HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-4-21, Page 7,.-...,.,..,, .. 1
19nirealay, April 21. 11121. 7
Everything you need
for Fancy Wotk may he
found here.
Call and see the many
beautiful and useful ar-
ticles we have in stock.
7ss —
Miss S. Noble
South Side Square - - Coder'iti
ewill ba
nce tele.
ch, third
'ands to
)R, NO.
k, Ram -
hone 88,
•N •
oral door
t lowest
1, BAR -
tor, etc..
: lowest
C. tut~
and eon -
ie. Gods.
a., (lode.
Ice -Pres..
K. Hays
R. R.
Wove, Nati
Hurl k ;
loderich ;
1. Minch -
elan pay
lard. re -
or J. R.
d to
Flannelettes at reduced prices
Sheeting at reduced prleea.
Roekfast Drill at rdueerl tilers.
Gingham at reduced privet.
A nk•e assortment for Window
Curtains. from 2k avid up.
All -wool Surge, navy blue, double
width,, dt $1.75 per yard.
underwear, 10 clear, XL prices
worth while.
A greet number of articles in
Grs•eries at reduced prlcel.
"We Saw Your Letter
In the Newspaper
l "And is that cor-
rect what is said
about Dr. Chase's Nerve
"Yes, it is absolutely
"But why do you recom-
mend it?"
"For two very good rea-
sons. First, because it fully
restored my health and
strength when I was weak,
worriout and very greatly
discouraged, and, second, be-
cause I believe it is a duty as
well as a pleasure to let
other women know about so
superior a treatment."
"I never used Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food, but I got inter-
ested in that Woman's Ad-
vertiaing Contest they had
and nearly every woman f
Phone 44
Assenrir Cowan finds tile population oil
Blyth to be 170' Fresbyteiaolher u
Methodists, 247Ang
nominations, 18.
The remains of Dennis O'Connor, a
former resident of Blyth, have been laid
at rest in the Roman Catholic cemetery in
Morris. The deceased was residing for
some years prior to his death at Balcarns,
Sask. tie had reached the age of seven earseventy-
deceasedv live with their ghuncle, ufJohn
O'Connor. at St. Augustine.
LI'eK N(1W.
Mia. Ii)r.) Tennant and thin liter
1111y•• i•etllr•1HVI home after spending tlo•
wlulcr wilt friends at Loudon and
With the reorganited brass band, the
Pipe band and the juvenile hotel, Luck -
now should be well supplied with
mutsh• the coming summer.
David luau Geddes, soli of I)r, and
Mrs. Geddes of town, was merriest at
Edruuutou on ltarh 311th to Miss
Ague.: Irene Malloy.
At the annual meeting of the Luck -
now Howling club, the following ofljeers
were ele'ted: Pr'aldeent, J. J. Me(Juatg:
viceapresidetrt,i Fred Forton: seer retary-
treasure`, F. T. Armstrong; grounds
(rrlumltte e. W. A. i4domon. .1. H.
Cantelon and J. E. Agnew ; ;inane..
committee, T. Watson, 1t. Johnston
and T. S. Reid.
Mrs. Hanna, widow of the late John
Hanna, died suddenly on 14uud0y, In
her seventieth year. She was lawn in
Colhurie township, her maiden name
being Mary L. Young. She Wu- a wo-
man of great executive ability and wag
at the the -ad of one of the largest stares
lu Wingham.
Alexander 1)e•y, an old res111e'ut of
\1'ingharu. lassd away on April 7th
at the age of eighty-four years. He
wan lslrn in Banffshire, Scotland, "oro.
Wag to Canada when he was seventeen
years 14 age. He settled first in (:isle~
rich and there learned the blaekstuitli s
trade auds married Agnes
The (swan. who
diel four years ago.
wards lived at Breekville, St. Thomas
and auburn, cowing to Wingham over
thirty years ago. Mr. 1/ey was 0 I'res-
byn'rdau and a Liberal. Ile is sur-
vlvesl by two soon and five daughters.
\\'Ingham mer•hauts will observe a
weekly half -holiday for mix months.
May to Ortob'r, cursing at "12 shuck
rl,'ry Wednesday afternoon.
A banquet held under the joint
auepie.a of the town eoprwil and
Board of Trade, on tate evening of the
i4tth fust.. was one of the most 0101.0.0.
fol e'rrnts Wingham has hail for some
time. The principal speaker was
J. F.. llac•Kay of in gersoll, formerly'
business manager of The Toronto
Glob. and short addressees weere given
by a number of men from the town
and surruuntlfntt townships. '
niet seemed to be talking
about it. Thin I saw your
letter, and knew you would
tell me about it."
"Well, you know how weak
and miserable I was for
years in spite of all the doc-
tors could do for me. I was
nervous, irritable, restless
and sleepless. Thought some-
times I would, go out of my
mind from worry and de-
pressed spirits. I need not
tell you how well I am now.
You can see for yourself.
There is the whole story, and
all the credit is due to Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food."
"I get your viewpoint now.
It would be a sin and a shame
if you did not tell others."
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food,
50 cents, all dealers, or Ed-
maneon, Bates & Co., Ltd.,
ltrin.ley (near c'reliton is to have
new Methodist church building. for
which the ev,utracts Wirt' been
a wit rdel.
Mr,. J. -,.le l/'elinin. one of the
pioneer+ of the township of H.t}•. diel
on April lith at the bane of ls.'r
daughter. Mrs. 11. C. 7.a .fes, Blake, do
her eighty-ninth year.
Kenneth Mer•kpnale, a well-known
resident ,d Kincardine district. died
best Fri11•v at the age •,f ..iyty-rig)t
The Trouble Man
It's a comfort to know there's
a man on whom you may call
in your troubles—the Plumber.
We know our business and
are here to serve you.
Phone In
Hamilton eer..t
Metal Work
Mr. and Mrs. 4'. Conley. The young
emrple 'w'ill wake their home on Ow
groom's farm, 4fh cetn'es+elem of Grey.
At the' home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
itf.set4 1':Ioertoe•
township. on \Wwlner-
day. April 13, their y g•^t daughter,
Hanel F'.. bet -aline the bride of Harvey
/till of Sarnia, se. of Mr. ant Mrs.
William 11111 of London, formerly of
Stephen. The .ereu • was ilerform-
el by Iter. M. .1. \\'holo. Sir. and
Mrs. Hill will make their home at
On Sunday morning. April 11th.
while Mrs. rd. halal, of ('OIstan•t',
was at the barn milking, :le took a
luu•alyth• ,ttroke from whk'h she dlcl
not nilly, passing awur the same
evening. Slav was in Iver seventy-
) ear. Sir Ales.nsk'r Mackenzie, of fourth year and Is survived by ,elx
Itis de Jatwiro. is a brother. !lens and two daughters. Ilter husband
The Kllga•n ctrtuutunitg mourns the died sir yearn ago. Mix. Rawls hail
death of 'Walter Lrwretitw Workman. lives) for forty-uinr yearn on the farm
,ran. of Sir. and Mrs_ Tla+m:t" Work- on whirls she died. •
moan of that pines,. nt the ,early age of SEAFORTH.
fours~ It yeane stud Wow in ontM.
1,iah'te•" was the cause of death.
Mrs. Elia' Jane t'olema n, .,f He'n-
salt, diel nn Ttles.lsy, 12th test., at
the ripe age• of eighty-three years
Her httsbant, the late Fran•Is Cole-
man, preterewd her sixteen year+.
Fol,e antis and four daughters survive.
At the early age of twenty-otw yeirw
Lena Isah'I (Ton, the yuungeet
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J'oeeph Shan►:
townshlp of Morrie, departed titin life
on Thurisley, April 7th, after oyer a
year of poor health. The young wo-
man IV/1.1 a general favorite in the
community. '
The remains of Robert NtCartney.
who died In Alberta, were brought to
the home of his eoushl, George Mc-
Cartney. M Tn•keremlth. and were ttt-
terrst In el' family plot has Itatrd's
cemetery. The deeased teas born at
nreefleld fifty-sin•rn years ago.
A epeeist meting of the Presbytery
01 Maitland wait held oto April
at llelgrave. when 4'. G. Jones. a re-
cent graduate of Knox Colle'ge. was
ordained to the minietry, and teas ip•
diw't(d to the eharge Of the l're'by-
lerlan• congregation's of itelgrave anal
aIrin Merrell.
�111eee iterra Spelran, daughter of
Luke C. Spselran, Grey township. had
a0 unfortunate accident reently. She
had been driving a team on the land
roller and tenet unhitr•hing the horses
when they he•a'mee frightened and
pulled the roller over h,'r leg, tweaking
It below the knee.
A pretty wedding took place in
Burns' ehnr•h. Hnliett, on Wclneeday
of last week, when Iter. Jas. Ahrey
rforwetl the ceremony uniting M1ss
mite keid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Alexander Reil, and William Norman
She1llteNl, eon of Mr. trod Mrs. William
Shepherd, all of IluMPtt.
d1y pee
forrss or
si▪ tes the
:d; cut
sorts of
Ind anis.
Lie twin -
se. atm -
OT Idd-
mass at
of warm
ad yew
Anna ter
as them
al No
JJJytllllon and St. Andrew's Sta.
Before buying fertilizer be
sure to get prices from'
ug. We handle
Harris -Davies Fertilizer
of all grades.
Cockshutt Machine
Ws bays for aais a quaafkl
of No. 1 rod Cedsr Perla, also
neo good Amber Peaty at
Csebsbutt Miaeblrs Sbs% How
Yes. Stmt.
'I`HR health of your ' 11
skin istuuampurt•
aot fur you to be careless
about the bath soap you tote.
Keep the akin clear and
.mouth and prevent akin
troubles by using
It is the best of all soaps—
yet it i. more than a cleanser.
it disinfects too
rr r.,i.ear .S...
lo L✓.11ea u .
Aida d (rs psnat-
1se ,..asi.,- No-
L...r s,utt,.rs
Longed, To.o.eo
Saturday and Every Other Day
we show values in Men's and Boys' Clothing and
Furnishings that bring discriminating buyers to
our store. Our spring stock comprises all that
is desirable in
New Suits New Hats
New Spring Overcoats New Gloves
New Shirts New Nec ties, etc.
Get your sprilg outfit here
satisfaction that comes from
your Dollar purchased 1
have the solid
e knowledge that
cents' worth of value.
Septi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
that Gotle•riih rolled up it tin• last
election, if if 411,.7. .not w foe 11 teat 11111`
pletele and result in a victory to the
anti -prohibition fury'.. 'rhe "wets-
lea+t are jubilant, and sanguine of
cess.- tlnit•tly flwy have heel)
hryte and. WI 11 the aid of en
advertising catulaipt, won
have won litany pros•l •
eallae,rwhhle :the to
have, 10•11 large ext
11111e. while 110 o
twin what the
he, the hudk•a
Hell may
strpris s
in II
lv 1
A Splendid Medicine
for the Children.
Baby's Own Tablets are the best
medicine a mother can give her little ones.
They are a mild laxative which quickly
regulate the bowels and stomach and are
guaranteed to be entirely free from any
injurious drugs. Concerning them Mrs.
A. D. West, Loreburn. Sask., writes :
"Baby's OwnTabiets have -given me •
The Seafonh lawn bowlers held their malefaction than anything else I have
annual reorganization meeting last week, i ever given my children. They are easily
and made plans for the coming season.) taken ; always work well, and though I
have given quite a few to my baby they
The Huron county tournament for the
eeern to work as well now as at first,
Mia. \Andrew Swan, an eeteemed
r00t41e'trt 01 Bnw efleld, idled on Tlteeday
of inti wP4( In .the Clanton hoopltal,
at the age of thirty years. The de-
ceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
P. iIow•er, iA Ktppen, and leaved, be-
sides her hnehand, a daughter of two
yearn and an infant son.
The end news ham been revived of
the death. at 1weonnh,, Alberta, of
Mrs. Thornes featree'rvler, of Hullett
tmenwhlp, who went to the West a leer
•irks ager on a tMtt. Deathwan die
t,, pneumonia. The remain* were
brought In the home of her da hter,
Mrs. WIHIsm Crittenden, Hu ett,
wiener the funeral took place o
Burnie cemetery.
Merner trophy will be held June 4th and
the annual tournament in Scotch doubles
will be held July 20 and 21. R.E. Bright
was elected president and G. D. Haigh
At the annual vestry meeting of St.
Thomas' church the reports presented
lowed the church to be in a flourishing
which is something other laxatives seldom
do." The Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from the Dr. Williams Medicine,Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Rev. S. E. McKegney, Anglican rector
of Clinton, has received an invitation
from a church at Alma, Mich., but is not
likely to accept.
Word was received in Clinton last week
of the sudden death of Alfred Owen of
New York. head of the Clinton Knitting
Co. and son of one of Clinton's pioneer
business men, the late William Owen.
The Clinton lawn bowling club has held
its reorganization meting for 1921. W.J.
Stevenson was elected president and H.R.
Sharpe secretary -treasurer and it was
decided to hold the annual tournament
on July lith or 13th.
A junior baseball club has been organ-
ized with M. Elliott as president and F.
Jenkins secretary -treasurer.
Word has been received of the death of
Watson Ainlay, formerly of Brussels,
which occurred at the home of his daugh-
ter at Lomond, Alberta, in his seventy-
first year. Mrs. Ainlay predeceased her
husband. A son and a daughter survive.
While working at a stave -cutting ma-
chine in Ament Bros.' factory William
Thompson, of Cargill, had the first joint
of three fingers taken off.
Russell Brown. druggist, formerly of
Brussels, has purchased the Sabine drug-
store at Toronto, the proprietor of which
a fe* weeks ago was killed by a gang of
The Brussels Presbyterian congregation
has extended a call to Rev. Mr. McLeod,
of Wyoming, as successor to Rev. A. J.
Mann .
The death Oeenrr"d on April 11th d
Henry Jackson, a well-known resident
of the townehlp 01 Morrie. He and
lila wife were visiting a daughter, Mrs.
R. McDonald, at itrigden, Ont., when
the call came. The derererel had been
in failing 'health for some months.
Resides him ,wife one nos and three
davghters survive. The remains were
brought to Blyth for Interment.
Jotoeph E. J.e 1ln and t.tly Mae
Conley, both of Grey township, joined
heart and hand at the itrn5Ple Meth-
odist pslnnnage or tredneeday. April
etb A.lterwattia a reenaloa Was held
tensiv e
.(elll to
.s' Til Ile'
rintc• fortes
t, been marking
e may say for (,t-
ilt of the cute will
,ns are many that Gole-
nish o0.' of the biggest
f all (etario at the Is,ll
today. While there are many
ranks of the temperance fnnvn
-are doing yeoman service to the
t . tow', their follorwers in large we•asnre
seen] to have lost interest to the fighf.
AI least, thisis the impression gained
from conversation with hankers, mer-
chants, public officiate. and working
men onloth side's. -
interviews by Globe Man with Gode-
rieh. People.
A staff corre,lpaident of The Toronto
Globe was In this county early last
week and sent the following despatch
to hitt paper from (loderie'h :
Gotterleh, April 12.—An apathetic
indifference as to the result of the
arming vote that semis to have settled
like a blight on a large part of the
"dry" fon•e's hen'. and a strong feeling
among the "wens" that Government
control 1* the only sate and .aIle li•gis-
latIon that should he enacted. 10:n• do
much to reduces the lir dry majority
On Wednesday, April 13th, at the
Thames Road manse, John Edwin Pollen,
of Exeter, and Miss Viola Hunkin,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos Hunkin,
of Unborn, were united in marriage by
Rev. G. M. Chidley. The young couple
will make their home in Exeter.
Miss Lulu Hedden, daughter of Mn.
Catharine Heiden, of Exeter. was mar-
ried at Regina, Sask.. on April 2nd. to
Clifford Bridal, of Crystal City, Man.
The young couple will make their home at
Corcratkxt, Alta.
Ain. Richard Davis. of Er t ter, passed
awn, on April 11th, after a Ion illness,
at the_ age of fifty-one years. Her death
occufled at VictOrla hospital, London,
where 'belied been the last six weeks.
Rev. R. J. McCormick. t)astor of Blyth
Methodist chureb. Isas been invited to
become the pastor of Hyatt avenue
Methodist chur.:h. London, at the end of
the present Conference year,
Mr.G.E, McTaggart has returned home
from fthe Wingham hospital, where she
at the hese of the bride's parents, his undergoing treatment.
Was a Girl
OOP skirts were
II woes by thoee who
first asked It . druggist
for, and insisted on
having, the genuine
Golden Medical Discovery put
up by Dr. Pierce over 50 years
ago: Drees has changed very
much since then? But Dr.
Pierce's medicines contain the
same dependable ingredients.
They -are standard today just as
they were fifty years ago and
never contained alcohol.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery for the stomach and
blood cannot be surpassed by any
tonic and attentive today.
When you feel "all out of sorts"
—your vitality at a low ebb—the
blood becomes surcharged with
poisons! The bast tonic is called
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis-
covery. Dr. Pierce manufactured
this "Discovery" from roots and
barks without alcohol —a cor-
rective remedy, the ingredients of
which nature put in the fields and
forests for keeping us healthy.
It puts vim, vigor, vitality into
the blood. Try it 1 All drusnrieta
Send 10e. to Dr. Pierce's Bridge -
burg, Ont. Laboratory for trial pkg.
('Hp Majority.
"There sem. to me 1(1 Is' au entire
leek id hutere"t on the pan of the
prohibition (ores.. on the whole ours -
thou, and ,a evnuplete iudiffcren•e *0
the issue at stake,'. said the manager
of on' of the lending bunks, in con-
versation with The 11;lobe today.
-i\1p1P r, personally, 00 1100t- coneice
for a moment that the 'wets' will win
out, there is no dot1141 they will recites.
considerably the majority of last ele'-
"1 'believe that Golprieh will go dry
toy three to one. There was a Iarge
dry majority at the last election, and.
•-hile one .ytnqut , . h -eve that
repeated, we shall win by a sdleltantial
majority—of that i have (6 tWuhL"
said Rev. J. F. It1•yeraft,, ,Metlioltst
'thanks to a very effs-i ant license
inspector. for one thing. Goderieh has
!poorer. to any great extent, been
1101)1441 with the bootlegger, tlnugh
it can by no means claim immunity
from the "wart that are dark .aid
tricks that are vain" for whith mwn-
h'r% of the bootlegging frott•ruity are
Poor for Bootlegger,..
"We lire t000 far removed from Ibe
border here, and there is to/ large a
stretch of water between ns to make;
bootlegging n paying profession." Mr..
A. \I. Robertson, high school teacher
and secretary of 110' Social Service
Now fety. maid, "auol cou,le'grn'utly we
have been e•omparativelj• free from it.
What trouble we have' had, lenv,w•rr,
has made ase desirous of wiping the
whole thing out. Regarding the town
of 1 olerich, I have no doubt whatever
that it will by a majority cote ''1''"
Owiug to the sea,ou of the year at
which the cote d'- bring taken, the
rural distrit's-i_frIWre, _will root- come
'nut as strortgly,-ra -they 1J7C1li_JDIlt�=
"1 !MVP, p'rhapa, better farllitles for
gauging New he tote will go than
anymie•, and 1 would say that it is my
peretnal (opinion that in the whole of
Huron enmity stud in the town of Godo -
rich the 'drys' will win the day," Mr.
W, ---T. refits neem. Iii,gsctor. said.
Mall the petrpre reg -Flared, se per
rent. of theta, be was sure, would rote
Wet Catchword. '`"
••(;ovenimene ooutrol" are the cato•h-
worthc with which the "wets- have
monghf to obernee the inane, and the
sh*dx,leth they use on each and every
occasion. Anything less than thin,
they declare, it is "grows infringement
of the rights and liberties' of free
British iw opte."
"•i will be very much surprised
indeed if there is not a large majority
who vote 'No'," Mr. Joe Itrn+phy, under-
taker, and the leading light of the wet
for•ee, said. It was in the parlor of
Mr. Brophy that the memorial noting
,(leivernment eontrol was housed, where
ell who wished to coign it had to restore.
•4)f signatures to the met deaf we lead
over 1100 name.,.' he said, 'alai, as the
vatting list for the town coetains the
maws of only mem" 1,200 voters, it is
ratty to see how the vote will go"
When it was hinted that perhaps
many who signed the memorial might
say "Yea" Instead of 'Nay" on Mon-
day, Mr. Brophy looked .e'andaltaed.
•ThPtr are merry things ewer bad
for !sheeting, and ower glad for ban-
ning like Jtob Roy," maid Mir Walter
Scott, and if the name a the notorious
Highland freebooter he changed to that
of John Parley -corn, the prevailing
sentiment of a large mans of the people
here with regard to the queetion at
Home won)d sees to be indicated.
Father - "What did the teacber think
of that essay 1 helped you to write.
LlttlP Dorothy -"Ms *aid I was get-
ting stupider every day."
►ua11y nous
Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away
No math how snit, how arty, bow dllaptdated, ire
a tope around them and ■end to ua to be made into
The Famous "VELVETEX" Rugs
Reversible—Wta wear a 11fettm.-I'rta-s reasonable.
We have hundreds of recommendations from sells -
fled customers. Ask far "VELVETSX" Prise List.
We pay expires, both ways on large orders. One
way on smell orders Pone 114•11Established lava
Yonne and Citadel S".. To.en,e
Accountancy. stenography, type ming and
general improvement COO rlta; caper 10f .5
'traction only, students a'neted to pnesn,on..
open all year; write for prospectus: enter
note W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal.
Try a Want Ad. in The Signal,
Use a "Hydro" Vacnpm
Cleaner sod your house isial-
ways clean. Does the work
quickly and makes no dost.
Says Cream Applied in Nostrils ',
Opens Air Passages Right Up -
See our display of Hydro
Lamps, irons, Washing Ma
chides, etc., at
The Hydro Store
G.derich — Ods &
instant relict—ao waiting. Your
clogged nostril* open right up: the air
passages of your head clear and you can
breathe freely. No more hawking, .nal•
fling. blowing, headache, dryness'. No
struggling for breath at night; your
cold or catarrh disappears.
Get a most] bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your driggl.t tow. Aipty
a little of this tragraat, antiseptic.
healing cream in your aptitrIllti !t pees
etratee tbroagb every air passage .i the
bead, eootbea the inflamed or swollen
mucous membrane and relief comes r
11's just ioa. Don't stay stuger'od
with a cold or nasty catarrh -
Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross's
are Aspirin—No others 1
11 yen don't see the "Bayer Crena"
es the tablets, refuse them—they are
sot Aspirin at all.
iss,st os genuine "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin" plainly stamped with the safety
"Sayer ('nos."—Aspirin preerihed by
b niciafor nineteen years tad proved!sas safe by millions for headache, Tooth.,
aebe, Eataehe, Rheumatism, Lumber,.
Colds, Neuritis, and Psis geseral
Handy tin bases of 12 table-to—sloes
larger "Sayer" Foam's. Made No
Aspirin is Ile trade wart i r teres
is Canada', of Bayer Maautaetwre e�
Monoseetietleidester of Ralicylieseid.
While it is well known that Aspirin
means Bayer nsaaufattere, to assist MA
public assist imitatiess, the Tebbe of
Bayer Company, 1444, will be st•��tat
with their general trade otarb,
'Bayer Cress.