HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-4-28, Page 441-lbarsday, April $A, hilt\.
Reliable Clothing
There are all kinds of
Clothing offered for sale,
but don't be fooled by
buying so-called cheap
stuff. It will not give
• satisfaction, it will not
look well, and in a very
short time you will be
Sony you did not pay a
Little more and get reli-
able clothing:\
We expect to`sell our
customers moire than
once, that is why we
recommend the beth
clothing. \.
See Our Clothing
at from
- T O
Made to measure if you wish at the above prices.
W. C.
Phone 57
Or •Bur.,etlirto hots
The God rleh Amrrnement Co. its pre-
paring for the oleuing of the season
at the Pavilion The first drake irlll
be given on Saturday evening of next
weep:. May 7th.
Mr and Mary Holt tuarr returned to
Goderich afr,•r sls•uliig the wintrr at
Toronto Mr. Geoffrey Holt leaves
next week for Switzerland, where he
will ',lets! 'eeeeal Menthe int -71" -epee -h11
e'"ur.e of study.
Rev. J E. McCau'ey and Mrs. Mc-
Cauley left on Wednesday for their new
charge at Cochrane. accompanied by the
good wishes,cf their Goderich friends. No
definite arrangement has yet been rnade
for the appointment of a successor to Mr.
McCauley as pastor of the Goderizh Bap•
tist congregation.
Mrs. A. G. McDonald nas returned
home after spending a few months with
and Mrs. R. J. Smith. of Guelph.
Strang and Miss Mahel Strang`
have •returned home after spending the
Winter mouths at Toronto and Ne -w•
Mr. J. A. Campbell was at London on
Tuesday attenirng a conference of the
Edison phonograph dealers of Western
Mr. D. A. McLaren has purchased the
old Dr. MacLeod property on Newgate
street from the astate of the _late_
Mrs. Robert Eider, St. David's street,
made a misstep while coming down from
a ladder at her home one day last week
and broke her ankle.
Mr. W • T. Maize. Brock street, is
representing the Canada Life Assurance
Company in ,this district. His advertise-
ment in this i'sue of The Signal will be
interesting to anyone contemplating tak-
ing out an insurance policy.
Starr Phonographs and Gennett-Star
Records, for sale at Hlacketone's Ice
Cream Parlors, West street. -
Old Home Week. in Goderich
August 7, 8, 9, ,^ 1, 1921
Former residents f Goderich are requested
to fill in the' spaces belo with the names and ad-
dresses of any Goderich Old Boys nd Girls, and
send to W. S. Bowden, Secretary_Q1(I\Ho_Week,
Goderich, Ont.
Spring Weather --
Sudden change from
warm sunshine to raw
wtfttdy days causes many
an ache and pain ! You
will do well to fight that
first twinge of
Neuritis, Sciatica, or
Neuralgia, before a ser-
ious attack develops. No
case is of too long stand-
ing, no attack too severe
but that
Templeton's Rheu-
matic Capsules
will bring sure relief.
Guaranteed to contain no
habit-forming drug, and to be absol-
utely harmless to the heart, kidneys
other organs. Prescnbed by doc-
tors, sold by druggists, 11.00 per box.
Trial free at our agencies, or w rite
Templetpns, 142 King W., Toronto.
Local Agents -Dunlop's Drug Store.
RSDAY, April 28.
Rev. t)r. Campbell at Chatham
this week attending the Meeting of the
Presbyt• rian Synod.
Mr. Samuel Treleaven halkeen quite
ill the past week, but the last fe
is somewhat improved.
ays he
David. the young stat of Rev.
Campbell, was kicked' by a colt a
rather seriously injured. but he is now
getting all right again.
Mrs. R. J. Treleaven, of Hamilton, if
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mts
Samuel Treleaven.
Owing to the wet weather there was
rather a poor attendance at the Red Hal
on Friday night, when the play, "Home
Tres," was given under the auspices of
the Anglican young people. The play was
cleverly performed.
Seeding is the •order of the day around
The U F. O. and O'Connor & Aplin are
kept busy shipping stock from McGaw
these days.
Mouses R. M. and Gordon Young at-
tended the funeral of Mrs. Hanna, of
Rev. Mtutun Tyndal. B. A., B. D. -
Thr degree of Bachelor of Dlrinity
haw barn eonferre.l by Knox College
upon 1tey. Milton. W. Tyndal, B. A., •
former ('ollwrrne township boy who 1a
now minister of a Presbyterian church
In Saskatchewan. Mr. Tyrklal's friends
In the old home township congratulate
him upon the honors he has oto well
Church Nt-Qusrterly communion
servlet• will he hell next Sunder morn-
ing at '1030 o'cloaek in the Zion Meah-
odiet church There will be an
evening Pricier next Sundry' 111 the
Iteumiller ebureh, eommwk•itg at 7
o t•I,wk 'rte services in connection
with the JdNhte anniversary of the
II.'umiller ehur•h profilist. to be of a
unique character. Bev.' W. H. Brown,
of Kirkton• a former pastor. will
preach on the Sittklay, May 22111d. at
11 a. in. and 7 p• m. A splendid choir
will be organize) for the /cession.
un the evening of May 24111, following
the supper to be serve) hi the school,
a splendid program will be given con-
sisting of selections from an elocution-
ist and a violinist from the London
e'onseryatory of MIMIC. v,s•al ?elections
front Mfrs. Rns..411.('mitts. Miss Whittle
A anstone alai otter loyal talent. and
addresses by Itev. J. F. Iteyeraft and
Rev. W. 14. Hn,wu. Full particulars
will be ecru text week.
Welnesday, April 27.
We are pleased to report that Mr.
Ewa rt Merlierwni, who has- been ser
ltusly ill, arrive) home on Friday from
'phi 1'Ity. Matt. He +vas aevim-
it'd ell his Journey by :MIAs Jean
1, of 4'alitary, who will spend a
en ,1 of mouths with her parents,
Mr. airs. W. C. Webb-.
Mr. n Mrs. James I►urnln atteHid-
isl the n .1 of tow late Mrs. Hanna
at Wing un M1'e etwilay- of last
Messrs. Fs a I and .Wert i►uruiu,
who sold flirt fa to Mr. Jas. Par-
don. have Ioug a farm on tlk' 12tlr
conves+ion of sh ll. "Floe iest
wishes of the come Jai \ gu with theta
to their new home. -
Hev. C. Cumming a 1 Mr. J. Smith
are at Chatham this 'eek- attending
the I'resbytertan Synod.
Miss Fanny Joynt spent'vt few, day-
Mr. Elmer Words ,tient the
Monday, April 25.
Raemon41 Finnigan spent a few
days ase week with frierkbr-at Wing -
ha tn.
Mrs. . Bike, of Mlatektng. agent a
few days eb her- mister. Mrs D., Ie.
Vera flips, t.t'>Yafeklng, is
gi.tiding a tow day* . at 3Ir. Wm.
Mi. write Met'on I. of !iris-
turnl to her home a r spending a
few weeks with friends h
Miss Mae Mleuary visit 1 et . her
home at Sheppanitou Sunda,
Mr. acid Mrs. M. Shackleton I.Itiet1
frieuths iu ihnnguunoti one day toy.
There will eke service in the chu 'h
here tett Sunday evening. May 1
at 7 , clesek. Special Music «will to
given by the choir. Sacrametrt wilt be
observe) In Ihmgants,n in the morning.
IT. A(•1;1•STINE.
Time Late Mrs. Me('abe.-Tie death
occurred here on Tuesday. April II►th,
of Mn. Margaret Morale. at the ati-
vatkvetl age of ninety years. After
four 'days of patient suffering. she
passel peacefully away fortified lite the
rites of the clone'. Her husband.)
Michael *('abe, predeceased her
thirty years. She lenge. a 'family of
tier: John and Bernard. of Calgary :
Mrs. A'. R„ Shea, of Victoria ; Tlksma.
A ALL hueae-_-_The_family
wish to thank' the frit -tide and neigh-
bors fur their ninny- a.t_s• of kindness
In their sad bereavement. 4
end with his sister. Mrs. kicks
Mr, Joynt has engaged Mr. S; -'ager
to work for hint this season. Mr. and
Mrs. Seeager and tamlly arrived fro
Toronto on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. .Martin Mrl►uwcll and
family. of w'tatteld,.and Mbes Culena
nark: of Lucknow„ spent Sunday with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. ('lark.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Todd, Mr. and
Mrs. D. Todd and Mrs. Ed. ,Meltolserts
Attended the funeral of their cousin,
Mr. Albert Collins. at A-rmow, on
Wed nesday.
1►n April 19 a baby Isoy arrived at
the home of Mr. su,i Mrs. Wallace A.
Miller and on thee• same day -a little
girl came to She home of Mr. atad Mrs.
R. Minton. Congratulations to the
fon,) parents'
TUESDAY, April 26.
Walter Dalton and Thomas O'Conncr
,have gone sailing.
Miss Annie Sullivan has returned home
from Detroit.
Two gentlemen of the vicinity have
purchased Foras.
Mr. and Mrs. Alban Griffin paid a visit
to Detroit.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs, David Little
regret the illness of their little daughter.
FRIDAY, April 22.
The Loyal correspondent did not go
far . nough east to see the good wheat
crops Iva. Tyndall and George Clark can
beat them all.
Mr. and Mrs. A Johnston spent a few
days with their daughter, Mrs. (Dr.)
Weir, Auburn.
We welcome Mr. and Mrs. James Scott
back to our village again after spending a
few months with their daughter, Mrs.
McNally of Godiiich.
Miles That Cost Less
"Auto -Shoe" miles cost you less than
ordinary tire miles, because you get so
many extra miles from each and every
one. The name Ames Holden
"Auto -Shoes" is to help you to remem-
ber the cheapest mileage you can buy.
• Run one Ames Holden "Anto-Shoe" against
the tires you are using -and find the miles that
cost less.
Sox" 7
isles 84 Pb... No. U
111111161111031. ONT.
Cord and Fabric Tires its -all
Standard line *,
For Sale By 'Red sae nen
P. J. MacEWAN,
St. Andrews St.. Phase No. 334
14 MT AL1(ERT.
oho and much este'esnel resident
th community, in the person of
1' thee. ('nnningham, departed
life on Sunday, in his eighty -
se nal yea The funeral took plate
to ungunin cemetery On Tlresday
aften ont. TIa bereaved family have
the sy pithy a wide circle of
friends i the ►owe ey have sustained.
A more tailed truer to the de.
ceased gent n will made In these
eoiumns nett\week.
Onee to Every W
What happens only "Once `tp every
woman" ?
fait -love at fust sight ?
Is it -the hunger for children ?
Is it -temptation ?
Ask your wife or husband -and see for
yourself at the Model Theatre, Wednes-
day and Thursday next.
Her Portrait
Her Day
Mother is deserving of the
finest photograph that
the lens can
Why not surprise her by
inviting her to our
studio this week ?
J. T. Fell
Window Shades
We have all colors and siren
of Window Shades-eombinatlon
white and green, ■nd cream and
((Teen. plain .white, plain cream,
plain green.
Shades delivered and hung for
you free of charge.
Flat Kirsch Curtain Rod
The trod that never wags nor
Smith's Art Store
iCaat At. Phone 180
PHONE 11111
"The Scotch Store"
Something New in \,
Popular Priced Waisis\
Just opened tip an exceedingly smart lot of the newest popular -priced white and
colored Voile Blouses, tie backs and the new overblouse.
Not for many a season has the separate Blouse been so popular as at present.
They come in the new Peter Pan collar, Tuxedo collar, Dutch collar and convertible
collar. Priced from $1.75 to $2.95 each.
The above Waists are made exclusively for the Scotch Store.
Wonderful Value in
Women's Gingham Porch
Dresses, Only $2.95
This dress leea wonder. Made from
good quality Canadian gingllams, in large
plaid patterns in smtirt style. Sizes 36 to
44. At the nominal price of $$.9b each.
Big Special in Bungalow
Coverall Aprons $1.00
This is an extra large Bungalow .tprori,
ade of extra quality print, short sleeves,
to . bound. Only $1.00 each.:
Two Specials in Ginghams
at 39c ar{d 50c yard
Splendid q
a wotiderful
Canadian Gingham' is
of patterns, in small,
medium and large check and plaids, good
washing quality,' for 39c yard.
Extra quality Balmoral Zephyrs, in
plain colors of pink, mauve, green, blue and
taut, also in a good variety of small, medium
and large cheeks and plaids. As these
goods are manufactured in Scotland, there
is no doubt.apout their wearing and wash-
ing equalities. These are regular 13e Zephyrs.
For 50c per yard.-
Something New in
Hand Bags
With your spring cn.ihtme you will re-
quire a Ileo- Hand Bag. They come in the
newest styles, including Canadian Beauty,
Kodak, Vanity, etc. These are the newest- -
styles. selected from the well-known Julian
Sale range.. Priced from $2.96 to $'1.60. /
Y Millar's Scotch Sto e
FLETCHER.-The death of Mrs.
Joseph Fletcher, of Whitby. occurred on
April 24th. in her seventy-seventh year.
Miss Fletcher. of the Goderich Collegiate
Institute staff, is a daughter of the de-
ceased, and went to her home two weeks
SWAFFIELD.-Relativee here have
received word of the death of Mrs.
'Wm. S. tw-a ftleId, of Eetew•a n, bask.,
which or -mitred on April :.''Irl after a
long, illness. The deceased waw form-
erly t�mma Henning. a daughter of the
late WiUtam Henning of c;oderich, and
will be cmtt.ered by many readers
of The S
MAIZF,.- Htelong revident of Ash-
fleld. Mr. Ja R. Mahe. palmed a
on April :dlt, in hie 6tty.dtth _
He itad been in Pryor health the fiat
two years. He was not married, but
is survived by his Mother and two
,sates, Misses Sarah aJennie, who
liver) with him, and athi-r. Wil-
liam .1., who has reeefifl returned
from the State of Wawhingfon. The
funeral took piece from the family
residence, 4th copreserion of Aghlleld,
on the 7th heti., the Interment being in
the ilungannon cemetery. Rev. D. D.
Douglas conducted the funeral eer-
Mr. Robert Russell moved his household
eft, is to Godench on Tuesday, where he
has purchased a resider. e. Mr. Russell
proved himself to be a splendid citize
during the year he was in our midst. He
was formerly Reeve of Greenock township,
and a leader in temperance work. He is
a justice of the peace, an arieht Orange-
man, and should make many frienis in
the county town. -Ripley Express., Mr.
Ru seller residence is in the H uroo road
May 8th, second Sataday is May
Secretary Barlow and Manager Hays of
the Purity Flours are at Zurich today
(Thursday) attending the schedule meet-
ing of the North Wellington Baseball
League. The Signal will publish next
week the dates of the games in the group
in which Goderich Will be most interested.
Mr. L. M. Hart-, of the Sterling Bank
staff, has signed up with the Purity
Flours. He is an experienced ballplayer
and plays in the outfield or behind the
The Pur' y Flours are still practising at
Victoria Park, the regular grounds at
Agricultural Park being at present too
mut' wtatersoaked. It is hoped to have
these grounds fixed up thio week and next
week the team may be able to practise on
the tegular grounds.
How would this do fora Zine -up of old-
(J'mers for one of the teams for a garde on
Old Home Week : D. Thompson. I h;
Henry McHardy, 2b; Jack Snell, w.;
Eddie Tilt, 3b; Fred Shannon, If; Chas.
Shannon, cf; Dr. Albert Robertson, rf;
Jae Doyle, Dudley Holmes, and Dr.
Edgar Swarth pitchers; "Sid" Malcomson
and Rcv. W. W. Stoddart, catchers.
Spares -Jack Wiggins, Dr. Ralph Hooper,
Lorre Algie. Who can give us a line up
of old-timers to heat them ?
Wingham Advance : Dr. J. M. Fox. of
Battle Creek, Mich.. has arrived here and
will enter into partnership with his
brother, Dr. J. A. Fox. ehirnpractor. fpr.
Fox will be particularly welcomed to town
by baseball enthtaiests. u he is a pitcher
of some experience.
"Say it with flowers.
Oh, say it with flowers.
Nature's sweet message
Tells love by the hours."
1 Florist - Goderich
Friday and Saturday
MAY 6th and 7th
All suitable for hot weather.
through optical science,
opening the shortest
pathway to the brain,
that eyes may see better
and farther.
Our up-to-date equip-
ment and experience
will prove to you that
e can treat the most
difficult cases.
Fraegee limited to the Eye.
Eyesight Spa/alit
West Street, GOD
Miss M. R. MacVicar
Kingston street, Goderich
DiD you ever try to inflate
a tire with a leaky
pump ? Got pretty hot
and made very little head-
way, eh ?
Your motor with the leaky
piston rings acts that way
when you try to climb a
How about a set of
"Pressure Proof'
OR -
"Double Seal" Rings
to start the season right ?
Phan 243 - Cadatidi