HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-5-12, Page 9r Everything you need for Fancy Work may be found here. Call and see the many beautiful and useful ar- ticles we have in stock. Miss S. Noble South Side Square -- tii.darich McEwen's TSS SIGNAL DARIINO.BABY BRIGHTENS HOME Children's Laughter a Pleasing Sound 11111101411P.- --- Specials Specials Flannelettes at redue¢d prices. Sheeting at reduced prices. Itoekfast Drill at reduced primers. (:Ingham at reduced prices. A nice asmoriment for Wireio,y Curtains. from 23e and up. Alt -wool Serge. ;Levy bars•• ,1.•ul,,,• width. at $1.: per ) ard. . '• L 4 tient,Y et rie• work wh11 A greed!. aemis•r of articles In 4:reeerles at r.0e1,•1141 price'.. J. J. McEWEN The Square Phooe 46 Altoona, Pa. -"I am writ- ing to tell you what Lydia E. Penkham's vegetable Com- pound has done for me. We had six children die almost et birth. From one hour to nine- teen days is all they have lived. Before my next one was born I took a dozen bot- tles of your Vegetable Com- pound, and I can say that it is the greatest medicine on earth. for this baby is now four months old, and a healthier baby you 'would not want. I am sending you a picture of her. Everybody says 'That is it very healthy looking baby.' You have my consent to show these few lines to anybody." - Mrs. C. W. Buz, 131 3rd Avenue, Altoona, Pa. Mn.Jaassen's erperleuce of interest to childless wives. Millston, Wy,� ' i Want to give you • word of praise for your wonderful medic:3e.,, We are fond of children, and for a considerable time after we wig/Wiled I feared I would not bade any. 1 began taking Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, and it strengthened me so I now have a nice, strong, healthy baby girl. 1 suffered verylittle at childbirth and !Jive all the credit to your rtppedlcIn , nod shalt Aways recommend it highly.' -Mrs. 1.L H. Juneau, Ni11.Wn, Wig. Mrs. Ileld'of Marinette Wis., adds her testis:: Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound. She says i Marinette, Wu.-" 1 was to a nervous condition and very trregulaf My doctor advised an operation. My husband brought me one of your booklets and asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It overcame my weakness so that 1 now have • healthy baby girl after having been mar- ried nine year*. I am lad to r..commend your medicine, and you may use my letter as a testimonial.'' -.Mrs. H. B Buz, 330 Jefferson St., Marinette,Wis. Then are many. many such homes that were once ehildlPa.. and are now blessed with healthy. happy children oecause Lydia E. PinkhUn's Vegetable Compound has restored the mother to a strong and healthy eonditiea, as 11 acts ass natural restorative for ailments as indicated by backache, irregu- larities. displacements, weakness and nervousness. Women everywbere.should remember that most of the commoner ailments of women are not the surgical ones- they are not caused by serious displace- ments or growths. although the symptoms may be the same, and that is why so many apparently serious aliments readilyyield to Lydia E. Pinkbam s Vegetable Compound, se it acts u a naturarestorative. It can be taken with perfect safety and often prevents serious troubles. Therefore If you know of any woman who is suffering and has been unabS to wenn relief and is.regretfully looking forward to a childless old age, pas bet to try Lydia E. Pinkham's vegetable Compound, as it has brought health and happiness into so many homes once darkened by illness and despair. Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text -Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to Women " will be sent to you tree upon request. W rite to The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, MaMaebuaette• This book contains valuable information. ▪ GODLVIQ$ ONT. .,•„•rely' iulurlyl. S. ,• • ,1 111.. amu, broken and he was badly bruised. The remains of the late Robert H. McCartney were brought from ,' ardisty, Alberta, where he pr 4th. to the home of his cousin, George R. Mc- Cartney, Mill road, Tuckeismith, whence the funeral took place to liaird'scemetery. The deceased was the eldest son of the late Hugh McCartney, of tirucetield, and was born in Grey township, in this county, in lotto. • The death of Mrt Wm. Buchanan which occurred in the hospital at London on Saturday, April 30, cast a glom over the people of her home town of ilensall where the had lived all her life. The deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fulton of llenwll and was thirty-two years of age. She leaves bisides her husband. an infant son two weeks old. \\"11li:un )'pupates. a well-known resident of Morris towtrsnip, passes' 'away 011 $'h►IrwlaY. Aprll eat the adVAIM•wl age of eighty-three years .' lie star of Scottish birth, ....ming ti ca nada in early life.. For tertylive ye:u', he had lived on the tarns on a hull he (lied. on the :Int coves -ion of \Dorris, Titres SODS std three daiIghters survive. - Fire broke out on Tuesday night of last week in T. Murdock'shvery barn, Hensall. When the tire was discovered it had - gained such headway that there was no hope of saving the arn. andrhtckts d effors xriere directed to saving dtn.th ce,close by. in which,the fire•hghters were successful. The horses, carriages and harness if the barn were removed. Part of the building was filled up and occas- . pied by George Brock as a blacksmith shop and C. S. IIuison as a machine and wood -working shop, and both Jnet Nish a total loss. n LNOIIAM. The vale of the M1trhell cement bre-i- ue:s to Tho.. Gear, reiaortd last week, not materialize. • \\'i„gliam's total as.,•..nrest year is *1,420,425, ate iul rwrw• et' t.$7M,ft•4l) over last year'-. The popula- tion Is 2.454. an hone:see of 214 over 1,101 year. 111 addition Lower Wing - hien has a Ix.lnilatit i of several mon- d Keel. 'Til.,-. P. Fixter left l:.st wok for . 11a.ebtirg, where he i, oix nlwlg ;up jewellery xtOre. Mr. and Mrs. John Glenn left lest ,trek for Toronto, where they will re- lit -111, .re -a1.• •en tutor... \1"i11laiu \lrl'herwm noswrl away on April 29th after a few days' illness of prl..nmonia. Iteforw tunsl4 to-Wtog, he en Mr. Mvl')wrecon was for twiny rs n proopnlor 1n the Klondike nod ret r gold, -110140. He i- :ort it,•11 let h . wife tilled one daughter. Oyial for Lydia E. Thienelily, May 12. 1921 9 Clothes are a Problem - a . but the probRtl if you consult work, for sport, every -day wear, or carious you wish to b we are prepared to do eorres:t style and at re prices. Window Shades FROM 95c LP rt. well 11e 11114 CLINT' IN. . It. Williams, of Porter 11111. has sal the ('autelOn tiros. +.tore and deal in grocerl.'- and ;mirthless willalso combine llK' Porters Hill Axon to now stile to. Iw-sron)al algal a after hie serlon" illness. ., W It Fair Mgt week ,r,'tsdved word of th • heath of his brother-in-law', Neil Fox. 1 Alameda. Sank.. after a short lilts.. Of epnienmonhl Mr. Fox was free Y.. recdd!Pt of ('liytotl. The marriage took place revetilT'_ 05 Torun of Lieut. Thomas Hoas F. 1'eekitt, ensall merchants have their half- Jt. N. V. 11., a r Clinton 1.03, holiday on fhuraday a(ternoan of each geed MI Nn Jelin!, Tate 11eatty, dangh- week. List of 1 1e tate .lama 11. Beatty of the ` Mitchell's population. as shown- by 'Watt)"i the n•seswer's roll. ham increaser! MI I since last ;rear. - COUNTY AND DISTRICT. 11 V,:k• Good Plumbing IS A DELIGHT Poor Plumbing IS AN ABOMINATION When we .1.' tit.• Joh. We girt* you the right kind the kind 111.15 gives you i.h-t4nn• and ,t,nifort. 110411101311111411141Wee 11141041110011 FRED. HUNT "THE PLUMBER" Iramittan_liatitel. 1'lunmine F.11 Vest 1,'..l. ' Phone 135 Hca1iui( Meetlal N\'. EAST ST. GARAGE L DID you ever .trvto inflate a tire with a leaky" pump Got pretty hot and made very little head- way, eh Your motor with the leaky piston rings acts that way when you try to climb a hill. 1 low about a set of "Pressure Proof" OR "Double Seal" Rings to start the season right REG. WILLIAMS Phone 243 Goderich We have all •odors and sizes of %ViMow- Shades -s•otu1,1 ,n white Niel green. and cream alai green. plain white, plain cream. plain green. Soad••s delivered and hued for }„al fl-. •,• .1 charge. Ai:E\'r Feat THE Flat Kirsch Curtain Rod The Heel Haat H.•, • 1.in t1 li,•- Sunlight does it Yoe who always dread wash day -because of lb hours of weary, wash -board rubbing, the t damp steamy alt, with perbap, your skirl sad shots splashed g ad soaked- just forg.t alt shat. Co.. into the ease and com- fort of a Sunlight Wash Day. Sunlight Beep will do the waste - you can go out oalliag ar shop- ping. Read the direotloas. lulu oa getting the Soap yew ask for -SUNLIGHT. is easily, solved s. �. , it is for for ordinary r drew; 0e- butfitted, in the wide EVERYTHING IN MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR (except boots and shoes) McLEAN BROS. Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers 11-14 SQUARE GODERICH i .3 Bring Your Films to us for De- s 1 Sweats.. au ..the 1'. F. 11.'*. It prom- ie.-. to he Ms 'Iy women 111 basi•Iwll hu 1.ta•knuw IBI.l"TI1, The openij,g of the Blyth Memorial hall has lees' i prectiMHM•,1 to June 5th. Harry W44tNell, of ('Nrlcle. Arkansas, is here ti.itittll kb. brother. E. W.atsun., It vies furt11v.three years. .ince the last met.• .Sl.•t:..w:lte hall the suite - 1 downstairs awl break broehen. had Miss Grady fortune to fa 'Mrs. A. Et /•r hits r. nu•u.•11 from 'r11aua.•tille. • bore sl :t.'ut the w inter w itis 10 ' etanghti r. Nies. 1 Itcy. W. ,Mel.eoa: Thomas Sharpe. of Kerman. has pur- chased a blacksmith shop at Seaforth and is removing to that town. Me1S.uultl, of the 12th ton: •.fou of o:r.•y townl•hift. died April 2,01,, at the age Of fifty-four years. Rev. Dr. Aitken, formerly minister of ' the Kippen Presbyterian church, has been aopointed to the staff . of history in the Technical Scholl, Toronto Smith's Art Store , I'hone 194 11111:\ iN NEED OF :1 TNXl PHONE 1!6• I Try a Want ,1111. In The Signal. a • MEN'S SUI T S - of Right Quality As well hi,our our young men's style we ca' a large and coift;lett • stock of the more con- servative models for Doth young and old, ranging in Britt' from $16.50 to $38.50. SPECIAL FOR Saturday and Monday • 15 Men's English Worsted Suits in blue and fancy materials, all new patterns. While t.-tcy last $22.50. All w blue ,guaranteed indigo dye, pure wool, single and double breasted styles. 'hile they last $35.50. Special -- 15 Men's Suits to clear at $16.73.. M. ROBINS -t Open Evenings • - The Pr.•sbyt,'riate congregations of Walton and Moirti''1eff hny.. extme4h01 a .•1111 't. Rey. E. F. 4'handler, of Kilsyth. in the Presbytery of (oven SonnetMr. and Mrs. LeoBritow ave T. W. Parlmer. who has north rl nn' village in per .° for NI:am, Florida, where th y" will matte ( ale amt tat on stn tT t.nu•'11 at its last ni,•et- deinttaHOn 1.. wait tip- •il Minister of l'uldle :a grant tarIl'slrf tin' ,•ret mall ennstnewt lain ea t ' . 1 'e Ti The Bella icine For, Little Ones. Thousands of hers state positively that Baby's Own ablets are the best medicine they kno of for little ones. Their experience hastaught them that the Tablets always do jest what is claimed for them and they can be given with perfect. safety to children of all agts Concerning them Mr$. Joseph Therrien. 3t. Gabriel le- Bram-Lark. Quebec, wfltes : "Baby's ()an Tablets are the best medi cine 1 know of 'for Intl(.. ones I thought I would. lose -my baby fore trying. the Tablets, but they. soon ade hirer healthy f stemma 'out happy and now 1 would not be with - ire out them." The Tablet are sold by Roy was at time in t has rrtttr 5lontreal. .$1' a ('Unto)♦ add boy, whin medicine dealers or by and at 25 cents 11111011. Jafta�s• for wmae I a box from the Dr. Willi ms Med chit. • w•rvloe of t Royal bank. tell 'to t'anada and is now at 1,1'4 'KNOW Co„ Brockville, Ont. veloping, Printing and Enlarging Prompt Service Reasonable Prices Satisfaction Guaranteed I -C. DUNLOP, PhmeBe Phone No. 1. The Rexall Drug Store Goat rich enativiasistillateeilGoMmileillimatillnlaaesotee ESTADLISHED 1872 THE successful business man knows the _--value of saving. In all probability the habit of saving made him suc- cessful. You' may get on the right road to success by depos- iting your money so that when your opportunity conies you may be prepared to take ad- vantage of it. $ICAD OFFICE HAMILTON 31cltae, of the It.n iedary iia -fol the retei.l.•ne .of •k.mrie and will .Titus tee • Mr. Mrltae 1111. sold brother-iu-I:,w. Mr. Munk 1 wriest, b> s Nies. 1. Ain lire In Lurk his -fano to Mess. The village Nig nppirint POI on the 1'nil111. Works to rtitle^ SEA Ft Ilt'rlf. r At a meeting heldlait_ weeof former 'students 01 Seaforth Collefiat institute it *as decided to k an -Alum ae Asso- ciation. and a staff of officers w'a elected. 'A .memorial to the Coll *late its who fell in she Great War sill be p:a in the school. ill --- D. J. Dkersey, a ft rmer Seafotth boy, died recently at Duluth at the a of fifty years. ly thttr.h•une. . gr rd fehei Fi•.<ranrTTIT telatfpeer ter-- ,j P__ ele•pitttation a4 a1 msluted eor.1<ts nr fl Edge 1 .Me Ilensall for many years. has sold out age has purchased t e l4Ia n. axe to \lies iionald.nli, of Toeswaiter. Row, .t. loym, Jl. 1'. 1'., sod bui!ding. at the, corner/ of :11atn. atfd It. it. 1'.•ni.•r,,,, building. =ere?ts, and w 1y have it recon• .15 21.,1'Iepteut'v church. , took Plein, On 1tt tel,w 110 1. . .1 Mum in the dl•- etrurerd mtu a1lfrddare/thorn. 1 ail :"meth. the marriage i4 ''' of 1 riet Irt..t4i 1 "l l;t l.uc•kn•••t this tl' \l itiar.t 'Eliza �'k forts icor t., C. et hit. ar en, oft �a;vation army summer .will 6.,0• town L,..•1. It 1 ` u,11- t 11111 le 11111:intyne. Tt Wrnx' -,, , krnmrt r,....1„„4.hire, was innreed.at f r. \leis \I• L,,m iilin, ..t 3Inrris town- -!lip. lea,. sold n fi iiiy ,,•aught t^:lut 1.,r the •7 al .tlititn. of mato. They v•I�he,l ::41141 11.. .t 111, 1•ris:''11 1111111 a.. rh • Iq,yer. A' it. 4dlll$ took ,JI_l.iefr-p TT1}"trf ttre I:'lir. n to isisir 4111- ..1Iil-'2'•tit. n-11r•u Nllss Jane letie.1111. daughter of th.• It, ,e Neil. Smith: IMM nine the betel. of loot - 1,111 Mei 11441e4141 of Ito! Held. Itev, 11..1. !.Inlay i,ff.•lato,l. . • 1Calke•r' •a la_ .64t.i au lLLluuIe - ',e••I I.Ith Latm: tilt paie1,1.•,17. at a 1,0.4 of Sr.11.1 MMI. 117 this the • ocet pays ,NMI, the 1.'11110 y Sre.foa1, Nlid pl•nix•rty- o,tners eau the se;,et DLII IMMI. ,TIN' road connect at either •end with the ."tuft) roll s) tent . • I1tu411 ry1l u,'_ has a strike on. Thr• eutido,r'. ..f the i`o•rmbr fnrnihn.• f,iotory have .snit tt' ri itt 'tl ,test against at nyhnet ion In t , ,.• 1'lu• 4 .tea, tu.y: Oteatets h, e e..e 17e•.10.111e Indefinitely •11 the mien do net return tee their Plebs yely 0•snt.- .tt the) Mime ter.. ids 3l i WA* 111111 1.41, In marriage to Itieleard Sanford .it:nuhlton, 11,14.5., a 1-0 ill iii ti• a;ls TTN 1 r •ttioily�.,rwas a• pl•1'f1,iinsI 1•)• Iter. \l l:. s'ti .i ffortl"1 The young couple n 111 enntiitile to i make their holm. in 11inss,'Is. of Seth Ita!ley.,.t finis. s, 1 , 011 Satnnlay, April :u,, bis dsngh- la )t. Robertson, of 1 The Young Youth frith its •4P vitality, L, makes for the young mother's health and happiness. But later, ''!'' maternal(/1\ experiences bring a dif- frontre'ult. '1 -fal'Cofafamilp, multiplied h' •; •',old duties, and BANK OF- HAMILTON Goderich Branch -A. J. MacKay, Manager 1 rontit last work to at lir;- !her -sy1il-F-` e 1, Army work here,. • • EX .TrR: ' •' 1• \lam s!Zi t \Ieth/xltst parsonage, I . r'ila), :\1 .11 '.Mit. Rev. IS. G. H. N1' Isla ter lirrt, me(1 tit. manna:5 cert. - 00 11 11 S daughter iff r -...loll Nirs. W tham 'lodger'. a el I+ C',,, . ; I ••.411 ,1 Jlr. and .Ir9 (. 07,:e C,,,s•ud. r 1 L ?mune. The hasp:. ci�u{,'4 sill 1aidc 1tt the gto pis let !Anil ,at the v:h con:essutn.4 • Cabal ne, trim ct' T; , . tr r C.(i.1 tea i. ern._senhIt 1.411 • e..1• of has depart :ret . 1 f. 1' 1 • .,,1 .". the tlae• Aste'11 , ail I.., _ 41 1 1 the 1117 ,. ail :7. i held St•antet 4 u,, h r .d, ret ,f tla n n .f tuw,.•hlp , f \ eu;1 1 , I i , .1 ,„• t 1 In, I,./t'I .•. IJ .., ' �JII at rot ries fool heliet-.1 1'1 :i,c . n,11tnp ,11 1ud. 1:5,x1••' 711+ .t.'r G. 11 �,nn he UTICA in 1,3S, he i1,4y,•: this:, sun- , 1411 very often 1 l:nesscatlnell hy, a womanly c • tend to Prolong/ (anti lite • au:httrs. Rte.- V. Mutton, of NV triton, me rig i1 course a lc ni 1 to reg..-. r Toronto, was the diener of the R,er.on prize in the recent :heodegit'aI j, examina lima at that instittuion. The( prize is awar11ed annually in ho ks to the ' student ranking highest in the Greek . f the first three Gospels. , ' ,tt the \lethodist parsonage. Centralia, on Wednesday. May 4th Miss Verda ".(nude Hicks. daughter of Mrs. Samuel (licks, was united in wedlock to Nelson \\ ilbert Squire, re n of sir. and Mrs. (:eo. Squ re of Granton Oe their return from the honeymoon trip '`Ir. and Mrs. Squire will make their home on their (atm in Ush.xne. . while l71111itl5 a tractor ret limey - field J0sep)1 Miley W415 ('3115111 In the 1 mothttle•ry .Ia Home way and wan„ the sufferi'i.:: i to make'coni'a- lescence a Si, 1 weary prlcer4, Many won.. - •• rhaps your o'trn n iRltbora�ll had IH•nefi,•ial experience \t !I 1)r. Pi(rrce's Fa_ whn is yyori _Presert m,whichprepnres the pnosp et i . , • )deer. Send 10 cents fo Doet'it' T'ierce's Inva'ids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for a 'trial package of tablets. Htsttt,tots, t,� " 1 was advised by a practicaln , take Dr. I'ieree'a Favorite Pnaerl, as a tonic during ex'nectanef, gine VP had every rea- son M hx' grab cause it keit in,.111 7 urfpet health mai., I had prnetirally no suffering. TIM 'Presctiption'nr•t nnlyhenefite the mother, but 1 inn positive the child la benefited, Inc. i w"uid not hesitate to recommend this '}►lpaCriptinn' to every expeefnnt nla,r�lgtM� „e..../gas. 0. Bettis, 40 Hess `blest" x• re • r her advire, be- • 1liraetr•• Today 7• w ilii. lovely -tltith i A ti liar 1r •.7rtw,.Ke.rnir•g And, on the wen so brown and hare. 61,., it eras+. •prtnaurg More and 1hes 'TM:MT Front stalk anti 140411 ,;aro len 11,.'(1). While alt the iamb er rases .how Fran, tenrltt buds i; emlx vo., • Liston, and heed Part :s glad re (rain, You who are worn wit •grief alai pain. Cease for a w1111! you sr raving' - Come out, come cut, and. eet the stair .. -- .,lazte, •. Caruthers. - ..'•\* „..• , s .1o)tbtttg tad Voraetgus, Doi tor -1. your hmshanrl vricioous in l his appetite, madam :'• Mrs. Blink -Not la big of it, doctor. He'll rat anything and everything su long find as fast as he can gel it. ' SAVE MONEY ON GROCERIES MEOW uses `1't10NE POWELL, 21)1) • and &WC Two to Ten Per Cent. on,i'our Grocet'y stir- chases. All Warders of three dollars and upwards delivered free.„ ;All goods absolutely fresh and clean. W. J. POWELL 1) 4