The Signal, 1921-4-28, Page 6$---Thursday, April 28. THE SIGNAL - GODJRIOH, ONT. PUBLIC MEETING ON TUESDAY. MAY 3RD, 1fl1, fir. J. 1: Varier, E:xsMayor of the City of 01Kpb, has boss .sec•trr'egl to invite -4. a puhlii satiating of citizens anti mewb*@t of the Roan) of Trail,. at thwlhitieh on the above date. The meeting will be held at the .es.enably room of the itasonie Temple at S 1S. Mr. ('trier is one of the foreao*t men on *drafted 31ulticipal Government in Ontario. REMEMBER THE DATE AND COME. C. 1, MOORE, A. J. McKAY, !'resident. Chairmen of Euterta itrsneut l'ommittee. 1 S. O. S. Help Save the Home ! To Principals and Teachers, Scholars and Parents: - We will send "Home Inspection Blanks" to the teaching staff throltghout Ontario for distribution among their pupils. As patriotic Canadians your sympathetic co- operation is sought in the important work of con- serving the lives and property of our people from destrtiction by fire. The inspection is planned to take place through- out the Province during the week of May 2nd. The primary object of this inspection is to draw attention, to hazardous conditions in the homes and have the fire menace removed or corrected by the householders. The housing problem makes the protection of dwellings of paramount importance. CLEAN UP. Prevent fires by removing the cause. Information and test -books, "Conservation of 1.ife and Property from Fire," "1•ightniag, its Origin and Con- trol," free on request. Ontario Fire Prevention League, inc. In ►ftili:siion wit! Ontario Farr Marshal's Office 153 University Avenue Toronto GEORGE F. LEWIS Sec a ur PARLIAMENTARY LEITER. By 1M Dunelm. Ottawa. 1 :S. -lines again the i •ahinet'ndire have sought to ply their arts to reside Hou. Arthur Meigheu with a K:teugtlietttl Ministry, null again their .efforts have fallen smntwhat fiat. NOW it has got back to the old position where men of different shades of tooth hal opinion stein to to fairly weH agreed on the 4e. ision that tiers •wtlLbe Otis. or no I'aI net root n.srrmtioi, .ti the l:ov- ernmeut is shout ready to SI Pp the ghost and go to the country. This week it WAS (.forge li/►ivin. the nuty Speaker of the Horse of ('ommotrs whom the Cabinet-makers *night lead away from his old lure. the Lib- eral party. and surmltnd with nhe glamor of a title. 1t was reported to he els portfolio of Plastrnssteraleternl which awaited Mr Itoivin. but Mr. Rodvin renew.' to change his allegiance. Angling for Mr. B3oivin. The talk of Mr Itoivin as A Cabinet possibility has lawn off again. on again for almost a year nine. lits Milne was 'pint Iw.fnre a yawn-. of Gov- enrmen' supporters :shout the firs of July last year. An' since then there has apparently tern a constant wowing is the attempt to wake it hale in the solid Quebec Moe *still) Is tined lip behind Hon. W . 1,. Mackenzie King. Tuesday of foist week wag the /lay on whish the Government eclle.tted to an- nounce that lir. Hiivin toad token the plunge into the icy waters a Minister- ial respmsihility. but Tuesday fount' Mr. Itoivin working oat a statement. with Hon. Mackenzie King. in wide.' the IMptity M1Naker inn west that he Mei no intention of joining the Meigotten Adm itt 104 09 Mo sure ,had voter of the Government slrpportera become that Mr. lt.riviu wapiti oars to the Ministerial benches that they were talking fairly freely of the hole they had made in the ranks of Queibe• I.ilerals. Another strong re- port states that they hod even offend the deputy speakerrhip to ore of lite younger i rennh metntwers, to vnstted lir. Itoivin, If the said mendwr would only !weak swap from Mr. King. The Government scoots, h. werer. appear to have boon tushing mit of tuck again. Either the fish are wary or the halt is not sntuk'ienlly tempting, or birth. ('erre ttil y the Oath inet ranks are not being swelter' despite all ?Lite hive which sewn. to *spring eternal in the Governnenfwl breast. Representative at Washington. N'henever it is she keeps it anal whatever she doer with it, (Amada. it ..•m•. has a .status; in fact. she lots a oat moil status. That much is made 41441,44, The New Twenty- Capital Return Policy (/nod A Young Man and His Future .He takes hes first stay in business affairs. is ssara.ned by the doctor. mei creams as estate of $5.000 f+. wiptww die shining hour and impresses wee an important person that be is in pIaaasi- n of aa "estate... Nis tendency to save and lovas* is meted b0 hu employers. B Reds his saves. of treat a-.iasws1g, ) built" i b.ssw- ► by The Canada Life) Absolutely guarantees the return at the end of twenty years of all annual deposits, with accumu- lated profits, after giving you insurance protection for twenty years. Easily Undlerstood : 1st. Deposits are made yearly. This is what yes are sesiag. and at the end of 20 years the Canada Life 'scrotum the return of every dollar paid in. 2nd. Your life is insured from the day you make the bet deposit.- for 85.000. or whatever amount you decide. 3rd. Profits are paid at stated intervals in oddities to the return of all deposits at the end of 20 years. 4th. These profits may be used to reduce the amount of your yearly deposits. of be allowed to accumulate at interest for 20 years. Sth. The cash value of Policy and Profits represents a valuable asset. useful in business. and your ".testate' r pee tected by the insurance 6th. At the end of Twenty Years you esw ,draw out all you have pard . se, along with the profits - you can draw • Special Cash Guarantee. together with the Accumulated Profits. making • substantial sum, and leave the $5.000 Policy Tully paid for and continuing to earn Dividends as long as you live. And in -addition -- suppose some day before you reach age 60 you shoultbecome totally and permanently disabled through accident or illness Imrtiediately. all your future payments would cease and soon after you would receive • cheque for 850 each month as long as you lived and the 85.000 would be paid in full at your death without any deduction on account of the monthly in- come paid you. (This valuable feature is added for a small extra payment yearly which is not returaed along with the regular deposit). Do Nee Pau 77ai. By Canada Life W. T. MAIZE .latent noderieh Goderich / Sunlight does it You who always dread wsab day -b•••••• of the bears of ws.ry, wash -board rabbis/, the r damp steamy sir, with perhaps your skirt sad shoes splashed lied sashed -just forget all that. Gas irate the ease sad eon. fart of • &relight wsab Day. Maligbt Soap will de the wsab-- ye. else go out sallied .r shop- pied. hoppied. Rete the diroatio.s. twist ss shit/ eke Seep yet ask for -SUNLIGHT. • clear alwoat once a jeer when an item appears ha the estimates fur represent- ation at Washington. This year the Item ld ;Vat 000, which. apparently. would keep • full-tt.•.tgnt minietet' idrnip►teeutiary In cigars Amt cigarettes for a week or s1. That .1t111141 (tt Iva the idea of manly of the members of the douse• when the item..w;ts, under dl-N•u,slon. for some of them put fur• wa rd t he idea tine if 1'alallla- W. et *Not- ing a representative she vhuttld he pree- Imrel to put noire than that into Ma j.11. 3t1 du It properly. There was much talk of Canada's nntiuuhlstl and the fate that flair country hal tassel from the coils stage to where she could take a halal in the management of her own affairs. However. taw i.iberal lender warrior' the Mouse ragaitaet rending down anyone to take over tile Job of running the li,thsh E)mtwirry at ,ileh times as floe atI11MM radar Wight ige away 1,11 a fishing trip or anything of that Culture. -Th ,were times, he rutulrwled the Gov Intuit. .when Ate ittterr'M of (' and tate IMPrPgt1 of the Rritir 'well' not altogether Went 1, amt. seems. eel to entre would to be I while 1t h .ale on Moe ground to , represent our int.•remts, it would ttt(ttl Iva very wire to }I 2."141 any dangerAlf ditlieuttle% aris- ing ss n r•gult of Iris work there. The item parried. with a statement from the Prime Minister that it was hoped to have the appointment made der the very Ileac tures I:rand Affairs. Legislation to prrhtke for the Gov- ernment's taking ever the direction M Grand Triink Midway affairs Ira,1 sone through the House after 14 trmr- what intervwting pls,luge. The situa- tion regarding the grand Trunk arbi- tration lair ttrwttesl more. that[ ordi- nary interest daring the Irrwt welt or wo. E'lrt of all. the Grand Trunk. it a ehlI11 11. nl:stle uo effort to get its Menet. before the arbitrator. in time to flee ht•arilrr' lose by the glare the reward was to 1. made. The Girt'. eminent ease '.ail of y ye•gorn on the day thnMtltratlon 1 • s required by the Agri men(, fir to o mpl4 ed. The (n• kernne t Ph store r tad to ex- tern' the time mod also rt used to do ennusit ny of the Diatnci / (;p Ontario eft' � " .? life` t"`r tee Nir 041 /' ' .✓ ; rf: JJJJ���/t And as tins so be V saaYad swam s1 the sod d i . r 1114 li>7 a• requeseed r the rhairm board of dtreet 14 the mar T11N was the . ate of arbor. led Irv, to the Intr. tttion of the latish In the Howie ants the en the week. The bill res third tne_lod*7 spit will 'Teen QIspoa.Prl 1i as far a+. i'arlhament It terned. The (:overntnent .k•wvtdttl control of the road before peaking any ether ad - or grautiug .'xtenslo of time for vot,-Indhrg the arhitratiod, The hill wtpportt that resod, ani, whine it is rerelving ftirly general support in the [louse. Liberal members of tltr (\omntons are watching it (lowly to et• that they are not tieing themselves down to anything whlt8a they don't want Members proterted aKatoet the (;nv- (.rnmentnl tottieN fu rel rira ling the twihvay hills through, when the (:tw- ernment anagen to give the bill eetond and third readings all in onrday. tion. Mackenzie King state." thnt the House wanted hi see the .agneetnent loused 011 the hill talars• it was wiener'. ro that there wo11141 to lin mitre coming back to t'gdlamunt to .,,turf Gnyl•rllml•ital error. . The position of the (lover iirnent with retool to the steak held by Ater• - holder re-lib•nt outride of ('an•ad:a canoe tinder fire for a time, hot the Goserrrnw•nt has been wicked by the Joxetht Depar slept that this can le expnn►riaterl, Matte 'Canadian it le property -' Budget Not Yet In Sight. w high earl. - of 1- be a week or ray before hie budget b ready. Inst year he brought it down on May 111 anti then ehaugnl 1t a cunple of time' twfure the Houw• pnt- rugutd on July 1. This )'seer, he will lave to hurry It along If the Prior Minister is to have his slab and see prorogation by June 1. The Prime "`Minister, Hon. Hugh Guthrie and (on. C: t'. Itallantyue have booked passages for 1A111duu 4111 a steawer rullllug evarly ,lu .aloe. Whetter or not they will de able to take Iwrswge at that time, If they wait until' the 'louse is yep, depends largely on the number of tariff ehulgtr pro. (lofted in the Midget. if the Midget does not e.nle down until May 1 and then there is the customary threw weeks' debate on its pmvi.ions, it Is doubtful if tie 1'rrluier w111 feel mute in leaving Canada to look after her- self front June 1. Maharg for Provineipt Sphere. J'. A. Mielutrg. the Fortner stalwart from Millar ('reek, Saskatchewan, bus. it appar, derided that It woulel 1e better to be the big triad in is small puddle natter than a m1111111 NW 11 in a big puddle. Mr. Malwerg. it is aim - entity understood. leas act -elated rhe offer of a toertf db in the M i-k'atch- .ewan G,rerwtl11t and will resign fr.nu the House at the ells• of this session. Whether ft means that Mr. Uudhtrg is beginning to le dotrl.ttul of the future of the Fanner. in Federal )Ndltiays remains to 1w• seen. hit It epees 1/0k it. (I,uttt111 Ile flail decided to get lank to the more romper Prot -Metal waehite. A statement by A. 1.. 1)avidson. Con- servative mt•ndwr for I)iglev-.%ttuaprlls, to the effet that the 'bake -feller in- terests were behind tie ehnhe of Hun. Mackenzie King as leader of the Liberal party in -Canada .received a naught ones-ehtik in the House on 'hilar, mid Mr. liaridsnu, who had utthe statement in a ward mating in formate, sat quietly through the elude" pastes of verbal e:etIgo tiuu. Reports calling Phe statement a mean. &emb li and cowardly (111sel14swh the Liberal f ot4tctwhrrs fetid little at- tention to bat .1r. IMridswnl, who wag in the lows.• at the time. sat stili in his set . apparently unable to refute the mews ljN•r report Mt'w•hi.•11 the statement.. were Moved and algm nlu+iily analis to iirobt•e any author- ity for his ',totem., s. The question was raised on order f the dao. and only the. Speaker's rift g savor' Mr. ihrvidwm tn.tu a mouth orae verbal Worthing 1111Q/t he did tet ve. SUSPICION OF FOCI. PLAY, Was John 1•ala41, Found Riverxdale, Murdered?. ltiver Ie. Ont.. April Z:,. -As a_ milk t 1.11 411444011 of foul play in eon- ue on with the death 'if John Calad, uulsg farmer of this place. Who w -as nand dead in his buggy at Ills home here -a week :ego Saturday tot•rning. relativist of the dead man art Ilrwfnl- Ing that the essay be esimmel and is eyreinen'a inglit at lwld in onler Rr aye= certain the exact valise of his 'death. 1)r. M. H. Gillies. of Tees -.water, who w'71s1 'drhnu,uel following tate gruesome is•uver•y-, deeule1 ,un 1 unnn•rs- suiry•, bent -ring that the horse had in - flitted the hrt:11 bh.W. Sine then intense Pxeitement her ban 11rorlretl and wuuy residents of this locality are firmly of the opinion that Calad was murdered sone time Iit't.ween lu ti clock on the nig' t nt April 15. when ler left the home of John M1l;lyun. in 4'tilr,ss, whom he spent the evening. ami early next Morning. when be was found hr hie brother, Joseph. in the driveahel ri❑ his father's faros. When found the body wag wedged letwn•n the front boggy spring amt the dashboard dud %Vag quite wenn. it is alleged. The buggy was lodged be- tween the wall .1 the shed and 1 pat. and the horse had :1 I1411e lamed in the earth. There is k report to the effe•t that while John, the dead man. wog driving Itis brother .fames t.. the home of hag IJamer' 1 - brother - in -pew•, John 'Mtlayuu, In t'ulnrgs, on the night of the tragedy, ...erne pergrn, ging 1e4 "Whir- to the lase while they were reaming through it swamp. It was thought at the time that someone had done it fora joke. 1t- iv waw retailed that John had told w nteotn. of loping stoned while toss- ing through that swamp true flint' ago. and from the way the rig waw Iiamag•d. the tonektsmrds at the Track •iirg rni1.1t.1, and taw rk'rirn (wing M\011 011141 on the hall( of the •h.ad, k might 1w• passable that he was struck frnn* behind. itelativees declare that the hnrve he hail driven on the night A -,grjrt of more or leen important matters have ieen gmund through the legislative mill durtng the last week or so, ort still Phare is no sign of the budget. Perhaps one day Oda week the Minister of rin*rwe may get hie h.eIt, whore water malntl.ntly to gee wheel, he stands with mord go rota- tion propagate. From all indications 'there will not he any striking tariff chianger. The Prime Minister at 'Pi. room state) that there wonkl be few N any twiner lona ani that is taken as imlicating that there will be few- If any (theme-, The Tariff ('ottlmission ae•lrmulnted w) moth evident -sr on int toile Of the country last year tint Mir Henry Drayton Ig amid to he loudly submerged la it and there say etUl a EVERY CHILD needs nourishment that not only sus- tains strength but also promotes nor- mal growth. scorrs EMULSION food -tonic that is of special significance to children. Those who are not thriving ought to take Scott's Emulsion f«ts a aswae. Toreson Coma --.ALSO MAKSPIS OF KI -P101135 (raaNb fes) cos INDIG P T1ON f►easa of the tragedy la ahwayi quiet. They also maintain that had the borate been In any WAS wild it would not have ?Sopped at kicking the vketim, tout would have trial itself from the rig and run away, which it did nut; nor was the rig damaged to any great ex- teM. A tramp wear attar around these parts since then, but whether sgephioa rests on him as ieing lmpileatnYin the mur- der is not known. A rumor M 10 the effort that he had been ensu I11 the vicinity of the village• about the time of the tragedy. ••W110I1 I 4.1114 piles 111 Ilatiger of be- ing killer by u lion," said an old African rxplurur, "1 tried sitting down Hail staring at Ilia, as I hall no weapons." "How did it work?" asket1 his emu - pinions "Perfectly: the Zion didn't even offer to touch me.'. "Strange! How du you moonlit for it?" ' "Weil, sometimes I think it was be- t -muse 1 sat on the top brunet) of a tall trees." -Fertile Valley Enterprise. Just Foolish. Elinor Fair Is pretty. And Arline Pretty 1s ftir; Rut pretty Miss Fair And fair Miss Pretty Really have nothing Tc, du with this ditty. I simply wanted To may it's a pity The way all the girls do their hair. One Compensation. Cheer up: If the re•forinens use up all. the "blue" for the "blur" law Sun- dry. there won't he any left for blue Monday.-lbluudrus 1►Isyntclr. Childhood Indigestion. Nothing is more common in childhood than indigtbtlon. Nothing is more dan- throns to proper growth, thore weakening to the constitution or more likely to pave the w•Ly to dangerous disease. Fully nine -tenths of all the minor ills of child- htx)d have hied root in indigestion. There iietiffi Medicine her the little coil to equal Baby's Own Mikis in relieving this trouble. They have proved of benefit in thousands of iibmea Concerning than Mrs. Joseph Lunette. Immaculee Con- ception. Quebec, writes : "My baby was a great sufferer from indigestion; but the Tablets soon set her right and now I would not be without them." Baby's Own Tablets are solcL by medicine dealers or by mail at 25' cents a box from the Dr. Williams h'pd.cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Stiffness it Is utoni.Aint bowl quickly Min.rd, Lw - mesa misty.* sua- osis and Issoens... Gives Great Relief Mn A. a Cakwn. 16 P.14A ,rk.i.G, . OMWr. ere'-• N rid MiuN4 tirasst e ,ud uvula F�d err ,.. n Ag roes• sir and 411 r ass a siva pas riled." C 13 • W. red Pas.ee. aa. 1)11. .b.sold. a. `i�• r"viad a as Missal'. Lewes. .. kw fid Y nasnd imard..wty .1sm arm aMessFas• I ss•••".••el is sass it sad .t A.. vow* pin Tm Valor lar soon setts. 0144 4., Ns. sad sit. &Maeda .. M,..d'. Lirrst. Have e.11Awn..e..al Y•aiAwn Ma .rrs d',. sad vivo . edea at" MINARD'S sing W r*hr LINIMENT Yarnsutb Nov. falls 111011si O1'N DRY, -+' AUCTIONEER. BOX 87, Goderich. All instroctlono Qy mall or left at Signal office will bra• promptly attended to. Residence tel► phone 119. LEGAL MCAMEILON, K. C., ItARRIS- Rl. R, Solicitor, Dory public Dice H milton street. Goderleh, third door fru Square. Trust funds to loan at !nitwit ratee. D C. HATS,, I% BARRI/111ER. SOLICITOR. NO. " TAPUBLIC, ETC. Ofece--Sterllnj Rank Mork, Ham- ilton Street, Gederich. Telephone 88. Real F•state. i.oal1. and Insurance. PIt01'IIF(MIT, XILIA IILAN k HO1.MEs. BARRISTERS. '. AOL ,ITORA, NO- TARIES, PUBLI► ETC. Office on the Square. second door from Hamilton Street. G. ch. Private funds to loan t lowW rates. W. Prondfnot, K. 0., J. L. : Moran. Dudley E. Holmes. CHAItLEs GARRO11'. LL. B., AR- RiSTE1t, attorney, wdlcitor, test Goderich. Money awned at t t'ates. AEA(;EIt, BAR ItISTER, 241)1.• ICITOR, notary public and con- veyancer. Office --Court House. Godes rich. 09-12m "These fanatfi o who woohl mite the un out of Sunday" $aid Jndtde-Kent► slow Laudir, of ('hitngn. "re•miml me of ohl Pallet Steenthly. "'Pile old UV 11101 was a terrific marti- net lig regards religimms observances. thaw he gave a lorry during Jaen. alis gwiat.-of ly.ruot- will* 411 8tr®.4u4 wh- ams rae.ttteur. Nevretheie-s., oil Cation Mtteuthly dhl not hesitate to .ay to Ilio sternly : •'1 trust: my dear sir, that you'll trine/other it is iaenit and e,nfim' your efforts exclusively to nth stories -- Philadelphia itllad.lphia Itullertu. DECORAtING AND Decorating Matenals Wall Papers, Paints, etc. We sell you the materials, or take the contract otdecorating your home, store or office. Estimates cheerfully given GLASS Window Glass, Plate Glass Mires, etc. We can supply pane wants in any kind of Glass J. CUTHBERTSON North side West rat. Phan 354 reOlout MEN'S SUIT S of Right Quality As well as our young men's style we carry a large and , complete stock of the more con- servative models for both young and old, ranging in price from $16.50 to $38.50. SPECIAL FOR Saturday and Monday 15 Men's English Worsted Suits in bhle and fancy materials„all new patterns. While they last $22.50. All -wool blue Serges, guaranteed indigo dye, pure wool, single and double breasted styles. While they last $35.50. Special - 15 Men's Suits to clear at $16.75. M. ROBINS Open Evenings INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. Mi:KILLOP MUTUAL FIRE LYSUR- AN1•E ('O. -Farm and isolated town property insured. OReer.-Jas. Connolly, Pres.. Gods. rich 1'. 0.; Jas. Evans. Vice -Pres.. I 'hes O feel 1 ood P. �'homat E. Hays. Soc.-Tress., Seaforth P. 0. Directors -U. F. Mc -Gregor. R. It - No. No. 3, Senforth; John G. Grieve. No. '4, Walton.; William Rhin. R. R. No. 2, Aenforth : John Rennwwler, Brod- hagen : Geo. McCartney, R. R. No. 3, Sewforth ; Rolwrt Ferris, Ilariock Malcolm MrEwen. Clinton: Jame* Evens', Ileeehwooll; James Connolly, Goderich. Agents : 1. W. Teo, Goderich; Alex. (.Pitch. R. R. No. 1, ('tinton; William Chesney. Seaforth; F.. Minch - ley, )leeforth. Policy -holders can pay all payments and get their cards re- celpted at It. J. Morrtsh's Clothing Store. Clinton; R. H. Cott'. Grocery, Kingston street. Goderieb, or J. H. Reld'a General Store. Bayfield. Brophey Iros. The Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully, attended to it all hours, night or GODERiCH GENUINE ASPiR .HP S "BAY(R CROSS" Tablets without "Sayst Crops" . are not Anpkin it M • . Oft genuine "Raver Tablets of Aspirin" in a Bayer" package, plainly marked with the safety "Bayer Croat;' The "Bayer l'roaw" is your only way of knowing that you are getting genuine Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for nineteen years and proved safe by mil- lions for Headache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatiam, Lumbago, Neuritis, sad for Pain g Ily. Made in Canada. Handy tin loxes of 12 tablets -also larger ailed "Bayer" packages. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered In Canadal, of Rayer Manufacture of Moaoaceticacidester of $alicylicacid. While it ia well known that Qspiria means Rayer mtnufaetnre. to assist the public against imitation., the Tablet. of Bayer Company, i.td., wall be •tamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Crass." • Try a West A4. Is 7w Simi.