HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-5-12, Page 101y 110-illaseaiar, 'Nay 1!. Bel DO1TNOW! nod w ..:N.a -'--." _t _ • *, Do not put off papering until our stock is nearly out. Do it now while our stock is complete. JUST RECEIVED A large shipment of English China and the new Chintz patterns. See show window for new pieces. 1 Bonds and Securities .i, •Inye,torr bolding r!wrt term Ronda and S'ruritier of any kind. maturing in IAP to I9ti% should look to reinventing these funds now while long tercet .s„`•.:.,,..;ti..;.: Fiends at high titterer rates are available. Tacna- is bee ug chespeY and holding short term Securities to ;Iwo -maturity before reinvest- ing will mein a coni derahle lows it in1•ome return. !,crus explain to you bow you can toe -Iter your income yield now We have authentic and reunite inform.tioa supplied ui by the (east financial houses in the ('ouutry. Write or ci11 and get the ia- forrnetlon you end direct. • wmadalltemalwaper E. H. HILL&CO. • BOND DEALERS British Exchange Bldg. Phew 316 PAINTING ass DECORATING flub- rade Wall Paper Samples (22 .nchee wrdc l imp on hand. ON NO `C`__. --S-nisei Samples wilt t ho ea fN litapauaa. Wit 24 rears' romseipxa. All wort goeraniced. E.P. WEISS, Trafalgar St. THE TOWN COUNCIL. Appointment of Sexton of Maitland ('emetery—Better Fire Alarm Sys tent Needed --Mayor Wigle Errs ph/wires Importance of Newer Quest ion. The town <mined met Friday even- ing, with all the amemtwerw present Mr. Wm. Complied reported that 14w aseetement of lti21 toad been completed and gave the figures wtyieh were re- ported to The tilgual last week. Mr. W Tau, en• warden. rrporte) that he had vi,ited 411 the garages and building: in the Are limits, had noti- fied all the tenants to Chen up- and found all brining, in fairly aefe con- dition. Itederrtd t0 ere eommtttee. Appointed to Band'tCommutee. In ieeordame with a request front etw and Itegeneut Band Aasoseahon, ,hot the council appoint a rprwPnt- ative on the executive of the • eoria- lion, Mayor Wigie war appointed as .uclt represent* tire The ikelerieb Knitting ('o requested p:•rmia,ion to eonstrtier a emerge curb on the Outside of the boulevard at the feetory This nes referred to the pblie works committee, with the remark that it would be taken eats of is a general plan. t request fry% Mr. it. C. Filstager 'far the remove! Of a tree in frond o: his property was arnt W committer. Applieatiour for renewal of licwasea. from Mr. F. 11. Wood for hi, billiard room and bowling alley, and Mr. Thews. J. Anderson for hi, (cal oil business. weir +rut to specie! committer Judge Lewis notified the council that the (tank at the tial of Elgin avenue had fallen *Ivey, and the white worts committee was authorized to take ac- tion to prevent any further damage Building Permit*. .tpplicaturtle for building permit: were received from Leonard West- brook, who props:..* to tear down the pretreat hover a1 Victoria )11a 'street, be- tween TrafaIgsr std Aaglevew street's. and erect a modern prick veneer dwNl- tag oa cement foundation, et ae esti- mated eo,t of $3,000; .dam Foster, for iinpnbvemelts to dwelling on St. Pitt- rick's titres; J. J )loser, fur r 'Mild - in; on Hamilton Wrier' to he wombs! ad a blark.mlth .hop or feel stable, estimated cost j500; W It finder. Nt. !David's street. a aummer kitchen; 11 n. Burkholder, (1 ridge s.reet, a frame por-h. A petition for a er on Anthea street, between North and Victoria streets. wad referred to the public work.: committee The "national” H)1aw. A vote of thank, term this Ketioral Vhiptouild:ng t'o. to the council and citizens for aealrtane In eOnnrlbntl .with the rote on the •hyta•w was re- ceived, and concludM die follows "K'e• nnv look forward to the termi- nation of the present !piaiuo'- dope -a- eon to enable ur to teethe your Torte - payers by in"rraaing our staff, which W01114 ivelp others indirectly and result In it bigger and tetter ilewlerich." A mimeo; from the local board of healeh that the connedl take th rteee►,- aary steps to provide the requires funds for improvements to the -viler- work., system was n -frond to the Snanee committer. ('ommittee Reports. The finance committee pease' e■ a large number Of accounts. The Yum of aLea4,.11. the torwies share from the investment of 0. W. N. Iteilway food,. City Meat Market and Grocery Co. SATURDAY SPECIALS Roast Pork 28c lb. Roa,t Reef 6.. 23c lb. Stew mg Beef 17c lb. 1'u re Lard - ....:...... ... 2 lbs. for 40c. Snowflake Shortening ' ' 2 for 35c. Rose hrand Oleo. 35c lb. 2 cans Spaghetti, large 35c Pork and iteans 10c can Try, oar fresh, homemade Pork Sausage and Headcheese. I t'..) good. A11 Two -dollar Orders Delivered. Phone 368 R. GRAF, Proprietor. Cer. Kingston & Square '0, `'1 • 1 WELCOME R[LIEF FROM ECZEMA Wilde Deemed That Gives 6111144 Raft W sews. Owe. "I heti as attack of VaylifW Parsers so bad that mydslaes...ia be wet through at limas. Yor fear moatba. Iesaimmd leadbly, I could get me retia( math! / beat Altogether. I hew seed Uwe boxes of "Sootboilaha" and tan of "Preit-e-twee", gad am amlbu$/ well." O. W. HALL Both taw Overlie rwadhs tree a.td by deadens M Aa. a bray a 14 $2.40, or rant oa ..!seeps et Ow by Preit-e-tives 2Jnsiled, OsMen. "Tee 1- bore" b +e up Is • WW mese etas& seas lest OK having been received from the Toronto tleneral Trusts ('orporation. the cobs. mirror. re,nnmend d that LIDO of 11,K11 \ ietory 1714418 la• pare sed tor the 0. S. Si. U. turd. The cemetery a11,1 pork• committee reported that Mr .I"tln Iluwrie had de- elimvl 10 *Welts the position of man- etery sexton, and having advertised for application, and received a number the committee m,ommenisl that ('harlra Croke 1,P alywiutel 011 proba- tion. and if satisfactory he the appoint- ed •hy- bylaw at n selary of $.800 per annum. 'P11P committer recommended extensive retains to the t.extun's dwegl- nig. Another nrssunmenlatlon wait thee it smell park lot, _71 or 30 feet ib chem. -ter. d0• matte at (lir intersection of Waterloo, Nelson and Arthur *fret., with a concrete curbing; also small plot.' at the Intel -section of Light- house and (ohellrg erects, and the intersection of alt. \-lucent end !truce streets, with plank curbing. l'be (itd- "ens in the neighborhood of each of these three plots had signiorl their intention of attPuding to the plot, thus relieving the town of any upkeep. The committee further tecomtueteleel that the parks esteteker be instnwtel to enforce the regulation providing that persona crossing the court house park must lee the walLi and kee,, off the gree ss. The fire committee reported that all the opplieatl>ire for building permlte lied serer peeled, with the e)'r•ptloa of one from fair. A. J. ('owoper for a Ioniktillr on Hamilton street, with re. gars to which further infertile -Hon woo d,s 1 rtr1, Thee report.) were afl,adopted. Te improve Risk Corder. !fewer Leaver made an enquiry re- tarding the rink property 0n W1 -rt street, end a motion was tweed that the public works committee be em- powered to erect a nor fence at the pmperty if the Kink Association will germ - -toy,-ipimhnru0 the town- W -1r14 when funds are available. A mottos in ainerhllsitnt by Reeve !leafs that the old fence he removed and the ground adjacent to the wrest line be filled la (after consultation with the Aw.•toeietion ) was defeated. I'ou/willor Walker proodied a full ASTHMA USE RAZ -MAH N Sues ting --Is Sprarig—SS $ fl Jost Sw.Rn. a Cos& RAZ -MAH Is Cffarant..d M restore aiarmal breathing, stop macer Sieemis the bronchial tuber, give of quiet sleep; rentals& e. g drag. $1.00 at your drag- al&t a deed free at our agencies or write Tam laasaa, 142 Ling W., Termite. Lanai Ageata—Dadep's Dreg Steel. After you have a proper examin' ation made of your eyes, insist that you get the beat lenses and a per• feet fitting frame. Office closed Wednesday afternoon A.—L, COLE Optometrist Eyesight Specialist Went 51t. (.oderirh leerseStaellateiseeeseesseuesPaeietiMeawaseseaswoe BABY CHICKS From purebred trnpmewtel 13 (' White Leghorn., (hereon Ntrain 1. The Barron i t'ghorn is en F}nglieh bird and for a ia•g- horn is a very large bird. some of them (wing ae large as the Rock. :ieldosl do they ever set. With the coming of wren weather the heavy tweeds are determined to wet, not an with the Leghorn, as that 14 the time *lee is determined to ley. They 'will also lay in the• winter If given proper etre From Nov- ember lot to April 1st ten of 0111' trapnastel iaeghnrna laid urin eggs, at on everpge prior for the the months of lac per dozen, or $0.!7R for the ten birds In the fhb month*. Frain Jtl*t mush stock as theme end others nearly as toed we. are ofrering chicks et _r'h each, delivered at your st a * 1011. Huron Specialty Farm WALTER ROSE. Brussels. Ont. Phone Us Box 34. f1».1 - r TIM ROljti *I 1 1 ooniama.oa. ')N: THE COLBORNE STORE • pectal values in manylines o merchandise for Friday an d Saturday selling We have not room to advertise all the specials, but die following are a few of the numbers that are on sale Children's Cashmere Stockings Children's Caslunere Stockings, in black brown and cream, in all sizes from 4 to 91/2, a 49c a pair. These Stockings sold as high as 90c but for Friday and Saturday only they will be 49c Colored Organdies Pink, white, sky, maize and copenhagen blue are the shades this Organdy can be procured in. The regular price has been 90c. For special selling they will be 65c a yard. They are all 40 inches wide and every color good. On sale at 65c. Voile Blouses t ,>" Black Silk Hose Just a few black Silk Hose left to sell at $1.19. We still have all sizes from 8'1.. to 10, but a limited quantity of each. Regular $1.60, for $1.19. Niagara Maid Silk Gloves --- on sale at $1.19 We have`, had big selling on these Gloves, but we have adder a few more and we can still give you grey, pongee, black and white Silk Gloves, regular up tb'$2.00, for $1.19 a pair. Many other special lines o n Voile Blouses in all sizes and many different designs at $2.98 each. Crepe de chine, georgette and habutai Blouses in all titizes. Many up to $10.00 on sale at $4.98 each. Middy Blouses ilsea Many Middy Blouses in children's, misses' and ladies', in plain white and white with colored col- lars and cuffs, greatly reduced in price for Friday and Saturday selling. `-s Spring Coats Every ladies' Spring Coat on sale at just one- half -price. These Coats come in fawn and differ- ent shades of blue., They will be on sale at just one -half-price. Every Child's Coat on sale al half-price These Coats come in all sizes up to twelve years and are shown in Donegal tweeds and velours in blue and fawn. They will all be on sale at half- price until cleared. sale for your inspection. ► "r r e f ' ';t " - Thistit re."ice .clnsed__Wednesday afternoon of each week H.: COLBORNE THE HOUSE OF RELIABILiTY report on h• prepotr'd market scheme ..t the 11,•w' ni•'e{tng. These Shed, at the negative. The new hl aha Agin. at the pwost- oflit-e building having been mentions!• and some d1.r.emeistfol remarks having Igen pa -,ed span the pnrchts in front of the to sibling, the Rene wanted to know wf • 'h.• unsightly shed. could not be honored during the summer. Thee. were ..,me further comments, and a request will he sent to the post- master that if it be not a violation of the British- North Americo Act, the porches le• takes down and kept in e safe plate until next winter. The ,,ro i1 was Gill in Jocund mood. and when n menlla•r sngge'tel that a "fight -hovld be placed in the rear of the torn hall another re - Markt.) 1, "$.4 they can wee !meter to piik out the good wood." The water and !Mk eem,nl.olon will to tusked to phew elf Tight at the place mentioned. Wnrk en the ge.d.a Go On. ('t'nm•ill..r Moser, who takes 411,4 duties es head of the public works bgrbrtment ;erlonely ane) always ,wants to 1, what la best for the town, told of tie. w.,rk that is being done on the road. chi- spring. TKAs work had 1.'•11 negl,.tel for .some }-ears, and tlw People in different parts of the town were *skint; for the grader and the mmitt.r• w.,n)d like to get over the town as far as poredhte. He *eked If the (4)1111,4* approved of going ahead u ith this w.,rk. The 1 " 'r .."Are you going to be ,e !thin your estimate?" 4 'outn•d11.1' \toper—"I think 4(o." The —"Yon don't nerd any endorsement. then." The Bei ershop Fire. There was some talk over the fire at the •'Nati"nal" works. in exphana- tion of a .light delay In turning on the water it was ,explained the* disloretion of fl*P fewer liners on the burning b11thttng had caused a port eir•ult, interfering with .the ele•tri' pump at the prwerheessd* '1110 fire brigade, "tin. illnr Story pointed out, had done all that 1.111.1 have been done In any IL Dr (!bass's ()Ind sad afford nuns Cranny. at ade1, Trent.. Sample 1 De eat another daywith I t e h l■ ead- 'Ing, ar as, tag rlla.. N. aurmteal oper- ation required. cello. you at ones mt a bet all t.. • Oa, LWOW. It yea Madna sada Pater sad .Selo./ds. Mamp in Per M•mga - ease, In waving\the neighboring build- ings. Councillor Knigbt thought an im- pruterl fire alarm"syetew wins more urgently nederl than a fire truck. The firemen got to a fire quickly enough atter tlw alarm was rounded, but sometinw,, it took too long to give the alarm. The Mayor 1uggevted tailing up ■11 these matters with the water and light "nmmis.siOn. and it was fiel(1ed to meet in conference with the e'ommis- sluu Thursday night of thio week. The e•Re.•t of the tlrn on the Aylaw recently voted on wee briefly sheet ".del, and matters in this crrnnetion werye left in 111e hint!' of 1I1P Y(ertal mitts•. The Sewer Question. Sewers was the next adders, the Mayor pointing out that the question of the town's «ewer system was be- coming more important end more com- plicated every year. Them 'was con- .idernhle discussion ever various pltaw" "f the matter, and the public works corn;ittee Ives Rakeed for a re- port, parttcmlerly upon a proposal for the enlarging of the wooer on Nelvon street from Victoria street weetwarvl. !:slew No. 11, authorizing the eon- stri*etion of a nine -Inch server nn Brock street, from Victoria to .tlhert, was read three times and prase!. This :sewer is to be eonstreetel t'y rimy Tabor. Monday, May 9. Mr. and Mr*. B. TrelPxren end flint- ily spent Sunday et Mr. G. hunter's, Zion. The monthly meeting sof the W.M.S will be held at the hone of Mr*. 21. McR'hinney ou Tuewlay. Any of the ladies wishing M member of the Nuvpitel ladleas' All of t;oderh.h mxy secure ticket.) from Miss Jessie Stothers or MIos Stltrgeon, for 15Oc. OBITUARY. ('tTbltI('K -ri'he home of Mr. and Mss. itolwert (!errick, Kingston street, has again leen bereaved, by the death rut Saturley evening last of their daughter ninth, at the e11N7 age of eleven years Thla is the fourth child they have lost Irwlde of three years, end them 1.4 much srmpothy with them In their *even. triols Font' children two girls and own testes-nireive Furwral vervlcw were mnluefel on Ti,.esdey afternoon by Rey. J. P. Rey- LOOK r • Columbia Grafonola prices have been cut in half. Would you like to hear a Grafonola in your home? On your request we wilt place a Grafonola in your home, without _putting you under any obligation to pur- chase, to show you how good an instalment it is. Special Offer A one -dollar deposit on our easy payment plan will give you possession of a ftne Grafonola—the best musical instrument in the world. J. H. LAUDER, Phm. B. NORTH SIDE SQUARE, GODERICH craft, a'..i*tM by (captain (tower of the Salvation Army, and the r«matne were conveyed to rhe (Tinton cemetery for burial. As the funeral prrweaston Jewel t'ietorla whorl the puplle lineal up on either side of the pmeemitm to honor of their departed 'ehsolmale. etlt off so Nadia- In the springtime of her life. ELLIOTT.—An old resident of Gode- tich township departed this life on Wed- nesday, April 20, in the person of William Elliott. The deceased was born eighty- three years ago in Goderich township had never had a home outside of the town- ship. He is survived by a family of four sum and two daughters : W. A. Elliott, of Long Beach. Col.; S. H. Elliott. of Brewster, wash. ; Victor and Thomas Elliott. and Mrs. James Harrison ante Mn, R. G. Thompson, of Goderich township. One brother, James Elliott, of Dungannon, and three sisters, Mn. R. McLean, of Goderich, and Mrs. John Cox and Mrs. James Cox, of Goderich township. abs survive. His wife, who was formerly Ann McDougall. died twenty-one years ago. The late Mr. Elliott was a Methodist, being a member of Bethel church. The funeral took place from the homestead on Friday afternoon. April 22. The services were - conducted by Rev. Mr. Quinn, pastor of the Hayfield circuit, and the pallbearers were : Messrs. John Woods, John Tor- rance. George Sturdy and John McClure. interment was made in Maitland ceme- tery, Goderich. .0 .1 ra. e' hh BOYS and GIRLS will be glad to know that we have a big stock of RUNNING HOES ready for them, so that they can purchase Ahem ready for the next spell of warm weather. Mothers, too, are always glad when the family can put on the Runners, for they are so light and noiseless after the heavier winter shoes, and. less expen- sive to buy. We are safe iu saying there are no Better goods made tnan the celebrated "FLEET FOOT" - hrand, in high and low styles, black, brown and white, for sports of all kinds and every occasion, in a variety of heels and toes. A shoe for every foot and a price to suit every purse. `''t SPECIAL NOTICE..* This store, 111 conjunction with other leading business places 1(1 town, will be closed at 1 p m. on Wednesdays during the months of May, June, July,'August and September. SHARMAN'S SHOE STORE W Re,: 411An\rAN i ♦'7, '0, `'1 • 1 WELCOME R[LIEF FROM ECZEMA Wilde Deemed That Gives 6111144 Raft W sews. Owe. "I heti as attack of VaylifW Parsers so bad that mydslaes...ia be wet through at limas. Yor fear moatba. Iesaimmd leadbly, I could get me retia( math! / beat Altogether. I hew seed Uwe boxes of "Sootboilaha" and tan of "Preit-e-twee", gad am amlbu$/ well." O. W. HALL Both taw Overlie rwadhs tree a.td by deadens M Aa. a bray a 14 $2.40, or rant oa ..!seeps et Ow by Preit-e-tives 2Jnsiled, OsMen. "Tee 1- bore" b +e up Is • WW mese etas& seas lest OK having been received from the Toronto tleneral Trusts ('orporation. the cobs. mirror. re,nnmend d that LIDO of 11,K11 \ ietory 1714418 la• pare sed tor the 0. S. Si. U. turd. The cemetery a11,1 pork• committee reported that Mr .I"tln Iluwrie had de- elimvl 10 *Welts the position of man- etery sexton, and having advertised for application, and received a number the committee m,ommenisl that ('harlra Croke 1,P alywiutel 011 proba- tion. and if satisfactory he the appoint- ed •hy- bylaw at n selary of $.800 per annum. 'P11P committer recommended extensive retains to the t.extun's dwegl- nig. Another nrssunmenlatlon wait thee it smell park lot, _71 or 30 feet ib chem. -ter. d0• matte at (lir intersection of Waterloo, Nelson and Arthur *fret., with a concrete curbing; also small plot.' at the Intel -section of Light- house and (ohellrg erects, and the intersection of alt. \-lucent end !truce streets, with plank curbing. l'be (itd- "ens in the neighborhood of each of these three plots had signiorl their intention of attPuding to the plot, thus relieving the town of any upkeep. The committee further tecomtueteleel that the parks esteteker be instnwtel to enforce the regulation providing that persona crossing the court house park must lee the walLi and kee,, off the gree ss. The fire committee reported that all the opplieatl>ire for building permlte lied serer peeled, with the e)'r•ptloa of one from fair. A. J. ('owoper for a Ioniktillr on Hamilton street, with re. gars to which further infertile -Hon woo d,s 1 rtr1, Thee report.) were afl,adopted. Te improve Risk Corder. !fewer Leaver made an enquiry re- tarding the rink property 0n W1 -rt street, end a motion was tweed that the public works committee be em- powered to erect a nor fence at the pmperty if the Kink Association will germ - -toy,-ipimhnru0 the town- W -1r14 when funds are available. A mottos in ainerhllsitnt by Reeve !leafs that the old fence he removed and the ground adjacent to the wrest line be filled la (after consultation with the Aw.•toeietion ) was defeated. I'ou/willor Walker proodied a full ASTHMA USE RAZ -MAH N Sues ting --Is Sprarig—SS $ fl Jost Sw.Rn. a Cos& RAZ -MAH Is Cffarant..d M restore aiarmal breathing, stop macer Sieemis the bronchial tuber, give of quiet sleep; rentals& e. g drag. $1.00 at your drag- al&t a deed free at our agencies or write Tam laasaa, 142 Ling W., Termite. Lanai Ageata—Dadep's Dreg Steel. After you have a proper examin' ation made of your eyes, insist that you get the beat lenses and a per• feet fitting frame. Office closed Wednesday afternoon A.—L, COLE Optometrist Eyesight Specialist Went 51t. (.oderirh leerseStaellateiseeeseesseuesPaeietiMeawaseseaswoe BABY CHICKS From purebred trnpmewtel 13 (' White Leghorn., (hereon Ntrain 1. The Barron i t'ghorn is en F}nglieh bird and for a ia•g- horn is a very large bird. some of them (wing ae large as the Rock. :ieldosl do they ever set. With the coming of wren weather the heavy tweeds are determined to wet, not an with the Leghorn, as that 14 the time *lee is determined to ley. They 'will also lay in the• winter If given proper etre From Nov- ember lot to April 1st ten of 0111' trapnastel iaeghnrna laid urin eggs, at on everpge prior for the the months of lac per dozen, or $0.!7R for the ten birds In the fhb month*. Frain Jtl*t mush stock as theme end others nearly as toed we. are ofrering chicks et _r'h each, delivered at your st a * 1011. Huron Specialty Farm WALTER ROSE. Brussels. Ont. Phone Us Box 34. f1».1 - r TIM ROljti *I 1 1 ooniama.oa. ')N: THE COLBORNE STORE • pectal values in manylines o merchandise for Friday an d Saturday selling We have not room to advertise all the specials, but die following are a few of the numbers that are on sale Children's Cashmere Stockings Children's Caslunere Stockings, in black brown and cream, in all sizes from 4 to 91/2, a 49c a pair. These Stockings sold as high as 90c but for Friday and Saturday only they will be 49c Colored Organdies Pink, white, sky, maize and copenhagen blue are the shades this Organdy can be procured in. The regular price has been 90c. For special selling they will be 65c a yard. They are all 40 inches wide and every color good. On sale at 65c. Voile Blouses t ,>" Black Silk Hose Just a few black Silk Hose left to sell at $1.19. We still have all sizes from 8'1.. to 10, but a limited quantity of each. Regular $1.60, for $1.19. Niagara Maid Silk Gloves --- on sale at $1.19 We have`, had big selling on these Gloves, but we have adder a few more and we can still give you grey, pongee, black and white Silk Gloves, regular up tb'$2.00, for $1.19 a pair. Many other special lines o n Voile Blouses in all sizes and many different designs at $2.98 each. Crepe de chine, georgette and habutai Blouses in all titizes. Many up to $10.00 on sale at $4.98 each. Middy Blouses ilsea Many Middy Blouses in children's, misses' and ladies', in plain white and white with colored col- lars and cuffs, greatly reduced in price for Friday and Saturday selling. `-s Spring Coats Every ladies' Spring Coat on sale at just one- half -price. These Coats come in fawn and differ- ent shades of blue., They will be on sale at just one -half-price. Every Child's Coat on sale al half-price These Coats come in all sizes up to twelve years and are shown in Donegal tweeds and velours in blue and fawn. They will all be on sale at half- price until cleared. sale for your inspection. ► "r r e f ' ';t " - Thistit re."ice .clnsed__Wednesday afternoon of each week H.: COLBORNE THE HOUSE OF RELIABILiTY report on h• prepotr'd market scheme ..t the 11,•w' ni•'e{tng. These Shed, at the negative. The new hl aha Agin. at the pwost- oflit-e building having been mentions!• and some d1.r.emeistfol remarks having Igen pa -,ed span the pnrchts in front of the to sibling, the Rene wanted to know wf • 'h.• unsightly shed. could not be honored during the summer. Thee. were ..,me further comments, and a request will he sent to the post- master that if it be not a violation of the British- North Americo Act, the porches le• takes down and kept in e safe plate until next winter. The ,,ro i1 was Gill in Jocund mood. and when n menlla•r sngge'tel that a "fight -hovld be placed in the rear of the torn hall another re - Markt.) 1, "$.4 they can wee !meter to piik out the good wood." The water and !Mk eem,nl.olon will to tusked to phew elf Tight at the place mentioned. Wnrk en the ge.d.a Go On. ('t'nm•ill..r Moser, who takes 411,4 duties es head of the public works bgrbrtment ;erlonely ane) always ,wants to 1, what la best for the town, told of tie. w.,rk that is being done on the road. chi- spring. TKAs work had 1.'•11 negl,.tel for .some }-ears, and tlw People in different parts of the town were *skint; for the grader and the mmitt.r• w.,n)d like to get over the town as far as poredhte. He *eked If the (4)1111,4* approved of going ahead u ith this w.,rk. The 1 " 'r .."Are you going to be ,e !thin your estimate?" 4 'outn•d11.1' \toper—"I think 4(o." The —"Yon don't nerd any endorsement. then." The Bei ershop Fire. There was some talk over the fire at the •'Nati"nal" works. in exphana- tion of a .light delay In turning on the water it was ,explained the* disloretion of fl*P fewer liners on the burning b11thttng had caused a port eir•ult, interfering with .the ele•tri' pump at the prwerheessd* '1110 fire brigade, "tin. illnr Story pointed out, had done all that 1.111.1 have been done In any IL Dr (!bass's ()Ind sad afford nuns Cranny. at ade1, Trent.. Sample 1 De eat another daywith I t e h l■ ead- 'Ing, ar as, tag rlla.. N. aurmteal oper- ation required. cello. you at ones mt a bet all t.. • Oa, LWOW. It yea Madna sada Pater sad .Selo./ds. Mamp in Per M•mga - ease, In waving\the neighboring build- ings. Councillor Knigbt thought an im- pruterl fire alarm"syetew wins more urgently nederl than a fire truck. The firemen got to a fire quickly enough atter tlw alarm was rounded, but sometinw,, it took too long to give the alarm. The Mayor 1uggevted tailing up ■11 these matters with the water and light "nmmis.siOn. and it was fiel(1ed to meet in conference with the e'ommis- sluu Thursday night of thio week. The e•Re.•t of the tlrn on the Aylaw recently voted on wee briefly sheet ".del, and matters in this crrnnetion werye left in 111e hint!' of 1I1P Y(ertal mitts•. The Sewer Question. Sewers was the next adders, the Mayor pointing out that the question of the town's «ewer system was be- coming more important end more com- plicated every year. Them 'was con- .idernhle discussion ever various pltaw" "f the matter, and the public works corn;ittee Ives Rakeed for a re- port, parttcmlerly upon a proposal for the enlarging of the wooer on Nelvon street from Victoria street weetwarvl. !:slew No. 11, authorizing the eon- stri*etion of a nine -Inch server nn Brock street, from Victoria to .tlhert, was read three times and prase!. This :sewer is to be eonstreetel t'y rimy Tabor. Monday, May 9. Mr. and Mr*. B. TrelPxren end flint- ily spent Sunday et Mr. G. hunter's, Zion. The monthly meeting sof the W.M.S will be held at the hone of Mr*. 21. McR'hinney ou Tuewlay. Any of the ladies wishing M member of the Nuvpitel ladleas' All of t;oderh.h mxy secure ticket.) from Miss Jessie Stothers or MIos Stltrgeon, for 15Oc. OBITUARY. ('tTbltI('K -ri'he home of Mr. and Mss. itolwert (!errick, Kingston street, has again leen bereaved, by the death rut Saturley evening last of their daughter ninth, at the e11N7 age of eleven years Thla is the fourth child they have lost Irwlde of three years, end them 1.4 much srmpothy with them In their *even. triols Font' children two girls and own testes-nireive Furwral vervlcw were mnluefel on Ti,.esdey afternoon by Rey. J. P. Rey- LOOK r • Columbia Grafonola prices have been cut in half. Would you like to hear a Grafonola in your home? On your request we wilt place a Grafonola in your home, without _putting you under any obligation to pur- chase, to show you how good an instalment it is. Special Offer A one -dollar deposit on our easy payment plan will give you possession of a ftne Grafonola—the best musical instrument in the world. J. H. LAUDER, Phm. B. NORTH SIDE SQUARE, GODERICH craft, a'..i*tM by (captain (tower of the Salvation Army, and the r«matne were conveyed to rhe (Tinton cemetery for burial. As the funeral prrweaston Jewel t'ietorla whorl the puplle lineal up on either side of the pmeemitm to honor of their departed 'ehsolmale. etlt off so Nadia- In the springtime of her life. ELL101 r.—An old resident of Gode- tich township departed this life on Wed- nesday, April 20, in the person of William Elliott. The deceased was horn eighty- three years ago in (,oderich township had never had a home outside of the town- ship. He is survived by a family of four sum and two daughters : W. A. Elliott, of Long Beach. Col.; S. H. Elliott. of Brewster, wash. ; Victor and Thomas Elliott. and Mrs. James Harrison ante Mn, R. G. Thompson, of Goderichi township. One brother, James Elliott, of Dungannon, and three sisters, Mn. R. McLean, of Goderich, and Mrs. John Cox and Mrs. James Cox, of Godericta township. abs survive. His wife, who was formerly Ann McDougall. died twenty-one years ago. The late Mr. Elliott was a Methodist, being a member of Bethel church. The funeral took place from the homestead on Friday afternoon. April 22. The services were - conducted by Rev. Mr. Quinn, pastor of the Hayfield circuit, and the pallbearers were : Messrs. John Woods, John Tor- rance. George Sturdy and John McClure. interment was made in Maitland ceme- tery, Goderich. .0 .1 ra. e'