The Signal, 1921-4-28, Page 7Amp Arii.k11111111111111111RAAIL
"I Am So Tired, Dearie"
I N the recent Advertising
Contest the question was
asked, "For what is Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food most
frequently used?"
And the answer in the
great majority of cases
was: ''1 have found on in-
quiry among my friends
that Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
is most used by women who
have their own housework
to do and small children to
k after.
"When tired and wornout
by the continuous monotony
of household duties and the
care of small children the
nerves in time play out and
then it is that Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food proves the good
friend in time of need:'
Mrs. W. German, 213 Park
street, Brockville, Ont..
writes: "After the birth of
my boy I became so weak
and gradually lost weight. I
was unable to do my work
and was in misery because
I could hot sleep. My nerves
would twitch and jump and
I would get up in the morn-
ings with tired, aching limbs
and aching head. My heart
was so weak that it would
palpitate at times, and I be-
came greatly discouraged.
"Following personal advice
from friends, I began the
use of Dr. Chase's Nerve
Food and took altogether 12
boxes. I wish you could see
how well I am now and how
I am enjoying Life."
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food,
50 cents a box, all dealers, or
Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd.,
The flay Mas hot, Ihr (tour rapidly
approaching clusiug tine, and the
sate'anran 4 t nighty worst ort and
ileal. '
"till. hr Wa.4 a goal salesman. awl
the east er 1e4on• blot -a lady
faultlessly attired in next yeti's,
fashions -had all-' the appearance al
being a very good patron.
41w•rfully. therefor', he unrolled
and re -rolled pier after' pies! of
1hal.•om for her imglerilnn--but all to
no purpose e. Nothing, It seemed,
could sat tFay hear hypercritical taste.
"I'tu extremely sorry. ,ua.l:nu," swkl
the sateen's'', !'but 1'ni afraid lyre
shown you 1111 Me Wien.- I have • 1.
stock. /if curse, I can gey some noire
tryo fr our factory: and if you care
to call again Io -morrow-"
"Yes.- broke In the customer, "pey-
h1ap. 1 had tetter leave it at that. You
s -e. 1 wail quite a email tlewigu-
aomethlnlg suitable for the Boor of a
eatot ry's e•agi•4"-Spare Moments.
Sewers, Building Permits, Parks, Plr.,
Receive Attention.
At the regular meeting of the town
...uls'II 4,11 Friday, 151'11 lust., the en-
gloe•r'1 report on a uuwh•r of pro
1104141 esters erre received together
with a number of etatrwrula and
letters lar cuuutxatlou therewith. Thew
were all went on to the 'public works
euwwltte• to outline the work for the
year and to the finance committee to
arrange for the ueemary credit at the
Sewer Construction.
The prupuncd sewer uu Bridge street.
estimated to cue( $1,4110, was favorably
reported; also the promoted newer on
Market street. estimated emit $*44J0.
and one on South stmt, between Hag -
tan mud Make streets, eatlmated coat
8U15. The .vent of a sanitary hewer o11
the Ilurou road, (rum the 41. T. at
tracks to Maple street. a diadem* of
14211 fent, was esalwatel at. g:b,'590, and
of a storm *ewer between the manic
'mints 82.522.
Petitions for sewer,; oil Brock street.
front \'Ietoria to Albert street. and on
\\'Idder street, from Thomas to l'ayley
street, were presented and referred to
the public works committee.
,'hits. Itell's application for the us•
of the pasture at the Wheel Rigs lot
at 11;1 fur the summer, was granted.
Tlu baseball curb asked for tlw star
of the kitchen shed at the Agricultural
1'ark, In which it is proposed to Install
a shower bath to keep the boys in
gexxl 1lulpe. Itef.rred to the public
works rowmitte•, to went a committer
from the baseball clod..
Several members of the lacrosse clut.
Weer pnva•nt, and Mr. George John-
son, as spokesman, asked for a grant
to procure eptipulent. 'winding twelve
.tweeter., twelve sti.4:s and two goal
nets. T1114 was referred to the finance
committee, to meet a enumiltee• of the
teeniest. elith.
Applications for Building Permits.
A nlltnher of applications for build-
ing permits; were rwwlvwl and tient' on
to 4hr fire ttl.mmlttre. as follows: W.
11. Gott, Yhtorla streetrewhingling
()welling: H. C. FYlstuger, West 'greet,
garage and sun rarm. estimated e•.44.1
$will; James Stollens% remodelling
lion"• nu Wright street to Wake a sum-
mer cottage; tiles Jenklow. Pietism'
+Inst, remodelling dwelling with new
rasa. new cement t,,ullei*tiou, and
brick veneer, *estimated asst $.'fll:
Mnlwl 11l)4aud, St. iMyld's street, im-
provements to dwelling: W. C. l'rid-
liam, Wellesley street. re -roofing dw•rll-
hog: A. J. Cooper, repairing building on
Hamilton street ; Mrs. Win. Moore. St.
Long Distance Service.
Is Now Classified
THE Classifications on long distance telephone tails in e$elet frets midnight.
April 20th, are of interest to all users of that seryice. It is possible, li'y a study of
your king distance requirements, to effect savings in your tang d DOM. - Satins
well worth while.
Station -to -Station Service AppointmentandMeas t
Appointment calla ala 1 ALISPsll/er
calla are special kinds of DetaoMoctr-
son calls.
which is about 50 per cent higher than
the station -to -station rate, is quoted for
service when an appointment is made by
the party to talk at a particular
When a person who does not have a
telephone is called over long &tance and
a messenger must be sent to summon the
party to the telephone, the MESIOEN-
GER CALL rate, which is about 50 per
cent higher than the station -to -station
rate, is charged, and to this is added the
necessary messenger charges.
The Report Charge
When you place a call for a particular
person or persons and flreany reason they
cannot be reached the same day at the
address given, or will not talk, or if you
make a call and you are not ready to
talk when the other person ready with-
l is
in an hour. a REPO HARG
made. The report charge is about one-
fourth the station -to -station rate. It is
intended to cover part of our expense of .
handling the uncompleted call.
Special Evening anctNight Rates
The EVENING rate, between 8.30
p.m. and 12 midnight, on station -to- I
station calls, is about gone -half the day
rate. The NIGHT rte, between mid-
night and 4.30 a.m., is about one-fourth
the day station -to -station rate.
However, no evening or right rates
are quoted on station -to -station calls
where the day rate is less than 25 cents.)
On such short -haul ,calls the day rate
applies. For longer distances
evening'and night rates are.
Because it is ditfiwlt to
Station -to -Station service should be
used when you mare willing to talk to
ANYONE at a distant telephone
that is, when you do not deed to get a
particular person on the line.
Station -to -Station service is not only
cheaper, but more rapid and accurate
than Person -to -Person service. On Sta-
tion -to -Station service the call can be
completed as soon as the distant tele-
phone is answered, while on a Person -to -
Person call the particular party wanted
must be located and summoned to the
The charge for a Station -to -Station
call cannot be reversed - that is, it can-
not be charged to the telephone called,
for in that case the telephone operator
- would have to locate a particular person
to approve thege, which would make
it a Person -to -Per -Son call.
Person -to -Person Service
When you make a call specifying that
conversation is desired with a particular
person at a given number, Person -to -
Person service is used.
I As this service requires greater oper-
ating labor and circuit time than a
Station -to -Station call, the rate is about
25 per cent greater.
Examples cf Different Rates
Following are examples showing the
station -to -station and person-to-person
rates for distances up to sixty-four miles:
Station -to- Person -to -
Station Rate Person Rate
$0.10 $0.15
.15 .20
.20 25
.25 30
.30 .40
2'. 32
32 40
4048..., i..'.•. . .35
48-56 .40
66-64 .45
lar persons at night, when many are
away from their 1>Iornes and places of
busing, there areno special evening or
night rates quoted for person., to -person
calls. They apply' only on tilCation-to"
station calls.
Ener, Ben Telephone is a Long Distance Station
The Bell Telephone Company
4, 4111111‘.
May Pus die Critical Period Safely
aad Comfortably by Taking
Lydia E. rmkbam'a Vegetable
Beit. Sask. -" I was going through
Amigo of Life and suffered fur two
yearswith headache.
nervousness, sleep -
isms nights and gen-
eralweakneu. Some
days 1 felt tired and
unfit to do my work,
I gave Lydia E.
Pinkham'■ Vege-
table Compound $
trial and found good
results, and I also
find it *very helpful
Spring tonic and use-
ful for constipation
from which I suffer much. I have rec-
ommended Vegetable Compound to sev-
eral friends, and am willing you should
publish this." -Mrs. MAarita W. LIND-
SAY, 810 Robinson St., Regina, Sask.
If you have warning symptoms such
as a sense of suffocation, bot flashes,
headaches, backache, dread of impend-
ing evil, timidity, sounds in the ears,
palpitation of the heart, sparks before
the eyes, irregularities consti *tion,
variable appetite, weakness, uiet-
ude and dizziness, get a bottle of ydia
E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound and
begin taking the medicine at once. We
know it will help you as it did Mrs.
Lindsay. _
i►al1.l'* street, garage.
There,' was considerable d'.4ul4shon
r.•ganlhrg the manner of dealing with
the applications for bulklillg p•rtuits.
Vroau• 18f rise mrtulwrs evidently tb"ng111
that sufficient carr was out exercised
to 'we Butt the applicants were (um -
laying with ala fire bylaw 111111 other
regulatlo1s. Flintily a motion was
plss'd that the fire committee have
power 14, art in urgent .'141.4 LN should
report to the council es to the dinpsi-
tton of each a{rldlcafinn. 4'wln'llior
Story defended the action of the com-
mittee. of which he is clalinuan. and,
alhulhrg to the .isvitte between Cont.
chlor Moser ant) another Ila Milton
etre{ man, said "it was no wonder
Owns was trouble in Ireland" siren
thew' two 1141111 out agree.
Help tar Woolens University. • ,
A letter from the Western lndario
United Boards of Trade to the GolrrIeh
Board of Trade. and forwarded by the
latter body to the council. r.'iurstel
that support he given the Western Uni-
versity of !motion in Its application for
old from the Provincial t:ot,ruwrut.
without which, it was stated. the Uni-
versity alight have to 1.14,w door.
Mayor Wigle thought this :detion .,f
the Province owed a certain
of stlplwrt to the Western I'nlr
awl a motion was pastel asking
the Gov.•r In give favorable
enteral1On M the claims
sty, expire of the motion to be for-
warded to the Premier anti the Treas-
reatyrarer n? the Province. to the local mem-
ber. anal to the secretary of the West -
011 Ontario United hoards of Trade
The )livor and the medical h.•.1th
officer were appointed to represent the
rmun•it before the Provincial Board of
Health at a sitting at Toronto on the
19th inst. with reference to the town's
water supply.
The fnanee committee recommended
gr int of 11:0 to the Ilnron Children's
Aid So'Iety.
The Bre eommiltee reported iu favor
of a member of r;►plIeallons for build-
ing permits.
Tine :nadir -works committee rep.rtel
the eommrneement of work on the
Cambria road sewer and recommended
that the mitre; of repairing the side-
walk on the Huron road. from the
town boumlary to Maitland cemetery.
be taken int 1p .on}tnethm with the
township of God.'rteh at the first op-
Thecae reveals were adopted.
Nerve lit vie again brought up the
matter of the German Held gun and
proposed that It Ile placed In Ihr t'ourt
lionise Parti, on the west
rlllor Mitchell said the parks emnnlit-
tee had plans to wheal with this and
other matter and thought It best not
to plate the gun until the Have w•as
mode ready for it. Councillor )iltehell
said they thought of 't.lrtitlg a cam
pilgn to induce peopleto keep from
making paths acres,. the grana In the
• Alex. Johnston wee egain ap-
plmel parks caretaker. at Via n
Tralydng WlId Aiimakt,
\\'hest we go into a ei*'Ua or Iwo
lingerie to 4te wild aulutalm "put
through their tae.;; 'we probably do
slot r.alizr the great amouttt of
patience .caul la1M.r that how gut.• tato
the truiniu,;.-
It surprise.' we very much to barn
that uu dolma! whlgli is born and
rat bast ill caidirity is touch a0er
dangerous and wore difficult to train
than nue that is trapped in Its unitive
wilderness. 'Praht•rs explain this by
the fact that in trapyrhng u wild ahiturl
Isis terrorists! fear of r eau are upper -
must and thin gives liitu all idea of
roan's *uperb,rily wbkta he never for-
j;ets. lint an manna horn lu captivity
never lois this tuvuleut of terrible fear.
L1 t1,u,' !t• Intim to feel his power to
do harm. A trainer never allows awl
annual to reals;e his {.ower to .lo in-
jury, anti though a lion may by a
playful slap of lik paw cut it deep
gash fu his trainer's leg, the trainer
r.Mwiuue►. 111s ant in spite of the pain
he suffers. rather than 1111.14d the lion
ty knot the tamer of his claw's. lint
MO. young .cubs This ►wm9elg. comes .
to three early through the thoughtless.
u.•.. '.at attendant's who way get a
-ra4c11`alien playing with the cub stud
hastily drop it. The art. remembers
this and the next time he wants to be
110 ul4,n• hr wilfully User! WS O&M'S.
With ,lar mitre result. Owe having
I.•aru.'.t'the-purer ill hi+claws be never
forges It.. That i+ the reason 1111
4111mat Ixora bar eaptitity i; the more
tldog.•rous' risk.
}:Irplaatitk often se411 the most hope.
leers la.4!so11. trail!, rl..r are "t big tool
Iiurtwring and they se4.1u so unintelli-
gent. 14 is interesting to know that
derricks are used in their training.
They ire„ as n rule. first taught to
rise ftp on their kiwi legs. _. This le
when the derrick twine.. ill. Ruiw•w dr.'
0111.41 under forelegs ant airy
are drawn up Ly the derrick. leering
the elephant to support itself by iM
bind kegs. The derrick is hoisted each
I01(e at u 11511:11 front the trainer.
After fifteen ..r twenty .1.'11 perform --
x1)4'.1 the elephant raise•. hiursdlt at
the sight( without 111i• help ..f the der.
ri.'k. The 1.•x1 day and wary days
following *1141* i+ r.{stt.d until the
derrick *11M 4 11111, 1N441 10 he 111441 di
ail. '}'he mime tn"lhel - i. 11.441 w
leaching 11110 to stand only on his front
144gs. or to lie 41.rwn at t si5ta4l.
This..may 4.4.11 a little tiresome for
the -elephant. 1.11t Whet' ,We consider
that his daily diet is two hneslrel
pounds of hay. a bushel of outs 111141
six ..r .eight Lar. h .4 bread. it welts
that he owes his _owner s..narthiug it.
return. , 1
1 The Butterfly.
Th.• Itutt.•rtdy. an idle thing.
Nur honey mak.=•, nor yet (lin sing.
As sloes N* 1.r. and
Not .I,1.4. it like the prudent alit
iey tin *lie:grail' for tiers cal 44.1111,
A wiseant l•alltl"11s h...vrd.
Ily youth is but summer's slay:
Tis a like tlw our and ant I'll. lay
1 -lone of k ,i1i1liig by :
And though from thswe•r to
)ly stock .4
N..r be a
To Abandon Old Market.
Reeve Davis had a proposal to more
the town w.lghw'ales to the rear of
the town hall. ti'nr dul.n the old mar-
ket building and make a park, oral of
the vacated place. N„' only did the
old building alar that section of the
town, but It tune. in an out-of-the-way
place for persons w hu wanted to use
the scales. The market committer
wae asked to report on the proposal.
it was 41(4'44')) to relieve Mr.. Il.111•
illy of the lot ul.ieh liar lair hus+l,:n.l
haul rented from the t..w11 and the tnlh-
Ile work' erntrinlftre was given power
to re -het the bot.
The Mayor 0,111.41 attention to o•er-
tniu reeoutmendntto1s made by the
town auditors in their annual report.
1t was devilled to p1r.hnse a new de-
It4,hlre hook, and the question of
writing off part of the value of the
town pro4wrty for depreciation is to
be diectt$$d in committee.
The clerk aalrl the nillk ihrnil Tel`s
had nearly all been told.
On councillor Mitchell's motion. She
.p4.1a1 committee was asked to mils*
the building ami fire totem..
Bylaw Nn. 13, anthorisIng the eon.
,t nleNon of n 'ewe•r on Bridge street
on the 101411 Improvement plan. way
read and finally passeloVhP sewer Is
to he conetrnctel by .1n, biller under
the anperrMion of the public works
This c,as'lndel the Merino's of the
A great many orators mix the oil
M ekapien4' with the water of weak
flower 1
wisdom I'll in►pr.t.•.
\d.•h,1de ol'Keefl'
Tburaeday, April ::R, 11Yd1.-7
The Right Tires, to suit your car and
the roads you travel
If your car is a Ford or Chevrolet. Gray -Dort or Ovedam4
DOMINION "Grooved" or "Nobby" Tread glee you oessY%, mega
side -slip Tires of consistent Quality and presen mileage. 00 -vera
may find that DOMINION "Chain", "Grooved" or "Nobby" Assad
on the rear wheels and DOMINION "Plaut" Tread on the hast, ase
the ideal combination for comfort sad mileage.
11 you drive a heavier car like the Studebaker, Mdra%IYa. eco
Packard, you will have the utmost eatishorik n with DOaMSOM
"Royal Cord" or "Nobby" Treads -the supreme a13ieosess as i"
tiro building.
The best dealers tA.oae/sese Cwlsode hose
ARE GOOD. *urs
1;:;,111., '.
Pultns FLO
ea 1e.
sUAITy ft-OU/1
" ' 1` I Im styli
- Restore
Your Old
Bread and Better Bread
xxxxxxxxXXXxxXXssxsex xXXssasc
When Columbus Discovered Amerira.
••Nl.alu•r," said )Lary, in a very di- d�xirt
'reseed torte of voice, •'1 Just rant
remember when It was that Columbus
discovered America. 1111.1 we 11114e it
in our history I.•ssan tomorrow and 1
Jost Must learn it.•'
Mother, of conrs•. ns mothers, always
.do, trityl to think of w • way to help
Mary out of her dilP'ulty. Flintily
site slog*este! that Mary go out In'(he
hark yard and play with }'ido for an
hour, and instead of ralliug hila Fldei.
she rail him 14!r.. of cutin..' Fido
Couldn't he expecte.' t.. 1.1,n1e when he
was Lit' Fido was the kind of
little 114,4 who Just value anyway,
wh.'1.•ver he let Mi.ry,'for the happiest
nu.tueyilts in his life were spent in fro -
Inking with her in the yard.
"1 jest know you would• think of
•thing w Irrfnl, Mother." sold
Mary- -Wit ecy'er would have thought
of lr,rning--smhorrid old lesson I.
playing outdoors with Elio?" S^
Nlary gaily d:iIM'el away. sella for on so
Boor Fido'w•as completely mystified by Ifl,
this o141 ,I,.yImlte• who 1.11111 4 iim by
441111e• .Anrl1Se• and unheard of name.
Even p'su'31d,y awned as they wat,hel
)nary ritralri»rt to 141441 fru in •tlrr yard
111111 !Pant her ,'shin,. •'herr.
here. 1492. N.m' 1192, you sol ,Inco
a while mill I get my breath"
At the end of, 'the hour Mary wens
sure she Lever .011141 forget that I
Columbus dl+•nv,rel Amerk'n hl 141r2.
Even Fleko looked very Intelligent
SO when )Ivry went to history class
the nest slay, she carried a'very .re-
licv.d mind. Pretty soon. teacher
said to So":. 11 Brawn, -Susan. can yhh
te41 me when diseurered
America?" Susan gaily piped up, "Is
11'2." Mary wanted to shout, for she
was next in line and she knew the
teacher would ask her DPI!. Tlten
she would Just F111m' 141ts111 itr.w'n
that even if her father .11d own the
lumber yard and wens the richest man
in town she, Susan, wasn't as smart
as NI:try.
.\ins for *ay that she couhl not
stop thinking these naughty proud
thoughts. for she WA sn Intent Itp.n
them when teacher 11 Shell her for the
dale of America's dis'orery, that.
without thinking. she gave ,1 pr 1
little toss to her head unit alrtw•erel
"Fido." i
110 :'There's an awful rnmhling In 1
1114' stomach --liken cart gaiug over a'
CC•Il'ele'arllh' .lrerf."
She - It's that trust: you
ale for dinner ` .--
"Tbse King of Siam," said a dlplomdt.
"pride?' himself upon hl' }:1q dish.
'\\'Iwo the Klug 111'1 1.1.411.41 1,4)111h)11he met 1 late Lord Kitchener. *hon.
Egyptian trluugler were .flit freeh.
••losstrous of telling inert Kitchener
that he WA* horn to Irommand, the
Siamese .mora rah said:
' 'Itrave lord, you was made to
'rgnmeots. order.
-School of Commerce -
Clinton and Goderich, Ont.
Business Stenographic
Secretarial Civil Service
Teachers' Training Course
and arranges Special Courses for students.
'1''IE Fot.f.owiNT; ADVANTAGES :
11.Khly Qualified Teaching Staff
Actual Business System of Donitkeeping
• Credential Typewriting rest.
Positions Guaranteed
Vocational Training School
uT ibis,Iistfict by Groven,ment appointment, and under in-
spection by !Soldiers' Civil ke•e*t,,hlishment Peps -Ai -neat
Por Terms, etc , write
B. F. WARii, M. A. STONE,
H. A., M. Accts., - Com. Specialist,
Principal Vice -Principal
i'hone 195, Clinton
Stu baits may (-tart :.t any tam-
11. .s G..sin "1PL►NDaQ •11111T.11•0.
"Ger:o.rJt1E-" L,
11111:PALO-:Daily. Haft 1st to Iltre: 1511 -CLEVELAND
Lie.. IIvr'ALC • F,as r. Kt tarries!` Le... ct..owin 4'
Ain..,are r-17,40 A Mu
. s sre.en root 1 `1,A.. 1deeal0 r. 1.5so * A.
Eeeeretle. at CY...1AM far Cadre Point. Pot -1n-Per . Tomb, Paired•n•e dad
l,Ael. reading 1.1.wn )...I.M v4 r+.d Inc l,rsefWm.T�« A r ate_
.,r4...e. nI a Un.rut 7.70' r,..'.•IM .1. i' • H Ihr t11e
le ro )4nond Tn,, . h 1 dun nt.rn .,.,.t. 1.. rv. mat e.ewlme Its Melt
tanatitulle eale441 eared wed. Art .r • Grad
INA1 ee'• IC i boli=" dint
ea model 4
b. f Ales salt tar . el sage gartered ,t
71s CI...I.nd a sl M.i.
Tras.0 Cawpp..ny
t,'I...I.nO. VMo
•ri. (...r1 'Me
_+. lap..err .ew'y
F.r.eaw liu.m.eee /aimed
widen eiJ. dere& Pl«.p1 i
4da,ty. 1 5110 pereemaiere.
,- SFA t ;, 5