HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-4-21, Page 6d --Thursday, April 21, 19'21. THE IIIIGNAL GODZRIOH, ONT. tunaaw ass Two Seasonable Articles EL KAY'S STRAW LAT DYE Makes the old hat look like new. Sixteen colors 35c GLASS EGG PRESERVER gs while price is low. Each tin f preserving liquid 2Oc HOSPITAL LADIES' AID FORMED. LET US MAKE 1QU CLOTHES and they will express your personality. They will fit you better, wear longer, and give you the satisfaction and confidence that come from dress- ing in perfect taste. ., F. H. MARTIN, Tailor Wets i 1' tario Best Commercial School CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT." Our winter term commences Tues day. January loth, and students may register in our Commercial. Short ►r owl w Telegraphy departments at -ter time. Our courses are thorough -end practical, and we assist graduates ...positions. Get our free catalogue. n b. McLACHLAN, Principal. MEN'S SUIT S of Right Quality As well as our young linen's style ,we carry a large and complete stack of the more con- servative models for both young and old, ranging in price from $16.50 to $36.50. SPECIAL FOR Saturday and Monday 15 Men's English Worsted Suits in blue and fancy materials, all new patterns. While they last $22.50. All -wool blue Serges, guaranteed indigo dye. pure wool, single and double breasted styles. While they last $35.50. Special - 15 Men's Suits to clear at $16.75. M. ROBINS Open Evenings New Spring Millinery In the newest, smart- est and most favored shades in hats of Milan, Hemp, Tulle, La* and Mohair, with trimmings from the effective ctive sim- plicity of ribbon to the beauty of flowers and glycerine mounts. Miss M. R MacVicar Icineston street, Goderich • RUB DACKAGIIE aN0 LUMBAGO RIG1 0111 Raab his and Stiffness away wills a small bottle of otd homed SL Jacobs oil Ines your book r was ed Lame or lnbago .otstiok or rheumallem las rims* up, don't suffer 1 OM • 7i seat bottle of old, hones* "St. Jambe Oil" at say drug store, pow • huts to your band sad rub it regial into cis rebs, Lis or s, and by the Tse •eua1 any, tb..Dremem aad i samems y Doi'* allay .rippled l Tbi. •,iii • >Mterg otl awls to be wed ser r 1. dam► If baba the .cis and right, IRA eif rim bah and eade Or misery is y megisei ye* akeohl(rly baamleee err/ doe.'* burn the skis. 111104 hag else stops )ussbage, .,*eros N S isms heti misery .o prompt's' .An Organized Effort to Assist In Hos- pital Improvement Work. Some 'weeks ago the board Of gov- ernors pnvernors of the Alexandra Marble and 4;euentl Hospital appointed a (vm- mittee of threw. namely: Mrs. W. L. Horton, Mrs. Onulthurat and Mrs M. G. Cameron, to sw.e if a Ladies' Aid dvwhl 4w formed in connection with the hospital. This committee (rime to the conclusion that the (rest way to retch those who should he jlutereakd would lw by appealing to the societies already organized in town stud eountry, and asking them to semi delegates to an organization meeting to to held in Goderich. Thin organization meeting was held in the Board of Trade rooms on Fri- day afternoon last, with the following delegates present: From Abmeek Chapter, I. O. D. E. - Mr.. Carrie. From General !trough ',Chapter, I. O. I. E. -Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Wal- ter Neftel. From the Maple Intl Chapter, I. O. 1). E. -Mins Claire Reynolds. From the Women's Institute ---Mrs. Magrfus Swanson. From Saltforf--0e.s. Adams and Miss Margaret Bisset (workers In the former Reil Cross So•tety of Sanford). From 1)u rigannun Women's Institute -Mrs. (Dr.) (ase. ' From Lisburn Ladies Aid -Miss Ilene Shaw. From Smith's Hill -Sirs. Andrew Johnston (president of the former Red Craw Society). Regret,+ wen• sent from the ladles of the Ashaeld Patrlotie Society that their representatives would he unable to some in, but assuring the meeting of their support mud adding that at their fast meeting they had voted 5500.00 for a pard in the new hospital. Mrs. J. Long and Mrs. Wm. Wilson. the former from Benmiller, and the latter from Taylor's Corners. were un- able to be present. IMri. Cameron, of the hospital nun - mate., .mitte., took charge of the meeting. After explaining its object. 'which was to ,w•ure the assistance of the women of the town and rnuntry on hehalf of the hospital, the (meeting was thrown open for discussion. after which it was moved by Mrs. McDonald and seconded by Mrs. (Dr.) (`ase, of Dungannon. that s iadies' Aid be formed, to be known as the iwdiev' Aid of the Alex- andra Marine and General Hospital. .t thorough canvass is to be made of the town and country for members. after which each district in flee coun- try will appoint its awn executive. con- sisting of a first and second riee-pres1- dent and secretary -treasurer, who with the executive chosen from the town membership will tvntrot the organiza- tion. this executive to meet in the Board of Trade rooms, Golerie'h, on 'May 17th, to complete details and ar- range for the delegate4 to go before the county council at its meeting In June. MEANT TO (TRE, NOT KiLL. Mrs. Hastings Explains Her Statement as to Husband's Desch. YtratforI, .April i8 -"I gave him two tablets, the same ea i ilad heen taking for myself, not intending to do him any harm, but to cure his head- ache."" 1 TIIM was the statement made by Mn. Catharine Hastings before being formally committed for trial this morning by 'Magistrate .%bikini+ on a charge of murdering her hnshersl. Daniel Hastings. of Logan. by adtuln- istering strreI rine tablets to him on the night of Msreh 21. The woman was egmmitted on the strength of her earn conf.-'don, vol- untarily merle and Signed the day fol- lowing the funeral. In it she eon - tossed to giving her to shwtnd prison, nasi expressed the Iwl that the poison so administered used his death. Before being committed fur trial at the next criminal a.Mifi.' . and In reply to the charge, Mrs. Hastings w111: "The night my husband died he sat up in Ind and complained d w head- ache. i ga,re him two tableta, the same as I had Veen taking myself, not intending to do him any harm, but to care his hesdaehe. When he died ,,o suddenly 1 trireme paniesitricken, and 1 throned t --wits- the cause of it. "When i went to Kitchell I did not know what ' 1 "wan saying. i was erss,ed with grief." The Poli..• Court proceedings were a 'matter of mere routine The wo- man's confession was 'produced, read and entered a. evidence. Police Con- stable Willard Ingram appeared and twinned to the circumstances which ASIa Expect to find the Fisherman, I the "Mark of Supremacy,) r on every bottle of emulsion that you buy. This means that you will always ask for scorE's EMULSION beat a Sawa. Tenant. O.t AL*O MAKERS OF KIMoDS r Grearlaa ' INDIGESTION as -tisk LETTER FROM MRS, WAKELIN Tells Remarkable Story of Sickness and Recovery. Toronto, Ont. - "I suffered Featly from weakne seemed to be tired aU the time, and had no ambition to do any- thing or go any place. My nerves were in bad shape, 1 could not sleep at night, and then came a breakdown. 1 read of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound in the newspapers and sev- eral of my friends advised me to uae it, an it . ypu new life into me. Now I am quite able to do all my own work, and 1 would strongly advise every suf- fering woman to give Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound a trial." - Mrs. CIAtt.as WAStwx, 272 Christie 9t, Toronto, Oat., The makers of Lydia E. Pfakham's Vegetable Compound have thousands of such letters as that above -they tell the truth, else they could not have been ob- tained for love or money. This medicine is no stranger -it has stood the test far 'sore than forty years. If there are any coomplieatiomn you ds aot naderstaad write to Lydia L Pink - ham Modica* Co. (confidential), 14>w Haas. - led up to Mrs. Hastings' making lar confession in the office of lir. 1t. 8. 'Murray at Mitchell. The constable testified Boit he had asked Mrs. Hastings whether she hod not given her hu.swind the tablets by mistake. but that she had as,urllri him that she knave what she was doing. as she had usesi the .4111)1' sort of tab- lets for besdse"tw" ('onstable Ingram prowlunwl several boxes of pilled and tablets found in her home. As Mrs. Hastings cannot he tried until September an effort will tw made by F. fl. Thompson. K. 1', her counsel, to obtain her release on hall. HOW RHEUMATISM CAN BE OVERCOME. Not by Rubbing, but by En- riching the Blood. Rheumatism is a disorder of the blood. It attacks people when the blood is over- charged with acid and impurities. thus setting up inflammation in the muscles and joints. Wet weather or cold weather may start the tortures of rheumatism, but it is not the cause. The cause is in the blood. Victims of this malady have every relaon to fear the first dull ache In the limbs and joints. followed by sharp pains through the fresh and mercies ; these are the symptoms of poison in the blood, which will shortly leave the victim pain - racked and helpless. Liniments, hot ap- plications and rubbing may give tempor- ary ease. ,but cannot possibly root the trouble out of the system. That can only be done by enriching the blood. This new biood drives out the poisonous im- purities, and the rhegma ism disappears, if you are a sufferer from this painful malady, begin the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills and see how soon the pains and stiffness of the joints fade away. Among those who have benefitted by the use of these pills is Mt. Freeman Irving. Bute r Harbor. N. S. who says : "Some time ago my blood was in a terrible condition, leaving me very much rundown, and with boils breaking ou; on my body. To add to my misery rh.umatism set in, and I not only suffered greatly from the pain, but could only get around with the greatest difficulty. After trying several medicines without much success, I decided to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial, as they had been warmly recommended to me. 1 think I used nine boxes altogether, but the results met my every expectation, as both the bolls and the rheumatism disappeared. Naturally I feel that i cannot praise the pills too highly." 4You cap get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills'. through imy dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • EAST WAWANOSiI. The council of Eget Wawanosh met as per adjournment on April 14th. with the m.aotwrs all present. After the reading of the minutes,of the pre- ulna* meeting 'Mr. Gillespie objected to flint portion whereby the impression was given that ;1(10 had been voted in alit of the memorial ball In IElyth in- stead of this amount being granter) for the sole purpose only of having the names of the soldier boysfrom this 'munielpallty who had aid the su- preme sieritte irs.erRwd on a tablet In this building. With this change the minutes were then approval on motion of Strairghan and Gillespie. Fred Toll was present and stated that the Toll drain was badly In need of repair on lot 40, convention 3, and made op - pill -1010n that the came be attended to thin weason. The Reeve snit ('omwillor Streughen were inntnwetnl to attend to this matter. (Court of revision on the Sturdy drain was opened ae,•orling tD notke. No appetite being received against the assesrmsentn, the bylaw in connection therewith was finally read and passed. A. 'Scott was appointed pethmester in -pi ee of P. Gibbons and O. G. Anderson in plate of Geo. Irwin. Thr following nee otmta •were paid: .1 .141ithertand, gr.vc4ling on (•nneession 13. $15; Thos. Rradnoek, repairing washout and gravelling on concession 9, SS; Tiros. Bndoot•k, turntables mnaterlal end repairing Potter's bridge, $12; Geo. Pocwk, grading, $19; R. Vint, balance of bridge contract, We: the dawyer4Maamey Co. road grader. $3-'0462; W. J. ('urrie, freight and grease for grader, Slit 114 Next meet - Ing of cotrreiit will he Ment on May 'Meth as a engirt of revision on the os. siso rues roll and for erdlnery town- ship businann A. POITTERFiEILD, (clerk. -r..._,_...-.. . • G. C. 1. EXAMINATIONS. lit. Ye K. Wilson • snit L. A. Macklin Below 50 per taut. - The results of the Collegiate iamb• (•. lis Nairn 40.11 tate term examinations ending at the W. Weir 49.1 Easter vaeatlou are tiro: below. F. E. Huinlwr 43.0 E•OR3I I. A. Average tis per teat 1. Honors - I:. Merit riling U. Nairn I1. Honore - M. Mulholland \I. Johnston 1'. Freeman 1). Fisher A. ltruwu W. 0. Andress it. Mt'Manus 00.4 A. Buchanan 6'L3 I. Murray (i6 A. Richanlsrn 61.7 C. Mehra tti 63.2 V. \Thompson MISS Mn rim ret (Lmpbeli 01.'4 Mae L's umbel' 60.8 Belt Pass - D. Wei: ke M. 'Mcl.wig l'. Ruffell F'. Stoke. 1). Hellemann ltelgw 50 per t. ranked --N. Wil. son, t.' Donaldson. . Griffin. E)[IRM B. Average 67 cent. 1. Honors - J. Winter 81.9 M. Wilson N. GilkInson 77.3 C. Humber 77._ J. Chapman 77.1 N. Einert ; 5.R 11. honors -- A. Melia tHe 72. K. Stratton 7'L3 R. McLeod ' 71.9 H. Garrow 71.5 H. Met 'arthy 709 . Gflklnson i (r. A. Elowlie 0(.14 M. McWhinney (1+(.0 1,. Johnston 614.8 M. Fisher 66.:5 Pass - F. Norris , 64 1). Pickering 63.7 A. Fraser r,,, 62.0 14. (ler' 62.•i K. Sinclair 61.5 S. t;rant (10.1 L. Murney 00 Ite'low rasa - A. flays 56.6 E. TaYktr 51.5 R. Walker .t.«..... -.-..r:-.«52.1 E. Robhaaon 11.1 iielow 50 per cent. -11. Thanker FORM II. Average 01.4 per cent. 1. Honors - R. R. Martin •,.,m 81 2 II. Honons--- M. Melntosh 725 H. ltell , . -w --"11, 70.3 A. Stafford 69.7 B. Grant 64.11 T. Cott 67.4 J. Jefferson 66.4 M. Iteyeraft, fig Pass -- J. Young. 65.5 T. Anderson ., 65.3 -M. Raker H. Murray E. Dobie L. Cooke E."I►oak O. Finnigan J . Mcleod It. Hunter 5.. [fern Below Pawn- ' W. Ijakcr T H. ('Doper .... 57 1). Wilson '1614 H. Hnwrie 56.5 5.. Wallis 55.3 J. Ite•vers 54 E:. iMngherty '53 7 Ii. Ihilton_ 53.3 Melon 50 per cent. -H. Fowler, G. Strickland. 'COMMERCIAL FORM. i. Horrors-- • 1 9 E. E. Goldthorpe 111.4 75.4 1 &lPanzerA. Panzer 73.4 1 M' McKr ,e,,73.1 11. Honors - M. Johnston 7:t.3 711.0 70.5 66.0 i.. Webster 70.5 67.R V. Wilson 69.1 67.5 "'ass-- tt6.5 I. Brownlee (4.4 C. O'Neill (1 O. Craigie 60.9 Below 1'atrr-- Y. Ryan Sit Y. Austin 'ii1.1► 4 ► J. 1'. H1'MME, 1'rinrlpal. lel:-NMILLE:tt. 1 ULSDAY, April 19. 'Set R We are glad to note that Colborr e id 5 township rolled up a handsome majority 310 tor prohibition and a safer and cleaner 'i: 5 Province to live in. The 13enmiller pulling '10 7 subdivision stood 169 yeas and 32 nay's. Mrs. H. Mew and Mrs. Samuel Allen. of Goderich, were the guests 6f Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Kennedy on Tnuriday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Minion, of Gode- rich, visited at the parsonage oo Monday last. LADLES' Am So. eery. -The Ladies' Aid Society of Bermuda beld its regular monthly main; at the home of Mrs. Ed. Walters. on Wednesday, April 13th. Twenty-four members were present. Various arinmittees were appointed to complete the organisation and a great deal of routine business was transacted. The president, Mn H. F. Kennedy, sed over the meeting. A social how spent during which a dainty 10c was sn ved by the !instead. 1 he Mg will be held at the home of M. Stria ghoul, on Wednesday, at '2 1 • m. Tuns sec ety (has fid beginning need it is to oe hoped that y woman in the common Rte will identify hewn with its work and [astir • A miEs Complete arrange- ments have been to hold the jubilee atuuvelsa y of the Isenmillcr Methodist church coo Sunday, Splay 22nd, to be fuliowed with a rnunsteiN teameeting and concert on Tuesday evening, May 24th. All roads Iced to bautulkr`t�n that day, and it will be an opportune ime for all toe Ota bo). and girls of ller t0 hold a eland reunion. The program eommties ei arrang.ng to put on `14 very special attraction by way of ancerts,and the supper -well. Henmiller has never been • sailed in that regard It promo to be better than ever tl.0 year. Amp the dates in mind -May Ysuu 2411s. 64,1 64.6 64.2 63.4 113 (12.4 61.4 61 00.8 F(►ItM III. B. Average 65 per cent. I. Honors -- D. Woollcombe 7't 7 I. Brown 7i1 ii. ilonors- Maude Howell 74:. M. Jefferson (31.7 A. Hetherington �.. ' 6N.3 1t. Hamilton (r; L Brown •_- ..soss-oossoosso 06.6 Pa so - R. firs ham 435.1 'Mary Howell (14.3 G. Mnrrny 64.5 1). Merolla!! 03.5 1). Lxtthwalte 64.4 i,. MacKenzie 64.4 14. Whitely .... »..-.».-, 01.14 B. Murphy 00.6 f. Reyrraft . 60." Below Pass--.. J. Wallets 10.4 M. Eilwanls 5)111 L. Anderson 57.3 J . Cooke .. 54.5 Below 50 per tent. -F. Shepperd. FORM IIi. A. Avenge 65 per tent. I. Honors - N. Reycnft 176 O. cooper 76:: II. Honore - T. *Worthy rthy ' M. Dalton C. MacKenzie A. Nairn 1.. S. Walker E. Driver D. Dewey M. Pentland Noo- n. Wilson 6(1.1) M. J. i.ce 61.7 I. Vining 61.5 J. Hunter 60.8 Below Pass - W. Killough '514 74 1 7::1 ^7 700 01)7` 611. 076 67.1 H. (kelt .. 38.:t F. Re Ithliy 15R G 's)i('l.eod '43 7 .1. Garrow 55.1 Reiow 50 per cevt -F. Herrero FORM iY. i . Honore- r,. M. In'mrh 767 11. 'Honors - E. Wallace 73.^ B. J. Johnston • 6(1.5 1t. Kllpattrfr'k ;.. Illi R. Taylor SA3 rasa-- F.. (. Washhtgtoa J. A. HniA ile•hm Pomo- J. F. Wasiiagtes Mrs. May 11 mane a DECORAT ING A N i) Decorating Matenals Wall Papers, Paints, etc. We sell you the materials, or take the contract of decorating your home, store or office. Estimates cheerfully given GLASS Window Glass, Plate Glass Stirrers, ore. We can supply your wants in any kind of Glass J. CUTHBERTSON Nardi site West st. Phone 354 • GRAND TRUNK RAIL The Double Track Route het wren MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service Sleeping inn on night trains, and parlor cars on principal day trains.; Fall information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn• ing. District Passenger Agent, To- ronto. _ - G.H. Lauder, Station Agent, phone 214 P. P. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phone 8. IVE IWO SULPHUR OAHKENS CRAY HAIR It's Grandmother's Recipe to Restore Color, Gloss and Attractiveness. Rlnniat everyone knows that BSaagg�s Tea and Sulphur, property eompoand- ea, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair whoa tailed, streaked or gray. Tears ago the only way to get this mixture was to make 1t at home, which 1m mussy aad trouble - mine. Nevadanyss., by asking at any drug .tore for "Wystli'. Sago and Sul - Aur Compound," you will got a iarge Sul- phur of (ha famous old recipe, Im- pr.v.d by the, addition of other in- greatesta at a .mall coat Dss't stay gray! Try it No one eau possibly t.11 that you darkened year hair, as It dos. It so naturally and evenly. Tots dampen • *posta or soft brush with h dad draw this through your hair. taking one small strand at ► time; by storming the gray h alr disappears. and after another ap- Ile•non er two, your ?air beeemen beautifully Wt. gleosy and attractive, W/mules bag. •ad Sulphur Conn - le la • ds44gMlsl toast regulate 65 4 these who desire dart hair ane . a23 �e u sdthe.s. t app..raas• ft 11 not la - for the ens, j- --* er 9s► 69.2 remiss se disease. Stiffness it 1, astonishing hoe quickly M,.a,d's l.•ni- sweat Milt.. Oa - 0001 .1 '...ua- - and la,.tesa. Gives Great Relief Se A. It C.ken. 34 r.AAvi .CAsslph.Ous. wNsr"Mr h414.44h. rot Woofs Lai•NOl taswassily. always wish - nabs rns.M al W as e.s k M oreit i•••Iw && r Z . Mn rad Lala.. his 135. Tkw.l4. o f - .1 sullend ." y Sea sii.k uw.Ms r my lase Ism view, voss s..nd r sserr� Mi Lan.." .d ass wkt../ t.,. $4111Y site M.. slAr •a 1 pe..ws4 r ai.r t .r it h.. t.,,nlr s..s The wise t to p sr..phut tying sp as), loss sag give &twain a Mord . Lr ..' 11... sad se.esl p a, Jou Mr...'.. W alters an say it" MINARD'S King of Pohl PNINIENT di Ness euMlb THOMAS GUNDRT, AUCTIONEER. BOX 67, Godericb. AU lnstractlots by mall or left at Signal ace will Os promptly attended to. Residence tele. phone 119. LEGAL IV G. CAMERON. K. C.. BARRIS- QL TER. Solicitor, notary publics Office Hamilton street, Goderich, third door from Square. Trust funds to loan at lowest rates. RD C. HATS, . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NO. TARP PUBLIC, ETC. Office -Sterling Rank Block, Ham- ilton ,Street, Goderich. Telephone 88. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. pROUI)F04 Yr, KILL(/RAN A 11('1.M114. BARRISTERS, 1aOLN'ITORis, TARIE) PUBLIC, RT('. Office on the Square, second door from Hamilton Street, Goderich, Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. Proudfoot, H. C., J. L Killoran, Dudley K. Holmes. NO - CHARLES t;AR}0 ',V, LL. It, BAR- RISTER, attorney, 'solicitor, etc., Goderieh. Money loaned at lowest tea. MEAGER. ISAItItISTEi(. tw)L- ICITOR, notary public and eon- veya r. Once --Court House. Gode. eteh. 09-12m L\SL' Cil LOANS. ETC. McKILIAP UTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE CO. Farm and Isolated town property 1 red. Officers -Jas. Co IU, Pres., Gode- rlch P. O. ; Ju. vans, VkrPre.., Beechwood 1'. 0.: Taasma. S. Hayes Ser.-Treas., Seaforth P.). Directors -D. F. Mc0or, R. R. No. S. Seaforth ; John G. t rave, N. 4, Waltor.; William Rinn, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth ; John Benoewiee, \ "Brob hagen ; (leo. McCartney, R. R.S, Seafortp ; Robert Ferris, Harl k ; Malcolm McEwen. Clinton: Ja Evans, Beechwood ; James Connolly; Goderich. Agents : 1. W. Yeo, Goderich: Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; William ('heen(•y, Seaforth; E. Hlncb- Iey, Senforth. Pollcy-holden can pay all payments and get their card. te- eelpted at R. J. Morrluh's Clothing Store, Clinton : R. H. entre Grocery. Kingeton street, Gpderteh, or J. H. Iteld's General Store, Bayfield. Brophey Bros. The Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at .93 bourn, night or day, GODERICR = - Take a filen of Salta as flush Kidneys if LaMar bothers -Driak Mb SansIlailadsy�ttrouble i fon! m!or Mier, syn • wail4tnowe authority, be. maw •f wr85 mid is meat emits the they Memos evmrwurke4; IId Mead np sad mum all sorts of ly beekasbe and mi► 4t, saek f region; rhsenmeie twta- /n, ar meek�deahe� acid stege►, w Migation. torpid Hoer, sleeplessness. Madder and urinary irritation. The moment your beak hurt, or kid - asp ersall eating right, yen, shoat tem sem ref Rad Rats from any gaotablespoonful in a l tmpb e of eater ll w breakfast•tin few Jays and yew kibsym will then crit flan. This famous salts le made hem the amid of aad amen jam seniiiind with =I aad has ham titsse as gin rations Rta.b skirl mem sal semsaisa. for se semis acs she to nemtrstiaa the amide t, the .rine .s it mi tense int. Mass. thins sada@ bladder &ander%~ Sala mite' de11�1t�M +tlvw.r,s 'wane er mmom labs "� am sad than hap "r and