HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-4-21, Page 1Have You Renewed Your Subscription to The Signal for 1921 If not, now would be a good time , Counter Check Books at t i...i{ s s f a•. .t ..+'�y k . 4 417'141.A. - u L . > �'I•E. 'v 1 nbrl M:1 G, r.. PERSONAL BANKING SERVICE THE SIGNAL PRLNTENG CO., LIMITED, Publishers. PUBLIC NOTICE. The Goderich Elevator and Transit Co., limited. Newcomers to this district will find the Sterling Bank a good place to transact their Sntmdal and investment business. A Service as courteous as it is efficient; the ability to handle every phase of banking and Investment business; a willingness to give in- formation of a general, as well as a financial and Investment nature, and to obtain additional de• tails if desired—these features are inherent characteristics of this Bank. You will be welcomed at any time. xrM' 3F a To the Voters of Godench 111E STERLING BANK OP CANADA Your Town'Couneil has provisionally pawed a bylaw authorising the guarantee of the Pripet/al and Interest .of MusDoc of the loons of this Com- pany, and las consented to submit same for your approval. Early In the year 1916 the National Shipbuild- ing Company, Ldmlted, pun told from Site town the oldDoty Engine Wockk situated. on. Victoria and Brock streets, and later acquired the Paget plant, and also erected and equipped a new boiler shop aditi eut thereto. 0 II THE CANADIAN BANK - OF COMMERCE . a PAID-UP CAPITAL • $15,000.000 RESERVE FUND - - $15,000.000 GODERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, Manger. From the time of the Comm' ny's advent to Godench to date, it has pad out in wages no it, a sum than $4:36,(K1(1.(0, aid much money has also been expended on the purchase of materials, ete., from whIeli the shopkeepers epersn alit others bare ;hetleftti'ti to a considerable extent. The taxes have also been relieved by reason of the number of , houses occupied by the Com- pany's workmen. n The termination of the war brought about a Cessation of shipbuilding in Canada, thereby de- priving the Creamily of its principal source of in - conic from the building of marine engines and boilers. pay off au old loan made by the town to'the Doty Company, also all other arrears, the total of which amounts approximately to $24,5011.0I, so that the tout' wf1.\ thereupon be plums) in funds to this atm awl is liability mill only be increased by NOTICE -TO SHAREHOLDERS. The annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Godench Elevator and T:ansit Company, Limited, will be held da' the rooms :above the Urns Bank. corner North Street and Square. Goderich.Ontario. on WEDNESDAY, MAY it h. 1Y21, at 12 o'clock snub, for the election of Directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of any other business that may properly be brought be fore the meeting. , G. L. PARSONS, Sec.-Treas. The loan to the D ty Company was secured by a mortgage on the 1 . nt and property Maimed ou •Victoria and Brisk st t. only, whereas the guarantee now asked for I secured by a first eaortgage on all the I'trm1ats property and assets, iuodudlug the Paget works al boiler sin II, the whole Valued at tett less fhsll $21 MM11N1. The town apispints Its own 'valuator-: and u i..s they vaitn''tlie property at -$1.-"),411111.1 to the by la drugs amt no gnu ratite.. is given. The town. there re. Is gettiug•s.san•ity in a sum greater by s7(1,(0o. Hutu it is guaranteeing. A guarantee of boosts does not innsti+ule a debt. so that the 'massing of thLs by-law in no way Interferes with any debenture issue the town nary desirf' to wake for its °trier undertakings. It Is now devoting Its attention to tbe estab- lishment of a permanent peace -time trade, be pro - digins the only known practical Flax-y(0l1ilg M:o•hioe and other implements used in the flax industry. lmrge sums of money hare been spent ' In experimenting and bringing these onavhInew to a degree of perfection, and the Company now calk upon the tutees to assist it in Increasing and ex- tending its operations, which are likely to spread NOTICE OF MEETING. DEN GATE (PIANOS TUNED -APPLY TO C. V. R. B. P. leo, M. I �F HENRY, Music Stades. north aide of Dare Thursday of each month, in Paest- I Goderich Society Orchestra testing Sir Knights welcome. Muses Studio.MEWI W. P' I (Entrance between F. H. Wood's and i J. H. Lauder's Stores ) ♦UTOKOBILE OWNERS , Get your rrwits and mark- ers from .1. A: MaiVlear at Mac- of Shoe Store. North side of Square. Gowlerich. J. lti. Mae.: ac- ICAR P. U. BON 414. Gene C. Connon, Pianiste-tuit ion given on piano. Mr. C. V. Henry, Violinist- ; tuition given on violin for beginners and advanced students. For information apply at Studio. Violins repaired, bridges tuned, sound- posts,set and violin bows repaired. etc. 'GODERiCH SOCIETY ORCHESTRA (Flee pieces, professional). it must not he forgotten that` the Company will still continue to nitnufacturee other machinery and to increase its foundry pneln•tion, which is an Industry In Itself. The boiler shop wi)1 tie olerntetl to its full cadarity in manufacturing boilers and such articles au tie plant is capable of producing. Should ° the by-latw pass the pr s- eetls arising from the sale of the bonds will be first applied to WANTED GINN,-In Goderich township. on April 6, 'WI to Mr. and Mn. George Ginn. a son. HOLMAN.-InOrdericb,onApril 4. to Mr. and Mr,. Geo. W. Holman. a so.t. . DIED. ELLIOTT,-in Goderich township. on Wedgies. day April 90, William Elliott, aged 68 years STEEL. -le Saltlosd. on Saturday, April A. Albert James Steel, son of Mr. • dN flutes Steel, aged II years and I day. BAXTER. --In Godench on Thursday, April lb Annie McLeod. widow of the late Captain James Baxter, in her 4(1k year. McCADE. -At $t. Augustine, on Tuesday, Apr i la Margaret McCabe. aged 60 nus. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Page Annual Statement -Bank of Hamilton. ....4 Ii*i Ladies Wanted -Ladies Aid of -Alexandra •Hospital ...i .... .. ..1 Notice to Shareholders-Godench $levator & Transit Co I ARPENTER•-SHINGLING, )pg Bridge and Tea Uansant-Maple Leaf Chapter, CBING and other carpenter work promptly I.U. D. E. , ..,. attended to. J. A. CHISHOLM, P. O. Box .6u, McLapghlin Auto for Sale -Boa 44, Signal Godench. tf House for Kent -James Garrick.. .. _. ....1 (htr attention has been calhgl to a statement made by a citizen, who doss' not; disel vie hisname:" that the Company is Inleditesl to its bankers in a large itna tint. Tn nave -mind this *mita-Sees, es, 11w- - stability of tlir.('.wlany. for if its bankers, are satisfied by a second mortgage or other se urity the town would appear to is• in a very safe posi- tion with :a first mortgage on all the Company's assets. _. One of the conditions of the by-law is that the ('omlany, shall, during' the continuants. of tie guarantee, keep esnitinttally employed in its works at least 190 hands. and this Ilt•oviso, considering "resent e•nnditlttns-of employment. is of. Witch -cow •egnetice. - 4: 1000 ladies Wanted In Town and Country- to become members of e newly organized Ladies' Aid of the Alexandra Ma • e and General Hospital. Annual fee 50c. OBJECT To secure aid fo • new Hospital building and equipment. Canvassers 'ill be in the field at an early date.<. • ,By voting to favor of the'by-law on May the 2nei you will he assisting an industry which has been for some time established in yourmidst. al nil one from whloh it is generally conceded the citi- zens have guineetl much li the phst. and front which we loge they will continue to benefit In the up;.' future. .,ut,:. THF. NATIONAL 5111140'1 LDING ('e1., ,11inittiitt,_'s,-,'., 10- H. ees 95.. CRAIGIE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. The following is' a list of some of the properties which i have for sale, and on investigation prosisrtlt•e buyers will And that the pries are put down where the prorertfes can be purchased to make some mousy. _.. No. 1-Twository. white brick house, frilly modern, R rooms, situated ' on the south stile of Newgate street. This is one of the best buys In I:oslerieh. Price $3,000. No. 2 -+Story and a -half, frame. eight-roonedhouse, electric light, water a 114 sewer connection, newly decorated througiout, full lot, frAit tees, chicken house, situated on the west side of-'ameron !street. Priee-$1600.-- --- _ Ne. 3 -Teo -story frame house. Si rooms, electric ,light and bath, large verandah, east side of Victoria greet. Prissy $1700. No. 4 -Two-story, frame, eight -roomed house, electric light, sewer and toilet, two lots, corner South and Blake streets. Price $1500. . No. 5 -One and a -half story, frame, fully modern house, 7 rooms, situ;ted -on 'the corner of Wellington and IHcton streets. This Is a very desirable home. PMce $t000. No. 6 -Two-story, red brick honee, with S rooms and large attic, fully modern, situated on the corner of East antI4 Albert streets. Price $3500. No. 7 -One apd a -half story, frame hots: 8 roams, full lot, situated on the west side of Huron ltd. Price $1200. Other listings may be had on application at the oAce: N. Victory Bonds bought and • sold. J. W. CRALGIE Insurance and Real Estate. FOR SALE OR RENT. I AUCTION SALES HOUSE FOR RENT.—CORNET( OF Toronto and Bridge streets, large two-story brick house. eight rooms. cement basement, floored attic,electiic lights antl bath. Applyto .IAMESGARRICK,Stanley street. tr ave for Life rWRnt I chorus lens whys -Dons hl, by Mr. bed for for the by put - Tie day and the. I street r ort the be* at - T UE Insurance affords an ad- mirable opportunity for crea- tion of' a substantial estate, and provides protection for your fam- ily, in the event of your death. Open a savings account with les and make regular deposits, so that you can meet the premiums as they 4p ilio. Me nsuranee .tt 1ii�1111►I_:_ . TWO HOUSES FOR SALE. -ONE cement block, on corner of 'Victoria street and Elgin avenue. seven rooms; all conveniences. OnecottsgeonG'tbbons-orteet; ilk rooms; town water: good garden andVruit trees. DR. CEO. HEILEMANN. FOR $ALE. -SIXTY -ACRE FARM IN Stanley township one and a -quarter miles south of Hayfield. All good arable land; finest pasture in the section. Good orchard. House and barn in (air condition. Will be sold on reason- able terms, as owper n unable to look after it. Appy JAMES A, PORTER. KeapeStrest,Code- rich. �y TIROPER TY •r OR SALE - I W 0- I. story (raise house on West Street, known a. the Welsh house The owner, Mr. John Dalton, of Timmins. Ontario, is anxious to sell and will accept any reasonable offer. Pos. session :an be given within a month. For par- ticulars apply to J. J. •' IOSER.Hamilton Street. Godertch. tf LIOR SALE -A TWO-STORY RED l` brick house. with all modern conveniences. Heated by hot water system. Garage on prop- erty. Situated at the foot al Nath street. Pus - less.." esu be had 1st April. Apply to JOSEPH C. GRIFFIN. a ARM FOR SALE -LUT 25. CON- I CESSION 3, Godench township. consisting o(42 acres of chace clayloam,with spring creek and spring well. Barn 4 x40. with cement stables; hay born. 15x29: drive -house, 16277; small ten. house; comfortable concrete cottage, and two acres of orchard. It is situated one mile from designated Provincial county rood. seven miles from Goderich, and is corveniest to school and church. Apply to B. H. LINDSAY; R. IL No, 2, Goderich. Phone502 r 1, tf 11 OUSES—HOUSES. Mt kinds for sate at vary re.eonabk prices. If you intend buying 2 housed will be to your interest to eee me, as I may have lust what you see looking Ie-. No trouble to show yes the paces I have for sale. A large list to choose from. Call in and see me. P. J. RYAN. -- Red RedSatwtetnw ewe 0. tf Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe 'Gang Out of Busiess. Over fifty thousand -articles to tie dlspmed of, at priers that will make the. sell. (`all and look around. Thoaaandg of ar- tIckes at Sr. 10e, the. The Executors of the Estate of the late Mrs Francis Smeeth will sell ,by public auction, at the several properties. on SATURDAY, APRiL 23rd. - ---commencing et 2W -dark sharp 1------ PARCEL NO. I. -A good comfortable . from dwelling, on north side oI Elgin avenue. Thi_ house sin good condition, has all modern conven- iences,nciuding a splendid garden lot and a good. cellar. and is in a desirable location, prac. Orally hall way between the Square and Victoria street public school. i'AaCEL No. 2. -The property on New`Ate street, known as the residence o1 the late or. Mc. Lend. Thia parcel is well located, has a name duelling with a large brick addition and a large lot in connection. • These properties may no inspected at any time previous to sale It, apptlting to Mr. A. U. Mc- Lean. TEEsss.•-Tpn per cent. of purchase price' I i be paid at time of sale. Balance within thirty days. R. D.MCLEAN, T. GUN DR Y. Executor. Auctioneer ARTICLES FOR SALE • C(`e WEET CLOVER AND ALS' KE FOR sl st LE. --Tree from weed seed, sweet clover is a great so,l enricher, and espee especially valuable for poor land. Price of sweet clover. $4 per bu hel; price of alsike, Sl ' per bushel..5 no f r sale a <Aam tdy of seed bailee, U. A C. No. 24 Granary Filler oats and goose worst, W. F, YOUNG & . SON. H.R. No. 5, Godench. Phone 1426 lien. GGS FOR HATCHING. -FROM VA S. C. W. Leghorns and barred Rocks. Flock culled by the 0 A. C. test for laying qualities'. Eggs 6 rents each; also some purebred Yorkshires. JUFIN FARRfiH. R. R. No. 7, Lucknow. 'Phone Dungannon s:-13. - 4t LiFIINGLES FOR SALE. We will sell green shingles, because they are guaranteed to last a Tire time. Why are shingles kiln -dried' Simply bi save Ireight. Shingles in their natural state weigh twenty pounds more per hunch than kiln.dned. That means twenty per cent. more service. 11 this means anything to you buy your green n Ingle* from C. %. Nuli. IH't'SUN or JOHN 'TREBLE, R. K. No. J, Goderich. itf ARTICLES ' FOR SALE. FOR S SLE. LION SALE.—A 1920 McLAUt,HLiN Two hundred and fifty hushes •geed ii`' auto, light six. Run •2,001 miles C. on White Blossom sweet clover seed. Present sham App y sox 44, SIGNAL OFFICE, price $i per bushel. J. HOARE, K. R. Godesi:h. tf - No. 2, Auburn. Phone I„ r 9, Dungan -1 LEED POTATOES FOR SALE.— IJ Green Mountain and Gold Coin, true to name, Price t1 pet bushel. W AL MR F. HICK, R. R. No. 1, Godench. ibvOR *ALE. — A SCOTCH -BRED `! Shorthorn bull, roan, twenty months ad. Good individual. Appli to ISAAC SALKELU, R. R. No. 2, Goderich. AOR SALE. -A QUANTI fYOF SEED l" POTATOES. Irish Cobblers and Carmen CoFlble Apply to WILLIAM WALTER, H. R. No, 4, Goderich. 'Phone 6 1 ing lit Uuigennnn. it The out last lall�ind tt harms ie n{ e - s4n5 b not tr on build, tne folloning articles and goods which formed part of the equipment are lot sale One Ford auto truck. One light Ford truck. Ones -h. p. engine and 16-h p. bolter. Ona rotors pump. One round wood.• vat (capacity about 26 hal..). One round wooden vat (capacity about 10 bola.,. One Square tank (Apacity abou6See s.)• One ice saw. Office building, 101113, frame. Tea Meol, Jacketed mem zoom. Ten Egad t0 gel. galvanise( cream carr. A quantity of scrap iron. • About 10,000 feet of Inch lumber and scantling. Proaoaeuve pptrch saes apply to A. DISHEN, a T H ANDKRSON. Dungannon. (IAA FOR SALE. -FORD TOURING 'J ems, steel. This cu herr of the best lack uused In town only by private t I Ftt:a or 1 H. LAIn use. Daus II in. tie I.IUR SALE.—A NUN1l3ER OF PURE- ': BRED. registered Polled Angus Aberdeen bulb, lit for service. Apply to J.K. VARCUE, R. K. No. 2, t:oderich. tf 1 , VYPEtRI(ER FOR SALE. -UN• 1. Obit WOOD, in good condition, only slightly used. Can be seen at the Town Hall. tl Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED W(X)l) FOR SALE at $4 per single cord, delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO., LiMI•tEU. (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 81. A BRIDGE and TEA DANSANT under the auspices of the Maple Leaf Chapter, 1 O. D. E , will be giveh in the MASONIC HALL on Saturday, April 23rd, from 8to7p.m. Tickets Breadth of Banking Service EEVERY Department of Banking Service funds full and adequate expression in the llartk of Montreal Its Branches cover the Dominion of Canada from end to end; it has its own offices in the financial centres of Great Britain, France and the United States, and its correspond- ents in every part of the world. ' No matter what form of banking service may be required, whether it be in connection with the Savings Department, the financing of business or the carrying on of foreign trade relations, adequate facilities for such service are afforded by this Bank. The Manager of any branch will be glad to have you discuss your requirements with hila Service is maintained between the Bank's offices in Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver, New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. BANK of MONTREAL ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS Capitol Piaid Up W,000,000 Rest $22,O6O,000 Tag Atdeaes $568,150,812.83 7 -a, 'ow. Weasseelli