The Signal, 1921-5-12, Page 3;74, .---- • :7:Wit2;1,44; "34 , 14,02 '.,111.31.t.leZrali1C1 4.34341.33"4217. 111:1 SIGNAL • Rinso can he used with cold water as well as with warm. Rinso is as harm- . less as pure water itself. Try this eas) way cf washing next Monday. At Night Soak the clothes in the riots Rinse suds. Murning-Ristse them in either ...Arm or cold water 040'1 s1! 'I he ready for the line - eleun mei fresh. 1.11.% FR 111t01 I F RS LIMIT113.10RlAgTO 11 yew hare sa. washsog assechine - Soak the clothe., mar night In the usual R I nen lem The deo toe et.] • Icemen every Mt of dirt In the morning operate th • men hint, for a fee min - wee anJ the clothes are perfectly clean - men the meat trailed spot. 32 S,F.444100" 47 Don't Throw Your OM Carpets Away Pt• uottor bow old. bow dirty, how dilapidated. Rs • rope around therm and • •nd to ins to be made into The Famous "VELVETEX" Rup pt•v•watio-wns yr. • LI fietica•--Prioes reassemailia. Ws have bond:oda of rosornmendattena train Rata - fled oustornera Ask tor "vaLvarax- PrIee Llet. We pay express both way • oa large orders. One way on smell orders -awairs••• 1908 Piton* MU CANADA RUG COMPANY 118 CARLING STRUT 3 : LONDON, ONT. r THE BLUEBIRD WASHER - Call and see • demonstration of the best Washing Mac inc on the market. We are agents. ighten the drudgery of housekeeping with one of, there ea -running machines, which save labor and preserve health an good temper. WIXOM MAZDA LAMPS are the stand 1, up-to-date electric light. We have them. Also- all kin& LECTRICAL GOODS INN for house, store, °Mgt 'or workshop Estimatea ma 'and contrasts taken for aleetrie wiring and other e work. v.uggo 91210 i222223,27. A. J. LAI HWAITE Old Colborne Hotel Corner Phone 2.51 Hamilton S4. REFERENDUM IN HURON COUNTY. Following are the odk•ial figurers for Iluron county of,ehe vote on the refer- PlItiUM 011 April If4th. Huron'ts major- ity In favor of the prohibition of im- portation of lutorkatius liquom was 10,779. 4 NORTH HERON. .4 ' ANIFIELD TOWNSHIP. majority Poll TeeNo Yes No 1 l'ire7'' ISA' 7, 13 o - 130 17 3 131 7k7 41 f3P'1313 ' '4, 4 18' 42 ' fIll 6 63 7 to 10 v.. 728 1111 BLYTH VILLAt: E. 473t t 567 ise 53 192 4s 241 101 110 H11110011.8 VILLAGE. 1 111 33 1 a ir 841 - • 2t1 ISS136 , • -- . 335 93 260 ' COLHORNE TOWNSHIP. 1 109 32- Z3 2- • 4 78 14 "41411 530 - - 83 GREY TOWNSHIP. . 134 11 2 A... 113 . 15 a oats 77 1 la 4 112 5 Z111 \ 17 6 131 \,8 7 106 •. • 879 107 772 GODERICII TOWNSHIP. bitMeRa.trReverSesteeseeMstroesetetrOseoaterbeterve•besieMbethrtee.0.47.440,1 447 1* 2 2* -3 3* 4 4,' 5 5 a 6 6a 7 1 3 3* 4 4* S 79 9,1 02 71 454 112 114; 49 1112 104 04 '1 .Is .44 60. 53 37 7t4 61 57 55 446 417 1009 077- : HOWICE T41WNSHIP. 145 1(5 14)7 105 127 132 10 . t 1.15 13 mos 0 4J 122 • cc . 978 170 310R1110 . TOWNSHIP. 1 98 35 24 16 16 26 6 42 , 28 ZS 392 6 90 „ 142 87 102 145 032 123 .5.39 GODESICH, ONT. -ITS WONDERFUL: SAYS J. H. NOYES ta*-141 "Tanlac ls Certainly the Medi- cine to Make a Man Feel Like Something," He - is States. • W2 t -7,371.3 37/1"1"73%.3273 j!alf„,,,teettertili • „. .4, Thurelay, May 12, 1921.--3 STE 122 2 62 3 410) 130 • 4 103 4a 36 25 3, 52 214 6 . 44 47 21 MI 56 26, 40) 9 142 1813 314 U81101INE. r---- 20 92• 3 3a 4 fa • 4,t,"442447 "This is the rnediline that built inc up wetly three years ago and so wonderfully 1 think it's the best in the world," said lames H. Noyes, Of 51 Clyde street, Hamilton, Ont. "At the time 1 began taking Tanlac 1 was in badly rundown and very weak condition. 1 had no appetite and my sleep seemed to do me very little good. 1 felt tired and worn out all the time, just didn't seem to have a particle of energy, and I always had to be taking something for constipation. My entire system seemed to be out of order and I ached and hurt all over. "Well. I heard about Tar lac helping others, so I decided to see if it would. bring me back to myself. 1 took three bottles in all, and it put me in shape to where I felt like a brand•new min. and I have felt well ever since until a little while back, when 1 coOmenced to feel a little rundown again. I remembered how Tan ac helped me before, su here 1 am getting another bottle. It certainly is the medicine to make a fellow feel like some- ' thing. and I am always glad to ,tell others about it." ' 1, 1 7" -- VW_ „ 13 107 122 11 • Immo, North 552 91 444.1 9outh EAST WAWAN0811 Ts wNsiltp. • ,• , 3 4 3 4 : 1 . 95 7 ,t. ..,44.4o_...41 • '1 itoir 129 d " • 3 7 /7 139 11 7 4 101 6 • Laddie Boy, the President's Airedale, 5 i'lli 106 7 -163r rrI4Z will probablybecome a national figure. The presence of a dog, especially an Aire" dale, at the White House is a welcome sign. That, breed of d.rds has been pop- ularized during recent years and those 150 10 . who havecorne to know them are lirm in ....,..o. 116 I 39 ,soogr!, the conviction that Airedales are decid- 70 9 i' 1 edly satisfactory canine companions. The 109 2 r , Airedale has the reputatioa of being a 5 105 4- l'one-man" dog. While friendly with all, 33 . 42 '783;" he is especially so to one particular per- son. The hope is that Laddie Boy and 392 127 46.1 the President nil be affinities. During President Rousevelt's administration digs 1 TOWN 01,112WIN4;11A11. were numerous at the White House. The 42 Pll" ; boys' pets made free of the grounds and 2 were well known to all caller,. One of 3 them in particular had a history. He 3 a s:1" was a little terrier that made a gallant 4 IP' fight against a bear out West and saved a 4 a dangerous situation. Col( nel Roosevelt's 5 .-."...-4. adoption of him followed as a matter of course, for he admired the little fellow's pluck. 10 0 132 14 71 14 87 ,1 1$ '14 734 in „),, 642 111'1.1.1:TT; 1:r4. 18 902 25 :to 119 34 :44 19-- 117 27- 115 17 654- 170 114-K11.1.4PP. 13 43 10 33 102 24. 87 14 33 38 42 30 72 9 • 12 42520:i222 1 • rt AFTER EVERY MEAL It ap eals to everybody because'of the Pleasure and beneflttaftords. \ The longest -lasting refresb- ent Possible to o ain. I\ Sealed tight -kept right in its wax -wrapped 11, impurity -proof package. antic mom,. .., , TOTAL. Maj. 16 Yes No Yea Huron ,1 84172 2045 6027 Huron 7197 2445 4752 . 1:019 .4400 10779 President' Harding's Dog. '470 43 527. 4 WEST WA WANOSII PWNSH IP. 1 2 ‚4 a 4 4 e4,**Par3,' s,qw,or,f0, 7p4 . , 91 • 30 82 25 118 20 101 27 70 37 ' 748 521 WItoNETER VILLAGE. 1 162 2.5 121 ADVANCE POLL GODERWIL 1 41 14 Maj.%o.$ ADVANCE P4 1 214111Per4)14141=4.1 SOUTI1 HUION. F X 171'ER. it,' llrl7 1 I•",",,-..- Lilt fr 44 2 tj,,,,r) 247 ."' FS 3 7" ', 197 *42[41 4 011 2r, ,7.•.,, - - • isa 559 49.1 vroN. • - - • ,,,,.,!1% 1 1e2 17 1 a W"'"9‘, Si 1 Z3 2 .ti • 82 51 ,. 2* --e 221 41 3 4'•" 82 26 3* e 14.1 • &3 4a 44,....4 67 84 4 4,44, 53 35 60111,51Mr. 270 301 SEAF's MTH. 147444, ...33,47337,344, 1 of, 145 31 lin 1a 14.; 38 2 7s 83 :i 48 31) 4 4.3 24 5 130 51 tl.we,•txtu AiLVAIA AAA A °IN% Mir • PAINT The palat for war as/ weather. $21401.11111 PLOOR PAINT It wears sod slew sad wears. "VAIIPIOLZIAIPT haeutlies -dp1. seven OS sad Wake "WOOD-LACP! STAIN Improves the sew -renews the old. 'NW -TO" The sanitary, weal*. &he Flat Oil Pabst for Interior Decor - atlas. Retain adds as moth to the heawy .Is hose as Soars that are property eared fart es the ether head, doors that are set protarted are look at, are hard to hasp deo, Vercaees esste inbred through weer. Dee't =Iceyew Seers, beautify thaws and ewe Save the surface and yes awe all. IIIMUILZ-ITI Mew Finish is the =tfer Soars ad al Ida& It is telt: rih this hos a m-ach guarantee attadred to every ass. lialshiMassIts rheTt:high sloe% yet Isitisigh to stead zatidasaweat el war . It ems W with soap it will net WM WIN Imo* oldie. 31e inwls to s.4 deem 41. instime eadgabyaremeesra- We eaa7re.";e7 vegerdiag this or say ether pigsties es We here seeds -IDIOM Palate aandeTirldwat. wary perpeerfor every sodeoe. 592 266 129 37 1"5 43 - 2%4 so HAYFIELD.. 23 so 44 A Scot was taken out of the train at --V mien for being drunk and disorderly. tad got into bad company. he sa d. .!.'1301 company -how the magistrate sir, ye see. 1 bad two bottles o' speerits In ma bag ars' a' the ither men in ma compartment ens tee- total." Some of the finest Ceylon teas that ever came to Canada are just arriving from the tea gardens. Ceylon produces its choicest growths of tea in February and March and the quality now arriving, according to the Salada Tea Company. is superb -really a vintage year for Ceylon Genius begins great works, labor alone finishes them. -Joubert. All jealousy must be strangled in its birth, or time will soon make it strong enough to moke it overcome the truth. - Kavanagh. Whatever be the motive of an insult it is folfy not to overlook it: for folly scarcely can deserve resentment, and malice is punished by neglect. -Johnson. Bread fro Stone 011 - 4...- ^134 62 '15 72 TUCK KIISMITH. 1 100 74 2 ''''',- 124 49 3 168 11 . 4 144 1418-1:1 5 NI 16 C q 8 4 los _ 18 0 k64airmp 6 ottINI182 SIIIP. 466 GoDi 1 110 26 2 , OS 12 II 8326 :46: :4 ,:''': 1_411.1 i1114.7 62 72W737 NTANT.F.S. , 116 101 13 76 11 77 18 ga 19 SS 1 2 4' 3 4 6 .7.17 maw ' nem 13313V 15 35. 49'44' 041 114 417 HAY 11114t.t- • „grIft,r,17,4,%440a4•01f tic":"F41/4",,r4g,lor 103 NT S. ":;y4W11.""s1.41KM TO' 4 "i" 04414‘4401,40fOr tik,4,144•;,'7;L „ i,:13,41*` ell; 41- 43344'34 7 4117,222740'l 3 3" C.,41r7j1V,4, ,4301*,,rohr7r V4,,,,,,-T4?1,1741-4TV64 li4i4,1.,14,1444,41111 i21.1,111 fr v-00 37 ' 004147 34,44'3 7 3433,q37.4 4'31174.13,4 '3 433 '7 }3 3374,773,44774 Iglealititgarigri12222222i/Akil Atom AA& -gm -.mower 8 8. 4 4 • ,,,k3, :0„ 15 5 ft.3 6 .,lfre 41 67 a 8 ig • ie t.7'.•se *th• 4141 77 17 M4 143,~ '3; "'W"53,24 et034," 71 15 52 11 44 31 02 42 54 44 41 13 87 40 ,17 (Nlit1on•I i'rop Improvement Service,) Uncle Henry Wallace, father of the American Secretary of Agriculture, used to say that you cannot expect to remove fertility year after year from the soil without renewing It any more titan you could keep on drawing money out of the bank with- out making a deposit. He treed to rage up and down the land denounc- ing the man who mined his soil and called it farming. The late Cyril G. Hopkins, of the Uni•eralty of Illinois. belonged to the same school and single-handed he crusaded against soil robbery by ad- vocating building up •f a permanent soli fertility by the use of rock phosphate He demonstrated on three hundred acres of very poor land in Southern Illinois. that he could by using ma- nor.. liceistatone and rock phosphate. produce 3544 bushels of wheat per acre, whereas on his check plots, where farm manure alone was used, be got but 1114 bushels. He taught that our nitrogen supply can be taken from the air and that we generally have enough potash, but that we must replenish the phos- phates The time will come when Canadian land must be renewed and while our tanners, especially In the West, have never used artificial fertilisors. It must be apparent that the economical tIm• so restore fertility is before the is elltatostort 331147"' 31 "4,4: 'OA v•,•• '4\4 4i‘ Act itouriiikster, MI Flavor La '1111'1.11' ".1"4.1 27.7 43;443432;442.4. ,&733,411.4,74331331" A.V.4343r341, 334"3.74 47444 1116W 111717114.12.. C11) ISING•GUM si•)DAILY BETWEEN BUFFALO &CLEVELAND 3SIAGNIEICENT STEAMERS 3 gko ••3zzAPantiOrt-7=-"CITY0r.EREL" - "art 01 BUFFALO", BUFFALO .401417.jaiszi:diZ, 15th -CLEVELAND I.. onmaio . IiIP. lt. er" Basra I l 11 L. Claveteas ,40P. M. • CILII•112AND =laelle A. M. ) igANS•lah Tuts " Anne 110214•2.0' /JO& M. leerostiees et aireagefl he Misr Pat, Psi -4.-p. Wein. Detroit sod ether peleta Reareed Mime noses were 'Wane and Omitted No ama ihr tramperialm ea Ger oreaag yew Mann &goat or mein armee for Manna vet C • II Una New Telenet Aweetrebil• ▪ &woad Trip. with 2 done mt. IhNit., he may set eseeeding 127 loth Irbeelbese. eelered eerumal "male Mrs M T.Oneet Rao "SECANDSES. mat on nee* ef See sesta. Massa for snr112.-mee p4eftels1 end 4esen4.04.• Weida tre. ,Tbe Clevelsod ht Bee* Treasit n. Geese Ship SSAMDBIR. 41,e knew med mem molly peemeger Stimmer ea Weed tiretreneof the world. Sleeping agenelty. 1500 petreeper. -4 '1 'FARE155 June Brid„„ See Our Weddin Stationery -June Brides VW -Before Placing Your Orde. What is the (41 PettlENdeintest Red Cross Doing? Red Cross in Ontario has; '1..11111:: 773144A443.377 OK& ',"7:&ft4,1'7:337 $t• 'ireamiridimiAsilroog 1. Continued -its-4isa;-Werk-itt allitarY ritystm""1"*a"11 fr",st hospitals. 2. Contributed to the relief of disease- , stricken sufferers and undernounsh- ed children in Europe. 3. Co-operated with the Soldier Settle- ment Board In helping soldier set- lers in emergencies due to sickness In the family. 4. Provided funds (or three years for a course in public health nursing la the University of Toronto. The first class of fifty graduates in May, S. Provided eight nurses for child hygiene demonstrations under the Provincial Board of Health. 1444* "1"44:1300.' 6. Distributed to civil hospitals ecild1)- ,c,,01.01 ,,lowittot, ament and supplies left over from fil ONTARIO ENROLLMENT, MAY 22-23 %Iv 7 t 14 * 4trna, # isiosell. 40 777 73 7", ,7"` ,;•0,;.t,:',•*14.it '73;411,4,,, ,.414;334 7.734r 34 'r'4 -344*4a 44005d 34,„,„ 3 .,, '4.77 3,, 3. 7334 +4.4 1417 7331' 2, .42 W• "0"41 '7, 'cr, 4127 7,332731,12"022l :2,737332U3 t'llt3OR 4.477% Ai** tIr4M220#1' 442IP*. We have ease a Canada erganieed few war; Dow id le have a Caseda organized for geed health. rim 'obreAC Enroll in the Rod cress and kelp er *ate publle opinion ta favor et sound health mosaurei Enroll with your local Red Cress Rraneh or Enrolim•nt Committee. or. If ther• ls none in your community, with the Ontirt0 Provincial Division, 414 8141! rtgottythite Errnwrr. TORONTO .„...„....„....,......- .•..,,o a ty .44",e7i,iCl FIN 133" ,, nu'71427V742.31 V447.3447`2 43,4 ,,,, ,,."-':1 _ ,r41,'''r1;4' '''''6'9'4 - 57,i1p137.4.::lian;t441 onRtarioed DiCvisrojosns,,,::77„,,,,,,,„,,,„ ,.,„r„...,*..,„,,,,,„„,,,:„.,,,,:, :,i„;;0_,,.....'w...,,,..,Li1;;,;;':t . .74704433343.740333.4 ,, • 1 m '33.7 "31 t• :741 47 t rktNa ittS „7" ' ongosvz!lvtr: 1W 34'7' 48,, • .404 rito* alltt4447,kie. , 4t. '4 t 1" t.22121"34 ". 7 r 4124 ^ - '"u'ealaammougamonompausuggammt...„.„-- . - 411114' - Mageerrommtegill