HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-4-21, Page 8h Thnrwday, April 21, 1921. ONTARIO VOTES DRY. Books Well Worth Reading in a moderately priced edition Benton of the Royal Mounted by R. S. Kendall Valley of the Gland leo 1'etei It. Kyue The Desert of Wheat by 'Lane lirey The Branding Iron by Katherine Burt The Torchy Books Also numbers of other really good looks. BUY ifoUR WALLPAPER tine while our .tock is com- plete. I Huron (Snort) ('outributr,. a Majority Bonds and Securities Investor+ holding short tern Ronda and A1' uritles of any kiwi. maturing In 1921 to 19411, ,should look to r'Iilv,`dthlg these Monis now while Tong tete, Itmils at Will Ilrterert rites are available. Money is lamming cheaper and lolling short term securities to their maturity, lerfore reinvest- ing w111 mean a considerable Ise., in income return: ln•t ns 1'41)11111 to you how you eau better your 11s•o111e yield now. We have authentic amid accurate informatipn supplitet 114 Uy the tilt- fivaticia1 houses in the t'ountry. Write or cell and get the in- formation you IIW,I ilir„q. E. H. HILL a CO BOND DEALERS British Exchange Bldg. Phone 316 PAINTBIG' awl DECOlIkM High-grade Wall Paper Samples 121 _--_inches.wadelkein en hand... O::•NOTICE, Samples will be taken so your home for m,pecoon. Over 26 years' experience. All work guaranteed. E. P. WEISS, Trafalgar St. of Otco 11000. in the I'rovhu•W1 referendum on )Monday (tntarlo plied up a prohihitioe unaJortty that may neteh 150,001. or even wore. The Ittajoclty of the large eitie4 voted .wet, but most of the smaller towns and the ivututry dis- tricts went overwhelmingly dry. In Huron Bounty every municipality gave a dry majority, and the total prohibi- tion majority iu the county is over 111.1110: 10 Uoderleh two 9011,1 V01141 wet by small margins -No. 5 (alt. Georgie/it ward) and No. 7 (part of Mt. Andrew's wet rd 1. In Colborne and Ooderich townships every toll had a prohlbitiyp majority. 4Tlw vote In Oodt'rK'h and the neigh- boring municipalities., by potting ante divisions, was as toMows: GODEItiCH TOWN. No Tel 1 144 175 113 141 71 161 4 IPI 207 111'( 11:, 6 121 _'Inti 7 67 1.4 Adenine Poll 14 6 691 107; Majority 384 4'01.11(111NE TI)WN$HIP. 1• a_ 169 2 0 149 14 _'1)3 4 14 7'4 410 530 )inj0rit'R• .., 450 (101)EIt1CH TUWj1a'MHIP. 1 - 'd11 110 " i 18 1G 99 w► 4 . 17 61 .7 ' 15 116 6 14 50 1016 512 406 111 jm sty Window Shades We. have 111 eolorw and all shits of Shades kept in stock; Shades delivered and hong for you free of i•hattt•: AGENT FOR THE Flat Kirach Curtain Rod, lte',t rel on the market. They -never sag. tarnish or r14st. Cottle iu :111,1 4•1'• these gals lwfere yuttlnw a1, your spring - curtails. Wi• van show you some artistic --4repery M.44. with- glens e s Art Store Fast tit. Phone 1i1 WHEN SO1' NEED A TAXI PHONE 196 TSE SIGNAL TORTURED BY TERRIBLE ECZEMA asiazwd Throe Y.ar. than Si. Triad "FRUIT-A-TiVES" DAME PETErb LAaa111111( Pointe St. Pierre, P. Q. "I think it my duty to tell you how much your medicine has done for me. 1 rajervd for throe years .sial resents Scram. I consulted several doctors and they did not do me any good. Then, I used one box of S.srAa- Sdsa' and two boxes of'/rrva•..res e and my hands aro now akar. The pain is gone and there has been no return. I think it is a marvellous euro because no other medicine did me any good and I tried all the remedies I ever heard of, without benelt until I rased 'Silesia -Save and 'Prwia.•ai.sa' 'Fruit a•tivass' asalad the blood and removed the mum of the disease, and 'Sootha-Sslii completed the cure." Dame PETER LAMAKRE (fila), 50c. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size 25o. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. HULLEv1' T4 )WNS1111'. 17 13R - 2 25 1410 3 :11 49 4 :4 119 -19 - -- 44 27 97 17 - 13 3 1410 670 )lajority. .-• :,Ill Ai411F1P1.D. . 13 1:.4 17 157 R' 131 15. 125 66 44 29 65 10 .99 149 775 ajority 626 1) 7 fir 16 129 7 1:p► 6 101 6 106 42 570 Majority 128 •'WENT WAWANOSH. 1 29 3 f1 l .7 6 42 -r 127 Mnjority CITY MEAT MARKET and GROCERY CO. SPECIAL _ Shoulder Steak 25c Ib. Beef Stew 17c Ib. Pot Roast . ,5.... 5 22c Ib. Pure Lard r 2 lbs. for 45c Best Red Salmon, large . , .4- 2 for 70c Small cans Salmon - 2 for 25c Snowflake Shortening .. z .-�, ... 2 for 87c Peanut Butter 24c a Ih. Rose brand Oleo. 36c lb. All Two -dollar Orders Delivered amnumuuuuuuuuunnulutnnuuunuuumuiuiuuuiuIuuuuIu1uoonm_ BOYS and. GIRLS will be glad to know that we have a big stock of RUNNING SHOES ready for them, so that they can purchase them ready for the next spell of warm weather. Mothers, too, are always glad when the family can put on the Runners, for they are so light and noiseless after the heavier winter -shoes, and less expensive to buy. We are safe in saying there are no better goods made than the celebrated "FLEET FOOT" brand, in high and low styles, black, brown and white, for sports of all kinds and every other occasion, in a variety of heels and toe4. A shoe for every foot and -a pricy to suit every purse. '.SPECIAL NOTICE. This store, in conjunction with other lead- , ing business places in town, will be closed at 1 p.m. on Wednesdays during the months b Ma a June, July, August and September. SIIARMAN'S. SHOE STORE • W. RRc. SItsRM gliiiiiifill11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Immar STANLEY. x 1:t 2.1 4 19 5 55 74 124 ----',41 Majority - • 416 SUMMARY FOR HURON COL'N'TY. sorT11 11IltON. _ - Nis Yes MeJority ('141Non 270 iCtt for S.•atorth • 444 801 357 Exeter 136 695, 559 Itaylield 62 134 72 Hensall x0 2644 204 Gorierir1, Tp 116 512 404 Illy 436 477 41 Itulle•tt 109 67O_ rant Sttanle;y - 124- MI 417 Stephen 343 ' 1642 499 Tuekersmith .182 61444 460E I'thorne 92 734 642 McKillop 2(13 426 223 Tol1t1- 2449 7395. 1.1744 1118 :116. 70 109 165 32 591 464 it GODERIC/I, ONT. THE OOLB6RNE STORE Wonderful Bargains in Ready -to -Wear are being offered Saturday, April 23, and Monday, April 25 A great many lines have been sorted .out and marked very low for these two days' selling. If you are in nee I of any lines of Ready -to -Wear be v ti sure to come and inspect he lines on these two days House Dresses Every House Dress has been marked down very low for these two days' selling. 20 per cent. will be the reduction on all lines of House Dresses. They are all Martha Washington style, which means perfect wearing qualities. Ali styles are shown in these Dresses in chambray, gingham and print. They range from $1A9 up. A special value at $3.00. Wool Middies A larg. range of navy blue Middies and they ore all pure wool. -Very prettily trimmed with white and red braid, hvith pockets and sailor col- lars. Regular $6.50, for $4.98. Blouses $4.98 White abutai Blouses with large or small collars in pla and fancy styles with pretty button trimming on c Either large or small buttons for fastening. E e alar up to $9.00. On sale at $4.98. Crepe de chene Bses in a sizes an►,every wanted shade. These Blouses are trimmed with beads and tucks. Cuffs ate trimmed with but- tons. Regular up to $15.00. `On sale at $4.98. Do not miss these values in Ready- to -Wear. They will not last long. Georgette;Blouses on sale at $4.98. A number of etty Blouses in the best styles, trimmed with beads or embroidery. Also with trimmed cuffs. Regular up to $10.00, for $4.98. Serge Dresses The best range of Serge Dresses ever shown by us. They come in every wanted style in plain or, pleated skirts and the blouse trimmed with em- broidery' or mbroidery'or beads. Wonderful values at $18.00 each. • Another line at $22.30. These are also special numbers and exceptional values at $22.50. g SP ria Coats and Suits Starting Saturday every Spring Suit and Coat will be greatly reduced in price. Substantial re- ductions will be made on all garments and it will be to your advantage to see these val s. Navy blue and black Serge Coats a below - regular price. Navy blue and black Suits all redu Fawn and light blue Spring Coats all iedu. in price. - • Children's Spring Coats reduced in price. J. H. CO ORNE CO. THE HO 1114 105 133 _an BABY CHICKS Fr, Pm, pnrefired trapneste,4 S. C. 1Yhite ioghorns, (Harron ?4t ra in l . The Harron Leghorn is an F:ngli-.h bird and for a le q - horn 14 it very Tame bird, some of then) laying as lerge R4 the Itork. Seldom do they ever set. With the (arming of 'warm weather the heavy hreede ere detenoimd to Ret, not no with the Leghorn, as that In the time sh. Is determined to lay. They wiii also lay In the winter If given proper care. From Nov- ember diet 1.. Apv44 iet ten of tier topnr.teil 14ghorne laid- 1035 e,rtts at en average a►rk'e for the (Iva month of 73e per down, or 102.78 for the ton bMde In the Mr months. From just such stock as these mini others nearly ea Brod we are offering ehlt'k. at 224• each, delivered at your uta thin. Huron Specialty Farm WALTER ROSE, itnnwels, Ont. Ilene 391 Rot 34. • OF RELIABILITY Goderich Winghaln 1blyth , W n,, 44.4 23 162 137 Aahtleld 149 '775 WO 41o1lwort. 410 Gilt 450 Grey 113 , .on0 1637 llowi -k 170 9715 9044 Morris 123 1102 539 Tnnterry• 19 ss 463 R. Wits Iii•4----411 x•70 _.8'344 W. Wawa nosh 127 :191 464 Total--- 4030 16187 6157 I'ounty etatd-4679 15442 1t9113 N4!IITH 111'19rN. . Nu Yes Majority roll 1075 :4x4 ' 225 746 521 1411 241 140 Town of Goderich. Town of Goderich PUBLIC NOTICE. The Board of Health of the Town of Goderich hereby noti- fies all householders and occu- pants of places of business to clean up their yards, cellars and any other premises over which they may have control, not later than MAY 1st, 1921. By order of the Board, F. G. WEiR, Assistant Sanitary Inspector. David Mclwain Agent for International Harvester Co: of Canada. All kinds of Farm Machinery In the Old Stand Hamilton Street. Goderich. SHADE.FREES- Any persons wishing the Town to plant shade trees on the street in front of their property will kindly leave word at the Town Clerk's Office. If the Town plants the trees it _b 4g.- pected that the property -owners win protect and water them. L. L. KNOX, 21 - Town Clerk. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, assistant at Moorefield's Eye Hospital and (:olden Square Throat Hos- pital London. En`. 69 Waterloo St. S.. Stratlord. Telephone 2375 At Bedford Hotel, Goderich, from Wednes- day, May loth, at 7.au p. m.. to Thursday. the 19th, at t p.m. OLD HOME WEEK NOTES. Mrs. T. G. Laing, of Sac City, Iowa. formerly Miss Linda Sturdy, of Goderich township, writes to the secretary of the Old Home Week : "1 was very pleased indeed to receive your invitation to the Goderich Old Home Week, and it gives me much pleasure to accept. i am certainly looking forward to the reunion. I have travelled north, south, east and west since i left Goderich some nine years ago, and i have yet to find a prettier place and nicer people. 1 certainly hope the Goderich Old Home Week will be a huge success.' N.D. Morrish. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., I sends several names and says : "If you write Mr. F. H. Taylor, Pickford, Mich.. you may get a list of names. as one per son told me that you might as well say something against the U. S. as Goderich around Pickford." Among others who have signified their intention of coming for the big week are Robert G. D. Maclaren, of Creswell, 1 Mich.. and D. McIver, of Winnipeg. Mr. and Mia. McIver have planned to make the top from Winnipeg by motor. REFERENI)t'M NOTES. fn•re s a genal deal of activity on bath std on- Mot,dav In- getting out the voters. the '•drys having air purnstOv tau' tet organization. Wo- men at -red ao scrn mere midi 114-elate1 in getting out the v P. meat of thein. Mit not all, tieing on t dry side At all the lolls but one - No. 71 there were two w4s of 4deputy ItrnGtg 0M- r•er., 311,1 1,011 clerk -o. in the evening the Tempera r Hall Min .rpm and the, pnrhihdTTon P1Y1 had their reward in Iwering tlw s of the prohibition Victory throng t the I'rovhMe. The city rota, es were largely nt,fevorable, hit when the Imes canes of how the r►nntie4 were voting any 110111)1 of a •hive dr7 majority wan eleerisi win What the vele As the result of the vete nn Monde; the Dominion 4 .wernin nt will Lane an order brfnglnt Into eR„•t In the i'rnvinee of Ontario the 4.11)1041.4 of the ('ana,hl Tetrrperanee Act which pro- hibit the sending or bringing Into thtt+ Province of any het,, bating ilinor. It is estimated that these provisions may come into ifflet 1 / Ile Ian, of .141n1, though a somewhat later dnte Is probable. Notes on the Voting. Huron is dry try more titan t•wo votte to 0111•. tio.Ierieh hail the biggest dry cote end Idol the biggest wet vete In the ennnty. Tiny township hail the smallest ma- jority In the county and (trey town- shipthe !argent. Tn pn►p►r,itkti to the vote pntleil East Wa'wanneh had the largest majority. The townahlp voted 570 to 42-on)r thtrtr•en to one The weather was lrevorehle for got - 4 »44 .m4 a lig vote, portienlarly In the emintr.. The rain emI "mow of Set- nrlev and Sunday mode the lent nirtit for working, hut the weather on )fon- day was plrws4nt and lipoid.- wen, nide to get ah0.4 rearllly Jii lgiint from tllw number of orders for Ilgnor that ore •w Id to he going In t" the dealer-., (4,sl.•rMh will have enough ' Hgnld .ton,' in roller- to malnrnln a ennehlerable degree 0f m0l4turc long after the new Iso romps into P(reet Mr. W. J. D. Peaty. of Cobalt. V6 .16 the ...pecker at a pnblu 111451ing held ender .4191. auapkw or the Liberty 1s'sgite .at ---tie -fewer fiall on Thnrtc• - day night. Ho la quite a fluent spenkM - ItAWAlcul 6ful changert ,a vote. A Targe number of • the prohN►Ition Ilan% were en hand to we that nothing was put over nn them. bort the inert ing ora. quiet and or�l,•liv. Uncle R'ilians and doe. tine of the '.yPt"• leaders had an encounter o11 pedllnq day with )Ir. Wm. (lamphwdl. who 1s an ardent pro- hM►kirNhrst. They esehango,l gr',•tings warmly. In sinus•what Grim style 1 pe•r- ,tapa I : ('.-"Y„n'r•' at flue fellow, Joe- \ .1tltP #.,- fellow." J:Thanks. old man--.Allow-n1' r„tvrn the rompltmeu.'• Mr. 4'.' - 'fell con 411t11 1.11-- 70. 1 think .rex, 'h of you I'm going to vnlne jour sty at t41ee wheat it'. worth and hot your standing a. a large taslnyer." A,e--•'Sep, that'. good 'of yeti, okl deer. 1'11 be mighty 111)1' tie do a job for you In my buil ny time." • e Amt .r► nn ---and they t 1',l w► ioud they surely mront whet Hi .std. (tel. J. A. S. \area•. on pty his rul.'tt'rlptlon one day thio week. /teed that thin was lila ttfty-trot year etc, a a111W'ri'Ia•r to The Signal. ile has igen raking ft since the year 11674. Mr. A. H. Jane has returned from Toronto, where he was taking a course in motor mechanics The 1401' of formaldehyde will tray yon lig Interpol on your money. Are pmt looking for an investment, Irk n• to tell yen atolt It E. R. With, 14niggiet, 11041Prk h. Mrs. J. S. Hume has returned to her home at Philadelphia. Pa.. after a visit with her parents. Mr. ani Mrs. C. A. Nairn. 1 Do a.1 tlaf�r ..enter da slat ttehIng, Blood - IRs, or Protrud- ing Plies. No @evilest oper- ation required. MimeoDMimeo Moment will relieve yen at once and afford loafing ban•It me. • 1s,1 i all dealers. or ltdmanann, Rats* a Co, LI Toronto maple Mrs inn It yen .dgoaonna.y4, tb s pester and ..oras. fa. aoassp r •