon, newly decorated through out, full lot, fruit retie, chicken hour•. situ- ( eel on west sM.' of Cam- eron street. Pr's* 81,511. No. 3-'Pwo-story frame house, R rooms, eletrk• tight and bath, large verandah, east side of. Victoria street Price ION. No. 4--Tiwo-ntory, frame. eight - roomed house,ele'etrdc light, sewer and toilet, 2 lots, etirner South and Blake ,itrtete. Prier 51,511. No.:o--'Isco-story, brick, fully numh•rn hoose, hot water heating. four fireplaces. large verandah, eltuated on the east side of Montreal street. fries 85.111. No. 6 -Story and a -half. frame, six -roomed house, full lot, situated on the Bost side of iVarren street. Price 8750. A numbest% of vacant •guidon lots to rent. Other noting,' may be.baaaaaaaaa 0a applkvtion at the omoe. Beads bought and oat J. W. CRAIGIE huursnce and Real Estate. OPENING- ; • ALL_ PurityFlou v. Clinton AT AGRICULTURAL • ' ' K, GODERICH TUESDAY, MAY 24 33rd Regiment Band in a i ndance ADMISSION 25c ILDREN 15c The Way to Save It is tars= witi banking of • amount, ducoca builds up a subatanllal backing. • Get the habit of definitely depositing. Three dollars compounded e'►err nwith interest at 3 may, in firl amount to $841.02. UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manager FOB IIALR OR iIIINT. "Maple Lawn" Property. FOR SALE. Situated on ohs corner of Cambria R .ad and ,Newgate street. Frame house with large verandah, interior u • prion. Iy well fin- ished. Targe rooms. fireplace and qu e- teredwk over mantel ;quartered -oak floors, on dowostaus rooms; two-piece barn with repast tole'. ilectnc lights. hot water heating. new furnace Good garage, electric. lighted; large lot, bowie largtoer than present owner requires. Puce reel unable. Apply to W FRANKSaUNDERS. Codeine h. MOUSE FOR SALE. -APPLY TO B. C. MUNNINGs, Nelson Street. tl ROUSES -HOUSES. All kinds for sak at very teasonable pekes, A new red brick, furnished have to rentie summer months. Near the lake bank oo avenue. Immediate posrwion. • Apply to P. J. RYAN, Real Estate grad Inwrance Phone MI. tf I'OR SALE.'. • a -cyliwdee eUser u bearings. err b s an expert and la painted. T'he vsrr this car. Ms run km than Tour hors prasticar and side curutas • factory. The the biggest bargain rich. Apply to W CREAMERY SALE. ngannon out laastfal ,4 it ho build. the lollowiaia formed part of the One Ford auto t One h h. ht Ford was \\ One who p. engine \ \Ire f.otaj sp1 .. O ne round 'modes One square teak (- One ice pow. Office build�srg, leaf; Ten antral. ted - Ten Salad 0 gal. \ A quantity of scrap About IU,000 leet of Prospective orT.H-AN LTOR SALE. -RESIDENCE CORNER of Cambria road ed Nelson street. owned and formerly occupsed by A. t Glover. All modern conveniences. Owner 1 moved from town and wishes to sell. Apply t MRS. G H. LAUDER. Nelson street. or at Signal Office. GRASS TO RENT. -SIXTY-FIVE VI *cresol good gram and to rent .well waared• on lot 1, concession 7. W. D. Ashilelo. For par- ticulars app!l. to ANDREW MARTIN. R.R. No. 9, Goderic4 Ont. HOUSE FOR RENT. -CORNER OF Toronto and Bridge streets. large twaaary brick horse, eight rooms, cement basesAt, floored attic electric lights and bath. Apoto JAMES GARApplyRICK, Stanley street.. _ t( rR SALE. -A TWO-STORY RED brick house. with all modern conveniences. ated by hot .oar system. Garage on prop- erty. Situated at the foot of Nath street. P.s- .easionean be had 1st Aprils Apply to JOSEPH C. GRIFFIN. tl SHINGLES FOR We will sell pews kuarwnleed to y y lila-fined Si their natural state per bunch than k payou cent. ewe weir ss. ERTSSOyN yoorr r JOesJltl Goderich. Ossl! pun SALE. -A ``•• BRED. t bolls. ht Inc aervM R-No.S. GOOD M1XEler'` at $4 per THE (;ODE 00.• (Foot of rj ARM FOR SALE. -LOT 25, CON- I' CESSION 3. Gederuch township, werd.erg of a2 acrs of choice clay loam, nth spring creek red spring well. Barn 40.40. with cement stable; - hay barn. Mx?). drive -house, 16x17: small hen- PIANOS TUN house; comfortable concrete cottage. sod two HENRY, Merck ass d m orchard. It is actuated one elk froSqugrta designated Provincial county rand- seven mike from Goderich, ands coovenist to school and church. Apply to B.H. LINDSAY. R. R. No. 2. NOTICS Goderich. Phone 102 r 1. t f PUBLIC SUFIC'. WARNING NTNG TOWN OF OODERICH Any _,. •,,; t s ate 1 be postai under the Town Bylaws, if animal is not under the immediate control of some responsible person. Dated this 18th day of May, 1921. R. C. P'OSTELETHWAITE, Street Inspector and Chief of Police. 7OURT OF REVISION. _! TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH. The Municipal Council of West Wawanosh 1,11 sit o sMay a0. 1921, at 10 o'clock, as • Court of Re. airmen on the asaeeewent toll as returned by aerator for the year 11411. as pee statute in that behalf. W. A. WILSON. Clerk DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic end Aural Hospital aseiatant at Moorefteld's Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hos- pital London. Eng. 63 Wsterloo St. S.. Stratford. Telepbmbe Rn. At Bedford Hotel, Godench, from Wednes- day. July 20th. at 7.30 p. m., to Thursday, the 21st, at 1 p. m. COURT OF. REVISION. V TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH. -tee-- Notice is hereby p that the Mun.cipel Council of the Township Goderich will meet on Thursday. May 36th, IVs at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., as • Court of Revision of the assess- ment roll for 1911. All dogs in the municipality not certified as dstroyr d and the tags returned on or before the above date will be charged in the 1921 taxa. ADAM CANTELON, Toonahin Clerk. PUBLIC NOTICE__ TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. The Municipal Council of the corporation of the•Township of Colborne will meet in the Town- ahipHall, Carlow, Mar 26th, 11421, ■t H o'clock in the forenoon, as a Court of Revision of th e assessment roll for 1921, I. HETHERiNGTON, Clerk. TOWN 01' OODERICB Garbage Collection. The Town will collect garbage from private dwellings on Wednesday and Saturday of each week from JUNE 1st, providing there are enough persons desir- ing the service. The tee is 51.50 per month from the first of any month. and must be paid in advance to the Town Treasurer. For any further particulars apply to L. L. KNOX, Town Clerk. WARTED. WANTED. ---A LOCAL REPRESEN- TATIVE st Grdsrkh to represent "The Old Relighle Foothill Nurseries" and cover sur- rounding territory. A splendid opening for a reliable man Exclusive territory, SIONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto. Ont. St WANTEgDg.-A4Ap��FEW STUDENT to the 4STT4RA�V bDGENERAL HOSPITALY. Y«reap SALE PASSENGER. I bite; 5enuint with cgone over y aaditioa: neo t bent taken nearly a owner and ha Fitted with two spares. Tap day they tell the it and well give an a car in Gude- KER. ENT FOR vtng been burned ided not to re- 10ode which C 104 5.4, brake. y about m y about 10 bb s.)• t ?fl bbls.l Cana. bid scantling. A. DISHER, *mhs�aual they are ale •hing:n Shingle. in pounds more t aseaas twenty anything to C A ROB - R. R No 5, u OF Pl'RE- w Aberdeen VARCOE. u ty of FOR SALE delivered, ACTURI t, !'hone 61. Y TO C. V. north ads d GOLIWN GA Meets fist T era' Haa. Vac(mna, 1. McNEVIN, Rapotrar. TEN ., B. P., Ns, 1'01, (5, in Forest- R. H MEW P. 5. I toTleurda/. y Oder a( ,' p.m.. for the coasts orator the St .in the town- ships of East Wawaa.wh Me Httaett. plana and apedfi, snipes may be seen at the Clark's ofaceand also at tire office W J Fingtand, Loudesboro'. A marked cheque for ten pee reset. of amount meet accompany r.,ch tender The lowest se any tender not necessarily ac. cepted. Dated May 1041i- •a ALEX. PORTERFIELD. Township Clerk, 2t lielgrave. MAIL CONTRACT • S EALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General will be received as Ottawa until NOON. on FRIDAY. the MIS JUNE. 1911, for the coneeyance of HisMaiesty's Mads, on a proposed contract for four roots, ax times per week, over Codersh So. 2 R.raIMa,l Route, from the 1st October nest. Printed notices containing further information ss to cond i? ions of propelled Contract may be seen and blank terms of Tender may be obtaomd is the Post Offices or Goderich. Holmesville, Auburn. sad at the office of the Post Office Inspector, CHt', E. H. !FISHER. Post Omar Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office. London, Ont. *urn 'tont 1121. . 3t GENE C. CONNON sod Her Popular Orchestra 4b -Date InstrUmentatiol (c^ The very latest Deuce Music Rates en application to mem- bers of Orchestra or at J. H. LAUDER'S DRUG STORE Open for all EnpMnats GENE C. COMON. LEADER DANCE Masonic Hall Goderich Friday, May 27th Dancing 9 to 12 p. m. Gene C. Connon and Her 1 rchestra David Mc Agent for International Harvester 1.. o Canada. All kinds of Farm Machin In the Old Stand Hamilton Street, Goderich. Use Blackstone's homemade ice cream, for all occasions. It makes a delightful. delicious dessert. Phone 2.0. MS SIGNAL PRINTING CO., I.O[k'IND, Publishes,` SPECIAL OPTICAL OFIER. FORMER GODERICH BOY LOST. High-grade, gold•filled spectacles and eyeglasses. with best quality flat spher- ical lenses, for only 13.50. Eyes exam- ined free, by Mr. Hughson, with twenty- five years' practical experience and form- erly ormerly optical expert for Kent's jewellery store, Toronto. We ave ycu money on all lines of optical work. Three days only. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. May 26th, 27th and 28th. Gone early. SMITH'S ART STORE, Godench. 2t Good reliable household reams are indispensable in every home. hrna, Raz-Mah has been famous. For rheu- matism Templeton's. Rheumatic Capsules are...the recognised standard. Sold by H. C. Dunlop. Why pay more for a phonograph whew you can get a real "Stewart" from • 515 to 1135, and a beau- tiful '• cabinet machine for 1.52 Ask for a demonstration at Blackstone's ice cream parlors. Agent for Gennett Records. FOR BRAINS AND BODIES THAT ARE TAXED TO THE LIMIT. -The Indoor months have probably caused many of us to become fagged in both mind and body. Nature demands that all things take on new life in the sprang. The human body is no exception to this rule. Dr. Brown's yrup of HYpopbosphites will revitalize the centres and overcome all forms ebility. It increases appetite. induces re B` sleep. and builds up new men- tal, rvt us and muscular energy. Take it for while and you will soon begin to feel like new person. Pace 11 a bottle. Sold by . R. Wigle, druggist, Goderich Do you want to hear some excellent singing ? you want to hear some uperb eading ? Wow / Do u want to 'something of Can: da's histo ,. as w'e "A daughter in her.motier's house. A mistress in heheowu.ss% Do you want a good, choice, %% ell - served cleai sweet, eY,� l $uP per ? THEN 1 I I t,,r (TUESDAY. MAY 241 ADt161 73 Supple ti at 6 p.m. IL 'if CHILDREN 35 cents. Concert begins at 8 p.m. LUMBER. OF ALL KINDS BIG CUT IN PRICES We have just made arrangements that will enable us to sell lumber of all kinds at rockbottom prices. SHINGLES 'are included. We can quote you pricellithat will . e. astonish you. Phone 47 w Write Box 18 or call and see --u.,-- _ Goderich Planing Mills, Limited Ouse Down with Barge Malec In Sat- urday's Storm ser Lake Superior. The foundering of the barge Mixtec in Lake Superior on Saturday lest took to his dea h a former Goderich boy, Mr. Robert Campbell, who was mate of the barge. He was a son of the late Robert Campbell, l r many years lighthouse keeper of Coderich. His mother resides in (,odertch, and three brothers and three sisters also survive : William, of town; Datald, captain of the barge Peshtigo, which weathered the storm in which his brother was lost, and "Jock," of Port Colborne; Mrs. Wm. Pellow and Mies Mary Campbell of town, and Min Chris - she Campbell, of St. Marys. Ont. A newspaper despatch giving some particul- ar, of the lose of the Miztec is published on another page of this paper. Much sympathy is felt among th- ptople of Goderich for the bereaved mother and other relatives of theunfortuoate manner. Mr. Campoell made his home at Tona- wanda, N. Y. He was not married. Barge Fouad. but Ne Boiler. ltault Ste. Marie, Mich., flay IT. - The wreck of the harge litotes., which went down in the storm that swept fake Superior Saturday, wag twitted by (Stpt. Trusion of the Grand Morals coastguard station today, ac.orling to a report made by him by wireless. The barge was located in thirty-six feet of water, ave miles off the shore line. No signs of the rix wiesing bodies were found, t.u• search iw being continued with the belief that .some of the members of the crew will be found inside the barge's e•at,tn when it is rained. FATAL OCCIDENT AT MITCHELL Lee Raker, G.T.R. Brakeman. Receives Injuries ('ausing His Death. liir. Leo Raker, G T. it. brakeman. met ,with a fatal aevdsnt in the rail- way yards at Mitchell on Tuesday morning, receiving injuries from which he diel later in he day. it is not known exactly how the ■eeldent o•rurred. When found the brakeman woe lying beside the trwelt. it dg thought tlwt while the train war shunting he was jolted off the top of a ear, and that the ear may Isere gone over frim. His lujurir•u .onsMtel of a , broken anti and leg and severe cuts about the head, and he is supposed to have been 'Owed internally also. He WAS taken to the hospital at Stratford. where he diel late In the ■hprnuoh of rime day. s IP late 1fr. Raker was well known ;olrrk h, this town being In hist r rim. Hie home wag of BtAt- He was overseaal daring the es .w/t4- the, Z1 . .. . • Pa.-; knrnrn here, and one of hie hmthern, F'rsnk E. Iia r, alga R. eren- dnr•tor. The • are nal other brothers and s . Pre, a Mc. Baker u loo let vie a you • wife. to Inquest Is be g held. LOCAL TOPICS 1 BRIEF. Photographer Swllows ye the crop of. lollies doer not seem 40 be so good this year is.. last. Roeser , he has taken-pietur.'s of a good n her o1 Yonne Vermilion,' this month, a there err still two Baby I)ttys to .om May 21 and Hay 28. Rev. M. O. i'owe'II' Si.'tluwll.t ' In - inter of [mean. diel on Tuesday a r lingering Illness. Mr. I'owell w. to two or threw years field secretor for e ninon ('onnty Temperance Al. Boni Itev..1. P'. and Mrs. H.'ycreft, of tow , attend...I tM' funeral, which t.w,k plans nt Lnr•an today. ITlmndayn. The Signal has received two letters on timely topics. which we should be glad to publish but for the (act that the names of the writers are not . nclnsed. If the writers will send their names -not for PuhfIcjarit --we will publish 1 .,4q =afecl so ie is fh everyone ought to know it -that a letter is not published uness the name of the writer is known to the editor. Saturday, May 2 1st Monday, May 23rd Tuesday, May 24th DANCE "THE PAVILION" Goderich, Ontario vtn'll be held in-the Pavilion on above dates. Tha SATURDAY EVENING sI MONDAY TUESDAY /4 Goderich Amusement Co., Ltd. e+ a A .14lmnr will he held under the aloe pi., of the MIaeGillIrrny Mission Rant w the lecture nous of Knox ••hnrt•h on the afternoon of Satunlny• Stay lath. Th.'ri• Will be a workdahle wIth fnin'y and uscftil articles, nlw, tables with ,aIHly and Homemade bak- ing. A oiled tea will be served from 4 until 7 &clock. Admission free. • fad's aII he good sports and ver the pp*ning hostels II gam.' on the 24th. Mr. Wesley Walker Inc .old his chino stock to Parsons' Fair. the sole to rage effect Dell Stolidity . (►n Stator - tiny of this week, then. will he ane.' attractive bargains In these gods at Walker's. Mr. Stalker Internis making some ,onsldOrabl.' alterations In his stone prov.'rty; hence th.' sale. DIEM FROWN -in Goderironon Monday, May 16. J. P. Brown, in his 7lst year. MORRIS. - In Colborne township, on Mnnis.. May 16, Lillie Green. amino of the late San. ?tel Morris. sod 94 years. NLN ADVERTISEMENTS. Itaaa Warning R. C.lgtkeratte 1 Entertainment -Alk Chwch 1 Colrt 01 Pension -Township of West Wawa- nosh. .... ........ 1 Representative Wanted -Stone & Wellington. Toronto 1 Hoose for Sale -n. C. Moaninws. t Opening Baseball Game.-Goderich Baseball Club. .... .. . .. .. . 1 UwdiFurniture for Sale-Harole[Blseknone 10 -Maple 1 -awn" Property for Sale -IV Frank 4aurie'aw,. T BwiCunla t ie Prices Goderich Pia. M.II., Ltd. I ) 4' } ( 414.4ru'a.