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The Signal, 1921-4-21, Page 4
Reliable Clothing Thele elide all kinds of Clothing offered for sale, but don't be fooled by buying so-called cheap stuff. It will not give satisfaction, it will not look well, and in a very short time you will be sorry you did not pay ,>s, little more and get "reli- able clothing. We expect to sell our customers more than once, that is why we recommend the better clothing. TO - $40.00 W. C. PRIDHAM Phone 57 .4kent for Ji rstili)ro Mals Goderich 4 Storing 1 p Strength for Months to Come. -Strength and endurance must come from the blood. Signals of fwd. blood are usually shown 'iu'form, o1 la wetter. tickle appetite, h.adachs, constipation. skin eruption.. etc. Usually nue bottle of 1)r. Brown's Sar- eapitrilla w•111 Int the bleed in goo) condition :1u.1 4.11111.144 .1144. .system' to store 115, strength for months to earn'. It not only elll•ieln's the doled, but slimulatea theevital organo• to h.'alrhy at tnmt. Large bottle for One Dollar. $.ai. tlligle4 i)nilegisty F;...f.-.k h. Starr Phonographs and Gennett-Star Records• for sale at Blackstone'. Ice Cream Parlors, west street. &Ir. 11.1wrt Reid. of 1/rnntford. visited at the home of his nether. Mrs. David Reid, Elgin avenue. the past week. , Spring weather briers many an acbe and pain. many an attack 'of a'thrtta. Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules and Raz-Mah for asthma are the recognized standard remedies (. r these• troubles. , Sold by 11 C, Donlon.. I Mr. It. R. M,►.Vic'ar returner) to the Miss M.. E. Cameron attended the west on Thnlslay. summer millinery openings at Toronto' It makes a real treat-Blackstone's this week and will announce an opening delicious ice cream, in bulk or fancy later. • bricks. Old Home Week in Goderich August 7, 8, 10, 11, 1921 The Finance Committee a it "will be -unable to ca who may be desirous' of assisting I Old Home Week so that it may be success, arid-tal`ces -.-.7eriari' ifg V1=91thktrA.41 a• unces that 0'e the eat opportunity to subscribe{ Contri butions'may be left with, or mailed to are. Bank of Hamilton, Goderich. financ ode a 'Rheumatism Neuritis, Sciatica, Neuralgia. Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Have brought good health to' half -a -million sufferers. A healthful, money -saving -remedy, well known fur fifteen years, pre• scribed by doctors, sold by drug- gists, $1.00 a box. Ask our agents , or write for a free trial package. Templetons,142 King W., Toronto Local Agents -Dunlop's Drug Store. 111 NI;SRitIDGE. TUESDAY. April 19. Much to, the regret of their malty friends. \lr. and, Mrs J. P. Sullivan have departed from Ashfield. They are ac- cornpanied by the best wishes of all. The community welcomes and con• gratulates Jit. and MI's: Jerry O'Connor. Ali -s Anna Dalton has returned from D. t 2(141. The young school churns of Master ; Micheal O'Neill regret .his absence from school on account of iilness.All wish 1 • him a soeedv recovery RECEP1'Ios.--On •Iuesday night a re- ception was h. Id in the parish hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry O'Connor. Atter a few hours' dancing the crowd. a! record one, partook of luncheon. Luring' the recreation Mr Thom .s Sullivan ad- ' dressed Mr. and Mrs O'Connor and pre-' ,sented them with a pure in, the name of the parish. \ir. O'Connor expresssd his thanks in a few well-chosen words The dancing was continued and lasted until 2 i- ocluck. • Thnr".lay..ti,ril 21. I Mrs.�ow'.•, tit St. John's, London. t [it.- h-1 returned. home af'er spend - L144 two weeks with her daughter. MI's. ilie.... D. D. 1tirugla"- -Mrs. I)o.ugias, a...imp:lni..1 her. Mr :1u1 Mrs. Ilarry .\ttd.ersou have moved- 10 1he village and 4""'tIpy Thos- .luhtl4tun', house. The +leer store of last Matnn144 ' did i es.11stlerat.7.' .tannage 20 the t.•lephunl' lives 111 this .'felony. The lines :Iluug the 4th i' incesxiln of -tshti.•IA suffered , the worst. }:Motion day waw a Yery busy time; hero. The villager. turned out in; mass it 1111 gave u goal amount of themselves. The young jitsaile of Trinity church. Porth. are hutting on a play here. en - Thiel -Dome Tlex," on Friday even- ing. in aid ..f St. 1':ntl's rhnn•b.. 4'.man111141..11 serviee and !seramant will be dlsie'u•e.t in Erskine felon -eh ta•xt Sunday. April 2-1211. Mrs. Crosby. niece of the late Mrs. II. .1 s, who, attended her aunt lug chi• last mouth of her Inver".. re- tln:ee.l to her home at Aylmer on Ttuw .t... .04 thl4 Mrs John Elliott • misdeed wort) on, AVediawlay of this week of the, death of his brother, Mr. %Yin. Elliott of Porter's lull. Mr'., John white and dors. }:ltuer \\ bite, of Aylmer. sisters -of the Inte .Jnlct•s,'w•I,o attended the ftun,•ral n;. \t,'ud,o. left t..l:iy for their l,'uiP. The regular meeting of the \\'.. 'n' institute w-iil is' held at the home- of Mrs. Itotd- 1 Pavidson on Thursday afternoon. April 'ds:. The topic for the-� ens -ion w'lll be t::I:Cn by Mn. Rohr. %la -Kenzie. ' Mr. 41,as. .}allott has dI.po.el of I.i. driving outfit to Mr. Robs. Moon. of i.neknmv. Death of \Ir4. H. Jones.- An es- teemed ro•si.ent of this village. In the person ed -Louisa li..wgl.Hmb wife of lir. Henry .1o,. ». pass. d away on Sat- ; lust.* last. at the age .f fifty-three port. Thn14:;h :i native of }:,ahead. Nil,. Jones Was n resident of this .e.m- nlniiTir froin --Tier' F1rlivott1. ' Resl,lsLe her''had,:1tid, she loaves throe sisters: Nies. .John White and dors. Elle' White. .f .tvlm-r- (int.. and Mrs. R. S.11.1", of 1'I101 \tuned, -Man. The funeral took plata. to Dungannon cem- 9.411. Th. bearers were Meow. A. E. Trete t ren. -V.ex. 1'.',,11:1111, A. Di"h,'r. .1. iL- M.-N..bh, It. 2)acitl..u, Thos. M.'- ituin :1,d .1:,1 .\11.1.•1'"..11. `Farmer Dungannon Boy Married.- UlltutJ!)y'r'tltent l4 1111111. a 140marrlag.' t.f Mr. chimer G. Snniley, of Hanna. \Vlo•rrn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smiley. ,.f Ih.ugannon, the event being 1 hrenieled as follow•4 by the Hanna High Average Mileage Sometimes you find a tire thatgiver extraordinary mileage -one in a dozen perhaps. Whereas the average of Mileage given by a dozen -or a hundred- Ames Holden "Auto -Shoes" will be as hig as that given by the exceptional ordinary tire. It's the high average that counts -that cuts the cost of miles -that makes it worth while to get Ames Holden "Anto'Shoes" instead of ordinary tires. AMES HOLDEN 'Gra Sox" rubes 1`HOS. M. DAVIS, Booth St., Prone No.. LI GODERICH, ONT. "AUTO -SHOES" Cord and cs�ie rimes in all Standard For Sale By "Rad Sos'M 2 P. J. MacEWAN, St Andrews St., Mos No. 234 GODERiCA, oNT. a paver: A very pretty wedding took *love at Knox church on Thursday. April 7. 1921, whole ltev. J. Maeartncy \\'Ilam.1 1). D., milted lu uierrlage (;lar'II'' Galbraith Sutlk'y, of llama, and loci - Josephine Kruse, of Hanna. The bride wade a very charming pli•ture in a gown of navy blue .w tin and georgerte.with a large l►ichtre hat to match, and wore a corsage of pluk end white csrtwtlous. She w•as at- tended by 1lxa Pea ri HaIIidey. who won- a handsome tarry blue trlcutine ,,lt with a tleture hat and ,t .'.range 1, of pink and white carnerious. Mr. }'rank Harrison assisted the grooms. After the certain 4444 a r..cpt lam was held at the home of the gr..uut sister, Mrs. Ha111day, 32i Fonoteenik avenue east. After a brief honer-` moon. Mr. and dors. Soucy will take up their mottle:ice In Henna. - ©ODNNIOB, ONT. CHURCH NOTES. At the Baptist church next Sunday terrine wilt Lw held at 11 a. In. and 7 9. .m. Rev. J. }~ M.I"alik'y will pre:u•h Ids farewell sermon., Bible w•h.ol at :1 p. in.; 13.. Y. 1'. C. tutoring at .S p. nu. Divine worship will be conducted at Knox church next Sabbath by the milli•te:. Subjects of sermons : 11 a. m., "Luther and rhe Faith." 7 p. m., "A Working Faith.". Sabbath school and Bible classes at 3 o'clock. Vittoria Street Methodist Church. The aggressive Bible class of Victoria etreet church at their annual nutting elected officers as follows : Hon. president, \Om Swatfield: president, Mr. Mew; vitt,- president, O. Soule;• : secretary, Thomas Tabb; treasurer. B. 1loggarth. 'She newly -elected president took the chair and addressed the class, and closed by saying he hoped they would be as faithful to their motto, "We can if we wilt," the coming year as they had been in the past Refreshments were served. The Ladies' Aid -of Victoria street. church held their annual 'meeting in the chur. h parlor l hursday afternoon. FinanciaUv'and socially the past year was most successful and the membership has been steadily mounting. The officers elected are as follows : President, :firs. G. M. Elliott; vice-president; Mrs Reyc oft; second vice-president, ?yrs. O. Sonl-'y; secretary, Mrs. F. Wilson; treasurer, Mrs. L. West- brook. North Street Methodist Church. .lt North street Methodist church next Sithd,y 'the class.". Mission hand and Meis Shoda* Club will meet nt 10 a. m. The topic for 11ts-t1s'io)n is the flub, "Lessons front rhe Life .1 Titus," will he introduced by Mr. ti. It 1.ng• Solidity s-h.w.1 slid organized ltllde classes at 3 *. m. Public wor- ship will be mutinied by the 14:1"1.1' at 11 a. In: and 7 p. au. Unroll 1.01g.'. No. Ir_, 1.111)-F., anti visiting brethren will attend the evening service for' the 12tnlltal "PI'I1I.n. (In Mvudayl evening The ttii 1lary .f the W. d1. 8. will lead a undone and interesting "talent entertainment" at w•Iiir.11 the tnewt.'rs will relate their e'rpc'riemrs in raising their talent money, • A tits program of readings And n•n"ic will 2140 1.i. presented. ('ol- leetiou. • Everybody welcome. The annual meeting of ,the • North "tree 1 pw•orth League was held on Tuesday evening last. Very gratify - int resorts fru the work donee by the ration" l alters and committees were presented. }'loan.w- were reported In n tlouri+hing condition, with a steady growth in interest and membership. The ',elle lila elontrilrutl.nl are well iost the a.i1-itie•tel goal sot at rho Iw- 1 ginuiig .1 the year. A ..,,nidal rote .f th,nik" was 3.114,1441 expreising the (Perinea appre•lation of the splendid i work of the 0tth•ers and intim:ottees. , mos. Mabel Bailie was re-elected pr.'s-; lI.nt by ae••Iainatlon. The follow'i,,g 1s the list' .1 officer. for the next year.1 who will as"nal.' their r.sl.ruslbilit1.- the first meeting in May-: Hou. tiresi- gent, Rev- 1f. I). Moyer: president. doss Nia bet ltaitle; tint.rir•.'-president, -Miss Florence Mooney: second vi.•.'- trl.e4i.iPnt. Mi".. ,Tewle Ford: third .1"e- 1r1•si.eut. 31 is" Florence I ►aigli.'rty : fourth vice-president. Mr. !toward Robertson: vice-pr.ldd.'ars of me-rt'a- tittnal department. Mr: Ernest I'rJt- chin.l ami 3,1i.s Marjorie Aitken: ..•teary. 'dl r- Edgar Shepherd: cor- responding se"•retary, Mie. Helen Griffith: treasurer. Miss (ural Cooper: pianist. Miss Mand HowPH. The 16'av11P has ae.'eptel an invitation to pay a to -Hernia vfait : To • ilur- MUT' 1.4')4144' on the' 1142h of May. yt. Gcnrge's Church. til Friday evening hast .the Harmony ('Irl of St. George's church gate a very enjoyable entertainment, the lmilmipal feature of which was a Moor 114:7}, entitled "The 1tert 1'arnsnt." Thi" was quite an l,,ter'stinte and stir- r�lg cpmwly in one a14. In addition mre wt. a short„ (wogrnm. including viroid solos ht• M4"sra. 4'. Tweedie and 11. 1.. Parsons, taro Instrumentals by dffas. Neftel, end songs and dames by dfastttr Leslie }vane. whose perform - :owes y.'..r' greatly altpre'lnt..l. An- other interesting feature of the evening a•as the ,motioning of an arttngraph .milt node by tlhe senior girls of the Mission Rind, Mr. W. T. King being /the porch,. e1'. The return, from the quilt, amenu,tIng to shout $00. go to the parish hall fond. ThP eveninRe 3.re'esole made a snlr.tantial addition to the fonds of the Harmony ("duh, A meeting of the %Voman'n Auxiliary of St. George's .'hutch was held oh Saturday afternoon late at the home of Mr.. W. L. Hotton, in honor of the hirthdny of her ntoth.'r, Mrs. H. W. Ionil. There *MA 2 large ntteldan(t' of hdlP., int -holing a)most the entire membership of the Antlliery. The epe'.•Ial feature of the meeting was the pr.'.'ntatlnn to Mrs."414411 of►a eArtl- finite of lifesmesntwrhip in the Wo- resn'. • Anxllhtry, tine gift of her dattghtere. The ttoonent turelttp card nisi pits were presented by oflieene of the satiety. and a beentlenl bongnet of ,1m.'rb•an il.'anty rotten wan presented by little Ilam [tartly. as a gift from the memtbi re. 'Mrs. Minty read the welen ie of the sorelety to the new life member. Mrs. Ball made a .mltable g eknowl_rlgmerrt ot- the honors' two shrived upon her, and afterwards a delightful tea who ..Toad and a pleas. ant waist time was sprat. -Mho MarVlear attended the MOO Wet I▪ lIIInery openings at Toronto this 7.1.6°.hone 56 D.MILLAR&SON "The Scotch Store" STORE HOURS: 8 AJ M. TO 6 P. M. t SATURDAYS 10 P.M. Furnishings for the Home Spring Cleaning is now the order'of the day Every woman is proud of her home and anxious to have everything as nice as possible. Perhaps,you may require a new rug- for the parlor or new curtains for some other room, or perhaps you would just like a new mat to freshen up, or new linoleum in the dining -room or kitchen, or perhaps you may *ant congoleum or oilcloth for some other rooms - no matter how little or how much you may require you are sure to find just what you want at the Scotch Store, atajust the price you would like to pay. , Beautiful Point Arab Curtains These handsome Curtains come in ecru shad9 and are ideal for the best windows, at $7.50 to $16.50 pair. The New Swiss Curtains These Curtains are very popular. Come in beautiful designs, in white and ivory. From $6.50'to $15.00 pair. Handsome Marquisette Curtains, from $3.73 to $12.50 'lair. :,-.,tea Wilton, Brussels, Axminster and Tapestry Rugs for all rooms. Best quality Canadian Linoleums, 4 yds: wide. $1.35 sq. yard. Extra heavy quality Scotch Linoleums, 4 yds. wide, $2.00 sq. yard. Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs, in all size Wool for every kind of Knitting , Now is the time to do your knit- ting, to be ready for the outdoor season when dainty knitted garments are so much appreciated. Baldwin's Bee Hive in white, black, pink, and the new heather mix- tures which are so popular, 35c skein of 1 oz. Paton's Heather Mixtures, Scotch Fingering, a little heavier than Beep Hive. Special per pound $3.50. New Butterfly Monarch Wools, lovely for summer sweaters, very silky iu appearance. All .colors, 75c - at lowest prices. per 2 -oz. Bali. Monarch Floss, all shades , to choose from. 30c per 1 -oz. Ball. Monarch Down, all calors. - 5Oc per 2 -oz. Ball. The very newest in Sweaters Just received from the Monarch Knitting Co. a small shipment of their newest novelties for the coming season, including the new Tie Ons, Tuxedos, and the new Filet, designs, in the most attr c g_s)asles in wool and silk. Priced from $6.50 to $16.00. Full stock of Children's Sweaters and Pullovers, just the thing for the children for school wear when, they discard their winter coats. During these times of uncertain markets we reduce the price of all goods just as soon as lower prices become effective. WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD "te Miller's Scotch Store r OBiTI•ARS'. 11.%Yfil.-'11te death o- f Mr.. ilays on Thurwlay last removed a member of one of the ,Allot families of 211P town. \urs. Jinys was a daugl►tcr of the late ftotert tftltlnrn.. Sheriff of Thirott. and w'as Torn over el,chty.m' yrar" ago in a hn14w' nn 1.lglithouse street that hs still standing. probably the oldest, hnilding 111' (iolerich. In the year 1.44:1 she married Mr- \V. T. Ila*.. a k,,-ri"ter and for a time member of OM- titt:trirr- beirsdatnr., Mr. Hay died in 1.471. A family of three moms and oar dcniishtrr survive: Major R. R. flay.. of S.'nforth :• W. 'l\,rran.•e Hays, of S. -tittle. .Wash.: .T. Hector tiay., en4teen1 oreer, and 'Miss J. E. Hays. of town. Two sisters also survive: Mrs. Rohl. Reynolds, or.. and We.. H.raeo Horton, berth of town. The Int.' Mn.. 1211 " wa1 a woman greatly esteemed among her friends. She was n Pr.- hyterl: n .nil until ill -health earn.' Midori her wall a very regular attendant at the, chure•h eert-lee.. She w.,s onP of. the settee inetnbor, of .thm.'.'k Chapter. 1. 0. D. E., in it. early days, and look a foremost part in the establishing of Aleanlaire hos- pital. The funeral servieee on Satur- day aft.'rnoon were i.malnrtel by i1.'y. it. 4' Mvi)Prmid. The interment was In Maltlatrl eemr:tery, the lelHot'arent fleeing Judge Leeds, Jamee Mitchell, Amlrew l'orter, 4'. A. Nairn, F. F. 1.rwrenee and Thos. Ausetbrook. Those ftnm nut of town who ser-• pr,s.•nt were Major Hoye, Mr. Thos. E. Hays and Mr. Jas. Hays, all of Retforth. BASEBALL GOSISIIP, The Wingham baseball tam wants exhibition games with teams belonging to the North Welliagton League, to secure practice before the season opens. Secre- tary Barlow of the Purity Flour team has written Wingham's secretary for dates. The Purity Phan are fatting Otto gond shape and when the season opens will be ready to "mix h" with the beat in the N. W. if the town council ,grants permission, the baseball management intend using the south end.of tha)diniee-h.0 at Mid. cultural Park as a dressing room and will put in a stove and shower -bath at their; hasbo.•n created in basket -tall thr.mgh own expense. In order to keep the players thy' partirgatiou of the vents)! team in in fit condition there is nothing better I ri$' tournament at Loudon. The bear - than a bath and -a good rubdown after bell twirlers and catchers aro working working out on the field. • 'np their impale getting ready' for dim- Seaforth has organized a baseball „ ' and entered the North Wellitigtori League. (1.100. the tennis wort" will -1e• w We Welcome Seaforth into the baseball •rale) and otherwise plat h i shale•, a arena. as that town has long been netted l.laving brgnn as one of the leaders in amateur sports. I dll.x }'letch.'r was called 1 ' on It is proposed to adopt a scheme this Thursday last heentise of the w•1' ons season that will keep the players eager to illnes t of 11e• mother. Mise Jean ale Ewan batting practice. Every time a uiu1 Is suhstlhrting during her ale player strikes out in a game he will -be some. - fined ten cents, and at the erd of each I month or so these tines will go towards buying some useful article for the player making the best average in that time The following donations have been made to the club : By Mr. Chas. Black, a alk shirt for the best average hitter 'Of the season ; Mr. Reg. Sharman, a pair of shoes for the player who steals most bares during the season; Mr. C. L. Moore, a silk shirt for the best sacrifice bitter of the season; Manager Hector Heys, a hat for the best utility player of the season. These donations are gratefully acknowledged, and if there are any more merchants or others who would like to make,contribu- fiona the management would be glad to hear them. The executive have made arrangements for the financing of the team until the MUM opens. G. C. L NOTES. The earned students are 4Pttll4 down to steady purposeful study, oce- lot/ the final examinations of the year looming largo in the near future. The manned Inwpeetinn of the ('ol- hotlate Cadre 'Corp!! was made. In Lt. - Col. t:fol. 1V. A. Me4;rimmon, of iwonekn, on Mottilay laud. The boy,. aconital them- selves very,creditably and the Inalnr•tor sddrewed them at the closer compli- menting them on their splendid dls- .tpIInr, their deudlaewa and th.V tn ma,it.ry of the various nvpm.'nt . Thr Padete Trews nttder the inetrnotlnn of Cadet instructor A. M.,Rbberteon. The etudedt Officers were Company Cossaander Erie MeK. Wilson and Half tom. Commanders W. Weir' and L. R. Walker, who had their work well In hood. lin tie student gauges a new interest EAST ST. GARAGE DID you ever try to inflate a tire with a' le a k y pump ? Got etty hot and made very little head- way, eh ? Your motor with- the leaky piston rings acts that way when you try to climb a hill. How about a set of "Pressure Proof" OR "Double Seal" Rings • • i to start the season right ? REG. WILLIAMS Phan 243 - Goderich