HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-5-12, Page 5he ng on .s ameet and eettag South M the •h the It ark. be the R Wa- lccone 1, Mr. 4 viol•, ...• A Kodak You've Read About The No. 2c Autographic Kodak Junior equipped with ' E KODAK R. R. LENS $20.00 This Camera fits into a niche, all its own:- The picture it makes. 2 7-8 x 4 7-8 inches, is almost up to full postcard size -and y4Yt the camera is small, light. convenient. The -Kodak R. R. lenses are made to exactly fit Kodak requirements. They are, in each case, design- ed with particular reference to the size and type of Kodak and shutter that they are to be used with. The No. 2c Junior is covered with grain leather, is finely finished, is simple in operation and, with the Kodak R. R. Lens, produces negatives having that crispness and sharpness. Lotus dew you the iig value this Kodak eters. ampbell's Drug Store • "The P.nalar Store" Phone 10s a The Square r. 1-4 • 4 Annual Low Fare Excursion GOUERICH to DETROIT AND RETURN 4 -inns ••••-••• ••••••••••.•••••••••••••1 ■ ■ / e• ,,. • 111111W - STEAMER GREYHOUND LEAVES GODERiCH TUESDAY, 'JUNE 14th, at 9:30 a.m. All Day Wednesday and Thursday Morning in Detroit Returning leaves Detroit, Thursday. June 16th, 1 p.m (Detroit and Goderich Time are the same) $3.00 Round Trip $2.00 One Way The only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season Last trip to Detroit, Friday, June 176, 9e30 a. sal. Dost miss this opportunity to visit big. busy. prosperous Detroit. A delightful ride over the Great International Highway of lakes and rivers. Dining room and lnnch-room service aboard steamer. Mod- erate prices. Band Moonlight Out of Goderich Monday Evening, Tune 13th, 8:15 p. m. 50c Children under 12, 25c fflnsic and Daacing in the Greyhound's Ballroom • GREYHOUND TENNIS and RUNNING SHOES 4 • THE bruised forehead, trap- ped finger, cut hand, sprain- ed foot, or smarting burn or scald, are quickly 'and safely healed • with Zam-Buk. On the other '.and, then isn't another remedy can compare with it for the treatment of eczema, ring- worm, or other eruptive skin diseases which children catch from playmates. Zam-nuk comforts the skio of the tenderest babe, for the balm is lust a scientific blending of Nature's purest herbal extracts. There's nothing so mild and soothing as Zam-Buk in pain and irritation, yet it possesses a great antiseptic power. Coarse fatty salves and ointments merely clog up the skin. But Zan -Sok, owing to its extra- ordinary refinement is readily absorbed into the tiny pons, whence its purifying healing influence is carved into the rnlerly,np tissues. That is why Zam-Buk is so wonder- fully effective in dealing with deep- seated ulceration or inflammation. Mn. T. D. RusWe. Cb.tdrsta's Aid Societe. saWvitte. Oat, ,men: We near us* anything but Lam -Rub ler our children's auto. barns. brussels and sores Experience Proves It mMriee to anything elm for soothing own and quick 'suss. Wo really could not afford to be •rth.ut Zam-Buk." FR E f MNtwn 1 Tasl tbM anal betas to-ds� 1 Ss d re. to 7a .Pea tw.. T.r..t. fee eamw s.a .4 r' - These Greyhound Shoes are HIGH' PRESSURE CURED and as such they outwear any other make you have worn he&tofore, because no other rubLer�lgh vas shoe will wear so well as one cured by the Pressure Process. GREYHOUNDS are the only line canvas nvas shoes made by this process in Try Greyhounds and see how much longer these wear than others made Mule: the old process. Get them at Horn's Boot Shop. REPAIRING ALWAYS THE BEST fIERN'S BOOT SHOP LOCAL TOPICS. !As corm. GODLRICH, ONT. • red o.tt-. and the I beasts Of wtwet a str.lmW' t:lenll'wt ate '1 u.•:ILi with a ca rgu of 115,W0 yu/lu•Is td w he,1 t u 1.d oats. 'IUete carp~ w''''' lath fur the t:iukrdch eFat•ator. Tlae ,arum• r 1'artJer Is dtw hrday �'Phnrwhiy r with ! 240,4WK1 bushels Pf wheat .out oat• 1,iI tlw elevator. 'As "I'' em, r 4'olline- woud Is expc'44 on ` }Thinly '11th sheet fur the lydrtelw t'auada Finer dill.'. The horse Neon;' to tow of the tog Louise arrived Oa \1'edt(e.day nh:llt with about 1:1140 tont` If ,'u41 fur the Western Canada flour'lolls. The Detroit Exeer'alon. Mr. N. F. Maclean. , Ccur-1 n a¢,• of the \1'idtr 14tar Lh1,•. i. Inde tiai• w'e••k 1.oking after the :n11,•i• i -ice. ,.t the suuual, June 024 -11r -ism 4 . .;,•.tw,•r Greyhound. Ile Is a.-s•mpaillel I,> 3lrs. Maclean. The "itiq•r.tt'. ..r the Greyhound !TIP i• ;ci% In The Signa I'S advertising column- thi- U is an ora.'lou rI *,* , a.••rly to {,ed for, and no doubt it will i,,• ,t. ls.palar -a• ever this year. Military ('aarp. Major H. 4'. Dunlop has received rd wothat the Huron Regiment is to go to camp at ('urling a Height*, Lou- ghlin. for ulna days' training on JUDO loth. No definite onlerl have yet hero received. For Destitute in England. . The drawing for the prizes contri- buted by Mn. Potter in the effort in behalf of destitute pesrple in England ta.k'place at the Pavillon ou Saturday evening, and it was found that the lucky qumleers were held lay,: lst, R. (,raf : 2nd. Jas. Howard ; 3rd. Judge Jackson. The sum of $72.415 was realized from this effort. ('olleetion .f GarW1 . i The local board of 11...1•!,' La• 1. coded to exrrnlnnce fire 1, I1•• ri,o1 , earthier on June let. 1•; •':•I•d a -uni- t -lent number of people d•• -Ira• tn. .. vie. At' a nieetlI (f I n•• I -,ani „1 1 31'iAay plans of the 4'. P 11. an.i •,,I Western t.uada Flour \l;ll- srw'ttge• dislasal wen• 1111•11.er .1. -- cussed. The ('. 1'. R. 1,:a 1 w.1- a1, I proves!, and the W. C. F. 31. 1'e w a - a-kw1 for some further inf.•rm1•1.•u A resident of Elgin arvoue 41- is,•tI notitlr,l.*0 hare his pig• r,•m,u.1 tn•m his premises forthwith. - MrfEwe n -Tait. Tlie marriage of III \t.,r, F"I'd! to Mr. James J. Icewell. I...t of to•.4 n. took place Tuesday mortr.IU;. at G :W1 of clewk, at the hoose of the, .I.r:,b•'s' mother. Mrs. Jas tel. Tai•. ,4pu•1,,, street. Rev. R. C. M(•Jk:cowl lx•rfin'nl- ed tin• eeremOnj in the pre -en.... „filo. mediate relatives of the briar and groom. The brkle was attired L1 a travelling suit • of navy Ione tri,utiu.• with hat to match. Mr. and Me Ewen - left on the 8 ei elork 4: '1'. It train on a trip to Iilifta .1. Niagara Falls and Toronto. ta•owi.o'i ii•.l by the last w•i+heti+ of many fri.•u.l<. Gene C. Cosmos's Orchestra. Much interest is taken in the announce- iaent of the organization of a new or- chestra by Miss Gene C. Connon. whorued recently rete to town after several months' rat ' tbe South. Miss Connon is admittedly •n she front rank of clans. and is s popular as she is clever, her efforts to and the success of many ha local events ving earned sincere appre- ciation in a wi circle p( admuers Now that she has formed bet own orchestra. of which the wi 1 be pianist and leader, there will d btless be a hearty welcome for the new c dzatioh. which malesits first appears at the dance in the Masonic T p e on Friday evening of this week. Ride Association Note. Owing to the rifles having been called in by tbe military authorities it: December last. the executive of the Goderich Rifle Association baa been unable to arrange any practice. The ecutive regret this and assure the members that they win seize tbe first opportunity. after the re- tUrn of the rifles. to hold a practice. it N eapectid tins wilt be m the near future A Masa Act.A gentleman from Guelph while spad- ing a few days�in town. the guest sit Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Million, McDonald street, near Agricultural Park, stored his car in Mr. Hobert Foley's barn on the same street. One night someone went to the barn and inflicted such damage on the car that it will cost $50 or $60 to make repairs. The batteries were burnt out and other parts. put out of commis- sion. As this was the fust visit of the gentleman to Goderich, and be is a perfect stranger here, it is impossible to imagine who should have any spite against bim. y i, -h 4'ir ►4A, -t x1 •1,.. w ..9M.►*4' 4► .-Pl. 41.M eear�b•R• r-t•irt• Ira• le '4 Anivab at the Harbor. The steamer Home Smith arrived on Monday with a cargo of 221,000 m r a w de 1 nes ieia r)Ct em Always Y 7 ho Oma Lii! hr ,M, k Pie ttdarlee P 1 tion tel i u 3 I v A will ( is,•tiphd two days thin. week, Tuesday and Weedeesday. in the Surrogate Court before Judge nlekson. Three daughters of the late Robert Hanna, of the township of [McKillop. contested the will !TWIT *bleb tete estate was left in tire, equal porta to a son•in-hW, John Bullard, three of Billiard's Children and another grand- child. It was contended that the testator had no te•otintontary eap•eity. that the will was irregularly obtained and that undue influence- erne n.et: but Judge 1)trk-on- finding was io favor of the exeentors, upholding the will. The estate is valued at $2,ri2T.rd1. The daughter$ who contested the will were formerly of NeKWop hut now reside at London, Introit and Ihor- t•Iwster township. B. 8. Hays (Sea• forth) for plaintiff executors: J. 1.. Killoran for daughters of testator: C. (Jarrow for infants. Decision was re- served on the question of costs. The Golf Club. A meeting of the shareholders of the Maitland Golf Club watt held at the hoard of 'crud. r.sae1s on Wedrtwaday night, with the president, 31r. C. (Jar - 1f row. In tin. chair .1 Ott was given of the artlon taken ley the executive and of expenditures made In fitting rep the grounds, and the meeting ratified flew, expenditures. !Ae lmtestd hirt r- UWt etrpeftd1flhtr i2,300 for the purpose of erecting • chtb-hotter, lnnfallloS a water system, mntdntting the work 11565 the grand*, and portioning necessary equipment. They Are Welcome. Mr. and • rs..1. A.' 11..1,..ren. of To- ronto, and 'ol. .1. I. and 'Mrs. 11c�,-t IAren. of Hamilton, 1'•'t',• week -end visitors Ili tow* Tire Mr( dtren leroehers,..'w are w4+kn. Wn (i.rslrrteh 4 )Id 14oys, a taking la.•h inavest ip the 01d H West/basil are looking forw i rtl r event a sen opporrow of meeting many :Mead. of bygone days. Monday [Hornig& they went down to I 'arbor to fish and as a result they rel two dobe -strings" of perl•h to tae to the Cityland exhibit to their friends as evidence of their skill with look anal line. Mr. J. A. Mefaren gave ye esldtor r pleasant call while in town. Large Atte 'at Paymen, There was a ;rout crowd at the Pavilion On Saturday evoking for the first dance the-eason,' many coming from quit a di -'nose. The i.utz S.alety Orchestra. of London, provided the musk:, and will .10 f0 throughout tlw season. Phi- i• the organization. through with wanes Plat different nle•nt- bership, t fi1*1.4 the ettpgement last summer • plea -••t the Patrons of the Pavilion with tin• tuuste rendered for the de Itee•s. The Set relay night dances will be eontinned for several weeks with extras on l,ndaY :u14 Tuesday. May 23 and 24, and ,nes :I.anday, June 13th. there will Ire a grand opening. after which the 'at iliou x1(11 be own every weekday a e'niug-f••r the remainder of the se .'oar. , in the Surrogate Court. The Best in PhotoPlays at the MODEL THEATRE CLEAN -yes and disinfected tool Everyone like. bed -Ilona, blankets, etc., to be super- clean -immaculately fresh. The best of all soave to nee Is Lifebuoy -'h actually dis- infects as it eleanaes LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP rd• coddle .4.. her Is s eye d 11. ,wltrW--ereeJb ..dsYy alter e Thursday, tiny 12. 1f121,- 5 -luuhl lists! the narm tgj before t i,•S Let int.,.trouble. Clever Indian Entertainer. an.lience greeted .Ilse France- Nickawa. Ole o'ree lluli;i t girl eut,•rlaitier. al Victoria street Metho- dist ,Miceli on 'ihu•sday evening. With a. twi-t phasing lw•1•'1niah11C and strong. ,•Neeption.11 talent. 11iss Nickawa quite chai'1.ud those 'who were U(rta- wue ••nun.11 to In' pres•ut. Most of IP•r select ion- were froua .the Italian portese.l':ulline Johnston. given in the costume of the ere, w01114•11. and it was in these that Miss Nickawa was at her beet. "Born 'in 4'atuada." The Song My Paddle Singe," "The Muhwwk Wave.- w.•r,c be:nuilully i'• iid,a.sl, but the closing nwnhee. 'The 4'attle 't'tnvt"-was .perhnps the -most tirrihlitig. However. the hwnurune selections were well received. and the semi:. Fle,•p._ Kentuckv Ili'.1.' wits .1.1 glit- ful. 1,40.11 talent nasi-fesi the enter- tainer. solus Is•it, g1T••11 by Nits \\-Irre•ts•r and 3* -.:'-. Marker and Relehe•r and duals by .11'- Harris and Mrs. Hoggiarth and Messrs. Ite•Icher and iblrker. 10,v.101 -craft as m chairan cortribl)tw1 fn no n11:111 way•11101.,N14' to •11101.,N14 Of the ••%euiirg's •ent.•r- tainment. Week of May 16 to May 21 Monday and Tuesday, May 16-17. Matinee Monday, 4.15 p. 111. ROSCOE (FATTY) ARBUCKLE la "The Round -Up 1f Burton Holmes Travelogue and Para- mount oMagaalne. Wednesday and Thursday. May Matinee Wednesday, 4.15 p. 18-19. " The Sagebrusher " An all-star•cast production. CHARLIE CHAPLIN • " Easy Street ANNETTE KE LERMAN ' i• " The Art of Diving Friday and Saturday, May 20-21- COAiSTANCE TALMADGE a A Pair of Silk Stockings" *A FRESH START' Mermaid Comedy. Matisss11-M.ndi, Wades � ,� af11i 3ioWrtllr.. _ OBITUARY. 150/o off all Suits We are reducing all Spring Suits in the store 15 per cent. Theseare all the latest models and are absolutely up-to-the-minute in style and quality. Special in Waists We have received a new shipment of geor- gette and crepe -de -chine Waists, all latest styles, which we are putting on sale at $4.95, $5.95 and $6.95 Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co. GODERICH Headquarters and Factory : 456 Queen St. W., Toronto I 11411:.tN.-There 1s*ns.sl away in Gel.lerieh on Thursiluy. May 7th. Mary L. WWII h. widow of the late Nicholas Wpm remelted wan 1..... 1 lle►f**t. irelanil. but vault. to Canada with her 1st rents w' hen tett five years of og. nod settled at Rath, near fillip:tool; On- tario. After her father's death her mother moved with her young fidelity of flirts. buys 111111 two girls to West \1'awaoush township and settles' near the Village' of Nile. She there met rend lavmute the wife of Nicholas 11, ga n. Whit pnsleceasud her nearly thirty ',years. .lfter his death she moved to Goderich. where she remained until the time of her death. Althowgh ..lee 111111 Men ailing for Mime years. she lore her extr.'me sufferings with pat boa,. and fortitude and was never k11w11 to complain. and while her death wan not noel Wet ell yet it 4' *U4' as a severe ahos•k to her sorrow ilrg faiuily. "She leaves to mount her loss on• ani and two daughters: Thomas, of Toronto: Faizu x1.41 F:d•a. of G.ahs-ri.h, alid 4111' sister. Mr-. Hugh 31.1;iutc, of Lachine. Michigan. .it,f .14-�. w%F r.A..,,wap.v,e'Se.Y4rd+q.Mk,}hal�g4,Y+,."r eft"< ' , • � g..a • _ .. - i �.r t,aa. i Jaws in the absence from to*O or Mr. A. W. fttrklttand, Capt. E.. H. 11111 was elected to the executive la his place. A amber of aolfeta are already Paying on the group* and interest in the game will aotthtleatt increase as the mason progresses. The course to In pretty fair e•ondlt10 _ llllsthirvassa buy* have neem tnte�• �f4 or with Nr p �: TIM flagaClgrr�ail otaas i .e o9 • *Win* Boys of To -day ARE THE Men of To -morrow Photograph's preserve the memories of childhood. J. T. Fell RuPt*T 4a YOU KNOW =,m :seg that, regardless of Conditions,, we're going to get the best quality for you that can be obtain- , ed, and we're going to stand back of it. This year mere men than ever are going to demand fine merchandise -they aren't go- ing to take a chance when quality is gener- ally doubtful. F. H. MARTIN, Tailor June Brides -See Our Wedding Stationery-juQe Brides Before Placing Your Order. Studebaker and GrayDort' M OTO R CARS late Let us give you a demonstration with these cars before you decide on yocr spring purchase. Our new Battery Charging Outfit is working fine and we are now in a position to handle any number of Batteries. PREST-O-LITE STORAGE BATTERIES are good Batteries. This is proven by the' fact that four-fifths of the Automobile Companies in Can- ada are using them as standard equipment. We have them here ready for delivery. Non -Glare Lenses from $2.75-$4.00 a pair. USED CARS FOR SALE .4t 1 Gray -Dort Special, good as new, 1920. 1 Studebaker, 4 -cylinder, '5 -passenger, thor- oughly overhauled and repainted. 1 F4frd Touring, in good running order. 1 Ford Delivery `Truck, in first-class shape. Case Tractors and Machinery. EAST STREETGARAOE T. F. HOLLAND j .. MM(OvvcR C' t Qy -11 � 22 The "NATIONAL" L,e.TORONTO 10.30 p.me DAILY For Sudbury, Port Arthur, Fort William, Winnipeg lmoi D D 1 Edmonton, Prince Rupert, Vancouver, and Victoria Via th Than& Ss..dmd H�,g Car yviea to WiRmipag. Lama Tensa m 11.45 fya. Di* dome •Censisaatal ►Masi» via T.111 N.O., Coalmine mad C.N. hitt nib" rebwssatlies hem sip Meq Cin National es Geed Tens! Railways. • 1118 l 1.1 e 4 a • e'd -s' Canadian National Railways! .1. 4. i•B,wa.Ysei4-'.d�:; .4 1: • • a -4