HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-4-21, Page 3I
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+ In the water. thew result of themany
I ' \' hundrrrM of slwultaneoun totes Its yawl
Injual at Iesitt to the ear of the bled
lover, anti the magrit&wilt Gine tit It
• . - �` Ix Indewitiable. The idrds were t'wu
a hundred 'yams away, mPlrrateal from
$ Q the houme by trevem, acid we were talk-
-. t �� ,, From 0 jug at the xuplwr tattle, but their owll
oveca•ami- all olnstaclem arld wt. at orwr•
I oast
went oirt, as 1 thought, to 14P4' thew,
aro Coast frit Immediately realized that themulek
e r.
re. wits the grout thing #tail the sight of
*� tel the films a s.vonrlary coursihrat4uu.
1� r• _ _ 1 had often #sail four Iwndrrtl Rat'w' to
,••;1 the al
liefure, but never had 1 heacal
\ another thoumanil or two in the ground
,, 'O A bitbllilg thew g,sd-lgt, and It will IN.
'at•1 I lung fa•fury that mtwk• fads from
'j " ti tft � V& ��L - memory.
W The F'wleral remerve around Jack's
plaee it, a [pile in It. Nruallomt dimen-
sional, so the grew• are fairly safe when
i-: U eaa always sea the sttpsriwse.d miaettomAst He "'i •tai eumittg In or going titre, but in the early
DOMINION TIM wad always carries a spare DOMINION morning, whin, they Iravr the lake.
. TIRE is ew of emergency. He Tedi es queUty by there IK crhi-u a along
it "true ndflat,
performance. He keeps a record d the nest He knows that , men" crnavand along the tank and the
4 DOMINION matoria4 and DOMINION workmasahip show W b Wase of their rearms giva+t oar a
lasts to !•ah•ulatt• Mew long it ta•kw•
'd , vas mileage he seta in DOMINION TIRES. the Reese to c -
over tine three miles I
• •' seem the lake and the pond. Jack
Tkese are DOMINION TIRES lose[ suisod M yew ear. r m•t3es tells we they lave never dote it In
;: t [shat ties was or will you use, it for --sed you Celt DOMINION len. than three minntea, atonally about
tiCaeity in the 30 a li jai tares u flee well as in bill "Ravel e
el Cde teats
11 ," thaw sand one-half. Allowing for the
4y. Treads for limitary cors. facts that Dacca et night is dlsturtted'by
' rile shooting, tit*". ge'eae' will uu-
dotb[et41y eke when neves! at, and that
/iww eostrf N •Deco!, fA• Leaf lesdew i CweJw their lelNwrl slacken. before dwNwndlnR.
°, i, - ••r*i Dewitfei•a rLos, Deewleiow djIMLR TiJatu awl I
It ix 44imy r0 Infer rhmt they would aver-
' Dews+siow riles ACCiJiQRAM Ani M tlava. !t age at least silty mile" sir lour.
()etamlonally the guntwrtt drop a
wounded nor, who ew•apex Now bar
In m1rc1 [bet throve geese know, that
DOMNION Jack llinrt a Ix ■ safedangerous.
place and that
. . _ : b HIFSthe laky Is dangrroum, eNa when night
i_ falls, or before that, the wounded hard
t, ARE��� l:i� ,h." up t'eolar ,*,eek and walks the
F [est of the way to te
the halr earaKa
tattier hunters have killed wane such
f- binds, while• on the other hand, Javk
t baa opened has gate and driven in mach
a one when it came for reluxe.
" — _ elrw of the noteworthy events this
-- - --- - ------ year was the sight of ■ pair whbete IMm
'(mire taRN plmtwcl thorn not later than
JACK MINKR'S GEESE. but at Jaek'm that number In ■ very bore art•om r"Iri try a Young. Feel'
preliminary wild when ! reached year this tale;, have bnuRht their ski
ilAwieta Blyd Authority Tells of Visit him house, on the 11th, he mall them broken family to Ktngnvllle for the
. had hewn more gree in the front pend
to the Kingsville Hasetuary, than rrer before ail e-timatrl the mitring vimit. Another Ward. with a kink
ntnantm r at thoumanrl. The i -m lomurr in him neck, w -a" there for the third or
Many Galerich p,•ople rem[-mber the fourth time, ere wam rine with the crown
In which -them p,nd 1m mitnatcd is low
tadolrrsar witch Jack )li,ler. of Flings► than an acne anti la hounded d on one of the head mo,•etly white.
a _. ♦tile, Cavi- in t:ederich Islet June ansa mide by the road, where the automo. All rhlm visor !•oaipany of RPessr Lit Of
Will be interrawl In the following ore- bilfmt. lilt In their car+ or walk around one 1 imam -tis, vvtrlx for two birds, an
eettnt, rt-pttbiisht.l from The l.mdon within a *tone '% theow of thtae wary adult blue K4~. with a white head, IF
I;=- Frew u'riss-, of a visit by a Iw,ndon man bin". ran the resit side is the hone-, a vimitor them year and 1s not usually
So the famous caQuRe for wil,h fowl at with the usual conning and going of the *ern. ]tilt rarer mtill, a Hutchins goose.
� L Kln"ville: intraiatem. she can fiscally visit tfat the t1nR ever awn at the Miller phew.
e)ie of the oirtmtanding Pvents each place without mome new emottam sill which has been there for thaw weeks
year 1a the ylsit to Jaek }liner and his this Year It 'wu* furnishi-d by the music I or more. I wait faroard In hearing
-.._. goe a In Aprll at Kingsville. : from a vast o•onapauy of geese when . this little hint ming s -oto. He came
'-"t The unusual weather of itr:l affected, the nrmt bunch, about four tenndrwl, to the front porta for rhe flnct time in
the geese Jitst as'lt did the other birds' arae Into the air atim H o'clN k, t!1 Minor of my rislt. and when moan, other
,t• . and the• • t I return to lake Erie fur tae night. The thele, were flying over he onot t to
t within
a o alk them February! two them, when the others were not talk -
]R, sal wlth{n a -work tlMre area two flylriR hinds are usually fairly talkative;
huradrevl. Two bssdrMti wild .*4 -w but when they rant rimy they all talk tag• no that one could cawdHy d4-
would he a large might In many plass.' at onow, and so do many of than mull I Itngnish hbt metallic, htgh-pltt'hed
-�.- _ . . - - . ,
i tance Service
-__s'.. "i''.
LonD s - _____ _____ . _ --""..A
I- C soificadtw on long distaaoe
trsepbooe rata t fla
In so ts NA6310t.
TAvdMitkulaillabrstalt to all users Ofthen! sell u ib pom&k *a atallo ff
� '
%00%0%040 .:.
. L . i O
Appointmwnt and 161=8010W
- service abould besiallift
r « .
V 14"
and Affemoow&W
ooJls p
-r . i•;
., t'
t,. f r
F t s�
An?7%CWr CAM raAe.
p 'lop'J&-w
FeNea lwParaow on the rare.
-�.- _ . . - - . ,
i tance Service
-__s'.. "i''.
LonD s - _____ _____ . _ --""..A
well, and look well. what a glorious
to and yet, how very0
--- - Is Now Classified. *.... I I.. �: .I
I- C soificadtw on long distaaoe
trsepbooe rata t fla
In so ts NA6310t.
TAvdMitkulaillabrstalt to all users Ofthen! sell u ib pom&k *a atallo ff
_ " low reQttinements. to effect saimp In 7var IM thstaaoe tib dot are
� '
8tstbn-W4$tation Senioe
Appointmwnt and 161=8010W
Bell, Mrs. Willis, Mn. A. Halliday, Mr.
- service abould besiallift
" *-"
wi LO talk t0
and Affemoow&W
ooJls p
-r . i•;
to a
when o not meld Piet
_ (flat k rots ot
An?7%CWr CAM raAe.
FeNea lwParaow on the rare.
while is abort 5P per fiat )aider them
_' -
1 motion m.iCr: is not ably
the stattionAo4taltion rates is 41.111.1,1111:114 far
cbeeper. but snots rapid sind aecirste
i ti vice when an a -m- ointment is made by
- OM pq�- o-perom service. On Sts-
the party to talk at a partiwlar
[SOD -t4 Statics strloe the Call can be
completed as noon m 13fe distant fists-
a D'e who Dias not I>Mte a
'Viood men are mighty scarce."
pp6�oo�rt�e is answered, while on a Peraoo-boe•
tdephme is called aver long distance a
a m must be seat to summon the
", i
PLYeori call the p um.claw pony wanted
ff be located and wtmtnooed to the
to the telepllooe, the MESSEN-
is 50
_ ,
- • "_ q
CALL rate, which about pet
higher thaln the stabon-toi-statVn
The charge for a 9htioD-W Station
� is charged, and to this is added the
eats cannot be reversed — that 1% it can-
necessary messenger charges.-
B. A , M Arris.. Coe. Specialist.
not be charged to the telephone called,
The Report Charge -
for in that case the telephone operator
world have to locate a particular person
When you ply a call for a particular
stylet ,that the men will welcome
Why, iet the name of ell that's morvi•
to tale charge. which would niske
perms or persons and for any reason they
cannot be reached the same day at the
'"` ..-
z it a Penn-to-Pnal.. call.
address given, or wili not talk. or if yon
\ P{Ixson-to-Person Service>m
a Dell add nal are not ready to
talk when the other person is ready with-
in an hour. a REPORT CHARGE is
Wiled you make a can specifying that
. conversation is desired with a particular
made. • The report charge is aboutone-
- person ata given number. Person-fe-
fourth the station -to -station rate. It is
intended to hover part of our expense of
pb sora service is used.
handling the ttb�zimpleted call.
' As this service requires grater open-
sor ting laband circuit timeS than
al Ev and
Special Night Rates
&anon-toStation toil, the rate is abort
The EVENING rate, between 8.30
} 25 per cent grater.
p.m. and 12 midnightt on station -to-
station calla„ is about one-half the day
lisamples of Different Rates
mu The NIGHT rate, between mid-
night and 4.30 a.m.. is about one-fourth
Following are examples showing the
the day station -to -station rate.
station -to -station and perwri-to-person
However, no evening or night rates
rates for distances up to sixty-four mike:
am quoted on station -to-statlon calls
where the day rate is less than 25 cents.
Sudors -to- peruxt-bo-
- h0s Station Rate pttwon Rett.
i 0-12..............>➢0.10 $0.15
On batch shat -haul calls the day rate
applies, Far longer distanoets special
18 .............. .15 ,a0
evening and night rates are quo .
to reach particu-
Because it is diifffilar
.20 ,25
partions at tcntult
. when many
• 2e.4�-32...:'.......... .25 30
away from their toreros Wild places of
- .Xr-�I....... i ...... .�
busine&% there are no special awning or
40-48.............. 35 A6
Al11d rat" quoted for person -to -per,
48-bs...........I... % AO .50
calla They apply only on stat4oD-to-
6B................ AS 1%
station calls
— ars i4a retapA.ew is a none
Dia doses Bhtbw I.,., I ._
The `Bell Telephone Company ,�
I is
. YiNl. ,A,,t'..."":arm. ..a ...
.. 4
. --
♦ I
,. "I
W , 4 ,
urrr'� _ ._ +-i-,.::.a.. ,. wow
„t ; . ,
v» .
Y Y ♦ .
.,- ,
!. ms,
1.� �.,�
. OODIiRIM ONT. Thursday, April 21, 1921.--a 4
- ., .,
- . __ .. - - --
SAYS'PHONEMAN. rtsf,flw saves ilio VVfrRs Reattlae
'' '
. e Suargeons Fall. ♦ * =
Landon Apytil IS. -Eminent surgeons
Has Enjoyed Finest . Health in the Charing Cruse hotpital stood over
s . t,
Ever SInCC Tarlac Put HIM a patient in the operating room and wete
Completely baffled. Then they called in •
plumber On Feet Three Years Ago. theD bee from the basement, rigged
him out in the professional white garb of .
• surgeon. sterilized his hands and fol j
him to go to work, He did. The life, of
"Although it was three year. ago that the patient was saved, a
Tarlac relieved me of a bad case of stum- The case was one that demanded more I Yop will >�a -frail for food I I
W trouble and built me up th rty six than the skill o1 the surgeons when they efJoF the sin ""a dock c7
poundt in weight, I've been enjoying the saw that they did not have instruments I
beat '
of health ever once and tud.,y am that were strung enough. fkvm at[fatal is brrasd-
feeling )est as fine as 1 ever dirt ui my John Neal, of Battersea, an engineer, •
4fe, said Frank Slingerland, employed by I was pierced from the left shoulder to the
the Bell 'Ceiepiane C.anpany, living at right knee by a steel rod half an inch �a i
2214 Bahram avenue soith, Hami,ton, thick. The accident is considered to be �w t
Ullt the most unique in the history of meds -L. •
'•I was in a terribly rundown condition, cine here, as the bar had • a f 1
due to m badly irritated stomach caused passed right �`.�.
across the man's body, mitisnug all the
by working all a munition factory. l was vital organsand all the bones and project -
continually breathing the fumes and kept ink through the knee. w • 1 a,
getting worse said worse until I could the surgeons found, however, that they 9 I i ' f>
scarcely retain a glass of milk an my could not extract the bar, so they int for
stomach. and at times l soul Wt even ; the plumber, Charles Venable;, and in '""'• , ".:.
drink a glass of water, Ev, ryW ,g 1 ate I consultation explained the difficulty to ;'i
cautsed my stomach to pain fix nuurs, and him.
I had frequent neadacties lasting two or Like all go d plumbers, Mr. Venables
three days at a time. In the morning I had to return for his tools, so he went to t
was just as tired as when I went to bed at the basement and fetched an engineer's - a
night, and I never felt tested, but was stock and die. Atter the necessary pre. .
simD1Y miserable all the time. liminaries he screwed the stock to the
just' kept that I f al much good said bar, soh it into action and gradually drew Studebaker and roc Dort i
about Tarlac that 1 finally t>e�an taking out the lung bar wile students and �� •'' • iit myself, and it wasn't but a liUle while nurses with a big class of interested
until I was improving right along.. After students tit the theatre of the operating
taking five bottles 1 d to tip top room looked on. The patient is progressing • o�O �� ��
dition, feeling fine and can eat anything favorably. r 1
tet before me without my stomach hurt g Venables has been the hospital plumber e ; . !
mea bit. I have put on tmrty-six you for sixteen years. He said he had per- '
mad have bean feeling like a different man ormed many operations, b;.t this was his t
ester since. TatLac certainly c d tie st medical work. The task took him let us gide y0 a demonstration with th
work for me all right, and I don't hesitate live minutes and was made more delicate _
to give it my highest endorsement-" than an ordinarycars before you Ztery
ide on your spring purchase.
plumbing i �b because
,the bar had turned after entering the
bodY. Our new B Charging Outfit is working _
vokv. The patient re under an anaesthetic fine and Vile now 'in a position to handle any
Two p)•Icat of robins had four tRRm in duras the.,enurt operation. When he _
eat•► twit at Kingsville, and a pair cA calledregainntitcl �rsa�d the case was number Of tteiles. - s.
explained to )aim he had a good laugh, , - _- -- .-.--_ - _
doves had two eRRN at Point i'viev, a o�atn
tribute to thr eartinvom of the ww++ou. had changed mind aboupromised
all9men of p -O-LITH S"RAGE BATTERIES are - t
W. N. SAUNDERS. hit craft. good tteries. This is proven by the fact that —
four- ths' of the Automobile Companies in Can1-1111.1 .11
Hl'RO!V li`Ol'VT] CHILDREN'S,. J elle a .4t r ,pito t ^iP one ad are using them as standard equipment. ment. We
when hr #faecal to bl y g per? r
BWETL`G• a them here ready for delivery. ,,,_ '
1, k. t
The regular monthly meeting of the 'Non -Glare Lenses from $2.7e&-$4.00 a pair. e •
Children's Ad Society for April was
held on Tuesday, the 12th inst.. in the
secretary's office, and the attendance was When ______ ,,,,, . ri ct =.� •-*� 's'
being newly interested in the work. Many 1 Gra -DOrt S dal, Ood ala new, 1920. 1
ase# were discussed. and the details and Question y ------
LL needs of some of these were a surprise lei 1 Studebaker, 4-cyliner, r -passenger, thor- .
those not familiar with the calls for atten- I e _ oughly overhauled and repainted.
tan. It It not possible of course to men•��
Lion these in print, but a sample or two 1 Ford Touring, in good rennin order. I will show tie necessity of this organise 1 Ford Delivery Truck, in first -Cass shape.
ation, and stiould arouse interest on the
rt of anyone having f desire rs tuft in 'Clam Tractors and Machinery.
the work. A child of four years. with a _ , "L +
defortnity that will cripple him for life, Goods a ` _ .'..
... , �
and attention to which has been too long
delayed, will now be sent to the Sick call on ,=' E T ST R E ET G A R AG E 'l
Children's hospital foe treatment. Two
infants. one under two months and one
tinder four, are axing cared (a until RO ERT TAiT T. F. HOLLAND
foster -homes can to found. Two children Old Relial►le's -�•..t-=_r _ u -'_b
of family of five recently taken charge 1..
of are tiaDDY in a fine country fame. and j °
efforts are being made to place the others. A full stock . of Light Fix- -- - - — -
Five children whose parents both died tures, 4
within the past yeas, brier residents of -
this county, are being provided for and Utensils, qts., always on hand. • • •
with good prospects for the future. Way \ Ele ' ric Wiring '" , i''
ward ones already in horrux, whose dis- Estimates given and con- �.
positions and early environment make tracts taken for . Electric �. - _
them difficult to control, need constant Wiring and Fitting. • va _ .
watchtulnieu and in Borne nen changing Let tis give *01111a re on your wiring. It will be -" -
to other hoses. And so the routine con -
tines, and the thought is suggested, worth your while.\ . . .
what of these if there were no organization
which would try to improve their situ- If your 0 1Z0 is out of repair do not leave
ation ? A visit to the Children's Shelter ROBT TAIT t,
or attendance at • meeting will prove it until you want to use it. W ll�ve repairs in stock for it.
interesting and even a surprise to anyone I New stock of TUNOBUR , IN, 25s, 409, 50s,
not acquainted with the work. At a elft St Next PottofPiee
cat homes are desired for the two inru 60s, 75a and 100c, Reasonable pn a.
referred to, and there are other children Phones: Store 82, Res 193
of both sexes from one year to ten for Call and see us for anything in a electrical line. . .
whom homes are desired. I � `-- _ __
Accounts w e r e passed totalling A1, I _.,
i58 41. The secretary was authorized to -- /"� e J e ILA ITH ' T r
attend the annual meeting of the C. A. :_
Association in May, said other routine
businet•t was transacted, so that an hour I Old Colborne Hotel Comer .
and a -half was fully occupied. The next Start Tomorrow PHONE 25r �I . `i
regular meeting will be held tet the loth ..Mi -,
of May. „ It T p
The following donations are gratefully and Kee It V - • - - - tis
acknowledged a, received since last meet- - • a
e r �Weddin SfOflolltt
Sia Ol,
n• �
ins : Rolloff township, ><10: Turntx y �
township, =5; town of Wingham, $50; Every Morning June Brides--BC,Ore ploeing, Your oiler,
Tuckersmith township, S20; Colborne _ .
township, $25; Stanley township, g10; - - - -
Mrs. Chas. Young, $I: Mr_. D. Millar, 81; J flet In the habit of drinklnp a �rt�cm�nr�ii�io�o�i�n�mo�n�ti�i�et�e�eI�gimay ssyyttyyt1yyltR� 10
Mrs. Carrie, $2. The Ladies' Aid Society plasm of hot water before >�lnfkul V.5` rtv5rrftiifle,ftim/til ,rlsfleiiflr,flaaRa,/1t1 :in CR.0-0- i,
of Methodist church, Taylor's Corners, breakfast
contributed a quilt. A friend contributed e
several dozen eggs for Easter. Others or +
who contributed fruit, vegetables, eggs, 'We're not here long. so let's make '
meat, clothing, treats for the children, our arty agreeable. LAt us live well, ' __ . P, r .
etc., were Mrs, Foster, J. H Millian, eat well, digest well, work well, sleep h i of Commerce -_ S
Mrt Joe Salkeld, Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. Wal-
ter Mrs. Calvin Cutt, Miss M.
well, and look well. what a glorious
to and yet, how very0
^n C
to be pretty, but a rich girl can be badly
out of drawing before she is ugly.
water with a teaspoonful of limestone
in tits to wash from the
- . _.-
� '
in a milliner's window and wish she had
Actual Business System of 1lookteeinp
a w4ithy husband.
Bell, Mrs. Willis, Mn. A. Halliday, Mr.
who are accustomed to feel
" *-"
sweetening and Purifying
T. Sowerby, Mn. L Parsons.
-r . i•;
,• _\ ,•.
, , t
fir: ...r.....,4..�,ia
Rosati- Aare: Rot the mark on my
v K Y
• r
"s.4 '
�, ).
.A,e.k I 11 it t ti ,', , 4
apection by Soldiers' Civil Re•atablishmeet Department.
; .'.
�, . , , , . ..
'Viood men are mighty scarce."
acidity and gives
•ppeUte for breakfast Whys you are
", i
"Ay ! And mrd ones are apt to
enjoying your breakfast the water
urrr'� _ ._ +-i-,.::.a.. ,. wow
„t ; . ,
v» .
Y Y ♦ .
.,- ,
!. ms,
1.� �.,�
. OODIiRIM ONT. Thursday, April 21, 1921.--a 4
- ., .,
- . __ .. - - --
SAYS'PHONEMAN. rtsf,flw saves ilio VVfrRs Reattlae
'' '
. e Suargeons Fall. ♦ * =
Landon Apytil IS. -Eminent surgeons
Has Enjoyed Finest . Health in the Charing Cruse hotpital stood over
s . t,
Ever SInCC Tarlac Put HIM a patient in the operating room and wete
Completely baffled. Then they called in •
plumber On Feet Three Years Ago. theD bee from the basement, rigged
him out in the professional white garb of .
• surgeon. sterilized his hands and fol j
him to go to work, He did. The life, of
"Although it was three year. ago that the patient was saved, a
Tarlac relieved me of a bad case of stum- The case was one that demanded more I Yop will >�a -frail for food I I
W trouble and built me up th rty six than the skill o1 the surgeons when they efJoF the sin ""a dock c7
poundt in weight, I've been enjoying the saw that they did not have instruments I
beat '
of health ever once and tud.,y am that were strung enough. fkvm at[fatal is brrasd-
feeling )est as fine as 1 ever dirt ui my John Neal, of Battersea, an engineer, •
4fe, said Frank Slingerland, employed by I was pierced from the left shoulder to the
the Bell 'Ceiepiane C.anpany, living at right knee by a steel rod half an inch �a i
2214 Bahram avenue soith, Hami,ton, thick. The accident is considered to be �w t
Ullt the most unique in the history of meds -L. •
'•I was in a terribly rundown condition, cine here, as the bar had • a f 1
due to m badly irritated stomach caused passed right �`.�.
across the man's body, mitisnug all the
by working all a munition factory. l was vital organsand all the bones and project -
continually breathing the fumes and kept ink through the knee. w • 1 a,
getting worse said worse until I could the surgeons found, however, that they 9 I i ' f>
scarcely retain a glass of milk an my could not extract the bar, so they int for
stomach. and at times l soul Wt even ; the plumber, Charles Venable;, and in '""'• , ".:.
drink a glass of water, Ev, ryW ,g 1 ate I consultation explained the difficulty to ;'i
cautsed my stomach to pain fix nuurs, and him.
I had frequent neadacties lasting two or Like all go d plumbers, Mr. Venables
three days at a time. In the morning I had to return for his tools, so he went to t
was just as tired as when I went to bed at the basement and fetched an engineer's - a
night, and I never felt tested, but was stock and die. Atter the necessary pre. .
simD1Y miserable all the time. liminaries he screwed the stock to the
just' kept that I f al much good said bar, soh it into action and gradually drew Studebaker and roc Dort i
about Tarlac that 1 finally t>e�an taking out the lung bar wile students and �� •'' • iit myself, and it wasn't but a liUle while nurses with a big class of interested
until I was improving right along.. After students tit the theatre of the operating
taking five bottles 1 d to tip top room looked on. The patient is progressing • o�O �� ��
dition, feeling fine and can eat anything favorably. r 1
tet before me without my stomach hurt g Venables has been the hospital plumber e ; . !
mea bit. I have put on tmrty-six you for sixteen years. He said he had per- '
mad have bean feeling like a different man ormed many operations, b;.t this was his t
ester since. TatLac certainly c d tie st medical work. The task took him let us gide y0 a demonstration with th
work for me all right, and I don't hesitate live minutes and was made more delicate _
to give it my highest endorsement-" than an ordinarycars before you Ztery
ide on your spring purchase.
plumbing i �b because
,the bar had turned after entering the
bodY. Our new B Charging Outfit is working _
vokv. The patient re under an anaesthetic fine and Vile now 'in a position to handle any
Two p)•Icat of robins had four tRRm in duras the.,enurt operation. When he _
eat•► twit at Kingsville, and a pair cA calledregainntitcl �rsa�d the case was number Of tteiles. - s.
explained to )aim he had a good laugh, , - _- -- .-.--_ - _
doves had two eRRN at Point i'viev, a o�atn
tribute to thr eartinvom of the ww++ou. had changed mind aboupromised
all9men of p -O-LITH S"RAGE BATTERIES are - t
W. N. SAUNDERS. hit craft. good tteries. This is proven by the fact that —
four- ths' of the Automobile Companies in Can1-1111.1 .11
Hl'RO!V li`Ol'VT] CHILDREN'S,. J elle a .4t r ,pito t ^iP one ad are using them as standard equipment. ment. We
when hr #faecal to bl y g per? r
BWETL`G• a them here ready for delivery. ,,,_ '
1, k. t
The regular monthly meeting of the 'Non -Glare Lenses from $2.7e&-$4.00 a pair. e •
Children's Ad Society for April was
held on Tuesday, the 12th inst.. in the
secretary's office, and the attendance was When ______ ,,,,, . ri ct =.� •-*� 's'
being newly interested in the work. Many 1 Gra -DOrt S dal, Ood ala new, 1920. 1
ase# were discussed. and the details and Question y ------
LL needs of some of these were a surprise lei 1 Studebaker, 4-cyliner, r -passenger, thor- .
those not familiar with the calls for atten- I e _ oughly overhauled and repainted.
tan. It It not possible of course to men•��
Lion these in print, but a sample or two 1 Ford Touring, in good rennin order. I will show tie necessity of this organise 1 Ford Delivery Truck, in first -Cass shape.
ation, and stiould arouse interest on the
rt of anyone having f desire rs tuft in 'Clam Tractors and Machinery.
the work. A child of four years. with a _ , "L +
defortnity that will cripple him for life, Goods a ` _ .'..
... , �
and attention to which has been too long
delayed, will now be sent to the Sick call on ,=' E T ST R E ET G A R AG E 'l
Children's hospital foe treatment. Two
infants. one under two months and one
tinder four, are axing cared (a until RO ERT TAiT T. F. HOLLAND
foster -homes can to found. Two children Old Relial►le's -�•..t-=_r _ u -'_b
of family of five recently taken charge 1..
of are tiaDDY in a fine country fame. and j °
efforts are being made to place the others. A full stock . of Light Fix- -- - - — -
Five children whose parents both died tures, 4
within the past yeas, brier residents of -
this county, are being provided for and Utensils, qts., always on hand. • • •
with good prospects for the future. Way \ Ele ' ric Wiring '" , i''
ward ones already in horrux, whose dis- Estimates given and con- �.
positions and early environment make tracts taken for . Electric �. - _
them difficult to control, need constant Wiring and Fitting. • va _ .
watchtulnieu and in Borne nen changing Let tis give *01111a re on your wiring. It will be -" -
to other hoses. And so the routine con -
tines, and the thought is suggested, worth your while.\ . . .
what of these if there were no organization
which would try to improve their situ- If your 0 1Z0 is out of repair do not leave
ation ? A visit to the Children's Shelter ROBT TAIT t,
or attendance at • meeting will prove it until you want to use it. W ll�ve repairs in stock for it.
interesting and even a surprise to anyone I New stock of TUNOBUR , IN, 25s, 409, 50s,
not acquainted with the work. At a elft St Next PottofPiee
cat homes are desired for the two inru 60s, 75a and 100c, Reasonable pn a.
referred to, and there are other children Phones: Store 82, Res 193
of both sexes from one year to ten for Call and see us for anything in a electrical line. . .
whom homes are desired. I � `-- _ __
Accounts w e r e passed totalling A1, I _.,
i58 41. The secretary was authorized to -- /"� e J e ILA ITH ' T r
attend the annual meeting of the C. A. :_
Association in May, said other routine
businet•t was transacted, so that an hour I Old Colborne Hotel Comer .
and a -half was fully occupied. The next Start Tomorrow PHONE 25r �I . `i
regular meeting will be held tet the loth ..Mi -,
of May. „ It T p
The following donations are gratefully and Kee It V - • - - - tis
acknowledged a, received since last meet- - • a
e r �Weddin SfOflolltt
Sia Ol,
n• �
ins : Rolloff township, ><10: Turntx y �
township, =5; town of Wingham, $50; Every Morning June Brides--BC,Ore ploeing, Your oiler,
Tuckersmith township, S20; Colborne _ .
township, $25; Stanley township, g10; - - - -
Mrs. Chas. Young, $I: Mr_. D. Millar, 81; J flet In the habit of drinklnp a �rt�cm�nr�ii�io�o�i�n�mo�n�ti�i�et�e�eI�gimay ssyyttyyt1yyltR� 10
Mrs. Carrie, $2. The Ladies' Aid Society plasm of hot water before >�lnfkul V.5` rtv5rrftiifle,ftim/til ,rlsfleiiflr,flaaRa,/1t1 :in CR.0-0- i,
of Methodist church, Taylor's Corners, breakfast
contributed a quilt. A friend contributed e
several dozen eggs for Easter. Others or +
who contributed fruit, vegetables, eggs, 'We're not here long. so let's make '
meat, clothing, treats for the children, our arty agreeable. LAt us live well, ' __ . P, r .
etc., were Mrs, Foster, J. H Millian, eat well, digest well, work well, sleep h i of Commerce -_ S
Mrt Joe Salkeld, Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. Wal-
ter Mrs. Calvin Cutt, Miss M.
well, and look well. what a glorious
to and yet, how very0
^n C
to be pretty, but a rich girl can be badly
out of drawing before she is ugly.
water with a teaspoonful of limestone
in tits to wash from the
", •
Salkeld, Mrs. J. Huckstep, Miss Guhr,
Mrs. McKay, Mrs. D. Sproul, Mrs. T.
condition attain,
easy It is it one will only adopt the
,j ,�,j L
Clinton and Godench, Ont.
� '
in a milliner's window and wish she had
Actual Business System of 1lookteeinp
a w4ithy husband.
Bell, Mrs. Willis, Mn. A. Halliday, Mr.
who are accustomed to feel
" *-"
sweetening and Purifying
T. Sowerby, Mn. L Parsons.
#lilt and heavy when they arise, split- i
ting besdaehe, stuffy from a cold, foul
Bi o
tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach,
food Into the stomach. The action of
hot water and limestone phosphate on'+
. Vocational Training School
If you don't like a book you can shut it ear, instead, feel as fresh as a daisy Business Stenographic a
book This shows the advantage of loving by opening the sluices of the system , �°
\ peach morning and flashing out the0 Secretarial Civil Service
whole of the internal poisonous stag- .
On the authority of an architect the r
largest room in the world is the room for tit matter. Teachers Training Course
irveryone, whether ailing, sick or9 '''
improvement. well, should, each morning, before eciaiCoarses for itndettts
and arranges 5p9 I .
A poor girl has to be handsome to order
breakfast, drink a glass of real not
. ;
to be pretty, but a rich girl can be badly
out of drawing before she is ugly.
water with a teaspoonful of limestone
in tits to wash from the
,, 8%
Any woman has a perfect richt to look
jtomach, ilver and bo weL the previous
Highly Qualified Teaching Staff '
g .11 , I
in a milliner's window and wish she had
i ays Indigestible waste, sour bila
Actual Business System of 1lookteeinp
a w4ithy husband.
and poisonous toxins; thus cleansing,H
the entire
Credential Tv writing Tette
" *-"
sweetening and Purifying
_ positiow
alimentary canal before putting more
Billy -"Have you ever been con-
food Into the stomach. The action of
hot water and limestone phosphate on'+
. Vocational Training School
Rosati- Aare: Rot the mark on my
an empty stomach is wonderfully In-
1t cleans out all the soar
"s.4 '
,r this district. by (:overnmest appdntment, and tinder in•
fermentations, games. waste and
one a splendid I
apection by Soldiers' Civil Re•atablishmeet Department.
t 1111
'Viood men are mighty scarce."
acidity and gives
•ppeUte for breakfast Whys you are
", i
"Ay ! And mrd ones are apt to
enjoying your breakfast the water
For Terms, tete:, ,V. . ,
- • "_ q
make tfiemselves so when they are
and phosphate is quietly extrsctlnd i
a large volume of water from the i
blood and wetting ready for a
thorough Bushing of all the inside
B. A , M Arris.. Coe. Specialist.
Tailor" are *)ways re icibing after
Principal , fetes Prineipal
stylet ,that the men will welcome
Why, iet the name of ell that's morvi•
Tbs millions of people wbo are
bothered with constipation, bilious
Pbone lig, Clinton
'"` ..-
fill, don't they make baggy kneed
trousers fa+eh{oamhlP 1
spells, stomaob trouble; others who
bave sallow sklrtg,•blood disorders and9
' .
Teo Mueb Knowledge. sickly complexions aha tutted to got aStudent. may enter at any time
"He knows all the lsest pn�DhP In starter Dolled of limestone pboepb•to
town..• from this drnR storb. This will Bost 1
Then why doesn't he awwt! fate very little, but to sumelent to make " ... •;
with them? anyeso • pronouneod crank on tie
"They know him."-Hoatoa Trans subfoet of tasidsbatifwC ►otos DrCa� I h>t�nfi0f10/111f1nAd1•iflnAnfl�lfVtl���� , , • t'
sell hat �d1s11nnf1of1d1rfLtArfll�f1l1n1fflltawfff 1 .. •
,.�......---...,;ac',. ,,.s;c,, ag �. ,,,.
w „ _ .., . .- ..
I . ' ,7 •
• +
e - , i . . .. .. a I'; , :r'
_. `aha .. A ,....-...-.,.... • _ .r+ +,�,�
in Y"