HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-5-12, Page 8e
1114 -Thursday, May 341, ink t d
Hot Water for
' Sick Headaches
Tells why everyone should drink
That welter with phosphate
ht It before breakfast
'i{amdeetle et gay tied. le Mama by
ellendadogiention-ertilch mew mat-,
laver and bowel pottlOSP
tenor sucked Into the bleed;
w>iib the lymph ducts, excite the
dtaattterblek pump the blood so tut
Slat It osegest• in the smaller attenei
6d vents of the bead producing hos,
haat, throbbing pain and dlatMess," Ailed
aaadabbe. You blooms nervous, dee
ispai*dent, nick, feverish and miserable:
suds ds sour and almost nauseate
rTksa you resort to aoetantltdet
or the bromides wbich tampon.
I1I ridges. bat do not rid Me blood
3 M 'trrttattag toxins,'
a,g'tpas ot hot water with a teaspoon•
et ikesstone phosphate In it. drank
breakfast tor awhile, will not
lras►.tkase poison from your eye•
and acre you of headache but will
"...parity and fresMo the enure
' • k your pharmacist for $ quarter
d of limestone phosphate. It 1s in -
naive, harmless as sugar. and air
tasteless, except for a sourtabt
t which 1• not unpleaaant-
lia as aren't tooling your beet, It
tou$ 1a ak
coated oriyou we np wttlli
bid ttaeot►*Lout breath or have colds;
I_.Q1 estlon, biliousness, conetlpUoO
ot;ioar, acid stomach, begin the phos.
Ousted hot water due1^ rid 1 your
system ot toxins and pobsop '
Results alts are quick and It is claimed
that those w'ho continue to flush_
the stomach, liver and bowels every
moraing never have any headache 0ft
know a slsersble moment
lab Uremia Don joints sad muscles
wino- a men trial bottle of old
Jambe Oil
dosing Rbeumatiam.
It's pain only; not use asap in fifty
requires internal treatment. Rub sooth-
ing, pesstestiag "Set Jacobs Oil" right
es the "tender spot,"and by the time
yew say Jack Robinsn-out comas the
,bsgm tie pain. "St. Jacob's Oil" is
• barmtsss rheumatism curs which
•ever disappoints and doesn't burs the
skin. 11 takes pain. soreness and 'ta-
mes front aching joints, muscles and
imams stops sciatica, lumbago, backache.
Lieber rapt Get a VS cent bottle of
o ldeinim basest SR Jacobs Oil" tram
say drug store, and is a moment your
be tree tram pales, ashes and stiff.
o ssa Don't pawl Deb riteumaiisa
} Creel hiNWeitri a To
Up' Taasagsa.
Yonne aid Charles So. . Taome
Accountancy. stenography. • y pe a, ling a..d
general improvement courses. ■ its,vo m
struruon only: students asustrd to positions.
open all year. write for prwpeelu•t e.aer
DOW W, 1 ELLIOTT. Principal
Western Ontario
Best Commercial School
Our wtuter term eutnnleuces Tura
day, Januar' 4th, and students may
register in our Commercial. Short
hand re Telegraphy departments at
env time. Our courses are thorough
41.1 practical, and we assist graduates
rl hoots.' Get our free catalogue.
4. drLACHLA N, Pripet paI.
ITU a "Hy o" \'acs ri m
Cleaner and your hoose is al-
ways clean. Doe. the work
quickly and makes nb dust.
See our display of Hydro
Lamps, irllns, 1Tasking Ma-
chines, etc., at -
Akl :Whit'relief l Your slogged am-
id). °pia/right up, the air passages et
year bead are clear and you can breathe
trMty..)Neimors hawking snuffling,
mucous ditshar'ge, headache, hawking,
srngglla`'tor breath at eight, your Bold
or s &$Tu *y igragedi np 1 GA •-small
beal.tot 1yliiCream Balm from your
dragglst ow, 'Apply a 1lttkaof this
tragrast, .atieeptie cream 1n your eo.-,
erilk_letlit trate through every mai
passage of bead; soothe and heal
the MAIO, inflamed osseous membrane,
timingyou instant relief. Ely's Cream
is lj+ust what every cold and es -
lank .o*erur b.. - wiL)las•. IV!
hist spkodid.
r yews ink Is oohing at 10AdAer
bedlam, Adak ban et water
ami eat bras neat
WNW year kidneys kart gad year he&
Issie see deal get snared endsed
M load your stomach with a lot of
thee sgsite the kidneys sad irritated
seem urinary beet Keep roar lora
Mesa like you keep rowels elq
Ile them a mild, harmless
Mash removesbody's urines.
Waste Mad stimulates this to their nor-
mal astivfty. 1 M tsaatics of the kM-
acre is to litter the blood In 24 hears
they strain tram id 300 grains of acid
sad wast., so we elan readily understand
3M vital importante of keeping the kld-
asrs sMJve.
IiMak 1o4. of w.br-you' can't drink
too meesk; also get iron any [pelf.;
about four ounces of dad Mkse
• teblespoesful 1. • gime of water
before breakfaal seek moral for • tee
days end your kidneys will set fine.
'lois famous .site is mads front der
ad/ of grapes Med lemon pales, eoabied
with Blida, sad Lao bees used for genera.
Boas to clean .ad stimulate slogged kid.
eve; also to entrails. the sada la
mri.M • N ss logger L a .our of int.
dads,. thug soling bladder weakness.
*Jed Sales
is is.*peoeivs; mance
LMia wM • delgttel effervesced
dri.k -
wkLsk mums* ahold
hats maw .d that M keep their kid.
awe ase alma sad esUrs. Try au
1 MM water W M
Mal pm will nallellee whet beenas
gym WNW gremlin aad baked*
Ilaateneersties Needed.
ibio.- s y,?li love rite. John'."
. •b don't your chest go up
gjli .m the iter in the morias 7" -
Tar Ihiby,
The Hydro Store
G.derich -- Oafaria
When It's a
Question of
call on
"The Old Reliable"
A full stock of Light Fix-
tures, Electrical Household
Utensils, etc., a1wvs on Eitiiiiiites given and con•
tracts taken for Electric
Wiring and Fitting.
West St. Next Postoffice
Phones: Store 82, Res. 193
2211 Iff SIRAL -
4' ' V Uiom13anks.
(iermuuy oust exoeute,the terms of
the peace treaty "without reservatlo11
ur drhly. or suffer the indefinite oven -
within of her most important luhuerel
,41441 industrial districts by allied
fomes. Howl the administration tit the
saute until Anal" time as her obligations
are fulfilled. That 111 effe't Is the
meaning of the„ryrgis of the 11414 tow
days. The 'Allied powers have eluiwn
nwfralut and idolise. Two of them
-Fr:Frer and Milani -hare• !wen ,4u
the veep. of a grave misumlerktulwliug
fore the :slew 7wwlaadt'eurl of Appr*le
reverting patent right;. 1'hr erred of
rue judgment wits IIIs1 Ion• 1'ulNrl
Staters has out as•,aued any (oblige -
thine muter the 1'er-,ip,« Treaty, and
evnd¢not claim fol its It ..r its na-
thnwls guy rights „.af'1r'r1 by that
treaty. This would sop,' r to tw the
total,, view of She Nutter 'Phe t'utt,at
States could , ars'.1 ,i1 j'v•t to rhos
derision without (waiult :''ave r'tlr,'-
tl,u upon the str,ure positi,11 11
assumes. The Neo Zealsiel evse• is
ever the matter. It wag due to 1.1oy11 also 111114111110 as IlhewuaIIng ilio
Go,rge's desire to give the Germinal vary .wide r,,lrge .t' welters etovered
every opportunity to seat 'debut the boy the (ware treat) old) as these
keeping of their solemn nudertaklugx. things come up front tiler d, time uu
Today the w'i1d,eu, 11f his eon rA' le Legislative halts or al the courts ,I(4
made clear. The• French 111141 the Brit- the lte'ple of the world le ;int to tinder-
are no than ever' closely allied i stand w'Imt the full ..reulipltg liuf Ihnlitglat
in the determination to we to It that ; treaty involved, 1'i•ysidm
Germany lives lip to the course Inld' 1111x, however, acce•pt•.I the iuvitatto11
.1,w'u for her tit Versailles. and with+ of the • Allies to hale 3 toiled Stater:
.he then Neeeptel only to heglu her-: r..re,..',i1a 33 Y,4 at tow• supn•tue
nedlat,•ly a Aerie:+ of evasions alai ell. the reparations „•owl--n'h1 and the
dlllyd1111ying Slat 1911111 1141 lutry('r for r°if,rrwr of amlassoler•. Itut these
lidera ted. i representatives while tekuig pert in
-41-- - the 41c1Nw'ratf1111s will not 'Nil-H*1041e
There Is two re honor lu the amount 11, the mitt"' 1teetsieus.
of the r.(MII'ntlurl .,tate) pretionsly lu -g
these minutia.. 11,4t11ely, 1{2 billion I stimatIng the p, aid sterling
marks in gold. Issues of 11011114 over roughly at four del.,r- Hie leriti"l,
it ...rho 9f years. with the whole ustwt* Gotereuent has lvled '•' pay las ter'
of the 4irruorn F:lupi re and tlw liar- runways of Britain s m,' _v) millfou*
With State's HS' se,'nrtty. are arranger) of dollars in full ulistm'tian of all
for. The Attie* •will -hook after the claims growing opt of the wear -time
details of rhh' phase ca reparation nowa eu,trol awl otlwr sgneme4t4. This is
4)e'.•upt1uu of the Hu lir Valley le the :.ppretzimatl•ly the. tiro,. 1e,+s thou
vice hl which Germany will be held the am the rai1title nskerl fur.
it she Is obdurate. In tow .xp1.1alory A nwusurr ,'Wheal>u,g Ill. .l11.41prv,1
words of Lloyd George, the untpot of ,empo ant wilt ie, iutrr.lu.,rl 11,10 par-
oled -in that valley before 11w war was Ifam.nt. 11 will air, provide f,ir a
"the large•4t .r..h4•tioi obtained 111 now grouping of 111.• r:itei47s, 1luii1il*
!nye single 4,4:11 field las the• w'nrld: of which are not t.. bred. This meow -
Two -thirds of the whole of the tier- ileo has been the dew ,4f 4onsiden,ble
final( iron awl steel production N to ,ihau,e,' In Itnl in front- tutu. to
tat valley. During the wear the dos- tlnla•. It hue taeu • .141, ulel. tint it
is the Hrsrur1 for Germany's ,sou ld result -fn tears. •tti'u-til wooli hint
gams. s ell gar aril tow. like. 4:.'r-, ,1rraificem ante, th! eliwi12.tlio11 :of much
ninety talk,. of a strike of 4.e111 inners overlapping of route. .,,sI ,'ilipli.ation
owl the irelustr•ial +porkers 114 the „g trniirseal grrrently-tower. soiling
rhguun ,h9ulel Ihr A111,41 Isr'up*liou be tory 4prrationn.
11111utjh,iue•1. That would only` uneeII
131,111 (s•lutitiew. The situation ~
seems to lot• that the (:e•rma nr have iyqr'd F.nstabe I'rn/. Government
hee11.iaj11e11 up +11114 111 their 41.'1ibeett ,• e•awlidate, Who is the soli of the 1iiike
pulley of ,wlu3yoegt0t31 ami ,evasions. ••f Northumberland. has 1«le1 elected
Their governments May resign 141441 to the Brutish Heirs,. of 4'.,lunlons with
their Junkers talk were Mor in the .1 phr,ILlty of $at, met.: Liberal awl
hulgnage of pile street li*i'rmau4 must 3.,Isor candidata. las the bye -election
"pit up or shut np." ', 'for the borough of Ilaaitegs. Tlwre
was a total vote of 21.3-:, against 14:
Lh r.l (iwrge ►dne+i•tf .r,•e.mv to re-
mora tlw
..morrlt•l! marrying alit of the ,lie
meat terms es must vitally Import nt.
That may well be proved true in (114'
tong urn. 541 Inng as these obligation*
are not fulfilled Prune dare not limit
•ower annatnrnes err ptrlarathen-
for Instant art ion. Her burdens are
Weary enough without adding to them
the coot of (wing constantly prepared
for 'war. Fluane1141 expwrts 241441 w•o11-
°mists think that the immediate bene-
fit to Europe will rums in the ithliert•
ment of rho cash reparations. Ger.
tunny. they o,,rslder. or the newt of
them do. shunld In. well able to meet
these. They argue that when this is
awful' starhrl the effect upon
Enr411wmn fin:unee will Ic nrost lone
ficial, .slo,•i1111y In r'spi't to the ex-
change sitiIatiou.
Lv. Godench No. II_ _- 3.00 a.m."
Lv. Stratford " ___ 7.45 a.m.•
Lv Kitchener 3.25 a In
Lv. Guelph " - - _ 3.11 a.m.•
Ar. Toronto (1.15 a.m."
• Daily except Sunday
Lv. Toronto. No 57-__ 3.11 p.m."
" ?Al p.ao •
" 11110.m.•
9.11 raw.*
10 lip,
Le. Guelph
Lv. Kitchener
Ls. Stratford
Ar. Godench
• Daily except Sunday
Buffet parlor car and first-class vestibule
coaches .n each direction.
(1. H. Lauder. Stattos Agent, phone 211
Town Agents Phone 8.
The Nightly Lfmw
Tcweher--•'What, Omer, M the An-
cient Older of the Rethr
Young (bear ((Nusalesdi --"t dunnn:
Johan wine 11y cornea firtet, then
Willie, then the baby "-Life.
i4a4 can't 111 tow last general 4-le•tiau.
('t ►Lite ►HN E.
The municipal council 44 1he town-
ship of l'911wn•ue meet in the T,4w118hlp
11a11, Carlow, .April 1" 1h. Meuilwrs
till present : Reeve Toting h1 the Blair.
Minutest of hest meeting read dial
adopter) 4111 1radio11 of Fi,het *114 Rob-
ertson. Mowed by (:rahaui, wormiest
by Robertson alai ew11hrl flirt the fol-
lowing he the rote of (ay for labor on
the township roads until further
waits. : Al,u, and teats at 1h.' note of
nik. per Maur; ru:w tcurk til the rate
of :ilk• per hour; tractor on grader at
the rate or $1.1111 per hour. air. Ituyle'a
claim fur 'nitwits.. sustained on West
1\',vvawed' lot ,un41.u•y %VHS Iher1 taken
up. The ca11ntiiRe• Hp1p111111I1V1 t., meet
the \t'w.t \\'uw:ul.rel' t• ail reported
that they had met saki 11'esl \1'aw'e-
nosh refused to honor the clans alar
that our .v '1Ie• failed to Nr• 110w'
the accident occurred IIIIh1rx Mr. Hoyle,
drove too, fur Ili on the bank. The
council as a whole te•i.lerl 1.1 view the
gruuud where the u.'.•il11410 •HIllrred.
Motel by 31.olierteon. seetonde1 by
Graham, that the t•.'(uship Ise for
1921 be five mills on the dollar. Cur-
ried. The Irasurer, hotels as per•
seut.rl Vivre ate epiwl 4111 U10114111 Of
Robertson and Fisher. The following
.4111 s were paid: T. ('lark, repair-
ing road 'et ('lark.:,. $1:1.:411Wm.
lire's, repairing road to Itrlmlley's
.r,rnrr, $1 1.35: H. \\'alters, iep.lrfgg
road el Saltfonl $36J1114; t►. 1.awN116
work on West \\'aw:ui,oh 9,uildhgt.
t111.,'iO: J. A. Parrish, 1.44 yank gravel
'TTacil{s•-o: drawing gra vet.'$i.2I1
*22.95: J. .lutanl. oto hours a« road
superintendent. S.r.S.i: 'Wm. Bogie. re-
pairing live culverts of Loyal read,.
SLIP: .Iuui.ipll \Toshio by-law
book, $*3.:94: Dominion timid ala.hin
try 4'.), gooier. $41e%.(Mr \1'm. Manly.
work 11111 road, 1111111: W. Fisher, work
on road. $11.$41: 4 i. lamb. 10 bourn
work on road, 1!1.411: I': Fisher. 14
1 rig works 4111 M. 4'., #x.40:.\. Fisher.
1 day gradh.g awl ening for grater.
17.011: \1'm. Lippe, 24 hours shovelling
gravel, 17.2141: J. Jenkins. work on
read. $2.1.74': J. lira ham. downing
gravel and grading, i_'M►: Lou.
.ladkull, gravelling awl grading,
Stbrll: It. 7 hours shovelling
grayed. $2 11): \\141. •kleWhinn.y. grad -
Ing "annex road. -PPioot; ff. Eelwarrta,
grading. SAM: .3. 4,00.1, tet hours 15
road sup•rint.udi•rn, I2.r.:t5: A. timid.
serol. on ru1,1. 11.'41►. 4'oun7T adJ
Joutmrt Io'May 214111. HI 11- a'e-1•w'k, no
a (1mrt of Moi'bn of the nss,•e siewnf
reit and for general bn'hn-o. 'Total
spent at Merl hip: 1/7'..!'s.1 : t11h11 stent
to date. $1:167.51. 1. ld f`I'I1 EIt I NG-
And the early bird s ,r.uttmes gets it
where the goalie got the rx'rnsx,n.
You may have observed that a good
i..rd. I'.me y betoMte t.i 'hat claw of IIs' practical joke is on the other fellow.
English aristur•Var•y >,ht,`h_ eumdde•r` Put yourself
service to Its eooutry as .1 duty. He and you would
is clever, hail had ,•,uside'r..ble expwn• probably.
etas. already In dl{d-.amt* a awl public
life, and w•aw for :, time attaehrel to
I ii• ltri'ti••I, etstii;sy at Waclbington
.luring the war perhd. Ile has spok.0
-e•vetrsi tinned in C.rsda Cord I'eri i s
•Inemtry Rees back to the time of 11111-
spur of song sad story. The by. -.1w• -
While tflr Entente Allies are tint.
sefegmmling the treaty of Vermalll.•
and the nations it affes•ts, the United
States is taking its first practical dew
towards technical nasi legal p'illr with
Germany. The peace.• resolution •.1
Senior Knox has been adopted In th,
Senate by a vett. of 49 to 23. 'rills
resolution repeals the warresolution.
affecting Germany ami- :tnetro-11111,
gory and reserves to the 1'nitwl S1/11. -
all rights Hud privil.Ws touter the
Treety of Versailles and any .the•r
peace treaty. It is expected that t1.c
resrintkN1 whk-h now gore 10 the
!Ion 'tor w71Y 134x,. that body In The
e hots. of a -,few rosy e. - A grated drat ref
eoufnwlon hex been ,-nisei in the
United States 'itself Hud 111 Its ,r.hl-
tloti.e with other a entries by the 11.1
that It Is still legally In a state sof war
with the two countries 11en1r41. This
3,-jartkthlasty 44w -stated -las retereswe tae
matters that involve ismer preelrhire•
the administration of estates a1141 w1
lh►e dlflkndty about the 1'1111(11
Statex (imbuing "all rights end prlvi-
hytwi' under the Vera.Bh'. Trinity or
any other treaty Is that other puede
may not see the slttlation min the smite
light. Tills Is Ills-tratel in a 4:1w' Ile
Grandmother's Recipe io
keep her Locks Dark, .
Glossy, Beautiful.
The old-time mtxture of Sage Tea
and Sulphur for darkening grty,
streaked and faded hair is grand-
mother's recipe, and folks are again
taxing It to keep their hair • good,.
oven color, which 1. quite sensible, as
•'sm are living In an age when . youth-
ful appearance Is of the greatest ad-
Nowadays though. we don't have
the troublesome task of gathering the
mase and the mummy mixing at home.
An drug atore..ell the ready -to -um
net, Improved by the addition of
Ingredients, caned •'Wyeth's Rage
and sulphur Compound." • It i. very
popular because nobody can discover
It bas been applied. Simply moisten
your comb or a 'oft brush with 1t and
draw thls through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time: by morning
the gray hair disappears but what de-
lights the ladle. with Wyethls lag*
and Sulphur Compound, U that, be-
adee. beautifully darkening the hair
atter a Sew applle.tlon., it ales pre-
digests that .oft ..etre eadriae ranee
se abundance whish is .o attractive.
This reedy -to -use preparation 1. • de-
lightful toilet requisite Inc those wits
aeries a mere youthtnl appearance. Il
1 .et Intended for the rure, ualtlga-
ties er preveetion of Waimea •
tion wee ere rualp!•st by the bank-
rpptl'y of tourers.. Loom. ■, motive of
Toronto, lint.' 11 hu wap a new.pa p -r
proprietor la b,,o,krn. -
Whatever Mn' iuul.ellafe „Milani. of
the melding $.•totter ?our Jame. 4'ri,lg,.
the 1'Inter trader '(-ho stn••
,'.,111,1 itis F:,1N;e I'll Cartoon, awl l:anion
1. Valera. pr-'-idrnt of (h. w,.alwl
Irish Itr(ol•lie. it .Io..' kaiak like a .tear
toward peer.• vtlkdal confirmation of
+3)411 H meeting lyes red -rived with hap'
:ui,l allxlety II, Britian'. it follow"
11111111 a Janroe‘ 41 laird Derby to ire.
klowl, oiler•• h.' tenet ih.• Sita Fein
leader. though .te•larlrig flint h•' wits
ntiirg In :til Lnofnri41 rapl4ity- n-hrn
reports of his visit were puillieleel.
Then• are 1114 ,petalled reports of tow
dislssi4111s. It is rnmoreil that -11
yn,•stMil of t1,. unity of !rebind et
very Iwghu.i ,g .4 tow applh'jtttu
the 11nme 1tlil,' inertsltre wax•ta1
with fisher's ii,d.•petaMwr
Meet affair. _.,fegnardwl.
niers r(rtrl Le (hate. It
1 .4.
ver, 111141
11111411 water 3- likely to/flow ww1.•r
many bridge. I.•forp reel progress is
wade \t .Uli+ dj.t(a11Y it 43,44•' wrhn
ns if al 1 i'".'•* ,•Kortis Hf•ot to r.m,'h
11 salle1u••ut dint 5l1a11 fora ronuuon
gnnunl nf.111-whin,. all may ultimately
14mI . of a reduction Of
my per cent. for day labor
erpltfahie adjustment of ollwr
1, the plant' of the i'nitrrl
St,rl_4'..01prratiOn will not ie
ort re•11er groan elsewhere. Ile -
are affected ., ,,l t11r rrrincliom In the
u'w•n 37.i(Mal ;I wl iCd1,(MNl eirr(le,re•x
paeonmlynn' nunroiltllyl t. „i • i, •n,-tIdmtm$aatw4tlly) *petthr e11d.yI11M1 44f.41Mu1
average pay of 4112 per day. -
- .--
huip In ti,.• a, t on of 1nenrgent .41141
11nauthorixel i.,wuthliex of Pules, the
.1111.s haze a +orbit" priddem 1111 their
han.ls hl 1'pp. r Silexla. 11',•11 nnnerl
111141 Irl*thiol bawls of felon 111114'
5,101 s,. lion of territory. They
Moe leen nrel upon toy 1h11kun teem.
andel' thee, nn„*uaj of ti British „Hirer
The+. Iroe „err iii the lerl'It.n'y t"
•-•e,• 131.11 Ih•• ; lrbiee•ut* '('1114 carol. tI ort
111 proper nr.ler. This pleblw•ite ens
taken to d„•hie ate to the Vulture of
notch of thi- territory. The 1'411es
went to be un•ler the harpre"sion Mot
ilia'" Allied .vmmnhaden in chit Ore of 'the
1141133*•' had d..•,,$prl to .4'(•sof the 45'11,1+-
of the l.'rrlton to Germany, x1111 th4ts
.b•prire 1'n.),, ,$ of anew which it ks
4 gn,rs are retigrwir31h Iy *4"! lq'
Iopnlattotl I'olixh. The Allied fortes
are too weak to drive the I'nl*' ant.
hitt tiro. .u.cessftilly de•feteling some
tortious of the invaded dlspntwl terri-
It'opyrigh101 by British and Colonial
I'r"sa f.tmltel.l
About iw
with a
A little old town may grow gabbier
an I shabbier. but the trees dog"' • -
Peace eomr7 to the average man at
forty -when he quits reeding resolutions.
Most people Neap to enjoy coming out
0' church snore titan obey dry going in.
An application of money will nuns•
times remove stale from s mi.'s char-
in your neighbors piste
stop abusing him. quite
%XX xXXX X:«ca0CsxXsaaas xl
-School of Commerce -
Clinton and Goderich, Ont.
Business Stenograplc
Secretarial Civil.Service
Teachers' Ti _lining Course
and arranges *vial Courses for students.
oasssw T
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Credential Typewriting Tarts
. 1'oeitiuns Guaranteed
Vocational Training SO
or this district, by Government appointment. and oder i•
spec ' by Soldiers' Civil Re establishment Department.
For Tera, etc , ' write
S. F. WARD. • M. A. STON14
- 1<. .-L Aceta., Cos.
Phone 198, Clinton
mut. 113, may ,•ntrr .a .my 1,,, .'
('fled far Valor.
The swain and his .walness had
enc. entered a bti'dog that looked as
might shake a moat. lnwer haw,
"Why. l'ercy," the ex
started a straleg:c retreat.
swore you would face, death 1
• 1 would. -he thing tkict' h
der, "but that lam dig
The American Legion Wee
the most Feauliful girl alit nding the
University of New York. The girl, who
Is .1 bunds, was selected. the artist said,
beeau e of btr "grace, personality, 'nag -
he Detrain and line." •_ -
a.ways There doe,, not term to 'have been
_ •• nisch a ver,o,.ked t)y this artet lie has
1liehtlnul- faded to tell ea however, of be made a
t dead... -_ Int krriemp' tame; t and d ap silo:.. No
. doubt the young lady prssrt:srd of so
n any other charms would stand high in
ail Ihr blain.
ace of nature and However, girls who are blondes and w1 O
winnow. have nevir been given a prix •dor beauty
briebt Mrlcon of nerd not lose heart over the effulgent
at "ignuyan -e. deco: ratan, 1,1 the Nrw Y, rk artist.
Beauty Is pretty much a matter of per-
sonal opinion and what might appeal 10
nor judge as a convincing evidence of
charm might not create much d ori im•
version on another.
. Judgi: g beauty is an occupation of
such unlimited scope that it cannot be
regarded as an exact science.
Shut the.door in t
she w111 axile in at t
Nor is Ih re in
Youth spch a w
The oat Beautiful Girl.
a Canadian Otimers,r.
will be mlerrsted in the report
York th;t4 a Ca, adlan girl, a
of Mirth.. ke, tlurb c. has
selected by an artist as
LONG LANG`AN.. mortise Timis ones tea . wags, e.
Wnarta ,11(313 Ass gN*•,so Ire 1•YNaI*IM•
Among the recent interesting im-
migrants who have been coming to
Canada from Europe there arrived
a party of Finlanders, in care of
Lieut. T. C. Wetton, F.R.G.S., F.R.
C.L. of the Devonshire Regiment,
Imperial Army, who had previously
served as onr Allies In the "Finnish
Legion," In North Russia. These
Finlanders with many of their
compatriots had been driven out of
)"inland into North Russia when the
Germans invaded their country. The
'Finnish Legion" was formed from
among these exiled Finns and rend•
Bred gond service to the British
force. The T,e••+4on was ,'omman'ptl
by Lieut. -Col. R. ft. J. Burton, 0.8.8.,,
of Toronto, formerly of the 8th Can-
adian (Winnipeg) Regiment. After
the Armistice most of the Legionar-
ies were repatriated to Finland, hut
some Legion Details including sev-
eral refugee Finnish women and
children were left In charge of
Liwt. letton who was one of the
last to leave North Russia at the
Allies Evacuation of that country.
lila chief Finnish officer under him
was Oskar' Tokoi, previously the
first Prime Minister of Finland after
the Russian Revolution. Later
Lieut. Wetton was sent to Hel0ng-
fora, Finland, when the repatriation
of the Legionaries was being car-
ried out. Ravin suggested strong -
1 to the British War Office that
the remaining i.egionaries who were
not repatriated to Finland should
be given an opportunity to set-
tle In Canada, Lieut. Wetter, was
g land la charge of the.. Dg e•
their arr,vat In h.'nglnnd last spring.
Arrangementa•were eventually made
for the Finns to come to Canada to
work in the lumber camps, and
Lieut. Wotton brought them over
and took his party through to North
Temiskaming and got them satis-
factorily placed at work in the bush
As he predicted, these Finns who
rendered good work to the British
In North Russia, and underwent sev-
eral months' military training and
discipline out there and are eerily
tooled to w•n14 os 31. Lain 41.1
the woods in their own co'antrv. are
now rapidly settling down well to
their new conditions, are giving
satisfaction in their work and give
promise of developing into good set-
tlers. Rome of then are hnrtru
later on to take up Perming work
Most of them are single men. Menne
hardy type* of vigorous 'ninnies('
inured to the extreme! of climate
and accustomed to hard work. They
are a eery gond type of 'ether.
Some of them can speak very gond
English, others in addition to their
native tongue ran cnnrrr,, in Ru*-
than and in Swedish, whiles ane of
the m-, can speak fluently in Fin-
nish, English, Russian, Swedish.
Norwegian and is now learning
I.ieut. Wetton has had a varied
career, having served twice as a
volunteer in the South African War,
and later writing tote ',rusks nn his
campaign experience.• Afterwards
immigrating to Canada from the
"Old County he spent a few years
on the staff of the Manitoba Free
IPress and as their medal travelling
eozfe 000doot tis eoatrlbut.d to that
paper many articles dealing wttt
the development of the growin
western towns. ile also undertook
some lecture and immigration prow
ppaganda trips in the "Old Country.°
.While in England on the last oil
these trips at the outbreak of the
war, he Immediately joined the "2nd.1
King Edward's Horse" (let. Can.1
adian Cavalry Brigade) as a troop.l
er, and saw considerable active sex,.
vice in France nmol Belgium. Twice/
wonder' and rr'r•,•nmended for at
u:uaus.lion, ,y 1- j .netted to the
ISevonahire R», ,rnenf, and early 10
1910 -joined the "Finnish Legion" 19
North Russia. Most of his time out
there he was on outpost duty with
his Finns, oftentimes alone with
them, and thereby learned theta
language. There he met Miss Ainf
Kaupland, wnnen of Rt1l
hohadtravell travelled hundreds oil
utiles alone to join her two brothers
in the Legion. On learning her his.
tory-she had been wounded and im-
prisoned in the cause of her country
e was
well eared frx'n Friendship besaw that tween
them grew apnea and later matured
into love. After overcoming many,
obstacles, Lieut. Wetton subse-
quently succeeded In getting Miss
K1uppinen erfely to England where
their thrilling rnmanee was climaxed
by their marriage last June Mr.
Oaken Tokno being the bridegroom's
best man, whilst the Finnish Legion-
thismed ehotreh S tInp Attar tbeil
arrival in Canada Lieut. and Drat
Wetton stayed for a while flta
burr officially eonaeetett ta1tY