The Signal, 1921-5-12, Page 44-Tbntday, May 12, 1921. Better Clothing for Men It does not pay to buy "cheap" clothing. It will not give satisfac- tion. You not only lose money but also the sat- isfaction of being well dressed. t1 Let us dress you up in one of our stylish, well -tailored Suits and you will be dressed fit for any society. TRL Spring days are not all sunshine ! as vic- tims of Rheumatism or Neuralgia or Neuritis bear sad witness ! Dangerous changes from warm to cold and back again cause many an ache and pain. Fight those first symptoms with Templeton's Rheu- matic Capsules. Guaranteed to contain no baba -forming drug, and to be absol- gtely harmless to the heart kidneys or other organs. Prescribed by doc- tors, sold by druggists, 41.00 per box. Trial free at our agencies, or write Templeton, 142 Kang \V., Toronto. Leal Agents -Dunlop's Drug Store. &some, on Marine and Genera to-Pit;al, 444xlerich. :\t the next meetlee of tlfn ublawl ladies w410 bought 4k4ets fr•nluta`rs of I'd 111•8W a'rx a+ well side W. a.: the flub are asked t,. be P' to dppsdut onitvenu 1' atlo.114 lto that will part of the work. In' m•" he at the home of ire R E. e4alkc•Id. Thursday, May lunge. at 2:0 mum AI•Id" "• ' Wsdu-alal. Mny 11. Mr. and Moa !talc) sire(• "tele' and children are visiting the,131-•e par. eats at Listowel t1N+s "'I'. Mr. John Melt! ship4"I ✓':1r of heli' to Toronto ml F,atkl 1114' t'. F.O. shippoel a car ou Y.+aky Pidgin Law•:souiha• P't liis curl! sole sing rhe ser. '1tr ,t• a Taylor i+ ruuulug the saw aid «,.'.'rt Stalker the engine. The txasii .a; plw.- iu einagch M\aVytdn+d 11thaladud1ftrunultthecomenuenotfJthnrn(10.e September. Rev. R. J. Ross s'i ilei.! a meeting of Presbytery it (TWton,en Tuesday. • Now is the time to order s PRICES $20.00 TO $40.00 -CO ST. HELENS. • T, Ma)' 10. Miss Caroline WetbbattIAYStratford this week visiting with der friend, Miss Corrine Rutheg. Mrs. H. Rutherford ops a few days visiting her daughter, Mrs. Anderson, of Belgrave. Misses Elisabeth and Laura Salkeld. of Goderich, called on tttends here last week Mi.saee Vera and hen Woods spent iht waek•end with Mrs. F. F. Phillips. Luck now. On Saturday, Mas 7th. twin boys arrived at the home of Mr.:nd Mrs. Con. Foreban. Constratuataais to the proud parents. The Young People) Society held its first meeting in the church on Monday evening. the preaident.Mr. Harvey Webh. occupying the chair The topic was • taken by Mr. Will Rutherford and the Catechism by Mrs. James Ramage. . cordial invitation is eitendtd to all the young people to attend the next meeting. , A representative from the Department of Agriculture will give an illustrated lecture on "Co-operative Marketing of Wool," in St. Helens public hall, on' Monday evening, May ;Lith. All inter- ested are invited to attend. • 1111 Some New ,Things in We have a limited quantity of choice Chestnut on hand at McGaw. Prices reasonable. Aiso.orders taken for B. C. Shingles and Cement. WM. McCLURE Dungannon Phone 92, Goderich Rural vesesseWensnesWensenesenelserseWsese 41.1;fent few noraetlino lints f Phone , gen.sions..E.Notti, Goderich JUBILEE AN RSARY SERVICES OF THE BENMILLER METHODIST CHURCH WILL BE HELDON Sunday, May 22 , -1921 al 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. A. W. itnrwn. a former pastor, will preach at Meth service. Special musi(• will be furnished by Local choir, assisted try Miss Ida 'Cay, of London. GRAND SUPPER and CONCERT will beheld on TUESD Y EVENING, MAY 24th ` Sitppoer will be served t 3 tok.30 o'clock in the public school room. The programme. to be give In the churen. will consist of the fol - owing talent : 1►l'NGANNON. Thursday. 'May 12. The next regular meeting of the Dnngannon Women's Institute will be held at the..home of Mrs. N. F. Whyartl on Thurarlay. May. 19, at 2.30 p. m. A large atteudanee Is requested,. Mr. Roy Hearst. of Meaford. Ont.. bought the printing outfit of The Dun- gannon News,,., formerly conducted by Mr. Harry Bellamy. The machinery was removed tills week to Meafofd. Unite a -number of ladles from the Methodist congregation attemkd the missionary Convention at (iuilerlch on Wednesday of this week. The ladles Ail of Erskine chnrrh Iintend bolding in Ice Bream social in the basement of the church on Friday evening. May '20th. A number of tbe villagers have se- ems! their 'amply of (nal from Win. - 31t4lure, Wb011aaz supply at Mer;aw. Rev, I). D. Dnnglas Is attending the meeting of the Anglican Synod at Lon- don tilts' week. Mens Ruby Allen. of the Sterling !tank. Is away on .her vacation. visit - Ing her sisters at StraHorst and Kitchener. •Her posltlon is filled in the mrtintfine by Itobgrt McQuillan. of tle (rodlerieh branch. * Thos..'arks has pur•haeed the forty- acre farm owner! by Manson hest!. We pnder.tanl Mr. l'arlts get-. possession In June. Mr. H. M. Duff, who has been indis- posed for- the last throe years. Is. we are sorry to say. lying critically ill at present, having taken a turn for the arse about a week ago. We egret to we. also that lir. Main Treleaven is .111 nn1111a1 to bed and Is not improv- ing a 1" friends would like to sae. Mr. .1. ('rawford is holy renovat- ing and •ora tMg his palatial report at Port. A rt known as "Dew-drop- life.- We w Mr. and Mrs. Crawford pleasure and comfort this summer in their summer In a on the beach of rake Huron. ' Rev. 1). I). Donee. preached to tie Uddfellows on Sunday vening in the Angtlkwn- ehur•h, These were sixty- six of tux brethren ptesen including some tlsdtor. from I.t„eknsov 1 (lode - rich. The. church was filled o tie doors. . Dramatic Entertainment. -Toler auspkvs, of the Dungannon \V(fnmen Institute, .the popular comely dr:una, "Tena !givers.'" will be given in tie Agricultural Hall here on Friday, May 27. by the Kingsbridge 1)ratnaUc club. This (club has a wide reputation as a company of .clever actor., and a big bourse is looked tor. - Erie s oung. i ratoatie Mise Florenee Dewey, Violinist 11.rt11 of these young ladles are eq na•ted with Lnlon Conservatory and possess great talent in their respective line.'. Miss Dewey has just returned 'from a convert tour of 4%1 nasiss anti parts of tIiP Toltec! States local solos will be given by Miss ida Way, of London, Miss Hazel Belcher. of 4;oderfeh, Mrs. Russell'coatis, of McGaw Station. and Miss Win de one. Addresses Res. J. F. Keyeratt and Ree. A. W. Brown. • A 1a+ueball game wl he playa! In Mr.'1 . Vanstun1's Meld. 'commenc- ing at' 4 o'clock, bet sen Colborne and Goderich township teams. A refreshment booth w be on the grounds. The patronage of the gtener i l public is SOHO! Admission Price to Supper aa& Coac lilt-A(I.ks 7k ; Ullldel,12, 3Sc ij. F. KHNNF:DY, Chairman: SPECIAL SHOWING OF MILLINERY -ON -- Friday and Saturday MAY 6th and 7th FEATURING 111 IR PRINCIPALLY 14 HAIR HATS ORGANDY HATS SAILOR HATS SPORT HATS LACE HATS Al suitable for hot weather. Miss Ali MacVicar ti ton street, Goderich BASEBALL GOSSIP. On Saturday afternoon George Beac finished up the work on the baseball eld at Agricultural Park, so far at gr ding and rolling are concerned. He ha made a first-c.ass job of it, and when ed on for a while the diamond will be second to none in the N. W. League. Shortstop Sturgeon is nursing a split finger, received in practice on Monday evening. it is expected there will be a large attendance of spectators at the first League game of the season at Agricultural Palk on May 24th, between the Purity Flours and Clinton. The game will likely be played in the afternoon. Clinton has strengthened somewhat, and the old -tine rivalry between these teams will not be lacking in this game. In an exhibition game at Wing - ham on Wednesday, Wingham de- feated Mt. Forest by the store of 14 to 1. Batteries-Wingham. Anderson and Sherbondy; Mt. Forest, Fenton and MacNamara. Both these teams are members of the N. W. League, W Ingham being the winner of their district last year. s Ready -to -W¢ A walk through our Ready -to -Wear Department will reveal many new novelties in Waists, Blouses, Coats, Dresses and Skirts. The styles for the coming season are charming and you will be delighted with the good values offered. ., KINGsl hire;E., TLISDAY. Miy 10. Mr. James Gilmore and Dr. Thomas Gilmore. of Chicago. are visiting relatives here. Mise Genevieve tlt,nnor and Mr. Gus. Kinahan, of St. Augustine, spent' Sunday at the hoax of the formers parents Mr. Louis Turle, of iNindss, is renew- ing old acquaintances here. Mrs. James Foley met with' an accident on Sunday evening, when his car collided with Mr. Grant's car. Lucidly the serious injuries did not extend beyond the can. The ladies of the Altar Society intend holr'ing their garden party in June this year. At the bowling green on Picton street nn Wednesday afternoon, the first of a series of tournaments in Scotch doubles was played. There was a gond turnout of players and the greens were in fine condition. F. H. Martin and J. H. Swaffeld were the winning team ; C. Chapman and W. J. Rowell second. intention is to have a torrnament 0 kind every wok, on WedO i M aeon. ranitti - CARLOW. WEDNESDAY. May 11. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coutts spent the -week-end with Mrs. Coutts'' mother, at Strad. Mr.tInrShea. of Seaforth. finished drilling for water for Mr. John H. Treble and is at Mr. Wm. Bean's. Mr. Treble highly recommends Mr. Shea. Seeding is over and the farmers are busy getting the land ready for corn and root.. Some fine stock has exchanged hands in this community to be put on grass. Wilson Bros. have Mrs. Jas. Mitchell's farts rented for erase- Come rassCome out and help our baseball team practise Fnday evening and watch for results May 24. at Benmiller. Mr. Warner Walters has secured the assistance of Mr. Tony Woomwool for the eummet. Keep an eye open for the date.of the U. F. 0. picnic. The question of the day is : Where will all the roads lead to May 24 -Nile or Benmiller Our dlatriet sereaspeadedits hats re. aponded aplemidi/ BM WIPE Meese keep up the goad werL-Indlion-wt gentlemen e, : a CIODERiC11 TOWNSHIP. Cowdry Women's Cinb.-At the April meeting of the ('enntry Women's Club the members were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mn P. (' Mattel. A program was dispensed with and the time spent sewing and isaiyg Ws7sral natters of, basions re, M. Mot Fos In Sad 14/11 4(alkeld Dr's appointed t0 Mnvaaan. nwm- lw for tie Ladies' AM of •lexand a nen- ST. Ai t;BSTINE ;TUESDAY. May 10. Miss Rose McGuire returned to Gone• rich on Saturday after spending a couple of weeks with friends here. Mrs. Kennedy. of Buslo. Is visiting. friends hare. Mks Mae Redmond. of Arthur, spent the week -end at her home here. Mr. John A. Thompson is on the sick list at present. Mr. and Mn. Pat Welsh are visiting friends in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald and Mia. Dunelda, of Jamestown. visited friends in this vicinity one day this week. Miss Emm'Cra(g. of Wingham, visited' at Mr. James Craig's for a few days last week. I11'NIiANNO`C. Following is the report r April 01 the Junior" nano of Ding' on public '•114101: .Ir. III. (pars 4. 1 -Edna ,.'arks 390. Myrtle 1411114o 570, Alberta Glenn 461, harry Whined 31 . .holm Fowles • 271. Sr. 1I. (pass. 395)l - Evelyn Culbert :.144, 4'er(I Begle) 525, Mary Anderson 502. Lily 1t9`id 79, Itlinthe Caldwell 46W, Alan Pearl I 4'M, Ray Buff 440, Mary Parks 4. Frank Smvagi• 441, Benson Mole Ruth Mon.•k :t70, Raymond Walden :301, Stanley censer 210. Jr. 11. (pais 390t -Ma rim re! Ryan 491. Marie Ryan IGrnxll iientlanl 452. ' /Niro-ihy All 447, Erma Roach 441. F,mlly Mc- ('ltare 1/111. Billie Caldwell 3148. George Moore . oravE. M. TIOHBOIIN S. Tertcher. CYC ,Y . N At the Baptist ehureR t Sunday servkw, will 1.., held anal at 11 a. m. and 7 p to. Bible school at 3 p. m. 1t. Y. 1'. 1', meeting at x p. m. At Knox simnel text Sabbath divine worship will he eenfircted by the min- ister. Subjy(•tt 0f sermons, 11 a. m., ull M.aeure." 7 P. m., from the Book of Ruth_" tebool .tad Bible classes at 3 k. -'At the morning ferries. In Victoria street Methodist (41111l44 next Sunday Rev. S. Anderson, of Clinton, chairman of the district, w111 preach. The even- ing sermon will be by the pastor; sub- Jest ubjest - "Human Mirrors." Sunday school at 3 o'clock. The Presbyterlais of Bayfield and LMolUS SI IGE T OIe, (r Oroesdaa) IGESTION wogabwsa Oa Who.K PPJ I !a• 1f/O`n/ ares? • wn.ts MPO Or MUt.S4ou u Blouses of Georgette ° Something entirely different in Georgette Blouses in overblouses and tie -ons, kimono sleeves, in colors of navy, orchid, sand, pink, white and two-tone effects. Exclusive styles. No two alike. Priced from $5.95. The Newest in 1 Separate Skirts Separate Skirts are all the rage this season. The styles are so be- coming that no person's outfit is com- plete without a few separate skirts. Side -pleated, box -pleated, accor- dion -pleated skirts are correct. They come in large plaid designs, in all pure wool. Priced from $10.00 to $16.50. saltaillilltiRdiegaw What about a White Baronette Satin Skirt? Made from beautiful lustrous quality, rich Baronette Satin. These skirts are ideal for better wear, they are so dressy'and serviceable. $16.50 each.` The Voile Blouses are practical The newest styles in Voile Blouses, overblouses and tie -ons, in white and colored, long and short sleeves, some with high neck, others with low neck. Sizes 36 to 44. Priced from $1.50. Neckwear Daintier f4t,o^°"'he. 6 .., 8 than ever . Neckwear is again the vogue. The styles and the materials are simply lovely and will add the finish- ing touch to my lady's wardrobe. The newer styles are heavy guipure laces in collars and sets, also by the yard. Tuxedo collars and sets in satins and organdies are particularly smart. Lace and_t vestings in white and . cream.are very popular for suits, dresses and sweaters. imiammivivrean Ladies' Marabou Stoles, newest styles, very popular. From $10.00. New goods arriving this week -New Voile Dresses, New Middies, New Gloves, New Handbags, New Carpets, New Oilcloths, New Con- goleums. gio EVERY DEPARTMENT IS OVERFLOWING WITH NEW MER- CHANDISE - Miller's Scotch Store"` Bethany gatherer in large numbers at church in BaylMld and had a 1y rias on Tuesday evening last. win they celahratet the tenth anni- ver.dpry of the induction of Rev. A. Meeflttrlane as their mini,ter. Rev. Me+ers. McDermid, (:hidley. Foote and Hamilton, fellow Presbyters. were Present to congratulate pastor and people on the long and tnultfnt uervk'e. Needless to fest', the ladies added their part and a great and festive oenaion wits tie result. The chair was occu- pied by the senior elder, Mr. John Fraser of Hayfield. ltev. S. S. 'lardy, rector of St. George's, is attending the meeting of the Anglican Synod at London this week. Presbytery of Hama. The Presbytery of Iluron held its regular May meeting at (Tinton on Tuesday last. Mr. 'McIntosh pre- .Ided and the following were pres- ent : Dr. Larkin. Messrs. Lundy. Foote. Abney, Telford, ('hklley, Me- i)ermld. Ro.*. Hogg, McConnell, Mac- farlane. 13cLeSn, (larrlere and Ham- ilton. ministers, And Mawr-, ('nnntiug- ham, ('nM, Bell, Lindsay, Fraser. Yule and Tough, elders. The work of the Synod in eonneetlon with the work of Sabbath s -hoots and young penplea .orh'tles was reported urpon and the work of eamps and summer arhools wife commended to the members. Mr. Hogg led in a conference on "A ieeson for Onr Timees from the i)ptwtle to the Hebrews;' in whleh many Jolted. Pine next meeting will he held In Gone - rich North stem ita4hwRat Chneeh. The congregation of Sort.. mite ehnn•h were the .coca!n of MP L•dtew' AK who .erved a moat snmptuons dinner. nn Thursday evening. 'There was a fine turnout sad • very enjoy- able and prntdtahre t4lnbijt *Ai spent. Tn. 314 bate .bast.i-ccammodkouo convenient kitchen installed In the I - schoolroom and have also had tbe cllureli parlor repainted and the-WM - rctbited. They have Jest dowel a prosperous year with a handsome In- crease In income and membership. The officers for the ensuing year are: President, Mrs. Sinclair: peretary, Mrs. H. H. Long: treasurer. Mrs. .1. H. Itoohertson. tin Tuesday everting the North street League were the guests of the Nile Epworth League. This visit was originally planned for an evening in February Inst and had to 111. postponed, as the night was too stormy to take the trip. The Nile friends proved to be most admirable harts and a de - Rightful evening was spent. The North street visitors provide) the program. After this tasty refreshments were served. The thanks of the visitors were extended by Mr.-Firnest i'rih•hard and supported by Miss Dougherty. Services in North street Methodist ehun•h next Sunday be as follows: 10 a.m., Mimeo, Mission Bawl, Men'. (club. The topic In the Club will be. "grayer," and will be Introduced by Dr. P)mmerson. Public worship at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. The pastor's morn- ing theme will he: "Tents oat." Even- ing : "Cbrlfet's Mtnlstry of Healing" --a hospital sermon. on Wednesday evening at A o'clock sharp the annual congregational meet- ing will be held. Reports will he pre - "merited from every department nt the cherrb's work. !revery member and anpgnrter of the work 1s eordfally In- vited. n- v1teed. Among the floral decorations of North street church last Hneday arta a magci0eent sheat of tulips. They w.14 !in gift of Mr. Jewess F.. Brows of Kingscllds wins ts s Reset Ices. s>,ap prodneer of flnweAa, glddtoli ad -d (alipa beige his eprhky. fle M aeerwtary of Asir HOrtk'nitnral Society whl.h r7orxeposusstt+tew 4 -BABrDAY Every Saturday dur- ing May will be Baby Day at Sallowi Studio One copy of the photo will be presented to each baby having his or her picture taken on these days Bring your Baby in any Saturday during May R. R.SALLOWS Photographer and Satnnlay. Kingfsvllle is the most southerly town In the Dominion and this kindly Mothers' Day greeting from the sentinel town of the South to the town of the Golden Gate to ties West helped very much to enrich the tender sentiments and mise oriew awakened by the services. Mrs. W. F. Gallow left this week on e visit to Ottawa, where she will be the guest of ?Ara Dave - Mr. Ed. Pridham was home from Wa- terloo over the week -end and was .ccom- p.nied on the visit by bis friend, Mr1 Rabb. of the any. town. Mrs. E. J. Dnwmott, of Toronto, N vlsIt' ,..erase iM-"-`w;. E 0,01et.°:yw Mite t...*s.^r! ..,.v,.'! .y j