HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-4-28, Page 8a- I tttradas, April 211, ltm.
THE AI'O1NAL - 00 a =ION, 0111?.
lab Serum from jamb sad muscles
wigs a mall trial bottle of old
'mobs Oil
Slop "do•itott' Rheumatism.
I%4) ps. wady; an one Daae in fifty
rsq*IAS 1steraal treatment. Rub iuoI •
Inge r "l=ager_ pot, Jacobs Oil" chilli
oe ifs `leader •pot,^ and by the time
7w Mf Jack Robinson -out comes the
sisalliatlo pain. "St. Jacob's Oil" is
• harmless rheumatism cure which
clever di•apotata and doesn't burn the
• kia. It takes pain, soreness and stiff-
n ess from aching joints, muscles and
bonsai stops .ciataca, lumbago, backache,
LiamlSgi= up! Oat a 35 tent bottle of
old-time, henna "fit Jacobs Oil" from
say a moment you'll
be free p+ug storm �ms� acb.. and
Miff -
soot Dos1 suIIor! Rub rhaumoYfa
tO FX121.
bat rot 'hot water MAr
`before breakfast
61t yonlwste rip with "s had tact& b
breath' and tongue 1s coated; It 70
bead is dull or aching; if what you oat
P ours and forma gas and acid in atom
set or yin are bilious, conatipatdll
nervous, sallow and can't get
Just right, begin inside bathing.
Wool breakfast, a glass of real %hot
water with a teaspoonful of
phosphate In 1t. This will
polsoos and tozina from Monza*,>r. and bowels and ere
snail= and purity tt►e'entiresallm
tary tract Do your Inside:bathing,
Mediately spoa}artsing In' the
to,wash out clan system &Ilia' _
bion days ppcolsouous wastil•gases an
Pour bike befOrejputting more-tood-Inta
the i stomach.
To Leel likelyoung' tolb'feel ;t lib
You telt before your blood, nerves and
ankles became loaded with body Ina
parities. got from your pharmacist i
quarter pound of limestone phosphate
which Is tnezpensive and almost
Is soincet pleaaaatfor asue twinge l•_
Tut as soap and hot water $etlod
the skin, cleansing, sweetening and
freshening. no hot water and limestone
to act on the stomach, liver'
dasyaand bowels. Men and women
who ars usually constipated, Dillon;
headachy or have any stomach disc
adder should begin this inside bathing
before breakfast." They are assured
they will become_ raal_cra tri co
e nNeet Away.'
Yonge and Charles Sts.. Tacoma
Accountancy. stenography. type anima and
general tmprovecnent courses; sullen" in-
structIon only; students assisted to positions.
open all year; write tor .prospectus; eoter
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal.
Use a "Hydro" Vacuum
Cleaner and your house is al -
'ways clean. Does the work
quickly and makes uo dust.
6y c1)illiam Banhs.
News drslsalchts say that the Brl
inti t\1bhiet is curesidertng a number
rt queetw thio trebled furs the poet
lanauuettt of elections to 11i 1uulhe
1'arliaeet. Premier Lloyd Georg
has Itnqulsd that in the event .f eau
pllata•e with that rtvlueet an iplwtrtu
ity for dbs•tesiug the 'latter will 1
given in tlw British Calumets.
111 ills brief, almost curt woy of
dealing with the gm'Mltu, 4he rubles
htIl to emphasize the dedhwtt, !Mutt -
tient tIt4l has town rearhid in moppet
to the Hentre Rule Ate for Ireland.
The measure Is now' legally in effete.
It was hoped to be ebb. to Hold elec-
tions ter both else Northern anti
Southern Parliaments 1111•s1 111111th. and
to open the H.aseee in .lute next. In
the North preparations are well under
way for time temttewts: as to the South
lucre Is a tear in 11ritlsli Ptirliaurrut-
ary circles Pleat the procedure at ihr
present stage• of events In Irel tri will
Ise farcical. Mutt cerins to lin assured)
a1 this writing is the 1 rho (lei -thins
will IW carried out In the North, and
Tlot t the Pit rilamatt there will 111111•11
in .tune. epimere las town Amur talk
of the l'rhse• of reales presidhlg a
the it suing ceremony. white the wit
Ister, of its• various overseas ll.
1111111u1r' M"110 ar'e .4{irtllg GI 14111114)' fo
the 1Iulw•riel 1'omfer•Int In J
would Is' among the invited gnome
To Phos.• who have not followed the
.•v.lution of the: carrion Irish Heme
ROW measures• Mal who are familiar
with the systrw of government ss It
exists in aur int -n ler ry, there is all
opiate -id vagut•utas 1.0111111 11011 with an
rhilwtAthan of waehliwry that Is rather
Irtwildering. Stripper of all extrau-
mite verbiage, the Home Rule Ali for
IrelaI works'out, In its wale pro
tisiot It this avis.•. Farh Parliament
Is to Itrhbele a Howe- of 4'urmtslus and
a Wrlatte Election to the 1'uwturne.
will be he, pnpw/rtiinal repreeelttatiuu
sal womwill Inter tin• cote. T111•
teltrtthern IFtptnlulrs "will n11adwr 1:7i
tueudwrs alnl'ghot of the North fifty -
kW.. The Si.141.ru iu•t1a14' with- euu-
sist of ttW Loral , 'h1111ew11or of Ireland:
the fend Mayans f Dublin and Oak.
twit Arlibiehinrt Bishop: of the
Pr. rteetaitt ('lurch if 1r lend, four
.%n•Irlrishnte .r 1*isini of the Ituiuuti
('atMdle l'hnn•h, sere sen r•pri•seent-
attvi•s of ..,nuwrn*', to err. sal the
learned and .a•ientitic hon
ire le, eight
Irish Privy leitineilt. rs: fourteen
county ...'melt rega-e Penta tee.\ and
other.. Thr total uu•ndwrshl will Iw
sixty -fuer. The Nort!writ Sem a w III
Mare twenty -NIX Members. Povei dour
of whew will lie elttesl by the North-
ern Hasse .f Commons. the uthsr ht1•a
Iwitlg tlw Lord Macer of Belfast a'. I
he Mayor of I4nslunderry. 1f withi
urtesn days after the date fixed for
tlta first meeting of either of threw Par-
'ar-liamen s k iliould Iw found. that a
m .liniT of rho- urfntwor-1faw-hot
taken 'the oath of allt.giatie. that Par-
liament will 4w dhssalved alai its place
taken h a Legato rive Awoon bly ap-
pointed b His Majesty --which means
the British level -mural t1 h
las the 1 hope
that the a riueut may eveutually
lead to- a sin Ie Pa n1/1111..111 ter the
whole of (rent the l' 11 of Ire -
lam! brio be er owl by twenty repre-
sentatives elected emit Parliament.
This Council will 1 tee ('erten' defined
--0- ,
The Nor'henu Perils tent will to
elected I.y the sit 1eu1 11t1. of Antrim.
.\nu:agh, Ihnru. Ferutautr r, 1.i,taluu-
terry runt Tyrone, with th cities of
lien ase rand 14a111utMerry. 11t • of the
anomalies in the home rule Measure
is That 1lou,val. the most northerly
county in Ireland. is Ietl for-gnrerie
;urate rrl.ow•s in the Southern grotty.
and will else representatives to tee
Southern Parliament. This is it' tt tie
the majority of Its people are !lomat,
1'11tMtlit in religion. The country 4
to emit{ ' to Ire represented in the
In -Midi Howe. 1d COM m.tr.•' but Will
'elect 0111y forty-six member.. Cheri:,.
hi- slave 41 11g. I tt w h.l•it -14 la - at- Vrret-
Tref-oiri1t1t8t.----Lan' t araThiIIIP figures
of lnrutiu.,Iions $low that far the
Northeerit, 1'.u9livlrtlt tin.. 1't.:unist,
ii.n'e 1ww"iia led fat tyelve, the Nation
.1lists fourteen :otil the Niue Frit
uiueteen emendates. The latter Mee
imdies are working in eunjuuitiun alai
bare .agrt', *'I rt. any of l holy- mealtime.
he -1.4i elect' plot attend Parliament
This plum Is 4)i.o likely he re' fellinviel
fol the Smith.• ,
1- appoint a plenipotentiary to Washing -
of tun. 1oa11111ty to theede upru the best
- eau was the mime of the delay in a
ru step that wee provided for mime thaw
m -
Mak lots of water sal stop eating
meat bra while if year RlaAA
boobies yea,
Min yes wait up with fisibeliselse
lull weeny is ah• Wag region it psi -
sniffy ceases you havoThess ening tees
mesh moat, soya • well-k5or• authority.
Meat forms urn acid wki& overworks
the kidwyg is their effort to alter it
from the Mood sed tkw bosoms sort ed
s• luggish vv►.• mote kienrve
roe you mast relieve
Owen, like yes relieve your downs; re-
moving all the body urinous waste.
e lse yaw have btlskinhe, sok b ______
dizzy spans; your ston•ssb sooner tongue
Is sogfeik and wins W weather is bed
you have rhesmatto twinges. The urine
is dowdy, fall of sedhoest, channels often
gut sore, water .alis and you are obliged
seek relief two sr okras times during
the eight
Zither commit a pod. reliable phyla -
d on at ones or get from yearrmsdst
about four camas of Jed =tit
• tablespoonful is • glees of water
before breakfast for a tin days sod your
kidneye will thew eat Ins. This famous
salts is mads hens the said of
d with
Mist anerstiona'MK�
sod and to
also to adds is the urine tl
as loser thee 'riding bladder
Jsd oar Is a lits saver for regular
meat cetera It in tnerpcasIv., cannot
Ware sad makes
Iltt siogi Niki risbte a �R-
our display of Hydro
Laine : Irons, Washing Ma
chines, tc., at
dro Store
- Oatal'itt
When It's a
Question of
call on
"The Old Reliable"
A full stock of Light Fix-
tures, I11sctrical Household
Utensils, etc., always on hand.
Estimates given and con-
tracts taken for Electric
Wiring and Fitting.
West St. Next Postoffice
Phones: Stere 82, Res 193
Tolle How To Get Quick Relief
from Head -Colds. It's Splendid!
y '
ago. 1t la probable Thal Ilse average
citizen of the United Statees will fever
grasp 41W relationship., between /'en -
edit anti 1111. wotlo•rlaitd. Whether the
mgip►htttto•tr of what ht geuerully
spoken of as a 'Vatnetdlau amebashwilor-
to Washington •wouhi aid In a spneel
of knowledge on that subject among
the Regie wait of the line vamatt IW
fun -told. If a l'tatwdipu relir7retlt-
ativt• wore there now--e•tl,thetl with the
powers that go with atulstssadorlat
teak --he alight lie el some use. In'
respect to the etnerg.'nsy tariff Iunas're
that is chiefly shard agalBet this
..uuutry, and that 'Sema destined to
wake proem.. at a fairlyrapid rate
through the United States Senate.
- -1 _
I'rrmter Vitalise of Australia hits
nt.vt'r lacked for tuuragr. 11.' canuat
laws; est Idty•"ievlt size; 'Iw came up
frau the maks and leas i,r a-erulnel
much iu Ile- way et t',ttIt But hr
uev,r leaves ills ovnlcktittts lit a secret
1 leave, and ire likes to give than when
the matter iso Dine that appeals tit hint.
At I.ineerlal c.iif.ar'Isets also Alliwt
in one minute your animal nostrils ,
will open, the sir passages of your heed
will clear and you can breathe freely.
No more hawking, snuffling, blowing,
headaehe, i dryness. No struggling for
breath at night; your cold or catarrh
will be game.,
Oeteadsmall-beltle"of Ely's Crew
Balmifrom your druggist now. Apply
a little' of IOUs fragrant, antiseptic,
healing cream in your nostrils. It pen-
E5 !membrase and lithe. tome *a -
bead through enry air passage of the
tread, soothes the inflamed w swollen
I ideally(
AND DARKENS HAiRutaltesud1kf i „e„,, snedirel
]Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens
So Naturally that No-
body can Tell.
w can tern grey, faded hair beas-
t, ly dark and lustrous elmoet over
n t tf you'll get a bottle of "Wroth'•
▪ and Sulphur Compound" at any
d Mors. Millions of bottles of this
• famous Rage Tea Recipe, Improved
by the •ddltlon of other ingredient;
are sold anomaly. soys a well-known
de rge st here, because 1t darkens the
had. se haturslly and evenly that no
ow ran tell ft haa been applied.
Those whose hair hs turning gray or
beeend•g faded have a surprise await-
ing thence because atter one or two
tions the gray bale vanishes
reef locks become Iururlantly
add beautiful
se the age of youth. Argy- 1
agattraetive folks aren't 1
ar ree so stet busy with
uipYur Cemposad
11 be �d.Tellghted with
a tow !
.lash �t
au�g� g•�t
The Double Track Route
Unexcelled dining car service
Bleeping care on night train., and
parlor earn nn principal day trains.;
Frill information from any Grand
Trak Ticket Agent, or 1' F;. Horn-
ing. IHstrict Passenger Agent. T.-
tl.H. Lauder, Statlos Agent, phone 21)
haws Agates Phone it,
littete ',Inrr.i.-d11p its tow a .111 mel it,
agony st.:Wits 4,1 Britain by the nt:a.a,
"strike. I's cry effitrt Iris Iot•u wad,' 10
wr 1113111 111.• 4.111 14 eve•' of the•
atrikct•s, 141111 11 nut Iw allow -til 1., sniffer.
IoM nilly 'ten and women hart. fell
the pangs of hunger Hent 1111• .ffee,s of
odd. The Miners' Federation dime not
appear to have hall any great amount
of serial In its treasury for the ttnaneing
of dire, action, helse'lle feeling ex-
11it.k.e1 agnitet tin• railwaymen 11.1111
tnrnsltort workers, the alter ulwniere
rf the Triple .tillatw'e. who deeliued en
co not n-it1t 4hrm. This dwd.Inn made
11 'ru.tlr:ally curtain that the miners
would not win. there le erne r.fier--
nhle flint if the ltriti:•li (:nverinlent
ex pr.- slime of opinion, amt 14 is Koh -
Hon .f the 'a niggle In varlons Intliiee
tnntempl'teee an early appeal to the
people this utility! be 11e time. itanh•y
ilaldw-in. the re entry nplwrinted I't4.s1
.lent of the Hoard tt Tends, he. Ines
returned to Parliament for his old tem
IAItIN'ncy. the lie'willey 11111 -gnu of
lVoncetershire. b: 12$57 7 rotes Ng tin '
1.1L'sl east for Henry Milts, the mlwlfll
tial Labor eandl.bitse. The riditig crate
not lie diewrifael ns n waiters' division
and M111s. who ..rebel a reel flag ou
his Parton the illy of p.dll'g. h1d
rough pleeteLge. The ftig was bnrnwl
the, time of 11W enr ptli.•tnr.d. ntwl
MIIIm had some difficulty In getting
away front the angry ir.twil.. The
' new SIlnlster. who was imeepiett) at
the last eleetlote, made Ills in ark lit
public lite mer Financial M.t retnry to
the Trewsnry.
- o
Premier M.•Ighol has nettle the .i' -
finite statement In rhe Common,. that
It Is the Intention of 11W (government to
gatherings during (-rklnill Mages of the
%lair. Hugluea umd,•1110 pretrtst of 'tut-
ting u' "Ilte wit petal" het -neer Brit-
ishhten'sts tulglrt, deauttltd ,ototwllte
.r compromises with flits or Neat ally
or Ihuuinlou. It Is u.1 surprIsitrg to
letirn 4hat he has drug:oalel, alai ie.-
ettred .by a tnajorily „f 15?,. to otic: it
tette of t'onthlrtsw In flu• AustraLlao
1'erltpineutt wln•n' on'a warp vote a
verdict had tss•u giv,•)1 mealiest irk. 1:.v-
eruwcirt, it would le. elaMctel•iefic
of Ilia to refits.• to go oil without that
ettutitleww: There• sewue to. Iw m►mr
h1t{nmtloutat if he mitrals tilehu-
Iwrial 4'iMe 1111• this year hr will
detente! mo . t'Ig1rtnls *tete in Iht•
s.•ttlruearl of tovrsueas II.wiuiuns'
eluluss against t:ereinity. fie• las al-
nady'ertirtel it 1Lit.rntgit 11u.l•raaud-
10g as to. rrui•walt . 1i inl of .tiigai inns .t
the. .kngle-JapnWse ugretanett, utile,'
1'a. 'Meed appeoverl bis, the .tmetrali:ur
lea rlialteett. l'rt•tuh•r'.ii,wavy tit Ntev
'welel'el, 4.110 %%in 1r:1 rig 't0 tlW ('t11fer•
etn•e vitt 4'auada and prvltt:illy s1/14,k
at 4 11W .r two itlatea on !fbe way, w•III
(11; elehly inter ettel in Ir... bit test •d.•-
1 -e1. ini•llts lit the pr.hil.111.0 Ina t•-
ni'ut in this tvutrtl•y. New- Zell:mil
Will vote tit flit• epm•stiun again 1u tin•
.dors' at a teem utontles.,
Mr. Mat.ery, who is a tall Wel la1uitt
and rattier gulch-i...kityt.r•lure. lies al-
ways beet" a great . rime .f 4 :nutiliatl,F
statesmen at the toufrri.iews.
(4 op,•r.ightel by Itritish tele 4'tloulal
-I'rnss Lintit.et.
the collar band and c u edges
need only a lightbing
between your hands
WHAT hard rubbing the old way of washing meant ! Even
though you boiled the clothes, the bad spots simply
would not budge without a long session- with -the washboard.
Now -with Rinso-you do next t� no rubbing at all. RINSO
not a cake soap -nota washing powder -but a new form of soap
in $ranyles, with power to cleanse the grimiest dirt just by
soaking. Yet Rinso harms nothing -doesn't even redden your
hands -safe as ° pure water itself. Here is what you do :
If you hare a mashing machine -
Soak the clothe, overnight In the usual Rinsu way. The cleea•.ing suds loosen
every ht of dirt. In the morning operate the machine for a few minute. end the
clothes are perfectlyelesa-even the must soi,,d spot.
Get a package of Rinso
to -day at your Grocer's,
Mr. Gee. Williams,
cat Werth CPreatOlty.
-Sali , Aeril :1$..R -Mt impnwslve
e'eri'tmnty .ink Ware et the Bank of
t'onlunnee. d whichJ. G. IMulleln I.
manager, on Friday afterimot, when
Maize the handsome memorial tonne.
donated by the linrt,rs ut 4Ite Hank.
hearing the lemur of the Weal staff
who enlisted fro SSraforth for mili-
tary duty during i.1t• war. was mi
veiled. F. G. I,jotms td preeldeei.
‘1'IIiisnht. 111311agt'r n the t;.sheikh
lira 111.11 th
of ,• Dank. w• priewirl. and
Mire au aQdw
r.t. Aden 's were ale...
dediv,rel I. Mayor %V. H. '.Icing nee
Isle level clergy. Thr t.11uw 115 nrg:u.
iy.:1t 1011.1 Noyes mere•:8'ut141; . t. 1:rr.11
%Ver %'eti•r,urt' Asst•{ati.nl. 1 radian
Red 4lrsnit-t, d Wty, 1,111111.S..\tt. Slaty
Id the 1:. W. V. A. and the euryu grits
.,f the tow i .f Seam t h. The to Irl
las unveil..I by Mrs. F. H. Hntm'tr
'resident .f t11P Hct fres 5.,•i.'fv
oe names an tlw tablet are: 1:uunw
1. Me Mill. it. 2110 Lithe1.. It. !tilt tri.
lr .1. .'iIrvtttiwiu 31.1i., and Sergi.
Elie %\'atson: A number of
1: 'tel who-dodt.agrt to 11W
to rt hfl1T•h, ttjtt-ttelr adedmrnt is .s
not frau $ti for
T*.�mmmy had 1114.11 playing tntnut from
who( iland h ao 1 . d
pent a long. Iwautiful
:lay tIt4hIyg 011 Lis _LWAW _barkIte__uw1
our -of itbks young (-nudes. Arno accosted
d (istterkh, Gives him wit
'1 the' usual question, '•1 :rich
a•t1111g 1
At this. 'f'ontiuy, in all they eouielone-
nese of Kittle ellln•k13 reepould:
been home yet."
`Here Comes
The Bride!"
Everybody wishes her
well I happy and
radiant she starts out
on life's adventure.
She should have
health to begin with.
Good looks in woman
do not depend upon
age, but upon health.
You never see a good-
looking woman who
is weak, run-down,
irritable, out of-iroM,111I gc•ty nnl',
nervous. Headaches, backaches.
and troubles of that sort are all
destroyers of beauty. Men do not
admire sickness. It is within the
reach of every woman to be well,
healthy and strong if she will take
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Toaovro, Oxer. -e Lew than a year
ago I watt in a very poor state of
health; my back ached dreadfully and
I could scarcely drag myself around
to do my housework. I stared to
take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
and I cannot praise it too highly for
the great benefit I received. My back-
ache and pain. disappeared entirely
end I soon was restored to perfect
health. I know that Doctor Pitren's
Favorite Prescription is the hest
women's medicine, for i tenet tried
others that were recommended, and
nothing has ever helped me ase mnrh
•s the Favorite Prescription.^ -Mas.
KATHI.RRN%Vrnt.LANs, 14Hronkfielditt.
Send 10 cents to Doctor Pierce's
invalids' Hotel in Buffalo N. Y.,
for a trial package of Favorite
Prescription Tablets.
'hinny and Ib.hlde Ind Iowa" left iu
the earn of their big taster while tl•ir
mother wart out. Al h.•tittme they
wtutsel le. *,(joy rip for mullwr," but
their sister releuthvedy put them to
- �,►
;stay •tuaifNfhr'd �-srtotid -
iliff..reiNee but 11.444e tenter hest ily
Thrix sister [lettere! at the flan •t the
eta h. 'i
q ng they w.11111 wNOM N.
yuiel. At la+a Bobbie stiepptel. and tie
li-t.•ner hint rd lie say:
"1'00 cry cry a 1.11. I1:1 1'111
The One That Interested Ilam.
Teacher Newt•, children. if leer lit mu
-hall we sing Ihbi morning?".
rt1a :yea r,rld xlwr. the
Indy pinched the old retiree en tele-
fats', Further question.. ('hili
tutus titer ..r -r:
M h t- w
I .. tuner wb
k am
1rinmph,u.tly- twilit. half way through
the ..said 1-,,--. of '•Httsltei .%Vas the
Evening 11ymn.-
' 1'he old limit. week ait.1 101 141,
T1..• pri,•.t .d Ivr0•1 s1e•1n;
IG. welder tl. 'Emulate child,
-Ilse hill.. 1.e%:itr, kept."
Furniture that is scratched and scarred is an eyesore.
If the surface is spoiled, the article is considered use-
less. This is not so. Save the surface and you save all.
Than and furniture that are shabby ma be made to
look like new by using WOOD -LAC STAIN -a durable,
beautiful finish for woodwork of all kind. -s combination
et high grade varnish and permanent stains. It imparts
to common wood surfaces the rich appearance of more
ercpgaive woods such as mahogany, rosewood, cberey,
etc. Twelve beautiful shades.
Get A Sample
$ripg,the attached coupon and secure a trial can sufficient
1te do over a chair or small table. We will give yea full
kntructions how to use it. We want every householder to