The Signal, 1921-4-28, Page 54
Thurwday, April 2R, 1921.-
There Greyhound Shoes are
and as such they outwear any other make have
heretofore, because no other rubles
will -wear so well as one cured by the i b
resume' Process.
are the only line of rubber canvas shoes made by this
process in Canada.
Try Greyhounds and see how mu, h longer
these wear than others made under the old process.
Get them at Hero's Boot Shop.
.Annual Icarus fleeting.
The general annual meeting of the 33rd
Regiment Band Association will be held
in the town hall on Tuesday evening,
May 3rd, at 6 o'clock. All persons inter-
ested in the band are invited to attend.
Half -holiday Next Week.
'rhe weekly half -holiday n0ue1 Inti.
eR,•ct ..ext week, alit! Horst of the
shores will close at 1 o'clock on Wed -1
nesday. The public 1s asked to tear
this do iniad and wake arrangements
Elected Members.
In the election -of benchers of the
w Society of roper Canasta, the re -
vu 4 '.1 which were annmun•ett last
wee two of those tau honored were
Mr. • . F. Washington, t'rown at-
torney. Ilton IM 'Huron Old Boy,
brother . Misr Elea -Mit Washington
of town,. nil Senator William Proud-
f.N,t, of God - ich.
Address b).. J. E. Carter. "44
On invitation from the Board of
Trade. Mr. .1. E. 'arter., ex-a1ayor of
the city 1)t Guelph. 'Ill visit t:oI.•rioh
and address a meet/%) in the'Maw,nic
Temple next Tuesday evening. May
3r4, at R.15 airlock. Mr. 'Porter's shin
je•t will be municipal g•• •rmmet. of
which he has matte a sp. al study.
a The uw.t'Ing is ois•n 14, the; p bile. a1)41
it Is hoped there will t* a large r(th•txl-
e naw.
1,,1fru l •rid
WE cash Dominion War Laan and Victory Loan
interest coupons at para and
without charge. res
Deposit your Victory Bond
and Dominion War Loan
coupons in the Bank of Ham-
ilton and thus save the amount
represented until such time as
the money can be used to best •
Goderich Branch -A. J. MacKay. Manager
It makes a real treat -Blackstone',
delicious ice cream, in bulk or fancy
If the changeable weather of spring
brings nn that asthma again. nr the old
heumatic trouble, relief lies at your door.
Raz-Mah is guaranteed for asthma.
Tlptpleton's Rheumatic Capsules never
tail. Both sold by H. C. Dunlop. taction.-" Everythlog Its two
oldew--a good and evil. Every ad-
vantage has a tax." Emerson. 7 he
lawn of esnpenr.taDon were never better
ev em+dlfled than ander ptr•aettt Penn-
-vmk' ceMltlon'. Many people who
were prrwgwNnw l.w•an.e of Inflated
laminae dnrlug the war now find
themselves handicapped by eln•n*o-
etanew which have come with she re -
Rime Ofar 414111wf7rtertt. Batt the silver
liming to the cloud is looked for In the.
:lona alf * Mw%er etre of ftving Prkr.w
on many drugstore Benet have been
redtx+d wt our store. Trico air feeing
read)awted ate npl.Hy as pi tale--dt►
petido/it on rsenufaaturin( conditions
and other thltags whtt•h must strew
scarily be enissideAd. a. R Sia.
.Dnrafat, tioderlrl
The sacramental service in Victoria
street Methodist church next Sunday will
be observed at the evening service.
At the Baptist church next Sunday
services will be held as usual at 11 a. m.
and 7 p. m Bible school at 3 p. m.
B. Y. P. U. meeting at 8 p. m.
Next Sunday the May quarterly meet-
ing will be held in North street Methodist
church. beginning with the fellowship
service at 10 o'clock. At 11 o'clock the
Lord's Supper will be celebrated and new
members will also be reaitted. The quar-
terly board will meet Monday evening at 4
The Mission Circle of North street
Methodist church held its annual meeting
in the church parlor on Tuesday evening.
Most gratifying reports of the year's work
were presented, after which the following
staff of officers was elected : President.
Miss Beatrice Anderson; vice-president.
Miss Lottie Robinson; secretary, Miss
Nellie Colborne: assistant secretary. Mini
Mary Howell; corresponding secretary,
Mills Marion Pilsineer; treasurer. Miss
HoknGrif6th-wperfntendent of Christian
stewardship, fNn Roy %inebnuse.
Old Home Week Notes. •
Otte of the helio,rtaut oinnuit ter$
e .-orlon w•tth the preinrafluus for
the Old Home Week is the dw•uration
committer. A strong. •'.rtlrmitte•e of
about twenty-five members. with Mr.
11'.•sley Walker at the head. has 'wen
forineI. and a tne.4.1tig w•as h'1.1 on-
11'wln.•wtaty nicht t,. 11194.044 plans for
u suitable deroratioti scheme for the
big week.
swing to the public ..meting on Ti.•s.
day' night, the reenter meeting of the
441,1 Home Week executive .c,. i44rst•
polled to Friday evening of this w•s.k.
An early morning wedding took place
at St. George's church on NI of
this week, when at 41 o'clock the Lector,
Rev. S. S. Hardy. perfor.ned the cere-
mony uniting Miss Pearl Videan. daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 1.
Videan, and Mr. William L. McLean, of
the firm of McLean BrosThe bride was
given away by her brother Charles, and -
was gowned in embroidered sand trico-
tine with hat to match. Mr. and Mrs.
McLean left on the 7.45 o'clock train on a
trip to Detroit. Toronto and other places
and on their return will reside in Gode-
First Fish Story of tlw Season.
On 1u.r.1ay while Mr. J. H. E.lwanl
was fishing on the north pier near the
lighthouse for herring. he had a bite
1(t wmwthing mneh heavier than a
herring, aid when he got it In view it
looked like a lake trout. torn faxed
that It could root he landed where he
wi.a ashing. Mr. Edward started for
the- cit re 390 ytat41-4.--awa4yr -with- -estis
rateb to tow. Sometimes, its back was
up and sometimes it, other .side was
(4 or 5 PIECES)
to play six Saturday ev-
enings at the Pavilion
commencing May 7, 1921.
All plices tendered Cqn-
6dential. Address us
The Best in Photo Plays at the
Week of May 2toMay 7
Adolph Zukor presents
"Away Goes Prudence"
Also it Sennett comedy.
Universal prevents
"Once to Every Woman"
I'nlveraal jewel 'production de luxe,
with an all-star cast.The bent picture in a long time, says
New York Thum.
Regular Prices
Kelznk•k Pit -threw present
"The Flapper"
by i•'rances Marlon.
Added attraction
A two -reel comedy., Wednes-
day and Saturday.
I ylwuhay nc l; \Lay2tal, fs the day of
the voting on the Shipbuild-
ing Co. bylaw. DO A (.41111 T1 'RN
FOR .101 9.3t14.1 by %..tial; 1-1111 the
for voiles, Linens,
Batistes, Cottons
Do not think of
LUX as a cleanser for
only georgettes,
chiffons, tricolettes,
crepe -de -chines. The
bubbly LUX lather
means double life to
anything you can wash
-anything that pure
water will not harm.
Chiffon or linen, it's
all the :same -
LUX free
booklet, "The
Care of Dainty
Clothes" neat ! ,
on request.
a1111411111erI some changes to take eff.M
In the t:. T. 13. time -table. which will
give a much spetrlier passenger srr-
%lce between thiderlch 41)141 'Toronto.
The morning triad will leave IilNlerieh
at ti o'clock liustead 1)t Q.14.4 and will
a ridve at Toronto at'' I0. 1:. t,instead ..f
11.14*). , gust of Ktnutor.l this trait,
rrtll stop only at Kitchener, 4 1telph
tiwrraewwn, Brampton and West 'I'.,
roto. The night train will heave 'I'..
n.nto 111 41.10 p. In. 4lttstead 1(f 0811.
looking the 9:4110,•14101144, Mud arra Villa:
4:.441•rich 111.311 p. to. 1 instead of 11.4:.
'1'IIIM 41444 410448 the time between God,
rich and Toronto by nearly an limo
Both of theme trims w ill eer•ry iaarl•
buffet cars. 1141(e'u 41 sl.•rirh
The itecomnsNlatl.•n train betuc ti
/:.Merica rad Clinton. leaving herr at
7.4.1 41.111., may be diw•ontiaue.l, blit
there is a 141.4r4p.91 of another elating..
44Melt 44[11 give + close
4'lintun h•Iweru the early train from
Golerlch a1411 the train for 14.44411(14.
all earlier an rival 444 1a0141011.
1Vintiwor ..nal IM•
Shore -Sunbury.
I:oh•rich 'work rk n ill ,he loter•rbd in
fl44• ea144(1114Wnh•111 of the wvvldilI4 01
Mrs. T. E. sniitmry, formerly of this
town. The following account • is from.
The Sherbrooke I ljue. 1 Daily Record:
A very pretty wedding woo solemn-
ized at the 4'LureM of the 4 Shep-
herd, Bishop', Crossing. on April 14th.
at six orlro•k. when Mrs. lulu Mad. -
Title Stubwry, daughter or .lir. anal
rt. 11. A. Gilbert, became the wife of
Leslie Walter Shure, formerly of
I. Snrrey, Englund. The Rev.
kl.•y, of East AI4gils, 11419 LOW
rlergyuia1 '1'11.• bride, who
44444 m+1) t•InI. t, was given away by
tier father. She was eh,irmiagly at-
tired fu 44 h Id. embroidered gown of
4r04444 satin t •swaliae, .411.1 earrie' a
shower bouquet of American Beauty
roses. The weldi • 8141o'h was played
by Miss Muriel I. IIN•rt• rown.rt in
peacock blue silk. 1 ' li her Was little
Miss Dorothea Swam in,a frock of
nat•y blue silk embroider...I in gold.
The ushers were Mrs. earl Leonard
mad -Miss Marjorie�--
.tfter the, ceremony the, gn.rts re-
paired to the Moue of the bride'a-par-
ents, the bride and groom nrriting
the emgrat0l444). I s of their friends in
he drawing room. The Tong supper
le presenter) an inviting appearance,
the welding take in the centre.
etor'atlolts were pink .arnatione.
Spring Coats
at $14.50
The ue%ve4t models in Spring t'++:tt, are +,1)r special
for this week,
There Coats eolyle- in ('ravenet'tes :and TN%eeds, and are
absolutely up-tar-th.i-iuiiute in style and .)unlit}, which we
are hutting on sale at
We .tan
1)rerses w•hieii
and at prices
a title assortment of beautiful Silk and Satin
are supe to please and are the latest models
ithin reach of everyone's purse.
1:p. but it titled all the time
had its back uh. Finally
be al pike.= 1111114, long anal wa..1
prise is that the 1.ig fellow wii9 111 11414
With W1141 appeair.91 Tv he an ordinary
herring outtit ; J. II. 4.11,ilay9 the
reputation 'Moog his brethren of las
big quite 811 expert in that line. -
Edtarationail leeting at Clinton.
A meeting will be he:d in the town hall.
Clinton. on Wednesday. May 4th. at 2
p. m.. for the purpose of orpnizing an
Educational Association for the county a(
Huron. There are 119w over seventy ouch
Associations in "fhe Province affiliated
with the Ontario School Trustees' and
Ratepayers' Associitione-Ths-nsesting,
is announced. is not for, the purpose of
advancing any particular scheme in the
administration of our schools, but rather
to provide the means whereby the people
can come together to s.tudy educational
problems and to suggest a remedy.
The meeting is for trustees, ratepayers,
teachers, parents. and all friends of edu-
cation. All those interested in the educa-
tion of the youth of Ontario are urgently
requested te0)e present. Mr. R. Sega -
worth. field 9ecretary of the Ontario
School Trustees' and Ratepayers' Asso-
ciation. will be on hand to explain the
work carried on by the Provincial A *so -
elation and to atsist in organizing a broad
educational association for the county of
At the Harbor.
The steamer l'ollingwood arrived 011
Thursday Iasi with a cargo of .21111,0110
bushel, of whear for the elevator. The
steamer Houle 'Smith arrived on Fri-
,b43- with a cargo of Iii1411 1, whieh
I 20.0410 /Matins - -for tire Weinern
etenatin Flour Mills and so.n00 bushels
foe the elevator. The steamer Mid -
la K hie unloaded 225,009 bushels of
whesit, flax and Mit fit thl. 101'
4.11 11014•1.4y.
Wheal, fia.• 414411.111plilliiitl_ WAY
elearIng the harbor on Friday bed. it
t'aptain Imo Maeliay and Molly dam-
aged it. The\tr t. like the read of the.
fishing limits, as tied to 1111. pier -in
front of the freight shells, and the
t'oningwooti, svhich made rather
shorf Until fn tlie vas of the harbor.
cleared too 4.10.94. to the pier NM thus
came In contact with the AwhIng boNt.
In addition to the direct dannage to
through not being able to ft thhe"In7loitYs
the boat, rapt. NlaeKay
whieh he had set tad in tor lake.
The School Children's Beak. .
town today and visited the Public
sehools iti the interests of the Penny
Bank. This is the Institution which
takos tare of the money deposited hy
tlie school children. SIMI it may he mi..
prising to some people to learn that
the school ehildren ttf Goderich
deposits totalling s2.50o. The deposi-
tors In th..14.11.14. Mr. Vision(' Inforins
The Signal. nunits.r 3t45 out of n school
deposit twr pupil per month in (lode -
rich is 444., 44$iiipftred with tin all -
Canada overage of 53c. It will thus he
the average. It ix imps' that the
parents In 1;011P1.1011 Will Nike an Ili-
rreii.446411 intersrt in the Penny Bank.
ir Ili tim, thing to encourage thrift
In the children. and it krii-line thing.
too, for a tiny or girt to here "ttf,-4.t
egg" in the shape of a miledantial de-
posit In the Bank. Ali &crowd can be
emnmenced with two eP11144, and in-
tense la allowed at the risme rai 44•
In other banks. I)epostts are received
from She onee a week and the
amounts are pliteed et
Install"( the htsaintsma of the Penny
Bank In fiederet.
rant Trains en T. R.
'Messina VS'. J. Plantott,
trafinlasister, and r. J. Broad.
travelling freight igerrt, all of the
Grand Trunk Itatheay. were In town
Wednesehly morning and had a con-
ference with the transportation com-
mittee of the Heard of Trade. They
Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
Headquarters and Factory : 456 Queen St. W., Toronto
Ms.. 414.1brrt-wa1 wsert4•.1 in waning
by Mrs,.t:arl 1e'01lird, Mimes Muriel
and )'earl (1111.ert alai Marjorie Ko1fe.
Many h•antifnl pn•M•uts-w 're nrvti1et.
')Y1(• wall• 1rjendti..s.L NIT. and )Ire.
Shore extend to dodo their b.•urti.:4
coifratulut ions.
Reil Cross Peace Work.
• A representative of the Rest IYa.s
Sea ie�1 a.I.Ire-'wrt p meeting of aitizi n.s
In the Ikwnl of 'made ns,ms till '('i.n.
ex pc rInieot-
Dig when
3ou use Dr.
Chal$4.'s oint-
ment Mr. Eczema and skin Treks -
tams. It lis11-4 at once and gradu-
alli, heal' 0 skin. Maniple Dadl Dr,
paper an send lc. 1 p for posusge. ale. a
Limited, Toro.. to.
4.1.4rinekt or mire them In chililht.pd
bot 41- ally is a rotl'‘r
4 114414 an itstoet. It. 'rlirs,ugli 1011) ie
itetirities Tortinto within ten
1111t1.41 44) per the taltercialoste
dvatti note, 441 per Ansi t
414.14 la rate. 42 jter et•nt.
Witt' these In view it was
sehotil sittff, atilt from the
'Fratle. unv•t the tinkers of the Hall
(*toss Society zi Dal arrange 11114411-
4.141 ill.1104.4 14.11 44f N.. .4.hool‘,,cliiktreu
under 1141. Iiireel of tin. Provincial
authorities, 419 iall -eye-4.104er" this
anti. Kilhorasi, 14. arrange fisr the
toterewts or public health.
rs. Wm. Tighe has returned to town
a ter a winter visit- with relatives M
The Canadian Red Cross Society is one of thirty-one National sit
_ Cross Societies engaged in a world-wide,,Crusade for
The improvement of health
The prevention of disease
The mitigation of suffering.
,This movement im endorsed by
The Governmenti of Xhirty-one Nations;
The League of Nations; •
Medical and Public Health Experts Meet-
ing in International Conference at
Cannes, France, April/1919.
The Crusade is being inaugurated by a
World -Wide Enrollment of Members
May 22-28
As the outward and visible sign of your personal slum fa dis
movement for good health;
To help create public opinion in favour of sound health mosemass
You risay enroU with your Local Red Cross Branch or glimaneent OSA*.
sate* or, if there is no organization in your cortunurdty with TIla
__Palladian Red Cross Society
Music house
turns a in-
to a home or makes a home
more of a home.
Em 1 1
1'c•t• E,lison•,
"The Penslar
It brings
that mental
to your home,.
relaxation that
else can bring.•
-- THE -
for your home,
in the greatest va-
live, thrilling.
to -day at
There Greyhound Shoes are
and as such they outwear any other make have
heretofore, because no other rubles
will -wear so well as one cured by the i b
resume' Process.
are the only line of rubber canvas shoes made by this
process in Canada.
Try Greyhounds and see how mu, h longer
these wear than others made under the old process.
Get them at Hero's Boot Shop.
.Annual Icarus fleeting.
The general annual meeting of the 33rd
Regiment Band Association will be held
in the town hall on Tuesday evening,
May 3rd, at 6 o'clock. All persons inter-
ested in the band are invited to attend.
Half -holiday Next Week.
'rhe weekly half -holiday n0ue1 Inti.
eR,•ct ..ext week, alit! Horst of the
shores will close at 1 o'clock on Wed -1
nesday. The public 1s asked to tear
this do iniad and wake arrangements
Elected Members.
In the election -of benchers of the
w Society of roper Canasta, the re -
vu 4 '.1 which were annmun•ett last
wee two of those tau honored were
Mr. • . F. Washington, t'rown at-
torney. Ilton IM 'Huron Old Boy,
brother . Misr Elea -Mit Washington
of town,. nil Senator William Proud-
f.N,t, of God - ich.
Address b).. J. E. Carter. "44
On invitation from the Board of
Trade. Mr. .1. E. 'arter., ex-a1ayor of
the city 1)t Guelph. 'Ill visit t:oI.•rioh
and address a meet/%) in the'Maw,nic
Temple next Tuesday evening. May
3r4, at R.15 airlock. Mr. 'Porter's shin
je•t will be municipal g•• •rmmet. of
which he has matte a sp. al study.
a The uw.t'Ing is ois•n 14, the; p bile. a1)41
it Is hoped there will t* a large r(th•txl-
e naw.
1,,1fru l •rid
WE cash Dominion War Laan and Victory Loan
interest coupons at para and
without charge. res
Deposit your Victory Bond
and Dominion War Loan
coupons in the Bank of Ham-
ilton and thus save the amount
represented until such time as
the money can be used to best •
Goderich Branch -A. J. MacKay. Manager
It makes a real treat -Blackstone',
delicious ice cream, in bulk or fancy
If the changeable weather of spring
brings nn that asthma again. nr the old
heumatic trouble, relief lies at your door.
Raz-Mah is guaranteed for asthma.
Tlptpleton's Rheumatic Capsules never
tail. Both sold by H. C. Dunlop. taction.-" Everythlog Its two
oldew--a good and evil. Every ad-
vantage has a tax." Emerson. 7 he
lawn of esnpenr.taDon were never better
ev em+dlfled than ander ptr•aettt Penn-
-vmk' ceMltlon'. Many people who
were prrwgwNnw l.w•an.e of Inflated
laminae dnrlug the war now find
themselves handicapped by eln•n*o-
etanew which have come with she re -
Rime Ofar 414111wf7rtertt. Batt the silver
liming to the cloud is looked for In the.
:lona alf * Mw%er etre of ftving Prkr.w
on many drugstore Benet have been
redtx+d wt our store. Trico air feeing
read)awted ate npl.Hy as pi tale--dt►
petido/it on rsenufaaturin( conditions
and other thltags whtt•h must strew
scarily be enissideAd. a. R Sia.
.Dnrafat, tioderlrl
The sacramental service in Victoria
street Methodist church next Sunday will
be observed at the evening service.
At the Baptist church next Sunday
services will be held as usual at 11 a. m.
and 7 p. m Bible school at 3 p. m.
B. Y. P. U. meeting at 8 p. m.
Next Sunday the May quarterly meet-
ing will be held in North street Methodist
church. beginning with the fellowship
service at 10 o'clock. At 11 o'clock the
Lord's Supper will be celebrated and new
members will also be reaitted. The quar-
terly board will meet Monday evening at 4
The Mission Circle of North street
Methodist church held its annual meeting
in the church parlor on Tuesday evening.
Most gratifying reports of the year's work
were presented, after which the following
staff of officers was elected : President.
Miss Beatrice Anderson; vice-president.
Miss Lottie Robinson; secretary, Miss
Nellie Colborne: assistant secretary. Mini
Mary Howell; corresponding secretary,
Mills Marion Pilsineer; treasurer. Miss
HoknGrif6th-wperfntendent of Christian
stewardship, fNn Roy %inebnuse.
Old Home Week Notes. •
Otte of the helio,rtaut oinnuit ter$
e .-orlon w•tth the preinrafluus for
the Old Home Week is the dw•uration
committer. A strong. •'.rtlrmitte•e of
about twenty-five members. with Mr.
11'.•sley Walker at the head. has 'wen
forineI. and a tne.4.1tig w•as h'1.1 on-
11'wln.•wtaty nicht t,. 11194.044 plans for
u suitable deroratioti scheme for the
big week.
swing to the public ..meting on Ti.•s.
day' night, the reenter meeting of the
441,1 Home Week executive .c,. i44rst•
polled to Friday evening of this w•s.k.
An early morning wedding took place
at St. George's church on NI of
this week, when at 41 o'clock the Lector,
Rev. S. S. Hardy. perfor.ned the cere-
mony uniting Miss Pearl Videan. daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 1.
Videan, and Mr. William L. McLean, of
the firm of McLean BrosThe bride was
given away by her brother Charles, and -
was gowned in embroidered sand trico-
tine with hat to match. Mr. and Mrs.
McLean left on the 7.45 o'clock train on a
trip to Detroit. Toronto and other places
and on their return will reside in Gode-
First Fish Story of tlw Season.
On 1u.r.1ay while Mr. J. H. E.lwanl
was fishing on the north pier near the
lighthouse for herring. he had a bite
1(t wmwthing mneh heavier than a
herring, aid when he got it In view it
looked like a lake trout. torn faxed
that It could root he landed where he
wi.a ashing. Mr. Edward started for
the- cit re 390 ytat41-4.--awa4yr -with- -estis
rateb to tow. Sometimes, its back was
up and sometimes it, other .side was
(4 or 5 PIECES)
to play six Saturday ev-
enings at the Pavilion
commencing May 7, 1921.
All plices tendered Cqn-
6dential. Address us
The Best in Photo Plays at the
Week of May 2toMay 7
Adolph Zukor presents
"Away Goes Prudence"
Also it Sennett comedy.
Universal prevents
"Once to Every Woman"
I'nlveraal jewel 'production de luxe,
with an all-star cast.The bent picture in a long time, says
New York Thum.
Regular Prices
Kelznk•k Pit -threw present
"The Flapper"
by i•'rances Marlon.
Added attraction
A two -reel comedy., Wednes-
day and Saturday.
I ylwuhay nc l; \Lay2tal, fs the day of
the voting on the Shipbuild-
ing Co. bylaw. DO A (.41111 T1 'RN
FOR .101 9.3t14.1 by %..tial; 1-1111 the
for voiles, Linens,
Batistes, Cottons
Do not think of
LUX as a cleanser for
only georgettes,
chiffons, tricolettes,
crepe -de -chines. The
bubbly LUX lather
means double life to
anything you can wash
-anything that pure
water will not harm.
Chiffon or linen, it's
all the :same -
LUX free
booklet, "The
Care of Dainty
Clothes" neat ! ,
on request.
a1111411111erI some changes to take eff.M
In the t:. T. 13. time -table. which will
give a much spetrlier passenger srr-
%lce between thiderlch 41)141 'Toronto.
The morning triad will leave IilNlerieh
at ti o'clock liustead 1)t Q.14.4 and will
a ridve at Toronto at'' I0. 1:. t,instead ..f
11.14*). , gust of Ktnutor.l this trait,
rrtll stop only at Kitchener, 4 1telph
tiwrraewwn, Brampton and West 'I'.,
roto. The night train will heave 'I'..
n.nto 111 41.10 p. In. 4lttstead 1(f 0811.
looking the 9:4110,•14101144, Mud arra Villa:
4:.441•rich 111.311 p. to. 1 instead of 11.4:.
'1'IIIM 41444 410448 the time between God,
rich and Toronto by nearly an limo
Both of theme trims w ill eer•ry iaarl•
buffet cars. 1141(e'u 41 sl.•rirh
The itecomnsNlatl.•n train betuc ti
/:.Merica rad Clinton. leaving herr at
7.4.1 41.111., may be diw•ontiaue.l, blit
there is a 141.4r4p.91 of another elating..
44Melt 44[11 give + close
4'lintun h•Iweru the early train from
Golerlch a1411 the train for 14.44411(14.
all earlier an rival 444 1a0141011.
1Vintiwor ..nal IM•
Shore -Sunbury.
I:oh•rich 'work rk n ill ,he loter•rbd in
fl44• ea144(1114Wnh•111 of the wvvldilI4 01
Mrs. T. E. sniitmry, formerly of this
town. The following account • is from.
The Sherbrooke I ljue. 1 Daily Record:
A very pretty wedding woo solemn-
ized at the 4'LureM of the 4 Shep-
herd, Bishop', Crossing. on April 14th.
at six orlro•k. when Mrs. lulu Mad. -
Title Stubwry, daughter or .lir. anal
rt. 11. A. Gilbert, became the wife of
Leslie Walter Shure, formerly of
I. Snrrey, Englund. The Rev.
kl.•y, of East AI4gils, 11419 LOW
rlergyuia1 '1'11.• bride, who
44444 m+1) t•InI. t, was given away by
tier father. She was eh,irmiagly at-
tired fu 44 h Id. embroidered gown of
4r04444 satin t •swaliae, .411.1 earrie' a
shower bouquet of American Beauty
roses. The weldi • 8141o'h was played
by Miss Muriel I. IIN•rt• rown.rt in
peacock blue silk. 1 ' li her Was little
Miss Dorothea Swam in,a frock of
nat•y blue silk embroider...I in gold.
The ushers were Mrs. earl Leonard
mad -Miss Marjorie�--
.tfter the, ceremony the, gn.rts re-
paired to the Moue of the bride'a-par-
ents, the bride and groom nrriting
the emgrat0l444). I s of their friends in
he drawing room. The Tong supper
le presenter) an inviting appearance,
the welding take in the centre.
etor'atlolts were pink .arnatione.
Spring Coats
at $14.50
The ue%ve4t models in Spring t'++:tt, are +,1)r special
for this week,
There Coats eolyle- in ('ravenet'tes :and TN%eeds, and are
absolutely up-tar-th.i-iuiiute in style and .)unlit}, which we
are hutting on sale at
We .tan
1)rerses w•hieii
and at prices
a title assortment of beautiful Silk and Satin
are supe to please and are the latest models
ithin reach of everyone's purse.
1:p. but it titled all the time
had its back uh. Finally
be al pike.= 1111114, long anal wa..1
prise is that the 1.ig fellow wii9 111 11414
With W1141 appeair.91 Tv he an ordinary
herring outtit ; J. II. 4.11,ilay9 the
reputation 'Moog his brethren of las
big quite 811 expert in that line. -
Edtarationail leeting at Clinton.
A meeting will be he:d in the town hall.
Clinton. on Wednesday. May 4th. at 2
p. m.. for the purpose of orpnizing an
Educational Association for the county a(
Huron. There are 119w over seventy ouch
Associations in "fhe Province affiliated
with the Ontario School Trustees' and
Ratepayers' Associitione-Ths-nsesting,
is announced. is not for, the purpose of
advancing any particular scheme in the
administration of our schools, but rather
to provide the means whereby the people
can come together to s.tudy educational
problems and to suggest a remedy.
The meeting is for trustees, ratepayers,
teachers, parents. and all friends of edu-
cation. All those interested in the educa-
tion of the youth of Ontario are urgently
requested te0)e present. Mr. R. Sega -
worth. field 9ecretary of the Ontario
School Trustees' and Ratepayers' Asso-
ciation. will be on hand to explain the
work carried on by the Provincial A *so -
elation and to atsist in organizing a broad
educational association for the county of
At the Harbor.
The steamer l'ollingwood arrived 011
Thursday Iasi with a cargo of .21111,0110
bushel, of whear for the elevator. The
steamer Houle 'Smith arrived on Fri-
,b43- with a cargo of Iii1411 1, whieh
I 20.0410 /Matins - -for tire Weinern
etenatin Flour Mills and so.n00 bushels
foe the elevator. The steamer Mid -
la K hie unloaded 225,009 bushels of
whesit, flax and Mit fit thl. 101'
4.11 11014•1.4y.
Wheal, fia.• 414411.111plilliiitl_ WAY
elearIng the harbor on Friday bed. it
t'aptain Imo Maeliay and Molly dam-
aged it. The\tr t. like the read of the.
fishing limits, as tied to 1111. pier -in
front of the freight shells, and the
t'oningwooti, svhich made rather
shorf Until fn tlie vas of the harbor.
cleared too 4.10.94. to the pier NM thus
came In contact with the AwhIng boNt.
In addition to the direct dannage to
through not being able to ft thhe"In7loitYs
the boat, rapt. NlaeKay
whieh he had set tad in tor lake.
The School Children's Beak. .
town today and visited the Public
sehools iti the interests of the Penny
Bank. This is the Institution which
takos tare of the money deposited hy
tlie school children. SIMI it may he mi..
prising to some people to learn that
the school ehildren ttf Goderich
deposits totalling s2.50o. The deposi-
tors In th..14.11.14. Mr. Vision(' Inforins
The Signal. nunits.r 3t45 out of n school
deposit twr pupil per month in (lode -
rich is 444., 44$iiipftred with tin all -
Canada overage of 53c. It will thus he
the average. It ix imps' that the
parents In 1;011P1.1011 Will Nike an Ili-
rreii.446411 intersrt in the Penny Bank.
ir Ili tim, thing to encourage thrift
In the children. and it krii-line thing.
too, for a tiny or girt to here "ttf,-4.t
egg" in the shape of a miledantial de-
posit In the Bank. Ali &crowd can be
emnmenced with two eP11144, and in-
tense la allowed at the risme rai 44•
In other banks. I)epostts are received
from She onee a week and the
amounts are pliteed et
Install"( the htsaintsma of the Penny
Bank In fiederet.
rant Trains en T. R.
'Messina VS'. J. Plantott,
trafinlasister, and r. J. Broad.
travelling freight igerrt, all of the
Grand Trunk Itatheay. were In town
Wednesehly morning and had a con-
ference with the transportation com-
mittee of the Heard of Trade. They
Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
Headquarters and Factory : 456 Queen St. W., Toronto
Ms.. 414.1brrt-wa1 wsert4•.1 in waning
by Mrs,.t:arl 1e'01lird, Mimes Muriel
and )'earl (1111.ert alai Marjorie Ko1fe.
Many h•antifnl pn•M•uts-w 're nrvti1et.
')Y1(• wall• 1rjendti..s.L NIT. and )Ire.
Shore extend to dodo their b.•urti.:4
coifratulut ions.
Reil Cross Peace Work.
• A representative of the Rest IYa.s
Sea ie�1 a.I.Ire-'wrt p meeting of aitizi n.s
In the Ikwnl of 'made ns,ms till '('i.n.
ex pc rInieot-
Dig when
3ou use Dr.
Chal$4.'s oint-
ment Mr. Eczema and skin Treks -
tams. It lis11-4 at once and gradu-
alli, heal' 0 skin. Maniple Dadl Dr,
paper an send lc. 1 p for posusge. ale. a
Limited, Toro.. to.
4.1.4rinekt or mire them In chililht.pd
bot 41- ally is a rotl'‘r
4 114414 an itstoet. It. 'rlirs,ugli 1011) ie
itetirities Tortinto within ten
1111t1.41 44) per the taltercialoste
dvatti note, 441 per Ansi t
414.14 la rate. 42 jter et•nt.
Witt' these In view it was
sehotil sittff, atilt from the
'Fratle. unv•t the tinkers of the Hall
(*toss Society zi Dal arrange 11114411-
4.141 ill.1104.4 14.11 44f N.. .4.hool‘,,cliiktreu
under 1141. Iiireel of tin. Provincial
authorities, 419 iall -eye-4.104er" this
anti. Kilhorasi, 14. arrange fisr the
toterewts or public health.
rs. Wm. Tighe has returned to town
a ter a winter visit- with relatives M
The Canadian Red Cross Society is one of thirty-one National sit
_ Cross Societies engaged in a world-wide,,Crusade for
The improvement of health
The prevention of disease
The mitigation of suffering.
,This movement im endorsed by
The Governmenti of Xhirty-one Nations;
The League of Nations; •
Medical and Public Health Experts Meet-
ing in International Conference at
Cannes, France, April/1919.
The Crusade is being inaugurated by a
World -Wide Enrollment of Members
May 22-28
As the outward and visible sign of your personal slum fa dis
movement for good health;
To help create public opinion in favour of sound health mosemass
You risay enroU with your Local Red Cross Branch or glimaneent OSA*.
sate* or, if there is no organization in your cortunurdty with TIla
__Palladian Red Cross Society