HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-31, Page 10n 001, • to Thurs l ey. dant '31, 11M21, THEY'RE COMING HOME. i.et Us Assist You in Your Decorating Problems kievaWsesessets. Years of expe•neure suss unex- celled buying sso u,s•tiots put us to a position to giro you the trey lest ,n WALL PAPER. `1 1Ii' 'ea.( money. tilt our samples nod be eon• -JUST RECEIVED - A large shipment of new fiction. Isutong thorn %ane Grey's "Desert of Wheat," the Torchy Books, and the Tom Swift series for bra,• The Store for l'artirular People. orwkos0000000soysiusi PAINTING sad DECORATING Hath -grade Wall Paper Sampla6 (22 Inches w,del kept on hand. ---- ON NOTICE. Samples w,ll be taken .o your house for inspection. Ove, 26 years' experience. RVI work guaramvet Goderich Old Boys All Over the Case linen' Are Looking Forward to the Old Home Week in August. s4ome Interesting lettors are coming in to the secretary of the Old Home Week committee from.tormer residents who have received word or the big event in August. One of these is from Mr. William L. Clueas, of W. L. Ctucaa & Company, sanitary engineers of 8t. Louis, Mo., who writes : Dear Sir. ---Many thanks for the ins ♦station received for the Goderleh Old Home celobrwtion. ' 1 am always proud to tell folks what a wonderful place Goderich is and try to persuade them to spend Meir sum- mer vacation on the lake up in Can- ada, awl only regret that I am unable to go back to the old home town and spend more time than 1 do, as the fend rtvv►lleetlons of boyhood days are ever a sweet memory. (;ive my regards to your honorary president, Mr. A. Saunders, the man who started me out In the plumMng business and from whom I got a vision of Lig thing, which led me away to the large city, And ultimately W great ailedr 41. i trust i can arrange to be present at the coming Celebration and enjoy the festivities. Wishing you great suttee* for the occasion. I am, Yery truly yours, W. L. CLIICAS. Another letter, received this week, E. P. WEISS, Trafalgar St. Try a Want Ad.la This Signal. Did You Ever Have Your Eyes Examined by an Up-to-date Equipment ? If you have, probably they need lit again, as your eyes sometimes change greatly in the course of a very short time. Modern science has produc- ed the finest equipment for this work. SHE A. - L. COLE Eyesight Specialist Optometrist West Street, GODERICH LIKEA VOLCANO 40716 tion, fire frequently bursts without warning upon a community. Only by sound in- surance can you be indemnified for the losses it may bring to you. The Hartford Fire Insurance Company has stood between its customers and Tosses for more than a century. It will promptly reimburse you for fire damage if you buy its insurance pro- tection. The Hartford's Fire Preven- tion Engineers will help you, through this agency, to remove perils which cau§e fire. E. H. HILL Bonds and Insurance British Exchange Bldg. • )Lose 31f CITY MEAT MARKET and GROCERY CO. SPECIAL Corned -Beef . 20c lb. Beef Stew , , .. 17c Ib. Pot Roast 22c Ib. Pure Lard...........................2 lbsfor 45c Best Bed Salmon lar a �. ,:y ,_.:_..._.. 2 for 70c YorTc Brin • 2 for 34 Redpath Sugar ' 5 lbs. 58e Peanut Butter 2 lc a Ib. Strictly Fresh Eggs 28c a doz. All Two -dollar Orders Delivered. Phone 368 R. GRAF, Proprietor. Gr, Kingston & Square Taw SIGNAL .. OODERIOH, OW. is from 'Mr. Samuel Hagan, J. P., in charge of the Indian OMee at Thesws• Ion. Opt.. who writes as follows: I bare received your very kind In- vitation to meet the old neighbors - what is left of them. I ser some of the tames that 1 knew ■ long time ego, and if God spares me 1 will he with you on the dates named in your letter. Thaukiug you and the dear old friends of our youth for your re - membrane of me, 1 am, air, Yours respectfully, elAMUEL HAGAN, J. P. Mr. John Jolu'au-Rateman, who met Mr. Hagan re eutly in the, north coun- try, slays he is a wonderful old man of about eighty-seven, strong and vigorous li spite of his years. He will be in interesting visitor in August. i�uuuuuuuuuuiunuunuuuuuutnuimuuuuuittttIUIHiiiuui hI!II tumn= MART, SNAPPY, FASCINATiNG Such words cannot adequately describe the good features of OUR NEW SPRING GOD which have been arriving daily, and are ow ready for your inspection, and wluch we kn\o will be djudged "JUST IT" by t ' most critical shoppers. B : ides, considering the splendid quaty of our sht•' our ICES ARE VERY LOW, as you will g, her from the following : Ladies' 0 ords, in Kid or Patent Leather, black or the ext • mely popular browns, various heels, $3.75 to $7. 1 Ladies' Ties, oneand twa eyelets, a variety of heels and cobs, $6.00, $6.50, $7.00, woo and $8.50. Ladies' Pumps, from'$3.50 up. All the newest shapes,1a there and colors for men. A peep at our windows will con race you that the right place to buy your f ear is SHARMAN'S'SSOE St RE 111101 ONNO rrn sMerehants say that last Shtsrdsy's business was the hest for tntnt4,I The streets were crowded with people in the Afternoon and evening Reip the evening of April lith open for the I. 0. D.' FT Pnhre MEM Mr. J. A. McLaren, one of the best- known of. Goderich's Old boys in To- ronto, sends a list of names and aug- geats that • letter be tient to each one -"after whicti'\they will Iw sure to have that reatleasi and unsatisfied feel - Ing which will not, leave them until they have seen the nits town again." Mr. Mclatren enters enthusiastically into all his uniertakinga`•nd will not let the Goderich colony at 'Toronto for- get the momentous dater in'must. There is a rumor that Sid. Ma son, of New Westminster, 8. C., Ie En- ing to bring a hie contingent from the Coast Province. Eddie Tilt. "Rabble - Robertson et al. please take notices. Jack Nairn will supply a baseball out- fit. NERYES ALL GONE TO PIECES Im.ne" e.ti rTOBS nnmiw R. R. No.4, Gums. hues. Mac. "Ia the year IRO, 1 had Narrow Pr'osir.fi.o i■ its worst form; disappia re: 170 to 116pa oada. The Limos Aoki wo AO* of my' eatswnry, and every meikase I tried proved aweless until a Mend iaduoed me to take "Trott -a- deer". I bepou to mend aimest at ones, sad never had wash good health as I have enjoyed the past eight yeah. ! ass sweet mi/Iowf "Frail-o4iree lila Les A..,/'. JAS. 8. DELQATY. 50e. oboe, gear I}aJR trial able 26e. At all &Mama er owl postpaid b! zosti.& Mom HAVE YOU REGIS- TERED YET? the wgr••Waid1 - wprogram com- asittee-prtlaigF-a bg1C jime between the otdtta»!a and the local team of 1021 f . 1' A report comes from Toronto that, as favorable rates cannot be seeured from the railways. the Huron Old Boys of the Queen ('ity are coming up by automobile. several hundred strong. According to this report, ueventy-five or eighty anttmobiles are Coming, which would mean 400 or 500,people. Keep the evening of April '14i4r open for the 1. 0. D. F: euchre and dans in the )Iavonic Temple. • DR. M1LNE FINED $300. Blyth Dnucrist Found Guilty ofViolat- ing Ontario Ternperanee .art. • A Inc of $3110 And costs was imposed M Mwgistrete Reid upon Dr. W. 1. Milne, of Myth, on Wwlussday of this week, at the eonnlusion of the hearing of the charge of violating the Ontario Trmp•raie-e Act whish was lodged Against the defer stir by inspector 1',-Ilnw. This wit. the third sitting in the clime; the first being vat Myth and a second on Wedtwaselmy of last week in (;oderieh. 'Inspector Pellow called on i►r. Milne, who is w druggist es well am a physi- (Ian, at his store in Ittyth on Mkireh 515, aceompaniei by Mr. S. E. Hick of Golerieh, And Pnquired regarding a shipment of three easw of rye whiskey which Dr. )(Hue had received on nM - nary lath. The inspector found otty thew itnopeawnt battles left of the thirty -sic. And the whote eine hinted no the explanation of what had been done with the other thirty-three battles. Dr. Milne mold the insgwetnr that he 11504 large gnantities of the liquor in snaking tip "mother tinctures" for var- 11115. medicinal preparation... It was tignrisl out in court that, at 11* (min- tity viii to he used in o preseriplion. it world require forty-seven prescrip- tions a day to toms the amount of liquor to he nroonntp,l for. ,Miss Ph -teller, the Tlestnr': AsvistAnt. testified that after rew•ei,ing the liquor she lioness' thirty bottles of it into n carboy. so that _lt would he More rn- venientiy got at when neMeal There was a goof dent of enutra- dietnry eri,tsnpe, between the inspr'fnr. And Mr. loved stn new side MINI 1►r. %iiMe and his clerk on the other, as to Whit rrcnrrd on the necselon of the inspvinr's visit, the latter crating that, when he Aske) for snmpls's of the pre- parations the defendant wax 'mid to have madee from the Mellor, 'he was told there was none in stork; while ".the defendant said Pellets► dad not ask for, sxmpies. Several local do•tor,s nod druggists were Pxomined nn points in connection with the Mise of liquor In medical prepa rat tions. Mr. K. Van - stone, of Winghain, was mussel for the sjefendant, And (Town Attorney Seager r,itdn•twl the prosecution. Mr. Seeger. who ssimnc-4 rap the eviden a in n strong Address At the ...meluston of the 'wiring, lib1 stress on seethe] flit of the Ontario Tempnr- anee Act, which places ippon the de- fendant 111P ones of alwtwing to the sativfoctton.01 the magistrate whit has lsrn sloop with oily Ibpinr which de- fmolant is known to hare rroisprl. Otherwise, he pointed out, it would be impossible to enforce the Aet. The magistrate found that the defendant had net given a satisfactory amount of the disposition of the liquor in quns- tinn and imposed the fine of =:alas And roosts (amounting' to $01.05. and donee in the Masonic Temple. ASTHMA USE RAZ -MAH BB Snooks* Na Braying- No bon Jost Swallow a Capsule RAZ -MAH la Cuarantood to restore normal breathing, stop mneme Sizingslethe bronchial tubes. give eights of gntet sleep: contains me formic` drug$1.00 at )oar drug - 'a Trial free at our agencies rewrite .ea, 1a9 King W., Tweets. Leeal Agents-Detaioes OHSaggs. If not, do it today. Saturday, April 2m1, is the last day for registering. Do not neglect this. Personal appal - cation must be made by each indiv- idual wishing to get his tame on the list. Women matt make a personal appearance at the registration booth as well as men. No proxies are al- lowed except in cases of sickness or unavoidable absw•nw. The registration officer is Mr. 'fatten. who Is in his ()dice on West street every morning, afternoon and evening this week to give informeticwl and to register names of ileatitiwl voters. Ib nut wait until Saturday\ to call et the Ake or there nun is• Kan' n1a11r to register in one day Secure your vote and vote "Yes." it looks as 1f the l.ibcrty League were responadble for,this sudden s et- nttcs In regard to personal *Mica oft in the registration for the referent' vote. They claim the credit (:'i for postponing the date of voting in On- tario from last October to neat month. Such tactics will surely disererlit them in the eyes or all reasonable men and women. Let us show our disapproval of match actionsn by piling up a big vote against imporlathus on April 15th. Vete."Ifea," Don't be sidetraeted by thje talk about Government "enrol. This ie another audden inapiration of Me Liberty League. They dill not want it • few years ago. Rut they want the Liquor and they know this' "Govern- ment control" never did control ale liquor freer, 'It Ma been tried In Europe. in the l'ptted.t(tattes and in Canada, and ties always failed. Our own act, the O. T. A., was a deckled anemia tor three yearn until the Do- minion Government withdrew ib Over- time order prohibiting manufacture and importation. It will again prove satisfactory when we turn off the tap by voting "Yeas' on the refetr•telum on April 19th. Of interest to the Ladles. lhe Select Ladles' Reedy -to -Wear Co. announce an opening display on Satur- day. April 2nd. of the spring styles in ladies' suits. casts. blouses. etc: This hrm specialises in these goods. and prom - i es the lakes of Gott. r'ch and vicinity an opportunity of obtaining first-class goods, of right up-to-date styles, at prices that save the middleman's profit. Store in McLean's block. near Kingston. street. Don't forget to all on Saturday. April 2nd. Mrs. P. itrown, tat Hamilton, bas returned to her hone triter ,pvwling a week wltb her slater, Mrs. II. Martin, !sltwrgat. street. Itlr. J -W Martin. of ('algary. ?pent Baster with Mr. and Mrs. Mt. George I'r see. Mr. Martin Prks-. of 'Toronto, spent Faster with hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. St. George Price. -Mrs. J. E. Ilalgtiere, rid Kitchener. Is spending a :few days at the North street parsonage with ler parents. Mr. Harold Currie, of 11e 1'ninn Rink, itolney. was home for Raster. Miss Susan Wallis, of Toronto, Is visiting at the home- of her brother, Mr. T. It. Wallis. Mr. It. M. Young. of Carlow, wait In torn tact week. His friends were plesssfd to ww he had quite recovered from this injsri'a he rerelc•ed in the miaow/1y accident of a few weeks ago. Mr. J. W. YedM'making goo) prog- ress sitar returning front Toronto, where he ware taking hoepitsl treat - mem for several wanks, and his friends are pleased to peep that lou looks like ills old *elf Again; CHURCH NOTES. • At Knox elidrRt the services, nest Sabbath, morning and evening. will be et -inducted by Rey. J. I. Mag. it. A., of Clinton, In exchange with the minister. .S,bbeth trdasd and itihie elasss-s at :t o'elo'k. Services in- North street Methodist church next Mnnlay wilt be : Piddle worship, 11 a. m., T p. m. Chimes. 'Mission Rood anti Mean's ('hrh at 10 a. m. The ('Itch toptc will be : "How may the ynnng'te trained to 'neral giving?" It will. be Introlnrwd by Mr. Roy iitoiehonse. The sacred vow•ert In North street Methodist chnr-h nn Goal Friday evening Was a splendid snvPss. The mttenionr wan very gratifying and tae progrnm WAR enjoyable and inspir- ing. The openingnumber, an arrange- ment of "Lead. Kndly Light,' for the organ, played • lir. D. H. Weston. organist and ' tolwfiw•tnr, go re a spiritual tote to the progiem that was rnhlntainsl to the end of the program. whir* reaehd Ita climax In Me (karts Nereid*. The alio. h> Mho. htpleher. Miss Aitken and Mr (iort,Re ttelcher were well renderer), wblk the beautiful THE COLBORNE STONE -- Our Stocks are now complete in the\many spring lines. Everything has a touch of Spring and we are well prepared for the coming warm days SPRING VOILES The best range of Voiles ever shown by us is now on display. They are all new and the patterns are the very latest. Small patterns predominate. _ The dark colors are leaders, with some light grounds. Not only are the voiles all new, but they are much lower in price than last year. 36 -in. colored Voiles at 90c, $1.00 and $1.25 a yard. 44 -in. Voiles at $2.00 a yard. Be sure and see the large range at $1.25 a yard. SUITS AND COATS We specialize in Spring Coats and Suits. A very large range of Suits in navy blue, black, and tan shades. Every Suit this season's style, and the prices are much below the high prices of last year. Braid and "embroidery are used in trimming. They have been greatly admired. The label on our Coats (North - way) assures you of perfeet Satis- faction in style, fit and material. These garments are well known as the garments that give perfect satis- faction. The Spring Coats are shown in light and medium sand shades, also in light blues. Navy blue and black Coats in serge, in all sizes from 16 years to size 42. We have a Coat for every customer. BLOUSES A large range of crepe de chine Blouses in every size at $4,98. They come in white, pink, rose, Copen- hagen and sand shades. If you are in need of a Blouse it will pay you to examine these values. SERGE DRESSES A wonderful range of Serge Dresses in the latest styles, and all made from pure wool serge, at $18.00 each. This is the biggest value we have ever offered. COATINGS A special in Spring Coatings at $4.00 and $5.00 a yard. ' About 25 pieces of Coatings at these prices, and they come in navy, sarid, beaver brown, jade and others, at $4.00 and $5.00 a yard. HOUSE DRESSES A very large range of House Dresses, greatly reduced in price. • J. H. COLBORNE& CO. THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY V'• duet of Mies Aitken and Miss Belcher in ifs triumphant proclamation or the Easter hope wee exceptionally im- pressive. The chortle numberss wore well taken hy the choir, especially the one from 'Mannler'a "From Olivet to Calvary." called "Before Pilate." Mrs. .Killer gave two fine violin numbers. At the elope the Ladles' Aid entertain- ed tate eholr and their friends to a dainty lunch. St. Ge erge'a Vestry Meeting. The annnal vestry meeting of Mt. George's' ,b,ir-it was held in the pnrlwh hall an Mntwlay evening. The rector, itev. M. M. !tartly, presided and a goad representwtlnn a the congr•gotion woo In attealanee. Reports, either written or oral, presented on behalf of the vsrlon. organianIlona a Mw s'ifnreh were very eiwvwireglng, and the vist- aprat sous In ion wa4 t the P 1 yowl- had tsnr load n•rer van exew• in th} hkeery Mt. (Ipoae Yeo. PttitlaeI.tiy, jpa ydtr wan marked hy the wiping out of the Mat of the chnr•h debt. the Inrtn11.1- tMn of a new stesim-hewttng 'peens for whir4l the hands have Iwwn prn- vided, and the rilsing of Mie rut' allot- ment towards the Fjirward Movement : and the new yenr/1o'gtns with a hal- once on hand. Tire work of the rhumb' 1 has !WWII carried on vigomnsly, and the rector t °erosion to extend his Monk,' to t e waniens and other church ulnar and to Me congregation generslly for the tattooer in wbh•h i they hail 1N«Isted and co-operate) with i hint In the rarlous undertakings of the year. (saucers for the ...voting year were c4uss'n ss follows : J. 41. Platt, rev -tor s warden; 1.. (1. Psnatsa, lsen- isle's warden; F. W. Wnnllconile, tieaallter : .in men ('. /tarries vestry ',jerk ; and sidssmen els fellows : Joseph Itmphey fehalrms.n1. 5'. J. Harper. Ja•mert Holland, Thos teegg, T. C. Crawford, 1'. i,. Walton, F' W,well- mmie. home tisnikels1, Jas. Norrie, Ff, laeggstt, e' C. .McNeal. W. C. King,t lodge 114* awe( L. ,G. 1Mr.emw we rs) iptwdntrs1 eget** (h MyiwoI, witty " indite Irwin anal ('harMs Seeger am Alterm( rr c.Jlloal DENTACLOR TOOTH PASTE WHITENS 1 CLEANSES PRESERVES RELIEVES PYORRHEA S / P4 For anis by J. H. LAMDLS, Goderich. M Is CO ETOGODER1CH ON SATO R ' . Y,� APRIL 2, 1921 • ..w. ..e,,` xl l } c,a 6 z + t f • -e....."..(/' R' �, r rareti 1 et 44 1 ic A. , th , 113 1 r e ' . .147 +'. "r tar ' lit TO SEE VAN'S DOG and PONY CIRCUS Given on the Street free to the Public through the courtesy of the Business Men of Goderich. Show starts at 1.30 sharp, Saturday. �� _ / �. duet of Mies Aitken and Miss Belcher in ifs triumphant proclamation or the Easter hope wee exceptionally im- pressive. The chortle numberss wore well taken hy the choir, especially the one from 'Mannler'a "From Olivet to Calvary." called "Before Pilate." Mrs. .Killer gave two fine violin numbers. At the elope the Ladles' Aid entertain- ed tate eholr and their friends to a dainty lunch. St. Ge erge'a Vestry Meeting. The annnal vestry meeting of Mt. George's' ,b,ir-it was held in the pnrlwh hall an Mntwlay evening. The rector, itev. M. M. !tartly, presided and a goad representwtlnn a the congr•gotion woo In attealanee. Reports, either written or oral, presented on behalf of the vsrlon. organianIlona a Mw s'ifnreh were very eiwvwireglng, and the vist- aprat sous In ion wa4 t the P 1 yowl- had tsnr load n•rer van exew• in th} hkeery Mt. (Ipoae Yeo. PttitlaeI.tiy, jpa ydtr wan marked hy the wiping out of the Mat of the chnr•h debt. the Inrtn11.1- tMn of a new stesim-hewttng 'peens for whir4l the hands have Iwwn prn- vided, and the rilsing of Mie rut' allot- ment towards the Fjirward Movement : and the new yenr/1o'gtns with a hal- once on hand. Tire work of the rhumb' 1 has !WWII carried on vigomnsly, and the rector t °erosion to extend his Monk,' to t e waniens and other church ulnar and to Me congregation generslly for the tattooer in wbh•h i they hail 1N«Isted and co-operate) with i hint In the rarlous undertakings of the year. (saucers for the ...voting year were c4uss'n ss follows : J. 41. Platt, rev -tor s warden; 1.. (1. Psnatsa, lsen- isle's warden; F. W. Wnnllconile, tieaallter : .in men ('. /tarries vestry ',jerk ; and sidssmen els fellows : Joseph Itmphey fehalrms.n1. 5'. J. Harper. Ja•mert Holland, Thos teegg, T. C. Crawford, 1'. i,. Walton, F' W,well- mmie. home tisnikels1, Jas. Norrie, Ff, laeggstt, e' C. .McNeal. W. C. King,t lodge 114* awe( L. ,G. 1Mr.emw we rs) iptwdntrs1 eget** (h MyiwoI, witty " indite Irwin anal ('harMs Seeger am Alterm( rr c.Jlloal DENTACLOR TOOTH PASTE WHITENS 1 CLEANSES PRESERVES RELIEVES PYORRHEA S / P4 For anis by J. H. LAMDLS, Goderich. M